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Installing snowstands on the roof. Installing snowstores on the roof of the corrugated floor. Middle Type Snowplows Prices

Most of the regions of our country are famous for its snowy winter. But this quite ordinary natural phenomenon often brings considerable trouble to the owners of private houses. Snowy drifts, going on the roof for a certain period, only seem easy and fluffy. However, this is a deceptive impression, as they consist of numerous layers, which makes the common cover with a dense and very massive.

The reservoirs that accumulated on the roof can represent quite real danger, especially in the spring period, when the thaws begin, and the upper layers swell moisture, they are heavy, and the lower - turn into ice. With a metal roof, a snow-ice weight lifted below can easily go down, not only damaging the waterproof system, damaging economic buildings, but also threatening serious injuries for people or animals. Installation snowmaders On the roof of metal tile will avoid many of these unpleasant moments, will increase the safety of the roof operation, increase the durability of the roof, and the building as a whole.

Why do you need a snowstaving system on the roof?

The climatic features of many Russian regions are that in the winter period the abundance of snow sediments often achieves very impressive indicators. It is clear that avoiding the formation of snow hats even on perfectly smooth roof - it will not work if, of course, the slope of the skates is not taken too steep (more than 60 degrees).

The snow fell into the windless weather gently falls on the roofing coating, and in the afternoon, under the influence of direct sunlight and increase the temperature, starts to fit. By evening, it forms an ice embossed crust, as the temperature decreases. This surface becomes very favorable to fix the subsequent snow layers.

Snow reservoir thickness during the winter period can grow to very significant values. But endlessly such a mass on the roof even with a slight bias cannot be held. And, having achieved a certain critical state, slides from the skate, often - very sharply, avalanche-like, while often fascinating and roofing material.

Such a situation may end tragically for a person or an animal, accidentally produced at this moment under the roof cornice or in close proximity to it. And even at best, if you do not consider everything in such a dark colors, the gathering of such a snowy "avalanche" can bring significant damage to the economy - cause the need for urgent repair of roofing or seriously damage the yard buildings.

In order to minimize the likelihood of such situations and specially developed snowstanding Systems of various designs. These are simple, in principle, the devices are designed to reliably hold the accumulated large masses of snow on the roof, without giving them to sharply go down. When the warming occurs, when the snow begins to actively melt, melting water, the relief will gradually flush into the drainage chute and get into the storm sewer.

In addition, to avoid the formation of icicles and toes between the eaves and the drainage, some laundering hosts are still heated by the edge of the roof, as well as directly the chute itself. This system is included in the winter, as needed. But it is a special conversation that requires a separate publication.

Installation snowstorming Elements are carried out in certain areas of the roof - along the edge of the roof, on top of the mansard windows, above the ventilation pipes and chimney. It is necessary that Ice and snow masses do not damage these designs when sliding down.

Prices for snowstores


Until recently, snow containment systems were practically not installed on the roofs of Russian private houses. Therefore, the traditional occupation was several times in winter to clean the roof manually with a shovel. It must be said that this task is not the lungs, and in addition, work on cleaning the roof is unsafe.

Today is the installation snowmaders It is provided for by building standards and norms. By the way, even the fact that in European countries with severe and snowy winters (Scandinavia), the house, on the roof of which the snow containment systems are not installed, cannot be insured, since the building is considered unfinished and not relevant safety standards.

The elements of the snowmast containment system can be designed for different loads, which can vary from 80 to 300 kg per meter. Systems designed for a higher burden may well be a good support used in a complex with and walking in preventive and repair operations. So they become the component of the overall security system of work on the roof.

Dimensions of Roofing Snowstanding Systems

Snowstanding Systems can be divided into two categories - it is based on the functions performed and in the design, on which their appearance depends. It should be noted that aesthetic form snowmaders It is capable even to give accuracy and aesthetics of the roof. Therefore, choosing from the range of services offered on sale, on the designer solution in which they are fulfilled, too, you can also pay attention.

Functional destinations snowstorming Systems

Due to the fact that today manufacturers offer various options for products designed to perform certain functions, it is necessary to designate what they differ from each other. So, in specialized stores you can find the following systems:

  • Designs, partially delaying snow masses. In the spring period, the snow slides from the upper areas of the roof and rests on the peculiar barrier, and then gradually melts, which allows moisture to partially evaporate, and partially go into a storm or drainage sewer. That is, the drains are not loaded with large streams of water, and the snow layer does not have the ability to fall from the roof.
  • Barriers to complete snow delaying on certain areas of the roof, that is, they completely overlap the road in a certain place. When it starts to melt, water passes under the established barrier element or flows around on both sides. This allows you to send water streams in the required direction, securing certain parts of the roof, for example, smoking and ventilation pipes, attic windows and other elements.

  • The third option is systems that are able to restrain only large masses of snow, since when they are installed, between their elements and the surface of the roof, provided large enough gaps. Such systems are required for roofs covered with bitumen soft tiles, having a rough surface, due to which snow is well delayed. In addition to the bituminous coating, such systems are successfully used on roofs covered with metal tile.

Which of the options to choose - depends on several factors to which the average data on the thickness of the snow cover can be attributed in the winter in a particular region, the angle of the roof, smoothness or rough coverage, as well as its relief. For example, if there is a lot of snow in winter, and the thickness of its roof layer can reach up to 500 ÷ 1000 mm, then it is necessary to install the last of the listed system variety, since small mass of snow and melting water should freely leave the roof.

In regions where snow load is not so large, can be installed snowmaders, Partially restraining snow, that is, the first option from the specified.

Prices for metal tile

metal tile.

Construction and form snowmaders

Interestingly, the retention system itself on the roof of the snow masses is not Nova. People have already learned enough to counteract the possible uncontrolled snow and ice from the roofing rods. So, in some countries of Northern Europe as snowmaders The logs of a small diameter were used, which tied to the rod of the roof and descended on the ropes to the required level of the skate, closer to the carnisy sve.

Today, manufacturers have developed several types of systems that have different shape and design. Therefore, of them, it is quite possible to choose the option that is suitable for a certain relief.

It must be said that for some flat roofing materials, such as bitumen tiles or a folded metal coating, are suitable almost any snowstanding Designs. But for metal tiles and some other roofing materials, which are expressed high relief, it is necessary to select a specific model of systems.

When choosing is necessarily taken into account and the fact that snowstanding Elements must be fixed on the roof hard. So, they must be arranged in those places where the roofing coating has a reliable focus on the boards or bars of the crate, since the thin metal coating is not able to withstand heavy loads.

Yet One important point - all metal snowmaders Be sure to have a protective polymer coating. Otherwise, there will be an incentive of them - in a couple of years they will simply "devour" corrosion.

  • Platery snowmaders - This is an excellent choice for the roofs covered with metal tiles, as they have a low weight, and the design is capable of evenly distribute the snow load. Most often, such systems are used on the roofs, which is not more than 30 degrees. Platery snowstanding Elements are one-piece or perforated plates that are fixed on the roof using special brackets that are screwed to the crate system with roofing self-draws.

  • Corner snowmaders - This is the easiest and most affordable option. They are a metal strip, bent in the form of a corner of a certain size. The top, rotated to the ice line of the element, when it is fixed, is installed at a right angle to the surface of the roof, which prevents the free occasion of the snow masses, securely holding back on the roof.

Such systems are also often used on metal-covered roofs. They do not have high strength and are not designed for high point load. Therefore, there may not be, for example, support for the master during the period of repair or preventive work.

Corner are fixed snowmaders on crest waves relief. Locking systems is made using the same roofing screws.

  • Grid or mesh snowmaders represent a conventional grille. It can be made of a whole metal sheet, in which the openings of various configurations are cut, or cooked from the metal strip, round or profile pipes. The design is also not distinguished by a special complexity, so such snowmaders Positively popular. In addition, they look very nice on the roofs of modern private houses.

For fixing lattice snowstorming Systems are used by special supports that are installed in the roof of the roof of the roof. But this is often this snowhead The barrier rises above - on one or two lines of the relief of the metal tile. The grille perfectly cuts the large masses of the snow when they are slipped along the roof of the roof, and it delays out until its melting.

Lattices, when they are installed on the roof, can form different gap to the height between their lower plank and roofing. Therefore, by purchasing systems of this type, it is necessary to clarify this parameter.

  • Spot corner snowmaders - these are single elements that are installed on the roof in several rows, usually in a checker order. Unlike other snowstorming Systems, point elements are usually installed during the installation of the roof. They are fixed on the cutting of the rafter system, fixing the roofing material into the deepening after its fixation.

By the way, such simple devices are very effective. With their proper placement, the snow on the roof is distributed evenly. Another thing is that with too large nanos, they may not fully cope with their task.

In addition, such point barriers have features of the installation - their elongated brackets are triggered under the roofing material. So for metal tile, this option is hardly possible.

  • Snowmaders- "horseshoes" . Not so long ago, systems appeared in specialized stores, which can also be attributed to point. They are called "horseshoes" due to the characteristic form. These metal parts are manufactured specifically for certain metal tile profiles, that is, they are suitable for such roofing as it is impossible.

Snowmaders- "horseshoes" have a curved shape, thought out under a specific profile size. And on the sides they provide for mounting areas with holes for fixing them on the roof to the guide of the crates.

  • Tubular snowstanding Systems Also enjoy very widely popular. They are installed on different roofing coatings. The design is simple and understandable, so the system is usually not particularly difficult to assemble.

These snowmaders Consist of brackets and metal pipes having a diameter usually from 15 to 30 mm. The brackets are fixed on the plane of the slope with regular roofing self-drawing with a certain step, along the line of fixing sheets to the crate.

The pipes in this design of protective systems can be from two to four. They work on the same principle as the lattice, that is, cutting the layers of snow sliding over the skate, not letting them fall down the entire mass. Sometimes tubular snowmaders are installed in several rows - this is necessary if the roof has quite large Square, and the house is located in the region with very snowy winter. This will be told just below.

All varieties snowstorming Systems are manufactured in different colors of external protective polymer coating. Therefore, they can be selected for any color of the roofing material (on the RAL scale).

Calculations necessary to choose snowstorming Systems

The choice of the type of construction will also depend on the strength of the rafting roof system. It is clear that if you install the elements completely restraining snow, the roof must calmly withstand the load from the hosts gathering on it. But this is always envisaged in the design of the roof - the necessary operational reserve is laid in the strength of the chalfble system.

Prices for ceramic tiles

ceramic tile

The roof should be withstanding if it is designed for all the rules. But the vector of the application of the load, caused by the masses of the snow, is folded into two components - perpendicular to the rods and along them, along the row. And this longitudinal load can be quite considerable, capable of cutting or having tortured fasteners. snowheads Elements.

This is all said in order to stop your choice on a specific version. snowmaders, make preliminary calculations and draw up a project of installation of these elements on roofing rods, given different moments. From how correctly will be fixed snowstanding Fixtures depends on their functionality, safety and duration of operation. A lot of factors are taken into account:

  • Floor slope slope . This parameter directly affects the value of the strength vector directed along the skate. So, if the angle of the skate exceeds 15 degrees, then on snowmaders A very high load will fall out. And she, to a certain limit, rapidly grows with an increase in the slope! Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to use tubular or lattice systems.

Do not know exactly, at what angle there are roofing rods?

It is easy to calculate mathematically, applying known trigonometric formulas. It is probably necessary to measure the linear dimensions of the roof, and then the obtained values \u200b\u200bare just substituted into a special.

  • Features of roofing In this case, metal tile. For all types of metal tile, except for "Monterrey", fit universal attachments snowmaders. For "Monterrey", due to the characteristics of the profile, special, which allow you to do without additional strengthening of the crate, which cannot be avoided when installing universal systems on it.
  • Climatic conditions of the region - this refers to the average snow cover thickness, characteristic of the region of residence. This will be said just below.
  • Number of rows snowstorming Elements determined on the basis of the calculations carried out to which we now and let's go.

Holding snowstorming The system is very important to achieve a uniform load on metal tile, as well as on the design of the solo system. It is important to remember that it is impossible to fix the brackets directly on the cornesses of the roof. They must be on a hard basis, otherwise the sills may not withstand the snow load.

So how to carry out the calculation.

It is necessary to correctly represent that brackets with fasteners are the most vulnerable element. It is clear that the likelihood that the snow will break the pipe or grille with their mass, is not particularly high - rather, it will pull the mount or bent the bracket.

Each bracket produced for such systems has its own strength. For example, standard holder No. 76B for two-pipe snowmanis able to withstand a load of 300 kg. But more "Easy" mounting option, bracket No. 62, is designed for the maximum load of only 110 kg. It means that it is necessary to take into account when choosing a system and when planning its roof installation. It is likely that one row of barriers will not be able to keep the number of snow characteristic of your region. So you have to install snowmaders Two (and sometimes more) rows, evenly distributing them along the length of the skate.

To do this, you can use the following formula:

M \u003d.i ×L ×NS ×sin.α,

M is a load caused by a mass of snow nansions, along the edge of the rollery rollers, directed along the roofing coating.

i. - The coefficient takes into account the strength of friction on the roofing coating. For not a big mistake, this coefficient is taken in 0.8.

L. - Length of the skate from the skate to the installation line snowmaders

NS. - The value of the snow load installed by perennial meteorological observations for a particular region.

sin.α - Sinus the angle of steep roofing (α) is necessary for the proper calculation of the vector of the application of force along the skate.

Where to make a value NS.? It can be clarified in the local meteorological service. Or use a table or map of zoning the territory of Russia in the level of snow load. A sample of such a card is below:

In order for the reader to be easier to conduct an independent calculation, the calculator is located below, which will fulfill the calculations literally in a few seconds.

In the snowy winter, the pitched roofs are a hidden source of danger, because the gathered solid precipitations can collapse in passersby at any moment. To avoid this, snowstores are installed on the roof. The use of the device is extremely necessary if the finish is made of smooth professional flooring. Thanks to snowstanders, hard preciputes remain on the roof surface, and when blending, melting water flows along the waterproof. Let's learn what is this device, about its varieties and we will give the installation instructions.

Types of snowstores for the roof of the corrugated

Snow-roller systems are distinguished by form, sizes, material, as well as reliability of the design. For the roofs of the profiled sheet, structures are used in which the design of pipes, grids or corners are used as a snowfield. Consider every kind in more detail.


This is the simplest, but at the same time a fairly effective view of snowstaving devices. The universal design consists of brackets that are attached to the roof, and vertical lattices. Such barriers are able to delay even the most minor pieces of ice, which is why the roof can accumulate a large snow mass. Therefore, snowstores of this species are installed only on the roof with a high bearing capacity.

All parts are made of galvanized steel and painted with moisture-resistant paint, so the lattices can be chosen into the tone of the roof. As for the sizes of the grid, they can vary depending on the model, and the synchtercing capacity of the system directly depends on them. The smallest barriers have a height of about 5 cm, and the largest - 20 cm.

The principle of their work is slightly different from the lattice. In addition to the detention of a large number of snow, the tubular systems gradually pass it, which reduces the load on the roof. Such snowstores are allowed to be mounted on the roofs of any type and with an inclination angle to 60 °.

It is interesting: on the roofs with a bias over 60 °, these systems are not established - it is believed that the precipitation is not delayed at all.

Like the previous view, tubular structures are made of galvanized steel, followed by applying a colorful layer. As a result, the product is obtained by durable, not subject to corrosion. Color can be selected for any roof. Tubular snow-bags are equipped with two pipes with a diameter of 15 to 30 mm and length from 1 to 3 m, as well as fastening elements and brackets with plates for mounting to the roof. The number of backups depends on the length of the pipe.

This type is considered to be the least successful, since the corner snowstores completely prevent the passage of snow. Therefore, in regions with a significant amount of precipitation, these devices are not applied. This is due to the fact that their height often does not exceed 6 cm. In addition, corner snow-bags are made from metal sheets, commensurate in thickness with a straightened. Therefore, they do not have sufficient strength to desert large snow navalov.

Such products are desirable to use only in regions with low snow cover and install on roofs with a slope of no more than 30 °. At the same time, the latter will have to clean from the snow and accumulated mud.

There is another kind of snowfoot snowfoots from corrugated flooring - these are spot barriers. But these systems appeared relatively recently and arguing about their reliability is too early. However, compared with the angular, the point devices have an advantage in terms of fasteners - their installation involves the compound is not with a doom, but with the roofing metal itself. They hold on the roof only part of the snow. Nevertheless, this is enough to prevent avalanche-like gathering.

Installation features

Installation of each type of synchtercing systems on the roof of the corrugated floor may have some features. For example, the installation of corner products is the easiest and made using self-tapping screws with a rubber washer. Fastening with self-tapping screw is carried out in a wave of profiled flooring. For mounting corner barriers, you can do without enhancing the root, but the fastener element must be tightly cut into the wood. Otherwise, the design will be fragile. Mounting corner snowstores need to be placed through one wave.

As for tubular and lattice systems, their snowstorming elements are installed on the roof using support brackets. The latter are attached as well as corner products - on the self-tapping screw. Both types have around the perimeter of the building, along the skate. They have them in one or more rows.

Installing any of the types of such systems is not a challenge. This work can be performed personally, without the help of a building master. Moving directly to the installation.

Preparation for mounting

Before doing the fastening of snowstores, you need to decide on the type of snowstores and the number of rows. As mentioned earlier, the choice should be done by relying on the intensity of precipitation in your region. It is important to take into account the angle of inclination of the roof on which the barrier is planned to be installed and the presence of fence on the roof.

IMPORTANT: Install the device is above roofing fencing. However, if it is impossible - designs can be combined.

Now proceed to the markup. Measure the perimeter of the roof and we mark the optimal location of the stops. The distance from the last bracket to the edge of the pipe should not exceed 300 mm. The maximum distance between the brackets is 1 100 mm.

Typically, a snowman is installed at a distance of 600 mm from the edge of the cornese swell and in parallel to it. If you need to install another barrier, then it is possible to have it no closer than 2-3 meters from the neighboring.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • yardstick;
  • marker;
  • set of drills;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws with rubber pads (usually come complete with the system).

At the end of the preparatory work, you can go to the installation of the system. As an example, consider the installation of tubular snow snowstores, which are considered the most reliable, efficient and enjoy the greatest popularity.

Instructions for fastening on the example of a tubular design

The installation order of tubular snow-holders is as follows:

  1. In accordance with the markup, the support brackets on the self-tapping screw with the perforator.
  2. In the bracket hole insert the pipes of the snowmobile.
  3. To achieve the desired length of the pipes are joined among themselves. This provides a special one-sided crimping. The joint is fixed by a bolted joint.
  4. Similar activities are made on each side of the building, throughout the perimeter.
  5. At the end you need to check the bolted connections reused.

Photowe example a step-by-step installation

The procedure for mounting with lattice synthelasts is completely similar to the above. And the installation of corner products is different only in the absence of 2 and 3 points.

Despite the fact that the use of special devices significantly increases safety and reduces roof wear, do not forget about the need to regular roof cleaning. This will reduce the burden on building structures and will extend their service life.

Fastening of snowstanders on the roof from the professional leaf, detailed instructions

In winter, you can often see how the snow fell from the roof. And if she collapses for a person? To prevent such situations, a snow feet was created.

Types and installation of snowstanders for professional flooring

Snow winter is a familiar phenomenon for many regions of our country. Ice and snow masses are a problem for courtyards and roads, but even more troubles they can bring roofing systems of buildings. After all, even a small in height of the snow layer has a tremendous pressure on the surface. That is why many owners of private houses prefer roofs from smooth materials. For example, from metal tile or professional flooring, since with such a coating the precipitates are removed under their own weight without outside intervention.

However, a new problem appears - heavy snow and ice growths can slip from the roof at the most inopportune moment, in particular, when a car or person is located near the house. This in turn carries not only material damage, but also becomes a threat to life passersby. To avoid this problem, snowstores should be installed for professional flooring. It is this element that can keep the snow blocks on the roof, but it will not prevent the removal of the lifting water, which will easily leave the roof along the drain system. Such designs are characterized by their configuration, price and installation option. To choose a suitable snowstaving system for a specific roof of a professional flooring, it is worth paying attention to factors such as the amount of snow cover in the region and the angle of slopes for the proflist. Consider in detail the issues of choosing such products, their varieties and the right installation of snowstanders for professional flooring

Varieties of snowstores

The main purpose of the snowstaving system is to prevent the location of large snow masses from the roof. These products on the roof are mounted, with an inclination angle of up to 60 degrees. The roofs having a bias of more than 60 degrees, as a rule, do not require additional equipment to prevent the sudden slaughtering of snow, since with such a steepness roofing, any precipitation is not delayed on the surface. Today it is customary to distinguish between the two main types of structures for the detention of snow.

  1. Snow barriers - that is, structures that prevent the intention from the roof of any amount of snow or ice. Capable pretty snowy layers on the surface of the roof. Such a property is useful when an additional source of thermal insulation is required in the winter and a large layer of snow perfectly copes with this task.
  2. Snow-plates are products passing snow through itself. Such systems cut the snow masses into small fragments that can freely crawl off the roof. At the same time, the size of the portion is insignificant, that is, the safety of both the surrounding and various property remains at the proper level, but the roof is not experiencing unnecessary pressure.

Also, each species is subdivided on subspecies. In particular, the following designs of barriers can be called:

In turn, snow-makers have their subspecies:

It is worth considering every subspecies separately to understand what kind of species is required to put on your own house and how to install them.

Tubular snow-planes

Tubular snow snowstores consist of several durable pipes, fixed between special supports. Since the products are not solid, then they easily skip a certain amount of snow masses through themselves. At the same time, a large snowdrift will not be able to slip with the roof as a whole, that is, the mass will be cut into smaller portions. Also, such snow holders reduce the kinetic energy of converging snow and minimize its destructive abilities. The design has the following parameters:

  • height - up to 15 cm;
  • pipe diameter - 1.5-3 cm;
  • pipe length - 1-3 m;
  • number of pipes - 2;
  • the number of brackets is 2-4.

Products made of galvanized steel are made, and to make a decorative species are covered on top of a layer of durable and durable paint. At the same time, the tone of the snow-pools is easy to choose a roof from the corrugation. Brackets are supplied with special screws with which installation is made. In order for the design effectively to perform its functions, the first pipe is set at a distance of 2-3 cm from the roof surface, and the gap between the pipes is 8-10 cm. This allows you to create a solid product that easily withstands even heavy loads. It is possible to install a snow sneakener of this type on metal roofs whose slots have a big bias, up to 60 degrees.

Today, it is the tubular snowstores for professional flooring that are considered one of the most reliable types of products of this type. They are able to withstand a large pressure of snowy and ice masses, but provided that the pipe with an oval profile is used. Other types of pipes are less efficient and often deformed under loads. Tubular snow-planes can be applied on roofing systems not only from the corrugated floor, but also on the coatings of metal tiles, bituminous or natural tiles and other types of sheet and rolled roofs. They are mounted, they are solid next to the entire slope. In places that need to be additionally protected from snow, for example, roofing over a parking or pedestrian walkway, a porch and so on, it is recommended to install snow-planes in two rows. The distance between the rows is 2-3 m. At the same time, the first row is fixed with an indent from the cornese sweep of 40-50 cm. The most famous models are manufactured under the "Optima" brand. Such tubular snowstores are characterized by high reliability, corrosion resistance and durability. When buying it is necessary to make sure that the product is able to withstand the estimated load, and when installing it is important to ensure the required tightness.

Golden snowstores

Snowflower design of this type consists of lattice sections of the most varied modifications and special fastening brackets. In this case, the height of the product, the length of the section, purpose and form of the profile may differ. The installation of snowstanders on the roof of the corrugated floor reminds the installation of tubular models - a vertical grid is mounted on the fixed brackets. If necessary, increase the length, you can dock several sections among themselves. All elements are performed from galvanized steel, which gives them high strength and reliability. However, it should be borne in mind that under the influence of large snow masses, thin plates may be deformed, which will reduce their effectiveness. Therefore, if the snow loads in a particular region are quite large, then you should choose the type of snap-ins, in which the grille is welded to longitudinally installed pipes, and the brackets have a greater thickness. This design is characterized by maximum reliability and durability.

The dimensions of the lattice snowstores may be different. It differs like a height, for example, large lattices have a height of 15-20 cm, and small - 5-7 cm and form profile, that is, cells, rectangles, and so on. Important! The lattice snow-planes differ in the type of roof, that is, you can purchase products that are designed for:

  • ceramic tile;
  • metal profile;
  • false roof;
  • soft rolled roofing.

This means that when buying it is worth paying attention to what kind of types of coatings are intended for products and accurately follow marking. To pick up the color of the snow-cut will not be problems, because the products are painted with powder dyes in a wide range of colors. The attachment of the snowmaker to the professional foot is made along the cornice. To enhance the design, it may be necessary to install an additional beam to the crate under the brastic. Of course, if at the stage of installation of the rafter system this was not done, you can simply add several brackets for a stronger and reliable fixation.

Bougiel Snowmaders

Such products are also called point snow thoughts. They are small hooks or teeth located all over a checkerboard. Unfortunately, such products are not able to keep large snow masses. That is why they are recommended to put only as additional products to lattice or tubular snowstanders. Also, they are most often mounted on the roof of bituminous tiles. Since such a surface, it is not bad for snow independently and is needed only a small additional insurance, which is provided with snow-holders of this type. Mount the hooks follows from a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from each other into the dispersion.

Plastic beds snowstores

This is a barrier type of systems that are also called corner snowstores. They are mounted at low volumes of winter precipitation. Products made of metal and have a tone corresponding to roofing from the proflist. Externally, the products have a type of plate bent as a triangle, with two faces from each side. It is on such projections to install to the ground. The height of the barrier is small, up to 6 cm, and they are recommended to attach them only on the roofs whose slots have no more than 30 degrees. Snowstanders are installed on the roof from the professional sheet in 2 and more rows in a checker order. It is desirable to withstand the distance between the rows in the range of 0.5-1 m. In view of the fact that such a design is not able to withstand the pressure of large snow masses, they should be placed only on objects in areas with a minimum amount of precipitation, or use them as an additional element To snow soverees of other types.

Log snowdower

Such a system consists of a wooden log and brackets. Of course, with the advent of tubular snow-planes, such a snowmobile supporter for professional flooring is used extremely rarely. Depending on the size of the logs, the amount of snow can also be changed on the roof, thanks to this design. When installing, the brackets should be fixed directly on the crate or the rafter system, since the weight of the wood is quite high, as well as the pressure rendered to the roof. Installation is made with an indent from a coating of 2-3 cm. This gap is necessary for the free flow of melt water, while the bulk of the snow is held on the roof until complete.

Installation of any kind of snow desserves is recommended to be carried out using special fasteners, as well as hermetic linings. Indeed, with a violation of the integrity of the metal roof, the likelihood of corrosive formations is large. When solving the issue, how to install snow-headers for professional flooring, it is worth proceeding from the angle of inclination of the roof, as well as the amount of precipitation in the region. At the same time, the larger the slope slope, the greater the rows of snow-holders should be installed. Snow-sneakers or snowstores for professional flooring are an important element of safety, both for the structure and for residents of the house in the winter. After all, metal roofs are not capable of holding snow masses on their surface for a long time. As soon as insignificant warming occurs, the likelihood of the collapse of snow and ice boulders increases. To fully avoid or reduce the portion of the falling snow and it is necessary to use special snowstanders. One of the best configurations today has become tubular structures that have low cost, but greater strength and durability, and they can be mounted on their own.

Installing snowstores on the roof of a corrugated floor: Fastening, views

Varieties of snowstores for the roof of the corrugation. Features of the installation of snow catchers: tubular, lattice, buckel, corner, log.

Snowmaders on the roof from the professionalist: how to install?

Snow on the roof, especially metallic, is not a reason for a beautiful frame. This is a danger. When accumulated on the roof of a big snow mass occurs its gathering. And well, if it is not a person, but a car or a barn on its way, and you are finished only by damaging property. And if not? This situation can be easily prevented: it is enough to install snowstanders on the roof of the corrugation. Save on them is not worth it: the consequences can be deplorable.

Types of snow feet

Snowproof for roofs from corrugated floor there are 4 species:

The tubular snow-holder consists of 2-3 pipes, which are located over each other and are connected by support. Such a design does not delay snow in the usual understanding of this word, and as if "cuts" the snow mass. As a result, it goes to the ground with small and safe portions. Tubular snowstores are preferred for mounting on a metal roof. They not only ensure the safety of the passage under the roof, but reduce the snow load.

In contrast to the tubular, the lattice snowstores are able to hold the whole mass of the snow cover on the roof. They can even delay small pieces of ice. This is a good option for the southern and central regions, but in the northern it can be used only if the roof is calculated for a large load. In addition, the lattice snowstores must be cleaned at the end of autumn, since the lattice design is easily clogged with leaves.

Corner - the cheapest, but unreliable snowstores. Represent a bent metal strip of a small height. Such a snowmaker mounted on the roof prevents a snow mass. It is possible to mount it only on the roof with a slope of less than 30ºС, since it is not durable enough to withstand a large mass of snow.

Extremely undesirable installation of corner snowstorms in areas with a large snow load. There are no cases when the fasteners were not kept under the influence of the snow mass and the self-tapping screws were literally pulled out of roofing. In this case, not only the sealing snow occurs on the pavement or the road, but the roof itself is damaged.

Point snowmobiles are designed for regions with a small snow load, as well as for regularly serviced roofs. In some cases, they are used as auxiliary snowfoot. Bougiened snowstores on the roof from the proflist, depending on the type are attached or on the wave, or directly to the crate through the metal sheet of the roof. Mount them should be in a checker order.

Where to install?

The installation of snowstores on the roof from the corrugated floor all over its perimeter does not make sense. It is necessary to mount them only in places where the snow causes inconvenience or is a danger:

  1. Over all outlets from the house, including emergency, which are used in winter;
  2. Above the paths and sidewalks;
  3. Over the mansard windows, otherwise in winter you will not be able to organize the attic;
  4. Above the roofing adjoints and conclusions of pipes through the roof;
  5. Over the parking space in front of the garage;
  6. And in all other places where snow gathering can damage.

You must understand that snowstanders on the roof of the roof of the corrugated floor will not get rid of you from the need to clean snow on it. In particular, if you chose those structures that impede even its portion gathering. Big snow cover on the roof is a test for the rafter system, so it is necessary to clean it, at least once a month. And also after every abundant snowfall.

In particular, regular cleaning of snow is relevant for a smooth metal roof from a professional flooring. Since any metal has a high thermal conductivity, it quickly heats up on a sunny day. As a result, the snow directly adjacent to the roofing coating is melting, and a thin layer of water is formed under the snowy mass. It may simply slip on it, and there will be no snowfoot for such a mass.

Installation methods

Installing snowstores on the roof in two ways:

  • Fasten the supports directly to the crate and top to lay a sheet of professional flooring;
  • Secure supports to the crate through the sheet using self-tapping screws.

The choice of the installation method depends on what attachment is provided by the design of a specific synchtercener: pressure or suspended.

The fastening type is usually independent of the design of the snowmobile, with the exception of the angular - their installation is always performed according to the second scheme. They fix them with self-tapping screws from two sides: the side close to the skate is fixed into each wave, and the one is closer to the scene - through one.

Those snowstores that must be installed on suspended supports are mounted along with the styling of the professional flooring. If the roof is ready, they will not succeed. Suspended fasteners engage for the lamp timing so that the mounting hook is outside after laying the sheets of roofing at a distance of 500 mm from the edge of the sink. Moreover, most models do not need additional fixation by self-draws. After that, the snow holders themselves are mounted on protruding attachments.

And under the suspended, and under the clamping supports there are special linings that protect the coating of corrugated from damage. They always come complete to snowstanders. In addition to lining, the mounting kit always includes a decorative lining, which is necessary after the end of the installation.

If possible, try to choose those snowstores that are mounted with a suspended way. Yes, they are harder to install them. But this is compensated by greater reliability and lack of additional damage to the metal sheet.

Montaja rules

Regardless of the type of fasteners, there are 5 universal rules that need to follow. They are as follows:

  1. For fixing structures, only special self-tapping screws are used with a rubber gasket that will protect the place of attachment from corrosion;
  2. Only fasteners and components that go to them are used to install snowcases;
  3. With the length of the slope, more than 5.5 meters of snow-holders are attached to several rows every 3-3.5 meters.
  4. If you need to install in several rows, before installing snowstores, it is necessary to consider the plan for their arrangement;
  5. During installation work on the roof, we should not forget about the simplest safety rules: use the safety cables and shoes with a non-rigid sole;
  6. During the installation, you need to ensure that you do not damage the coating of the corrugation, since any scratch will call corrosion sooner or later.

In general, the installation of snowmates - the task is not more difficult than the installation of the roof from the corrugated floor. And it is easy to cope with it, if you follow the recommendations set out in the article and listen to common sense.

Installing snowstores on the roof of the corrugated

In order to avoid an uncontrollable and dangerous snow outline on a metal roof, snowstore needs. Independently install them not

Snowmobiles on the roof from the professionalist - functions, species, installation

On the territory of Russia, the pitf roofs are most popular on which snow is not delayed. However, the problem of steeply rods is a spontaneous gathering of snow masses, threatening health and even the life of people passing by people. More others from this suffer roofs from materials with a smooth surface, in particular, the proflist. To prevent snow cleavage, special devices are used, in everyday life called snowstores. This article will tell what kind of synchtercing measures are applied to the roof from the corrugated floor and how the installation of devices that prevent snow cutting are carried out with their own hands.

Russia is famous for frosty and snowy winters, and in some regions the cold season lasts 8-9 months. The snow accumulating on the skates increases the load on the rafter frame and the foundation of the house, so most buildings are built with a steep roof, the slope of which is at least 35 degrees. And if a straightening, material with a smooth, slippery surface is used as a roof covering, then the snow is immediately clench. Warm air, rising up from heated premises, heats the roof, due to which an ice crust is formed on it.

Snowbornels installed by their own hands, save homeowners from the following problems:

  1. They delay the snow masses on the roof of the corrugated floor or the proflist, while they do not melt under the action of the sun. In this case, melt water falls into the drain, and then into the storm sewer, without eroding the basement of the foundation or the suitable paths.
  2. Snowbornels cut the snow cap on the roof from the professionalist, on thin layers, the drop in which will not harm the random pass.
  3. The installation of snowstanders protects against the deformation of the roof of the roof from the corrugated floor, preventing the sloping of the snow masses there.

Important! The ice crust formed on the roof from the proflist because of the lifting of the lower layer of snow, the surface of the roof scratches the surface from the skate. These scratches are later in the penetration of water will become corrosion foci, leading to premature destruction of the material. This problem is solved with their own hands by installing snowstores.

Principles of snowstand

Usually devices for holding snow on the roof are selected to the roofing coating in color and material. Manufacturers producing professional flooring and professional owl, usually complement their products with snowstorming elements, which are divided into two types according to the principle of operation:

  • Snow-boarar. These devices are installed on the roof to stop the avalanche-like snow masses. They delay the snow until the sun's rays will melt it. The disadvantage of this design is that the snow cap strongly increases the load on the lines of the roof and the foundation of the house. To avoid the deformation of roofing when using snow-melts, it will have to time to clean the slope from the snow manually.

If the roof has a coating of a corrugated floor, it is necessary to install devices that prevent the elemental gathering of the snow masses. Since their absence creates a danger to the health of the inhabitants of the house and makes harm to roofing, reducing the service life of the material.

Setting snowstores - the process of creating a physical barrier from a durable material capable of stopping and keeping a snowy mass on the skate. The view and number of snowstand elements depends on the amount of precipitation, slope and the type of roofing coating. For roofs from the professional leaf, the following models use:

  1. Grid. They are a grid with a height of 15-20 cm, fixed on the brackets along the roof slide. Installation with your own hands of this type of device is recommended only if the rafter frame has sufficient carrying ability, as they hold on the surface of the roof of a large mass and large ice floors.

Note! Usually builders recommend to install snow retention elements with their own hands along the entire ride slope, but this undertaking is associated with serious financial costs. To reduce costs, the installation of snow concurrents is carried out on particularly important areas: driveways, parking, porch, green plantings. If the length of the skate exceeds 5 m, then the installation is recommended in two rows.

By mounting the snow retention devices on the roof from the professionalist with their own hands, you should consider this task with attention. The fasteners disrupt the integrity of the roofing coating, so they use roofing screws with a press hat and a rubber seal. Installation technology sees as follows:

  • First of all, the installation location is determined. The first row of snowstores are installed along the cornese swell, above the carrier wall of the house. At that level on the skate, the lace is tightened.

Important! The entire snowstand device is experiencing a huge load, so they should be made from high-quality metal. Each bracket is fixed at least three roofing self-drawers. If the installation is careless, the snow cap is a large mass of snow-settresters, deforming the roofing coating.

Experienced roofers recommend the installation of tubular snowstores, which are suitable even for very steep roofs with an inclination angle of more than 60 degrees. Good efficiency is demonstrated by hybrid devices, which are a grid, welded to the tubular elements of snowdown. To save you can make them with your own hands.

Installing snowstores on the roof from the professional flooring with your own hands

What snowstores on the roof from the professional leaf to choose? Overview of popular synchtercing devices used on professional flooring, their features and installation

Construction of houses

In the regions with snowy winters there is a common problem - avalanche-like walking snow from the roof of the house, which can not only cause material damage, but also to carry passersby life. You can avoid such a problem if you install snowstanders on the roof. These structures allow you to hold the main layer of snow on the roof surface. Only tapping, water from snow can be freely drained along the waterproof. The view of the snowmates is selected depending on several important factors: angle of inclination of the skate, roofing material and the number of snow cover in the region. Let us consider in more detail what kinds of snow feet are and what the features of their installation on different roofs are.

Types of snow snowstores for roofs

You can buy snowstores on the roof with roofing materials during the construction of the house, and you can purchase separately when the house is already built. In different stores, such devices may be called differently: snow-plating fencing, snowstore, snowproofs, snow-sneakers, snow-bags, snowts, and of course, snowstores. Such a variety of names is due to the fact that these simple devices can perform different functions.

First category - snow-boarar or snow-blocking fences - Fully hold the snow on the surface of the roof. The snow should melting on the roof naturally. The gathering of his layers even partially from the roof is unacceptable.

Second category - snow-Pieces - Designed to cut the overall snow layer into small parts. Thus, its energy during falling is significantly lower than it would be if all the reservoir of the snow went avalanche. This is enough to ensure safety.

Roof snow beetles are distinguished not only by the form and size, but also the material and reliability of the structure. First of all, when choosing one or another type of snowstores, it is necessary to focus on how much snow it should restrain.

Tubular snowstores

The tubular sneakener for the roof is a design of brackets in which two pipes insert with a diameter of 15 - 30 mm. The total height of the design is about 15 cm. The bracket looks like a vertical plate with holes for pipes. At the bottom of the bracket horizontal shelf for fastening to the roofing slope. Screws on the metal 8x60 mm with a hexagon head screwed into it. Sometimes the form of the bracket may differ depending on what type of roofing material will be applied with a snowmobile. Also, the way of installation may also differ.

The strength of the structure of the tubular snow-coaster depends on the distance between the bottom pipe and the roof surface. The optimal distance is 2 - 3 cm from the roof to the first pipe and 8 - 10 cm between the pipes.

Important! Tubular snowstores can be installed on the roofs with a very large bias up to 60 °. Indeed, in such cases, the pressure of snow is very large and its movement occurs very often. On the roofs with a slope of more than 60 ° snow-setners are not installed at all, as it is believed that the snow is not delayed on them and crept at once.

Tubular snow-planes belong to the category of snow-sowers, which is designed to cut the snow reservoir into several parts. These designs are considered the most reliable, able to withstand the powerful pressure of the snow formation and can be used on the roofs of any type - from sheet, rolled soft materials, as well as from natural tiles. They are installed throughout the perimeter of the structure, along the entire skate. Moreover, the installation of tubular snow-planes is made in a solid row, and not in the disintegration. Sometimes, when the snow load is very large, they put two rows of snow-settresters at a distance of 2 - 3 m from each other.

Fastening the lower row of tubular snowmates produced above the bearing wall, i.e. At a distance of 40 - 50 cm from the cornese sweep. After installation, they are practically not visible on the background of the roof, because the color of snow-holders can be chosen into the tone to the color of the roof. Typically, tubular structures are made of galvanized steel, and on top are covered with a layer of paint under the color of the roofing material. As a result, the product is obtained durable, infantful corrosion.

Golden snowstores

The grid sneakers on the roof sizes have a variety of. Universal design of the design: brackets to which the vertical grid is attached. All items are made of galvanized steel, overproofing, so the grids can also be chosen to the roof. But the size of the grid may be different. The largest 15-20 cm highs, but there are small, where the height of the lattice is not more than 5 - 7 cm. Naturally, depending on the size, the lattice snowstores can hold different volume of snow.

A large steel grille is able to resist the large volume of snow masses with ice floes. As a rule, the entire layer of snow is held on the roof, including the smallest pieces of ice, and flowing down only the waters.

The lattice snowstores are installed on long ruts with a fairly large bias to guarantee to keep the lump of snow from falling. The effectiveness of these actions depends on the height of the lattice. Also, the roof material also does not matter, almost under all materials there are fasteners.

Important! Please note that tubular snowstores are a stronger construction. If the volume of snow is too big, the lattice plates can progress, to cross out under pressure from the pressure of the boulder. What happens to the pipes due to the strength of the structure. The strength of the lattice snowfoot also affects the shape and reliability of brackets or guides. Do not purchase clutch products, the same thickness as the grill itself.

Also there are designs of lattice snowstores, in which the lattice is welded to longitudinal pipes. In this case, the product is exceptionally reliable.

Installation of lattice snowstores is made in a row along the skate ebry. If the slope length is more than 5.5 m and the snow load in the region is large, then other types of snow-resistant are installed in addition to the lattice, such as lamellar.

Corner or Plate Snowmobiles

With minor volumes of snow on the roof, corner snowstores are installed. Basically, they are mounted on the roofs of metal tile or professional flooring, since the snow-holders themselves are made from the same material and have the same color.

As can be seen on the demonstrating corner snowstores on the roof of the photo, they are metal products bent into a triangular design with two edges and shelves for fastening to the base. The height of such snowstores from 4 to 6 cm. Usually, they are installed on the roofs where the angle of the skate does not exceed 30 °, as they are simply not able to withstand.

The mounting of corner snowstores is made directly to the roofing material, including the upper wave of wavy materials.

Set similar snowstore along the skate in a checker order to several rows, from 2. Distance between rows from 50 cm to 1 m.

Corner snowstores are not significantly distinguished by great strength, they are not able to keep the large layer of snow from the convergence, so they are used in the regions where there are not so many precipitation. Also, the roof must be regularly brushed from snow.

Boheli - Point Snowmaders

Bugel snowstores or as they are also called - hooks - not ways to delay any significant amount of snow, so it is used as an addition to the lattice and tubular snowstorms, as well as on a soft roof with a small slope.

On the soft roof, the snow is usually delayed independently, this contributes to a rough surface of the material, sprinkle from the granules. For example, on a bitumen tile or runner, the snow accumulates and is held without problems. And if the slope of the roof is small, then the snow is unlikely. Nevertheless, dotted bougiel snow-settresters are installed for the suspension, in a chess order at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from each other.

A feature of the bohegels is that they can only be installed at the floor of the roof mounting. They are triangles with a long plate for consolidation to the crate. The plate should be located under the roofing material, and is attached to the crate, the bitumen tile is laid on top and hides the attachment sites. Thus, the roof is protected from leaks.

Wooden log as a snowman

Wooden logs are used to delay snow very rarely. They can be found on an equally rare wooden roof - dranke or a rated roof. The logs are installed on special hooks that are fixed to the crate or rafters of the roof design. The larger the diameter of the log, the greater the volume of snow will be able to keep such a snowfoot.

The logo itself is located on a small height above the surface of the roof - 2 - 3 cm. Therefore, melting snow can be easily drained to the waterproofs. The rest of the snow is held until complete melting.

Installing Snowplows On Roof

It is best to mount snow feet together with roofing material. Sometimes it is recommended to install snow-resistant non-perimeter of the roof, but only over important objects: pedestrian walkways, parking for cars, attic windows and balconies. Installation sites are selected at the rate of the calculation that when the snow avalanche is converted from the roof with a slope of 35 °, the snow drop area is 0.4 - 1.5 m from the ovel of the roof.

The distance from the snowmobile to the cornice sink should be from 50 cm to 80 cm. Mounting snow-holders directly to the pannies can not be. The exception is only the case when the cornice is formed by the rapid legs of the roof.

Important! If you set snow-keeper structures on the side sinks or near it, it will inevitably collapse the eaves along with snowstanders and a snowy avalanche. Easy sink design is simply not able to withstand such pressure.

The price of the roof on the roof depends on the type of product, the material of the manufacture, size and fame of the brand manufacturer. And may vary in the range from 1.5 to 230 USD.

Snowboards on the roof of metal tile

Metal tile today is almost the most common roofing material. But her design itself assumes that snow will go very often. The smooth surface of the material practically does not restore the snow. And the sensitivity of the material to the temperature differences contributes to the fact that during the day the snow is tapping and slides on the surface of the metal tile down, carrying the entire layer of snow and ice on itself.

Given all this, snowstanders for metal tile is just an urgent need.

For metal-covered roofs, you can use such types of snow feet:

The latter are used only on the rods with a small bias and in the regions with low-speed winters. In other cases, tubular and lattice structures are used as the most durable and easy-to-install.

Fastening of tubular and lattice snowstores It is performed directly through the roofing material:

  • We plan where the snowmobile support will be located.
  • Strengthen the crate with an additional bar.
  • We collect a set of a snowmobile, but do not tighten the bolts.
  • Fresh roofing material, and from above drilling holes for fastening. Holes should be located in the bottom wave, which adjacent to the crate.
  • The assembled bracket is fixed to the skate bolts 8x60 mm. Holes with sealing rubber lining. The step between the brackets depends on the roof slope and the length of the skate. The more bias, the more often the brackets should be located. For example, a step 50 cm will be more than enough for the most durable design.

  • Insert pipes into the brackets. Or if lattice snowstores are mounted, we combine neighboring kits.

We remind you that it is necessary to mount the snowstores above the bearing wall. To install a snowstander over the attic window, it is necessary to strengthen the crate.

If the slope is longer than 5.5 m, two rows of snow holders should be installed.

Depending on the type of metal tile, the structures design of the brackets is different. For example, symborateners are used for mounting on metal tile "Monterrey", whose brackets are equipped with a special protrusion. This makes it possible not to strengthen the crate.

Snowboards on the roof of a corrugated floor

The surface of the professional flooring is as smooth and sensitive to temperature drops, like the metal tile. Therefore, snowstores are simply necessary to hold snow on the roof. In addition, the snowing snow commensries when the next day, again the snow started to move on the roof, the ice creation scratches the coating of the corrugated. As a result, with time, the galvanized coating is moving, scratches appear in which the rust develops.

Just as in the case of a metal tile, for professional flooring you can use tubular, lattice and lamellar snowstores. Most often use tubular snowstores from galvanized steel, painted in tone of the corrugated.

Installation of snowstanders on the roof of a corrugated floor Almost no different from the installation on metal tile:

  • The mount is made through the material.
  • The crate must be strengthened.
  • And the holes under the fasteners are sealing with special strips from the weatherproof rubber.
  • The mount should be located at the bottom of the wave of the professional flooring, which is adjacent to the crate, otherwise the sheet will argue and erupt.

If it is planned to install snowstanders on the already finished roof, you will have to disassemble it part to strengthen the crate. Either the enhancement of the design must be taken in advance.

To install corner or lamellar snowmates, the enhancement of the crates is not required, as they are fixed directly into the sheet of professional flooring or metal tile in the upper wave. The bolt must crash into the wood of the crate, otherwise the design will be fragile. Mounting corner snowfoots should be located one wave.

Snowmaders for folding roof

On all tubular and lattice snowstores are used on folding roofs. The main difference in the installation of tubular snow concavers on the folding roof is that the brackets have a peculiar shape and are attached directly to false. Thus, the tightness of the coating is not violated.

As can be seen in the photo, fastening to folds Produced by clamps:

  • We dress the clamp on the fold.
  • Drill 2 - 3 holes.
  • We insert the bolts with nuts and twist.
  • The step between supports depends on the roof slope. The most reliable option is a fastening for each fold.

The indisputable advantage of fastening snow feet to the folded roof is also that there is no need to strengthen the crate. All work is made from above, on the finished roofing material. As a result, the design is obtained quite reliable, since the main pressure of the snow is distributed along the fold.

Please note that not all snow feet for folding roofs are manufactured and galvanized steel. There are models from copper. They are not sold by a set, and the piece: cutting pipes, lower and top brackets. Prices for copper snowstores are higher than the usual, but also the copper folding roof - the pleasure is not cheap.

Snowflowers for soft roofs

The soft roof has its own characteristics that impose an imprint to choose a view of snow-setpoints and nuances of mounting:

  • The corner of the roof of the roof with a soft roof should not exceed 15 °. With such a bias, the avalanche-like snow gathering is unlikely. Therefore, powerful tubular snowstores are practically not used.
  • Running from a stone crumb on the surface of soft roofing materials delays snow and does not give it to slip.
  • Due to the fact that for mounting a soft roof, a continuous look of the crate in the form of sheets of moisture-resistant plywood is used, there is no need to strengthen the crate.
  • Nevertheless, all work on the installation of snow feet on a soft roof should be produced at the stacking stage of the roofing material.

For a soft roof, bohegels are most often used, less often - tubular snowstores.

Installation of tubular snowstores on a soft roof is practically no different from the installation of a professional flooring or metal tile. The lack of fastening such a design is that fasteners are on top, i.e. The tightness of the coating can be broken.

Triangular Bougiels or Stoppers are attached to such technology:

  • It is necessary to have them in a checker order in 2 - 3 rows in increments of 50 - 70 cm.
  • The bugel is attached to the crate so that the next sheet of soft tiles will hide the mounting plate, and the triangle of the Bougel left above.
  • Fastening produce on a screw.

If the roof is already mounted, the bohels can be fastened from above, in this case, gaskets made of weatherproof rubber are used.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in the conditions of our snowy winters, the use of snowstores on the roofs is necessary. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to clean the roof once a week or two depending on the volume of precipitation. You can get rid of the need to clean the roof and detain the snow by installing the warming cable under the roe. Thus, the snow will immediately calm and drain along the drain. Education icicles and snowy avalanches are excluded.

Roof Snowpotoreners, Types and Mounting Features, Building Portal

Construction of houses in the regions with snowy winters There is a common problem - avalanche-like snow from the roof of the house, which can not only cause material damage, but

Snow on the roof, especially metallic, is not a reason for a beautiful frame. This is a danger. When accumulated on the roof of a big snow mass occurs its gathering. And well, if it is not a person, but a car or a barn on its way, and you are finished only by damaging property. And if not? This situation can be easily prevented: it is enough to install snowstanders on the roof of the corrugation. Save on them is not worth it: the consequences can be deplorable.

Such synchtercing designs allow you to hold the main mass of snow on the roof surface. It can only die on the roof drains of the roof, when it will be lifted. Types of snowcases should be chosen on the basis of several important factors: the number of snow cover in the region, the angle of inclination of the skate and roofing material.

In this article

Types of snow feet

Snowproof for roofs from corrugated floor there are 4 species:

  1. Tubular;
  2. Lattice;
  3. Corner;
  4. Point or bugly.

The tubular snow-holder consists of 2-3 pipes, which are located over each other and are connected by support. Such a design does not delay snow in the usual understanding of this word, and as if "cuts" the snow mass. As a result, it goes to the ground with small and safe portions. Tubular snowstores are preferred for mounting on a metal roof. They not only ensure the safety of the passage under the roof, but reduce the snow load.

In contrast to the tubular, the lattice snowstores are able to hold the whole mass of the snow cover on the roof. They can even delay small pieces of ice. This is a good option for the southern and central regions, but in the northern it can be used only if the roof is calculated for a large load. In addition, the lattice snowstores must be cleaned at the end of autumn, since the lattice design is easily clogged with leaves.

Corner - the cheapest, but unreliable snowstores. Represent a bent metal strip of a small height. Such a snowmaker mounted on the roof prevents a snow mass. It is possible to mount it only on the roof with a slope of less than 30ºС, since it is not durable enough to withstand a large mass of snow.

Extremely undesirable installation of corner snowstorms in areas with a large snow load. There are no cases when the fasteners were not kept under the influence of the snow mass and the self-tapping screws were literally pulled out of roofing. In this case, not only the sealing snow occurs on the pavement or the road, but the roof itself is damaged.

Point snowmobiles are designed for regions with a small snow load, as well as for regularly serviced roofs. In some cases, they are used as auxiliary snowfoot. Bougiened snowstores on the roof from the proflist, depending on the type are attached or on the wave, or directly to the crate through the metal sheet of the roof. Mount them should be in a checker order.

Where to install?

The installation of snowstores on the roof from the corrugated floor all over its perimeter does not make sense. It is necessary to mount them only in places where the snow causes inconvenience or is a danger:

  1. Over all outlets from the house, including emergency, which are used in winter;
  2. Above the paths and sidewalks;
  3. Over the mansard windows, otherwise in winter you will not be able to organize the attic;
  4. Above the roofing adjoints and conclusions of pipes through the roof;
  5. Over the parking space in front of the garage;
  6. And in all other places where snow gathering can damage.

You must understand that snowstanders on the roof of the roof of the corrugated floor will not get rid of you from the need to clean snow on it. In particular, if you chose those structures that impede even its portion gathering. Big snow cover on the roof is a test for the rafter system, so it is necessary to clean it, at least once a month. And also after every abundant snowfall.

In particular, regular cleaning of snow is relevant for a smooth metal roof from a professional flooring. Since any metal has a high thermal conductivity, it quickly heats up on a sunny day. As a result, the snow directly adjacent to the roofing coating is melting, and a thin layer of water is formed under the snowy mass. It may simply slip on it, and there will be no snowfoot for such a mass.

Installation methods

Installing snowstores on the roof in two ways:

  • Fasten the supports directly to the crate and top to lay a sheet of professional flooring;
  • Secure supports to the crate through the sheet using self-tapping screws.

The choice of the installation method depends on what attachment is provided by the design of a specific synchtercener: pressure or suspended.

The fastening type is usually independent of the design of the snowmobile, with the exception of the angular - their installation is always performed according to the second scheme. They fix them with self-tapping screws from two sides: the side close to the skate is fixed into each wave, and the one is closer to the scene - through one.

Those snowstores that must be installed on suspended supports are mounted along with the styling of the professional flooring. If the roof is ready, they will not succeed. Suspended fasteners engage for the lamp timing so that the mounting hook is outside after laying the sheets of roofing at a distance of 500 mm from the edge of the sink. Moreover, most models do not need additional fixation by self-draws. After that, the snow holders themselves are mounted on protruding attachments.

Constructions with clamping supports are installed on the finished roof. Supports are mounted above the walls and fixed with roofing screws. The mount is performed to the crate through the metal sheet at the bottom of the wave. If the width of the supports is greater than the crates, it must be pre-enhanced using wooden bars fixed on both sides using metal corners. Naturally, this can be done only if the roofing material is not yet laid on the roof.

And under the suspended, and under the clamping supports there are special linings that protect the coating of corrugated from damage. They always come complete to snowstanders. In addition to lining, the mounting kit always includes a decorative lining, which is necessary after the end of the installation.

If possible, try to choose those snowstores that are mounted with a suspended way. Yes, they are harder to install them. But this is compensated by greater reliability and lack of additional damage to the metal sheet.

Montaja rules

Regardless of the type of fasteners, there are 5 universal rules that need to follow. They are as follows:

  1. For fixing structures, only special self-tapping screws are used with a rubber gasket that will protect the place of attachment from corrosion;
  2. Only fasteners and components that go to them are used to install snowcases;
  3. With the length of the slope, more than 5.5 meters of snow-holders are attached to several rows every 3-3.5 meters.
  4. If you need to install in several rows, before installing snowstores, it is necessary to consider the plan for their arrangement;
  5. During installation work on the roof, we should not forget about the simplest safety rules: use the safety cables and shoes with a non-rigid sole;
  6. During the installation, you need to ensure that you do not damage the coating of the corrugation, since any scratch will call corrosion sooner or later.

In general, the installation of snowmates - the task is not more difficult than the installation of the roof from the corrugated floor. And it is easy to cope with it, if you follow the recommendations set out in the article and listen to common sense.

Watch the video: Mount the snowstore for the roof from the corrugated

The wide propagation of metal roofs is explained by their excellent operational parameters and relatively low cost. At the same time, plastic water removal systems are installed, and the structure becomes completed in a modern style.

But few people know that the metal roofing coatings have one common and quite unpleasant drawback - the low coefficient of friction. As a result, the spring of snow masses go avalanche-like and damage plastic elements of water-feling systems. In addition, this situation may cause serious injury to pedestrians. For the protection of people and designs, snowstores should be installed.

Prices for snowstores


In order to understand the principles of installation of various types of snowstores, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with their device, technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. These parameters have a big impact on the choice of the correct installation algorithm on the roofs.

Table. Types of sneakeners designs

Snowplow typeOperational characteristics and fastening features

They have different shapes and sizes, cut one thick layer of snow into several thin. For this, this decreases the load on the chute of the drain system and minimizes the risks of injury to passersby. Tubular snowstores are fixed to the crate, which guarantees their high strength. In addition, they do not delay, but cutting snow, which further reduces the efforts to fasteners and improves the reliability and duration of the operation of devices.
All elements are made of galvanized steel, some have a decorative coating. Height 5-20 cm. The attachment method is no different from the tubular. The lack of grilles hold all the snow pie, and it can have a very large mass. Such critical loads have a negative impact on the durability and safety of the operation of the structure.
These devices are recommended only with minor snow cover parameters. The fact is that they are fixed not to the crate, but to the waves of metal sheets. Such a fastening is very fragile and with relatively low loads, it breaks out, the holes are left on the roof. As a result, leaks and the need to perform unscheduled repair work. If you follow the recommendations of the manufacturers and mount the corner plate sneakers only in the regions with a small snow cover, then a logical question arises - why do snowstores there, where there is no snow? Why waste time and money only in order to drill extra holes on the roof?

In addition, there are also pretty original point (buffa) and wooden devices. But they are used so rarely that they are not necessary to describe them. Such snowstores are completely ineffective, the roof mounting has only negative consequences.

Important. Snowplows are recommended to be installed only on metal roofs. Mount them on a flexible bituminous tile, asbestos-cement slate, natural tile, it is inappropriate, as these coatings have a large coefficient of friction, with them the snow never comes out avalanche-like.

Prices for snow feet on a folding roof

Snowpotoreholder on a folding roof

Each kind of snow feet has its fastening technology, but for all cases general recommendations have been developed. What exactly?

  1. As mentioned above, such structures are advisable only on the roofs from the professional leaf, metal tile or folding roof.

  2. Snowbornels warn breakdowns of plastic water-feling systems. If the metal system of galvanized sheet steel is mounted on your house, the hooks are made from the carbon tool strip with a thickness of not about 2 mm, then no snow of this design is terrible.

  3. It is strongly recommended to mount corner plate synchters, no need to pay attention to advertising manufacturers. Practice proved not only their inefficiency, but also harmfulness. The risks of damage to the integrity of the roof exceed 90%, and where the structures have remained integer for several years, there is no snow. Plastic snowstores are fixed only to the metal sheets of the roof, this option is the most unsuccessful of all possible.

  4. On the metal tile there is a slope of individual segments. In this regard, the lattices racks have a strictly regulated step of 35 cm, at this distance are smooth horizontal profile lines. Only such a condition ensures the correct position of the sheets, the load does not bend the profile, but is transmitted directly to the liner system. This means that the distance between the fixation points should also be 35 cm, if it is not so, then at the stage of manufacturing the crates, you will have to provide separate sites for fixing tubular or lattice snowstores and install additional rails.

  5. Snowman bearing brackets must comply with the technical parameters of roofing materials. They are alone among the proflists, others have others, and in the metal tile of the third. If you have doubts, it is strongly recommended to consult with the consultant seller. He must know the differences and operational characteristics of all types of fixing devices.

Failure to comply with ordinary tips will cause large problems with the roof. It should always be remembered that snowstanders are not installed for beauty or completeness of the roof configuration, but to perform strictly defined tasks.

Installation of tubular snowstores

Each force of the metal tile must lie on the lattices of the crates, the distance between them is 35 cm, but there may be other options. Snowman brackets are fixed only to them. It is necessary to carefully examine the instructions of the manufacturer and only then begin to.

Important. When buying devices, pay attention to the mounting brackets. The distance between the points of fixation should fully respond to the distance between the fades. The bottom end of the bracket must be curved, the length of the legs correspond to the height of the tiles. This section of the bracket works on compression, if it is smooth, then during operation, metal tile is deformed.

Step 1. Calculate the number of snowstores and hardware. The designs are fixed by special self-drawing, the thread diameter is slightly larger than that of hardware for fastening the metal tiles. Length is selected taking into account the thickness of the cutting of the crate. The general rule is desirable that the end of the self-press does not speak for the lower surface of the rail.

Step 2. Determine the specific place of fixing devices. Architects recommend setting them in the plane of the bearing walls, but not everything is so simple. It is necessary to take into account the sinks of the roof, in some cases its length does not allow to fix the snow holders. There are times when the location is selected on complex multicate roofs, taking into account the zones of the maximum height of the snow cover, the presence of mansard windows and doors. Unless it is difficult to make a final decision, it is better to consult with experienced roofers. For one year, they observed the behavior and the functionality of snowstores located in various places and know the places of their optimal fixation.

Installation can be made directly from the roof, stairs or forests. If the elements are located next to the edges of the skates, then it is necessary to work from the staircase, if far, then you need to climb the roof.

Important! Never neglect the safety regulations. It is impossible to rely only on experience and good luck, especially if the work is carried out at the height.

Step 3. Place the brackets on the roof, check their position. Rechargeable screwdriver fasten the roof elements. Everyone needs two screws, both must be screwed into the maximum proximity to the tile breaks. Fixation is made in several stages.

  1. Prefix the bracket to the roof and take the location of the holes. You can make it a felt-tip pen or immediately the metal drill.

  2. Take the bracket and carefully drill holes, note that the holes should be done only in the metal tile, the slave racks should remain integer. During the drilling, press the instrument carefully.

  3. Insert the bracket screw in the hole, from the bottom is the rubber sealing gasket on it. It is made of a modified material that has not been afraid of the negative effect of ultraviolet rays. Special rubber is not cracking for a long time, does not have the effect of fatigue from internal stresses and retains elasticity at negative temperatures. Such physical characteristics allow you to guarantee a long period of reliable sealing of snowstore fastening sites.

  4. Firmly tighten hardware.

Pay attention to the gaskets. Some types of brackets do not have bent legs, the height of the tile elements is leveled by lining. The front is shorter than the rear, do not confuse them in places during the installation of snowmates.

The number of elements and the distance between them is selected in each case individually. It takes into account the length and angle of the slope and the climatic zone of the building.

Step 4. In the special holes in the brackets, insert the tubes, their diameter makes it easy to enter the prepared places, but do not fumble.

Practical advice. If the length of the cornices of the house exceeds three meters, then it is necessary to mount another set of snow-setkers. The tubes of both devices between themselves are firmly fixed, for this, the manufacturer has provided a detachable double fuel connection. To exclude the probability of spontaneous exit from the connection, it must be fixed with a bolt and nut, pipes have through holes for these purposes. It is not necessary to twist much, it's enough to screw the nut with hand.

If everything is done correctly, the design will be securely cope with your tasks for a long period of time.

Installation of corner lamellar snowmates

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


We have already mentioned that this is the worst version of the roof protection from avalanche-like snow. But if there is a desire to use such structures, it is recommended to take into account practical advice, they minimize possible negative consequences.

Step 1. The planks of snow-holders are decomposed on the roof and produce marking, after fixing the edge of the product. Self-tapping screws need only to the crest of the wave. For convenience, you can make holes first in the roof, and then in the plate. The length of the self-samples should be such that fixation is performed for the rake of the crate. This means that the first place of fastening is always located on the bending of the tiles.

Step 3. At the end, fixing the plank in the middle. Each plate accounts for 6 screws.

Do not install the plate elements with a solid side, make passes between them. Due to this, the load on the snowmates will decrease and the risks of the disruptions will downgrade.

Due to the fact that the holes are done in the ridges, the leaks will be very insignificant, there is no need to establish special seals. A few drops of water that fell during a strong shower without problems is dry, there will be no harm.

If the angle of the slope does not exceed 15 °, then snowstores are not needed, the snow and without them melts slowly, there is no avalanche-like removal. And the main advice - do not buy corner plate synthelasts, use more reliable and functional species. The greater that there are many options with different color and design solutions. Choose yourself the most successful will not work.

Video - installation of snow feet on the roof

When installing snowstores, it is very important not to damage the roofing coating to avoid leaks. But what to do, if this still happened? On how to seal the roof, and which sealant is better, you can read.

Most of the territory of Russia is in climatic zones for which snow winters are characteristic. For this reason, the traditional Russian hut is associated with an acute triangular roof consisting of two slopes. Such geometry provides an independent gathering of snow masses and rainwater. Scope roofs with a slope of 30 degrees and more so far are relevant in our area, so to protect against the spontaneous evacuation of snow from the slide, snow-sauers are used on the roof.

Types and design

The appointment of snow soverees for the roof is the holding of snow from avalanche-like slope from a skate, dangerous for people's life. They delay snow masses, but they pass water formed when melting. Snowman on the pitched roof is installed during the installation of roofing material. According to the design features, they are divided into the following categories:

  1. Snow-boarar. Snow-Board is called blocking fences. With their help, the snow remains on the roof skate to natural melting. When using this device, the possibility of full or partial snow reservoil collapse is completely excluded. Blocking snow structures include corner snowstores and bohels.
  2. Snow-sneakers. Snow outlooks call devices that do not hold snow on the skate, but separating the layer into smaller parts, the speed and the power of the falls are less. They do not protect against the collapse of the snow cap roof, but make this process more secure. This type includes a tubular and lattice type of a snowstaving device.

Important! To determine which snowstore to the roof is suitable, it is best to find out the number of average annual precipitation falling in the construction zone, the area and the steepness of the skate. The design, delaying snow, is installed on the stall of the skate, however, from the consideration of savings you can restrict ourselves to the places in which the gathering of the snow masses is most dangerous.

Snowstanding objectives

Choosing a roof configuration, builders prefer steeply skate, effectively copier with precipitation taps. However, this quality becomes a problem in the winter when water goes into a solid state. At this time, homeowners limit snow from the roof. Snowstanding activities serve as follows:

Tubular snowstores

The tubular sonyaaster on the roof is a system of brackets associated with two rows of pipes, the diameter of which is 10-30 mm. The bracket for fixing the device on the roof is a metal plate equipped with a mounting shelf and holes for the tubes. The tubular snow-coaster is mounted along the roof rods above the carrier wall of the house. It divides the roof of the roof on the plates, the drop in which will not harm the person.

Note! To give the design of a snow-setpower strength, the bottom tube is located at an altitude of no more than 3 cm above the surface of the skate, and the distance between the tubes is made of 8-10 cm. For roofs with steep rods, more than 60 degrees are installed with tubular snowstores in two rows in a step of 2-3 meters Since the rolling snow energy is too large.

Since the distance from the first row of snow-sowers to the roof is 40-50 cm, they are invisible against the background of roofing material. Manufacturers produce model from galvanized steel coated with paint, harmonizing with popular colors of metal tiles, professional flooring and bitumen tiles.

Golden snowstores

Snowplows on the roof in the form of a grid, fixed on the roof of the roof by the brackets, are called lattice. They are produced from high-quality doped steel, corrosion resistant. The height of the lattice of such models reaches 10-20 cm, the effectiveness of synchtercing depends on this indicator. This design is popular, thanks to the following qualities:

\u003e IMPORTANT! If the roof is exposed to a big snow load, the lattice of snow-samples when exposed to frozen layers of large size and breaks. For such severe conditions, manufacturers recommend using a hybrid design consisting of longitudinal pipes inserted into the brackets and the grid welded to them.

Corner snowstores

On the roofs with a small bias, the design of which does not allow the snow cap to slide down, and in the regions with low-snowing winter, angular snow patterns are used. They look like folded from galvanized steel. Corners with fastening shelves 20-30 cm long and up to 10 cm. Most often, angular snowstores are mounted on roofs with a coated coated, professional flooring, sheet metal and metal tile with a steeply rolled slide no more than 20 degrees.

Note! Installation technology for snowstanders can differ from the installation of devices of other types. They are located along the ropes of 2-3 rows along the roof slide, observing a chess order. The distance from one row to the other should be 50-100 cm, depending on the width of the skate.

Despite low efficiency, the convenience of this type of snow-melting is that it is not necessary to go to Leruly Merlen to buy them. You can buy metal sheets on any construction market and manufacture devices for snow delay on the skates of the desired size yourself, saving more than half of the cost. Installing angular snowstores are easily fixed directly on the roofing material with a screwdriver.


Bougiels call point snow keys having a triangle view with a long strip for fixing on the slope. Since they are used for mounting on roofs with soft roofing materials, based on bitumen mastic having a rough surface, their ability to hold the snow mass is small. Boheli does not prevent snow gathering, but only reduce the speed and energy of the fall. Installing this type of devices have the following features:

  1. As a rule, the bohels are used in a complex with other snow-saving structures (tubular and lattice snowballs).
  2. Bougiels are located along the roof of the roof in a checker order into several rows. The recommended step between adjacent elements is 50-60 cm, and between the rows - 50-100 cm.
  3. Installation of bohegels performed exclusively during the roofing material flooring. On the crate, there is a location of a series of snowstores, fix their fastener to the boards of self-drawing and mask with bitumen tiles.

Bougiels for the roof are bought in large construction stores (Lerua Merlen, OBI) or made independently made of sheet metal. Purchased models look more accurately and attractive, but in terms of the efficiency of the excrepanite, self-made. The use of bougiels on a soft tile. Experienced roofers consider the reinsurance measure, since the rough coating structure copes with the retention of snow on their own.

Video instruction