Repairs Design Furniture

Spruce - a durable, beautiful and unpretentious tree for a living hedge. Create a live fence from trees ate fence from ate ordinary

Livestore from ate - one of the ways it is interesting to decorate the plot, and in addition to ensuring that the land borders will be intersecting with the intersection of land. The process of growing such plants will take quite a long time, but the result will justify the expectations: it turns out a rather high fence, which will allow to close the review from the street.

Landing firing can be done with their own hands, but for this it should be studied in more detail the peculiarities of the care of such plants so that they normally develop and have not worked.

Benefits of the hedges of ate

Aesthetic attractiveness is the main plus that is characterized by a fir when using it as the main planting material in order to arrange a green fence.

In addition, other positive qualities can be distinguished:

  • Evergreen;
  • The hedge of the ate provides the privacy of the owners of the site, as it forms an impenetrable fence;
  • High efficiency protection of the territory from penetration due to a large number of needles;
  • The tree represents a group of perennial plants;
  • If desired, the fence is grown high height (1.5-2 m or more).

With regard to plants of certain varieties, you can perform a haircut. Forming a crown to do with your own hands, the main thing is to comply with the basic recommendations for this process. And other types of firings, on the contrary, do not need a haircut and special care.

Overview of preferred varieties

Such in such trees can have a different shade: green, golden, yellowish, bluish. This feature allows you to create a multicolored hedge of ate. But for this it is necessary to use a number of various varieties. Main options:

For landscaping, the variety of ordinary is rarely used, since not all seedlings retain a good appearance, the variety does not endure a strong sealing plant.

The tree is ordinary - it is somewhat less common, which is due to the complexity of maintaining aesthetic attractiveness. The height of the Christmas tree of this variety reaches several tens of meters, the shape of the crown is cone-shaped. The branches are usually horizontally oriented or directed by the book. The tree is best developed in the sublinous and sandy soil. Another feature lies in the ability to wear quite low temperatures well (-45 degrees).

Spruce Ayan's 'aurea'. It turns great, loves moisture, Croon has dark gray. In group landings, it is better to breed seeds.

Spruce Ayanskaya is another grade with a cone-shaped crown form. Tint of needles - dark green. And one of the differences lies in the special arrangement of the needles of such chips (flat needles). Plants of this species transport the cold climate well and retain the uniform density of the crown even on the shaded areas. The arid conditions of the fir does not tolerate, but it is not afraid of haircuts.

Demanding to soil and watering, but it does not endure too fertile soil and layers of snow on the branches.

Barbed (blue) fir. When choosing this type of planting material, you can get a fence with a tinge from green to blue. On average, the height of the firings of this type is 30 m, but there are short (dwarf) plants. The most suitable conditions are a hot climate. Soil is fueled to ensure more intensive growth.

Serbian spruce - does not need care, has a cone-shaped crown. This kind is well tolerates the frost climate.

Serbian kind of ate does not need a haircut, you can only proper the lower branches.

Sploburg sprug - relatively with previously considered options is characterized by a small height (2 m). Another feature is the location of the branches - directed the book, and the longest of them reach the earth and form a coniferous carpet.

It is important at the stage of landing the fretsurg variety to organize backups for the trunk so that the Christmas tree develops strictly vertically.

Popular varieties of ate: Canadian conic and Canadian Sanders Blue. Their feature is an increased density of the needles, as well as the correct cone-shaped form. For this reason, the green fence based on such plants does not require care.

Canadian Sanders Blue: Does not tolerate waters in soil. Good grows in sunny places. Required wood watering in the evening to the crown.

The difference between each of the options is to shade and the shape of the needles, as well as the entire crown. Other differences: The structure of the soil, landing conditions, the need for a haircut.

Preparation for arrangement

Garden inventory and planting material is all that is required for work. If the arrangement of the fence is performed with their own hands, you need to study the features of young and adult plantations.

The first of the options will develop longer, as a result, a live fence from the Christmas tree will appear in full height, only a few years later. And until that time, the fence will be with significant lumens. This is the main and only lack of young fir trees.

The choice of adult plants has an advantage - a significantly faster formation of a full hedge of the desired height and density, as the landing of fairly developed firings is carried out.

However, the more adult plant plant, the higher the risk that it will figure it out. This is due to the worst ability to adapt to new conditions for development. As a result, diseases may be manifested, which will lead to a slowdown in growth, fading.

Read more about landing

First of all, it is necessary to determine the period of bookmarking the future hedge - this is the beginning of autumn, but this option is suitable for regions with a temperate climate. If the landing of evergreen fence will be carried out in the northern regions, it is recommended to lay the planting material at the beginning of spring.

The best period for the arrangement of living hedges is considered March-April, at the end of August-October and the winter months.

Provided that in the winter period, there were no frosts, and the air temperature did not fall below +15 degrees, fake plant and during this period.

Another important feature - the ground during the bleeding period should be saturated with an excess. The depth of the well is sufficiently considered - 50 cm. Its diameter is determined by the size of the root system of the planting material.

Most of these plants "do not like" compacted soil. The soil must also include sand, peat. Care throughout the first 2 years immediately after planting plants includes periodic feeding.

Pruning: features and timing of the process

The best period is spring, however, it is allowed to perform a haircut and in the fall, just to do it before the leavefall starts. Most often it is only required to remove the bald branches, because the update of the needles is not typical of the Christmas tree. In addition, not all varieties need to be careful and forming the crown.

The formation of the hedge is made in spring to the growth period, it allows you to actively horn by young ears on the sides of the village.

After landing, it is recommended to wait 2 years, you cannot immediately haircut. At the end of this period, the crown formation is performed as follows: Fresh shoots need to trim about a third of their lengths, which will contribute to an increase in the intensity of education of new shoots. Usually wait until the tree acquires sufficient sizes of the trunk, then the top is cut to the desired level.

Forming the crown with your own hands must be performed at temperatures above +4 degrees. Depending on the variety, the tree cuts the season from 1 to 3 times, after which the hedge feeds.

Violation of landing technology, incorrect (excessive) feeding and errors in the formation of the crown of the trees - all these factors will adversely affect the development of evergreen trees.

But the most important thing when choosing ate is a properly made selection of planting material in accordance with the structure of the soil and the climate of the specific locality.

Almost any plants can be used as the basis for living hedges, however, it is spruce claims the title of the most optimal option. Advantages in green beauty set:

  • they feel the same well well as with a dense arrangement in the composition of an opaque living fence, and with a single landing for creating air fences around the perimeter of the site;
  • unpretentious ate guarantees high seedlings, which reduces costs and allows you to create from the same plants from the same level;
  • the variety of varieties of spruses allows you to create live hedges of the most different density and painting.

In addition, the breed of ate differ in the maximum heightDue to which it appears the opportunity to plan the optimal height of the fence in advance.

The only feature that is worth considering when planning such a living hedge is the relatively high density of spruce branches. This means that when planting a fir on the southern border of the site, they can almost completely sharpen several meters of useful area. Therefore dense firing fences it is necessary to place on the northern sideIf the density of the fence is not the main designer idea.

However, thick fir crowns are able to bring considerable benefits: in the summer they will become an obstacle for wind and dust from the street, and in winter - for snow.

Photo of alive hedges from ate.

What spruce are suitable?

A huge number of fir species is grown for sale in the forestry markets absolutely all of which are suitable for the fencing of the site. Freedom of choice is explained by the fact that these plants are the aborigines of almost all regions of our country, due to which they do not require acclimatization and the creation of some special conditions for survival and development. Therefore, it is virtually any seating material, the exterior of which corresponds to the design requirements.

In addition to the traditionally green color, especially the pleasing eye in a cold and colorless time of the year, you can choose plants with a bluish, golden and even close to a yellow needle. At the same time, it is possible to achieve completely original solutions, combining in one hedge of ate of different heights and colors.

Such grades such as Siberian, Eastern, Purple, Sibirsk, and Many others enjoy the greatest popularity in creating live ingreders. In addition, the fence is quite original, the main element of which serves a spiny spruce, which has an interesting cheese with blue needles.

Materials for creating a living hedge of fir

For its arrangement, a live fence from Elute will not require the purchase of some special tools and devices. It is quite enough will be the traditional set of gardening inventory available in any country house or in the country.

As for the planting material, there is a choice here.:

  • spring already adults and formed plants;
  • use young seedlings.

First option Interesting that it is possible to immediately get a dense and high alive fence at the disposal, a reliably shelting area from foreign explosions. However, in this case, you need to be prepared and even a rare, but having a place to be problems in the form of plant disease after transportation and transplantation. However, due to the stamina, they are relatively fast, they continue to develop in their rightful place.

When choosing a second option Risks to lose the plant are minimal, because Young seedlings are much easier to transfer a transplant. In addition, it is possible to control the growth of the crown and create the fencing of the desired form. There is a purely material benefit: rates for seedlings are much lower than adults.

Landing fir

The optimal time for planting ate is autumn. It is also worth paying attention to the state of the soil, which must be sufficiently moistened. Best of all, if the ground will have a swashing state. In this case, the risk of injury to the root system will be minimized.

The procedure for planting seedlings will be the following:

  1. On the perimeter of the site, a solid trench of 50-60 cm deep is digging. The width is to choose such that it is proportion to the root system of the planes. With earthworks, it is necessary to pay attention to the upper layer of the soil. It should be carefully removed and postpone for a while aside. After the trench is ready, removed the soil will be necessary to put on its bottom.

    The meaning of this procedure is that it is in the upper layer of the soil a maximum amount of nutrients needed for rapid growth of ate. Accordingly, it makes sense to move it closer to the root system.

  2. The second layer on the bottom of the trench is peat.
  3. The seedlings of ate, filled with a soil from the trench, are directly planted. At this stage, you need to ensure that the root neck is not covered with soil. The distance between the seedlings can be arbitrary. So, for air alive fences, ate can be located a few meters from each other. For more dense living elevations, the interval can be reduced to one meter.

First time after landing Live hedge from ate will need careful watering. With a lack of moisture of the needle, it can start turning, because The root system victim during transportation until its recovery will not be able to ensure the normal flow of moisture from dry soil.

In addition, to improve nutrition, water under arms, it will be necessary to loosen the soil at a depth of about 10 cm.

As extensive practice shows, live fencing from coniferous trees completely justify the hopes imposed on them. They are capable of their beauty and accuracy raise your mood and simply please.

With all this, ate is completely coped with pure utilitarian tasks. They form an almost opaque wall, with success preventing dust and snow, as well as the closing territory from prying views.

Evergreen Livestore from ate is an excellent alternative to fences from hardwood trees. It will never replace the deaf fence, deprived of the true beauty and gifts of nature. A spruce fence not only isolates your plot from outsiders, but also saturate with oxygen, phytoncides and natural antiseptics. You will be able to admire the green sailion all year round.


In the living hedge formed from the ate, there are several advantages over other shrubs and trees:

  • Fir saves green all year round, does not expute unsightly bare trunks in winter;
  • The first 10-15 years, small Christmas trees do not require a special formation, since its growth is non-intensive;
  • Spruce paws are such thick, which will be able to protect the plot from nearby the road. Trees clear the air, will not let penetrate dirt through themselves, smells neutralize;
  • The denstick protects the plot from snow, dust and wind;
  • Landing a live hedge of ate does not require large financial costs. You can grow a green fence from seeds of cones scored in the forest, or from dug in the cutting of seedlings;
  • All christmas trees are resistant to frosts, so they can be cultivated in regions with a harsh climate;
  • Coniferous trees are not peculiar to the disease (although they are exposed to the invasion of pests);
  • With the help of various fir grades, you can adjust the height and shape of a living fence (from 0.4 to 15 meters);
  • The renewal of living hedge is required only once every 30-40 years, and maybe less often.

Positive qualities include the features of the care of a living hedge of ate. In a moderate and wet climate, trees are not capricious. They have enough of one abundant rain per week and rare loosening of the soil with a small feeding. The care is complicated in a dry climate, because spruce is the plant moisture.

What varieties to choose?

The most common is a live fence from ate ordinary. For its landing, it is not necessary to buy by seedlings. Trees love to grow on loamy, sugal and acidic soil with good bandwidth, as spruce does not like moisture stagnation. The table below shows the varieties of fir, derived by breeders and characterized by height, color and shape of the crown.

Varieties suitable for living hedges
Grade ate HEIGHT Features of varieties View of vibrant hedge
  • Oleldorch;
  • Inverse;
  • Kupressians;
  • Virgata;
  • Acokon.
From 4 to 15 meters. Trees have a conical crown, dense branches. They rush well even with a dense planted strip. Sleerer type.
  • Vils Mesverg;
  • Frochurg;
  • Barry.
Up to 2 meters. Vils Zverg variety allows you to get a fir with a crown week, Frochurg - with a conical, narrow. And Barry is so slowly growing, which practically does not need trimming. Young shoots of these varieties painted in light green color. Against the background of dark green needles, they look awesome. Middle height.
  • Echinization;
  • Little Jam.
About 40 centimeters. Echinforisis is characterized by a pillow-shaped or spherical shape of the crown, a variety of Little Jam is semi-shaped. The color of the needles - light. Border and dividing lines.

IT IS INTERESTING! A spruce in the living hedge grows as quickly as in the forest - at a speed of 0.4-0.5 meters per year. Its maximum height (50 meters) it reaches aged 100-125 years, and lives on average 300 years. There were trees whose age was 5 centuries. The needles are updated once every 6-12 years, and its length ranges in the range of 0.8-2 cm.

Preparation of planting material

For the landing of the live swelling, seeds of ate or ready-made seedlings are needed. You can enter as follows:

  • Buy varietal seeds fir in the store;
  • Collect the cones of the ordinary Christmas tree in the forest and extract seeds yourself. The collection is produced at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring, while the snow is still lying, but not earlier (to ensure natural seed stratification);
  • Buy ready-made varieties or ordinary spruce seedlings;
  • Drop the annual Christmas tree on cutting down (and it is better than two-year or even three-year-old to get a thick hedge in faster).

If you purchased or dug out young live spruce - proceed to landing the hedge, until you managed to dry the earthen com. If you decide to get seedlings from seeds, then follow this instruction:

  • Move the cones to remove the winters;
  • Separate seeds from "wings";
  • Prepare the soil mixture from the ground from a plot and a small amount of sand. Gear it and paint with a pink solution of manganese;
  • To the bottom of the box or other capacitance, lay a layer of brine clay, can be gravel so that the water is not stored;
  • On the drain layer, put the earth and lose weight slightly;
  • Slide seeds at a distance of 20 to 30 mm in each direction;
  • Periodically moisturize the soil composition (but do not allow stagnation).

For 12-16 weeks you will receive young shooters of the Christmas tree for the formation of a living hedge. They can be planted in the prepared trench in the same year, and you can give young plants to grow up another year in a pot. But it is very uncomfortable, because there are dozens of seedlings for a living fence: where at home to place so many pots?

When is it best to plant?

Living a living fence from the Christmas trees should be made with the onset of the rest of the trees. The coniferous wood has two of them. Their beginning falls on:

  • April May;
  • September October.

Shower young trees for the formation of a living hedge should be directly before planning. The less time it takes between the moments of extraction of the tree from the forest soil and planting in the trench, the better. In order during the transportation of an earthen one, it is not drying, it is turned into a polyethylene film or burlap.

ATTENTION! If you have grown seeds, then planting the Christmas trees in a living fence line can be in June, bypassing the period of April-May. If this is done before, the plant with a probability of 60-70% will die: you need to give at least 3-4 weeks to the crumpled christmas trees to grow and develop powerful roots.

Equipment landing

For the landing of the hedge of living trees will be required:

  • Shovel bayonet;
  • Rake;
  • Propylene cord;
  • Pegs;
  • Garden car;
  • Mittens;
  • Clay;
  • Spruce seedlings;
  • Watering can;
  • Water.

In order to smoothly plant a live felting hedge, you need to stretch the cord along its line. For this you will need pegs. If the fence is long and indirect, then you will need a lot of pegs, to accurately repeat the lines of future plantations. Then:

  • Make a trench with a shovel depth of 50 cm and braid it down. If the soil has excessive moisturizing, then we swear a depth of 70 cm (then the bottom of the trench, cover with drainage material: clawing, rubble or gravel);
  • The next layer is the upper part of the dug soil;
  • Pour trench abundantly;
  • Prepare a bolt, collecting clay in the water. Consistency should resemble dense cream;
  • Browse the seedlings. If there are dead roots, remove them. Then the roots of each village are plunged into the talker;
  • Put the Christmas tree to our places according to the selected landing scheme;
  • Put the remaining void of trenches with a compost or peat so that the root neck falls below the soil;
  • Slightly endure the soil and pour it;
  • Make mulching with bark or chip;
  • If the seedlings are already large, then you can bring up the tops to force the tree to grow not long, and styling.

In order for evergreen fence to justify your expectations, you will need a landing scheme of a living hedge of ate ordinary. It depends on how many rows you decided to plant the fence, what height it should work out, and what role she will be rented. Below in the table shows several schemes for planting trees.

Traditional planting schemes fir for live hedges
Height of fence Linear landing Landing in two rows
Live border (0.4 meters) 30-40 cm between bushes Between rows 30-40 cm
Spruce fence (1.5 ... 2 meters) 80 cm between bushes Between rows 2-3 meters
Spruce Wall (up to 15 meters) 3-4 meters between seedlings 3-4 meters between rows

How to care?

For a live fence grew beautiful, ate need to water if there were no rain during the week. It is convenient to make a long hose with holes over the entire surface with a step of up to 1 meter. It is enough to stretch the hose along the fence and give pressure. From small holes, water is poured, absorbed into the soil under the Christmas tree. The trees will be useful and dry irrigation: regularly loose the earth with a hoe to depth of 10 centimeters.

In the care of the Christmas trees in the living hedge enters the feeding:

  • In the first three years, nitrogenous fertilizers must be made several times (3-4 times for the warm season);
  • Each autumn must be made by phosphoric fertilizers;
  • Then every May and October need to make fertilizers specially designed for coniferous trees.

Tip! For fertilizer firing alive hedges, use fertilizers like "Buuskoe" or "Aquarin" for coniferous rocks. But you can do otherwise. Nitrogen in large quantities is contained in a humus or compost. And the Food Flooring Hunger will help the tree ash. It can be replaced with sprawers from straw.

Every year a haircut haircut from ate should be made. It is necessary to do it 1-2 times a year, be sure to winter. Although in the first years it will not even need a haircut. It is starting when the fence reaches the desired height. Then pinch the top, and the Christmas trees begin to grow only styling. For the formation of the crown (trimming), garden scissors will need.

Rules for the formation of hedge

To the fence turned out thick, lush and smooth, it is necessary to regularly form a hedge of a lively fir:

  • In the first year, leave the Christmas tree alone. They must be rooted, and they have nothing to waste their strength. You can only remove with garden scissors yellowed and sick branches;
  • Next year, make the first trimming. All side branches are shortened by 30-50%. And the top should not trim strongly so that the hedge grown faster to the desired height;
  • If you do not want a high fence, then on the third or fourth year of life, discharge the top completely so that the tree began to grow into width;
  • Pruning firings in the living hedge should be made twice, starting from 15 years of the life of trees. From this point on (sometimes earlier) begins rapid growth. And if the top up to this time has not yet been hidden, it's time to do it. Otherwise, you will get a dense forest instead of a neat fence;
  • If the width also reached the desired value, then you need to plunder central kidneys and side shoots.

IMPORTANT! Forming a crown of firings in a living hedge, remember that it should be a pyramidal: wide at the base and narrow from above. If you leave the same width over the entire height, the lower branches will die of lack of light. The beauty of your fence does not add. But it looks spectacularly curly trimming of the upper plane.

The trees grow longer in contrast to shrubs, with the death of one of the trees, a hole is formed in a row. To illudit it, you will need year. Therefore, take care of the seedlings in a timely manner. With proper care, a live fence will maintain its functions and aesthetic appearance for many years.

Among the various types of live rods planted in one or several rows of ate - one of the most common options. Beauty, benefits and economic benefits are those constituting its popularity. Live hedge of ate is not only beautiful, but also practical. Make such a dacha will not be much difficult if you follow certain rules.

An example of a vibrant hedge of fir

Varieties of ebel

It is not suitable for creating any variety of ate. Each variety has its advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose with the mind.

Live hedge device

Spruce spruce

Blue, or barbed fir stands out among other varieties with an unusual color of needles. It can be from the siece-blue to a greenish-gray shade with silver sings. Blue spruce grows up to 25-30 meters in height, but there are also dwarf varieties. Young trees have a conical shape of the crown, and older - cylindrical. In Russia, a spiny fir is accepted poorly, however, the use of special feeding on the basis of cones when landing can significantly improve survival performance.

Wheel East

Eastern spruce from the Mining Caucasus and Asian countries has small needles, to a centimeter long. Eastern spruce badly tolerates frosty winter, and when landing prefers shaded places with good soil moisture. It grows very slowly and lives up to 400-500 years. In nature, Eastern spruce can reach 65 meters in height.

Spruce sisaya

Canadian, scent or white spruce in nature can reach a height of 15-20 meters. The length of the needles is from 1 to 2 cm. At the top of the Krone tree, there is a blue-green shade, and in the bottom - blue-white. Albert's Dwarf Grade Globa has a spherical shape, while other species of Canadian ate more often take the cone shape. This species is considered winter hardy and very unpretentious.

Spruce Siberian

Siberian fir grows in the forests of Siberia, Kazakhstan, Northern Europe, Mongolia and China. Crown has a pyramidal shape, adult trees reach 30 meters in height. Siberian fir does not like sandy and swampy soils, it is well tolerating frosty winters. Siberian spruce is growing for a long time, young seedlings are worried.

Purple fir tree

It is a magenta fir from the highland forests of China. It received its name because of the purple shade of the cishech.

So looks like a magenta fir

The thick crown with small, frequently located needles in an adult tree has a cone shape. In the height, a purple spruce can reach 15-20 meters. Purple fir loves light, but it grows well and in the shade, neutral soil prefers and transfers low temperatures well.

Spruce ordinary

Ordinary, or European spruce is widespread in Central Russia. In height can reach 30-50 meters. Needles have a fairly long needle, up to 2.5 cm. The tree prefers sandy and thin soils without excessive moisture. An annual increase is about half a season in height, therefore it is considered a fast-growing species. Low temperatures up to -45 ° C The erect is not terrible, but spring frosts for wood are very sensitive.

Benefits of live rods from fir

It has a number of advantages over other types of living fences:

  • Evergreen trees will delight the eye of the landlord of the site and in winter, and in the summer;
  • Some varieties have very colorful cones when flowering, which also increases the aesthetics of a green fence;
  • A few years after landing, the hedge from the era of an ordinary or other fast-growing look will become impermeable. Thus, not only protection against prying views, but also from the penetration of foreign on the territory;
  • Most of the types of firs grows in one place for a very long time, without requiring special care;
  • The needles of the fetrels highlight useful phytoncides, so the air is always fresh next to them;
  • The hedge of the firings perfectly delays snow, prevents the penetration of the wind.

Spruce - a plant, perfectly suitable for the organization of alive hedges in the country area.

The process of growing a live fence from ate

To accelerate the process of forming, choose fast-growing varieties, such as spruce. Also possible.

Methods of growing

It is possible to grow an adult Christmas tree in three ways:

  1. Plant seeds.
  2. Plant seedlings.
  3. Sprinkle cuttings.

The first way of reproduction of fools is the most time consuming and long. For small plants, you need a special care: a clear irrigation system, maintaining the desired temperature, constant care. In addition, the germination of different varieties of spruce from seeds range from 10 to 95%. Increase this indicator helps such a procedure as seed stratification.

This process implies imitation of natural growing conditions: seeds in the fall in the fall and maintain them in the winter in a cold place. In the spring, the seed seeds move to a light warm place where they spare.

So grow young seedlings ate in the nursery

At this time, it is important to produce timely watering plants, maintaining the constant moderate moisture content of the soil. Grown sprouts are transplanted into the ground in the late spring and covered with a film or fit into a greenhouse. It is much easier for the situation with planting seedlings. They are sold in any nursery, and they can immediately go to a permanent place immediately after the purchase. Care for young trees is reduced to periodic watering and pruning in the future. The reproduction of freshers is possible with the help of cuttings.

The elbow of the tip ate at the age of five to eight years produced in spring or autumn. At the same time, about 20 cm of plants (one year old escape) is cut.

The end of the cuticle is cleaned from the needles, after which it is planted into the greenhouse and shape. Before boarding a cutting into the soil, the plant is treated with growth stimulants or a solution of manganese. Landing is made at an angle of 30 °. Watering plants in the spring-summer period every day, and in hot weather up to several times a day.

Coniferous hedge of spruce

The coniferous elevation from the erai erect is the best option for those who are not used to wait for a result for too long. A rather fast increase in this variety allows you to get a sufficiently dense fence after a few years.
The process of the formation of the hedge consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of space.
  2. Purchase of planting material.
  3. Landing.
  4. Caring for a lively hedge of ate.

Consider each of the stages in more detail.

Preparation of place

A landing place must be carefully prepared. The selected territory must be cleaned of other plantations. Along the perimeter, pits of a half-meter pits. The width of the holes depends on the age of the plant and the size of the root system. The distance between the pit should be at least one meter, and in the case of tall varieties it can be up to 2-2.5 meters.

Scheme of Live Hollow Fir

When choosing a place, it should be borne in mind that spruce ordinary loves sunlight, although it works well in the shade. The growth of trees in places with highly polluted air will be slowed down, and plants may be subject to various diseases. Especially suffering from the ridicity and smoke of the needles.

A spruce is better growing on fertile soils of normal humidity, so it will be necessary to pre-eat the soil before planting seedlings. A spruce does not take out water stagnation, as well as podissed soils and soils with excess salts. More coniferous trees are suitable subtle or sampling soil with a weakly acidic or acidic medium and good drainage. Feature the soil can be a layer of peat or compost, full of the ditch over the fertile layer. It is also important to provide comfortable drainage.
To do this, pour on the bottom of the pit before the fertilizer layer of the broken brick or specially acquired drainage material.

Living hedge from ate in the summer cottage with their own hands

Livestore from ate attracts attention to its unusual appearance. For the fence you can pick up both high trees and low grades. The hedge will delight you with fresh greens at any time of the year.

It is best to lay the fence from the fir from the northern side of the site. Such a layout will allow not to shade the remaining plantations. There are more than 150 species of ate, you can always choose the best option for your hedge. But not all varieties are suitable for the formation of the fence.

What are the good hedges of ate?

The hedge from ate of any height will always look very beautiful - this is a highlight of landscape design. A spruce landing creates an impenetrable fence that hides the territory from prying eyes. Green fence durable. It will protect the gases from dust and exhaust gases from roads with intensive traffic.

The correctly formed landing with a height of 1.5-2 m will easily replace the usual full fence. Needles will protect against unexpected visitors and animals. There are varieties that can be cut, giving the fence various geometric forms.

Some varieties are not amenable to haircut and do not require special care, while maintaining a natural aesthetic appearance of not one dozen years.

What variety ate to choose?

Eel Ayanskaya (Picea Jezoensis)

Powerful church with a crown in the form of a cone. It differs from other types of flat cheese. Couplings from below have two stripes, they are homogeneous dark green on top. The needles are rotated 180 °, as a result, the lower side of the needle is the top. The kind of winter facing and shadowed. The lower branches are not taken off with the partial one-sided shading by other trees, therefore attracts polishes as a material for the formation of a dense alive hedge. It gives care of a haircut, loves moisture. The bark is dark gray. In group landings well multiplied by seeds.

Ehland Ayanskaya

Spiny spruce (Picea Pungens)

Grow up to 30 m high. Crown conesoid. The needles are tetrahedral, up to 3 cm long. The color of the needles are diverse: from bright blue to the siece-green. The bright blue shade is saved on branches for about 5 years. Young cones acquire a reddish tint, which changes on a brown-golden. Demanding to soil and watering, but it does not endure too fertile soil and layers of snow on the branches. It is fine tolerate heat.

Spruce spruce

Ord Ordinary (Picea Abies)

The highest view from the Pine Family. Crown cone-shaped, branches slightly downward down. Middle branches are located horizontally. Ends of old branches at the base of the tree is slightly raised. The needles have a sickle shape, the needles on the branch are directed forward. Coupling dark green with yellow tips. For urban gardening, the variety is rarely used, not all copies retain aesthetic appearance, the grade does not make a strong sealing plant.

Stock Foto Live hedge of spruce

Yel Serbskaya (Picea Omorika)

It has a high narrow-monical crown. The diameter of the crown in an adult tree is 5-8 m. This species does not need a haircut, you can only proper the lower branches. Couplings are slightly thick and flattened, on top of shiny dark green color, there are two oblong whitish strips from below. Winter hardy, resistant to urban conditions.

Eh Serbskaya

Spruce Inversa.

Attracts the scammers of the crown of the crown. Crown is unevenly developed. In order for the tree to grow up, you need to direct the top. Through the trunk of the branches. The needles are dark green, fat and shiny. The height of the tree can be adjusted, usually it is 5-8 m. It looks good in group landing, winter hardy. Needs the soil drainage, transfers light shading.

Spruce Canadian conic

A dwarf view that reaches a height of up to 3 m. The thick crown is formed in the form of a regular cone with a diameter of 2 m. The cheops are soft, light green. It looks good as a living hedge. It is unsuitable for dense landings, does not tolerate drought.

Spruce Canadian conic

Spruce Canadian Sanders Blue

Attracts the lacrings in small sizes and a lush crown in the form of the correct cone. Snow-blue needle color will fit into any landscape. The branches are tightly adjacent to the trunk. It is damaged by pine and a spider tick. Does not tolerate moisture. Great grows in the sun and slightly pronted places. Water in the evening to the crown.

Spruce Canadian Sanders Blue

Fir Fombombog

Fir Fombombog

A low church with a height of up to 2 m with falling branches. Green needles look like needles. Weaving the crown shape attracts attention to group landings.

Young trees are subject to frozen. Poor reacts to hot weather. Suglinted soil and drainage is recommended.

Spruce Tompa.

Often used in group landings. It is not demanding of the care and composition of the soil. It does not need pruning, as due to slow growth retains the initial view of a long time. The treet height is about 1 m. It has a birefront crown with a diameter of about 1.5 m with bright green housing. Suitable for landing in a half. Does not tolerate gaspace. In the heat, it is recommended to periodically spray.

Features landing

For the living hedge acquire a tree at the age of 4. Varieties with different color of needles can be mixed, the main thing is that they coincide with the conditions for growing and care. It is necessary to pay attention to the purpose of the form: not all varieties are suitable for group landing and to urban conditions. When choosing a variety also pay attention to the winter hardiness. Some types of firings in the northern regions can be partially moderated.

In a moderate climate, the fence bookmark is beginning in autumn, in the northern regions - in the spring after the snow. The optimal period for bookmarking the living hedge is considered March-April, the end of August-October and the winter months.

In winter, you can transplanted only at least + 15 ° СWhen the ground is not freezing. Most often, large varieties of ate are planted in winter.

For the landing, the eats are trying to pick up the period when the ground is filled with water to the consistency of the Cashitz. Under each Christmas tree, a hole is digging a depth of about 50 cm and a diameter of equal root size. The distance between the trees should be 1-1.5 m depending on the type. For most firings, it is necessary to organize drainage. For this, a broken red brick is suitable. Do not strongly compact the soil. The top layer of the soil is recommended to flush into the well under the root. The optimal composition of the soil: equal proportions of sand, earth and peat.

The root neck is deepened to the ground only by 2 cm. The tree is watered regardless of the degree of moisturizing the soil. Some grades after landing should be tied up to spicks for smooth growth. The first 2-3 years should not be allowed to dry. In the first year fertilize carefully, not to overdo it, it is recommended to periodically use root growth stimulants, especially if Christmas trees are planted for 1-2 years of life.

Care and haircut

Ate, especially young, systematically spray from pests with special solutions. Not all ate need a haircut. You can cut the village only for the second year after landing. Most often remove damaged and bald branches. On branches without needle, new needles do not grow.

The haircut of a live hedge of ate is performed in spring until the growth period, it allows you to activate the growth of young shoots on the sides of the village.

If you remove shoots with a diameter of 5 cm or more, the Christmas trees may die. The haircut is to remove the growth over the summer by 1/3, no more. Ehlames allow you to grow to the desired height of the trunk, cut the top, periodically controlling the height. So that Krona is walking, cut off the shoots of the current year by a third. Crimping is carried out in the form of the crown. The tool must be well sharpened and periodically wipe off during the haircut.

When trigging trees, the air temperature should be higher than + 4 ° C. It is not recommended to cut a fir, which actively appears resin. Most often it occurs in the spring and summer. At this time, the tree grows, it is better to wait until autumn or the second half of summer. The number of supporting haircuts depends on the type of fir, it is carried out for the season 1-3 times. After each procedure, ate feed. In a properly formed hedge, the top of the fir crown should be significantly higher than the lower one.

In the drought, the treet is systematically watered at the rate one bucket of water on spruce approximately once a week. Some species do not endure the overalling of the soil, they are watered on the crown or the method of sprinkling. If irrigation is not enough, the trees begin to crumble the needles. Young Christmas trees redhead.

The soil is periodically loosened to a depth of 10 cm, removing weeds. The first three years ate feed with nitric fertilizers or compositions for coniferous rocks. Autumn use phosphoric feeding. The soil is periodically mulched. Some varieties for the winter are covered under the root of a peat with a thickness of 6-10 cm, in the spring it is hampered with the soil. You can feed long-term fertilizers once a year in the spring.

Video about the nuances of the formation of an elevation of fir trees and other coniferous plants: