Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a pistol crossbow with your own hands. Drawings of a wooden mansory or how to make an arbelt tree with their own hands. Read more for lovers of ready-made drawings

Crossets is an ancient throwing weapon that was invented by the Romans. In terms of its characteristics, it looks like onions.

Currently, the Crossbow does not apply in any army of the world, sold in armory stores as an exclusive raritet, the cost of which sometimes exceeds a thousand dollars. Therefore, such products are very often decorated.

However, you can make the imitation of such a weapon with your own hands, which will become an excellent equipment for any boys. In addition, the toy crossbow can be made from almost any girlfriend. Also, do not forget about safety measures, as this product is not professional, can cause significant injury to man.

Homemade crossbow

In order to properly assemble the crossbow, it is necessary to make each item individually:

The final stage in the manufacture of crossbow is the tension of the theater, which must be optimal. If the tension is weak, then the arrows flight range will be minimal, and if it is too large, there is a risk to deform or break the arc arbount.

Mini Crossbows from other primary materials

If the tree crossbow is a more professional product and can be used for sports purposes both adults and adolescents, then crossbows made from paper, pencils or designer "Lego" are intended for children from seven to twelve years.

Also, do not forget that the products made from seemingly safe materials, if improper handling, can also harm health.

Therefore, games with such homemade subjects should be held under the supervision of adults.

Pumping weapon from paper

To assemble such a toy with your own hands, you need to take care of the presence of the following materials and tools:

  • fifteen sheets of paper (format A4);
  • three wooden sticks (from ice cream);
  • thread for the tutor, the best caprochy;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • scotch.

Step-by-step instructions for making a paper crossbow looks the following form:

Such a crossbow can be equipped with an eye, trigger and arrivals for arrows.

From pencils

For the manufacture of such a crossbow it will take:

  • four pencils;
  • seven gum for money;
  • one ballpoint pen;
  • scotch.

For the manufacture of such "pencil" weapons, you must perform the following actions:

  1. The rubber bands tightly tie together two pencils - it will turn out two elements of the crossbow.
  2. Further perpendicular to connect these two elements with each other.
  3. From above on pencils, climb the case from the handle. It will be a guide for the arrows.
  4. As the instrument, all the same gums are used that are attached on the sides of the arcs and are connected with a scotch tape or thread.

As an arrow, you can use the rod from the handle.

From the designer "Lego"

To make Lego Crossets, the first thing you need to purchase such a designer, which is sold in almost any store of children's products. After the designer is purchased, you can begin to assemble it, which is carried out according to the nested instructions.

It should be borne in mind that the designer's equipment is different, and therefore the collected crossbows may differ from each other with the size and principle of action.

When the crossbow is assembled, it is necessary to move forward to the manufacture of arrows, which must first be durable and reliable. For this you need to observe the following nuances:

  • clean the material correctly. In this case, it is best to use well-dried pine woods, birch or ate;
  • avoid billet on boils for arrows;
  • wood fibers must be located along the length of the future product;
  • if the workpiece is uneven, you can try to align it, for this it is necessary to pre-"heat" over fire;
  • be sure to make a plumage that gives the arrow stable and accurate flight;
  • for plumage, it is recommended to use wing geese, muffuhar, turkey or other large birds;
  • it is very important that there were feathers from one wing (right or left) on the same arrow;
  • as a tip, you can use a metal plate or nail, and you can do without it. But for this you need to gently fuse the end of the boom (by the type of pencil sharpening);
  • for storage and transporting arrows, it is necessary to use quiver, which can be bought in a specialized store or make yourself;
  • store arrows needed in a vertical position in places with moderate humidity, otherwise the product will be deformed.

Hunting crossbow is a fairly effective weapon, which, if necessary, can serve as a worthy substitute for a rifle. The main advantage of the weapon is silent firing. Therefore, in the course of its application, it is quite difficult to scare the beast.

Constructive features

What is the hunting crossbow? The photos presented in this material allow you to see that the following components can be distinguished in it:

  1. The housing is the main power unit, on which the load is coming on the descent. Serves as the basis for installing functional parts.
  2. Pads are part of the structure to install the tensioning arcs of the tension.
  3. Lodge - a detail of the crossbow, which is used to place the arrows.
  4. The valuator is a functional part that serves to bring in motion of used shells.
  5. Shoulders - elastic structural element, which gives energy when tensioning the taper.
  6. Stirling is a detail, with which the globe charging is facilitated.
  7. The trigger is a device, due to which the locking of the lock and the release of the rust is occurred when shot.
  8. Sight - installed on the crossbow to facilitate the targeting on the target.

Hunting Crossbow with Wooden Shoulders

It is the simplest design. As it follows from the definition, the shoulders here are made of wood. Such a crossbow can not be called a sample of reliability. The products of this category are frankly short-lived and therefore are not too high demand. Most often, such a hunting crossbow is used as a collector, decorative weapons.

Crossbow with metal arcs

Extremely common option. Hunters pay attention to such crossbows, as they are shifted by high power when shooting. Hunting bows and crossbows with metal arcs are suitable not only for training, but also for use in field conditions when driving extraction. For the manufacture, both whole arcs and composite structures are used, which are composed of several symmetric parts.

Recursive Arbalet

Classic option with curved shoulders. Such a hunting arbelt is extremely simple in circulation and convenient to operate. It has insignificant dimensions and improved characteristics. Easily disassembled and transported.

Recursive crossbows contain fortified shoulders, the tension force of which can reach about 50 kg. This, in turn, opens up the opportunity for hunting on a small and large beast.

Block Arbalet

The design includes a whole system of eccentrics, thanks to the work of which is facilitated by the process of charging the weapon and the arrow is accelerated. Compared to recursive models, block hunting crossbow more compact. Power indicators here are also at the height.

Minor sizes are ensured by setting short arcs. The use of this decision contributes to light overcoming the owner of weapons of space covered with thickets and shrubs.

Characteristics of the Blocal type hunting crossbow provide a simple rust of the teta and a minor return, which is achieved due to the rational distribution of the vector vector.


  • thanks to the reduced dimensions, weapons are extremely convenient during transportation;
  • possess high power and allow you to hit targets both on medium and long distances;
  • differ less slaughter power compared to block systems, but the arrows are emitted with greater speed;
  • in addition to arrows, darts can produce, harpuna, metal balls.


The main feature of the archet firing is a significant displacement of the sighting line. In other words, after the work of the shot, the shell launched pretty quickly to the ground. Therefore, it is advisable to install optics with a special arbal mesh on such a weapon. For effective guidance on the purpose of the crossness, it is sufficient to equip optical sight with a 4-fold approximation.

Some hunters prefer collimator systems that also exhibit themselves quite effectively. Moreover, this option makes it possible to hunt both in the day and evening day. Colmatory sights are extremely conveniently used when hulling on moving targets.

Hunting Crossbow

Deciding with the necessary parameters and characteristics of the future weapons, it is worth passing to the development of the relevant drawing. As a sample, you can use the finished scheme or make the latest one. Whatever it was, the manufactured hunting crown with their own hands will ultimately have to be customized.

During the preparation of the drawing, it is worth navigating not only personal wishes, but also take into account the availability of the necessary materials, proceed from their value, processing complexity.

How to make a hunting crown with your own hands? Usually, for a start, the bed is prepared for which the shoulders are subsequent, stirring, guide, trigger. Difficult for self-making element protrude arcs. Therefore, in some cases, they are better to acquire in the finished execution.

Hanging drawings will help make examples of which are shown on the photo below.


The base on which the lodge and shoulders of the product are fixed. It is desirable to cut it out of a metal billet thickness of about 2.5-3 mm.

In the central part of the housing and at the end with the help of bolts, the bed of the crossbow is fixed. The use of such a decision contributes to the rapid assembly of weapons to bring into combat and disassembly during transportation.

A stirrup is welded to the housing in the lower part. The latter provides the ability to hold the crossbow with the leg when tensioning the tet. As a material for the manufacture of stirrups, it is recommended to use a wire with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm.


Material manufacturer of a structural element can serve as automotive springs. In such metal shoulders, semicircular notches for bolts are done, with which the part will be screwed to the case.

The widespread is the view, according to which the use of metal springs as the basis for the manufacture of the shoulder is a rather dangerous solution. And in fact, when using a homemade crossbow in conditions of reduced ambient temperature, the probability of the part of the part increases, especially in the places of fasteners. Such cases are accompanied by the emission of small fragments. Therefore, apply the idea should be on your own fear and risk.


Ready drawings of hunting crossbow often provide for the presence of block devices. The latter facilitate tension and give an advantage in force. Provide such a crossbow in a combat condition is easier than with a simple connection of the ends of the guide with the end of the shoulders. Moreover, during the descent, the starting rate of the arrows increases, which is reflected in the increase in the range of weapons. The main disadvantage of the block system is the complexity of manufacturing and an increase in the total weight of the crossbow.


As a tender, a metal cable with a diameter of about 2-3 mm can be used. The theater will be harder to fasten on weapons, and the fine will stretch as the product is exploited.

To fix the tutor at the ends of the shoulders, it is enough to make an ordinary loop. Under the cable fasteners, it is better to place pieces of skin or any other dense material in advance. The specified solution allows you to avoid the laptus of the theetics in contact with metal shoulders.


For the manufacture of items, you can use easy to process a wooden blank in the form of a boards with a thickness of about 30 mm. It is worth noting that, despite the high indicators of strength, the oak is not too suitable for these purposes due to considerable weight. As for the spruce and pine, the latter are not sufficiently resistant to mechanically damage and are blown in contact with moisture. Therefore, the type of wood should be selected depending on the goals set and the conditions for the future operation of the Cross.

How to make a hunting crossbow truly practical? Particular attention should be paid to the guide in the form of a groove for the boom, which must be tried to make the most smooth and smooth and polished. The state of the groove is largely reflected on the accuracy of firing. It is desirable that the lumber width is equal to the diameter of the arrows used. It is possible to cut it with a circular saw.

As a means for holding the arrows, it is rational to use the spring, which will press the projectile to the bed and will not allow the latter to slip out of the groove to the work of the shot.


Material making details will serve as leaf iron. It is desirable that its thickness makes at least 6-7 mm. The mechanism drawing is presented in the following scheme:

All items are stacked directly in the bed here a special jack is cut into a special holes under the axis of the mechanism, to which the descent elements are subsequently installed. An example of a descent installation is shutter in the figure below.

Aimicious optics

Factory optics from firearms from firearms can be used as an arbal sight. Pretty practical solution - the use of flies and the whole. With the help of the latter, you can produce vertical amendments. Horizontal adjustments are convenient to perform, using a fly, reinforced at the intersection of the shoulders and lodge.

To secure the convenience of transporting the crossbow, it is worth making a targeted adaptation removable. To do this, weapons can be installed the so-called picatinni bar, which provides the possibility of mounting individual sights of the factory assembly.


The personnel and operation of the hunting crossbow is a rather radical solution. Often, in the absence of experience of this kind of activity, the quality and reliability of the homemade adaptation leaves much to be desired. In reality, even the biposts of the budget category of factory production, the cost of which is about 3000-4000 rubles, are much more efficient, more convenient and more practical compared to the creations of their own hands.

As you can see, make a hunting crossbow quite real. However, purchasing weapons in a specialized store, the user receives guarantees its security, the reliability of the assembly. When operating the same improvised crossbow, you can hope only for yourself.

How to make Arbalet

The long-range weapon of the throwing type is often not subject to the prohibitions and regulatory documents. However, "wild" banks and bottles are not the only possible target for hunting.

Therefore, let's look at how to make an arbelt at home.

Step-by-step instructions how to make an arbelt

Between the gunshot and throwing, between the slingshot and sniper - there is an inverted onion - an elegant tool of long-range warfare within 250 meters. The punching ability dwells within the limited constitution of the Russian Federation (Figure 1).

The law does not consider this type of hunting tool as cold, or firearms. The only restriction sounds as follows: Criminal Cross Materials should not have a shoulder tension force more than 43 kilograms. After overcoming this mark, the wizard with a high probability awaits a meeting with the outfit of the laws of the law. Consider this moment before making the crown with your own hands.

In general, this is a relatively accurate, reliable, cheap in production and due to the specifics of the design - an absolutely quiet gun. Excellent tool for quiet hunting or upholding of land rights. Historically, the roots of this invention goes back to V century to our era. Contrary to popular belief, it did not replace the onions, and complemented existing tactical solutions. Study shooting from the device is simply: quite at least once take it in hand. Looks like a rifle with a trigger - share and shoot. True, then you should pull the rope on the new, and put the bolt in the bed, but this is exceptionally practice.

Modern models have the following gentleguing mechanisms in a combat position:

  1. Manual: You are in normal mode, without the use of mechanical devices insert the leg into a special pedal located in front of the rifle arc (or become both legs on the arc, supervised it in the ground) and stretch the the tutor until it stops it through the fixing mechanism.
  2. Mechanical: The design of the gear and gear (pump charger, auto-recharge, etc.) is built into the self-stall, etc.), which pulls out the tutor instead of the arrow. True, you still need to use force and rotate / twist / moving levers / handles, but to a lesser extent.
  3. Dicken-archaic: Overlooking, rotating or folding vertical frame. The facilitated process of establishing a theater.
Figure 1. Crossbow - a very unusual type of weapon

Both subspecies - both manual, and mechanical, - can be realized with their own hands, but for the sake of simplicity of narration we will miss the complexity of the second method and let's talk about the first.

The scheme of the crossbow from the tree is known, well studied and is modernized. Given the specifics of the simplicity of the design, the Samostrole was chosen by artisans and masters in needlework. The drawing of the crossbow does not imply significant technical bells. Consequently, its manufacture does not require narrow-profile qualifications or specific tools. The main thing is the correct selection of materials, the verified processing of parts and the consistent assembly of the entire design.

If you were asked about "How to make an arbalet?", I answer: This is a relatively simple, but painstaking process. If you are familiar to the home repair process, the installation of the antlesole or the repair of the bath - remember this experience. Below we give instructions, how to make the easiest crossbow at home.

Features of the device and the main details

What is this shooting device? In the classic variation of the main components, three, then decisions are going to build up complexity (buttons, handles, composite parts, picatinni strips, etc.). Our instruction, how to make a crossbow, does not imply the installation of optical sights or other technical bellows (Figure 2).

The main part concentrating energy for firing is an arc. Thanks to the tension of her rope, it can pass the kinetic energy to the projectile. Around this "capricious lady" and the whole design spins. The main materials for its manufacture are metal and wood, but there are more exotic solutions, such as glass machines or blades of oil knives. The requirement for an arc is flexibility, rigidity and plasticity. So, for example, a solid steel frame will not fit as a bow, while the automotive springs or a piece of saws is quite.

For the manufacture of a wood-hairstair frame, pay attention to rocks such as nuts, berst, acacia, ash, tees or bobvik. Before cutting the frame, it is necessary to hold it in a dry, not a dusty place from about a month or two. Freshly taxed does not have the required qualities to pass the processing procedure.

How to make the bed for the crossbow? Take the solid tree of wood, the same tees, beech, ash or oak. Oheshnik and coniferous breed will show well. The further process depends only on the flight of fantasy and your skill.

Figure 2. Basic design elements

The main controller of the mechanism is the trigger unit. It is he who keeps the tutor before pressing the lever. The brightened crossbow mechanism is performed by a solid metal block, less often - this is an outdoor inside the bed with a cylindrical subtitle core.

Listed methods are not a final decision. Despite the fact that the self-container is a single-charge design, there are ways to bypass. The most common way is to make a multiply charged crossbow by manufacturing a special store for storing and feeding shells.

Varieties of Arbaletov

Consider the basic configurations (Figure 3).

Simplest: Material: Tree; Target apply: Historical reconstruction, entertainment shooting; Time for manufacture: Assembly - 1 day, preparation - from 30 days. Simplicity of replacement: simple, one is full; Number of shells at times: 1; wear resistance: high; Completeness of repair: average; ATTA: hemp, luna, hair, veins.

To make a wooden crossbow, you need an ax, a sharp strong knife and an incistent. And another month of time on the drying of the tree and its processing. Make arrows for crossbow is much simpler - pull out a smooth cylinder from the tree with a section diameter of 0.5-0.7 mm. Roughly speaking, is not the thicker of the index finger. Their correct name is bolts. These are short, pointed shells with a small mass. We are visually similar to conventional arows for onions, but have another geometry. The plumage for them should be made of rigid plastic or pull out of wood and plant on joinery glue.

Figure 3. Regardless of the type, the drawing will need for the manufacture of weapons

Composite: Material: Metal; Target use: hunting, showing, aggressive protection of the territory, combat shooting; Time for manufacture: Assembly - 2 days, preparation - up to 7 days; Simplicity of replacement: difficult, the specific part is necessary. Number of projectiles at times: 1, the ability to install an additional store; wear resistance: high; The complexity of the repair: Easy (depends on the design); The string: steel cable with a thickness of 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm, high-strength ropes.

For urban regions with high indicators of free details in everyday life - a good solution. Knives, saws, springs, steel reinforcements - complete abundance of parts. For industrial districts, refinement is also implied at the machine at the expense of the smelting. From the tools were very useful to cook, fear, bormer, polishing circle, cutting circle (Bulgarian).

It is realized to implement a block crossbow with your own hands: Just find blocks and rope for a good appliance in the Prodma. The principle of construction is similar to that of a wooden fellow, the key difference is not plastic, but have increased strength. Impact force is stored in spring mechanisms, less often - in the frame itself. Composite models are best ordered, their manufacture requires high qualifications.

A similar category includes an arbelt for the underwater hunt, manufactured more on the principle of slingshot. In such a design, the energy is intensified on the elastic elements (springs, rubber cords), without the shoulders of the rifle arc. The next subtype is a pistol. Briefly, this is a smaller assembly of block and classic, made in the form of a pistol. Shot of a shot of a pistol type is small, but it wins in compactness. If you wish to try to make arbelt weapons, it is better to start with smaller variations, make a small prototype model, after which it is already moving to larger structures.

Selection and preparation of material

Before proceeding with the instructions, how to make an arbelt of wood, prepare in advance materials. Inspect the surroundings and try to remember which of the necessary tree species grow in the district (Figure 4).

We will repeat that at home, wood crossbows can be made of the following breeds: berst, acacia, oak, ash, tees, hazel, bobulk or acacia. Most often, the listed breeds are found in local forests and forest stations. In the presence of the nearest conifer, we recommend looking for sprues, pines. Special attention should be paid to maple groves. Finding the central dad-cock, look for straightened young trees and pick one thickness of 5 to 15 cm. Search radius around the main tree - from 40 to 50 meters.

Learn the factor of the ax, and even better - the chainsaw coefficient. Try not to make the forest array too much. Carrying out of themselves, do not rush to carve yourself self-tracking. Initially, it will need to dry and after that processing. Term per drying in a warm, dry room - from two weeks to two months. Look all the slots, pores and other irregularities of oil paint and drop on the mezzanine.

Figure 4. Weapons can be made of wood and metal

If it is impossible to get wood directly from the forest - order the bar of the breeds you are interested in via the Internet. A variable advantage will be to save time for wood processing, operators can often clarify the dryness of bars and the method of their processing. But it negates all the romance of travel and search for the desired squig.

Work on the shoulders will take the same time as the creation of a bed. Both processes require basic wood basic tools - a plane, a knife, an ax, files. The bed can be decorated with carved patterns or fit into shapes under your own hand, already as you like. There are no restrictions on the use of materials, both components can be made from the same breed. It is recommended to cover the beam with special solutions to avoid corrosion and rotting, as well as wood varnish. The shoulder harvest should also be treated with protective solutions, but do not lacquer.

The next item is from what to make a guide for the crossness:

  1. It is possible to make from zero the tutor from duacron or kevlar fibers, but for this you need to knit the rope itself (Figure 5).
  2. From the finished models, attention should be paid to solid varieties of rope: cord, polypropylene, nylon, penx, hair. Only the last two are vulnerable to moisture.
  3. Golden rule - focus on the ability to stretch: it must be minimal.
  4. The edges of the rope, fastening on the shoulders, should be processed in a special way, but not to tie. For this, the cord is wrapped around the workpiece to obtain a form, then the end is applied to the base and is tightly wrapped with a smaller thread diameter.
  5. The recommended indentation is 5 cm. Along, each layer of the winding is covered with superproof glue (anaerobic, epoxy resin, thermocons), and at the end, the whole design is tightly shaken by a piece of felt. Any nodes make the rope, worsening its quality and increasing the chance of breaking when loads.

The final stage in front of post delayers is to make arrows for the crossbow, or as they are also called - bolts. Production of consumables requires blanks from solid wood or smooth branches. In the presence of equipment for wood processing - carve over a few pieces of bars. You can also print them on a 3D printer, but there will be no such shells for a long time. We borrow two sets of bolts - with soft screws and without.

Figure 5. The valuation should be durable, but quite elastic

The first is perfect for reconstruction and role battles, the tip of the pointed type should be used only for hunting. Topping for hunting is made of wire, tin or aluminum. Keep ease! For the plumage, separate billets made of wood, plastic.

Manufacture of shoulders and beds

Suppose you have everything you need. How to make a crossbow with your own hands, at home, point is the first - pull the shoulders. They are made from a solid piece of wood, not separately. The billet should not have defects, bumps, etc. The inner part of the arc should have a semicircular relief, similar to the letter D, external - flat.

Figure 6. The shoulders of the crossbow usually squeeze out of wood

Initially, the shoulders are carved, as a slightly curved plate, after which they can be processed and flex during the assembly. The form is a diamond, mowing to the ends of the arc, the angle of the beam is small. Look at the one-year rings on the log: it is desirable that the entire shoulder design is on the same layer. To make a powerful hunting crossbow, use more elastic wood. In general, the reserve of strength and TTX should be enough for a ditch of medium size (Figure 6).

Shoulders are fixed in two ways:

  1. The first is a winding. It is performed as a drumming of the bed, and the cutting is done in it with the subsequent winding rope on a fixed piece of wood. The main point - shoulders will not be drilled, while maintaining its structure. But this is a time-consuming process, requiring time spent on a tight winding. For reliable fixation, it is recommended to use the rope tool through the ring, pressing the frame in the middle.
  2. The second is fixation. For wooden, it is realized in a cunning: in the end of the bar is made by a conical outlet with an angle of tilt of walls in the area of \u200b\u200b80-85 degrees, width from the shoulders. The frame is brought into this lattice, after which it looks like a winding. The implementation of the winding is as follows: the bottom line is made in the lower part, rectangular is made. A tree bar is taken with a thickness of 5-10 cm, a rope is fixed to the winding, after which this anchor should be reached until the lamination and knock out there. Brushing the timber should be 5 cm before the latter itself to be able to lock the shoulders of its tension.

Steel shoulders are calmly fixed both by the listed ways and ordinary bolts (Figure 7). How to make an arbal arrow at home?

Execution options Three:

  1. Simplest - The presence of a circular saw, drills with a wide nozzle, and vice. The circular is dissolving the timber on small bruskes, no more than 2 cm thick. After that, process the plane until the primary roundness is reached. Next, you lock the workpiece in the nozzle in the nozzle and, running the rotation process, spend through the cutter fixed in the vice. Alternative to this indefinition - a lathe on a tree.
  2. Middle, Calculation of luck and straight wood. It will take a knife for pulling rounded shapes. Alternative - the processing of small bars painted on the circular.
  3. Complicated - sharpen a smooth branch.

Figure 7. Arrows must be perfect straight

For the plumage in the back of the bolt, do a thin, smooth knob with a hacksaw. Find a wide plastic lid (plastic paint bucket, a flat sheet of plastic from the store) and cut the blades for the bolt. You can consolidate them, also by doing the holes instead of sawing the entire part. The dimensions of the trigger for crossbow are different, mainly to rely on the monolithic types of levers. You can make them from both metal and rigid and thick wires.

Installation of the trigger

The last part remains: the starting mechanism (Figure 8).

In total variations, how to make a trigger for crossbow at home, three:

  1. Dedovsky, wooden: From the end of the lodges, there is a number of centimeters (depends on the ability of the theetting) and, putting a seat, deepen the rectangular shape in half a millionth. It is recommended to take a distance of 15-20 cm from the shoulders of tension. Following the hole in the center of the recess. After that, at the base of the lodge from the arc, a flat plate should be fixed, in the accurately adjacent to the previously drilled hole, but from the bottom. In the table, the cylinder is fixed in diameter similar to the hole. Next is the case of the technique: the ATTUT is descended into the groove, it pushes it by the rod from the bottom, after which it sends a bolt to the flight. Such a pleasant mechanism for the crossbow is well suited for homemade production in free time at the weekend.
  2. Sophisticated, aluminum: We implement only if you have at hand tools for metal work: grinding, cutters, lathe, files, files. Requires a special detail. The device of the trigger mechanism of the cross is as follows: a small aluminum disk, with a hole in the center and two plots. Its form is modified, on the upper part at an angle of 90 degrees, a sawdust tooth with a smooth lamination in the middle was done. In parallel, it was done in the lower part with a neckline under a similar teeth, but without a groove. The mechanism takes the load, not giving the taper to sprinkle, resting on the trigger. For the shot, there is enough one click, after which the lock lever will populate out of the groove, the block is checked along its axis and release the tutor.
  3. Skilled, mechanical: More than one detail at a time. Complex structures with effort. In the simplified version, they are the following trick: a broken-down cross-hook, an intermediary part is removed, which in turn blocks the proliferation of the retaining part of the part. We advise you to think about the drawing in advance before implementing this option.

Figure 8. Trigger - the basis of successful use of weapons

If you swung at the power, you probably thought about the springs. The spring arbelt requires a well-established platoon mechanism that can withstand heavy loads than wooden. For it, it will be necessary to assemble a starting block of metal with lever transmission effort.

Assembling Arbalet

When all the details are on the hands, it remains only to assemble the homemade crossbow together. Consider if you want to make an arbelt butt, start doing this at the formation of the workpiece.

Start with creating a bed, treat the bar surface for even. Put the channel from 15 to 25 cm long, at its end form a launcher under the launcher and drill the timber in this place throughout. You can cut the channel with both a manual saw and a special cutter, at the end, by treating the groove with a file for smoothness.

Further, in the front part of the bed, an outlet under the shoulders is made, followed by incoming at the bottom. The second outlet should be located earlier than the hole in the groove, by 5 cm. How to make a trigger for a crossbow - take a plate with a thickness of 4-5 cm, drill holes in it on the principle of "plus" (+).

The vertical hole must correspond to the hole diameter in the middle of the groove. After that, insert the cylinder into the board, drill, secure. The sloping bracket can be fixed, toning to the blocking bar. In some cases, use an elastic band for fixing the brackets. The string is tensioning in the very least.

At the end, you should get a good shooting crossbow, try to use it to fame.

The master class on the manufacture of this weapon is given in the video.

Now a very popular weapon - crossbow. Despite the difficulty, the crossbow can be done at home. In past vintage times, it was used as a formidable weapon. Now the crossbow is used in the sport in a dash on small and medium-sized distances. Nowadays you can buy everything and crossbow, including. But much more interesting to make it with your own hands. For those who are mastering, can use machinery and tools, this will not be a lot of work.

Earlier we described how to do, who is interested, look.

For the crossbow we need a wooden billet and iron.

Wooden blank is cut in such dimensions.

We take a stem plate with a size of 650 × 100 × 8. Corner grinders gradually cut off excess. In making an arc of 35 mm, it is in the middle and with the edges of 18 mm.

We reduce the edges from the middle to the edge to the edge to 5 millimeters in thickness. On the arc stretch the steel dritch (you can cable). Firmly fix. In order not to interfere with the arc bending exactly in the middle, we put a wooden round. Simultaneously with tensioning, we look at the voltage and tension gap.

These sizes and put the basis of our work on making a crossbow at home.

We saw the iron billet and get the item that will be the main thing in our crossbow-hook, it is also called "Cat".

For the manufacture of the castle, we need a trigger and whispered. From above the axis we make a hole in which a striped spring bolt should fall, which fixes the pin from movement

Next we will do the castle and the case.

Very carefully measure and make holes for pins.

Then we make protection for the jug and Merim it to a wooden basis.

Cut the hole for the lock.

Insert the castle

Krepim Colek. We make a "swallow tail" and solder a sighting device to it. Depending on the heating temperature during the binding, it can be made by plastic or psema.

In the arch need to drill holes, it is necessary to do this with a winning drill. All this is necessary for attaching clamps.

Preact the rollers on the necessary dimensions.

Cut the clamps to the size we need and further fix the clamp to the arc.

Making stirrups

I climb the theater (cable) with visets. Tip, do not try to rivet, you need to compress!

In the manufacturing process.

Detail made.

From the wooden billet, we produce the opening for the guide

We glue a metal bar in the form of a groove.

With the help of cutters and chisels on a tree, we make a butt.

For the manufacture of homemade crossbow, you will need:
* Barbed non-resinous wood rocks, size 700x10x40 mm.
* Second sheet springs car Moskvich.
* Profile pipe 50x50x2 mm. 10 cm long.
* Profile pipe 15x15x1.5 mm.
* A small segment of a 2 millimeter sheet metal.
* Metal stainless steel 4 mm thick. and 0.5-1 mm. (for trigger).
* Steel corner 50x50x4 mm. 35 cm long.
* Rod d \u003d 8 mm. 40 cm long.
* Bolts with nuts d \u003d 8
* Stainless steel molding with VAZ-2106 doors 2 pcs.
* Metal rollers 2 pcs., Lifting the glass mechanism from the door of the car VAZ.
* Cable d \u003d 3 mm. 3 m long, two loops end.
* Epoxy resin, wood medilion, wood varnish for outdoor work.
* Two small springs (stretching).
* Dozen nails for rubberoid, one nail two hundred, tube d \u003d 6 mm., Small washers.

Tools will use the following:
*Welding machine.
* Circular hand saw.
* Electric drill with revolutions adjustment, carbide drills for metal d \u003d 3, 5, 8, 10 mm.
* Bulgarian, cutting discs for metal, grinding discs on wood.
* Keys, Passatia, screwdriver, vice, narrow chisel, knife.
* Fire, sandpaper.
* Protective glasses.

Item 1. Production of bed.

Take a well-dried wooden bar, I had from a birch, sketching my bed sketch on it. The size of the butt is done for themselves (under your height), and the box depending on the length of the arrows that you will use. I use the arrows of 440 mm, but I had to save on the butt, left only 300 mm, and the total length turned out to be 740 mm, did not risk anymore.

Having drawn the markup to the selection of the guide, for the plumage of the boom, the width is 5 mm, the depth is 10 mm.

Using a circular saw, we cut the grooves for the entire length to the end of the trigger (lock).

It should turn out something like this.

Using a drill d \u003d 12 mm. We choose the cavity under the trigger, flatter the ledges of the chisel and the knife. We drill a hole under the trigger, we melt the chisel and a knife.

Item 2. Manufacture of a lock or trigger.

As the basis of the castle, take the type of "nut". So that nothing rust, we will use a stainless steel, take a sheet with a thickness of 4-5 mm, if you fail to find such, make a set of several sheets glued together and taken on rivets. Blacks in the form of parts on metal.

With the help of a cutting disk and a grinder, cutting on the markup of the workpiece.

In the center of the "Out" we drift a hole under the rotation axis d \u003d 6 mm.

We proceed all sides with a file.

Grinding emery paper, achieving a completely smooth surface.

It should turn out something like that.

Pull the remaining elements of the castle, whispered.

The trigger lengthening with two thin stainless steel sheets, fixing on homemade rivets.

On the sharpening machine we achieve the desired form of blanks.

From the thin sheet of metal we make the case of the trigger mechanism.

We drill in the body whispered three holes d \u003d 2.5 mm, one for the axis of the attachment and two under the fastening of the springs.

Attach the spring smoking spring spring.

Let's look at the table as the details in the corded state become.

And as after a shot.

We apply one sidewall of the case on the inside of the mechanism and drill at the place of the hole under all axis.

From the nail of two hundred, with a diameter of 6 mm, we will make the axis for the "walnut".

We scream with the sharp end of the nail.

We measure the length of the future axis, we spawn.

From thin nails for rubberoid, we will make the remaining axis rivets. Bulgarian delete foals on nails hats.

Now they will adhere to the body.

We will install whisper on the axis in the case, we use intermediate washers.

We cut off the excess length of the nail, leaving 1 mm. On both sides for the rolling.

Using anvil, rolling the hammer end of the axis.

Drills the hole under the axis with a strut, whispered sprout for fastening.

From the appropriate tube, scold a spacer sleeve on this axis.

We move towards one side of the housing.

We install the axis, the sleeve and engage in the spring.

We collect half the hull together.

We pump up extra long, leave the protrusion of 1 mm. Under the hammer.


Now you can put the largest axis-rivet castle. We combine holes.

Take the previously measured and scaled axis d \u003d 6 mm., Immediately we will immediately begin the hammer on the one hand.

Install in place.

And also rolling, the main thing is not to rearrange, so that the movable mechanism does not appear inside.

Item 3. Installing the lock mechanism in the bed.

If something interferes well to sit down in place the castle, we are refined by the chisel or knife. After installation, check how the trigger goes.

If everything is fine, you can drill holes for fastening screws and tighten them into place.

Now we need to decorate with the door of the VAZ-2006, they are from stainless steel, too, which is very good. To give them additional stiffness, epoxy resin was flooded inward.

After complete hardening, after a day, we will be drilled in each four holes d \u003d 3 mm., For fastening screws.

Making tripers for the heads of self-tapping screws so that the rovers do not engage when it will slide it.

Small emery paper polished hole outlets to remove all sowers that damage the cable.

Finished guides set on the bed.

Monitor the screws do not pass through thin places.

We check the lock to go without hooks about guides.

Paragraph 5. Production of an arc or shoulders.

From the same donor doors, remove with the help of a grinder, the rollers of the glass raising mechanism.

Of these, we will make blocks on the shoulders, and the arc itself from the second sheet of springs, the old car Moskvich.

We produce pads, for fastening the springs to the lie.
To do this, out of the corner 50x50 mm. He drunk composite elements to collect with welding, such a mount (block).

We treat weld seams with a grinder. Drill the mounting holes d \u003d 10 mm. under the bolts.

On the finished sample and the size of the resulting pads, we make grooves for fastening in the bed. We are trying to land, we achieve a tight navigation and fastening. According to the estimated position of the future theater, we plan and make a cross-cutting groove in the sidewall bed, 70 mm long. 10 mm width, the lower tenants will go here.

Bend and weld the bracket for the leg (stirring).

Ears for blocks.
From the profile pipe 50x50 we will make eye for fastening the rollers-blocks to the arc (springs).

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of an arc itself from the springs at home is to drill holes. It is necessary to drill a drill on low revs so that the drill is not burning, constantly apply water. If possible, drill the drills of different diameters, from thin to a thick with a step of 0.5-1 mm., Constantly sharpen the tool.

Fresh braces for short M8 bolts, stake hats.

The refrigera to the block is fed by two M8 bolts with subsequent small welding along the edge of the mount.

Now we need to open the bed with a lacquer and dry.
We establish a block with an arc on the bed, sedentible with a hammer for a tight landing of a metal tree.

We insert and tighten the bolts on the M8.

From the long bolts M10 we will make a reduced length with a short thread bolt-axis under blocks.

Anchor will take the tube and make spacers for the axes of blocks from it.

Drill in the ears of the hole d \u003d 10 mm. To install blocks. We install hard tips of the loop on the cable.

Install the block with a cable on one side of the shoulder. The nut does not delay much so that the roller does not pinch.

In the nut and bolt we drill the hole under the heel.

We set the stud and press it with a nut in the direction of unscrewing.

Wake up the cable through the hole of the bed and do the same with the installation of the roller on the other side of the shoulder.

Paragraph 6. Top of the castle.

From the profile pipe 15x15 mm. We pump up two segments of 120 mm. From the sheet metal weeping with a grinder of two (g) shaped blanks, one rectangular plate (on the top) and a triangle (on the back).

We combine all the details together, we clean the welding seams with a grinding disk so that it would be a solid detail.

From the old folding steel meter, make the elastic boom holder.

The photo shows the reiki fastening bolts under an optical sight.

Also, the only bolts at the same time pushed the arrows holder.

The rack of the sight (swallow tail) from the same sheet metal is 2 mm., With rapid sides for fastening optics.

The square lattice on the optics rack is visible to lift the back and thereby tilted the sight, for the correct targeting on the target further 25 m.

We install the lock bracket on the bed and drill holes for fastening, screws and bolt M6.

We spin small screws so that they do not enter the boom plumage channel.

Tighten the tapping screw.

Additionally, we serve the hole and install the last bolt.

Install an optical sight.