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Italy to fly. How much to fly to Italy? The time of flight to Italy from different cities. How much to fly from Yekaterinburg to Sicily

If you are planning a trip to the Italian capital of fashion - Milan - or relaxing in the city of Valine - Venice, for sure, you have already wondered how much time to fly from Moscow to Italy by plane.

The total time of flight from the Russian capital to one of the Italian cities will depend on a number of factors. First of all, the final item is important from which the distance will depend on and, accordingly, the time on the way.

After all, Italy is not only Rome, Milan or Venice, this is a unpelled lot of other wonderful cities, including the audacious Naples, a romantic Florence and Sunny Verona, as well as beautiful Turin, miniature Bergamo and a stunning Bologna. Depending on your city departure, the time spent on board the aircraft will take from 3 to 4 hours.

The exact answer to the urgent question, how many hours to fly from Italy to Moscow will vary depending on the airlines with which you travel and the flight format - it can be direct or transit, with one or more transfers.

Direct flights

The direct flight is always the preferred option for those who appreciate their time and seeks to get into the end item as quickly as possible.

In the case of Italy, regular direct flights from Moscow is carried out by the Russian company Aeroflot, as well as the Italian Airlines "Alitalia". Airplanes from Sheremetyevo twice a day go to major cities - Rome and Milan. If you want to fly from Moscow to Naples or Venice, you need to make a transplant in one of the cities of Europe (Düsseldorf, Paris or Vienna).

You can buy a ticket to Italy Tuuda-back on the sites of Aeroflot or Alitalia airlines for about 500 euros. Those who are looking for a more fiscal option to fly into this hot country can be advised to use the services of the Windjet company. She flies in Verona, from where you can go to the rest of Italian resorts. When buying tickets, this airline has a chance to save: a ticket for a flight of the European Loouser will cost one and a half, and even twice cheaper.

Inexpensive option - Transit flight

The most profitable option from the point of view of finance is a flight with transfers to the cities of Europe. At the same time, the duration of the trip, naturally, will increase, but the transplant is usually worth savings.

Sometimes the waiting time in transit airports ranges from 4 to 6 hours, and sometimes exceeds all 10, and then the path duration increases to 18-20 hours. Book a flight to Tranny flights to Italy from Moscow is better independently using a convenient search engine.

To Rome

Rome is one of the most visited cities of Italy, most aircraft lands at Leonardo Da Vinci airport. If you fly a direct flight to the capital of Italy from Moscow, the duration of stay on board will be approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes. Flight from St. Petersburg will last a quarter of an hour more.

The duration of staying on the road also affects the availability of transfers. The transit flight to Rome, of course, will take more time.


Sicily is a pretty popular resort in Italy, which is visited annually more than a million tourists from around the world.

The duration of flight direct flight or charter from the Russian capital to Sicily Island will be about 4.5 hours. The total time on the way will be varied depending on the aircraft brand, as well as weather conditions. In the case of a transit flight time in flight will increase.

To Rimini.

In this wonderful resort town, charters from Russia and Ukraine are constantly flying. Direct flight from Moscow to Rimini will last about 3 hours and 30 minutes, and you will arrive at the airport named after the legendary Federico Fellini.

Regular flights depart from Domodedovo every Friday. The flight is carried out by Livinston. Also, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, you can fly in Rimini with an inexpensive company "Vim Avia".

An alternative option will be a transit flight with a transfer in Frankfurt, Prague or Vienna, as well as in Istanbul or Helsinki.

How to fly fast and cheap

There are not so many people who truly enjoy flying on the plane and love for a long time to be a few kilometers above the ground. Most prefers to get to the point of arrival and get out of the cabin on the fresh air to stretch the tired limbs.

The shortest and most comfortable way to get from Moscow to Italy is a plane. The flight time from point A to point B, as a rule, is inversely proportional to the cost of the ticket. Therefore, the more prestigious the class of flight and the airline itself, the faster and more comfortable you reach the desired city. Flying quickly and at the same time can be fiscal with louctoros.

Travelers interested in the question for a long time walking from Moscow to Italy, can take advantage of a special search on the site, where you just need to enter the city of departure and arrival, and the system will show the exact number of hours on the way.

If you have questions or not clarified moments on a trip to the Apennine Peninsula, we advise you to learn our advice on organizing your own travel in Italy.

Flight to Italy is the main component of the journey to this wonderful country, which has many attractions and a centuries-old history. And to plan it, it means to be aware of all the nuances associated with the time of take-off - landing, purchase of air tickets, flights, and so on.

Direct flight time in Italy

Is it possible to calculate approximately how to fly to Italy? Why not. The most large passenger traffic can be observed at Bari, Venice, Milan and Rome airports, so it is precisely here permanent flights from Moscow. " The flight time will be without transfers from 3 to 3.5 hours (take into account the city of landing). For example, from Moscow to Rome you will have direct over 3 hours 50 minutes, and in Sicily another 40 minutes later. We just disassembled how much to fly by direct flight to Italy, now go to the transchange.

Flight with docking has two main characteristics: the duration of location in the air is larger and low cost. In Italy from Moscow, you can fly out with transfers in Riga, London, Chisinau, but the flight time will change and will be from 16 to 22 hours (the dock is also taken into account). Now you also know how much to fly with transfers to Italy.

international Airport

The choice of the airport of Italy is largely due to reference to some or a certain resort and the cultural program of the tourist.

Air Gate in Rome "Leonardo Da Vinci" - Named in honor of the famous inventor and the artist of the Renaissance. They are located southwest 30 km from Rome and are the largest in the country. The airport can serve about 40 million passengers annually, and thanks to the continuous modernization and improvement, it received an excellent infrastructure: storage cameras, post office and banks, children rooms, information services, car rental, Duty free, restaurants and other services.

Airproof in Milan or Malpensa - The second largest object, which is 45 km from the center. Malpensa Airport provides services for those who like to move on a personal car. On its territory is nine parking lots of different types, there is even a separate parking for highly expensive cars. Each of them has a service that parks newly arriving cars and serves them to the doors of the airport. For the convenience of passengers, storage and wardrobe cameras, a taxi service and bank departments. In addition, the entire airport covers Wi-Fi and there are kiosks for the sale of excursions and tickets. In short, all the conditions for the comfortable stay of passengers have been created.

Having chosen the airport for the future landing, it is worth thinking about and with which airlines to make flight to Italy from Moscow. You simplify the task of the search if you select the Aeroflot classic - a company that makes Sheremetyevo direct daily flights to Italy. If you need to get to Verona, Naples or Venice, then prepare for transfers in Dusseldorf, Vienna or Paris with Alitalia airlines - the main carrier in the country.

Airports of Italy on the map

Here is a map with an indication of international and main airports of Italy in Russian:

How much is a ticket to Italy

Since flights from Moscow to Italy a lot, respectively, the price of tickets will be different. To begin with, we will make a small mark, direct flights to this country are quite expensive, and the prices of "Space" tickets.

The cost of a ticket to Italy "Tuuda - back" reaches the amount from 550 to 700 dollars, while the flight itself does not last more than four hours.

For very economical people, you can offer low-cost flights with transfers to various European cities, of course, such a journey will take much more time, but will greatly please the price of a ticket that will be within 300 dollars, or even less. Pay attention to the fact that some airlines fly with transfers only to Verona.

How to get to Rome, Venice and Florence

Rome - Vacations in this city for many tourists start from Leonardo - Yes - Vinci Airport, which is 33 km from the city, is approximately half an hour by bus or minibus, but here it is necessary to take into account the intensity of the transport flow in the city. If you do not know how much to fly to Rome, and this information is important for you, then let's say that the route Moscow - Rome can be overcome in three hours. Also from the airport to Rome can be reached by rail, the benefit that it is not necessary to run to the station - it is located in the third terminal zone. The train moves with an interval of 30 min Non Stop about 35 minutes. But most tourists are trying not to get in this way, since the ticket price is almost equal to the cost of the transfer.

Venice - The legendary city in which every tourist wants to visit. The most elementary way to get here is to purchase tickets for a direct flight, during which you will see the mountains in the porthole, and after which the Venice itself. And when you learn how to fly to Venice, you will certainly want to visit this amazing city. True, the plane will land at 12 km from the city on the water in the village of Tesser, where to get to the city easily. So your liner landed what's next? Find the bus stop, located opposite the exit of the airport, wait for the buses of blue and for some 30 minutes you will reach Venice.

Florence - From Moscow to the city will not directly get, since it has no own aircraft, and therefore it is necessary to look for not only how to fly to Florence, but in which countries or cities can be transplants, the most optimal from your point of departure. The fastest option to achieve the goal is to make a flight to Rome, from which it is possible to get to the Express train, a car or other ground transportation to Florence. Which way you choose, decide, but know that by train to the city you will reach one and a half hours and 10 euros, and by train for 4 hours and 15 euros.

December 21, 2017.

In relation to Italy, the Russian tourist has no such thing as a "low season". In the summer, many travelers rushed to beautiful beaches of Sicily, Genoese Riviera and other coastal resorts. Winter Modnitz Manyat Christmas Sales and Fashion Shows in Milan. In the spring of tourists attracts a spectacular carnival in Venice. And in the fall, it is so pleasant to escape from the dampness of Russian cities in a warm Tuscan or Romel to familiarize yourself with the cultural heritage of Florence, Siena, Rome, Naples, Bergamo or Bologna. Thus, flights to this European country are relevant at any time of the year. Many travelers would like to know how much to fly to Italy from Moscow. In this article we will try to answer this question. It will not be single, because Italy is very elongated from the north to the south country.

What affects the time on the road

In addition to the distance that will have to overcome the Lainera, there are also other factors that significantly affect how many hours will have to spend between departure from Moscow and landing at the destination. First of all, this is the choice of flight. Fortunately, the capital of Russia and a variety of Italian cities are associated direct routes. But tickets for such flights are usually very expensive. Therefore, budget travelers often choose the area. Is it worth saying that how much to fly to Italy from Moscow, the most directly affects the waiting time at the airport of transit. After all, the Luce between the docking flights may be more than three hours spent on board the liner. A small, but still amendment (for 10-15 minutes) make a brand of aircraft and weather conditions. But the loading of the airport arrival can make your liner make several honorary circles over the city before the dispatchers are allowed to fit the landing.

How much to fly to Italy from Moscow direct flight

In this case, only the destination is affected on the way. Consider this on the example of the capital of Italy. Airplanes of two airlines are sent to Rome from Moscow Sheremetyevo daily. This is Russian "Aeroflot" and Italian Alitalia. And he and the other deliver their passengers to the Roman air harbor Fiumicino in three hours and 50 minutes.

Now consider Milan, which is located in the north of Italy. How much to fly from Moscow to this center of high fashion? To be faithful "Aeroflot" (its liners start from Sheremetyevo), then the road will leave for 3 hours 35 minutes. At the same time a ticket will cost 11 thousand rubles. Italian competitor "Meridian" (departure from Domodedovo) promises to deliver its customers in Milan Malpensa for the same time, but at a price of 5375 to 6415 rubles.

Russian tourists have a poor choice if they want to get straight to Sicily. From Sheremetyevo to Palermo performs regular flights only one company - Alitalia. But in the summer, charters join it. Time on the way is 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Fly with transplants

Tourists who are often traveling by air, probably know what loustos are. The budget prices for flights are explained by the fact that the liners of such companies accept cheap airports unnecessarily located nearby large cities. In Milan, this is Linate or Bergamo, in Venice - Treviso, in Rome - Champino. But there are no direct budget flights from Russia to these air harbor. You have to get with transfers. How much to fly to Italy from Moscow this way? If you are interested in how destination Rome, then Eyre Moldova with a change in Chisinau will take you to the place in just five and a half hours. Moreover, the issue price is 6575 rubles. Even cheaper to fly with the Greek company "EDJAN". Flight costs 4800 rubles, but also time on the way, due to the expectation of a docking flight in Athens, is dragged to eight hours. Sicilia can be cheaply reached on board "Iberia" with a change in Barcelona. In Palermo, you will be eight and a half hours.

Time difference Moscow - Italy

Motherland Petrorski and Leonardo da Vinci although stretched from north to south, but everything fit within one time zone. It is called UTC + 1. Plus one hour is in relation to Greenwich. And in relation to Moscow, time in Italy is lagging behind. And for as many as two hours. It should be known that time in Western, Central and Eastern Europe undergoes changes in the summer. On the last Sunday of March, all chronometers move arrows for an hour ahead. And only at the end of October, the clock again rearranged 60 minutes ago. And in Russia there is no division for summer and winter time. It is always the same. Therefore, between Moscow and Italy, the difference in time in winter is two hours, and in the summer - only 60 minutes.




The practical flight time there and back is always different, even if the flight is carried out on one type of aircraft. Same flight time depends on Models of aircraft, airlines carrying out transportation, air corridors and other factors. Here we indicated the average time of finding the aircraft in the air through the shortest path, excluding transfers, technical and emergency landings. Flights can be straight, charter or transfers on regular airlines.

Where to get accurate information about departure time from Moscow to Italy and find out the schedule of flights

if you have Route receipt of e-ticket, It is usually indicated by departure time and arrival, departure airport and arrival, luggage weight. And knowing the difference in time, it is easy to calculate how much to fly between cities.

Most of the tours in mass directions is organized on charter flights, and their schedule can constantly change. Therefore, more accurate information about the time of flights of aircraft to Italy from Moscow, ask to clarify the managers of travel agency or on the websites of tour operators.


The direction "Moscow-Italy" is one of the most popular among tourists. Resorts on the Apennine Peninsula receive guests throughout the year, it is not surprising that many air carriers offer flights and flights with a change in different cities in Italy. From the article you will learn the flight time Moscow-Italy, as well as the cost of tickets to the largest Italian resorts.

Most airlines offer regular, daily flights to Apennine Peninsula. In the summer you can use a charter flight, but the ticket will be an order of magnitude more expensive.

The most expensive tickets for direct flights from Russian cities to Italy, their cost in both directions varies from 550 to 700 dollars. At the same time, the flight time is not more than 3.5 hours.

It is important! An easy way to save is to choose an inexpensive airline with a transfer in the European city.

Direct flights to Italy Support such air carriers:

  • Aeroflot;
  • "Alitalia".

As a rule, the cost of the ticket in domestic and foreign airlines is the same and is about 400-500 euros (from Moscow). However, such carriers as "Blu-Express" or Windjet (this airline flies only in Verona) offer tickets for both ends of 300 euros.

It is important! According to statistics, a flight with a change from Moscow to the capital Italy will be double cheaper than a direct flight. The price of a ticket is inversely proportional to the duration of the flight.

How many hours fly to Rome

Most flights from Moscow land at Leonardo da Vinci airport - the largest aircraft with a developed infrastructure and convenient transport links. Direct flights offer two airlines.

1. Aeroflot air carrier.

Airplanes fly out from Sheremetyevo airport, the duration of the route is 3 hours 45 minutes. This is the shortest path from Russia to Italy. The price of a ticket is about 13.6 thousand rubles.

It is important! Aeroflot offers several daily flights to Italy of different costs and duration. The minimum ticket price is 10 thousand rubles, and the road takes about 4 hours.

2. Avia carrier "Alitalia".

Airplanes are also taken away from Sheremetyevo airport, the route duration is 3 hours and 50 minutes. The price of the flight is about 11 thousand rubles. This is the only direction from Moscow, which offers an Italian company.

Helpful information! The services of Aeroflot enters the free shuttlecraft with a weight of 10 kg and luggage weighing 20 kg. On board the Italian carrier only baggage is allowed.

How many hours to fly to Milan

The city is considered a high fashion center, it is here who come to shopping. Three airports operate in Milan: "Malpensa", "Bergamo" and "Linate". Direct flights from Moscow receives only the Aeropzal Malpensa. You can fly here with airplanes of two airlines.

1. Air carrier "Meridiana".

The company offers three budget flights a week lasting about 3 hours 35 minutes. Tickets are from 5400 to 6,400 rubles. Airplanes fly out from Domodedovo Airport.

2. Aeroflot air carrier.

You can fly to Milan daily from Sheremetyevo Airport. The duration of the route is 3 hours and 35 minutes, the price of a ticket from 11 thousand rubles.

How many hours to fly to Sicily

All international flights take the Palermo runway. Direct flights from the Russian capital to Sicilya offers only the company "Alitalia". Airplanes fly out once a week from Sheremetyevo airport, time on the way about 4 hours 20 minutes. Given that Palermo Airport is most removed from Russia, direct flight to Sicily is the longest. Accordingly, the cost of tickets is an order of magnitude higher - from 18.5 to 20.5 thousand rubles.

How many hours fly to Rimini

Direct flight from Moscow takes about 3 hours 30 minutes. All aircraft adopts Federico Fellini Airport. You can fly to Rimini with two airlines:

  • "Livinston" - flights once a week;
  • "Ural Airlines" - airplanes fly twice a week.

Flights to Italy with transfers

If you want to save on the flight, use a transfer flight. Here are some options for the most convenient connecting flights.

  1. AIR MOLDOVA - Flight is 5.5 hours, transplanting in Chisinau, ticket price is about 6.5 thousand rubles.
  2. Looker "Flyone" - the road takes 5 hours, a transplant in Chisinau, the price of a ticket is about 5 thousand rubles.
  3. The company "AEGEAN" - the duration of the route is 7.5 hours, the transplant in Athens, the cost of the flight is about 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Brussels Airlines - time on the road 6 hours 40 minutes, transplant in Brussels, the cost of tickets is 7.5 thousand rubles.
  5. Iberia is a flight duration of 8 hours 25 minutes, a transfer to Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba ticket price is about 12 thousand rubles.
  6. AIRBALTIC is a flight duration 5 hours 40 minutes, a transfer to Riga, a ticket cost of about 6 thousand rubles.

How much to fly to Italy from other Russian cities

In the direction of the Apennine Peninsula there are many flights from different cities of Russia.

russian cityitalian cities
St. Petersburg3:45 3:30 3:20 3:30 4:05 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights4:15
Yekaterinburgthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights5:20 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights
Rostov-on-Donthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights3:35 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights3:30 there are no direct flights3:55
Novosibirskthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights7:05 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights
Kazanthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights3:20 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights
Samarathere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights3:30 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights
Ufathere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights5:25 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights
Krasnodarthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights3:20 there are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flightsthere are no direct flights

Now you know how much to fly to Rome from other cities and be able to choose the best route with time and cost of the flight. No less popular destination from Russia to the capital of shopping. We also described in detail how much to fly to Milan from other cities of Russia. Travel with pleasure and as much as possible.

Romantic journey to Milan on February 14

Independent trip to Milan, Italy from Moscow for the day of all lovers total travel budget 35 082 rubles for two for 4 days. All costs are counted and detail.

Independent trip to Tenerife in September

Independent trip to Tenerife, Spain from Moscow in September 2019 Total travel budget 68,306 rubles for two for 9 days. All costs are counted and painted in detail.

Travel to Thailand in November 2019

Independent trip to Bangkok, Thailand from Moscow in November 2019 Total travel budget 76 450 rubles for two for 17 days. All costs are counted and painted in detail.