Repairs Design Furniture

Outdoor corner for tiles. Ways to design external corners in the bathroom how to lay out the corners with tiles

The greatest complexity in the process of finishing works, the cafeter represents the design of the joints.

Despite the apparent correctness of the geometry of the room, there are no perfectly smooth surfaces. It is for this reason that it is necessary to choose the optimal version of the corner pairing tile, which can be presented:

  • laying the corners by trimming;
  • installation of an external angle with a special corner;
  • laying tile "Shake into the joint" with an angle of the front side of 45 degrees;
  • styling with the execution of the ends;
  • corner laying "Shake in the joint" without washed.

Tiles and tile joints

The standard docking of the tile is performed in the corners and the version of the execution is entirely depends on the view of the angle: the internal and external (classification of angles is the same as when mounting the ceiling plinth described in this). There is no universal council and technology will depend on many factors. In addition, each method has not only advantages, but also disadvantagesthat need to be considered when choosing a docking option.

Inland Corners

Docking under internal angle can be decorated in two different, but equally effective ways:

Docking internal overhead

It is used for angular arrangement quite often and based on the use of plastic corner. Refers to less appropriate due to the presence of additional, and sometimes excess details.

Standard conjugation

The most favorable option that allows not to use additional parts and is based on the design of a simple seam. As a rule, the seam is performed on the invisible part of the angle. The main thing is to correctly calculate the seam size so that at the final stage it was possible to use high-quality grout.

The main disadvantages include a possible education. cracking in places of groutWhat is due to the tile leaning towards expansion-narrowings. Experienced technologists are recommended for filling the vertical seams of inner angles to use the filling method of sanitary silicone. It is especially important to comply with this requirement for designs.

Joints on external outer corners

External angles suggest several embodiments of the joints of the joints, which allows you to perform high-quality registration even in the absence of experience in this kind of work:
Using the overhead
Is the most common way. It is allowed to use outer corners of plastic, aluminum or brass. Such elements are mounted during the styling process, but have a property of collecting a significant amount of contaminants.

Using the overhead
is the most common way. It is allowed to use outer corners of plastic, aluminum or brass.

The method of having tile
This technology is based on the action of the end of the tile at an angle of forty-five degrees. The method is different naturalness and harmonyBut requires the use of a special tool and the presence of certain skills.

The method of stepping tile. This technology is based on the action of the end of the tile at an angle of forty-five degrees.

Method of alternation
Pretty rare and unpopular option, which is most often used when laying a cable tile. Due to the alternate installation of the end of the tile from different sides of the outer corner. Sometimes this method has one-sided execution.
Through the grout
A rather rare method consisting in the design of the angle by the location of all tiles in its planes, without protrusion on the corner line. Interior inner corner formed as a result of this installation is made in a semicircle with a special grout.

In the presence of uneven walls, before the start of the facing process, it should be performed, as a result of which it is necessary to determine the level of the linker of the vertical direction.

In each particular case, the size of the slot space under the ceiling should be minimized, since such an option makes the wedge on the wall more noticeable. The rule should be followed, in accordance with which large pieces of tiles should be mounted on the edges. The dimensions of the fragments used in the work should be at least 23 full tiles. Such a trimming allows you to make the deviation of walls from the vertical less noticeable.

Wall and floor joint

The competent interface of the floor and wall tiles is performed in the installation process using a ruler that should be attached to the floor and walls. It is necessary to apply the carbon to the line and stretch the roulette to the opposite wall. The resulting perpendicular line serves as the main orientation To perform finishing works.

To get the right and high-quality junction, the laying should be performed from a long corner from the doorway. At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine not very noticeable areas for using a cropped tile.

The inner angles of the joint and wall masonry are separated by means of special trims - plastic profiles, which perfectly decorate the places of the tiles. Tight docking trim with wall or floor tiles is due to flexible top scallop. You can read the tile laying on the floor.

The competent interface of the floor and wall tiles is performed in the installation process using a ruler that should be attached to the floor and walls.

Rules of facing Nishi.

If necessary, place the window opening should designate parts of the tiles to be cropping. The cut line is neatly conducted by the tile cutter, and then an unnecessary tile fragment is careful with the help of forceps. The standard procedure and any difficulties does not cause non-professionals.

Skos edge shlifmashina

To perform a neat beep of tile edges, you must use the corner grinding machine and a diamond disk for dry cutting. Grinding required to produce extremely carefully. It is advisable to make several trial or training cuts on the substandard tile. When working with double firing tiles, it is advisable to use tiles to perform a wet cutting.

The docking of the bevelled edge allows you to get very thin, barely noticeable gapwhich is ideal for making any noticeable places.

The angular grinding machine allows you to stick any tile and make the laying of tiles with raws at an angle of 45 °. However, to minimize the damage to the glaze, it is not recommended to grind in the immediate vicinity of the glazed surface. The optimal distance to the glaze is about two millimeters.

Two tiles perfectly joined the bevel edges at an angle of 45 °, which allows you to get a neat straight angle. All minor irregularities are easily eliminated by a special solution for seams.

If there is a need to use a special tool or geometry of space is distinguished by significant irregularities, it is recommended to invite professionals for work. Simple finishing options can be performed independently.

Read about comparing flow and accumulative water heaters.

Video instruction

There are several finishing materials, without any serious repairs in the apartment. You can do without laminate on the floor or stretch ceiling, but I have not met repairs without laying the tile. As a rule, a specialist is hired for laying tiles, but there is someone who is not afraid of any work and makes it yourself. In any case, it does not prevent anyone to have an idea of \u200b\u200brepair work. I wrote a few articles in the blog about laying the tile (links to them at the end of the article). The topic of this article laying the tiles in the corners.

Laying tiles in the corners, if more precisely, connect the tile on the external corners of the room, can be in several ways.

  1. Using a trim corner (profile) for tiles.
  2. Simple docking with subsequent grout.
  3. Subscent edge under 45 °.

Using trimmer when laying tiles

Trim special plastic or Metal Profileclosing the tile ends when connecting on the external and internal corners of the laying.

The modern market offers a large selection of corners for tiles-trim. Trims are produced by plastic, allyubane, chrome, different colors and sizes.

Buy a corner for tile-trim you need under the thickness of the tile that you plan to lay. As a rule, it is 7.9.11 mm.

Stacked a corner for tiles-trim as follows

Finish the tile laying entire wall in the room.

Cut the corner for tiles-trim at the desired height. (It is worth staying here more)

Repair in the bathroom is completed with the installation of the roll ceiling. Rack ceiling (read two times) stacked around the perimeter of the bath on the aluminum profile corner. In the corners of the bathroom, the corners must be gently shied with each other.

I did this digression to be clear. Trim, which you put together with tiles in the Ugakhs, should (ideally) rest in the aluminum corner profile of the rush ceiling. It is this length that you will have to extort and cut the corner for tiles-trim.

Before installing angle for tile-trim, you need to angle to apply silicone sealant. To work with sealant in tubes, use the mounting gun.

Trim has two angle. One trim angle has a smooth side (1), the second side of the trimmer with a groove for tile (2). (Look at the photo)

  • A smooth side of the trimmer is applied to the laid tile, the tiles of another wall will be inserted into the grooves.
  • Prepared Corner for Tile-Trim Lubricate in several places with sealant and strictly vertically (use the construction level) to attach trim to the finished wall.
  • Next, lay the second wall starting below. Insert the edge of the tile into the groove of the tile-trim.
  • When the interlocking seams are grouting, the seams of contact of trim and tiles are also wiping.
  • The tile with trim in horizontal angles is also stacked.

Simple laying of tiles in the corners, followed by grouting

There is nothing complicated in this tile laying. The tile is laid in such a way that the visible or most noticeable tiles of one angle, they closed the edges of the perpendicular wall tiles.

The edge of the tile edge is at an angle of 45 °.

Laying the tiles in the corners with a subsidement on the edge of the tile edge at an angle of 45 ° the most time-consuming process. To perform it, you will need a tilt-cutting machine with a swivel bed (read about the tools for tiles). Next article by photo.

Cut the tile on the desired width.

Install the stanne of the tile cutting machine under 45 °.

Run the machine (do not forget to pour water into the pallet machine for cooling the cut line). Manually cut the tile at an angle of 45 °. With a good disk, the subsidence will be smooth, almost factory.

Machine for cutting tiles, allow you to cut the tile at any desired angle.

When laying the tile, the angle looks like in the photo.

In the process of cladding the walls, inexperienced masters often face the problem of laying tiles in the corners. Especially in the bathroom, since it is here that such sites are an integral part of the interior. To bring a smooth and neat angle, use different approaches. Some require certain skills and special equipment, others will apply even a beginner. Consider each option in more detail.

There are several ways to connect the tile in the corners.

Perpendicular location

The easiest solution to the issue is a straight docking. In this case, the laying of the elements are perpendicular to each other, that is, so that one cut remains in posing, and the other masked under the top fragment.

In this case, the minimum effort is closed in any part of the walls. If the tile fit is needed, it is desirable to put a cut edge under the bottom. Minus method - the presence of a seam at the junction. In the future, it is close in grout, but it still affects the appearance of the surface.

Cafe laying options on interior joints

There is another way perpendicular to the tile dock in the corners. This method is suitable, for example, for trimming borders or bathroom frame. The main condition - the facing should not be viewed below.

The essence of the method is as follows: it is necessary to glue the tile so that the horizontally located (top) tile hung over the edge. The corner will be neat if the width of the canopy is within 3-5 mm. The only condition - the edge must be solid.

Trimming edge

For more accurate work, special equipment will need. The method is based on marking the edge of the tile at 45 degrees. The task in the following ways is performed:

  • steps the edge of the grinder;
  • used tiles;
  • applied sandpaper.

The optimal version is a tile processing with electric stoves with an inclined bed.

How to lay such a wall tile? For this purpose, tips are cut and glued with a solution to the angle so that their edges coincided and formed a solid coating.

One of the ways to lay tiles in internal and external corners - trimming chamfer under 45 degrees

Novice put the tile in the bathroom is not easy. If possible, practice on unnecessary material. Note that the surface of the walls is as even as possible, otherwise the laying on the layer of glue of different thicknesses will be required, which will propensate the position of adjacent elements.

Using trimes

These are special inserts. The method with their use is the most popular. They are a plastic profile forming the angle of the desired orientation. For external protrusions, a M-shaped pad is used. And the inner surface has a kind of concave arc. Also used narrow convex models.

It is necessary to solve another important question - how to glue the plastic corner to the cafél. Perhaps several options:

  • sealant;
  • glue;
  • liquid Nails.

Often, such trimes have a special design, allowing them to lay them on the solution. The special plate is drunk under the tile and fixed with tiled glue. This installation is extremely simple, the surface acquires a neat appearance, and the joints are protected from moisture and bacteria in them.

Some options for lining inserts

The outer plastic corner and trimes on the places of docking with plumbing (borders) are fixed differently, for example, use silicone or acrylic sealant. What exactly to glue plastic to kafly in the bathroom - there is a big difference. Such a trim of walls or corners of the box is suitable for almost any type of material.

Corner tile

Another option of processing the walls of the walls is associated with the use of a special format tile. Some manufacturers produce special angular elements. They have the form of two perpendicular to the connected parts forming a straight angle.

Finishing steps

Laying such a tile is extremely simple. To glue it to apply a solution, as for other finishes. If you use such a corner, the laying is made in the direction of it. Nevertheless, this rule concerns predominantly finishing borders in the bathroom.

Corner elements alternative plastic. It allows you to maintain the integrity of the design of the surfaces with ceramic tiles.

Differences of external and internal angles

When performing work, remember the difference between the internal and external elements. The first option is the space where the surfaces of two walls around the perimeter of the standard room are found. The second is the protruding area.

The brightest difference is shown in the case when the installation of plastic corners for tiles is performed. Trims have cardinal differences from each other, depending on their purpose for a particular area.

Examples of corners with trimes

Also note that it is easier to glue the inner cutting tile, because in case of deflection from the norms, the situation is corrected using glue and grouts. In general, the fugue looks more organically on the inner corners of the walls. In the bathroom, this is of particular importance, because the outdoor protrusions, for example, when equipped with a box, amenable to greater destruction. Over time, the fugus simply crumble and washed out from there. That is why it is better to lay additional plastic corner on the tile, which not only protects, but also decorate the surface.

Elimination of defects

It is not always possible to perform work flawlessly, especially beginners. Nevertheless, remove some drawbacks really. If you put the angle with ceramic tiles, it is not exactly possible, try compensate for the withdrawn with a solution, for example, lift the adjacent element to the desired level.

When performing trimming, it is not always possible to achieve a slope strictly at 45 degrees. If there is not enough material, the surplus is easily stepping with sandpaper until you get a smooth angle.

Another point is the presence of defects at the junction. There are two options for solving the problem. The first - the laying is performed by the method provided by the method, and the chips and the gaps are embarrassed in the process of decorative decoration. The second option - after drying, the solution and the fugues are glued to the angle of the plastic profile, masking these wall defects. Its installation is performed using silicone or liquid nails.

Finishing the corners - the work is not easy, but you can cope with it if you follow the advice presented above.

During repairs in the bathroom, sooner or later the question of the joints of the tiles in the corners will rise, in the fit to the bath. What and how can I close such an angle? What corners for tiles and profiles can be used for this.

In this article we will tell you in detail how to do everything beautifully, right and reliable.

Putting the tiles at an angle of 45 degrees

The most aesthetic and professional method of referring to the joints of the tiles in the corners is the ends at an angle of 45 degrees. As a result, we get a smooth jack from the tile, without any profiles, plastic corners and other things.

How to make such a drink? First of all, you need to calculate everything in advance and spread. For recording ( budsov) Tiles typically use professional tiles, cutting off the tiles end at an angle of 45 degrees.

However, such a drink can be done without plastic cutter, with the help of a grinder. True, time and effort it will go much more. Watch the video, everything is clear there.

Plastic or Aluminum Tile Profiles

This is probably the most common option to finish joints and tile angles. Profiles are usually made from plastic or aluminum. They do not allow the destruction of the edges of the tile, create the desired shape of outer and inner corners.

As an option - excellent! The only minus from the point of view of modern design is this corner will be visible.

Such a profile for tiles on average costs about 50 rubles 2.5m.

The only nuance is that it is necessary to take care of their installation in advance, even before laying the tile. They are attached under the tile, with a special profile.

Plastic corners

For those engaged in repairs in their apartment on their own, the easiest way will use special profiles for tiles that hide joints in the corners. It is also one of the least costly ways to close the existing gaps.

The cost of one corner is 2.5 meters long - from 20 rubles. Plastic fastening does not require special effort and time. Sometimes they are simply glued to the sealant. Despite the fact that it is not a particularly aesthetic way, some people are satisfied with this option due to practicality, cheapness and simplicity.

Plastic tolerates the humidity and temperature differences well, perfectly copes with the impact of chemicals, does not require much care and the dirt is easily eliminated from it. And most importantly, it perfectly hides the slit at the junction of the inner corners of the tile.

Ceramic corners

The edging from ceramics looks very original, and makes the design more completed. The cost is more expensive, compared with other types of corners ( here the price depends on the type of your tile).

Plinth looks better than a plastic corner for tiles. Ceramics is a natural material that prefers supporters of the "natural" interior. It is actively used to hide the joints between the wall and the bathroom. It copes well with moisture, practically not subject to the formation of mold. It does not need constant care and can be processed by conventional detergents.

This corner is attached to the usual sealant. There are both outer corners and internal.

Ribbon border, self-adhesive corners

You can often find special tape corners (border tape). This is a flexible tape that can create a smooth and hermetic angle.

The main purpose is to close and clean the baths of the bath and tiles (walls). Installation of such a tape compared with the plastic material goes much easier. The tape has a self-adhesive basis.


Roger is also able to disguise failed seams, gaps, joints and small errors of repair work. The magnitude of the gap that can hide the corner depends on its size. It is quite easy and easy to mount - glue the sealant when the tile laying works are already over. Due to the soft edges, the corner perfectly takes the surface shape, taking into account all its irregularities and errors.

Since the design is beyond the action of moisture and different temperatures, the quilt is used as a seal. You can buy such a corner at a price of 150 rubles in 2.5 m.

When repairs in the apartment begins, regardless of what premises are subject to change, it is necessary to think about how to put the tile on the walls and the floor. This is especially true for the rules of the tile establishment in the corners to preserve the appearance and attractiveness of the whole room. For this there are several options, which leads preparatory work.

Preparatory activities

Before making, you should think about the careful preparation of the walls of the walls and gender.

To measure the angle, a large number of tools can be used:

  1. For horizontal, a construction or water level is applied. Everything will depend on the preferences of the artist.
  2. There is a laser level, but its cost is very high to use in one-time work.

If these works are not fulfilled before, subsequent in the corners there will be gaps that spoil the entire picture.

A layer of waterproofing is first applied to the purified surface in the form of a coating mastic, after which the primer. In the presence of even minor defects, it is originally worth it to close with putty. To create a smooth surface on the base of the floor poured:

  • self-leveling mixture.

It is impossible to forget about the waterproofing and a layer of primer.

Tools and materials

In the process of performing work on the decoration of walls and gender in placing a tile, there will be little material. Also need the following list:

It is important at this stage to find out the exact number of tiles required for work. At the same time, the seams of tiles between the elements are taken into account, which is usually 3-5 mm, the "red" place (in front of the form) is determined to which increased requirements are imposed due to constant attention from the entrance.

Production of inner corner

If you need to work with corners on the walls, then everyone should start with the "red" place. There are several nuances:

  1. Must be carried out with adjacent parties and strictly symmetrically.
  2. If tile trimming are used, then they must be identical in size and parameters.
  3. When a special slab is used, then it already has such a function as the definition of the exact distance for the segments of the tile. If there is no tool, you will have to calculate everything yourself.

Stages of work

  1. The beginning of the work is performed from the floor in the room. Initially, the selected glue option is appreciated on the wall, occupying about 1 square meter. The special spatula will allow it evenly throughout the plane.
  2. One tile is glued per one.
  3. It is possible to achieve a smooth seam in various ways, one of which is the insertion of special crosses.
  4. When the first row is ready, it should be cleaned with the help of a construction level. At the same time, when docking with the opposite wall, the tile segment is performed on the required length, after which it is to the wall.

Methods for creating an inner corner

At the beginning of laying tiles on the adjacent wall, you can use the balance of tiles from the first row. It will be problematic that the picture will be correct. The main thing about to combine them with each other, not forgetting about in the junction. If there is a gap of 2 mm after laying the tel of therapy, we get a feeling of bent. Preserve attractiveness and appearance.

The use of trimes

An external or inner tile angle can be made high-quality when using a decorative profile that called trimes. It is selected taking into account the color gamut of the tile. It can be made of plastic or metal (metal corners for tiles).

  1. If an outer angle is performed, M-shaped trimes should be purchased
  2. Internal - trimes with concave arc.

The last option is most often used when switching from the wall to the floor (plinth). Their scope is very wide. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option for execution.

In addition to its main function, trimes can protect against external mechanical impact. Consequently, the service life will increase somewhat. Works are carried out very simply, without special knowledge and applying special equipment.

For the globe of the profile, a sealant can be used on silicone or acrylic basis. Any glue is perfect for this type of work, as well as liquid nails.

It is worth noting that there are features of the external angle. It is best to do solid tiles, and not choose from the remaining fragments.

Trimming end

To perform this option to dock the tiles in the corners of the room, you should get a special equipment for work. The execution process will take some time and effort, which indicates the need for experience.

  1. In places of attachment, the tiles of adjacent walls are carried out with an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. If you cut two tiles in the future with each other, it should be an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, the decorative part of the tile looks at each other.

This action is performed using an electric stoveture, equipped with a diamond disk, sandpaper or a grinder. Each of the options has its own characteristics and difficulty of execution with which it is worth reading more. The method can be used not only to create inner angles between adjacent walls, but also at the outer angle (in door and window openings).

Use sandpaper should be correctly. After all, not each option is suitable for. In the process should be purchased at least two types:

  1. №40 and №60.
  2. №40 and №80.

№40 is suitable when used for coarse fit, and the second option will perfectly cope with accurate leveling of the surface and eliminate the defects that have appeared.

When performing a trimming part for the first time, it is best to first take unnecessary fragments and to conduct training. When it starts to get everything well, proceed to the main job.

In the absence of a desire to produce such manipulations, the tile without angles can be purchased. This is a separate type of decorative finish.

Liquidation of defects

At the time not rare cases of education of errors. No one is insured, but everyone should know about how they can get rid of them.

It is possible that the uneven joint of the walls in the room. To eliminate it, you can simply be somewhat adjusted to the adhesive weight under the tile.
There is a uniform distribution under the entire surface.

No rare cases when the cutting of the tiles at an angle did not bring the desired result. A somewhat different angle was formed, and not 45. In this case, the empty paper should be taken and it is to bring it to the end. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Problems at the junction of tiles are the most common. To solve such a problem, two main ways are applied in practice:

  1. Processing the classic grout of existing seams between adjacent walls.
  2. Installation of decorative profiles in places of appearance of chipping and cleaners of the material. In addition, the profile glue is very easily and quickly with a special sealant or liquid nails.

During the preparatory activities and the purchase of necessary materials, the existing range should be carefully examined. This is especially true for profiles applied in practice. Their use can be associated with the creation of external and internal angles, depending on the purpose. When the question concerns the selection of coloring, it is best to make purchases of tiles and a profile on the same network. This will give the best final results.

If you do everything correctly and choose the appropriate option to dock the tiled elements, the interior is not spoiled and the attractiveness of the entire room will appear. Use additionally profiles from various materials for finishing the tile angles will allow you to hide the possible defects