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Articulatory gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers

Many people not even associated with public speaking as such, it is often necessary to take on the function of an orator, presenter or entertainer. This can be a presentation of a project or a report, an event or just a story. interesting story with friends. What can we say about those for whom performance is a profession? But it does not matter at all whether a person performs professionally, only learns this skill, or does not really have anything to do with it, in any case, correct articulation will always play into his hands, because thanks to her, all spoken words will sound intelligible, clear and distinct, and speech will be beautiful and memorable. This is especially true, of course, for those people who are directly related to the speeches. In this article, we present to your attention 10 powerful exercises to improve articulation.

Each of the exercises is aimed at training the muscles of the speech apparatus and improving their mobility. When doing it, it is important to pay special attention to the fact that the load should be directed to specific muscle groups. It is also important that the muscles of the cervicobrachial region can work freely, and the pace of the exercises should be slowed down - this contributes to obtaining the greatest effect from the exercises. Before doing the exercises, it is imperative to perform warming up gymnastics of the speech apparatus. You can devote only 5-7 minutes to it, but the quality of the practice will improve significantly.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics differs in types:

Cheek gymnastics

  1. Swinging in and puffing out the cheeks alternately
  2. Distillation of air from one cheek first to the other cheek, then under the lower lip, then under the upper lip
  3. Tension of the cheeks and lips with an attempt to push out oral cavity air
  4. Drawing in the cheeks and simultaneously closing and opening the lips

Lower jaw gymnastics

  • Emphasis on the lower jaw and pressure with the jaw on the fists
  • Various movements of the lower jaw: up and down, back and forth, circular

Soft palate gymnastics

  1. Open mouth yawning
  2. Movement of the tongue, collected in a "scapula" to the soft palate and return to the alveoli - the base of the upper lower teeth
  3. Pronunciation of vowels with yelps
  4. Imitation of gargling

Lip gymnastics

  • Tense smile with closed teeth and lip pulling with a tube
  • Various movements of lips with closed teeth: up and down, left and right, circular
  • Chewing lips
  • Pulling the lips over the teeth and then smiling with the lips sliding over the teeth
  • Upper lip tightening, exposing upper teeth, then lower lip, exposing lower teeth
  • Snort

Gymnastics of the tongue

  1. Rotation of the tongue in a circle in the space between the lips and teeth and the delay of the tongue under the right and under the left cheeks alternately
  2. Chewing on the tongue
  3. Slap tongue with lips
  4. Pulling the tongue forward with a needle
  5. Attempts to reach the chin and nose with the tongue
  6. Folding the tongue with a "tube", moving the "tube" back and forth and blowing air into it
  7. Turning the tongue to different sides
  8. Retention of the tongue at the upper palate

After articulatory gymnastics is over and you are convinced that all parts of the speech apparatus are developed, you can proceed to the main exercises to improve articulation.

Exercises to improve articulation

Exercise 1

Exercise to feel the tip of the tongue - its hardness and activity in pronunciation. To do this, use your imagination: imagine that your tongue is a small hammer. Then hit it in the teeth with the tip while saying yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. Then practice the pronunciation of the letters "T-D".

Exercise 2

Exercise to free the larynx and tongue. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to quickly take a short breath with your nose and exhale completely through your mouth. The exhalation should also be sharp and should be accompanied by the sound "Fu". The same exercise can be supplemented with an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the larynx: pronounce the letters "K-G" several times.

Exercise # 3

Exercise for rapid activation of the labial muscles. You need to puff out your cheeks and release the air you have taken with a sharp pop through your pursed lips, while vigorously pronouncing the letters "P-B".

Exercise 4

Exercise to practice the skill of a set of air before each new phrase. Take any poem or passage of a work and consciously take a breath before each new phrase. Try not to forget about it so that you develop a habit. And you also need to take into account three points: breathing should be silent, at the beginning of each phrase you should keep your lips slightly open, and after the end of each sound you should immediately close your mouth so that the ending does not "chew".

Exercise # 5

Exercise for correct air distribution. As a rule, a person needs more breathing when pronouncing loudly, but quiet pronunciation often implies more control of exhalation. Practice pronouncing phrases in a low and loud voice and determine how much air you need for each of them. Combine this technique with the previous one.

Exercise 6

Exercise for even pronunciation of vowels in a single stream and clear pronunciation of consonants within this stream. Select any poem (or several lines from it) and do as follows: first, exclude all consonants from the lines and pronounce only vowels evenly, stretching them out a little. After that, start inserting clear and fast consonants into the stream of vowels, trying to ensure that the stream of vowels remains as sonorous.

Exercise 7

Diction exercise. It is a simple reading of tongue twisters. Choose for yourself several tongue twisters with different combinations of letters and start hone your pronunciation. At first, slowly, measuredly. Then increase your pace. Watch for rhythm, control diction, intelligibility and expressiveness.

Exercise # 8

Another exercise to improve diction. It consists in the fact that at the end of each word you need to pay special attention to the sharp underlining of its end. This will make the pronunciation of the word clearer and more expressive.

Exercise 9

Exercise to improve the pronunciation of sounds. It is used for those sounds that are most difficult for you to pronounce. Take a dictionary, open the letter that is causing you difficulties, and read in a row all the words in which there is a sound that is difficult for you, listening carefully to it. Through repeated repetitions, pronunciation will improve. In addition to this exercise, you can use the recorder to track your progress: write down all the words you pronounce, then listen to the recordings and work on the mistakes.

Exercise # 10

Exercise for the development of the timbre and acoustic properties of the voice. It includes the development of the muscles of the pharynx and tongue. It is necessary to silently pronounce the letters "A-E-O" 10 times, trying to open not the mouth, but the cavity of the pharynx.

And as a little bonus, another cool and effective reception to improve the overall quality of not only articulation, but also intros in general - this is work with a mirror... Pick a prose passage or poem you remember and read it while watching your reflection in the mirror. Track your facial expressions, movement of lips, eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones. Listen to your voice. The main assessment criteria should be aesthetics, naturalness, harmony, as well as psychological and physical comfort. You must make sure you like yourself, so that the sound of your voice is pleasant for you, and facial expressions and gestures evoke extremely positive emotions.

Naturally, these exercises are not exhaustive and one of a kind. And they should only serve as pointers to you in your work on your articulation. If you want, you can find a huge number of such exercises on the Internet or specialized literature. But to summarize, you can make a short summary and highlight several main principles:

  • Of particular importance in training articulation are systematic training and their conscious control.
  • It is very important to regularly work in front of a mirror.
  • In the process of training, you must be demanding about yourself, be able to look (listen) to yourself from the side
  • It is imperative to do numerous repetitions of unpronounceable sounds until you feel the state complete comfort when pronouncing them
  • Particular attention should be paid to working with muscle and emotional tension.
  • Progress dramatically speeds up listening to audio and video footage of people with superior articulation

Be guided in your practice by these principles, and the desired result will be felt very soon. And the first noticeable effect will already appear on initial stage... Remember that it is recommended to develop articulation not only for singers, professional presenters, lecturers, orators or actors, but also for any person in general, if only for the simple reason that we all live in society, and we constantly have to interact with other people.

We wish you the best in your articulation work. Speak beautifully!

To train articulation and raise your mood, we suggest you take a small test:

  1. Try turning your lower lip inside out without using your hands and with your mouth closed.
  2. Try the same thing with your mouth open.
  3. Repeat step # 2 in front of the mirror

1. "Smile" ("fence")

Smile without straining so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Make sure that when you smile, your lips do not tuck inward.

We join our teeth exactly

And we get the fence.

Now let's part our lips

Let's count our teeth.

2. "Tubule" ("proboscis")

Pull the closed lips forward. Keep them in this position for a count of 1 to 5-10.

I imitate an elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk.

3. "The house opens" ("hippo)

Smile slightly, slowly open your mouth, hold your mouth open for 5-10 seconds, slowly close. The tongue lies calmly behind the teeth.

Let's open our mouth wide

Like a hungry hippo

4. "Curious tongue"

Smile, open your mouth slightly and move your tongue back and forth. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip - remove. The mouth remains open all the time. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

Curious tongue

Looked out the window:

Maybe the rain is over

And the sun came out.

5. "The tongue greets the chin"

Smile, open your mouth and stretch your wide tongue down to your chin. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

6. "The tongue greets the upper lip"

Smile slightly, open your mouth, put the wide edge of your tongue on your upper lip. In the future, you can alternate exercises 5-6: "swing".

I swing on a swing:

Up and down, up and down.

I rise high

I go down again.

7. "Monkey"

Open your mouth slightly and place your tongue between your lower lip and lower teeth. At the same time, the lips are drawn together. Hold in this position for 5 seconds

The monkey makes faces.

Who does she look like?

8. "Bulldog"

From the "monkey" position, translate the tongue into a position between the upper lip and upper teeth. The lips are drawn together. Hold for 5 seconds.

There is a bulldog, there is a bulldog,

The bulldog is ringing with medals.

His medals shine.

For what they were only given ...

9. "Hamster"

The mouth is closed. The tongue alternately rests on the right and left cheeks, remaining in each position for 3-5 seconds.

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

10. "Circle". "Football"

The mouth is closed. The tongue moves from the inside, smoothly outlining a circle with the tip of the tongue ("bulldog" -right cheek- "monkey" - left cheek etc., then in reverse side). Perform 5-6 circles in each direction.

People crowd in the yard,

There is a football match going on there.

And our goalkeeper, Genka Spitsyn,

Must not miss the ball.

11. "Kneading the dough"

Smile, open your mouth, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip, slap it with your lips, say: Fifth-five-five-five .. "Slowly move your tongue back and forth. Dough mnem, mnem, mnem,

We press the dough, we press, we press,

After we take the rolling pin,

Roll out the dough thinly,

We will bake the cake.

12. "We brush our teeth outside"

Smile, open your mouth, show your teeth and hold a wide tongue with outside upper teeth, mimicking the brushing movements of a toothbrush. We also “clean the lower teeth. Perform each exercise 3-5 times.

Am brushing my teeth,

Am brushing my teeth

And outside,

And inside.

Didn't hurt

Did not darken

Did not turn yellow

so they.

13. "Bite the tongue" ("Knead the dough")

Smile, open your mouth, bite the tip of your tongue. You can complicate the exercise by simultaneously biting your tongue and moving it back and forth.

Dough mnem, mnem, mnem,

We press the dough, we press, we press,

After we take the rolling pin,

Roll out the dough thinly,

We will bake the cake.

14. "Spatula". "Pancake"

Smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for a count from 1 to 5-10.

We baked a little pancakes,

Chilled on the window

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.

15. "Blowing on a pancake"

Bring your tongue to the "pancake" position and blow into a small bottle, on a spinner or a piece of cotton wool It should be done after the "pancake" has turned out

We baked a little pancakes,

Chilled on the window

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.

16. "Hill" ("bridge")

Open your mouth wide. Lower the wide tongue behind the lower teeth, rest against them with the tongue. Press the lateral edges firmly against the upper molars.

That's a slide, what a miracle!

The tongue bent out resiliently:

The tip rests on the teeth,

The sides rise upward.

17. "The breeze blows down the hill"

Put the tongue in the "slide" position, and then calmly and smoothly blow in the middle of the tongue. The air must be cold.

That's a slide, what a miracle!

The tongue bent out resiliently:

The tip rests on the teeth,

The sides rise upward.

18. "We clean the lower teeth" (from the inside)

Smile, show your teeth, cover your mouth and use the tip of your tongue to "brush" your lower teeth from the inside. Moving the tongue from side to side, make sure it is against the gums.

Am brushing my teeth,

Am brushing my teeth

And outside,

And inside.

Didn't hurt

Did not darken

Do not turn yellow so that they.

19. "The pussy is angry"

Smile, open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests against the lower teeth from the inside ("slide"). "Roll out" a wide tongue forward and take it deep into the mouth (rock the slide). Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a calm pace.

Look out the window

You will see a cat there.

The cat arched its back,

She hissed and jumped.

Pussy got angry -

Don't get close!

20. "Pussy is angry2"

Smile, open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests against the lower teeth from the inside ("slide"). Pull the tongue out to the coil position and bite the coiled tongue. Perform 10-15 times.

Look out the window

You will see a cat there.

The cat arched its back,

She hissed and jumped.

Pussy got angry -

Don't get close!

21. "Cup"

Smile, open your mouth and set your tongue at the top in the shape of a cup.

Put your tongue wide

Raise the edges.

It turned out to be a cup

Round cup

22. "Delicious Jam"

Smile, open your mouth and lick your upper lip with your tongue in the shape of a "cup". Movements are directed from top to bottom. You can continue to move and put your tongue into your mouth without destroying the "cups".

Oh and delicious jam!

Sorry, left on the lip.

I will raise my tongue

And I'll lick the rest.

23. "Steps"

alternation: "cup" on the upper lip, "cup" on the upper teeth, "cup" inside the mouth behind the teeth. In each pose, we hold our tongue for 3-5 seconds.

We walked up the stairs

Up and down, up and down.

We wandered very merrily,

Up and down, up and down.

We walked like this all day

Up and down, up and down.

And not a bit tired

Up and down, up and down.

24. "Focus"

Raise your tongue to the "cup" position and gently blow on the tip of the nose. You can put a piece of cotton wool on the tip of your nose. During the blowing, it will fly straight up. He made a scary face

Then he covered the egg with a handkerchief ...

Then (hulalu-shimbai!) He brushed off his handkerchief, oops!

And now the chicken is on the table!

25. "Don't break a cup"

Give the tongue the shape of a "cup" and move it back and forth, keeping the shape of the "cup" Hold the tongue in each phase for 3-5 seconds.

Put your tongue wide

Raise the edges.

It turned out to be a cup

Round cup

26. "Brushing the upper teeth" (from the inside)

Smile, open your mouth and use a wide tongue to "brush" your upper teeth from the inside, making a side-to-side movement. The tip of the tongue moves at the upper alveoli.

Am brushing my teeth,

Am brushing my teeth

And outside,

And inside.

Didn't hurt

Did not darken

Do not turn yellow so that they.

27. "Painter"

Smile, open your mouth and “paint” the hard palate (“ceiling”) with the tip of your tongue, making movements with your tongue back and forth, stroking the palate.

We have been working since the morning

It's time to paint the ceiling

Lower your jaw below

Raise your tongue to the palate.

Move back and forth -

Our painter is happy to work.

28. "Drummer"

Smile, open your mouth, put the tongue behind the upper teeth, loudly, distinctly, repeat repeatedly: "D-D-D ...". Gradually accelerate the pace, do not bring the teeth together. Then add movement with a cotton swab, ball probe or finger across the tongue - we get a sound that vaguely resembles R.

The drummer is very busy

The drummer is drumming

D-d, d-d-d!

29. "Horse"

Smile, open your mouth wide, flick the tip of your tongue at the top. Accelerating the pace. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move.

We're riding, we're riding a horse,

Along the path, smooth, smooth.

30. "Fungus"

Smile, suck your tongue to the palate so that the hyoid ligament is stretched ("mushroom leg"). Hold the tongue in this position for 5-10 minutes. If you cannot do this, then return to the exercise "horse".

I stand on a thin leg

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining

31. "Accordion"

You can perform this exercise after you manage to keep the tongue in the "fungus" position. In the "fungus" position, open and close your mouth (like the bellows of an accordion stretch).

I play the accordion

I open my mouth wider

I will press my tongue to the sky,

I'll take my jaw below.

32. "Kucher"

Close your lips and blow hard through them. The lips vibrate and the characteristic sound "whoa" is heard. Option: put a wide edge of the tongue between the lips and blow. The tongue will vibrate with the lips.

On a path, blacker than a cloud,

An old coachman is riding in a chaise.

They drag the chaise, even though you cry,

A pair of skinny, black nags.

33. "Needle"

Open your mouth, stick your tongue out as far as possible, strain it, make it narrow and hold it in this position for a count of 10.

I turn my tongue into a needle

I strain and constrict.

I will pull the sharp tip,

One, two, three, four, five!

I can hold the needle.

34. "Watch"

Pull the tongue out of the mouth into the “needle” position and move it from side to side with a large amplitude. Repeat 10-15 times. The lower jaw does not move with the tongue! The tongue does not touch the lower lip.

Tick-tock, tick-tock -

The clock goes like this.

Day and night they do not sleep

Everybody knocks, knocks, knocks

35. "Turkey" ("talker")

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the upper lip and make quick movements with the tip of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to pull the tongue off the upper lip. Then turn on the voice. You will get a funny "talker" (a sound similar to "bl-bl ..."

I am a turkey "baldy-balda"

Run in all directions.

36. "Swing"

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue behind your lower teeth (from the inside) and hold in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then lift the wide tongue by the upper teeth (from the inside) and hold for 3 seconds. So alternately change the position of the tongue 5-6 times "swing the tongue". This exercise is useful when working on sibilant and sibilant sounds.

I swing on a swing:

Up and down, up and down.

I rise high

I go down again.

37. "Steamer"

Smile, put your tongue between your teeth, bite it and sing: "YYYYY". The result is a sound very similar to L. Don't show the sample!

A locomotive without wheels!

What a wonderful locomotive!

Has he lost his mind -

I went straight by the sea.


38. "Comb"

Smile, bite your tongue with your teeth, "drag" your tongue back and forth between your teeth, as if combing it.

I am friends with hair

I am putting them in order.

I am grateful for my hairstyle.

And my name is ... (comb)

39. "Sail"

Smile, open your mouth wide, put the tip of your tongue on the alveoli, hold up to 8-10. Repeat 2-3 times.

Sailing boat

By the river floats,

For a boat ride

The kids are lucky.

40. "Komarik"

Smile, open your mouth wide, put the tip of your tongue on the alveoli, try to pronounce "dzzzz", but not abruptly, but protractedly, for 10-15 seconds.

Arrives at night

He does not let us fall asleep:

Evil rings, hovers over the ear,

Only in the hands is not given.

41. "Start the engine"

Smile, open your mouth wide, raise your tongue up, forcefully hit your tongue on the alveoli and say "melon-melon-melon", repeat for 10-15 seconds.

The car rushes along the highway

Growls in all directions,

A dashing chauffeur is driving

"Dyn-dyn-dyn" - the engine hums.

Used Books:

Kosinova E.M. Lessons correct speech... - M .: LIBRARY Ilya Reznik: Eksmo, 2004. - 64p.

Krause E.N. Speech therapy massage and articulatory gymnastics: A Practical Guide. - SPb .: KORONA print, 2004 .-- 80s.

V. N. Kostygina Tru-la-la. Articulatory gymnastics. 24 years. - M .: Karapuz, 2006 .-- 20 p.

Buyko V. Wonderful training. Speech motor skills, speech breathing, diction. - Yekaterinburg: Litur, 2005 .-- 30s.

Game "Home speech therapist" (ed. New disc)

What is fine motor skills? This is the baby's ability to perform consistently small and precise movements with the hands, as well as the fingers and toes. In common people, this concept is simply called "dexterity". TO fine motor skills include different movements: from simple (just take a toy) to complex (draw and write).

Exercises to develop articulation

Exercises that help the child develop articulation and improve the movement of those organs that are directly involved in the pronunciation of sounds and words should be carried out at the initial stage of the baby's development, and every day. This is necessary so that those motor skills that are learned and assimilated can become more durable and gain a foothold for a long time.

At the same time, the duration of the lesson itself should not outweigh 5 minutes, since lessons that last longer cause fatigue in the child, which does not lead to the assimilation of the material, but to the disappearance of the general interest in the exercises. To begin with, the class time should generally be reduced to a few minutes. So that the exercises are not too difficult for the baby, you should take into account his age and choose lightweight materials that would be available for the development of the child.

Gymnastics and its exercises, which develop the baby's articulation, can be carried out both in groups and individually, the main thing is that when performing all the exercises, the child can look in the mirror and at his teacher and can see the movements and facial expressions that occur during conversation, so that compare with how he does it. Experts who develop such exercises do not recommend performing them immediately after eating, and performing all tasks and gymnastic exercises in a playful way is only welcome.

All exercises that develop the child's articulation are performed in a certain sequence, which, first of all, is determined by the age of the baby. At first, it should be a story of some kind of fairy tale or story that would correspond to the theme of the exercises. After that, the teacher, the educator shows the child the technique for completing the task or exercise, after which the child begins to try to perform it himself, controlling the movement of the speech organs in front of the mirror. All this time, the teacher is watching the baby, and if he does something wrong, then he indicates inaccuracies, after which the child can try to perform the exercises on his own and already without the help of a mirror. But since young children often cannot complete the task without a mirror, this point can be missed for them.

Games for the development of articulation in children

For games, you can use different pictures and make simple manuals, which we will talk about below.

An adult - the one who conducts articulatory gymnastics should very carefully monitor the baby, allowing only the right technology exercises, and then the child will be able to quickly learn all the details necessary for correct articulation.

"Funny frogs" (do the exercises according to the text)

Kwaka loves to smile.

Pull your lips straight to your ears20

I like frogs very much.

Kwaki's mouth from ear to ear

Sew the strings at least.

They smile, they laugh

And their eyes are like saucers.


My lips are a tube -

turned into a pipe.

I can play loudly:

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.


Ask your baby to repeat after you: stretch your lips in a smile, send kisses. Try to show the crocodile's mouth, with an open mouth, invite the baby to stick out and hold his tongue for a few seconds. Fold the lips in a tube and click like a horse.


Inflate both cheeks and burst the bubble. The game is very exciting for the kid. Then try to teach your child to puff out one cheek and then the other.


Let the baby show how the kitten licks milk, licks its lips (oh, how delicious). To develop correct speech breathing (short inhalation, extended exhalation), you need to make simple attributes. Take a cocktail tube and thread through it. Tie a string to make it comfortable to hold and hang the game on the hook. Cut out leaves, flowers or butterflies from colored paper (choose objects in accordance with the topic of your classes). Take the thread. Tie one end of the thread to a tube, and fasten a butterfly at the other end. Several butterflies at different heights can be tied to one tube. While playing with your toddler, invite him to blow on the butterflies. Children love this exercise.

You can tie a ball of cotton wool or a feather, or a caress of light fabric to the end of the tube. For all this, the child can blow with different strengths (light breeze, strong wind).

You can make a small collar and try to blow cotton balls into them.

For the development of breathing, turntables, balloons, pipes, etc. are suitable, as well as chants for vowel sounds, for example:

The girl is crying - ah-ah-ah (long utterance); 23

The mouse laughs - and-and-and-and;

The wolf is calling another wolf - oo-oo-oo-oo;

Elk trumpets in the forest - oh-oh-oh-oh;

A small child is crying - wa-wa-wa-wa;

Children in the forest call out - ay-ay-ay-ay.

Articulation exercises

You can also use the following exercises:

  1. Inhaling and exhaling through the nose (standing or sitting on a chair)
  2. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  3. Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.
  4. Inhale and exhale through the left side of the nose (also through the right)
  5. Inhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other.
  6. Take a deep breath, exhale through the nose in jerks.

Articulation gymnastics

The tongue is the main muscle of the organs of speech. And for him, as for any muscle, gymnastics is simply necessary. After all, the language must be well enough developed to perform subtle purposeful movements called sound pronunciation.

Deficiencies in pronunciation aggravate the emotional and mental state of the child, prevent him from developing and communicating with peers. So that this problem does not arise in the child in the future, it is worth starting to engage in articulatory gymnastics as early as possible. For children of two, three, four years old, articulatory gymnastics will help to quickly "put" the correct sound pronunciation. Children of five, six years of age and beyond will be able, with the help of articulatory gymnastics, to overcome in many ways the already existing violations of sound pronunciation.

"Chatterbox-chatterbox" - exercises for the tongue

First, explain to your child who the “talker” is, because the tongue is going to turn into him.

For this transformation to be successful, you need to make the language wide-wide! Does not work? On the way, the child will put his tongue on his lower lip and spank, “punish” him, while saying: “five-five-five-five…”. Now the tongue has become obedient and wide? It's time to turn him into a chatterbox! A wide tongue is thrown out of the mouth and hits the upper lip, making characteristic sounds: "bl-bl-bl-bl-...".

This exercise has another name: "Turkey". Doesn't it sound like an angry turkey chattering?

Exercise for the tongue and lower jaw "Bake pancakes"

Who said that pancakes can only be baked in a frying pan? They also work well on the lower lip, especially if the tongue itself acts as a "pancake"!

So, we bake pancakes. The mouth is parted, the lips are relaxed and relaxed. A wide, flat tongue-pancake lies quietly on the lower lip: it cools down ... Hold this position for at least 10 seconds. Has one pancake gone cold? We bake the second, third, fourth ... In a word, until we get tired.

Tasty language exercise

Have you baked pancakes? Have you eaten? Oh, how delicious it was !!! Did they eat something, probably, with sour cream or jam? So they smeared the upper sponge. Now you need to lick off the remnants of jam or sour cream from the upper lip.

Lick the upper lip with a wide tongue from top to bottom. At the same time, the mouth is slightly open, and the lower lip does not help, does not "sit down" the tongue. Unfortunately, the child does not always succeed in performing this exercise correctly: the lower lip does not obey ... The desired result is achieved after several unsuccessful attempts.

Exercise for the tongue and lower jaw "Wave"

Did the child see the sea wave? She then rolls onto the shore, then runs away from him.

Right now - the wave has just "rolled". The mouth is wide open. The tip of the tongue rests firmly on the lower incisors. The tide ... After holding your tongue in this position for a while, remove it deeply, deeply into your mouth. Low tide. ...

Repeat this alternation several times.

If you complete only the first part of the exercise, you can change its name to "Gorochka", "Spool". Unlike Wave, these exercises are static.

Exercise for the tongue and lower jaw "Calm at sea"

The sea is not only stormy, but also calm. But can a child's language be calm for a while?

The mouth is open. The tongue is placed on the bottom of the mouth and becomes absolutely motionless.

For all its simplicity, the exercise is very difficult! Parents and teachers can be convinced of this by looking into the child's mouth. In the muscles of the tongue - twitching and "swell"? It is so? We achieve complete "calm"!


Most of the motor (motor) cortex of the cerebral hemispheres is involved in the muscular movements of the larynx, tongue, mouth, jaw, which form speech. Exercises based on movements of the tongue and jaw stimulate the basal ganglion of the limbic system, including a specialized area - the substantia nigra that connects the basal ganglion with the frontal lobe of the brain, which controls thinking, speech and behavior.

1.1. Exercises for the tongue

"Horses". Tongue clacking (clicking).

"Groove". Children are encouraged to stick out their wide tongue, bend the side edges up, draw in their cheeks and air.

"The pussy is angry"... Children are encouraged to bend their tongue up, while the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth.

"Nuts in the cheeks." Children are encouraged to make movements with their tongue left and right, up and down; arching of the tongue, rolling into a tube, rolling "nuts" behind the cheeks.

"Delicious Jam". Children are encouraged to lick their upper lip with their tongue, leaving the lips and lower jaw motionless.

"Let's brush our teeth." Children are encouraged to move their tongue along the inner side of the upper teeth, imitating brushing their teeth with their tongue. The mouth should be open, the lower jaw and lips (in a smile) motionless.

"Chatterbox". Movement of the tongue forward - backward.

"Watch". Movement of the tongue to the right - to the left.

"Swing". Movements of the tongue up and down.

"Shoulder". A wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip.

"Needle". The tongue is narrow, tense.

"Fungus". Open your mouth. Suck your tongue to the palate. Without lifting the tongue from the palate, strongly pull down the lower jaw. Repeat 15 times. Unlike the Horse exercise, the tongue should not come off the palate.

"Swing". Stick out a narrow tongue. Stretch your tongue alternately to the nose, then to the chin. Do not close the mouth at the same time. The exercise is carried out at the expense.

"Delicious Jam". Stick out your wide tongue, lick your upper lip and remove your tongue deep into the mouth. Repeat 15 times.

"Snake". Open your mouth wide. Put the tongue forward strongly, strain, make it narrow. Push the narrow tongue forward as much as possible and take it deep into the mouth. Move your tongue at a slow pace 15 times.

"Painter". Stick out your tongue, open your mouth. Lick the upper lip first, then the lower lip in a circle. Do it 10 times, changing direction.

"Coil". Place the tip of the tongue against the lower front teeth. Press the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper molars. "Roll out" a wide tongue forward and take it deep into the mouth. Repeat 15 times.

"Strongman". Invite the child to press the cotton swab to the upper lip with the tense tip of the tongue. It is important to maintain this position for at least 5 seconds and on subsequent attempts to reach with the tongue closer to the nose. And if the child manages to hold heavier objects with the tongue in this position, for example, a counting stick or a pencil, then he is undoubtedly a real strongman!

1.2. Lip exercises

"Elephants". Children are encouraged to stretch their lips forward, imitating the absorption of water by the trunk when inhaling. Then simulate the splashing of water when exhaling with the trunk (air is released through pursed lips).

"Rabbit". Children are encouraged to close their teeth, while raising the upper lip and exposing the upper incisors.

"Hairbrush". Children are encouraged to brush their upper lips with their upper teeth, and vice versa.

"Smile". Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible (say the sound "and" to yourself). Keep the count from 1 to 5. At an older age, the count can be continued up to 10.


1.3. Exercises for the jaw

"Jaw". Children are encouraged to make movements with the lower jaw to the right and to the left; open your mouth wide and hold it open for a few seconds; make chewing movements with closed lips; do l Slight tapping of teeth with open lips.

"Fence". The upper jaw is positioned exactly over the lower jaw. In this case, the lips fold into a smile.

Mimic movements... Children are invited to 1) puff out their cheeks, 2) stretch their lips with a tube, 3) gloomily move their eyebrows, 4) pretend to smile;

"I want to sleep". Children are encouraged to yawn, gradually closing their eyes, raising their eyebrows, slowly lowering their head to their chest and relaxing the body.

"Tube". Pull the closed lips forward with a tube, hold for a count from 1 to 5. At an older age, the count can be continued up to 10.

"Conversation with fish". Stand up, bend your knees. Place your palms behind your ears, your thumbs touching the lower jaw. Massage your head with your fingers. The eyes are wide open. Lift your head up. Stretch your neck. Wrinkle your mouth to imitate a fish. Look around and simulate a conversation with other fish as if you are in the water.


The process of mental development of children occurs under the condition of their high motor activity... With regular cross movements, a large number of nerve fibers connecting the cerebral hemispheres, which contributes to the development of higher mental functions. For the development of interhemispheric interaction, the following cross-over exercises can be proposed.

"Fist-rib-palm"... The child is shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the floor, successively replacing each other. Palm on a plane, palm clenched into a fist, palm edge on the plane of the floor, straightened palm on the plane of the floor. The child performs the test together with the instructor, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. The sample is performed first right hand, then - with the left, then - with both hands together. When mastering the program or having difficulties in implementation, the instructor invites the child to help himself with commands ("fist-rib-palm"), pronounced aloud or silently.

Lezginka. Baby folds left hand into a fist, puts the thumb to the side, the fist turns its fingers towards itself. With his right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, he touches the little finger with his left. After that, it simultaneously changes the position of the right and left hands for 6-8 position changes. It is necessary to achieve high speed change of position.

"Ear-nose"... With your left hand, grab the tip of the nose, and with your right hand, the opposite ear. Simultaneously let go of the ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands "exactly the opposite."

"Snakes"... Invite your child to imagine that their fingers are small snakes. They can move-wriggle, rotating to the right, left, bottom-up and top-down. When performing two-handed execution, palms first "look" from the child, then - at each other. In this case, the fingers of the same name are first worked out, and then the opposite ones (for example, the thumb of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand).

"Frog. Put your hands on the floor (table). One hand is clenched into a fist, the other lies on the plane of the table (palm). Simultaneously (reciprocally) change the position of the hands. The complication of the exercise consists in acceleration.

"Lock". Cross your hands, palms to each other, interlock your fingers, turn your hands towards you. Move your finger, indicated by the presenter. The finger should move accurately and clearly, avoiding synkinesis. Do not touch your finger. All fingers of both hands should be consistently involved in the exercise. In the future, children can do the exercise in pairs.

Lezginka. Fold the left hand into a fist, put the thumb to the side, turn the fist with the fingers towards you. With your right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, touch the little finger with your left. After that, simultaneously change the position of the right and left hands for 6-8 position changes. Achieve a high rate of change of position. To complicate the exercise, eye and tongue movements are added. First, unidirectional (eyes and tongue move towards the cam), then multidirectional (eyes - towards the cam, tongue - towards the palm).

"The little train". Put the right hand on the left supraspinatus muscle, while making 10-12 small circles with the left hand bent at the elbow joint, shoulder forward, then the same amount back. Change hand positions and repeat the exercise.

"Drawing Elephant". Sit in the elephant pose. The knees are slightly bent. Bend your head to your shoulder. Stretch your hand forward and draw a horizontal figure eight (infinity sign) with it in large strokes. Then repeat with the other hand.

"Owl". With force to grab the left shoulder with your right hand, slowly cross the midline of the body with your head, turning to the left, then to the right. Relax. Do three complete breaths for three turns of the head. Repeat for the other shoulder too. Add vocalization: head at the shoulder - inhale - head on the chest - exhale with vocalization "ooh-ooh" - head at the other shoulder - inhale, etc.

Mirror Drawing. Place a blank sheet of paper on the table. Take a pencil or felt-tip pen in both hands. Begin to draw simultaneously with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters. During this exercise, you will feel how your eyes and hands relax. When the activities of both hemispheres are synchronized, the efficiency of the whole brain will increase markedly.

"The little train". Place your right hand on the left supraspinatus muscle, while making 10-12 small circles with your left hand bent at the elbow, shoulder forward, then the same amount back. Change hand positions and repeat the exercise.

"Cross"... To perform this exercise, a blank sheet of thick paper with an X symbol painted on it is offered. It is located on a plane, at a distance of about 20 cm from the eyes, while its illumination should be normal and uniform. It is necessary to look at the center of the cross for 45 seconds (after a week of training, the image of the cross is called up randomly). After 45 seconds, move your gaze to a light background. With the appearance of the image, close your eyes, and slowly transfer the cross to the forehead, and then to the crown. It is a symbol of the unity of the brain. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

"Look up left"... With your right hand, fix your head by the chin. Taking a pencil or pen, throw your left hand up to the side at an angle of 45 degrees so that, having closed your left eye, you cannot see the object in your left hand with your right. After that, start doing the exercise for 7 seconds. Look at the object in your left hand, then change your gaze to "straight ahead" (count "1-2-3-4-5-6-7"). Do the exercise 3 times, then work up to 8 times. Then perform the exercise "exactly the opposite."

"Drawing Elephant". Stand or sit in the elephant pose. The knees are slightly bent. Bend your head to your shoulder. Stretch your hand forward and draw with it what you see in large strokes. Then repeat with the other hand too.

Head shaking. Strongly grab the left shoulder with your right hand, head slowly across the midline of the body, turning to the left, then to the right. Relax. Take two complete breaths for three head turns. Repeat for the other shoulder too.

"Fish". The mouth is slightly open. Take the upper lip with the fingers of the right hand, and the lower lip with the left. Perform one directed and multidirectional hand movements, stretching the lips up, down, right, left. Close your mouth, take both lips with your hands and stretch them, massaging, forward.

"Claw of a crab". The middle finger is applied and clamps the index finger, the ring finger is placed on the middle finger, the little finger is placed on the ring finger. The pose is held for 10-20 s. After doing the same with the right hand, with the left, and then with both hands at the same time.

"Nose-artist". Breathe deeply, look into the distance. With your nose, draw horizontal, vertical, and diagonal eights around the object you are looking at. Do the multi-object exercise.

Speech sounds are produced by a whole complex of kinem (movements of the articulatory organs). The correct pronunciation of all kinds of sounds largely depends on the strength, mobility, as well as the differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. That is, pronunciation of speech sounds is a rather difficult motor skill that articulation exercises will help develop.

The main goals of articulatory gymnastics

You can watch the baby make a variety of (mimic and articulatory) movements with the tongue, jaw and lips. At the same time, characteristic sounds are reproduced - babbling and muttering. This is the first stage in the development of each person's speech. It matters a lot. In children, such movements are developed and developed gradually. They value strength, precision and differentiation.

A set of exercises for articulatory gymnastics will help to develop and develop full-fledged movements, which is important for the correct reproduction of speech sounds.

Consists of a huge number of exercises aimed at training the mobility of organs, working out a variety of positions of the lips, soft palate and tongue.

First, articulation should be done every day. This contributes to the high-quality assimilation and consolidation of the skills developed in children. It is recommended to do articulation exercises three or four times a day, for about 5 minutes. No need to burden the child large quantity new exercises immediately. 2-3 exercises at a time is quite enough.

Secondly, the exercise is performed not once, but several times (about five). should be done for 10-15 seconds.

Thirdly, it is necessary to competently approach the selection of exercises and take into account the traditional sequence: from simple to complex. It is better to spend 3-4 years in a playful, fun and emotional way.

Fourth, new exercises should be introduced gradually, one at a time. We must not forget to repeat and consolidate the passed material. You should not start new exercises if the previous tasks are not performed very well. Work out old stuff possible with new game techniques.

And, fifthly, it is better to perform articulatory gymnastics while sitting. In this position, children do not strain the body, arms and legs. It will be easier for children to complete new tasks if they see themselves and the leader. This requires a wall mirror. You can start gymnastics with lip exercises.

Organizing time

When explaining a new exercise, an adult should use play techniques as much as possible. Then there is a visual demonstration. After that, under the supervision of an adult, the child performs it.

When children are doing articulation exercises, it is important to control the quality of the movements. It is important to consider the symmetry of both sides of the face. Without this, articulatory gymnastics is absolutely meaningless.

Each exercise needs to be creative.

At first, the movements will be tense. Gradually, they will become more free, organic and coordinated.

The complex of articulation exercises should include both static and dynamic tasks.

Lip exercises

There are a huge number of them. This:

  • Smile - the lips are held in a smile, the teeth should not be visible.
  • Proboscis - the lips are extended forward with a long tube.
  • A fence - a smile with closed teeth.
  • Bagel - round and pull the lips forward. In this case, the teeth should be closed.
  • Rabbit - the exercise is performed with closed teeth. Raise the upper lip, exposing the corresponding incisors.

Tasks for developing lip mobility

Articulation exercises for children should also be aimed at developing lip mobility. This:

  • Scratching and biting with teeth on both lips.
  • Pull the lips forward with a tube. Then stretch them into a smile.
  • Pull the lips with a tube. Rotate them in a circular motion, move left and right.
  • Imagine yourself as a fish that talks. Clap your lips together.
  • Take the nasolabial fold of the upper lip with two fingers of one hand, and the lower lip with the thumb and forefinger of the other. Stretch them up and down.
  • "Kiss". The cheeks are pulled inward, after which the mouth opens sharply with a characteristic sound.
  • "Duck". Massage the extended lips with your fingers, trying to depict the beak. In this case, the thumbs of both hands should be under the lower lip, and the others - on the upper lip.
  • "Displeased horse". Try to sound like a horse snorting.

Static and dynamic language exercises

High-quality articulation is impossible without persistent practice. Among static exercises, the following can be distinguished:

  • Chicks. Open your mouth wide, while the tongue lies motionless.
  • Spatula. The mouth should be open, stick out the tongue, relax it and in a wide position lower it onto the lower lip.
  • Cup. Open your mouth wide. Stick out your tongue, while lifting the front and side edges. The tongue should not touch the teeth.
  • The sting. Push forward a narrow, tense tongue.
  • Slide. Raise the back of the tongue up, while the tip should rest tightly against the lower incisors.
  • The tube. Bend up the lateral edges of the tongue.
  • Fungus. Suck the tongue to the palate.

The complex of articulation exercises should include dynamic tasks:

  • Pendulum. Open your mouth slightly and stretch your lips into a smile. With the tip of the tongue, alternately touch the corners of the mouth.
  • Football. The mouth must be closed. With a tense tongue, alternately rest on one or the other cheek.
  • Teeth cleaning. Close your mouth. Trace the movement of the tongue in a circle between the teeth and lips.
  • Horse. Suck your tongue to the palate, then click your tongue. Click hard and slowly.
  • Delicious jam. Open your mouth and lick your upper lip with your tongue.

Articulation exercises for the "r" sound

The first exercise is called "Whose Teeth Are Cleaner". To perform it, you should open your mouth wide and, from the inside of the upper teeth, make movements (left-right) with the tip of the tongue.

The second is "Painter". Open your mouth, stretch your lips in a smile. Make the tip of the tongue move back and forth along the palate.

Third - "Who will drive the ball further." The exercise is done with a smile. Make the tongue wide. Put its edge on the lower lip and try to pronounce the sound "f" for a long time. Then put the cotton wool on the table and blow it off to the opposite side.

These are just some of the articulation exercises for the "r" sound that will help you develop correct tongue movements, mobility, lifting, etc.

The tasks presented in the article will help to strengthen and develop certain skills in children. Articulation exercises require a competent and creative approach from an adult. Be sure to do them in a playful way, do not forget to say the names of each of them, which will cause direct associations. And then it will be interesting for children to perform a variety of exercises.