Repairs Design Furniture

What you need to put a linoleum in the apartment. Lining linoleum on wooden, concrete floor and on old linoleum. How to choose materials

Among all existing varieties Finish flooring linoleum enjoys special love and respect. This material simultaneously combines high quality, ease of installation, attractive appearance and affordable price.

And if there is no difficulty with the laying of linoleum in most rooms, then the process of installing the coverage under consideration in the corridor, the bathroom and the balcony should be approached with the knowledge of certain nuances. First of all, we understand the features of basic surface preparation.

Regardless of the place of laying linoleum, the basic preparation will remain the same. There will be only finishing preparation and the laying of flooring will be directly.

First step. Remove the boardwalk.

The second step. Check the design density of the design elements. Drink the speaking nails and generally strengthen the system.

Third step. Get rid of the rotted floorings. Instead, put new durable elements. If you have a spoiled bar, replace it.

Fourth step. Get all the visible slots with a putty.

Fifth step. Additionally, align and strengthen the underground space using plywood sheets. Place the sheets with the displacement of the seams, like brick masonryAnd attach them to the reference bruster with the help of self-tapping screws.

Come on the floor. If you detect the warming sites, put additional support elements under them, for example, slices of fiberboard.

Basic preparation of concrete floor

In the case of a concrete floor, you will need to get rid of the existing flooring and repair or completely replace the screed.

In the case of a concrete basis from the use of plywood flooring, it is necessary to refrain - in such conditions, wood is very quickly rotated.

Additionally, the concrete can be projected to eliminate the slightest defects of the base and improve the quality of the clutch of the floor with the surface.

Some homemade masters practiced the flooring of a new linoleum on an already available similar covering. This method is quite appropriate in the corridor - the old linoleum will perform the function of a kind of substrate that provides additional protection of the new flooring from damage.

Torn and impregnated with mud linoleum is definitely to be removed.

Remember that laying exceptionally single-layer new coating on the old linoleum is allowed. Before starting the finish, the base should be thoroughly flushed, dry and process to. The primer layer will provide a faster grip of a new coating with a base.

Regardless of what specifically, Linoleum Laying, preliminary preparation requirements are planned. finishing material Stay the same for all situations.

Before laying a new linoleum, it is necessary to put it in the room, deploy, dissolve and leave for a couple of days. Optimal temperature Air indoor - + 15- + 18 degrees. Humidity should not exceed 65 percent.

The next requirement is relevant except for balconies, because There are no windows in the corridors and bathrooms. When laying a coating of several strips of the seam material, it is necessary to post perpendicular to the window - so they will be less noticeable.

In the process of laying linoleum, it is necessary to remember the allowances for the seams and indents around the perimeter. Usually enough stock in a couple of centimeters.

In the case of laying a linoleum with a pattern in the process of calculating and designing finishing, add an enlarged reserve to fit the coating via the ornament.

In the bathroom, hallway and on the balcony linoleum stacked with the mandatory use of substrates. Most modern manufacturers offer linoleum, to back side Which is initially glued to the substrate. In the absence of such a supplement, you will need to buy and glue it yourself.

In the modern market is presented big choice Substrates from a wide variety of materials.

The substrate from the traffic jam is unlikely to suit the situations under consideration. In the corridor it is not recommended to apply for the reason that the cork is very bad to carry the load from heels and other thin objects.

In the bathroom it will not be laid, because Tube N. the best way Transfer contacts with moisture.

And on the balcony in the use of "traffic jams" there is simply no sense - there are much more budget counterparts.

therefore cork substrates It is better to leave for residential premises.


Substrates from Jute are also fairly expensive. However, such a material feels perfectly in both the bathroom and on the balcony and even in the hallway - the jute is not afraid of moisture, fire and point loads.

The material is budget and rather popular, but it is impossible to call it very high quality. Penosol does not have high stiffness, so it is impossible to lay it in the hallway. For the bath, such a substrate is also not suitable. The only option of use in the situations under consideration is when laying linoleum on the glazed balcony.

Select the appropriate substrate and be sure to use it when laying the floor covering. Without a high-quality hard basis, your linoleum will quickly lose its initial external attractiveness.

For laying in the hallway, use an exceptionally high-quality linoleum with a high strength indicator. Substrate if it is originally not complete with linoleum, should also be maximum high Quality. Preference gave a jooty basis.

Otherwise, the laying of the material in the hallway is no different from similar work in most other premises of the house.

First step. Measure the corridor taking into account the scan in doorway. In the case of linoleum, standard sizes are changed in 500 mm increments. Round the measured width to 50 cm in the direction of magnification. For the length, add a stock at 30-40 cm.

The second step. Remove cabinets from the corridor, other furniture and interior items in the event of their presence.

Third step. Prepare the floor in accordance with the previously obtained recommendations and proceed directly to laying the floor covering. In the absence of a factory substrate on the reverse side of the linoleum, put the lining yourself.

Fourth step. Estate the linoleum along the corridor, with about the same in-eyelid on the wall. Also, science should be sufficient for overlapping existing openings and niches.

Fifth step. Armed with a building knife and a ruler, carefully cut off the extra linoleum on each side. Be careful not to spoil the coating. The laying technology requires that a 20-30 mm gap remain between the linoleum and the wall. Consider this in the process of cutting the material.

The clearance is necessary for the simple reason that the material under consideration is susceptible to temperature deformations. In the heat of linoleum expands, and if the mentioned gap between the coating and the walls will not be, the coating simply will go waves.

Sixth step. After fitting, lock the linoleum on the floor. It is best to do it with glue. Wrap one edge of the linoleum to about the middle, cover the base of the uniform layer of the binder composition, put the linoleum on the base and press the material to the surface, thoroughly smoothing all the irregularities and getting rid of the air. Then perform a similar procedure with the second part of the coating.

Give adhesion to dry. Gaps between walls and coating hide with decorative plinths.

Laying linoleum in the bathroom

The order of laying linoleum in the bathroom does not have significant differences from the installation of flooring in the hallway. However, when repaired in the bathroom, you must eliminate the risk of water to laid coating. Based on this, a number of additional requirements and new features of laying technology of linoleum arise.

Remember the following requirements and take into account them in the execution process. finishing work. Directly the installation of the linoleum, follow as in the case of the corridor.

First of all, try the entire floor of the bathroom to be covered with a solid piece of material. The smaller you make the joints - the lower the risk of moisture penetration under the flooring.

In the bathroom linoleum in obligatory Located on the substrate, the optimal version is a jute lining material.

Consider the option of laying linoleum without gluing to the floor. This installation will leave you periodically when you occur unpleasant odor Raise coating for disinfection of the base and finishing materials.

With the same joints, they should be sick " cold welding" In particular, much attention should be paid to the quality of gluing linoleum on joints with water supply pipes.

In the bathroom, laying linoleum is performed with some adhesive on the walls and other vertical surfaces (plumbing boxes, etc.). Such an option laying will prevent the penetration of moisture under the edge of the flooring.

For fixing and additional protection against moisture penetration, fix the linoleum in the walls using the clamping polyvinyl chloride plinths. Also allowed by the use of special flueful plinths.

If you still decide to glue the linoleum to the base, use dispersion moisture resistant glue for this. Pre-dismantle the toilet and sink tube.

The onset linoleum and return dismantled products to its places, having pre-cut into the linoleum the corresponding holes. These products are established with the mandatory subsequent sealing of the slots under them. For sealing, use the transparent composition specifically designed for this purpose.

The junctions formed in the places of the allen cover on the walls, also glue with cold welding. The fastening of the butt linoleum butt may require the use of hot welding, however, to cope with its execution independently without availability. special equipment And you will not work with the skills of handling.

Video - Cold Linoleum Welding

The order of laying linoleum on the balcony practically does not have differences from the installation of the material in the hallway. If the balcony is not glazed, the coating must be protected from moisture penetration. In this case, follow the rules that are relevant for linoleum laying technology in the bathroom.

The only significant differences are present except in the preparation of the floor of the balcony before laying linoleum.

First step. Get rid of the old coating. Carefully examine the state of the base. If there are defects, close them with the primer or pick up. Any irregularities will be noticeable on the laid coverage and will lead to a significant reduction in its service life.

The second step. Drive the floor and let him dry.

Third step. Fill concrete screedlet her dry, and re-drive the base.

Fourth step. Disseminate the linoleum on a dried base. Give the material to lie down a couple of days to get used to the surrounding conditions and align.

Fifth step. Cut the linoleum around the perimeter of the balcony and attach to the floor with a special glue.

If the linoleum is stacked on the glazed balcony between the coating and the walls you need to leave the gap in 2-3 cm, and then close the gaps using the plinth.

Video - Linoleum Laying on the Balcony

In the case of repairing on an unlocked balcony, linoleum is placed with the allen on the walls, as in the bathroom.

Thus, if desired, linoleum can be laid even in such specific rooms as balconies, bathrooms and hallways. It is only necessary to take into account the features of each of these premises and to follow the recommendations received.

Good job!

Video - how to lay linoleum with their own hands

Video - Linoleum Nastile Errors

In the building markets, a very rich choice of flooring, but in front of the consumer always arises as it is better to choose. Linoleum is considered the most common and in demand among the population with average sufficiency. It is relatively inexpensive material, and in order to save, performing its installation, you need to know how to put the linoleum.

Preparation of the floor before laying linoleum

Linoleum can be laid on any surface, whether wooden or concrete floors, it is important that they are even. These claims should be observed that after installation, folds or the material did not break through.

If the surface of the sexual screed is old, began to crumble, lost its former qualities or simply uneven, then it is necessary to carry out the installation of the screed.

In order to perform a new screed when making a new screed, the beacons that are used for fillings are installed before work. cement tie.. In order to the end of the screed acquired a flat surface, it is shed with sandy solution.

But there are so-called bulk floors, the laying of which does not require grout, but it is much more expensive. It is a dry mixture that is stirred by a mixer and with the help of a large spatula stretches along the floor. As the floors are dried, the insulation is a stealth, and then you need to put the linoleum.

If the floor surface has wooden base, before laying it, it is also necessary to prepare.

Laying linoleum should be carried out only on the perfectly level basis.

To start to remove old paint, wood is treated with a soldering lamp or construction phenomenon. If some boards are shifted or creaked, they need to be fixed, nails that stick out, with the help of a hammer to drown.

When the boards are irregularities, they need to be fired, using electrurubok, and only after carrying out all work on mastic, a plywood is stacked, which is attached to screws.

Linoleum preparation

Purchasing material in the store, you need to study it specifications. First of all, ask what a shrinkage is Linoleum. Suppose that the coating on a felt basis gives an impressive shrinkage, but Linoleum from PVC, on the contrary, is stretched over time.

If before laying the material for a long time It was in the cold air, then before spreading it, he should sew the day in the folded form, and otherwise the linoleum will not have a plasticity.

During the repair, the question always arises when linoleum is glued to wallpaper pasting or after. If you put a linoleum before wallpaper, there is a chance to damage it or fallen tools, or the legs of the stepladder. Also, if the room is pissed in the room, there is a risk of damaging them when the linoleum rolling, therefore, if there is no doubt in accuracy, the coating is better to wock before pasting the wallpaper.

  1. If it allows the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the roll is driven and unfold it so that he climbed the wall throughout the perimeter, overlap all the doorways and the place under the battery.
  2. If the room is small and narrow and there is no possibility to deploy a roll, then it can be broken in another room, to measure and cut, and then roll, put in the right place and give it to the final trimming to give it to the deployment of about 2 days.
  3. To make sure that the coating is laid as it should and all the walls and niches are covered with braziness, produce trimming, but taking into account the allowance, which is necessary during the shrinkage of a certain type of linoleum. In places of more passable, for example, at the threshold, the coating can be consolidated so that it does not go.
  4. If when laying a linoleum with his own hands it is necessary to put it on the adhesive basis or on mastic, then the final trimming is made after it was rolled to the middle of the room and the spatula on the floors was glued. On the edge near the wall, the glue mixture is applied after the final trimming.
  5. When work on trimming will be completed, all joints need to be welded, applying special glue, the extreme direction in the wall must be plugged with a plinth, and the joints in the doorway are closed with a decorative impact.

Linoleum can be laid in two ways - dry and on the adhesive basis. In small rooms, such as bathroom, bathroom, corridor, putting the linoleum dry. But before laying the floor, you need to check and prepare for work on the subject of irregularities and flaws, if any, they are eliminated. After the floor, you need carefully fit and start to roll off the coating.

On the adhesive basis sexual coating Mounted indoors with a large area. Before starting work, you also need to prepare the surface. But in this case you need to spend thorough wet cleaning. After drying the floor it should be braced, so that the coating is well glued.

After a day, it is proceeded to laying a linoleum with their own hands, while using special mastic or glue.

The roll with linoleum is rolled and after measurements of the desired length cut off.

The cooked sheet bend in the middle, applies to it the mastic with a special wave spatula and pressed the linoleum to the surface of the floor. It is recommended to mount it in the room at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees.

And that the result of the work is not disappointed in the future, you need to know what to choose from.

Existing types of linoleumum

To date, there are several types of linoleum, and for various buildings and premises use different typeswhich are divided according to the degree of abrasion and durability. Such species three:

  1. Domestic. This type of linoleum is used in premises with small patency, as it is sensitive to of different kind Damage. And so he found its use in residential buildings and premises. He has good performance, low price and a large range of colors and drawings.
  2. Commercial. Such a coating is able to withstand heavy loads and has greater wear resistance. Thanks to its characteristics, it has found its use in offices, shops, hotels and in similar public places. This coating has an elastic shape, a solid pattern and a rough surface. Because of the drawing, commercial linoleum can be applied to an uneven floor, because upper layer gives the coating additional strength. Surface damage, such as scratches and cracks, on the surface of commercial linoleum are invisible.
  3. Semi-commercial. Combines the qualities of the above species. He has a large assortment, simple when making installation and at the same time wear-resistant. For a long time, he was valued for small value, ease of laying.

Recently, semi-commercial linoleum is used in expensive interiors In the most exquisite houses and premises. This type attracts primarily as a coating for the kitchen, as it is moisture console, does not give in to the melting furniture, is perfectly washed and even has the ability to resist bacteria.

Linoleum has long established itself as one of the most practical, durable and durable coatings. This material can be seen in the premises of any destination, and the reason is simple - the linoleum has a unique moisture resistance, it is easy to install and looks pretty beautiful, taking into account the fact that now you can choose the coating of absolutely any color. Therefore, they buy it for laying in apartments. But not everyone knows how to properly lay linoleum. Let's study this question more.

Linoleum is an outdoor material that is not only practical, but also can be used for laying in any premises and on any coating. There are practically no restrictions for the flooring of this coating - it can be laid on a tree, concrete, old coatings of various types.

Type of foundationRecommendations

As a rule, concrete floors are an ordinary cement-sand screed. If it is done correctly, it is already a pretty smooth type of draft floor. The main thing is that there was no dents, chosel, protrusions on the screed. If the screed was new, then it is important to wait when it is completely dry (28 days). Linoleum can be kept directly on such a base. For softness under it, you can put a special substrate. Make such a base perfectly will help the self-leveling mixture.

Excellent way to make floors smooth. The material can be laid on the lags or right on top of the old wooden floor depending on its condition. On the floors of plywood, the linoleum is simply, and he lies very smoothly. It is recommended to use mastic with waterproofing properties as an adhesive composition so that the plywood is not afraid of humidity and was not deformed.

If the linoleum will step on at such a base, then the boarding floor is recommended to first be touched and bought off to remove the gaps between the boards and get a perfectly smooth surface. Nails or self-tapping screws are fixed on the ground, it is necessary to drown into a tree as much as possible, otherwise their caps will act - they will remain traces on linoleum. It is also important to make sure that all the floorboards are whole, durable and well fixed on the lags, do not "walk".

Laying a new linoleum on an old one can be carried out if the coating that has already been used is in a relatively good condition - not worn, has no damage, well fixed.

An excellent option for laying a linoleum, because such mixes usually create a perfectly smooth surface. By the way, it is on such a draft floor that absolutely any finishing flooring for the floor can be stacked.

Linoleum can even sharpen on the old tile without removing it. The main thing is that it be smooth, the whole, all tiles were in place. To secure the linoleum on the surface of the tile with the help of glue, there will be a tile slightly pollute and make shallow cuts on it - it will increase the tag indicators.

The most important thing is that it is important to remember with regard to the base for linoleum - this is what it should be as even as possible. This species The coatings are soft, plastic, easily takes a different shape, and all surface irregularities will immediately feel and commemorate on it. It is also important that the basis was clean and dry. If the draft floor is wet, then due to the characteristics of the linoleum - it does not apply to breathable coatings - mold may form under the material.

Attention! On carpet, it is impossible to sharpen linoleum. It will be very fifty, the feet of furniture will easily leave dents that may not be aligned, even if heavy object The interior will move to another place. In this case, if there is no desire to remove carpet, it can be closed by plywood sheets. Such a method will improve the thermal insulation quality of the floor, and the extraneous noise through such a layer of materials will not penetrate.

Linoleum laying methods

The linoleum on the surface of the rough base can be laid in two ways - with the help of adhesive components and without them, fixing the plinths around the perimeter of the room. Free layingwhere the material is fixed only with the help of plinths, suitable for small areas of rooms in which there is no strong impact on the base (for example, the passability of low). The area of \u200b\u200bthe room should not exceed 20 m 2.

Adhesive method laying Applicable for spacious premises, as well as for those where there is a strong impact on the floors. In this case, the strip of linoleum sit on a special glue composition or bilateral scotch. This method is also recommended for rooms where heavy furniture is located, periodically needing movement.

Selection of material and preparation of tools

To lay this coverage, it will take not only the presence of a number of tools, but also the material itself. And it is necessary to take it with all the responsibility. Types of linoleum There are a lot, but among them the following main maintenance can be distinguished:

  • made of PVC.. It is distinguished by a low cost and good qualityBut still worse tolerate the load than the natural coating, and does not like the effects of aggressive chemistry. Also PVC Linoleum is afraid of a minus temperature, because of what to carry it into winter It is important very careful;

  • manufactured. There are considerable money, but is very durable, it is not for the furniture even for a long time.

When choosing a linoleum, its thickness is taken into account, as well as the presence of a warming layer. It is not worth buying even an apartment with a small passability of a completely thin linoleum - it can quickly lose the appearance.

Material, that is, not to have a base, or a heterogeneous, equipped with a substrate from the wrong side. If the first option is purchased, then experts recommend to raise an additional acquired substrate for finishing coatings. Heterogeneous is produced on two types of substrate - on a foam-based or tissue (jute). The latter option has excellent thermal insulation properties, and the first is considered more durable and durable.

Tip! Choose linoleum according to his performance characteristics It is necessary on the basis of what conditions it will be used.

As for external coverage data and its color Gamma., then you need to focus on the interior design. You can also think about your taste preferences and buy in color that linoleum that most of all will have to do. But to acquire rolls if they need several, they advise from one batch - then the bands will not differ in color and shades.

The purchased material is stored in a vertical position. It is recommended to immediately put the room where the repair will be repaired. This is especially important if the material was transported down the street in the winter.

Important! Lining linoleum cannot be made at temperatures below +18 degrees.

Also for mounting the coverage of linoleum will be required:

  • roulette - to remove the measure and markup of the material;
  • long metal ruler - for convenient circumstances of the coating;
  • linoleum knife - for trimming material;
  • marker - to apply markup;
  • glue and toothed spatula - In the case of mounting the coating by the adhesive method.

A good service can serve two-way tape. In some situations, it is able to even replace the glue composition. And for the docking of individual linoleum canvases, special cold welding is purchased.

Calculation of the material and the first laying of linoleum

Acquire linoleum follows required quantitywhich will be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe decorated room with a low reserve value (about 10%, 10-20 cm on each side of the measured piece). The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is simply simply measured with a roulette length and width of the walls, the values \u200b\u200bare variable.

Attention! The calculation of the area is made necessarily taking into account all niches and gaps that are in the room.

It is important to remember that the walls in the room can be uneven - in fact, in a rare case, the room has perfect geometry. All these nuances should be taken into account when calculating the amount of coating.

Also, the store immediately acquired the missing tool and adhesive composition (for the adhesive method of installation). If the linoleum is fixed by plinths, then they are purchased immediately. In color they must harmonize with finishcoat and the rest of the interior design elements. For burners, which can be made of wood, aluminum and other materials.

Linoleum remains the most popular flooring. This is explained by excellent performance, a good appearance of this material, a rich choice of colors and textures. In addition, this material is easy to install and laying linoleum with their own hands will not be a lot of work for homemade Masters. Consider the rules for laying on different foundations. Despite the ease of installation in this process there are a number of their rules and subtleties. Their execution will be rewarded by a long service life. outdoor material and the preservation of its good appearance. When laying, it is important to comply with a certain procedure.

The base under linoleum should be solid and smooth. That is why before proceeding to laying, you need to prepare the basis. As the basis for the linoleum, the concrete floor was performed with the help of special screeds, but with small preparatory work it is possible to put this material on the old floor covering.

So that Linoleum pleased you long years It is necessary before it is styling thoroughly prepare the basis

Concrete floor

First of all, the concrete floor is carefully cleaned from garbage and dust. The floor is inspected and if there are slots, chips or cracks are cleaned and fill with a solution. After that, the surface is carefully examined by laser or conventional hydroeer. Reveal how long the floor, and what are the differences in height.

Linoleum has a relatively small thickness and is a sufficiently soft material, so over time in places with drops in height, it will be deformed: Say, rushing or crack. This explains why it is imperative to carry out work on equalizing the surface before laying. A height difference is allowed not more than 3 millimeters. If the difference is larger, then the concrete floor should be aligned with one of the types of screed:

  • concrete mix;
  • cement-sandy solution;
  • self-leveling mixture;
  • dry tie.

If the floor differences are no more than 5 mm for its alignment it is convenient to use the self-leveling mixture. This mixture is not only easy to prepare and convenient when pouring, but also hardened much faster than a concrete or cement-sand screed.

Self-leveling floors are smooth and perfectly smooth

After filling the screed, it is necessary to withstand the time it is necessary for full. For concrete I. cement-sand tie Such a term is equal to 28 - 30 days. For self-leveling floors, the term of complete curing is reduced to 10 - 14 days depending on the thickness of the screed . The dry tie technique makes it possible to start laying linoleum for 3-5 days.

Should be considered!Up to complete clarification of the screed throughout the thickness, it is impossible to string linoleum.

File alignment plywood

Any sex can be aligned with plywood before laying linoleum. Lagi or individual small bars are installed under the faeus (if the alignment is carried out by wooden semi And the difference drop is insignificant).

Plywood with lags is connected using self-tapping screws that screw in vovel. Phaneur is better to take a thick - not less than 8 mm. Plywood sheets are placed by a rotary. There are 5-7 mm seams between sheets, which, after laying all sheets, is filled with a special putty. From the walls make an indent 0.5 - 1.2 cm and on the perimeter of the room stacked dampfer tape. All these measures are aimed at preventing fueling of plywood sheets when the temperature and humidity differences and humidity drops.

After drying the putty in the seams, and it will take from several hours to 1-2 days, depending on the type of putty, the floor is ready for laying linoleum.

Laying sheets of thick plywood

Instead of plywood, you can take sheets of DPP, DVP or OSB, corresponding to the thickness.

How to put linoleum on linoleum

Do I need to dismantle the old linoleum to put a new one in his place? This question is often asked for homemade masters. First of all, it is necessary to estimate the state of the old linoleum coating. If this coating is simply exhausted over time and you are not satisfied with only its appearance, then dismantling can not be carried out. In this case, the old linoleum will serve as an additional layer of hydro, heat and sound insulation.

If the surface of the old linoleum is badly damaged or deformed and there are wavy areas, then such a coating is better to remove. The violation of the structure of the linoleum, as a rule, indicate that the surface under it has some flaws. Therefore, the floor in this case must be carefully measured by laser or hydroeer and to level it with a screed or plywood as described above.

Linoleum on the wooden floor

Wood floor can serve as a basis for laying linoleum if it meets all the requirements described above.

It is necessary to check if the floor will not creak and whether there is no deflection of individual flooring. If this is observed, then the floor must be dismantled and laying after pre-fill the screed on concrete base Or first repaired the wooden floor itself.

Using the level, the flattering of the floor is determined and evaluated the status of the lag and all the boards. If necessary, replace individual logs or level their level. The boards are then strengthened on the lags and put the seams with the help of special compositions. Align the old wooden floor can be using plywood, as described above.

Stalim Linoleum do it yourself

After preparing the foundation, you can start laying linoleum.

Linoleum preparation

The linoleum brought from the store cannot immediately lay on the floor. Previously, he needs to give time to "addictive" to humidity and temperature in the room. Linoleum is spread on the floor and give it to be rolled out at least 2 - 3 days. During this time, the material will not only get the temperature ambientBut they will deal. Waves on the surface are independently smoothed, and the top layer of the coating becomes softer.


First of all, the linoleum is rebounded. For this, the area is measured, taking into account all possible curvatures. If the linoleum has such dimensions that can be covered with one sheet with one sheet, then after the markup it is cut, taking into account the 3-5 mm clearance of the wall.

If the laying is made of several sheets, they are styled from the wall, taking into account the pattern. If there exterior anglesThe trim starts from this place.

Trimming linoleum make a sharp construction knife

Linoleum fastening

IN not large rooms It is allowed not to glue a linoleum to the base, but simply after the alignment to press the edges of the plinth. This method of laying has the right to exist, but still properly to roll linoleum using special adhesive or mastic. The surface of the floor is ground and dried. The use of primer helps not only achieve good adhesion of surfaces, but also eliminates the shallow irregularities and cracks, which during operation can lead to the formation of condensate in these places and as a result of the destruction of the floor base.

The decomposed linoleum wrap the edge and wake up with its adhesive composition. It is not necessary to smear the entire surface with glue, it is enough to wash the strip around the perimeter of the sheet.

You can not glue the entire surface, but only wrap the floor around the perimeter

After that, the linoleum is pressed to the base and smoothes with a special rink. Sheets are rolled from the middle towards the edge, which allows to remove air and excess glue under the sheet.

Special roller for laying linoleum

Treatment of jigs

If the linoleum is stacked from individual sheets, then after the installation is complete, the joints need to be processed. Suts of the material are welded in two ways:

  1. Hot welding. This type of welding is usually used for commercial linoleum. Welding in this case is carried out using a special soldering iron and a twisted cord. The cord and the joint are heated and clench well. After the frozen, a solid connection is formed. Align the seam in the level with the surface of the linoleum can be after a complete curing with a sharp knife.

This method is applied in large rooms with increased permeability.

  1. . In this case, special glue is applied to the joints. During the chemical reaction between the composition of glue and the linoleum, the edge of the coating soften, and after evaporation of the solvent, it becomes solid and gives a neat connection.

The second method is simpler, as it does not require additional equipment. This method is convenient to apply in the apartment, and in public places where the high load on the coating optimal option There will be hot welding of seams.

Cold welding of seams

The glue is chosen depending on the available seams and the type of linoleum. In stores such glue is represented by three stamps:

  1. Marka A.. Such glue is chosen for welding the smallest slots. It is liquid and perfectly penetrates minimal gaps. This type of glue is usually used to lay a new coating.
  2. Mark S.. It is used for gaps up to 2 mm. The consistency resembles a thick sour cream.
  3. Mark T.. Used on linoleum with felt base.

The key to successful welding is a smooth connection of sheets with a minimum gap. It is good to connect the uncut edges, but if there is a need to dock sliced \u200b\u200bpieces, then it is much more difficult to do. Experienced masters, giving recommendations how to put linoleum, in this case they advise to put sheets with a small overlay and then in the middle to make a solid rubber under the metal line at once two sheets.

When working with glue, you should avoid entering the surface of the linoleum. For this, the edges are stuck with painting scotch, leaving only the minimum strip of the seam. Tube with glue has a thin needle nose. Gently squeeze a thin layer of adhesive no more than 3-4 mm. This thickness of the adhesive layer is enough to penetrate the seam and its welding. After 15 minutes, the scotch can be removed. Time of complete drying about 2 hours.

It can be combined with cold welding not only household, but also a commercial linoleum, which is not expected to be long loaded.

Should be considered!You should not immediately try to erase with a linoleum by a randomly fallen drop of glue, as this can lead to a drawing of the pattern. It is necessary to give a drop to dry completely and then gently scratch it with a sharp knife.

Installation of plinth

In conclusion, a plinth is installed on the perimeter. More practical and cheaper to choose plastic models with cable channel. But it is possible to install a wooden plinth or made of MDF.

Very comfortable plinth with cable channel. It allows you to hide all wires and antenna cable.

The color of the plinth is selected in the tone of the floor or walls. Fasten the plinth to the wall. Depending on the type of the selected plinth, its installation can be insignificant. To mount some species of plinth, you will also need special accessories.

We told how to properly put the linoleum on the floor. As you can see, there are no special difficulties in this work, and almost everyone can cope with it, having a minimal set of tools. The main thing, as in any other case, do not hurry and carefully make measurements and markup. The process of laying a linoleum can be viewed in the video.

Video: Linoleum Master Class

Installation of any finishing material is not the work to which you need to approach exclusively creatively. In order for the flooring properly stated by the manufacturer's term, should be familiar with the instruction. And, of course, comply with all the rules and recommendations prescribed by it.

Finish elastic coatings are actively used in the floor finish for more than 2 centuries. Produced:

  • Heterogeneous - multilayer linoleum products consisting of the base (foamed vinyl chloride polymer or felt of synthetic threads), the front layer (thin layer of the calender cloth with a specific decor) and the transparent (protective surface coating). Extra layers are often added (reinforcing, improving strength).
  • Homogeneous - single-layer coatings with an extremely high degree of wear resistance with a homogeneous structure and a single décor for the entire depth of the material.

To properly choose the linoleum yourself, before going to the store, decide on the following parameters:

Variety of coating. In the household sphere used 2 types of products

Type of coating. There are:

Wear resistance class. As can be seen from the table below, each room is assigned a certain load category. That is, the level of passability, the presence in the room of heavy furniture, interior items on the rollers, etc.

For example, for bedrooms on the floor, the finishing material of the 21st grade is recommended because in these rooms almost never go on heels - only in slippers. Therefore, not the wear resistance of the upper layer is important, but the dense structure of the linoleum. At the same time in the kitchen and corridors, as well as living rooms with massive furniture It is not necessary to acquire semi-commercial or commercial coatings of 32-33 classes. There is enough high-quality linoleum 23 or 31 class from the well-known manufacturer: Tarkett, Juteks, Forbo, etc.

Design. This criterion can be called, perhaps, one of the most important. Depending on your choice, the room may become brighter, visually volume. Conversely, more stringent or even gloomy, if it is not diluted with an abundance of light "inclusions" in the form of walls, furniture, etc.

Type of foundation. Basic layer From the foamed PVC is considered universal, and felt - warmer. However, at the same time, the polyester base does not like water - with wetting publishes nasty smell, Perfect, slits for a long time. Therefore, no linoleum washing on the fabric or combined base in the premises with high humidity (Kitchens, balconies).

Frame size. Measure maximum length And the width of the floor indoors, including niches, doorways. If the walls are uneven - add a stock of 5-8 cm to each indicator plus 1-2 cm on the shrinkage (PVC products folded into the rolls hot, and after unfolding in the trading hall, it is a little "compress", this is a natural physical process). In the case when several cuts are needed, make sure that the canvas are cut with from one roll or at least from the rollers of one batch. Different series may differ in tone or structure that is not a marriage or disadvantage of goods.

If the room is large, and the kennels are held in the center of the room or with a displacement, try to choose a design with a minimum rapport (repeated part of the pattern on the surface of the linoleum). This will reduce the amount of waste when fitting the pattern.

When issuing a linoleum cut, carefully inspect the surface into small damage and defects of the facial layer: there should be no scratches, dents, points or strips, asymmetric or blurry pattern, and the like. Linoleum, like any elastic material, turns into a roll of the face inside for subsequent transportation. Logging or folding the envelope cut is categorically prohibited. This can lead to irreversible damage to the finishing material for the thickness.

Proper transportation of linoleum.

Interesting article on the choice of linoleum on quality criteria :.

How to place Linoleum: Choose a suitable way

And natural, and PVC coating is stacked by almost identical way, so we will look at the technology of installation of vinyl chloride products, as the most common.

If the basis is carefully prepared, meets basic requirements, the styling is made by the recommended instructions in the methods:

Fixation method Materials used pros Minuses
Glue Water-dispersion glue special on a polymer basis with excellent adhesive properties Reliability


Resistance to bending shifting and twisting deformations

Difficult disassembly
PVA - universal and inexpensive glue with a sharp smell
Synthetic latics on latex base universal with biocidal effect
On double tape (for concrete floors with a strengthened surface) Linoleum connection with the base around the perimeter and on the joints in the doorways is performed using adhesive bilateral tape Partial stability to shifts, stretching Insufficient reliability of compounds
Simple, fixation around the perimeter Linoleum stands on the surface and presses to baselinits base Fast installation, minimum cost Unreliable and short-lived connection

It is not surprising, but in the Internet, you can meet very extreme methods for fixing natural and PVC coatings - with the help of self-samples, sealants, " liquid nails», furniture stapler and even linoleum (roofing) hardware. These options are ineffective and can only be used if the outdoor material is purchased for temporary flooring - for 1-3 months

Required tools and materials

To wait for the linoleum itself, the next set will be required:

  • Formulations for repairing defects of the base or leveling of the surface;
  • Celebration vacuum cleaner;
  • Knife for cutting coating with crochet or construction (with replaceable blades);
  • Steel rail or level;
  • Roulette and marker;
  • Toothed spatula or short pile roller for applying adhesive composition;
  • Wipe board, sailing spatula or pure roller (rubber or velor) for linoleum smoothing to the base floor;
  • Painting tape or double-sided scotch;
  • The adhesive composition for fixing the linoleum to the base, as well as the primer adhesion or strengthening;
  • Glue for compounding seams. Best acquire special compositions Cold Welding series. They fuse the canvas, and the joint is obtained by monolithic, almost imperceptible;
  • A set of plinths with fittings and decorative thresholds made of metal or PVC.

How to bed linoleum do it yourself

  1. The room temperature is not lower than +15 ° C, the base is from +14 ° C to +25 ° C.
  2. Relative air humidity - up to 75%.
  3. The interval for acclimatization of the coating in a raped form - at least 24 hours, in winter time - Up to 3 days.

Permissible base types:

  • concrete monolithic base or slab overlap with smooth surface without defects;
  • chat cement-sand, anhydride and other with surface strength index at least 150 kg / cm².
  • Precast dry coating from sheet hard materials (GVL, MDF, moisture-resistant plywood or chipboard).

Ready base for linoleum.

Preparation of basic floor

At the request of manufacturers, the floor should be:

  • Such (the moisture content of the cement-sand tie is up to 4%, anhydride - no more than 0.5%, the national team - up to 8%). If necessary, you can use waterproofing primers.
  • Durable (the indicator is selected based on the planned loads varies within 150 - 300 kg / cm²).
  • Smooth (the drop is no more than 2 mm for every 2 meters of surface on the joint venture 29.13330.2011 / SNiP 2.03.13-88). There should be no pits, cavities, tubercles, influx and other similar defects. Leveled using screeds, bulk floors or repair mixtures (Dot).
  • Monolithic, that is, seams, cracks and other damage should be eliminated in advance.

The floor heating system is turned off for 3-5 days before the start of work. Old coatings, including asphalt, paintwork, textile, and the like are removed, and the surface is a vacuum. You can progress the base before applying glue. This will ensure uniform absorbability and will harden the top layer.

Separately remind that the linoleum is only on a rigid surface. Cannot be mounted insulation and soft substrates under the material. This violates two rules of laying - evenness and hardness.

Fitting outdoor coating

Very easy to work with smooth walls. The linoleum is stacked so that it lies in width or length firmly to the wall, carefully smoking, it is fixed around the perimeter with the help of a bilateral adhesive tape, and the excess is neatly cut off. At the edges, a small compensation gap is left - 0.5 - 1 cm.

If the walls are uneven, then the coating will "start" a few centimeters per vertical enclosing structure, press the floor with a metal rail and gradually cut off the surplus.

Cutting external I. inner corners It is carried out as follows: Outdoor material should be pressed to the point of the joint connecting the walls and the floor, make a cross-shaped incision for 3-5 mm, gently "dilute" coating on the sides. It should work without a rush, because the surplus is easily removed, but the missing part is very difficult to restore.

Linoleum climbing and fixation.

Please note: so that the seam in the connection area of \u200b\u200btwo canvons is impaired, it is necessary:

  • combining decors. Designs without a well-pronounced drawing (sand, granite crumb, flock) It is recommended to lay reversible, that is, in opposite sides. But products with a surface under wood, textiles, marble, tile and others need to be mounted in one direction with a mandatory fit on the rapport, which can reach 80 cm.

Proper combination of designs.

The detachable cut must be gently bend and roll into a roll on half of the length. Unnecessary scotch remove. Nan toothed spatula or the glue composition, wait a definite time (10-30 minutes), slowly roll out the linoleum and smooth the roller or a tidwing board for uniform gluing and removing air bubbles. Similarly, fix the remaining half of the outdoor material. After 1-3 days, the joints, if necessary, handle "cold welding" or PVA glue according to the instructions on the box.

If the coating is fixed on double-sided tape, then after fitting around the perimeter, the edges are rejected, glue tape is glued to the base, it is not allowed. Next, the protective film is removed, linoleum is applied and rolls.

Finish barcode - fixation of decorative plinths and thresholds. They will decorate the room and give it the finished, one-piece appearance.

Tip! If you need repair masters, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below detailed description the works that need to be completed and offers to you will come from prices from construction brigades and firms. You can see the reviews about each of them and photos with examples of work. This is free and does not oblige anything.