Repair Design Furniture

Is it possible to do without a primer. Do I need a primer and why is it required: some useful nuances of finishing and repair work. Anti-alkali primer mixture

Is it necessary to prime the screed, which was done by plastering, or apply a primer to the gypsum board? How much primer is needed per 1m2? Many novice masters are concerned about these issues.

In general, surface treatment with soil is a mandatory procedure, if we consider finishing technologies based on "wet" processes. Every person who, in terms of do-it-yourself repairs or home decoration, should know this.

When is a primer needed?

Why is it sometimes impossible to do without this procedure? It's simple - the level of quality of many works depends on the soil. After all, the primer provides optimal adhesion (adhesion of the layers).

Each person has witnessed how the plaster is falling off the walls in pieces (such elements are removed without much difficulty). Paint from the surface can also be removed in layers - this is a common phenomenon. We also recommend reading its features.

Why is this happening is a perfectly logical question.

Here's the thing:

  • Similar situations occur when the primer was not applied during the finishing or rough finish - they simply neglected this stage. Finishing materials exfoliate quickly - the first signs of this will be noticeable immediately after completion of work;
  • However, sometimes it takes some time before bad work declares itself. In any case, a coating applied without a primer is unlikely to last long - any experienced specialist will confirm this;
  • A universal primer is not expensive - for a whole five-liter canister you will have to pay only 400 rubles (or even less). This amount of substance is enough to process 50 square meters of the surface (in one layer) - everyone can calculate for himself how much primer on square meter required for finishing.
Many are afraid of the difficulties associated with applying a primer. There is no reason to worry - the procedure is carried out quickly. The primer helps to reduce paint consumption, due to which you can save a lot, not to mention getting rid of other difficulties and troubles.

  • On sale at this moment there are many interesting proposals. For example, you can easily buy paint, which is also a primer. This situation confuses many masters;
  • Questions arise, for example: is it necessary to prime the base if acrylic paint is used? Do I need to do a primer before using paint from such and such a manufacturer?
  • Only one correct answer is possible here: it is necessary to perform a primer. Additionally, it is not necessary to process the base when using paint-primer, if working with wooden surfaces or metal;
  • Usually, alkyd paints for these purposes are used today. But, similar material do not use if the plans are to finish the ceiling or walls;
  • For these tasks, water-based formulations are chosen.
In principle, this is just a primer in which certain pigments are added. It is worth using such a substance in order to paint the base. Sometimes you can’t do without it at all - in the case when you need to apply thin-layer plaster (Venetian plaster is one of those).
  1. Even just for working with decorative single-layer paint, this solution is recommended to be chosen, as in other situations;
  2. For example, there is panel house. The walls in it are quite even, they do not need additional alignment. You can start applying wallpaper right away. However, if the material is light and too thin, a concrete base will definitely be noticeable under it - dark, unaesthetic;
  3. A water-dispersion primer to which a white pigment is added will help solve the problem. Thanks to the presence of such material, you don’t have to think about putty, because the master has “two in one” at hand right away - many have personally checked this;
  4. There is not much pigment in primers of this format. If you use this substance as a paint, it will not be easy to get the shade of the desired intensity - you will need many layers.
Such an approach cannot be called expedient, especially in our days. After all, acrylic and latex paints are used today for painting ceilings and walls - in stores the range of such products is very large.

primed acrylic paints– is there a need for this? Yes, it needs to be done. But, if the plans are to paint the ceiling in White color(what can be called a traditional solution), apply pigmented primer - right choice, because thanks to him you can get by with only one layer of paint, the second is not required.

Primer compositions: their purpose and types

It's time to talk in more detail about what primers are. To understand whether a primer is needed and in what cases, each master must have an idea about this.

Some substances are easily made on their own right on the spot: not only experienced builders cope with this task, but also beginners in this exciting business.

And now expanded:

  • Currently, lime is poorly distributed - few people choose such a material for their decoration. Whitewashing a room is not very convenient - city dwellers have long understood this. Moreover, even under such a “staining” it is necessary to prime the base;
  • The composition is usually chosen as follows: 2.5 kilograms of lime dough (fifty percent), 10 liters of water and alum (or 100 grams of table salt);
  • If you need to whitewash with chalk or lime mortar the surface that has already been painted earlier, it is recommended to use adhesive primer. In this situation, the master must rub 250 g of laundry soap into 10 liters of water. To this is added copper sulfate in the amount of 250 grams, as well as PVA glue in the same amount;
  • In the case when PVA was not at hand, you can choose wood glue - this is what many craftsmen do today;
  • Such primers are currently in demand for coloring in industrial premises. It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about processing sufficiently large areas, respectively, those compositions that are sold in canisters should not be used in these situations - this is not advisable;
  • A completely different composition is made for adhesive paints. For a similar volume of water, you need 400 grams of glue and soap, as well as 200 milliliters of natural drying oil. The primer of the base for silicate paint is made with a solution of chalk and liquid glass. The proportions are: 1 to 10.

Primers of factory production

  • For example, impregnating primers are suitable for processing concrete, brick, plastered surfaces - this is exactly what they are produced for. They are also used before applying wallpaper paste or water-based paint– this is common practice;
  • These compounds are good because they fill the pores. Therefore, a colorless transparent film is created on the surface of the base. These substances are consumed approximately in the amount of 100-155 grams per m2;
  • In order for the soil layer to dry, it is enough to wait only a couple of hours (sometimes just one is enough). Of course, this result is observed only when the room temperature is at room temperature.

Deep Penetration Tools

When the foundation is not strong (for example, you have to interact with the old brickwork) and the master wants to strengthen it, deep penetration soil is exactly what you need.

  • These compositions are distinguished by excellent anti-corrosion properties, which are capable of stopping the destruction process in the thickness of the structural material (or slowing it down as much as possible).

Impregnation for wood

The products that are used today for wooden surfaces protect them both from decay (and at the same time from the formation of fungus and mold) and from various rodents.

  • It is customary to apply these impregnations two or three times, while intermediate drying is required;
  • After upper layer polished with felt or felt.

There is also a type of soil for mineral plasters. It is among them that the "Bark beetle", which is quite well known in the circles of finishers, belongs. This composition is interesting in that it regulates the ability of the base to absorb, due to which all layers applied on top of the soil dry really evenly.
  • Pigment is often added to such a composition - so that the desired shade can be prepared without problems (as in the case of staining).


Thus, now everyone understands whether a primer is needed and why. To consolidate the material covered, it is worth watching a thematic video - this will answer many questions.

Ground compositions are important - when it comes to production finishing works. The main rule: they must be applied on a dry and clean surface, while the room should be warm (plus temperature).

The application is carried out as it is convenient for the master: with a roller, brush or by means of an airbrush. If the surface is plastered, not only the base is primed, but also each layer that has been applied - this is how an optimal result is achieved.

The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is possible, but this does not guarantee that the putty will hold well and for a long time, and not move out in layers. After all, initially a primer is needed for better adhesion of materials. In addition, the soil also protects against mold, and at present this is important, since mold has begun to appear in almost any home.

But there are a few nuances that allow you to do without a primer. For example, according to the recently plastered cement mortar, if dusty work was not carried out in the room, you can safely putty immediately.

Priming layer - a guarantee of longevity of repairs - myth or reality?

Modern sources say that it is impossible to do without a primer layer. It's better for you too, you won't have to redo the repair after a few years (and in some cases after a few months), and for a surface that won't absorb putty.

As you know, the primer and surface putty are the basis of all finishing work and an additional guarantee of the durability of the repair.

Whether the surface is metal, concrete, wood or drywall, a primer coat is essential for better adhesion to the surface. finishing materials.

You may not bother with priming work, but the quality of the finish will then be lower, and over time the plaster will begin to crumble, and the wallpaper will peel off. Agree, this is not what you expect from the repair.

The primer has been used in Ancient Greece, it was used in works of art to adhere the paint to the canvas. With its help, adhesion is created, that is, “sticking”.

soil is used when we are talking about high-quality expensive repairs; if you are planning a temporary finish, then you can do without a primer.

Putty works

Since the soil completely repeats all surface irregularities, it is necessary to perform puttying before carrying out the main work. Regardless of what kind of putty you have, finishing or leveling, any one is easily sanded, allowing you to achieve maximum evenness and smoothness of the surface.

After priming, the putty simply has to adhere well to the surface and hold, as they say, for many years.

Finishing any concrete base begins with cleaning, preparation and surface treatment. A concrete primer (primer) is necessarily used for both external and internal work: before pouring the screed in the room, when puttying the walls of the house and much more. Thanks to the primer layer, the applied concrete mortar adheres better to the surface and does not collapse longer.

In addition, the primer for concrete for exterior and interior work perform a lot of other functions.

Properties of primers

Despite its strength, concrete has the following "weak" sides, which can be compensated with a primer:

  • Required level of adhesion (adhesion concrete mortar with the surface). This is especially true for perfectly smooth bases, on which it is most difficult to lay not only cement-sand mixtures, but also paint, wallpaper, linoleum and other coatings.
  • Protection against excessive moisture of the base. The fact is that concrete is a porous material that absorbs moisture very strongly, which has a detrimental effect on the base, accumulating and expanding in its capillaries. If the surface is covered with a primer, then it will be a kind of waterproof barrier that prevents blockages.
  • Most mixtures contain antiseptic substances that prevent the formation of fungus and mold.
  • Primers for concrete for painting or plastering allow facing liquids to be absorbed evenly over the entire surface to be treated.

Of course, without a primer on concrete, your house will not fall apart, but if you want to concrete pavement lasted longer, then the primers will be simply irreplaceable. To choose them correctly, you need to decide on the types of such mixtures.

Classification of primers according to the main component

Today, the most common primers on sale are based on: polyurethane, acrylic, natural ingredients, polyvinyl acetate, epoxy and other components. Consider the most popular of them.

Polystyrene (polyurethane) primers

For the treatment of residential surfaces, polyurethane primers for concrete are used very rarely, due to their high toxicity. Solvents that are part of such liquids are recommended to be used only for finishing facades or industrial premises.

Polyurethane primer for concrete floors is considered the most resistant to chemical and weathering, it also gives the surface high strength. This makes it the optimal component for outdoor concrete coating.

Acrylic primers

Acrylic-based mixtures are more suitable for interior work, as they are environmentally friendly and do not exude a pungent chemical odor. Such components are combined with any finishing materials and have good absorbency. Besides acrylic compounds dry no more than 3-4 hours. If you need a primer for aerated concrete, then you should choose this particular composition. However, for the exterior walls of the house, it is better not to use such primers, since on outdoors such a protective layer will dry too quickly.

Water based primers

Such liquids are absolutely harmless to human health, so they can be safely used in poorly ventilated rooms and children's rooms. The main advantage of water-based priming mixtures is the possibility of application to a surface that has not dried. In addition, when working with such a primer, there is no need to use protective equipment, since it does not smell. Solutions of this type are cheaper than others.

Organic primers

Compositions based on natural components penetrate well into the structure of the treated concrete surface. Such mixtures can be used at low and sub-zero temperatures. However, organic primers have the shortest service life. Such fragility is explained by the fact that they evaporate rather quickly.

You should not use this type of primer indoors, as it has a pungent odor.

PVA and epoxy primers

Polyvinyl acetate formulations dry the fastest (no more than 30 minutes), so they are recommended if you are running out of time. To improve the adhesive properties, after applying such a primer, it is better to cover the surface with an additional layer of PVA glue.

Epoxy primer for concrete is made on the basis of resins and is more often used in surface preparation for self-leveling floors. Epoxy increases the wear resistance of concrete.

Classification of primers according to the quality of the base

According to the type of penetration into the bases, two groups of primers are distinguished: deep penetration and adhesive.

Deep penetration primers

Deep penetration primers are able to impregnate concrete slab 5-7 cm, so they are most suitable for deep-pore concrete. Getting into them, the primer clogs the voids, forming a durable and strong film on the surface. Due to their properties, deep penetration primers provide high adhesion, which can be achieved thanks to the latex particles included in the mixture. Therefore, such building mixtures become a good basis for lime-gypsum, gypsum and lime-cement plasters.

Deep penetration mixtures may include:

  • plasticizers;
  • polymer additives;
  • antiseptics;
  • quartz;
  • acrylic and latex.

The penetrating primer is also used for the reconstruction of screeds and walls, which previously (before primers of this type appeared on the market) could not be repaired.

Healthy! It is better to apply deep penetration impregnations in several layers, the greater the thickness of such a primer, the stronger the concrete structure becomes.

Adhesive primers

Adhesive primers give a smooth surface a roughness due to the quartz sand that is part of the primers. Due to this, the adhesive properties of the treated surface are significantly increased. The adhesive primer is suitable for gypsum, polymer and cement-sand putty mixtures, as well as for finishing walls with planed wood, tiles, gypsum boards and gypsum boards.

If the walls, floor and ceiling were previously covered with putty or paint, then it is recommended to use adhesive compounds for such surfaces.

In addition, when choosing a concrete impregnation, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer of the composition.

The best brands of primers

Construction markets offer big choice impregnating primers at a variety of prices. In order not to overpay and choose the highest quality and durable composition, pay attention to the following products:

  • Ceresit CT 17 is a universal impregnation that can penetrate even the smallest pores concrete base. Does not block the processes of steam and gas exchange, due to which the base “breathes”. Thanks to the coloring pigment Ceresit it is convenient to apply. This composition is produced in two types: frost-resistant and summer. It costs about 450 rubles for 10 liters.

  • Lacra is an impregnating primer based on polyurethane. Reliably protects concrete from formation of a mold and a fungus. Thanks to antiseptic additives, it is optimally suited for bathrooms, baths and loggias. The mixture costs about 500 rudders per canister.

  • Knauf Tiefengrud is a universal water-repellent primer designed to prepare the substrate before laying tiles, painting and wallpapering. It has high penetrating properties, so this composition is recommended for use on super hygroscopic surfaces. The cost of such a primer is about 630 rubles per 10 kg.

  • Knauf Betonokontakt is a polymer-based quartz sand dispersion well suited for poorly absorbent surfaces. Primer of this brand is used for internal works and for preparing walls and ceilings for finishing with plaster moldings. However, such a composition is quite expensive, from 3,100 rubles per 20 kg.

In custody

Regardless of the primer chosen, it must be thoroughly cleaned before application. concrete surface, wash it with water and wait until the base dries. Primers are available in ready-made or require self-kneading. All information must be indicated on the packaging.

Primer for walls: types, classification, tips for choosing!

If you approach the matter thoroughly, then you should certainly know from the outset that before applying any final coating, the walls must be coated with a primer. For a person who understands little in the construction business, it may seem that this procedure is largely superfluous - why waste time and effort if paint, wallpaper or tile can easily stick to a smooth surface anyway? Indeed, the logic is clear, but the primer allows you to solve at least 3 problems:

  1. reduce consumption adhesive compositions or paints;
  2. improve adhesion (adhesion);
  3. prevent mold formation.

Repair of apartments must certainly include the stage of priming. If you want the work to be carried out in good faith, it is necessary to control the hired workers so that they do not miss this operation and perform it with all care. The cost of the work itself for different performers can vary widely, but if you take concrete figures, then on average the primer of the wall is calculated at the rate of 30r. per square meter. Well, since in addition to the primer, putty, wallpapering or painting is also required, then in the end the amount is not very small. Of course, if you have the necessary money, but there is absolutely no time and desire to carry out all the work on your own, then outside help can be a good solution to the situation.

Advice: when choosing a primer, pay attention to the manufacturer, price and specifications. The deeper the level of soil penetration into the base, the better it is for any purpose.

Modern manufacturers offer a huge amount of primer mixtures. Select necessary types primers for concrete, plaster, putty is not always easy. For this purpose, it is necessary, first of all, to know the varieties. It is impossible to use one type of primer for both paint and wallpaper.

Types and classification of primer

Depending on the field of application, the types of primers for walls and ceilings are divided into the following groups:

  • Alkyd: are used only for wooden surfaces and metal structures;
  • Acrylic: have universal properties, respectively, suitable for different surfaces. Primers from this group penetrate 1 cm deep. This property allows the use of acrylic primers for deep impregnation of the base;
  • Aluminum: used only for wood. With their help, the wood is completely isolated from moisture, thereby minimizing the occurrence of such unpleasant phenomena as mold or fungus;
  • Polyvinyl acetate: apply only when using paint special composition for priming concrete, wood, metal, plaster;
  • silicate: this type is processed decorative plaster and silicone brick;
  • Shellac: helps to prevent the release of resin by the tree, respectively, it is used as a type of primer for ceilings and walls;
  • Epoxy: applicable as a deep impregnation of metal and concrete surfaces. Their main advantage is corrosion protection and sufficient strong adhesion.

Today on the market building materials you can find a large abundance of primers, which are classified:

  • on the treated surface (brick, metal, concrete, wood, gypsum);
  • for waterproofing properties. For baths and other wet areas, compositions are required that form a dense moisture-proof film;
  • according to the features of further finishing. For example, primers for painting and laying tiles are quite different from each other;
  • by functions. Primers are primary and final, the task of which is to improve the quality of adhesion of the final finish and cover the wall or ceiling.

Of course, when starting to repair an apartment, it is necessary at the very beginning to clearly define what kind of wallpaper you want to stick, and what type of paint should be used to change the look of the room. This must be done for the simple reason that, depending on the final features of the finish, the primer itself can have a different base: mineral, acrylic, alkyd, and the like. In addition, film-forming compounds are also different: they are adhesive, bituminous, oily and resinous. And, of course, you should not ignore the fact that the primer may contain drying accelerators and pigments.

Advice: You can buy primer-paint at any store. You can achieve the desired color by adding a dye to the soil. For example, after priming, the wall is planned to be painted in blue color. Add blue dye and the first coat of paint is ready.

Among other things, primers can be universal and specialized. In particular, mineral compositions designed for processing brick, concrete, gas silicate or plaster. The most popular among builders are universal primers, which are based on acrylic copolymers. Such compositions can be applied both to ordinary concrete or plaster, and to wood and other synthetic materials. After an acrylic primer, alkyd, latex or single base paints can be applied on top.

To ensure that the newly painted surface does not swell and peel off over time, and the tile does not fall off in the near future, it is best to use the appropriate primers. by the most simple examples primers are those that cover wooden surfaces and walls before painting, as well as red lead used for metal processing. Currently, there are special primers and priming paints on the market designed for processing various types painted surfaces. Primers penetrate relatively deeply into the substrate and most often form a matte surface that provides fairly good adhesion with subsequent coating.

When purchasing a primer, you should without fail read the description of the product. The modern market offers a fairly large variety of this group of materials, depending on their intended purpose. Primers can be universal (for various surfaces), special (for wood, galvanized surfaces, concrete or plaster), as well as anti-fungal, anti-corrosion, etc.

It is of great importance preliminary preparation surfaces for painting, which includes cleaning from dirt and dust, removing fragile and old paint, and if necessary, also cleaning from traces of rust, degreasing, puttying cracks and irregularities, as well as grinding. Usually preparatory work occupy almost three quarters of the total time. Of course, it is possible to apply paint to the surface without the use of suitable primers, but in some cases such savings can be quite costly.

Anti-corrosion primers used to prevent the metal from rusting. In everyday life, anti-corrosion primers are used in cases where the pipe in the bathroom has rusted, or the garage has begun to rust.

Action and use cases antiseptic primers become clear from their very name. Primers of this type prevent the development of fungi and bacteria in the treated surfaces. The effect of this type of primer composition is very simple: it promotes good adhesion of the paint to the surface and at the same time protects it from various "infections".

Impregnation (deep-penetrating) primers perform a strengthening function and in most cases are used for relatively fragile plasters, when processing drywall sheets before gluing ceramic tiles, as well as for impregnating wood before applying the main coating. Impregnating primers reduce the absorbency of the base, which can significantly reduce the consumption of the base coat material, and also contribute to uniform application. paintwork material. Such primers are also partly hydrophobic, that is, they protect the treated base from moisture penetration.

Also, primers are divided into those intended for interior or exterior use.

Depending on the quality of the surface, both alkyd primers and water-borne acrylic primers can be used.

Alkyd primers They impregnate the substrate well enough, and also provide the required adhesion for the top coat. Alkyd primers are among the best paint primers for bare wood.

Acrylic primers , as well as, are applicable to almost all types of surfaces (fresh and old plaster, wood, concrete, cement, fiberboard or chipboard). Acrylic primers have very attractive consumer qualities - they practically do not have a pungent odor and dry in 2-4 hours, while being diluted with plain water. The only thing is that it is not recommended to use water-soluble primers to protect ferrous metals, as they do not interfere with corrosion processes and rust spots may appear on steel surfaces over time.

Facade primers are, first of all, hydrophobic materials. They prevent the penetration of moisture into the base (for example, into brick, concrete or plaster) and at the same time are very vapor-permeable.

For wood surfaces located outside the house, it is recommended to use deep penetrating antiseptic formulations . Particularly carefully they need to impregnate the joints and cuts of wood surfaces, since wood absorbs moisture well through open fibers.

The function of the primer in some cases can also be performed by the paint itself, diluted with an appropriate solvent. However, using it in this capacity is not entirely economical.

Polyurethane and epoxy primers usually are polyurethane and epoxy paints diluted with a specially prepared solvent. Each manufacturer in such cases has its own recipe for the preparation of primers.

Shellac primer , primarily intended for processing on wooden surfaces knots with resin. It can also be used as translucent insulation paintwork soot and rust stains on any absorbent surfaces.

The main purpose primers for metal It is protection against premature corrosion. It should be noted that for different metals