Repairs Design Furniture

How to treat a cutting board with oil and other finishing compositions. Technology Painting Oak Board than Cover Oak Furniture

A tree impregnation is a necessary operation that extends their life. It should be carried out even with the appropriate processing of oak and other breeds to sell (for example, in terms of relative humidity). The reason is the unfavorable operating conditions of the fender: high operational loads, and often changing surface humidity of the tree.

Possible methods of surface impregnation of wood

At home, the impregnation of the oak board can be performed:

  • special parquet varnishes;
  • compositions based on oil-wax mixtures;
  • refreshing mixtures restoring shine wood coating.

The last option relates more to maintaining the appearance of the already processed oak board, so such impregnation is not in a deep nature. Rather, this technology resembles a clining of a wooden floor covering, and therefore can be produced once a week, and even more often.

Such effect is given and surface fresheners of the tree - polyrolol. High-quality polyters can restore the original color of the tree for a while, emphasize its texture.

Such technologies are applied month or two after the final laying of the parquet board.

Unlike the above methods, the impregnation is made at the styling stage of the coating or immediately after that. She suggests:

Impregnation with parquet varnishes

All of the compositions of this group, without exception, are extremely toxic, which must be considered, choosing this method of tree impregnation. Processing should be carried out in well-ventilated rooms, at air temperatures up to 25 ° C (at higher temperatures, varnishes begin to evaporate even more intense), as well as using individual means Protection: Protective Glasses and Marlevar Bandage (or Respirator).

Toxicity of varnishes for impregnation board depends on the type of solvent. Lucky are made by water based and based on synthetic solvents. Water varnishes Much less toxic, although they dry slightly slower. However, in this case, this is not a disadvantage, but rather, the advantage of the composition: quick-drying impregnating varnishes are very demanding on the quality of their application, and in case of insufficient experiment, the performer leaves after themselves explicitly expressed stripes. They can be eliminated only by re-lacquering a tree, and this leads to elevated varnish consumption and lengthening the timing of work.

The explicit advantage of parquet varnishes is their durability. Oak, treated with such compositions, will subsequently require only cosmetic maintenance of purity and invoice, which can be provided with the surface of the polyarol of the required color to the surface of the genital board. Sometimes it is successfully used to maintain the external texture of the coating from oak.

Impregnation using oil-wax compositions

This impregnation technology is significantly more "clean" from an environmental point of view, since it uses non-toxic components that have natural origins.

Oil-wax mixtures are used not only when impregnating, but also when restoration of damaged board sections. Benefits this method Impregnation:

  1. Giving the coating of antistatic characteristics. Due to processing oil compositions The risk of static electricity accumulation on the surface of a parquet oak board is reduced. When treatment with varnishes, the antistatic effect does not occur, which is explained by the polarization of the organic solvent in the process of applying to the surface of the tree.
  2. The oil-wax surface is warmer to the touch, which is explained by the increased heat capacity of the impregnation components. Therefore, in the treated premises in winter it will be warmer.
  3. A relatively small petty oil provides him to penetrate into the inner structure of an oak board to a significant depth. As a result, the porosity of the wood decreases, and the density increases.
  4. The presence of wax gives an impregnating composition. The ability to close the small surface defects of the tree, which may occur, for example, from the claws of domestic animals.
  5. Wax itself is a water-repellent composition, so the board will not suffer from excess moisture, for example, during the floor washing.
  6. Wax-oil impregnations can be used to process any premises in the house. Most often they process boards from oak, ash, larch.

Technology performing work

Shitting tree parquet varnish It is carried out in two layers. The subsequent is superimposed in the direction perpendicular to the previous one. In view of the rapid grappleness of the composition, processing is recommended to carry out a rigid wide brush.

Much more subtleties of impregnating composition based on oil-wax components. The complexity is associated with the fact that the working mixture for impregnation contains several heterogeneous components.

There are actually oil, wax, resinous substances that give the finished surface of the shine and reduce its porosity, as well as a very small amount of chemical stabilizers that provide impregnation resistance when changing the conditions of temperature and relative humidity.

The processing quality is determined by the characteristics of the oil. It is divided into three types:

  1. High density, with a large percentage of resins. The impregnation of the board with the use of such an oil is considered the most durable.
  2. The usual density, where various dyes often add - from light brown to lemon yellow. This facilitates the selection of impregnating composition for the texture and color of the board (for oak, dark colors are used).
  3. Whitening oils, with which the color of the finish surface becomes lighter. We often process light wood (liquid, pine, maple), but sometimes oak whitening increases the expressiveness of the germ.

Before impregnation, the necessary preparatory work: The oak board is grouped, with the purpose of sealing small defects, its surface putty is performed. Then in several layers with a break for drying, the impregnation itself is produced. It can be produced in cold and hot.

The impregnation of oil-wax mixtures has a number of restrictions:

  1. As a result of processing, the coefficient of friction of the clutch of the surfaces of the shoes and the floor is reduced, so there is easier to slip on such a board.
  2. If you wish the subsequent impregnation with varnish, all the coating will have to be deleted.
  3. The method is unsuitable if the "warm floor" system is equipped in the premises.

The choice of the optimal method of processing the board, including oak, depends on the conditions of its operation and the desired visual effect from the finished coating.

Oak is a very popular material that is used widely:

  • Building.
  • Finishing work.
  • Creating furniture.
  • Production of art objects and souvenirs.

Naturally, the work is not just firing and sawdwood, but a treated and high-quality dried material. it required conditionTo avoid in the future cracking, changes in the shape and size of the product. Oak, which is used in construction or furniture business, must have certain physicomechanical indicators.

Therefore, when the sawing is completed, the question arises: " How to dry oak" The answer to it we will give in this article.

Features of oak wood: what should happen as a result of drying

Timber from oak are quite capricious, they are difficult to dry in a natural way. It is not enough just to leave a stack under a canopy or outdoor sun, in order to get the necessary result after a certain time.

Before how to dry oak planks , It is necessary to understand the features of the material:

  • Oak wood is dried. This means that when the level of moisture falls below the critical mark, internal and outer cracks can be formed.
  • The most difficult to dry out freshly spilled oak, the humidity of which exceeds 25%.
  • Invalid temperatures above 55 degrees on initial stages Drying. This leads to a collapse of wood capillaries, that is, to the appearance of multiple internal cracks.
  • It is not recommended to send a freshly smelted material with humidity above 40%.
  • Proper drying of oak requires maintaining a certain level of temperature and humidity.

Features of drying wood oak Such that for obtaining qualitative material Without defects with a certain percentage of humidity, it is necessary to make a preliminary plan for this procedure, use special means.
There are several drying tasks of oak:

  • Decisions with a warning change linear sizes. There is a decrease in humidity to 30%.
  • Decking Devolution transport humidity 20-22%.
  • Full-volume drying for direct operation. The humidity level should be 6-12%.

Methods of drying oak: chamber and freezing technique

Of all the above, it is obvious that the receipt of wood from the newly fledged oak, which meets all the necessary parameters, is the process of time consuming and long.

There are a lot of ways to reduce the humidity of boards, logs and bars, but all of them can be divided into two large categories:

  • Cameless (atmospheric) drying.
  • Chamber drying.

Atmospheric drying ideally is the most affordable and natural way Reduced humidity level. The technique was used on sawmills and woodworking manufacturing centuries. It is believed that the tree dried naturally is the highest quality, can be operated by decades without changing the initial qualities. But the method has one significant disadvantage - stretchability over time.

Since modern life is very dynamic, buyers are interested in the rapid acquisition of the material. Forestry enterprises, in turn, prefer to implement wood in as soon as possible. Therefore, in the XIX-XX centuries, a variety of techniques that use electric energy. Chamber drying is produced in convective chambers, a condensation method and a vacuum drying is also used.

All work is carried out in industrial conditions, as a rule, are divided into such steps:

  • Wait.
  • Directly drying.
  • Cooling, obtaining a given moisture threshold.

Chamber drying is similar to repeatedly accelerated atmospheric drying, the required result is achieved at times faster. But the disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure. It is necessary to use expensive equipment, most often it is possible only in industrial conditions.

Fortunately, infrared dryers appeared not so long ago, which allow to reduce the timing of the atmospheric drying, to obtain the necessary result in terms comparable to chamber processing. This is complied with everything features of drying wood oakMaterial does not experience aggressive impact that destroys the structure. At the end of the process, the humidity reaches the required level.

Infrared drying oak: the advantages of the modern way

Competent drying of oak Now it has become possible even at home. Infrared dryers manufactured under the "Flexihite" brand have a cassette form factor, easily located inside the stacks, and can also be used to dry with small pieces of material. In this case, the volume of wood does not matter, it is enough to use required amount Dryers and correctly arrange them. The result is achieved for 3-7 days.

The properties of an oak dried infrared method correspond to the properties of wood dried by the atmospheric method:

  • The material has a specified humidity.
  • Fibers will not be blocked, cracks and tense sections are not formed.
  • The appearance corresponds to the appearance of oak dried naturally.

It is noteworthy that everyone can use IR with dryers, you do not need to possess special skills to get the result. Equipment runs from ordinary electrical networkAt the same time consumes quite a bit. For drying one cubic meter, no more than 200-400 kW is required.

To check the moisture, it is enough to use the moisture meter, when the required indicator is reached, infrared dryers are disconnected. Oak can immediately be used for its intended purpose.

Oak wood sufficiently capricious when drying, to get the best result in the shortest possible time, it is better to prefer a tubeless drying in combination with IR with dryers.

Consider what paintwork Select for painting oak boards. Today distinguish different types LKM. The first category is opaque LX, that is, enamel and paint. They are distinguished by - polyurethane, alkyd and acrylic. They are practically not toxic, and dried in a short period of time. In addition, comparing with oil paints, which, after a couple, will start cracking, they differ in durability.

Alkyd types of paints are mainly used for wood processing, which will continue to be applied to processing internal interior. But acrylic paints are used for wood, which will continue to be used to finish the outer part of the house. Another kind of variety acrylic paint - It is water-dispersive. It is often used for internal, and for external work. It is distinguished by durability.

Another category is transparent LX, which includes a component that protects against UV rays. These are all sorts of impregnation, varnishes and verses. It all depends on the scope of the boards. If the boards are used to manufacture the fence in the country, then the lacquer is suitable. Discern colorless and tinted varnishes. But the masters recommend on a colorless lacquer layer to apply a veil, giving the tree the necessary shade.

Before processing, oak boards must be prepared. If the boards were previously stained, then the former layer of paint must be removed by special washes or it is necessary to grind the surface. Sharp boards smoothing abrasive paper. Areas where wood is adjacent to the painted and the unpainted surface is clean and grinding.

We apply a new coating layer when it is perfectly kept and starts peeling. In addition, it is necessary to learn how to see what the wood was processed before, as there are compositions that are incompatible. That is, when working, the new paint can be in an uneven way, bubbles may appear.

After removed old paint Clean the boards from accumulated dust and dirt. Then the primer is carried out and at the end give the surface to dry.

Stages of painting oak boards

Consider several ways to paint oak boards, depending on the selected material.

If you want to apply on oak boards oil paints Either varnishes, then for painting we use a brush, which has soft bristles. We apply a mixture with smooth movements. Apply such a material in a couple of layers, and we are waiting until any of the applied layers will dry. Lucky, which is the composition of which the alcohol base does not need to be used for outdoor work.

Now consider how to work with impregnations. You can use any tools for applying such mixtures. For example, brushes with rollers. After painting wooden surfacesThey protect them from external influence.

When chosen finishing, the overwhelming majority of the masters prefer the compositions from natural components, first of all the oils. There are many options than to impregnate new boardBut practice shows that the most effective solution in this issue is the use of vaseline oil, which will not be difficult to find in the pharmacy.

Alternative to Vaseline Oil can be vegetable analogs, in particular, nutty or linseed oil. But, despite the environmental friendliness and simplicity of such a finish, with time it can transmit food in contact with wooden board, unpleasant wake-up smell. Covering the product with linen, vaseline or any other oil, you will have to periodically update the impregnation, which will wear as the scale of the plank.

How to treat a cutting board with oil?

The oil for impregnation is applied to a well polished and dried surface. Equally distributed using a brush or tampon, an abundant amount of finishing composition, it is possible to absorb into the structure of wood (15-20 minutes), after which the excess wipe, spending a tampon along the fibers.

New wooden cutting board handle minimum in two or three layers. Each fresh layer of oil is applied after complete drying of the previous one. It is not very convenient because the vegetable oils are quite low. Drying board must be produced in a well-ventilated room.

Are there any other finishing formulations for health?

This question still causes hot discussions, despite the fact that it has long been given unambiguous and authoritative answers. For decoration wooden productsYou can use any finishing formulations with food, including oil, polyurethane and nitrocellulose varnishes, shellah coatings and linen olif. These materials are fully harmless to health, but only after complete drying. This is a very important point!

Before starting to use kitchen boardwhich you decide to paint one of these compositions, you need to make sure that the coating fully solid. Remember that the presence of a surface film does not mean that the composition is finally drying inside the wood.

How to save finishing attractiveness?

Holding to this simple instruction, your cutting board will save the external attractiveness for many years.

  1. After use, wash the product well with warm water, if possible with minimum application detergents. Wipe moisture remnants without much diligence and do not allow a long stay of the board in water.
  2. The kitchen furnishings need a periodic update. The outer layer "refreshes" as abrasion, usually, once every 4-5 months, depending on the intensity of the use of the product. By controlling the condition of the protective layer, you will protect the board from cracking, swelling, and the formation of mold, while maintaining its external appeal.
  3. When the working side of the board is strongly damaged by knives, it is grinding with repeated decoration.

Turn the cutting board into a spectacular decor

Inspired by ideas in our gallery, you can create a product that from ordinary household utensils to turn into original decor For your kitchen. Such an expressive and functional object of the interior will be a spectacular gift to which no mistress will remain indifferent.