Repairs Design Furniture

What varnish cove your dining table. How to cover the tree with varnish: the choice of materials. Drying time, water lacquer application technology. The use of varnish in combination with the mourn. Preparation for varnish

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Wooden products with varnish is one of the most common ways of decorative processing of painted and unpainted surfaces. The use of the lacquer is a universal finish method, as it is suitable for most types of wood, regardless of the density of materials and their textures. This method of finishing is used everywhere in the manufacture of furniture, finish finish Buildings made from sawn timber, etc.

When planning to acquire a lacquer to cover the tree, it is necessary to understand that the quality of the finished result largely depends on a number of conditions, among which: the degree of surface preparedness, the correctness of the selection of varnish in accordance with the type of wood, compliance with the technology of the LKM.

In this article we will talk about the peculiarities of the choice and use of varnishes in combination using pigment compounds for wooden surfaces.

Select LKM.

A wide range is available on sale. paintwork materialsBut not all of them are designed to process lumber.

For applying on wooden surfaces, the following varieties of LKM are used:

  • Alcohol varnishes are transparent and translucent coatings that give shine protecting the rough surface from the negative impact of environmental factors. Properly selected coating, subject to correct application, can highlight the fibers and enhance the tone of the tree, which guarantees obvious advantages When finishing furniture.

Alcohol lacquer varnishes are complex solutions containing film-forming substances such as shellac, sandrak, digging or synthetic resins. Ethyl alcohol is used as a solvent.

Separate varieties of alcohol LKM are polish. Such formulations contain about 30% of shellated resins and 70% ethyl alcohol.

Important: In order for alcohol varnishes to form a strong coating, the fortress of the alcohol used should be at least 90 °.

  • Oil varnishes, the price of which is low, is complex compoundsconsisting of a certain number of resins and pigments of the released in oil.
    Ready lacquer has a liquid or semi-liquid consistency, and therefore can be applied with a brush or roller. After applying, the solution dries, forming a transparent film that is resistant to the effects of atmospheric precipitation and mechanical loads. Therefore, they are an excellent tool for finishing the country furniture, which is spent most of the time in the open air.

It is important most oil-based varnishes have a characteristic yellowish shade, which does not disappear after complete drying of the applied layer.

  • Nitrocellulose varnishes (nitroqi) - This compositions prepared on the basis of nitrocellulose divorced in organic solvents.

Important: Considering the toxicity of evaporation when the nitrolaci drying, during their use it is necessary to use a respirator and work in well-ventilated rooms.

Restoration of old favorite interior items has become fashion trend Modern designers. About how to paint the table yourself, know a few, preferring to acquire a new analog. However, it is not worth a hurry to throw out a kindness, but lost our former kind of furniture when it is possible to show creative fantasy and create a unique masterpiece Hand-Made. About how to cover the table with their own hands, and which paint is best to choose, experienced specialists will tell.

Need to update

Any product from wood needs proper care. Despite the strength and durability, wooden materials Over the years I have been lost an attractive look: the paint is irradiated, cracks, crept. There is a need to paint the table again. In addition to visible deformations and the wood itself comes into disrepair. It rotes when the moisture is re-published, swells, srumber, and also becomes a target for pests, for example, tremors. If you do not stop the irreversible destructive process on time, then old table It will be in disrepair and the countertop will look at the eyes. But with timely assistance, the furniture will serve not one generation and will delight the eye with its unique design.

Universal response than to cover the table, no, because it all depends on the variety of wood and on the nature of external influences. For example, paint coniferous breeds - not best ideaThey are recommended to cover with wax or varnish. If the furniture has already been painted, it is necessary to choose a coating similar in color and quality to paint it again. The countertop in the kitchen is better to paint varnish, as the material is resistant to mechanical damage. If the table is on the street or on open veranda, Moisture-resistant and frost-resistant coating should be selected, for example, an alkyd mixture.

Choice of coating

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of materials for every taste and wallet. Consider the main features of each of the coatings before proceeding to work and paint the table.

  1. Water-dispersion acrylic paint. It is non-toxic, quickly dries after painting, easy to use. Cope with her and paint kitchen table Even unprofessional will be able, since it evenly falls on the surface. If you could not paint the table with high quality, you can wash the countertop cold waterBut only before the paint will have time to dry. After drying wood coating It becomes unresponsive to moisture and is not afraid of ultraviolet exposure.
  2. Alkyd enamel. Material is suitable for outdoor finishing work With a wooden surface, so suitable for furniture, which stands on the street. Enamel has a large color palette, may be matte or glossy, resistant to aggressive detergent, frost and direct direct sun ray. It is usually used in aerosols, but there is a liquid option to paint the table. When working should be sure to wear a respirator and stay outside or in non-residential roomAs the caustic smell after the coating of the tabletop enamel disrupts slowly. To paint the table alkyd enamel No harm to health is important to comply with such precautions.
  3. Nitroemale paints. Very toxic, but quickly dry. Of the advantages, it is possible to distinguish a relatively low cost, and the disadvantages include low thermal stability indicators, the rapid occurrence of cracks after the coating due to the ingress of ultraviolet rays. You can paint such a paint that the table that most of the time is in the shade.
  4. Oil paint. It is made on the basis of olifa, so it dries sufficiently long. It is used for internal and external works on wooden products. Covers the surface with a thin film, but subsequently she is rapidly erased and irradiated. Previously, oil paint was used everywhere, but today to paint the table, better analogues apply.

Staining technology

Before painting a wooden table, you need to armared:

  • tassel, roller and tripple (if paint) or sprayer (aerosol);
  • glasses, mask, gloves, respirator (to avoid toxic substances in the body and on the body);
  • an antiseptic (needed to protect against insects) and a primer in a tree (reduces paint consumption).

If you choose the selected the kel yourself, apply the stirred paint to the surface and let it dry to understand what color will be in the end

Painting the table is carried out on a solid surface, pre-fitted with newspapers or polyethylene filmTo avoid paint gets on the floor. For those who decided to cover the table with varnish or paint not on water basedIt is better to restore on the street because of a sharp toxic smell. If the subject of the interior is large enough, it is better to disassemble it for components with a screwdriver, perforator, etc. Many experts argue that it is not worth violating the integrity of a wooden subject, because in the future he can lose the form. However, this statement is controversial. If it is correct and qualitatively collect all the details together, it will not affect the life of the product, and it will be easier to paint it.

Before repainted patent table, It is necessary to remove the old coating. To do this, you can use a chemical solvent, spatula, metal sponge. Entry paper at the original stage should be selected coarse-grained, which does not erase the surface. Next, it is necessary to sand the surface of fine-grained emery paper, to cover with antiseptic and primer and leave dried. The antiseptic is needed so that subsequent pests could not get to the wood. After the primer dried, the surface must be treated with sandpaper and wipe the dry closame or vacuum cleaner.

Malyary Scotch is useful if wooden product There are inserts of glass or plastic that do not need to be updated. It is enough to take away unnecessary places and you can proceed directly to staining. In the case of using aerosol paint, you should certainly wear a respirator, glasses and gloves. Such protection methods allow, without harm to paint a wooden countertop. Spraying the substance follows 30 cm from wooden table.. Next, you must leave the product to dry, and after covering the wooden table another 2-3 layers of paint. The same sequence remains and when applying a conventional liquid paint, which should be applied with a roller or a tassel with a soft bristle. To make sure that the furniture is ready for the next processing, it is recommended to touch the edge of the surface to the edge of the surface. If the paint does not stick, then you can proceed to the next step.

How to paint the countertop, how to choose a lacquer for the table? What varnish covers the table depends on the further purpose of the product, but the most universal coating option is acrylic varnish, which will protect wooden surface from mechanical damage. After painting it is necessary to remove the greasy tape, leave the product to dry out for 8 hours (and best for a day). Only after that it is ready to use.


If you want to diversify the interior and bring a note of indifference and home heat, the painting of the table is a great way to paint the table and combine a pleasant with useful. Designers offer many different creative options for decoupage and decoration, with which old wooden items will become real pride for their mistress. One of the easiest and most common techniques is painting through Tulle. This technique will allow to transform the appearance of the table with their own hands with minimal cost. All you need for work is a white and blue paint, sandpaper and tulle with a beautiful pattern.

Manufacturing technology

  1. With the help of sandpaper, it is necessary to inch a wooden surface, removing the previous coating. After it should wipe the table with a dry cloth before painting it.
  2. Acrylic interior paint need to paint the table in white, applying 2 layers. After each coating, it is recommended to withstand the interval until complete drying, before painting the product again.
  3. Tulle will serve as a stencil, so a wet cloth should be signed on the table, carefully placing the edge so that there are no folds and bends. Next you need to paint the tabletop with Tuli with blue acrylic paint in the aerosol.
  4. After drying, Tulle is removed, and the product is covered with varnish.

Read more, how to cover the table of paint and decorate the product, you can learn from photo instructions, and also to get acquainted with the learning video on the Internet about how to paint the table with your own hands.

Provide new life Another interior items may even unprofessional. A little creative and fantasy - and the result will exceed all the expectations, and the table will rejoice the eye for a long time.

Video: Restoration of lacquered countertops with their own hands.

The lacquer surface of the table is practical, aesthetic, functionally. The coating of wooden surfaces prevents their destruction, because the lacquer protects the tree from moisture and damage. The application of the new layer depends on whether the table was painted, covered with varnish or has a stream surface and was not subject to any form of decorative processing.

You will need

  • - rag;
  • - washing;
  • - grinding or Bulgarian;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - brush;
  • - roller;
  • - primer;
  • - Morilka.


1. If you are going to cover the table, the one that was painted or has a varnishing surface, then every dilated layer of any paintwork is removed and only later thoroughly proceed to re-coating.

2. In order to cleanse the table from paints, use a chemical, mechanical or thermal method of removal of dilapidated coating. When using a chemical cloth, apply it to the surface of the table with the support of the vehicle, after 10 minutes, wipe the table with dry rag.

3. To remove the dilapidated lacquer layer or paint with thermal support, use construction Fen. For use, we make the surface warming up and remove the dilapidated layer with a subfield.

4. In order to clean the table from the dilapidated layer of paint materials with support mechanical method, use the grinder or grinding machine And a small emery skirt. Diligently clean the surface on low device cycles, because the inclusion of high cycles can damage the wooden surface, later, you will have to put the putty of each surface.

5. Apply a layer of varnish you can tassel either with a roller. If you use a colorless lacquer and want, in order to have a tint, then apply one, two or several layers of simulators or color primer.

6. If you do not use the veil, then strictly load the surface surface at least than two layers. This will allow you to reduce the extraction of varnish and lines small irregularities that are invariably present on the tree, on their own on the thoroughness of its grinding.

7. Use water-based primers, which are presented in the sphere of trade in a wide range and have different colors, and can also be colorless. Later, applying the entire layer. Allows time to complete the surface. This will take 12 hours.

8. Apply a layer of varnish, leave the table for 24 hours to completely dry the first layer. Cover the table with varnish for the 2nd time.

Varnished coating - aesthetic and functionally. It is guarded wood From moisture and prevents drying and cracking. Right-applied lacquer in a lowest stands on the surface and makes it easier to the care procedure. There are colorless types of varnish or tinted shades.


1. Before applying lacquer, prepare the surface. Collect the shallow skin, wipe and dry.

2. After that, apply the primer layer. There are special water primers like colorless and tinted. The coating of the primer allows to reduce the flow rate of the varnish and makes the surface more smooth.

3. Later, the complete drying of the primer applies a layer of varnish. The coating should be made on two or three layers. Any further layer, apply later complete drying of the previous one.

4. Glossy varnish makes all the irregularities on a wooden surface. Matte varnish - allow them to hide them.

5. Water varnish is suitable for applying a previously painted surface.

6. Varnish apply with a roller or a thin layer with a thin layer in order to avoid lines and divorces. Also allowed to apply the sprayer.

7. If you want to cover varnish new wood resin breeds, first cover it with a verse of 2-3 layers, and only then varnish .

8. Previously painted either patent surface, finely polish the eye to the complete removal of the dilapidated coating. After that, rinse and dry. Cover 2-3 layers of primer or simulats and proceed varnish .

9. To toning the surface, can apply tinted impregnation and after that colorless varnish. Or you can apply tinted lacquer, in the one that is added 5% impregnation. Impregnation should be water based.

Canvas written by tempera or oil paints need to be covered varnish . Hard-free coating will give paint brightness, intensity and radiance. In addition, the lacquer film will protect the colorful layer from dust, fat, smoke and littering agents contained in the air.


1. Determine when your picture allowed to cover varnish . According to the rules, it is necessary to do this no earlier than a year later the writing of the web. Before reaching this time picture It is necessary to protect against dust, tobacco smoke and clogging.

2. Choose a coating varnish, the one you will apply. In this area, a mastic, acrylic-styrene, dormant varnishes are used. But the best is counted acrylic pistachio. It owns a large transparency, special elasticity and dyewoman long time saves its properties. Significant varnish parameter is its freshness. From the moment of release, there should be no more than 3 months.

3. Pick over the flutseous brush for applying varnish. The width of this tool is selected, based on the size of the canvas. For small paintings take flirts of about 50 mm wide, for average - not less than 100 mm. The thick of the lacquer you choose, the shorter there should be a flushing bristle.

4. Clean the dust in advance and dry picture . Before starting work, for the best arrangement, the varnish should be heated. To do this, put it on a water bath with a temperature of no more than 40 ° C.

5. If you want to avoid a strong shine of a varnish coating, the varnish must be diluted. Do it in proportion 1: 1, adding fresh pined. In the cold season, the diluent is allowed to take a little more much. For more non-refining lacquer drying, it is diluted with White spirit, however, this substance has properties to penetrate the microcracks deep into the paintings and to form a spin.

6. Put picture on the table if she small sizeOr put on the easel if it is huge. Install the light source on the right side. Apply lacquer with flots, moving from above, parallel to the bottom edge. Move smooth and wide movements. Varnish on the brush, dial a little, in order to avoid leakage.

7. After that, distribute the applied varnish while it is raw. Make it with dry flots. The layout stops when the brush begins to stick to the lacquer. If the coating turned out to be too thick, the surplus is removed with a flab, moistened in Pinen.

8. 15 minutes later the end of the work must be installed picture obliquely, the front side to the wall. It is necessary, in order to protect the cloth from dust. Also covered varnish picture It should be protected from low temperatures and humidity.

In the summer season, I want to spend great time on fresh air. In order to ensure that it was comfortable to enjoy their garden, we easily need a table and shops. The current market offers a lot plastic tables and chairs. But in the country, either in the garden is much more convenient to apply a wooden furniture set, the one that is permitted to make it yourself.

The primitive garden table is allowed to independently make from the girlfriend. It may be edged board, Bar, which remained later construction, woody array, for the table top will fit a sheet of wood slab, chipboard with a coating and even a stakenik. Exceptionally graceful will be a celent glass countertop. For the manufacture of legs and struts, take a treated birch board 50 mm. Occupus, smoothed material to impregnate with a septic, and then cool with varnish or paint. The countertop is canceled by each collection of 30 mm thick from t-shut-off boards. Such boards have a dense connection between themselves and will investigate moisture (sediments or spilled drinks) in the gap between them. If adding to the end of work upper layer Countertops cover in several layers of water-repellent impregnation, it will last pretty long.


You need to prepare: - 6 or 8 boards for the tabletop (length and width of the table at your discretion), - 4 crossbars in the width of the table (they fasten the table top), - 4 legs with a height of no more than 75 cm ( comfortable height Tables 80 cm), - 2 boards for the base of the legs - one bar, the one that will serve as a spacer beam. From the tool: screwdriver and screws, if there is no, the ordinary hammer and nails are suitable. Wooden details are despite painted in advance either to cover with a verse.


Starting the assembly should be made from the manufacture of a table top, for this, the boards are collected in one package and at an equal distance from each other, bruises are bonded. Bruks are attached across the boards with screws or nails. Spilitate corners of bars and round the corners of the table top. Sections Cut the coarse sandpaper and cover the table with a tone of the table. The legs should be made. If there is a jigsaw, bars are allowed to make figured. In the future, you need to attach the legs to the side bars, which hold the tabletop, do it more comfortable way of docking the "groove in the groove" or using the mounting corner. Putting the installation of the legs with a position with a spacer beam. For greater strength from above, through the table top, the legs should be made up with long screws. In order not to roll the table, it is installed on the stand in the form of a smooth shield. For this, it turns over, and the proprietor itself is screwed to the legs, however, if the table is used only on the veranda, or you took thick bars for the legs, the stand will not need. Decorate the table, painting it either by covering varnish.

Comfortable round table Delivered to make the most of those materials that you have at hand. Permissible, you have more closely table , the one you want to remake, or remained plywood or furniture shield later repairs. Depending on the size table Eshnitsa table IR can be both a huge dining and small journal.

You will need

  • - pine furniture shield;
  • - Bar;
  • - roulette;
  • - screws;
  • - metal corners;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - the twine;
  • - pencil;
  • - electrolovik;
  • - chisel;
  • Sandpaper (fine-grained and coarse)
  • - furniture lacquer;
  • - Brushes or roller.


1. Make a circular table Jeshnitsa Isper furniture Shield. Put the shield on the horizontal surface. Decide with the radius of your round table but. Tie the twine in one end to a huge nail, and by a different end to the pencil. The length of the rope between the pencil and the nail should be equal to the radius table but.

2. Stick the nail into the middle of the furniture shield. Tightly pull the twine and circle a pencil radius. Use this adaptation as a circulation.

3. Drink on the markup of the electrol gallery round table Jeshnitsa. The shield edges of the shield are treated with a coarse skirt, remove wooden burrs. After that, walk around the edges of a fine-grained skin, so that the edges were smooth, without hook.

4. Make a cruciform under table OE. It will strengthen the rigidity table Eshby. Measure the necessary parts on the bar. Sink them with a jigsaw. Immediately process the sandpaper from all sides.

5. Screw the timber cruciform screws under table Jeshnitsa. Try to screw the screws from the side under table yeah then top table And it turns out perfectly smooth, it will be allowed to cover with a transparent varnish. Just count the length of the screws, in order not to pierce table Junitsa through.

6. Think what your will rely on table . If you plan to make one thick leg, you need to calculate the stability of the design. Cut out of the bar not only the main leg table and, but also the foot, which, like under table Oh, cruciform. Immediately scun either stick to the spikes under table OE to the leg and check stability.

7. Extend a bit in a bar in the middle under table I, deepening in the size of the legs. It is allowed to enhance the connection of spikes, and allowed to lubricate the deepening of PVA glue. Insert the leg into the recess. Remove the connection with two either four metal corners, Fixing them between the bar and the leg.

8. Cover each of your newest table varnish. Collect the shallow skin and re-cover the three-four layers of varnish. If you need to give you table IKA is a specific color, use the Morilka. And allowed to take a toned varnish immediately.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
The feet of the table can be ready-made metal. Look suitable for you in a construction store.

If you bought country cottage area with a house, built a luxurious summer arbor And you want to buy wooden furniture in it - there is no need to look for it in stores. Make a tree table is allowed with your own hands - it's pretty easy to do.

You will need

  • boards for tabletop thickness from 20 to 30 mm, square bars 40x40 mm, hammer, saw, drill, construction tier, plans, nails or self-tapping screws.


1. Decide with dimensions and shape of the table. Allowed to make I. oval tableBut easier - traditional shape, rectangular or square. Note from the frame - Collect a rectangular frame from bars, in size it should be 20-40 mm smaller than the planned table size. Follow the straight corners. Mounting canceled long bars into the end is short - allowed by nails, but it is excellent to use selflessness of the corresponding length.

2. From the inside in the corners of the frame, screw the feet of the coming table. Fasten the legs are needed from 2 planes, it usually applies four self-proofs for this. It woys them out.

3. Install the finished frame on the legs and check the horizontal plane with a building tier. Classic to customize the plane now, on the contrary, make the table even and not staggering will be quite problematic.

4. On the finished frame on top, fasten the tabletop pre-prepared on the length of the board, following their narrow contact. If there is a chance to buy a boards with a fastening of the groove comb, then this is the most suitable option. Here it takes a drill - for the ruins of the holes under the self-tapping screw. Self-tapping screws in the table top should be dried to a depth of at least 5 mm.

5. We prepare the finished surface of the table with a plane, if you wish, clean the sandpaper either with an abrasive disk on a drill.

6. Holes from self-tapping screws Take a special veneer, the one is sold in any economic store.

7. The table is allowed to paint, cover the verse, varnish or leave in a natural form. The table is ready!

Video on the topic

All huge celebrity acquires nail coverage biogel - substance that not only decorates nails , but also strengthens them. The master of the manicure salon is being carried out by such a procedure. However, this is quite expensive pleasure. Try to try to master the triogelic manicure tricks.

You will need

  • Biogel
  • Funds for edged or unedged manicure
  • Prime or fluid with vitamins and protein
  • Degreased (alcohol)
  • Ultraviolet lamp for drying nails
  • Glossy Lac.
  • Liquid remover without acetone
  • Olive oil


1. Think if you should cover nails biogel ? This is a liquid tool that it is recommended to apply alive. nails short or medium length. Persisted biogel Claimed Tips (Unnatural Plates). But for long nails (exclusively, if they bend inside), it is not recommended to apply biogel buildup and the reinforcement is not recommended - the tool will be bad.

2. Prepare nail to the application of biogel. Conduct them, subscribe, giving the desired form. Cuticle slide down a stick for a manicure and polish the nail plate with a soft sawmill for polishing (Buff). In order to degrease it, wipe your cotton swab, moistened in medical alcohol. Allowed to purchase and a special degreasing means for nails.

3. Purchase a bubble with a primer - this is a special fluid that needs to be applied before covering nails biogel . It will help decorative coating. Claudiously clung to the surface of the polished nail. Use the checkered remedy, so that it did not cause damage to nails.

4. Apply primer on nails And dry them, putting on the table. Various means will dry from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. On the advice of some masters, instead of the primers are allowed to use liquid with vitamins and protein.

5. Start trying to cover nails biogel , moving from the free edge to the cuticle. Do not reach the base of the plate - leave a distance of 1.5-2 mm to the cuticle.

6. Dry nails In a special device with an ultraviolet lamp for 1-2 minutes or easy to room temperature, not allowing drafts. Do not use feten nail drying! Opposite on the surface of the decorative layer, ugly bubbles may occur.

7. Apply the 2nd layer of decorative tool, and if you wish, make some thin layers. Dry any layer. Then remove sticky layer Liquid for removing a varnish that does not contain acetone.

8. Secure decorative coating Glossy varnish. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle with light massage movements, rub olive oil. Do not wash your hands for a couple of hours, so that your beautiful nails Did not suffer.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
You can paint the biogele nails with varnish and flush it with liquid without acetone. But more economical and more comfortable to cover the nails with a color biogel - then they will look like painted, and their appearance will be maintained from 2 to 4 weeks. After this time, the biohel manicure must be adjusted. Remove the dilapidated decorative layers with a special dissolving means - it is allowed to purchase it with a biolay. Never use for this acetone!

Tip 8: how to make a wonderful christmas wreath with your own hands

IN lately The custom to decorate the house with the support of the Christmas wreath is becoming more famous. He is allowed to hang on entrance door (inside or outside) or arrange a solemn table.

You will need

  • - dense cardboard;
  • - Waxing paper either a newspaper;
  • - the twine or floristic wire of green color;
  • - glue;
  • - coniferous branches;
  • - Christmas balls;
  • - aerosol paint;
  • - cones;
  • - Beads;
  • - multicolored ribbons;


1. First you need to make a bulk base for a Christmas wreath. To do this, cut the ring from dense cardboard. The resulting workpiece is wrapped with wax paper or a newspaper for each perimeter, tightly dragging it with a twine or a special floral green-color wire. As a result, the original bagel should turn out.

2. To the inner side of the workpiece, firing fir sprigs with a fog of green twine, closing all the spaces in order to create the result of integrity and homogeneity.

3. Then allowed to move to the very glorious moment - the decor of the Christmas decoration. To do this, remove the fastening from the Christmas balls and put them on the twigs from softwood. After that, glit to the homemade wreath of the bumps, stained in advance aerosol paint Selected colors, and decorate the product beads and multicolored ribbons.

4. If desired, fir branches are allowed to cover with colorless varnish or glue, later to sprinkle them with a small number of semolina, imitating snow.

5. To the center of the finished Christmas wreath is allowed to place a candle and decorate them a solemn table or hang decorative decoration With an external or inner side of the entrance door.

Video on the topic

The lacquered surface of the table is very aesthetic, practical as well as functionally. The lacquer layer allows to protect the surface, and also prevents destruction, as it protects the wood from the effects of moisture and other damage. Especially the varnishing is relevant for desktops in the kitchen - wooden countertops There are constantly experiencing mechanical loads and exposure to moisture. Let's see what a wood table lacquer is used how to properly prepare a wooden surface, and how to properly apply lacquer.

Kitchen and other furniture is made mainly from the tree. Wood can be natural or it can be various materialsMade of chips are MDF, chipboard, fiberboard and others. Tables can be without any coatings or the surface can be treated with paints and varnishes.

Among the main advantages of the tree can be highlighted with high thermal insulation, an attractive and aesthetic appearance, a huge number of forms, ease of restoration events. Along with the advantages, you can allocate disadvantages - wooden surfaces are very quickly contaminated, the material is quite combustible, easily scratched due to even minor mechanical damage.

Also, the minuses include the high price of tabletops made of natural wood.

How to protect the wooden table?

The working area in the kitchens is exposed to various liquids and is in a constant high humidity. In order for the furniture to serve a long year, it is necessary to protect it from moisture.

Today, several ways are used to protect wood:

  • The surface is covered with special oil, which is then absorbed deep into wood, preventing the swelling of wood fibers when exposed to moisture. Specialists are recommended for wood to use the following products - Osmo Topoil, Belinda, Adler Lengo. To cover the worktop and protect it as much as possible, together with oils and special wax compounds. But you need to remember that such protection periodically requires updating.

  • Treat wooden working surface with special varnishes for wood products. The composition you can add coloring pigment to darken deep wood fibers, and the table plane turned out to be more expressive. Cover the table varnish is much easier than the use of oils and other means.

The main advantages of varnish

The lacquered table will be more practical and can serve much longer. After applying data, the LKM will significantly increase the aesthetic characteristics. wooden furniture - Textures will become more expressive, will be better viewed, the color will become saturated. Also, several layers of varnish will help prevent the destruction of the surface of the tree. The wooden table will be securely protected from liquids, moisture, mechanical effects.

Basic varnish for wood

To the wooden table get a second life, you need to choose suitable material. The modern market offers a lot of options and the choice is very difficult. This product should be chosen, which will improve the aesthetic characteristics, and will reliably protect the surface from any negative impact. If even minor damage is formed on the surface, it long years It will be reminded of yourself, so it is worth the choice very seriously.

Alcohol lacquer

Alcohol-based lacquer will create transparent or translucent coatings that will have a characteristic glossy shine. In this case, these materials provide a wooden surface. reliable protection. If when applied not to break the technology, then with the help of products on an alcohol basis, you can effectively emphasize the beauty of the natural tree.

The composition of the LKM data contains resin dissolved in alcohols that form a solid film. It is worth remembering that the striking, the stronger the film, and the most durable coating is formed when using the composition, where the alcohol in the composition is stronger than 90%.

Oil varnishes

This is dissolved resin and pigments in oils. These products have thick consistency and differ affordable price. After applying on the surface, quite durable is formed, steady negative impacts film. This coating is ideal for restoration work of wooden furniture. These LKM are especially effective if the table is under the open sky all year round.

It is important that the wooden surface, which was covered with oil varnishes, after drying, will receive a steady yellow shade, which will not leave with time.

Nitrocellulose varnish

These are solutions of nitrocellulose in organic solvents. With excellent performance, these materials are toxic, carrying human health, even after drying nasty smell. Industry produces these compositions significantly less and nitrolacics are now actively crowded with alcohol varnishes.

Water-based lacquer

With this composition you can get a beautiful, fully safe for humans, pets and ambient coating. The composition is based on acrylates dissolved in water. After applying to a wooden surface and drying, it turns out to be resistant to mechanical effects, moisture, UV rays the protective layer.

Polyurethane varnish

This option has high characteristics of elasticity. The table coating perfectly tolerates high mechanical loads up to shocks. These materials have high speed Drying. In this case, the stability before exposure to water and moisture is quite weak. Varnish is completely safe, the coating does not yellow, has a beautiful appearance and good transparency.

Among the advantages - pre-priming is not required.

How to restore wooden table

Before covering varnish dinner table Or the desktop in the kitchen, the state should be very carefully accurate. The surface may be already painted, processed mechanical, glossy, covered with varnish. Regardless of what varnish the surface will be covered, it is necessary to conduct preparatory work.

On video: how to cover the table by a verse.


First of all, the old coating is removed. Do it so that it is clearly visible to the texture of the tree, with the help of an electrical tool. When the table is as smooth as possible, the surface will not have any defects, then you can go to another stage.

It will take a roller or brush to work, it is also necessary to purchase a wash liquid to remove the old LCP. Also need primer and simulatory, construction hairdryer, emery with varying degrees of grain.

Removal of old coating

The chemical wash is applied to the surface of the table and then after 10 minutes they wipe it. To apply, and a loan to remove a layer of paint or varnish, you should use a rag.

Also exist hot fashion - Need a construction hairdryer. The countertop is heated and then wipes with a vet.

You can also remove the old coating with grinding. Do this manually for a very long time, so it is better to use an electric tool. The work is performed on small revolutions not to damage the wood.

Lacquer Application Technology

For applying varnish it is better to use brushes or rollers. Using a colorless wooden table lacquer in one layer, it is very difficult to get the desired shade - this is possible only if we cover the surface into several layers.

A more rich color can be given by finishing the table with a veneer or colored primers - they are applied either by one layer or two, three or more.

After drying, the verses and primers can be lacquered. Varnish are applied by a subtle, uniform layer, trying to avoid flops. After drying the first layer, it is recommended to polish the surface. For a qualitative result, varnish in three layers of varnish.

A day later, the old table turn into a new one and no one can ever say that he has been many years. Knowing how to cover the table, you can renovate this method and other wooden furniture.

How to use a lacquer for wood (2 video)

All that will be needed for the vanishing of the table (29 photos)

When we get something worthy of something worthy and those who loved us at first glance, most of all want to make it in advance so that the product remains with us as long as possible. Therefore, we begin to think over - which covered will protect the sofa, which upholstery will be stronger for the chair, and also - which varnish is best covering the table and other surfaces, preventing possible changes.

So that you do not get confused and faster in this matter, we have prepared a small review that will tell you: what is generally a varnishing coating, which they are for today, as well as how at home to cover their favorite table on their own.

Fig. one Lacquer-covered tables

First: about varnishes and their views

It is important to understand that an in general is a varnish coating, as far as it is safe and in general, whether you need in your case.

Varnish is a solution of polymers, artificially synthesized or natural (for example, resin), and solvent (or water). When frozen, forms a glossy or matte solid film that protects different surfaces from external influences.

To date, there are many variations of lacquer coatings, they are extremely easy to get confused, but also just to figure out if you know the main differences and types. Let's look at the main ones.

1. Nitrocellulose. Pros: quickly dries, does not forms a thick and thick film. Cons: not so tolerant to exposure from outside (low strength). Such a type is good, let's say, for chairs in the house.

2. Acrylic. Pros: Very resistant coating, protects against fading. Cons: If improper application can go bubbles. It is suitable for almost all surfaces in the house, however, it is very careful to use for the floor. It is advisable to trust the application of this type of varnish on the surface with a large area of \u200b\u200bspecialists.

3. Polyurethane. One of the most popular for today. His advantages: very quickly dries, unpretentious, moderately strong, persistent. Cons: Slightly yellow if it covers a light surface. But, given all the advantages, you can not pay attention to such a small nuance. Still, this type of varnish is most suitable for all surfaces, without having restrictions and does not have any essential functional flaws.

4. Water based. Pros: more environmentally friendly than other options. Cons: long drying, not very high degree of resistance. Also suitable for covering any surface - from floor to the table.

Fig. 2. The process of coating varnish

5. Polyester. These varnishes are very durable, thick, create a thick protective layer. However, they are more harmful to others, have a sharp smell. Good to cover cabinet furniture if you want to get a glossy surface. But not very suitable for coating the surface of the table, or chairs.

6. Oil. Pluses of varnish: strength, consistency to abrasion and temperature differences, almost no smell. But there are also cons: compatible on compatibility with other means, so it is extremely important to know in advance what varnish was covered with a surface to it.

What varnish coating is better to choose for the table?

If you think, we need the surface of the table:

a) retained for a long time presentable view, that is, it was a persistent;
b) kept different temperature modes (hot and cold dishes);
c) was not too brand (as the kitchen - a zone, where we most often can be stained with surfaces);
d) did not have harmful properties;
e) had a thin layer of varnish (the tables loving from the glitter of the lacquer surface are not very aesthetically described).

The best options under such conditions are polyurethane and acrylic varnishes. They are suitable for each item, it is easier to apply them on their own. How? Read about it below.

Second: How to apply a lacquer coating on the table at home

To cover the surface of the table smoothly and without flaw, you need to follow the understandable and logical rules. And try not to miss and not confuse them in places.

So, first - prepare the surface. First, plastering, equalizing everything from and to, then put the sneakers and cracks - and, finally, cut a tubercle. For each cut by re-passing the grinding sponge. Fingers should literally slides on the surface - then you can be confident that everything is ready.

Before applying a varnish - wipe the table from dust and saride.

Next - you will need gloves to protect hands, as well as the main and spare brushes. Since in the process of applying the varnish can dry up on the brush too quickly - and you will not be able to quickly continue to work. Spare, in such a situation, will come to the rescue.

Fig. 3. Table of lacquer, applying the first layer

Remember: the first layer is the most important. It should be more liquid than the rest. Less fat to dry faster. After it is applied, it is important to carefully launch the surface to the second layer. Most often, three layers are applied on the table, plus, the finishing fixer.

Third: a couple of words in conclusion

It may seem for you that the process of selecting lacquer coatings for the table is complex, routine and extinguishing. And covering - even more difficult. In fact, if you know exactly where and how the table will be used in the future. And also, how impacts it will be subject to. You can choose the option that will organically fit and serve you dozens of years.

Why update your favorite furniture every year if you can do a little to try and extend the service life for a long time? The choice, as always, is yours.