Repairs Design Furniture

How to restore the kitchen table. Restore the old round table with your own hands. We update the plastic table

Furniture, which is covered with varnish, returns to everyday life. After all, lacquered products are richly looking, and the interior attach originality and solidity. Although that it is a rather problematic to criticize the soul. It can easily be damaged. Very frequent defect - the emergence of scratches. You should not immediately get rid of the spoiled table, and you should try to restore it. This process can be assigned to the masters of restorers or try to restore the lacquered table with your own hands.

Restoration technique

Let's discern how to restore the lacquered desk by the method of restoration. This is one of the best ways to return a decent species with a lacquered table. For example, to eliminate scratches, it is necessary to remove the layer of varnish on defective places, and then apply a new one. This method is quite effective and allows you to get rid of any scratch. But not only scratches are a problem for lacquered furniture. The next disadvantage that may appear over time is the darkening of the lacquered surface. As a result of clouding the surface of the table top, the appearance of the table begins to significantly lose in relation to other furniture. Such a defect is corrected in the same way: removal of the old layer of varnish and re-applying new. This method is simple enough, and it is quite realistic to cover the old table with your own hands.

The sequence of restoration work

You can update the old lacquered table in several stages. But it is worth pre-prepare some tools and materials and think about your safety. So, you will get acquainted in detail with the algorithm for restoration of the lacquered table.

Determine the degree of worniness

Before restoring the lacquer on the table, it is necessary to initially assess the degree of defects formed.

We choose the material

The question arises how to remove the varnish from the table. To ensure the quality of the restoration, the materials should correctly choose. Many believe that distressed places can be removed by alcohol. In some cases, minor defects can really apply alcohol, but unforeseen consequences may arise, such as roughness, light areas and so on. Therefore, we will dwell on specialized materials that will be good assistants for beginner masters.

  • Polish shellaic. Such a material not only helps to restore the surface, but emphasize its originality. This is one of the oldest and proven materials. In terms of its consistency, the polish is more like a liquid, and not varnish. To achieve a qualitative result, this composition is applied about 50 to 60 layers. It is because of this, an original deep color is achieved. This is a very successful option that will remove scratches on the lacquered table.
  • Nitrocellulose varnish. This solution is used to restore large surface surfaces. For its application, sprayers are used, which provide very fast and uniform spraying. At lower speed, the droplets of the solution begin to stick, and the desired effect of a smooth and uniform surface will be quite difficult to achieve. That is why it is not recommended that the use of standard pulverizers, which additionally form air bubbles, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of it.
  • Pentafthale varnish. This is the perfect material for the restoration of the table, as quite easy to work. It does not require special devices for applying and dry out quite quickly. Apply it at least in 4 layers. You can eliminate the acquisition of primer solutions, since the first layer of pentaphthalic varnish will be primer. After applying the composition and complete drying, grinding should be made.

After the choice of restoration composition was determined, it is necessary to pay attention to such a moment as a definition with color. You can use a colorless varnish, and you can buy a varnish that imitates the color of any wood. In the second case, it is necessary to correctly determine the tone of the varnish.

Step-by-step instruction

We give a detailed instruction that will answer the question of how to properly cover the wooden table. It consists of several stages:

  • The preparatory stage consists of such aspects:
  • the surface of the table is thoroughly cleaned with the help of a specialized composition or using conventional warm water;
  • we remove the spoiled layer using a scraper;
  • we start to grind the surface with the help of sandpaper until the matte achievement;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Water based varnish:
  • the surface is covered with several layers of water based lacquer;
  • each subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one;
  • after the last layer is completely drying, perform surface grinding;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Performing works with a varnish on an acrylic basis:
  • initially, choose a varnish that suits the surface of the table on the shade and gloss;
  • dilving varnish by 15% White spirit, we carry out the surface graft;
  • after drying the primer layer, we produce intermediate grinding;
  • cover the surface of the table with undiluted varnish in several layers, giving pre-dry the previous layer;
  • we produce finishing surface grinding.
  • We draw attention to the fact that after applying all the layers to impart the surface of the glitter, surface grinding should be made.

Performing all recommendations, you can get a very high-quality surface covered with varnish. It is clear to get a decent quality to use the spray gun. The video is translated on the varnishing table and useful restoration tips are given.

Over time, the wooden table loses its former attractive look. But this is not a reason to send it to the nearest landfill or dusty attic. If desired, all flaws can be corrected. For this, the restoration of the table is carried out, after which it will look like a new one. Showing fantasy, you can completely change the product design. Self-updating of furniture will save the budget, as it is very expensive to restore in specialized workshops.

Repair of the old table at home is a good way to decorate the interior of the dwelling, give him novelty and comfort. After all, it is the little things that make a general impression of the house. Independent restoration has the following advantages:

  1. Saving money. Repair the furniture is much cheaper than buying a new one or order a restoration in a specialized workshop.
  2. The ability to radically transform furniture, give her a second life.
  3. Design of the table based on its own taste preferences. You can decorate your dwelling with a unique designer thing.
  4. If the furniture has high value and made of good wood, the restoration will help save it from damage and save for a long time.

An independent furniture update is a very painstaking lesson that requires some skills. However, before repairing the old table with their own hands, it will be worthwhile to explore the work algorithm. After all, non-compliance with the rules may adversely affect the result.

Saving money

Registration based on your own taste preferences

The ability to drastically transform furniture

Wooden table restoration features

Even the highest quality furniture cannot serve forever. Over time, the table surface loses its original look. Small cracks appear on it, chips, lacquer begins to wear, and the attachments cease to withstand the load. Restoration of the old table is a serious repair, which first of all implies updating damaged parts. It is very important to understand that the chipboard is almost not subject to recovery. It's better to throw the old surface, and put a new one in her place.

Before updating the worktop, you need to remove the old finishing coating. If it is painted or lacquered, then the upper layer should be flush with alcohol, acetone, organic solvents. There are also many special funds for these purposes. They are presented in the form of liquids, gels or powders.

If there are minor scratches or damage to another nature on a wooden structure, they are carefully treated with sandpaper with a small graininess. Close up of cracks when repairing tables from wood is carried out using:

  • putty for wood;
  • mixtures of glue and wooden chips;
  • epoxy resin or special wax proofreaders.

In wide and deep cracks, you can insert suitable rectangular pieces or wedges from a tree and consolidate all this by universal glue. The obtained gaps should be hidden, for this they are filled with resin or putty. When doing such a repair, it is worth remembering an important rule - all surfaces must be dry. Wood is a very vulnerable material. It must be protected from moisture, bacteria, mushrooms, ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the protective layer (soil, paint, varnish or azure). Most often, lacquer is used for these purposes. To change the shade of furniture, you need to cover it not transparent, but a colored varnish. As a result, it turns out a very stylish and presentable polished table.

The next step will be the processing of the entire furniture area with small emery paper. Here you need to try and pass the table to a flawlessly accurate state. The level of smoothness will largely depend on how paint or varnish will fall. Before covering the product with varnish, wood grain is produced. To preserve the natural beauty and texture of wooden products, they are often covered with a special tinting liquid (veneer) or an acrylic varnish on a water basis.

During the restoration of the table, you need careful and caution with your own hands. It is necessary to work with chemicals in a room with good ventilation, it is also desirable to do it in overalls and respirator.

View all details

Remove Old Finishing Coating

Seat crack

Progress the surface

Collect table

Treat mournicle


Required tools and consumables

Before updating the table, you need to stock the necessary tools and consumables, the availability of which is better to take care in advance. For work, you may need the following inventory:

  • sandpaper of varying degrees of graininess (from 80 to 180 for initial processing, from 500 to 600 for polishing the final coating) or grinding machine;
  • a set of brushes and roller;
  • electric drill and several drills of different diameters;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • hammer, stock of nails and nail-holder;
  • saw;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • rubber spatula for removing old paint;
  • putty, primer, varnish, paint;
  • adhesive for wood;
  • protective means: masks, gloves, respirator;
  • funds to protect wood (impregnation, protecting against adverse factors, for example, from rotting a tree or from pests).

Also, a screwdriver set is useful for disassembly. With the help of the marker and roulette, markup will be marked, and the paints and varnishes will help protect furniture from negative impacts and change its appearance. Choosing a paintwork, it is better to give preference to a well-known brand. Before renovated with your own hands the old table, you must make sure that the tools are intact and are in working condition.

Stages of work

The restoration process consists of several important stages:

  1. Selection and purchase of all necessary consumables. It is better to do all this in advance.
  2. Preparation of the table. In the case of a desktop restoration, lubrication of moving parts, repairs of drawers and shelves are carried out.
  3. Detection and elimination of major defects for further restoration.
  4. Removing the old varnish coating.
  5. Application of protective solutions.
  6. Decorating the surface with the help of various techniques.

The last stage is the most interesting. It makes it possible to realize his creative potential and implement the most creative ideas.


At the preliminary stage of restoration, restoration and repair of furniture are restored.It should be started with the assessment of its condition. You need to carefully examine the wooden table, see whether legs are not broken, check the integrity of all parts. Stable design should not bend and creaked with load. Table repair begins with the search for visible defects. Next you need to disassemble it to the components. If the plywood that performs the role of the bottom in the boxes, it was smelled, it must be dismantled and replaced with these parts with new ones.

The presence of small bubbles on the surface of the chipboard or MDF indicates that the process of peeling the veneer began.

Moving parts are lubricated with machine oil, the mechanism itself is repaired if necessary. If corrosion appeared on metal parts, they must be replaced with new ones. Outdated unwitting accessories can be changed on more modern.

Bad bonded elements are connected with glue. To make the table more stable, it is necessary to replace its legs on wider. Do not everyone know how to restore the table, if he loosened. It is possible to strengthen the product with the help of angular screeds.

To repair the table of book, it is necessary to lubricate all movable connections with machine oil.

Rate the status of the table

Throw the old table top

Disassemble the frame of the table

Knock out legs

Mark a pencil place fastening legs

Glue broken parts by pulling self-drawing

Primary treatment

Many are interested in how to update the old coffee table, if there is a cracked layer of varnish on its surface. In this case, it is necessary to remove the resulting coating to apply new to its place. This work is carried out by a mechanical method (manually using a spatula) or special chemical compositions are used, which are still called washes. The mechanical method involves the use of grinding machine. But if it is not - nothing terrible. It is possible to replace it with medium-hearted emery paper. The main thing in mechanical processing is not to damage the product. In particular, this applies to an antique tree. To avoid this, movements should be directed along wood fibers.

The remains of the old coating can also be removed using chemicals. They are applied with a small soft tassel on the surface of the furniture. Active substances quickly dissolve all existing layers of varnish or paint. After 30 minutes, this solution can be calmly removed with an ordinary sponge. After removal of the varnish, it is impregnated by wood with protective mixtures. This is an extremely important stage of the wooden table restoration, which will later save the product from damage.

Choosing between the mechanical and chemical method, it is worth considering that if we are talking about rare and expensive furniture, it is best to use the wash. It can be available in the form of fluid, gel or powder. All these mixtures are absolutely safe and will not spoil the structure of the tree.

To remove small cracks, chips and scratches, it is necessary to carry out the following operations:

  1. Accommodated dust from all the cracks.
  2. Close cracked with a putty to work with a tree.
  3. Remove excess putty and align the surface.
  4. Wait for complete drying and clean the treated plots with shallow emery paper.

These operations will help remove all defects from the table surface.

When restoration of the coffee table, it is sometimes necessary to deal with the fact that there are deepening or even holes on its surface. In this case, you can use the epoxy resin or fill the recesses with a mixture of small sawdust and glue.

Remove forged coat

In the recesses and on the discharges to walk emery paper

Glue all connections and pull the design

Install legs

Attach a new countertop to the podstol

Glue legs

Connect the frame with a tabletop

Coating with decorative composition

Before proceeding with the final finish, you need to progress. You need to apply the composition in stages - first on the worktop, then on the framework of the product. In the work you can use both acrylic and alkyd primer. Table treatment of wood consists of several stages:

  1. The selected composition is applied to the clean surface and is smeared with a spatula, the mixture must be distributed by a uniform layer.
  2. After drying the first layer, you must apply the second.
  3. When all layers are dried, remove irregularities with grinding.

In this way, you can cover not only tables. Any wooden surface (chairs, dressers, cabinets) before painting needs an additional primer layer. After priming it is necessary to make staining. It may be simple painting with a brush or decorative paint stroke through tulle or stencil. The last stage will be lacquered or wax. Often the varnish is used in the restoration of the kitchen table with their own hands. The wax is used mainly for furniture constantly under the influence of external factors. It perfectly protects from the Sun, moisture and various damage.

When choosing tools for applying, you need to remember that poor-quality tassels can leave the villi, which will be impossible to remove after drying.

The application of the varnish is made with the help of a brush, the drying period is from 18 to 36 hours. Wax can be solid or watery. Liquid is immediately ready for use, and solid must first melt. Before updating the kitchen table with your own hands using a protective layer from wax, you must prepare a dense brush or cotton swab. All of these manipulations are desirable to carry out in the open air, since the used compositions contain toxic substances that poorly affect health.

Quite often there is a need to disguise minor visual defects or just want to change the braking color of the old table. To do this, before applying the vapor composition, you can cover the desired stacks of paint.

Covered by mournicle

In parts to carry out the priming of products in several layers

Remove irregularities by grinding

On the convex and concave details to polish connections

Remove dust from surfaces


With a desire to cover with matte varnish

Table ready

Creative refresh ways

Many people break their heads over how to upgrade old tables that look gloomily. There are many ways to decorate the table top of the kitchen table or any other:

  1. Painting. Very easy restoration way. Different types of paints are used, for example, acrylic, alkyd or enamel.
  2. Art painting. A rather complex method requiring drawing skills. You can use stencil, it will make it easier for the task.
  3. Craquelure. This method is a decoration by applying a finish simulating the old cracking coating. This is done using special chemical mixtures.
  4. Mosaic. You can make it with the help of smalt, but it is very expensive. It is better to use the battered tile. Universal glue use for gluing.
  5. Decorative film. It is glued after polishing and cleaning the surface. With the help of this technique, the old coffee table can be turned into a fashionable subject of the interior.
  6. Warming decorative scotch. After polishing and processing with alcohol, sticking sticks. Then the location of the pasting is rolled by a special roller.
  7. Processing with epoxy resin. This solution turns into plastic after applying to the surface. With it, scenery occurs with the addition of a variety of patterns.
  8. Applying varnish or verse. This is the simplest way to decorate, with which even a beginner will cope. Moreover, it will retain the natural texture of the wooden coating, and will also provide protection against moisture and burnout. Most often, this method updates the old kitchen table.
  9. Painting through tulle. To do this, you will need to find a piece of old tulle. Next you need to paint the table in white. After drying the paint, put tulle on the furniture surface so that the location of the pattern looks as beautiful as possible. Lock the fabric so that during painting it does not move from place. Then you need to take the canister and proceed to staining. After 15 minutes, Tulle can be removed.
  10. Gilding. With the help of transfer, you can achieve a beautiful gold-plated effect. This operation is carried out in the same way as staining, using a stencil.

To obtain the effect of a pleasant dim shine, you can apply a matting solution on top of the lacquer.

In order to renovate the coffee table with their own hands, it is best to use the scenery of mosaic, coloring, burning or varnishing. To "revive" the faded writing desk, you can choose staining or varnishing. For the kitchen table there are quite a few ways to design: staining through lace or tulle, decorating with ceramic tiles or with decoupage.

Garden tables are best decorated with tile or mosaic, especially if they are in the open sky. If you need to decorate the table for children's creativity, you can show creativity and paint each leg in different color - it turns out a bright and cheerful piece of furniture.

Situating all the recommendations, it is safe to argue that the restoration of obsolete furniture can be carried out on their own. Anyone who at least once kept the tools in his hands, can turn a sugary sublent table at a real work of art. Of course, this will require time and patience, but the result is worth it.




Decorative Scotch

Decorative film

Processing with epoxy resin


Painting through Tulle




Many at home remained old dining or kitchen tables, usually they are polished or wooden and have an absolutely not trendy look. Want to throw it away? Not worth it! Why is spent on a new table, especially old tables are much better than modern and can serve many more years.

In this article, we will show 4 universal ways how to update the old dining table with your own hands, not hard to spend the family budget!

The main methods of the restaurant include the following works:

  • Painting table. (Usually apply special paint for wooden surfaces, it can be both an acrylic basis and enameling)
  • Replacement table top (The table top can be ordered ready for size, or do it yourself, as shown in master classes below)

They can be used onely or combine depending on the damage and state of your furniture.

We update the kitchen table countertop

Look at your dining table. If his general condition is more or less satisfied with his appearance, but the tabletop completely worn out or the table top simply can not be removed without damaging the entire design, this master class is exactly for you.


  • White enamel paint for wood;
  • Degloss;
  • Polyurethane varnish on a water-based water-based (you can use glossy at your discretion);
  • Boards;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • Putty for wood;
  • Thin sandpaper;
  • Brush, fabric, water.

Restriction instructions

Step 1: We remove old paint

  • Treat the feet of the table by the mounted.
  • Thanks to this medium, you do not need to be sander and handy the former paint, but simply apply it over, wait for drying and paint in the right color.
  • Apply 3 enamel paint layers and wait for it to complete drying.

Step 2.

  • Turn the table upside down the table. If you shot the legs for painting, then it will be more convenient for you to paint table tops and side wooden mounts.
  • Apply the Number and paint as well as on the legs.

After drying, turn the table back and paint the worktop at the edges, capturing centimeters of 10, it is not necessary to cry.

Step 3: Lay out a new countertop from the boards

  1. After complete drying, measure the sizes of the table top, its length and width. Boards must be a little more in size, centimeters on 5 exceeding the futuree - countertop.
  2. Take liquid nails and evenly distribute them in the middle of the table. Then repel from the number of available boards.
  3. If their even number, for example, 6, then they must put in exactly in the middle. In the case of an odd quantity, you must put in the middle of the unpaired board. Again, see how it will be better, based on the size of the specifically of your desk and boards.

By gluing the middle, the remaining boards on the sides. Leave the table to dry by 12 hours or a day, depending on the glue.

Step 4: Spike

  1. Be sure to fill the gaps between the placts with a putty for wood, otherwise they will be stuck pieces of food.
  2. Smooth it with a finger, and surplus wipe with damp cloth.

Tip: Let the putty will dry during a couple of hours, and after passing all the boards with thin sandpaper.

Step 5: Polishing

  • Wipe the boards well, without leaving the dust and garbage on them. Take polyurethane varnish, stir it up and long strokes begin to apply on the boards. Try to make the first layer thin.
  • Leave to dry the countertop for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.

Step 6: Tells

As soon as the lacquer is dry after the last paint, start cooking paint. In this case, the effect of blissing is planned, to achieve it mix 1 part of the paint with 4 parts of water.

Browse the area of \u200b\u200bthe board, and then clean the cloth immediately. Krable so the entire worktop, then add some more water in the paint and walk again.

After complete drying, the table is ready for use.

How to update polished table

If you have a small polishing table in the corner of the corner, which it's time to send to a landfill, but the hand is not rising, then you should take magic tools in the hands and become a cross fae.

Materials and tools:

  • Sander;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Morilka;
  • Gel to remove paint;
  • Plastic scraper;
  • Brush;
  • Polyurethane varnish on a water basis;
  • Dark enamel paint;
  • Pens for a box.

Order of work

Step 1: Remove the old varnish

  • Take yourself into the closed clothes and shoes. If the legs are removed, then for convenience when grinding separated them from the tabletop.
  • Spank all parts of the table well, getting rid of all dents and scratches.
  • Small details, as well as places where you can damage the table, grind sandpaper.

Step 2: Apply the Morkin

Apply your favorite brain on the prepared parts of the table, following the instructions. Depending on the selected veil, lift the time laid for drying.

Step 3: Process the shelf of the table

  • To clean the shelf of the table, use a gel to remove paint.
  • After applying it, wait minutes 4 (depends on the gel) and neatly, plastic scraper, read the shelf, trying not to scrape the wood.
  • After apply the veil.

Step 4: Lacrem Surface

  • Well wipe all parts of the table, without leaving them dust and garbage. Take polyurethane varnish, stir it up and start to apply long strokes.
  • Try the first layer to make a subtle. Leave everything to dry for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.
  • You can, after drying, apply the third layer, but not more.

Step 5: Color Coloring

  • Color the table in your chosen color, wait until we dry, and collect it.
  • Screw the handles into the drawer of the table.

Agree that the result of the work done is impressive!

How to paint a wooden table in white

In one of the evenings, you realized, looking around, what are you among the monophonic dark things? Want to refresh the room and do not know where to start? White wooden furniture always looks very effectively and expands the space.

Make a white table can be absolutely from any color. In this workshop, we will show how to paint the black table in white.

Prepare the following:

  • Means for removing paintwork products;
  • Means for degreasing;
  • Plastic scraper;
  • Thin sandpaper;
  • Brush;
  • Polyurethane varnish;
  • Emaley paint.

Order of work:

Step 1: We remove old paint

  1. It is necessary to remove the old layer of varnish from the tables. To do this, we use the means to remove paintwork products. To protect yourself from harmful chemicals, put on protective gloves, mask and glasses.
  2. Apply tools to the place of deletion of paint. Depending on the instruction, you will leave the specified time and start gently removing the paint layer, trying not to scrape the tree.
  3. After removing the whole paint, degrease the surface with a special solution.

Step 2: Spin and lacquer

  1. Go through sandpaper over the entire surface of the tables. After trying them well from dust.
  2. Take Polyurethane lacquer, Stir it and begin to apply long strokes. Try to make the first layer thin.
  3. Leave everything to dry for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.

Step 3: Painting Table

Wait for the full drying of the varnish and start applying paint. Paint in 3 layers and leave to dry one day. After you can place the tables and please the eye of the update.

Wooden loft dining table

Now very fashionable countertops made of wood on the legs of a contrasting color. Such tables came to us from Loft style - it is distinguished by its simplicity and a little rudeness. But such wooden tables do to any interior.

We look at the master class as an old table to make a stylish loft.


  • Saw;
  • Boards;
  • Polyurethane varnish;
  • Brush;
  • Enamel paint;
  • Liquid Nails;

Montaja technology

Step 1: Cut the board

Measure the sizes of the table top, its length and width. Boards must be a little more in size, centimeters on 5 exceeding the future base - countertop

  1. Prepared boards cover polyurethane varnish. To do this, stir it up and start to apply long strokes. Try to make the first layer thin.
  2. Leave the boards to dry for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.
  3. After drying the varnish, turn the boards of enamel paint in 2 layers and leave to dry for 12 hours.

Step 2: Mounting table top

  1. Prepare an old worktop, pouring a little sand and rubbed with a cloth.
  2. As soon as the paint dries, apply liquid nails to the old table top and start gluing colored boards to it.
  3. So that the boards glued well, put the cargo on the table top and leave for a day.

As a result, it turned out a great little dining table in Loft style!

You can refresh the interior, even slightly updating the old thing. It is not worth spending huge money to buy a new dining or coffee table when possible to do everything with your own hands. After adding a little imagination, you, with the help of stencils, you can make a table just amazing.

And if you are with the table with the table , You will plunge your guests in envy - after all, you will have an original, unique collection of furniture, which can be called even designer if you try and decorate it. Create to amaze!

The old table in the house is more than just an element of the furniture atmosphere. In a sense, this is a story, the memory of the ancestors, the symbol of many years of the stability of the native house.

The old table can be renovated by giving him a second life, and it is significantly saving money to buy a new table.

The ideal ratio between the careful attention to the history of his own kind and the needs of everyday household comfort provides the restoration of the table with their own hands. Indeed, you should not hurry to throw a vintage table found in the attic - a good repair is able to breathe into the dilapidative item to the second life, saving money to its owner, intended to buy new furniture.

Perhaps such a repair will also give new aesthetic sensations for the form of unusual forms and silhouettes, will delight with a pleasant warm texture of solid wood, purified from contaminants and layers of obsolete finish.

But before switching to the description of the restoration work, let's see, with what you can do the most qualitatively.

Materials and tools required for restoration

For work on restoring and updating the old table, it is recommended to be as well as tools and materials from the following list:

Hand tools for restoration.

  • electrode, drill on wood;
  • a set of chisels;
  • planer storces;
  • a hammer;
  • nail holder;
  • screwdrivers (flat and crusades);
  • clamps;
  • lobzik (manual or electric);
  • pliers and round bumps;
  • hacksaws (on wood and metal);
  • mounted knife;
  • set of files;
  • measuring devices (ruler, square, roulette);
  • felt healing;
  • set of brushes;
  • carpentry glue;
  • acrylic varnish, veil.

Restoration of the wooden table: the order of operations performed

Restoration begins with the removal of old varnish and paint.

Before proceeding with the implementation of this plan, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire table and its most hidden corners and gaps. This is done in order to properly evaluate the general technical condition of the subject and plan the total work.

Almost any cardinal restoration of the table begins with his disassembly. As a rule, the older it is the subject, the more its parts require serious instrumental intervention. In some cases (if, for example, the tabletop due to very long-term operation is strongly swamped) certain parts of the restoration are simply meaningless - it will be too expensive and ineffective.

Then it is better to either independently make a product, finally failed, or order a detail from specialists on the side. If damage to time and from improper storage was not so destructive, then the old design should be carefully strengthened. This means, in particular, that the available not very durable compounds must be pulled up, and highly discharged articulations should be disassembled, and then clean and re-twist or glue.

It is noted that in the furniture one of the most affected with the time of the components, paintwork becomes.

Varnish are moving from the table to the base.

Therefore, it is often when the old wooden table is updated is started, it is necessary to engage in lying on old paint (which can be laid in several layers) from the surfaces of the table.

If there are too thick coatings or large areas of the damaged surface, it is recommended to take advantage of a drill with a nozzle in the form of a metal brush or grinding machine. After complete removal of old paint, the next stage of preparation is carried out.

It lies in degreasing purified surface. It is possible to make it, carefully wiping the wooden parts with a soft rag, impregnated with special solvents suitable for this coating, alcohol or acetone. In parallel with sandpaper or grinding, obvious defects are primed.

However, solar damage (potholes, scratches, chips, etc.) can not always be removed by grinding. High-quality restoration implies a mandatory putty surfaces of the old table. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that after complete drying of the putty, all processed surfaces must be well to stupnit.

If it is possible, it is desirable to carry out the processing of old wooden parts separately, pre-gently disconnecting the tabletop and the bottom. The countertop is once again minimized, after which they are painted suitable for furniture and coated 2-3 layers of colorless varnish. This operation is performed without a rush, with the withstanding of each layer of paint and varnish to their complete drying.

if there are faults, these places are sampled and tightly pressed to each other with a clamp.

Another part of the table - a prestole - often requires more attention than the tabletop. After many years of operation, it may have cracks in detail and serious faults. If the owner of such a raritet still decides to restore it, then he should first be disconnected from the bottom legs with the appropriate tools.

Fault sites for further connection of the separated parts must be punctured. Then, using clamps, these parts are tightly pressed to each other. Sometimes for a better tightening of the triggered parts, each other can be used by self-pressing, which is very useful in uncomfortable places where it is difficult or impossible to install a clamp.

After the glue dries (after about 12-15 hours), the self-tapping screws are removed from the wooden table elements. The table top and the substole connect each other or with the help of glue, or handling the removable connection that will be very useful in small apartments.

The restoration of the table ends with the varnishing of wood details. But before that, they should be revealed by the verse. In order to avoid the occurrence of drills, it is better to make a piece of soft foam rubber. After drying the veil, the wooden surfaces of the table are ground with a transparent varnish (primer) and are slightly treated with a thin skin.

How can I restored "specialized" tables?

When updating tables, it is always necessary to take into account their appointment and place where they will be in the future:

The children's table can be decorated with photos and drawings.

  1. Table for children. Recommended after stripping countertops from old paint and squeaking to gear cutting out of bright glossy magazines or children's pictures on its surface. Then all this is covered with 4 layers of acrylic varnish.
  2. Restoration of the dressing table. The original solution can serve as a remission of the old table for toiletries under the shell stand. In the middle of the table, an opening of this size is cut into the sink in it, but without significant protrusions above the surface of the table. Ceramic tiles can be glued to the remaining place on the table top.
  3. Kitchen table. You can paint the old piece of furniture of some bright paint. A film is glued to the painted countertop, which, for example, imitates beautiful lace. At the same time, the film can be not glued to the tabletop, but to attach from the bottom with special brackets.
  4. Upgrading desktop. You can cover the old tabletop with anything with a spectacular print. Wallpaper, imitating the texture of the wood of any valuable breed, are well suited to give food furniture and solidity. To give the composition of the feeling of the integrity and the finishes of the table legs, it is possible to cover with varnish of wood tones.
  5. Coffee table. With this option, it will be good to harmonize a bright pattern with geometric elements. The background for him is better to choose any non-market paint, which is recommended to be applied to the tabletop to the paintopult. The geometric pattern is applied to the dry painted surface with a brush or special painting scotch. Fragments between stripes can be filled with bright colors with paints.

The kitchen table can be reappeted in the decoupage technique.

If the tables of the table are disconnected from the understone, it is worth noting in advance, in which it was that a particular leg was located. Each leg follows the place where it was before repair.

Covering a white primer table, you have to be ready for the fact that almost all defects will be visible on its surfaces.

To ensure the maximum strength to provide furniture surfaces, the lacquer coating should have at least 3 layers made by painting roller, 5 layers - the paintopult and 10 layers - cotton swab.

Grind the wooden countertop should be along wood fibers. If you do it across the fibers, there will be noticeable small risks on the tabletop.

Taking care of the restoration of the old furniture with their own hands, it is worth thinking about the fact that this process is not only the opportunity to save your money, but also a great chance to uncover your talent wizard of home design.

Restoration of the kitchen table allows you to update the design and improve its appearance. Due to this, it is possible to continue to operate the lingerie of the interior, and it is allowed to change the color of the coating, apply the drawing. Table top design options. It can be any image, a variety of equipment are applied, including decoupage, artificial aging of furniture, etc.

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Repair of table designs

To return the product for the previous attractiveness, resort to two ways to restore:

  • simple;
  • with a change in design.

At the next stage, decoration of furniture item is decorated. In this case, the work is performed on the prepared surfaces. Repair of the product without the need to change the structure is carried out taking into account the variety of material. For example, if the kitchen table is made of metal, the following types of work are performed:

  1. Mandatory dismantling of the table top.
  2. The old coating is removed.
  3. It is made with a putty of individual sections or the entire surface of the product, which is necessary in the case when the old table.
  4. Grinding. Performed by emery paper large, medium or fine grain. It is chosen to consider the degree of roughness of the coating. For example, to eliminate essential defects, sandpaper of large graininess is used. However, in any case, before proceeding to the next step, the kitchen table design elements are processed by fine-grained emery paper.
  5. After grinding, priming is performed. Apply special compositions. It is important to choose a means designed to work with the type of material from which the table is made.
  6. Staining is performed using a roller or brush. To this stage, you can go if the decor technique has already been selected. Application after primer varnish will improve adhesion with the surface. To get a uniform coating, staining is performed several times. First, primary processing is performed, then you need to give the first layer to dry. After that, the procedure is repeated 1-2 times.

The restoration of the legs and the surface of the table with a change in the design is performed on the instructions considered, but some items can be added. For example, additional elements of the design are installed: legs, wheels, wooden fringe around the perimeter, carved parts, etc. You can change the shape and size of the table top, its thickness. For comparison, with simple restoration, such works are not performed.

If wooden or metal legs are loosened, you can replace fasteners. In the case when the holes for fastening elements have increased over time, it will be necessary to use a larger screws.

Alternative option - changing the foot mounting places. Old holes in the countertop need to sharpen. These works are performed at the preparatory stage, immediately before finishing staining. It is possible to replace the worktop, choosing another material: glass, chipboard, chipboard.

How to update the kitchen table?

A variety of surface decoration techniques are used. When choosing the material from which the piece of furniture is made, does not always play an important role. The difference in the process of finishing the wooden and metal table is to apply special primer compositions and in processing methods. If you plan to update the kitchen table with your own hands, popular decoration techniques should be considered. Most of them are performed by paintwork materials, but there are also such that are implemented using ceramics, tulles, etc.


This is the most common way to update furniture items. Apply paint and varnish, it all depends on the type of material from which the product is made. For example, a painted kitchen table with a lumpy coating is restored and opened with varnish, which will save the natural wood pattern. Painting will help hide small defects and update the product from metal, plastic, wood.

You need to choose a color. If the color gamut of the interior is bright, you should use muffled tones, and vice versa, make an emphasis in design, highlighting a kitchen table through bright colors. Pattern and coloring techniques are selected individually. You can use alkyd enamel, water-emulsion, oil paint. The choice is made taking into account the type of material. If the question is solved, how to paint the product, you need to remember that all surfaces are covered in several layers. Paintwork materials can be sprayed from a cylinder or applied with roller, brush.


In this case, paper elements with differentty drawings are glued to the surface of the table top. Often, napkins are used for this purpose. Provine special glue for decoupage, the decor will last long, if not applied to the surface of the varnish. Permissible to use and PVA glue. Sequencing:

  • the surface is degreasing;
  • the tabletop is opened by the acrylic primer twice, each layer must be good;
  • grinding;
  • dyeing with a background tint;
  • the pattern is glued on the table, it is sealed from the center to the edges, the napkin is better to leave in vivo;
  • then the acrylic varnish is applied, it is desirable to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, and it is necessary to wait for a complete surface drying.

Decoupage of the kitchen table can be produced not only with the help of napkins - for this purpose, wallpaper and other materials on a paper basis are used.


Use the burning technique. This option is suitable for working with wood. The decor can be any: stickers, stencil, painting. Kitchen tables are decorated differently how to decorate the furniture so that it looks stylish, it is necessary to consider in more detail. The popular method is artificial aging of objects. Wooden kitchen table can also be made like this, the design is executed according to the instructions:

  1. Surfaces are skred. Large area can be treated with grinding, complex areas are cleaned with sandpaper shallow grain.
  2. From the surface, wood dust is removed.
  3. Artificially creates defects on the table top: deepening from heavy items, scratches, etc.
  4. The tabletop is covered with a verse twice.
  5. To preserve the effect of antiquities, tung oil should be applied immediately after processing the product by the vessel. Varnish for this purpose is better not to use, since the glossy coating does not contribute to the maintenance of the style of antiquity. Tung oil must be carefully launched into the surface and leave to dry overnight.
  6. At the last stage, the kitchen stack is treated, polished.

You can use paint of different shades to give an antique effect. The secret is to apply another layer, a sponge, moistened paint, or a thin brush is used to create scuffs. The shade at the same time should differ from the background. Apply a pattern, mimicing cracks or drawing of losing paint.

Tile decoration

Advantages of this technique have a lot:

  • improving the appearance of the old table;
  • the ability to install hot dishes on the worktop;
  • convenience of care;
  • long service period.

Restoration of the kitchen table with their own hands can be performed using a large-sized tile. Still use mosaic. In any case, the mass of the furniture object will increase significantly. A broken tile is suitable for design. The use of different pieces in size will allow the effect of the mosaic as a result.