Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint an old lacquered cabinet: preparation, surface formation, staining and surface protection. Restoration of the cabinet with your own hands in all details to update the old polished Chiffonier with their own hands

Decor of furniture is creativity that does not like fuss. You have long thought about how to update old cabinetBut they were afraid to spoil out of fashion or the subject of furniture. let's consider different variants, ideas and technique and choose something for yourself. The decor can be similar to simple cabinets and wardrobes and wardrobes, but as for a simple, lost gloss, an old cabinet: you can make a unique work from it.

Decor options

Cabinet's decor with your own hands can be done using interesting ideas And all sorts of equipment. Some of them, such as a photo printing or color film, do not require special skills. And such as matting or stencils are not necessary, you need certain skills. Let's figure out that it will help us to decorate a wardrobe and a wardrobe:

  • Photo printing or photo wallpaper.
  • Color stained glass filling and vinyl stickers.
  • Matting glass or mirrors.
  • Vinyl or ordinary wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster (stenling).
  • Restoration and coloring.

Photo printing or photo wallpaper

This technique is most often used to decorate the doors of the wardrobe. In the interior design has long been used by widescreen printing. A special printer on paper or any other surface is drawd. The inconvenience is that it is an expensive service and you need to look for a special workshop for the manufacture of photo printing. Photo printing on glass is called skinal.

There is more a budget option - This is a photo wallpaper. Sold in construction or online stores. The cost is 300 p. And above, depending on the value. The topics of the photo wallpaper is the most diverse, landscapes, colors, animals, to fabulous characters for children's wardrobe. Use when sticking glue based on starch, so you can further remove the old drawing and change it to another.

On the video is talking about how to properly place photo printing on the glass:

Stained glass filling and vinyl stickers

This is what you can quickly, without special skills, stick it with your own hands on the surface or glass of the cabinet and a wardrobe. Add the package of presentability. Stained glass films today at the peak of fashion. They can be bought in both online stores and specialized hypermarkets for repair.

In addition to the beautiful decor, the film protects the wardrobe and just a cabinet from damage. Stickers and films are removed very easily.

No one distinguishes your imitation from the present stained glass window.

The cost of stickers depends on the value, it is an inexpensive decor. The self-playing base of a stained film for a glass allows you to often change your own entourage.

Matting glass or mirrors

Used for glass and mirror facades of cabinets. More suitable for a wardrobe. Industrial matting involves removing the upper layer of the mirror or glass. It turns out several levels and the volume image.

Do it yourself matting a glass or mirrors can be made special paste. To work, you will need stencil and rubber spatula. Stencil put on the surface, we apply a paste with a spatula. Leave for a while, according to the instructions. When using a paste with an abrasive, you need to rub around the lines with glass for about an hour. Paste residues are cleaned with water.

On the video master class on matting:

Vinyl or ordinary wallpaper

You can update the cabinet with your own hands using wallpaper. This decor of the cabinet is suitable exclusively to the old wooden or "Soviet furniture". But this is a good, solid furniture, it can still serve and please us. For decorating more suitable simple paper wallpaperSince they are easier to wash with glue and glue. And for the price simple wallpaper cheaper and easier vinyl. W. simple wallpaper There are two drawbacks: they are not durable and the drawing is usually not interesting.

Vinyl wallpapers are on a paper or fliseline basis. They are harder simple, vinyl with a paper base gluitive better glue Based on starch, and with Fliselin - Methilan Vinyl glue.

Before the wallpaper sticker necessarily degrease the surface. This can be done with alcohol, gasoline, or acetone.

Do not forget to press the dry cloth or sponge and paint the wallpaper so that the paper does not go to the waves.

Decorative Plaster Master Class

This technique with which we will decorate the cabinet, is called stenling. With help decorative plaster And the stencil we will have volumetric decorative elements. They can subsequently paint in any color, ignite or cut into your taste.

To work, you will need:

  1. Stencil from plastic or vinyl, can be from cardboard.
  2. Decorative plaster.
  3. Flat spatula.
  4. Scotch larger.
  5. Old cabinet.
  6. Acrylic paint.
  7. Sandpaper.

If the product we decorate is covered old paint, you need to handle the entire surface emery paper. Processed until it becomes visible wood base. If your old cabinet is not painted, then everything is easier: removing the sandpaper upper layer, remove the dirt and dirt fat. If you see a crack on the tree, it is advisable to smell them with putty. We take our finished or made from cardboard stencil and secure it to the surface of the cabinet door with a painted scotch.

Then we give the plaster to dry, pass the eye and cover the whole cabinet. acrylic paint In several layers. Acrylic will not only decorate the cabinet, but also will save him from destruction. Between the painting, give the closet time for drying. At the end of the work, the surface is coated from above varnish.

On video work with decorative plaster:

Master Class Cabinet Decor

In our master class we update old wall Soviet times. See how the cabinet is transformed after such a decor.

To work, you will need:

  1. Old cabinet.
  2. Paint acrylic enamel.
  3. Acrylic varnish.
  4. PVA glue
  5. Tassel and paint roller.
  6. Paper emery large and small.
  7. Paper wallpaper.
  8. Gold paint.
  9. New fittings.

We disassemble the old cabinet, pull out the boxes. Take grinding machine or sandpaper and process the surface of the details. If you handle emery paper, then do it at the beginning of a major emery, and at the end it is still small.

We apply acrylic paint first in the corners with a brush or sponge, and then over the entire surface with roller. It is necessary to paint times 3-4, until it disappears dark color. Next, we decorate the drawers: tassel and white acrylic paint face sides of the boxes. We are waiting for when it gets up. Next, we glue the malarious scotch to separate decorative element paint under gold.

Prayer decorative element with golden paint. We look all the boxes of white acrylic paint, dry. Remove the scotch. Next, proceed to pasting wallpaper. Wallpapers are the simplest, paper. Cut on the strips, smear the PVA glue and gently glue. Make sure that the wallpaper is tightly glued, press them with a sponge.

Decor of furniture is creativity that does not like fuss. You have long thought about how to update the old wardrobe, but they were afraid to spoil the released from the fashion or the objective piece of furniture. Let's look at different options, ideas and techniques and choose something for yourself. The decor can be similar to simple cabinets and wardrobes and wardrobes, but as for a simple, lost gloss, an old cabinet: you can make a unique work from it.

Decor options

The decor of the cabinet can be done using interesting ideas and all sorts of techniques. Some of them, such as a photo printing or color film, do not require special skills. And such as matting or stencils are not necessary, you need certain skills. Let's figure out that it will help us to decorate a wardrobe and a wardrobe:

  • Decorative plaster (stenling).
  • Restoration and coloring.

This technique is most often used to decorate the doors of the wardrobe. In the interior design has long been used by widescreen printing. A special printer on paper or any other surface is drawd. The inconvenience is that it is an expensive service and you need to look for a special workshop for the manufacture of photo printing. Photo printing on glass is called skinal.

There is a more budget option - it is a photo wallpaper. Sold in construction or online stores. The cost is 300 p. And above, depending on the value. The topics of the photo wallpaper is the most diverse, landscapes, colors, animals, to fabulous characters for a children's wardrobe. Use when sticking glue based on starch, so you can further remove the old drawing and change it to another.

On the video is talking about how to properly place photo printing on the glass:

Stained glass filling and vinyl stickers

This is what you can quickly, without special skills, stick it with your own hands on the surface or glass of the cabinet and a wardrobe. Add the package of presentability. Stained glass films today at the peak of fashion. They can be bought in both online stores and specialized hypermarkets for repair.

In addition to the beautiful decor, the film protects the wardrobe and just a cabinet from damage. Stickers and films are removed very easily.

No one distinguishes your imitation from the present stained glass window.

The cost of stickers depends on the value, it is an inexpensive decor. The self-playing base of a stained film for a glass allows you to often change your own entourage.

Used for glass and mirror facades of cabinets. More suitable for a wardrobe. Industrial matting involves removing the upper layer of the mirror or glass. It turns out several levels and the volume image.

With our own hands, the matting of the brass or mirrors can be made special paste. To work, you will need stencil and rubber spatula. Stencil put on the surface, we apply a paste with a spatula. Leave for a while, according to the instructions. When using a paste with an abrasive, you need to rub around the lines with glass for about an hour. Paste residues are cleaned with water.

On the video master class on matting:

You can update the cabinet with your own hands using wallpaper. This decor of the cabinet is suitable exclusively to the old wooden or "Soviet furniture". But this is a good, solid furniture, it can still serve and please us. For decoration, simple paper wallpapers are more suitable, since they are easier to wash with glue and glue. And for the price simple wallpaper cheaper and easier vinyl. Simple wallpapers have two drawbacks: they are not durable and the drawing is usually not interesting.

Vinyl wallpapers are on a paper or fliseline basis. They are heavier than simple, vinyl with a paper base is to glue better with starch-based glue, and Methilan vinyl glue with flieslinic.

Before the wallpaper sticker necessarily degrease the surface. This can be done with alcohol, gasoline, or acetone.

Do not forget to press the dry cloth or sponge and paint the wallpaper so that the paper does not go to the waves.

This technique with which we will decorate the cabinet, is called stenling. With the help of decorative, we will have volumetric decorative elements. They can subsequently paint in any color, ignite or cut into your taste.

To work, you will need:

  1. Stencil from plastic or vinyl, can be from cardboard.
  2. Decorative plaster.
  3. Flat spatula.
  4. Scotch larger.
  5. Old cabinet.
  6. Acrylic paint.
  7. Sandpaper.

If the product we decorate is covered with old paint, it is necessary to process the entire surface with sandpaper. We proceed until a wooden base is visible. If your old cabinet is not painted, then everything is easier: removing the sandwich top layer, we remove the dirt and the dirt fat. If you see a crack on the tree, it is advisable to smell them with putty. We take our finished or made from cardboard stencil and secure it to the surface of the cabinet door with a painted scotch.

Then we give the plaster to dry, we pass with a skin and cover the entire cabinet acrylic paint in several layers. Acrylic will not only decorate the cabinet, but also will save him from destruction. Between the painting, give the closet time for drying. At the end of the work, the surface is coated from above varnish.

In our master class we update the old wall of Soviet times. See how the cabinet is transformed after such a decor.

To work, you will need:

  1. Old cabinet.
  2. Paint acrylic enamel.
  3. Acrylic varnish.
  4. PVA glue
  5. Tassel and paint roller.
  6. Paper emery large and small.
  7. Paper wallpaper.
  8. Gold paint.
  9. New fittings.

We disassemble the old cabinet, pull out the boxes. We take a grinding machine or sandpaper and process the surface of the details. If you handle emery paper, then do it at the beginning of a major emery, and at the end it is still small.

We apply acrylic paint first in the corners with a brush or sponge, and then over the entire surface with roller. It is necessary to paint 3-4 times, until the dark color disappears. Next, we decorate the drawers: tassel and white acrylic paint face sides of the boxes. We are waiting for when it gets up. Next, we glue the malarious tape to separate the decorative element of paint under gold.

Prayer decorative element with golden paint. We look all the boxes of white acrylic paint, dry. Remove the scotch. Next, proceed to pasting wallpaper. Wallpapers are the simplest, paper. Cut on the strips, smear the PVA glue and gently glue. Make sure that the wallpaper is tightly glued, press them with a sponge.

We glue the wallpaper on the inside of the cabinet. Pain everything that remains dark, insert new fittings. The cabinet is ready for further service.

Restoration and coloring

It happens the old furniture that a small restoration is required before the decor. What you need to know about the restoration and what we can make do it yourself:

  • If the tree has been thinned in places - it is necessary to treat the surface with a metal brush. So we remove the dead fabric. Next, you need to wash off the shallow dust of the water jet.
  • Before the painting cabinet, be sure to dry in the air, but not in the sun. This will take 1-2 days.
  • If there are holes from nails, scratches or other defects - weigh the surface with a rubber spatula, preferably thin layers. Between the layers, let's dry well dry.
  • If there are details covered with rust in the furniture, you need to be treated with a special solution from rust.
  • It is best to paint acrylic, but if you decide to choose an enamel for work, then choose alkyd - it is high quality. It is more convenient to paint the roller and sponge - so the paint penetrates deeper.
  • As for varnish: it happens matt, glossy and silky. Choose spray, it better falls.

That's all the advice. We hope that our ideas and tips will be useful to you. See how interesting the old cabinet may look like a decoupage.

So deeply rooted in our lives that there is no possibility to part with it, there is practically no possibility. This situation was created with an old wardrobe of the beginning of the last century. The world around him has changed, the apartment acquired a modern appearance, and the closet stubbornly stood in his place, not wanting to give up his place to modern fellow.

Old cabinet absolutely not answered general style The premises were not linked to the surrounding furniture and had a dull reddish color.
But still, a bold decision was made - to restore the old man and leave in the same place.
Running inspection revealed a mass of cracks, chips and scherbin.

The first stage of restoration works is always the removal of all weakly holding elements and old varnish, if any.
In order for the old varnish fully descended, it is necessary to apply a special bow for varnishes on the entire closet surface. Washing is applied with a brush or steel spatula. After 20-30 minutes, the cleaning of the old varnish. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface with a spatula, and then rigid grinding paper. Now the closet surface is uniform clean, dry and rough.

Now everything is necessary and thoroughly "heal" all cracks and scratches on the wood surface. To do this, we will need a special putty on wood and soft rubber spatula. All defects are watched with a spheolder and as drying it is grinding fine grinding paper.

To achieve the effect of homogeneity, you will need 3-4 layers with intermediate drying within 2 hours. After the final layer of the veil, it is necessary to dry wood for 20-30 hours when room temperature. Now you can proceed to the primary coating of varnish. To do this, it is best to apply modern acrylic varnish on water based. Especially covering all the surfaces of the cabinet.

Varnish is applied to the surface with a special brush with a rigid natural pile. The direction of movement of the brush should be top down, and never opposite.

When the lacquer is dry, you can start decoking the cabinet. For this we need self-blowing furniture Cant With the "Gold" effect. By this country, decorate the side walls of the cabinet, the facade and especially the central sash of the cabinet.

If necessary, you can replace the inner tire for outerwear. In modern shops, you can choose a metal or wooden bus and fastening to it.

Now proceed to the final varnish. This uses a special ultralyant varnish in aerosol cylinder. Such a varnish is very easily and evenly applied and gives the product novelty and chic.

Any furniture with time agrees, loses before attractive appearance. But do not rush to throw a shabby chest of drawers or a wardrobe with an irrelevant design - you can still not just return to life, but to do better, original and aesthetics than before. Today we will tell about how to make beautiful decor Old cabinet with your own hands using available materials.

1. Painting

The most reliable, simple and effective solutionthat makes the mass visual options: Starting from the palette and ending with the way of applying paint.

You can completely update the furniture using one color. Or cover only certain parts of it, for example, boxes, doors, handles, side sides. Modernly looks like a wardrobe painted under ombre: from saturated to dull shade all height.

Worders of vintage wooden dresser with a rich texture should think about several times before closing such beauty. Such objects are better to cover the thin, diluted layer, without hiding the luxury of the old days.

The best kind of paint for such work is considered acrylic: it is well mixed, washed away, in case of errors during operation, and does not leave sharp odors. It combines acrylic soil.

Of course, this kind of decor does not hide the disadvantages of the surface of the subject, so the latter must be pre-prepared. Usually, small work With emery paper is enough for this. But as a result, you will get a completely new wardrobe!

2. Stencils and stickers

Stencils or vinyl stickers are excellent proof that beautiful things can be created without outstanding artistic abilities. With their help you will get to decorate the cabinet with geometric patterns or more complex flower compositions. The main thing is that it will look neatly.

Similar decor will fit well in modern design, especially if used simple forms. With paint and stencil, you can turn the unparalleled old cabinet in the bright focus of the room.

The image is applied on a naked prepared surface or pre-painted background. Create smooth lines can be taken adhesive tapewhich will help draw the clear boundaries.


If the furniture update is one of the steps of recent repairs, do not hurry to throw away the remaining meters of wallpaper. They are perfect for the decoration of the old cabinet, sister from prying eyes some of its shortcomings. Only the frame part will have to cover the paint in advance, since the paper base is poorly adjusted for any bends.

However, the vintage ornament will look very appropriate in combination with an antique tree texture. Wallpapers can be written in almost any interior, as they offer wide visual variability: not only colors, drawings, but also surface textures, as they are matte, glossy or relief. You can decorate the doors, side sides, even internal racks.

The placing rules depend on the type of wallpaper selected. For some need to carefully align the coating, others are able to cope with the lack of furniture. For better preservation of the finished product - it is covered with protective varnish.

Wallpaper to decorate the cabinet is not necessary to choose, focusing on quality and environmental friendliness. Unlike the walls that form the climate in the room, they play only a decorative function.

4. Decoupage

To decorate the wardrobe in the picture so that it is firmly merged with its surface, you can with the help of an old good decoupage. With this method, probably came across at school time at work lessons or needlework. Despite the "children's" simplicity, ready product May look professionally and even luxuriously - depending on the accuracy of the work done.

You can use conventional napkins with a picture like, the benefit today they depict anything: flowers, animals, landscapes, even pictures of famous artists. The drawing can be clear or slightly translucent depending on the stylistics of the chest.

Make sure that when applying a fine paper on the coating, bubbles and folds are not formed - they need to immediately smooth or start re-on. After the napkin dries, do not forget to cover it with varnish, as it is fairly sensitive to external influence.

As the main material, newspapers, letters, tram tickets can also be used - in general everything will look good on your furniture.

5. Fabric

For the decor of the old cabinet, the fabric can also be applied, and even trimming is suitable for creating a kind of crafting. Shelter the subject will not fully work out, especially if he does not possess smooth surface. But close some details, making bright accents - perfect solution.

Each type of fabric has its own texture: smooth silk for the exquisite interior or rough flax for Provence. This property lies its advantage over other materials, not to mention the rich assortment range.

Separate option - the use of lace, which perfectly fit into the classics or complement the space of the sophisticated nature. In any case, to apply fabric to cover the cabinet is enough to buy ordinary PVA glue.

6. Mosaica

The mosaic decor looks very bright and aesthetic, especially in the stylistry of Ar Deco. The closet, decorated with a picture of small details, will be the main "hero" of the room and will attract the attention of guests. Especially when they find out who is the author of the product.

As details of the mosaic traditionally used pieces of "bat" ceramics or multi-colored glass. You can expand this list by adding, for example, shells, marine pebbles or other material suitable for creating art compositions.

You can mount the elements to the surface of the cabinet using conventional glue, in turns attaching them in a given sequence. It is recommended to think in advance not only the overall drawing by making a small sketch, but also the location of each piece. To do this, lay them out "on dry", then start the blending process.

7. Mirror

The mirror is a very cunning item that hides what is behind him, and focuses on the interior that reflects in it. Using it to decorate an old cabinet, you transform all the space.

Wardrobe with a mirror facade - perfect option For small rooms, which visually increases it. It is best to take a wardrobe with a smooth surface as the basis, which will allow mounting the mirror in full. In other cases, horizontal inserts, curly parts, or even a mirror mosaic will look good.

8. Gilding

Gold can decorate not only female necks, but also your closet. At the same time, it is not necessary to give huge money for the sake of a luxurious look. Today there are many alternatives for the decor, one of them is a gold foil.

It is good not only at cost, but also opportunities - to completely cover the item or "evaporate" in the form of sophisticated patterns. It is easy to work with it, and the result can be simply fixed with varnish for reliability.

But note that the facade of the cabinet for similar material Must be appropriate. First, smooth and perfectly smooth, otherwise the foil badly stick. Secondly, dark - to emphasize the "luxury" of gold.

9. Grimbal surface

"School" boards that many people since childhood are seen in nightmares today are of great popularity, especially in lofov spaces. They are interactive, can be used to develop creative abilities or planning a day. In any case, this acquisition will never be superfluous. So why not enter it into the facade of the cabinet?

The easiest way to paint the doors special brown paintwhich gives the surface of the surface. The wardrobe must be cleaned of dust and dirt, apply a tool in two layers, and then wait until complete drying.

There is also a stylist film, but it still needs to be able to properly glue, which is why this decision loses the first.

10. Building

What if you need to issue an interior in the style of Provence, but does your furniture look like enough old? The answer suggests itself to itself - to help her to be aged! This process is similar to real art, and the methods of incarnation vary from simple to complex, from imitating to realistic.

It is easiest to give a closet vintage species using cracker lacquer, which cracks after drying, creating a characteristic antique look. For Provence, respectively, you need to take white paint Or other pastel shades.

It looks good with furniture with an outdated dry brush with a facade, leaving a small amount of paint that seems to be erased with time.

For a more realistic effect, it is necessary to handle the coating, creating noticeable reliefs. Then apply acrylic, over it - the glaze, the amount of which is adjusted using a conventional sponge. But for this method will have to fully disassemble the cabinet.

11. Rivets

Sometimes everything you need old furniture - These are some accents that will make it aesthetic. Some styles love rough, brutal items with history and character, especially loft or steam punk. In this case, for a consistent effect, you can decorate the doors of the cabinet with metal rivets, as well as brackets that completely change the concept of the battered chest.

The necessary details are easily attached with glue on wooden facade. But if you cover it with your skin, you will have to use nails to beautifully fix rivets.

Video: How to decorate the cabinet - DECOR DIY

From time to time, we have to solve the fate of old furniture - cabinets, wardrobes that do not fit into new interior. If the hand is not climbing, then right decision There will be a cabinet restoration with their own hands. Of course, to reanimate Chinese plastic headsets and extruded sawdust will be more expensive. But if the furniture of good Soviet quality, made by real masters, then we are simply obliged to give her a second life. Consider three ways to update old cabinets.

Consider three ways to update old cabinets.

Update old furniture is a creative thing. First of all, it is necessary to think about how to tie the future cabinet design to the existing interior: correctly select the shade of paint and suitable accessories.

Restoration of the cabinet for hallway in the Art Deco style

What tools of labor we need

  • Grinding machine or emery chubby leather leather.
  • Screwdriver, screwdriver.
  • Putty knife.
  • Paint roller (or wide flirts).
  • Small brush.
  • Self-tapping screw and carpentry, if connections are broken.

List of materials for work

  1. Primer composition.
  2. Wood putty.
  3. Automotive enamel in bells, black and metallic.
  4. Malyary Scotch (or mounting tape).
  5. Mirror glass in size.

Restore the old cabinet

Pondering how to restore the cabinet, expose it to a detailed inspection. If there is a need to strengthen the looped loops, replacing the ancient nails with self-draws. Installing a new fastener, additionally enhance the connection good glue. Rust is removed by a special solution.

We consider the old lacquer coating using sandpaper or grinding machine. In the tree there may be traces of an edification. In this case, the walls need to wipe with a special antiseptic.

Clean the sandy paper old lacquer coating

Now we look at the cabinet for damage. Defects can be of varying degrees of complexity.

The process of coloring of the cabinet

Having understood with damage, we prepare the surface under painting. How to update the cabinet to be unrecognizable? First, we clean the sandy paper with shaded places and apply several layers of soil, then the aerosol will fall smoothly.

Collect the cabinet first in the main color (metallic). Then we deliver the painted scotch of the parts intended under the color of black in order not to hurt the finished surface. We apply a black tone. Contrast is very spectacular.

Collect wardrobe

In the door of the cabinet insert toned mirror glass. This method of restoration will help visually expand the room, give the old furniture a completely different look.

Insert tinted mirror glass

We screw the new accessories selected taking into account the surface shade. The AR-Deco wardrobe will decorate the most presentable hallway.

Fresh new fittings

Updating old kitchen cabinets

Kitchen furniture undergoes colossal loads. Drops of temperature and humidity, couples, splashes of fat, Nagar from gas burners - All this is not the best way affects its surface. But if the cabinets are made of high quality treeYou can not just update them, but give an expensive and stylish look.
How to decorate the cabinet with your own hands, hoping without significant financial injections? For this, there is an interesting equipment for decorating furniture with a crockel lacquer. The restoration method does not require large costsBut absolutely transforms furniture. The point here is that when drying, the lacquer forms peculiar cracks, creating the full effect of antiques.

An example of the use of crackering

Tools and materials for decorating single-phase varnish

  • Primer or PVA glue.
  • Acrylic paint of two different shades.
  • One-component crust lacquer.
  • Matte acrylic varnish.
  • Wide brush.
  • High-quality varnish for cracker must be liquid. The viscous composition is poorly applied, the coating after drying looks uneven.
  • It is impossible to stick the lacquer before applying - bubbles will spoil the whole thing.
  • Preview the work technique on another surface to understand the essence of the decor.
  • The room should be warm and dry. It is also necessary to do wet cleaningSo that dust and small garbage do not fit on dry lacquer.

Stages of work on single-phase cracker

Alignment and close up of possible wood defects are carried out in the same way as in the first case. The surface of the surface is 2-3 times and dried.

Apply the paint of the primary color (as a rule, more dark), which further sticks out through the cracks. The layer must completely dry.

Quickly and evenly cover the surface of the crockel lacquer. The thicker layer, the larger the cracks will be. We dry the varnish to such an extent so that it sticks to the fingers, but did not pack them.

In the completion of the process, we apply an acrylic varnish from above.

Metal accessories are painted in a bronze or gold color. Now everyone recognize that we managed to update the cabinet with their own hands to the level corresponding to the royal cuisine.

If there is an elegant drawing on the furniture, which I do not want to paint, use two-phase craquelur.

The use of two-phase cracker

To work, we will need:

  • Two-component crust lacquer. The first composition is used to effect the effect of the surface, the second - for the formation of cracks. For the maximum result, a packet with a patina effect (turpentine, dimming) should be used. Transparent varnish will not affect the color of the pattern.
  • Bitumen, pastel or gold powder, oil paint For grout.
  • Acrylic lacquer.
  • Several small brushes.
  • Sponge.

The prepared surface is coated with the first, patinating layer of varnish. If there is no drawing, it can be created by the Decoupage method. We succeed in the composition, as in the first case, before sticking.

Quickly apply the second phase of varnish. We dry to the same state.

Cracks that have been processed by the prepared grout using a sponge. Golden powder will enjoy the patterns of cracks, give the cabinet the presentable view.

Find the resulting result with a layer of acrylic varnish. The locker from the old and breakdown of the box turned into a real work of crockel art.

Decoupage of the old cabinet

The popularity of this decoration technique is rapidly. In the very case, with the help of conventional pictures, the furniture design changes. The most primitive locker becomes the center of the entire interior. What is needed for this?

Decoupage of the old cabinet

Set of tools and materials

  • Primer composition on wood.
  • Acrylic paint desired color.
  • Colorless acrylic varnish.
  • PVA glue.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Paint brushes, for large square - roller.
  • Pictures: Napkins with a beautiful pattern, cut from magazines drawings printed on a photo printer and any other images that have come to taste.

Step-by-step instructions for decoupage of the old cabinet

Breasting the stencil surface of the cabinet twice and stain in the color we need, harmonizing with the main tint of the drawings, and at the same time with the interior of the room. We give paint to dry completely.

Cut the image, pick them on the topic, or in color, or in size.

Examples of images for decoupage

Apply them to the surface of the cabinet, choosing best option, Location with a pencil location.

In order to achieve the effect of painting, and not pasted wallpaper, we take the emery skirt. Each drawing turn over and carefully thinning the back side by 5-7 mm from the edges, abrade paper to the thickness of the cigarette.

Machine pictures in water. Let me be impregnated completely.

We lay them on the towel, close on top with another towel.

We apply glue to marked sections of the cabinet. We apply wet pictures in place, press and disperse paper to the edges, seeking perfect fit.

Printed wet pictures

Having waited for a complete drying of the pictures, cover them with varnish twice.

Now you will never part with the locker who prepared for the removal of the landfill. New, I will not be afraid of this word, the object of the furniture will be the center of attention and households, and guests of the house.