Repairs Design Furniture

Cup wardrobes in a children's room for a teenager. Cabinets for the children's room: photo, ideas of location, filling, how to choose.

A practical wardrobe in the children's room is a universal module for the well-thought-out and ordered storage of the child. The presence of deep spacious shelves in sufficient quantity and a comfortable rod for the onslaught shirts, trousers, dresses serves as an unobtrusive element of education in the child's correct relationship to order in the room. The design of the module doors contributes to saving space indoors.

Children grow, and they grow with them. At the adolescent stage the need for the world is really impressive. It is at this moment that we need to think about the room for boys. Men usually do not have great needs, they are much less likely than women. The children's room has a bed, a wardrobe, a bedside table and desk. As we see, items are really small, but have certain characteristics.

Baby beds should be chosen given that men become higher than women, and this, in adolescence, should be already visible. In this case, you must take a longer bed than the traditional if you do not want the boy to sleep with his legs from bed. The table should be strictly prepared for storing on a computer, which is an inevitable element in the bedroom for teenagers.

Wardrobe coupe in the children's room, buy and pick up

Choosing a wardrobe for a girl, parents worth paying attention to the design of the module. In our catalog there are interesting models with exquisite gentle design, thanks to which a unique atmosphere is created in the small fair room, which determines the development of the figurative thinking of the girl, her femininity and feeling of the beautiful.

As always, the solution occupying less space is the space installed on the wall: the bed and the cabinet will use one wall, leaving everything else free to use them at its discretion. Set wall is also better decision For furnishing small children's rooms with very small sizes.

The main rule for the creation of chambers is always one: ask their opinion. Often parents thinking that they succeed, follow their instincts. Help yourself in choosing, you will be happier. Of course, much more attention is required. Women are more demanding and have more needs. In the room for girls will have to keep big cupboard. Overly to buy a small wardrobe, which in a short time will be tied to things. It is better to point to a large wardrobe with good splitting of internal spaces.

The boy is equally important to choose a wardrobe, emphasizing his personality. An unusual module decorated in the aesthetics of marine hikes will cause a genuine interest of the baby and will be involved in his games. Deciding on the purchase of a wardrobe in a nursery, it is also necessary to pay attention to the safety of the product, its structural elements, materials and accessories used in production.

The wardrobe should consist of a shelf where you can put a folded grid, chest of drawers and long sides to hang clothes. All this should alternate with harmony so that everything is available using a high piece of clothing outside the season. The table in girls for girls is usually much more spacious and full of boxes: women love to have so many places where they keep all their items.

Soft colors are especially valued, but it is better to avoid a classic rose dress for a growing child. In the teenage phase, it is often deviated from this color. To avoid risk, ask your contribution to the choice of room design and the color of the room for the girl.

Buy a children's wardrobe with us, three advantages

Children's wardrobes presented in our online store in a wide range, are distinguished by moderate prices when high quality and the safety of products. In addition to a profitable and convenient purchase, we have quick delivery. In addition, the assembly of each module purchased in our online store is free.

The bed will be the place to spend most of the time. You do not know why, but girls in adolescence, when they have to write, call, cry, watch TV or choose a dress, they rush on the bed. The bed for girls should not be closed between the side walls of the cabinet, as in typical fitted walls. He can always be a fitted wall, but the bed must speak with free sides.

Think that the room will accompany you for a long time, so you must choose to evaluate all current and future needs. Typical children dreams for girls can be pleasant at the first blow, but over time they can become heavy and stucco.

The cabinet is an indispensable attribute of the children's bedroom, it is this subject of the interior can accommodate all the things of your child, allowing you to maintain and maintain order in the bedroom. The catalog contains all sorts of options for cabinets for the bedroom of adolescents. The models are divided into several main types: coupe, 2 or 3 door, angular.

Often because of the lack of space, our children are forced to share the same room. The situation becomes rather complicated if both brothers do not agree. Not all houses have the opportunity to make individual children's rooms, how can you solve the problem? If you have only one room, you must work surprisingly. In this case, it will be necessary to have two walls equipped with a bridge cabinet. The same template, but custom color. Sharing Their on one model will be difficult, but you can play on the inside of the cabinet to snatch approx.

Design and equipment of a wardrobe for a teenager room

Models for the youth teenage room are performed in a stricter and discreet design, because a teenager, although the child is, but already markedly matured and having their personal taste. The internal equipment of the cabinet in each model is absolutely individual. It is possible to choose the decision exactly for you.

Modern young people help solve this discussion. At this moment, the room for boys is almost ready, but it is necessary to create a separator that guarantees a minimum private territory. In this case, we come to the help of a bookstore with two small mirror tables. The library will be placed in the center of the room and will work as a separation wall without excess light. It will also provide space for storing various books and items.

We must decorate the children's room in accordance with his tastes. If the girl for a girl often chooses pink. If this is for the boy, you choose blue colour. But what if there are two tenants in the room? Wage It does not work quickly how real estate increases, especially if your children have different floors.

Buy a wardrobe for a teenager and save

Children's furniture store "From the Temcha", allows you to make purchases with benefits for family budget. The presence of free assembly is a weighty discount, because average price For this service begins from 7%, and the cost of the furniture itself remains at the level of the producer price.