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Lorseful yard do it yourself. How to make the improvement of the territory of the private house with your own hands: the principles and the main elements. We are determined with the central object

Private country house - the dream of many people. If you are already a happy owner of such a house, you need to think about its improvement and design of the site. The original design of the courtyard is able to show not only the financial position of the owners, but also to declare the presence of taste and style.

The beautiful landscape design of the yard in a private house is not only a great place to relax and receive guests, but also the opportunity to express your thoughts, to make dreams, create your own, let the small but perfect world.

Recreation area with decorative fountain and arbor Source

The value of the landlord

It has long left the past times when the house outside the city was built or bought exclusively for the garden and the garden. Now people in their most prefer to live there constantly, away from the turmoil, dust, bad ecology and eternal automotive traffic jams.

The modern household plot is most often a small park, an ideal territory for family holidays. The owners create real masterpieces: they build mini-ponds, alleys, flower beds. The garden can be a real forest with exotic or simply unusual plants and trees.

The most important thing is to approach the question with the creative. Even if the rhythm of your life does not allow the planning close, it will not be a big obstacle to the beautiful area. Landscaping development is a popular service in the market, so the search for a knowledgeable specialist who will give a delivered consultation, hardly turns into a problem. A good designer has ready-made solutions or a project can be developed completely on the basis of your ideas, in any case - all the wishes of the owners will be taken into account.

Private Court Registration Colors Source

Types of stylistic directions

Landscape design can be divided into two main directions: landscape and architectural. There are other styles, but they all flow out of the main.

The basis of construction and design is the architectural style, the design of the yard in front of the house begins with it. It is characterized by such a direction to its solemnity, clarity of lines, compliance with geometric forms. Everything should be clear and just as possible. Now minimalism is welcome, so it is important not to overdo it with the number of elements and with the design itself.

Landscape style is designed to emphasize the natural beauty, pristine. It does not welcome the presence of clear geometric forms, angularity, rigor. Everything should be the most natural possible. The landscape style is considered simpler for registration than architectural, because in this case it does not even have to change the relief of the territory, everything should remain in such a form, in which nature created him.

When creating a landscape style, only natural materials are used. It is in this direction that the maximum of fantasy and creativity can be shown, there are no special restrictions, if not to take into account the main condition - compliance with the maximum natural, which will emphasize the design of the private house.

Landscape style in the design of a large private yard source

It seems that these two stylistic directions are absolutely opposite, but it is not quite so. Modern designers often combine them and, thus, it creates a truly unique design project of a residential yard.

The principles of landscape design design are constantly changing, all new styles are added. Now, for example, country and modern is very popular, and it is not always separate. These styles can be combined with each other - as a result, it turns out a very beautiful and harmonious landscape.

Video Description

See on the video design of a multi-level plot:

Ideas arranged

The beauty of the landscape design is that all ideas for arrangement simply do not list - not only that there are already a lot of them, but every day new appears. Who knows, it is your vision of the perfect site designers will be put into service and will recommend customers.

In order to choose the most interesting courtyard design for its site, appreciate all its features. In some courtyards you can create a pond or place on the territory of the pool. For others, there will be more an alpinary or mini park. When choosing, take into account the relief of the territory, the quality of the earth, the size and other, important parameters. Very significant factor when choosing stylistry - the appearance of the house. It must be organic and combined well with the selected design style.

Recreation area for children and equipment Leaves - all of the tree - Harmonies perfectly with the house Source

You can choose not one style, but immediately somewhat and combine them. Thus, to achieve individuality - your garden will really be unique.

Separation and zoning of space in the yard

In the courtyard you can make several zones. For example, for outdoor activities, walks, romance. The zoning of the territory can be simply visual, for example, with the help of tracks or garden sculptures.

It is possible to divide the territory and with the help of living fences, shrubs. This design will look quite natural, and complement the overall design.

Zoning space in the courtyard Living Source Source

Location of trees and colors

The location of all plants in the yard must be thought out in advance, it is from the design of the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house begins, the photo of examples will help choose the right direction. Many trees and shrubs prefer dry or, on the contrary, wet land, it is necessary to consider when landing. There are plants that prefer shady territories, they can be located near other trees and shrubs.

The most important thing is that all plants are harmonized and combined with each other, complemented each other. Pick all plants with different seasons of landscaping and flowering. Thus, your yard will always be green and blooming. Beautiful yard is harmony, minimalism and originality. Do not overdo it, because too many plants and various decor items will look like a naryapistan, and this is not at all beautiful.

Registration of a small private courtyard with reservoir and tepeless plants Source

On our site you can find contact with building companies that offer landscape design services. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Figures in the garden

The choice of garden figures is now huge. With their help in the garden, a beautiful courtyard becomes even better and original. When choosing a garden shapes, consider the size of the territory. Too large sculptures and figures on small territory will look ridiculous.

When choosing, pay attention to the materials - it can be plastic, plaster, stone, cement, and so on. The sculptures in the garden look very original - they create the impression of majestity and beauty.

Present garden decoration is fountains. At night, they will make a cool with them, and in the evening will allow you to enjoy the amazing glare from the moon and artificial lighting.

Sculpture with a fountain in the garden - beautiful and original source


Most of the gatherings with friends, and family events are most often held in the evenings, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of well-designed lighting in the design of the country house. Comfortable layout includes basic and additional lighting: for comfort and safety, plus backlight all decor elements.

Most often, necessarily illuminate such zones:

    facade of the house;


  • main entrance;

  • rest zones.

If there is a pond or waterfall in the yard, pay attention to the lighting around the water. Correctly selected illumination elements will help create a truly picturesque and fabulous look.

In winter, the lighting should pay special attention. Natural natural beauty is a bit faded, but with the help of lighting, artificial elements can be distinguished, which may not be less beautiful.

Do not forget about the illumination of stairs and tracks. This is necessary not only for beauty, but also for security.

Original private court lighting - highlighting tracks, flower beds and house facade Source POBUDOVA.IN.UA.


On the design of the tracks in the countryside, you can talk a lot. They can be the most varied - from gravel, asphalted, natural. Tracks must unite all existing zones.

The tracks are designed not only with the future design, but also taking into account the relief. Also, the tracks vary with each other for their intended purpose - they can be the main and optional. Depending on the materials also distinguish soft and hard. The latter includes tracks from concrete, bricks, tiles and other dense materials. Soft are made of pebbles, gravel, rubble. The combined tracks that combine several materials are very common and combined.

Original wood trails in the garden Source

Ideas of recreation area

The recreation area must be attended in the courtyard of a country house. Ideas for arrangement is also very much, the main thing is to initially determine our goals preferred and stylistics. You can arrange a recreation area in a rustic style - hammock, flooring, wooden shops, do not do without a gazebo in the courtyard of a private house, photo examples often represent this attribute of the countryside. If wooden elements are used for registration, do not forget that they will have to be periodically tying and updated. It is also recommended to initially apply a special composition on wooden furniture, which will protect against insects and rotting.

Video Description

See the example of the courtyard and the terrace in the video:

If you use a stone and concrete in the design, then it turns out a more modern, European style.

Many choose metal materials among the diversity. Such a recreation area can be decorated in the style of minimalism, combine originality and practicality.

If there are children in the family, then the playground will be a mandatory element. A small gazebo, sandbox - all this will certainly have to do children, especially if you decorate everything in bright colors.

Be sure to be present in the Holiday Zone of the Mangal - Do not deprive yourself with the possibility of cooking delicious food outdoors.

Recreation area in private courtyard with mangal Source

Do not think that the back yard is not needed and should not be beautifully decorated. There you can implement a huge number of ideas. For example, in the backyard you can make a corner for a secluded rest or lay a small table for morning tea party.

Make the back courtyard is beautiful simple. Show a little fantasy, and even a small area will turn into a cozy corner, in which it will be nice to sit both alone and in a small company.

Original carpentry and gazebo in the backyard Source

Photo Collection of examples of the courtyard design of a private house

Drawing track in the private courtyard BOARD.COM.UA source

Artificial reservoir in the private courtyard Source

Simple, but cute design corner near the house Source

Landscape design and big leisure gazebo Source

Two-level flower bed in private yard design Source

Cozy recreation area in the countryside Source

Original courtyard design in a country house Source Pinterest.CH

Swing in the garden - a great place for privacy and recreation Source

Original decoration of a seating area in a private yard Source

The presence of figures of different animals in the garden makes the design more original source


With the right approach to the design of the garden and the yard, you can get really awesome results. The main condition for creating a beautiful design project of a country house is to observe the measure. Excessive lapiness and litterness will create the impression of gravity - from too bright colors will be tired of the eyes. Come to the design with the soul and do not forget about the harmony: you need to strive for beauty, but the convenience and practicality are not less important.

Well well-groomed yard allows you to profitably framed the house, has a self-presentation and the basis for further impression. Well thought out and organized courtyard design and landscape design should complement the natural terrain and continue the idea of \u200b\u200binternal design. About everything more detailed further in the article.

5 necessary aspects for the landscape

When designing a landscape design, it is important to think not only about aesthetics, but also the contribution that you will have an environment.

Setting the external space begins with the proper landscape. First of all, answer your questions:

  • Do you rarely spend time in the backyard?
  • Do you have a dilapidated veranda or old courtyard?
  • Do you hate to spend time and water to care for a big lawn?
  • Your backyard has no room for entertainment?

If you answered "yes" on any of these questions, it looks like you can be prepared for rearrangement of the backyard. Get acquainted with key factors that need to be considered when planning the yard.

Sometimes the beginning of the landscaping project may seem overwhelming. But with the help of these five tips you can independently or with the help of a landscape designer to develop landscaping and make the courtyard that always wanted.

Use and appointment

When you start the gardening project, the first thing to consider is how you want to use space. Decide, what is the purpose or purpose of your ideal yard before taking any other solutions.

The popular use of outdoor premises is as follows:

  • entertainment;
  • summer kitchen and dining room;
  • swimming;
  • game Zone;
  • rest zone;
  • garden.

Next you need to think about who will use space. Will this zone be needed to accommodate small children, or will it be primarily asylum for adults? Do not forget to think about pets, animals also often dictate decisions on improvement.

Environment and climate

Now it's time to carry out an inventory. You will want to note such zones like:

  • solar sites;
  • shady areas;
  • overview;
  • direction of the wind;
  • feed and drainage water.

Then your attention should be drawn to the soil. It is important to make sure that your soil has nutrients to support the selected vegetable material. Your soil that can be mainly with sand, clay or rubble, will dictate which plants you must grow. Landscape designer can perform soil tests for you and make corrections to the soil, if necessary.

Zone disembarking

An important factor that needs to be considered when choosing is disembarking zone for them. It is determined by climatic conditions, such as temperature and precipitation. Knowledge about your landing area will help you and your designer to choose plants that are suitable for your place, and thus, more likely to come down.


As soon as you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich plants will be used, start thinking about how water behaves in your yard. If there are certain sections where water is going, you want to create a group of plants that need a lot of water. On the other hand, if there are certain areas where water flies quickly, you want to be a group of plants that love dry conditions. This process is often referred to as a hydroson planting.

Garden style

The last thing you should think about is the aesthetic attractiveness and style of your landscape design. Consider the internal and external style and try to create the unity between the house and landscaping. Make an open space that reflects your personality and makes you feel happy and relaxed. For a small inspiration, Polyte these garden styles, which include Japanese, Modern, Cottage and Desert.

Makeup Ideas in the backyard

After consideration of the basic rules of landscape design, go to the improvement of space. Check out the idea shown below to equip the backyard.

Replace outdated materials

For this now often use solid concrete with brick stripes. Make a patio area with concrete, pour white sand and add a fountain for expressiveness.

Increase patio zone

The usual error in the backyard makes the patio too small. When you work on makeup in the backyard, think about the expansion of the patio to place a large furniture and ensure a walk around the space.

Transfer power

An ordinary gray concrete can be quite boring. Transform your rear courtyard paving to transform a feeling from all over the terrain. When the paving slabs are revealed, you have two options: remove an existing pavement or transform what you have. Create stains and engraving on a concrete path so that it looks like a natural stone. If you want to remode the existing paving, you will save money on materials and working strength.

Do not let small or uncomfortable spaces limit you

Narrow spaces can represent the problem and often ends with the fact that they are not used. However, you can turn the narrow space into the backyard, fully equipped for outdoor activities. Creative and methods of saving space can be used to adapt more opportunities to a small or uncomfortable backyard.

Do your back yard

You can remake the backyard yourself, without professionals with their resources, if it is limited to the sideline. However, it does not include demolition and the installation of new small architectural forms, as this work will take on the middle homeowner of the week to finish, while the team of professionals can do it within a few days.

Additionally, projects can be complicated that include the installation of running water, gas or electric lines. If you want a fountain, a built-in grill or a lot of lighting, it is best to hire a licensed specialist. However, when choosing a DIY version, which will save you some money, think about falling off plants yourself. If you make sure you know the requirements for each plant to choose the best place. Consider also the option of self install zone for the patio.

Ideas for design patio zone

Patio is life outdoors. You will probably spend many hours with friends and family in your patio. Instead of buying a big house, many people are looking to expand their living space outdoors. As a result, the patio zone is becoming increasingly large, luxurious and more protected.

Outdoor patio has become centers of entertainment-oriented and relaxation. A well-designed patio will not only add additional residential space to your home, but also increase its resale value.

Since your inner courtyard will provide the foundation for residential space in the open air, it must be durable, well designed. You can choose a variety of patio and paving materials. Determine what size, shape and style of the courtyard best complies with the needs. Use information here to start collecting ideas for a new courtyard.

It's time to stop thinking about your patio as a simple place to spend time in the fresh air. It can serve as a center for various functions, including dining room, cooking, communication and recreation. Your inner courtyard style will change depending on what functions you want to place in it.

Concrete patios

The durability and versatility of concrete makes it an excellent choice for paving the courtyard. The concrete courtyard has many advantages compared to professional flooring and other surfaces.

Benefits of concrete patio:

  • High strength.
  • Low operating costs.
  • Capable of adapting to any style.
  • You can pour into any form.

Decor options:

  • Colored concrete. There are several ways to paint concrete, including contrasting, integration, solid and liquid painting methods (used in combination with embossed) and complete staining.
  • An embezzlened concrete - the surface of your particular patio can be standing for creating texture, imitating stone, brick or other materials.

If you already have an inner courtyard, which has cracks or contaminated, it can be cleaned with a concrete. Concrete grinding will make your patio look like a new one. Rehabilitated concrete courtyard can be painted and postpone.

Another strong trend is to integrate plants in places, where compensation seams would otherwise be located. They help create a more air-permeable surface and dilute an extensive structure with a greenery. Often use artificial turf in these places, especially in areas where moisture needs to be preserved.

Are concrete patio cracking exposed?

Concrete is good for warm climatic landscapes that are not experiencing an extreme shift of frost and thawed the northern regions, which is the cause of uncontrolled cracking. Other factors can also lead to cracking.

Ideas for arbors

Arbors and other shadow structures are another way to enjoy nature, even if the conditions outside are not the most successful. In the hot summer you can relax and have fun in the fresh air, without exposing the sunny strike. Shadow structures also expand the season until autumn and winter. If your design is built with a solid roof or even with isolated walls, you can enjoy calm winter in the morning, sipping tea, not disturbing from rain or snow.

Types of shadow buildings

Arbors are an autonomous structure, organically placed in the landscape. They can stand on the path and determine space for a walk, or may designate a patio zone or entertainment space outdoors. Pergola usually has open sides, as well as a lattice or solid roof.

Designs for the patio are similar to pergolas, except that they are attached to the house. It may be an advantage, because the patio area can use the home to support and, therefore, it can cost less than an independent structure.

Gazes of the octagonal shape with durable roofs are most commonly used in traditional garden-park zones. They can be an attractive addition, if the style of the surrounding landscape works with the structure.

Brozent canopy is a modern way to get relief from the sun. The fabric is stretched through specially designed poles for focusing and covering the recreation area or patio. Brozent canopy looks great with straight lines and simple geometry used in modern homes, and perform a double duty - as a decorative and artistic part of the landscape.

A grid terrace is built right at the house, as a rule, have a rear door for easy access. Instead of glass windows, it has large grids that protect against insects. The grid terrace is great for dinner, as you get high-quality outdoor pastime without unreasonable guests.

The sun room is also built right at the house. Since it can be completely isolated and built with bipoon windows, this is a four-season structure that acts as an addition to your home. The solar room is completely protected from atmospheric influences, so you can watch birds and wildlife in comfort even in winter. The sun room is really different from the rest of your home in that it has many windows that improve the external review.

Terrace design

No matter what kind of rear yard you have, you can maximize the available space and live a dream. Here are a few simple ideas on landscaping with your own hands to make an excellent open space that you can enjoy the day and night.

Adjust your space with flooring

There is nothing better than a new terrace to turn your backyard in an open living room or a great parties. This is a simple and affordable way to expand your living space that will last for many years, and with a small know-how, you can build it yourself.

Terrace - Room with flooring

There are several options for the flooring. In addition to traditional wooden flooring there is an environmentally friendly alternative. Composite flooring can be made of recycled plastic, which is durable, easy to install and maintain and resistant to rotting and pests.

Build with beams

You can form the back courtyard of any size and give it a natural, earthly view with treated pine beams. Processed pine beams are resistant to decomposition, fungi and pests, which makes them one of the most universal, easy-to-use and wear-resistant landscaped materials on the market. They can be used to create a retaining wall, stepped garden, flowerbeds, or as a border along your beds.

Space with retaining walls

Returning walls are a great way to create interesting steps to design your backyard. You can use them to create a raised garden to surround your entertainment space or make a quiet corner to relax. Returning walls are also a good way to smooth the areas of the inclined block and add an additional space for children to play or for you to have fun. Depending on the view you want, retaining walls can be made of logs or treated pine sleepers. Use specially created materials to hold walls that are interconnected, durable and have a number of colors.

Own power

You can bring this certainty of your backyard and create an excellent appearance with a paving slave. In addition, it will be a light project that you can do yourself. The pavement makes a solid foundation for your entertainment area outdoors, or you can make a walkway through your garden. There are various colors and structures for styling, suitable for any rear yard, made of concrete textured, panel and sand paving.

Add color and texture with pebbles

Pebbles are an easy way to bring different colors and texture to the backyard. You can use it to fill empty places in garden beds or as soil cover to complement the laid or the flooring.

For pure decorative appearance, you can use pebbles to create a border or landscaped path. There are many colors and styles from which you can choose white, blue, orange, red, green, lime, silver or gold. Using the same color pebbles, you can create one-picture zone or mix colors to create a brighter view.

Landscaping front yard design

When it comes to the design of the front yard, you want to think about what features of your home will be emphasized, as well as how you can turn it into an open space that will be actively used. If you want to spend time there, then confidentiality will be a key factor. Privacy can be created with a wall or alive hedge.

Get a new perspective

Before choosing a project, look at your landscape with fresh eyes and more widely. We are so accustomed to our landscape, which is difficult to determine what others can see. There are two simple tricks to see the landscape from a new point of view. When using both of these methods, the goal is to forget what you think about your landscape, and instead to see what exists in fact.

The first is the trick of the old artist. Get away from your landscape far enough so that you can see everything at once. Then suck your eyes until the picture does not die, and try to clean your memory.

"Draw" your picture to create a landscape

There may be areas that, with blurry glance, become dark and overgrown. Some areas may look dirty, because there are too many small plantings, statues or pots. Or, you can have a bright and clean area, but a little too empty. All these ideas can give you a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhich projects to solve first.

The second technique you can use to see your landscape with a new look - is to make black and white photos of your landscape design. Putting a color, you can make a familiar space new, so you will see it with objective eyes. Currently, most digital cameras have a black and white setting, so it is easy to do, even if you are not techno-genius.

Determine the borders and add a mulch

Clean edges are cheating, creating a landscape neat and well-groomed. If the lawn crept in the flower beds in the garden and created an uneven line, then the definition of the border can improve the appearance of the entire landscape.

Start with the fact that lay out the garden hose to determine the new border. Do not make an error of a beginner by creating a wavy line of "Drunk Snake". Instead, make wide curves that are correlated with the size of your home. Then use the hoe to crop the grass until you get a clean, attractive line.

After you installed a neat border, add a wood chip mulch layer for a refined view. The bright color is attractive, smoothes the uneven surface of the soil and, as a rule, gives landscaping a professional finish.

Cut huge bushes

If the plant is clearly not intended to be a hedge, it needs to be trimmed. Otherwise, there will be a feeling that the service came out of control.

Cut the shrub at the base, removing any branches that are at a distance of 15 cm from the ground. It gives a more open look and creates miracles on rhododendons and other shrubs that may seem dark and overwhelming when they are sprawling on the ground.

Another good task is to carefully cut down any plant that concerns at home. Plants that rely on the house can cause paint cracking, as well as mold and ants. Pruning plants from 20 to 30 cm from home will give gardening more open look, and will also give you the opportunity to wash the house or if necessary to squeeze it.

45 ideas of fashionable front yard

Modern front yard designs are more relying on a minimalist and deserted look. The volumetric forms and abundance of color disappeared. A modern look consists of clean lines, earthy colors, creative use of stone, and lack of atypical flowers.

Steps and strokes

We observe a waste from hard coatings with a translate toward the patterned pavements for sidewalks alternating with round stones.

Horizontal fence

Lines are more pronounced with a pure horizontal fence. Aluminum, Vinyl, Steel, and Wood - Popular Materials for Fashion Garden.

Metal details

The idea of \u200b\u200ba plate with a metal house is modern, clear fonts that are made of brass, aluminum or chromium. Simple and stylish.

Herbal cuts

These are sidewalks covered with herbal gaps so that the grass can grow right under the legs. Traditional white or bright pavement for indoor courtyard in combination with green gives a clearer view of the courtyard.

Slag blocks for garden

Gardening is still relevant for both the front and inland courtyards, although it has become more restrained. If you like flowers, use block gardening, which represents an interesting and new dimension.

Large pots

Among modern facade courtyards are very noticeable by large pots for plants. What they are more, the better. Molds are basic - round, square, cylindrical or conical.

Stone and succulents

The use of large and small stones is common among modern front yards. And what grows and looks best with stones? Succulents!

Wall-mounted garden

Do not limit your landscaping on Earth. Picturesque wall-mounted gardens are attractive, look innovative and look the main decoration of the front yard.

Color clusters

Many modern front yards continue to include many colorful flowering plants. Keep them under control and in a good color ratio to avoid messy species. They work well the plants that need less time to devote.

Illuminated paths

Backlit paths are determined and improving the design of your front yard. It is also suitable and attractive.

Combination of fence and benches

It is time to replace elegant rail seats in favor of more restrained, integrated secluded corners. And if they are completed in one technique with a fence around the perimeter, it will make the design of the most harmonious.

Minimalist fence

Feel your front yard with muffled and minimalist fence. More ambitious curls, monograms and bright colors.

Combination of green and white

Modern facade yards are decorated in natural colors. White hydrangeas opposite the lush greenery make your front yard brighter.

Single and wood combination

Let's go back to the origins. Rough stone and wooden boards give the strict lines of modern front yards character.

Terraced gardening

Do not let the uneven facade prevent the creation of a beautiful polysser. Make it work for your space: For the surface under the tilt, the idea of \u200b\u200ba stepped garden with a terrace is suitable.

Red porridge for plants

Bright red pots against quiet earthwoods look defiantly and amazing. Use them when you want to distract attention to certain zones.

Modern pergola

Arbors are romantic and charming. Create a modern minimalist gazebo suitable for your garden.

Stone with stone

Modern front yard designs use many natural elements. Various irregularities and textures of stones are best demonstrated together.

Charm of decorative onion

Plants on today's front courtyards are structured and have a strong character. Decorative bow has height, shape and color: ideal for the front yards.

Black vases

Modern pots for exterior plants have become big, they have the shape and basic bold colors - especially black.

Wooden fences for succulents

A tree of a rich dark shade will be well to shade and align dark green succulents.

Ancient Greek Amphora

Make your yard attractive using such a scenery like an ancient Greek amphora. Use the sculpture as a central focus for your front yard.

Combination of black and green

The combination of black and green is interesting and expressive. Black makes green more fresh and alive.

Wood and bamboo facade

Basic, classic and minimalist bamboo look will bring a piece of Japan to your home.

Garden 4 seasons

The garden of four seasons is a selection of those plants that are becoming expressive at different times of the year, making the composition interesting in any season. You may need a landscape designer services to properly place landscaping.


Screchy Horsetail is suitable for living hedges, accented partition or as an independent decoration. Bright green shade, clean vertical stems and black details create a spectacular design.

Equipped with water source

Convert the insubade garden crane into a creative project. He will serve his goal, but a wonderful design will be added to this.

It is much more complicated to reflect the private house with an adjacent area than an apartment in a high-rise building. The beautiful courtyard is the dream of many estate owners. It seems that not everyone can afford a landscape designer, which quickly and efficiently develop a suitable project. How to be in such a situation? Before taking on the independent improvement of the territory of a private house, try to imagine what you want, ultimately, get, and provided in the article practical recommendations will help you decide on the design of the landscape.

Each person has its own ideas about beauty and comfort, which are expressed in the surrounding environment. Any trifle that pleases us, characterizes us as a person. Although the cultivation of the courtyard does not provide for work with the use of special equipment, if you pre-make drainage and strengthen the slopes, you can avoid many difficulties in the process of exploitation of the indent.

If you are ready to attract additional workforce, you can embody any idea.

To begin with, draw the site plan and depict all the planned buildings, landing, fences and tracks on it. After that, it will be possible to proceed to the marking of the yard and its consistent refrigeration. Note, however, that the plot should be present both solar and shady zones. This will allow you to diversify the holidays of the family, and will also make it even comfortable.

When designing the local area, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region. This affects both the choice of plants and for construction work.

The house is, of course, the main element of the site, so all other buildings must be built in the style corresponding to it. If your estate is small, then you should not experiment with styles. Remember also that the excess decor will turn the local area in a motley patchwork.

Conversely, if you have a large area of \u200b\u200bthe site, it can be zonied, embodying different thematic corners. For example, a rustic style involves the use of simple designs in design. It is combined with handmade decor, gravel paths and wooden flooring.

Think about what functionality do you expect from the local area? What do you want to grow on it? Maybe it will be a flower beds? Or do you plan to breed fish in a pond? Or maybe you love to relax in the chaise lounge? In order for this diversity of activities in harmoniously fit in the yard, it is necessary to divide the space on the functional zones.

If you have children, you need a playground. Therefore, think about which zones you need, what do you want and what you can refuse. If you own a small yard, try to combine some zones. For example, in the zone for active games, you can put folding chairs and a table, converting it to the place for lunch and board games. After such a pastime, all these objects of garden furniture can be removed, reincarnating the lawn, say, in the game field.

Live hedges, bushes and perennials can become limitations of zones. Remember, the fence should not be dominant, so do not overload it.

Fences can be supplemented with arches or pergolas over the tracks. Such structures are especially effective in compositions with blooming lianas. Garden trils, seized by curly plants, will create the impression of a living wall. Such a hard way, you can close your yard from prying eyes, and at the same time create a shady corner.

In the front part of the yard, a paving stone, a peeling stone and a plate of concrete looks better. Often they are laid out so that the space between them can be filled, for example, glass granules, sand or pebbles. Another version of the design is the landing of unpretentious low plants, among which the chamber, molding, stamping and others.

If you decide to arrange the courtyard in an informal style, you can make a walkway tracks. The space between them is covered with crushed bark or sawdust. Such tracks attractively look in the shady parts of the local area. If you need a more restrained and elegant composition, then the space between wood spins is better filled with small rubble, sand of a small fraction or gravel.

Often, narrow boards are used for paving paths, tightly connected. Such a sidewalk is usually opened with varnish or paint. To simplify the installation of a wooden path, you can use the Garden parquet, also called Decing. The arrangement of tracks should be carried out in consent with the plan drawn on paper.

The closer the path to the house, the restraint they should be. Therefore, it is better to use slabs, decoping, paving or brick to improve their arrangement. In the remaining thematic zones, the tracks may be more informal.

Sometimes to create comfort and comfort in the yard, it is enough just to choose and plant vegetation correctly. If you have moved to the landscaping station of the local area, start with the falling down trees and bushes. With their help you can make the garden more diverse. In addition, trees and shrubs will protect individual zones from the wind and the sun.

Want brightness in the yard? Then you can not do without landing bright flowering plants. So, you can create a beautiful monophonic or multicolor landscape.

If you are engaged in the improvement of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe private house, then give preference to plants that bloom continuously - one after others. Such flowerba will be attractive all season.

Flowering courtyards are attractive, but landscapes with decorative plants, such as Parrórnists, Geihans and Hosts look no less beautifully. Lawns are becoming increasingly popular. Although it seems that the grass is unpretentious, the lawn also needs to be careed. The grass must be regularly subsided and cutting out. In the arid summer, it needs to be daily water.

If you are engaged in the refinement of the country area, it is possible to make it better completely powerful. Such a courtyard is easy to maintain clean. For landscaping such a yard, you can use vases. This will allow you to settle in the yard for the summer any exotic, for example, lemon, cypress, grenades, etc.

Vertical landscaping you can create a relief volume of the garden. This is especially true in the small local area. As a support, fences, arbors, trunks of trees and pillars can serve as a support.

Create a harmonious landscape with the help of elements of garden lighting, operating on solar panels or from a power grid. In addition to functional purposes, they will give a special charm to the yard exterior.

As a rule, tracks, water bodies, plants and sculptures are highlighted. Floating lighting devices create a feeling of a blooming oasis located on the water. LED lamps will help you create a starry sky that is under your feet. Lighting tracks can also be used on the posts on the posts.

One thing is clear - competently designed and well thought-out lighting will decorate the territory of the private house.

Garden scenery contributes special and unique accents into the courtyard, help create the direction of landscape style. On open areas and in patio courtyards, you can arrange sculptures or fountain.

Garden figures, made in the form of fabulous characters and animals, are very popular in our terrain. But it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise you can turn the courtyard into the playground.

If you care about animals and birds, you can place feeders, birdhouses and houses for a protein in the courtyard. If you make them original, then with their help you can decorate the courtyard.

Ponds are designed for aesthetic pleasure. For their arrangement, the dumped kitty is laid out by a polyvinyl chloride film. If you want to make a pond, as close as possible to natural, then place its shores as much as possible. Put them with natural stones, for example, pebbles. Around the plants loving moisture can be planted, such as water mint, and a swamp iris and, of course, reed. At the bottom of the pond, you can land lotuses, urut, pita and other aquatic plants.

Often, ponds are complemented by waterfalls and fountains. The noise of water soothes and relaxes, promoting a beneficial rest. Rest zone

Landscape design of a rustic yard can be beautiful and thoughtful. The arrangement of the plot in the village requires a special approach - everything should be simple: ranging from plants and ending with decorative details.

A bit of history

In the old days in the villages, they always tried to maintain their sites in order. Despite the fact that our ancestors had no achievements of modern technologies at hand, they still managed to create real works of landscape art on the territory of the site.

Each courtyard had not only flowers, but also fruit trees, and fruiting plants. After all, it is the household that used to provide the seven necessary number of products. Now a lot has changed, but still a rustic courtyard should be decorated not only wonderful flowers, but also a bed. They are not necessarily growing right away.

You can plant carrots, herbs, salad and so on can be planted with smooth rows. Such neat beds will serve as a source of fresh and healthy food, as well as an interesting addition of the site.

How to arrange?

There are many ways to recreate traditional style even on the rustic area. In order to achieve this, you need to know the basic rules.


First of all, do not try to decorate a plot with some details that look unnatural. All items must be as close as possible to nature. If shops, then wicker or wooden, if the statuettes, then clay and so on. However, the garden style in this plan is very free.

All plants are planted as you like. It is not necessary to adhere to certain clear rules, create complex compositions. The easier, the better. At the same time, the combination of simple details looks quite harmonious and beautiful.


This item has a lot in common with the previous one. The perfect courtyard in the rural style may look slightly launched. You may not bother with sowing special grass, allowing weeds and wild colors to appear here, then there on the territory of your site. And the walls of the gazebo or at home can well be wary with ivy or wild grapes.

But such negligence is just visibility. On the care of the landscape in the village-style owners spend no less free time.


Like modern yards, plots in the traditional rustic style should be carefully planned. As a rule, one plot is divided into five main zones. This is a garden, sorry, decorative flower beds, a place to store homemade utensils and a recreation area. Each of them is equally important and under it it is worth allocating at least a bit of free space.

All zones need to be separated from each other not only visually, but also with the help of stones, fences or even alive hedges. The most practical way is to issue paths by sprinkling them with small gravel or wood residues. On the one hand, you will get comfortable tracks for which it is pleasant to walk, and on the other - a beautiful item that will complement your site.

If you ride bicycles or own your own car, then you will need an accessed alley. On both sides of it, you can lay out stones, plant flowers or even low thui.


But what to do is definitely not worth it, so it is to create some too complex floral compositions or use flowers, the unusual region in which we live. Best of all, flowers like Nasturtium, Malva, Rosa or Bright Yellow Sunflower are best for designing a plot in the village.

In addition to low neat colors, you can use the blooming shrubs. For example, jasmine, lilac or even hops. Its green leaves he wakes one of the walls.

You can also use curly plants as partitions. They will braid the design of any height. This variety of natural green color as it can not fit into the style of the site.

Flowers and flower beds can be located anywhere in the site. Most often, they adorn the entrance to the courtyard or territory next to the recreation area. So you and your guests can constantly admire the beautiful flowers on your yard.

Trees and Fruit Garden

After you have created a bright floral background on your site, you can go to the falling tree of trees. Most of the hardworking hosts prefer to choose not decorative for their plot, but fruit trees to get a maximum benefit.

Even if you do not chase for a large harvest, it will be nice to pamper yourself with summer morning dish of freshly plated apricots or apple compotes. How dense and diverse will be the garden, depends on your preferences and size of the site. But at least several trees standing.


Now few people want to start a big garden, for which they have to spend the lion's share of their free time. But at the same time, the beds are an integral part of the rustic style. As a compromise, you can create a small grit. It takes only a couple of free meters, and you will receive not only a beautiful addition of the plot, but also place for growing vegetables, berries or herbs.

Optionally, one solid plot of land is not necessary.Even, on the contrary, it will be better if you do the same as with the flower beds - divide the territory into several identical squares and exhaust them from each other with the help of stones or low woven hedges and narrow paths. It looks more aesthetically, and to care for such beds is much easier. On neat squares, green cucumbers can be grown, juicy tomatoes, cilantro, basil and so on. Under the garden, it is recommended to divert the most illuminated territory.

Rest zone

Even in the village you need to be able to rest well. On a rural area there is no place for an exquisite gazebo with a luxurious decor. It is replaced with a simple wooden table, surrounded by wicker chairs, and covered by a canopy.


Private rustic-style yards can be decorating to all that will come to your arm. This is beneficial, and practical. You will not spend the ruble on this decor. To decorate the territory adjacent to home, you can use old carts, wheels, wooden cars, which can no longer be used for direct purpose or even buckets and watering can. They can be placed and dishone through the territory of the site or even use as an improvised flower, filling the earth and flowers.

The project of landscaping the territory of the private house determines the zoning of the site and the functionality of each of the selected zones. In accordance with it, there are recreation areas, parking, places of arrangement of tracks, sites (cobbled and lawn), flower beds, fruit garden, reservoirs, etc. Project documentation also describes the engineering and technical solutions used: coatings, the need to install autopolive systems, lighting, their characteristics, installation sites, etc.

Also make up the gardening project. It involves the formation of dendroplane, which describes the location of plants on the site, the order of their landing, the species composition of landscaping.

Improvement site

Improvement work begin with alignment or profiling site. If its relief is inhomogeneous, and on the project the territory should be even, performing the grounding of the soil, profiling using special equipment. In other cases, on the contrary, an artificial relief can be formed to arrange an alpine slide and other landscaped compositions. If it is planned to create a reservoir, which can also be equipped at this stage.

The drainage system is paved before the start of the main work. Most often, it is a pipe system with perforated walls. They are placed in trenches, covered with drainage material. The trench depth and the downstream of pipes is determined by the level of groundwater and the requirements for its decrease. Water from drainage is given to the nearest point of the water supply.

  • creating tracks and faces with artificial coatings. For them, reliable foundations are equipped, which protects the coverage of tracks, sites from destruction as a result of soil shrinkage or germination of plant roots. Water from such coatings is discharged by storm sewage. For tracks and sites in private territories, in most cases, paving tile or parallery is used. A terrace board can also be used as coating materials, and the like. Specific version of Olimpia engineers are selected based on the appointment of a specific zone, the requirements for the appearance of the coverage and its characteristics;
  • laying additional engineering systems. This can system lighting system, autopolivation, etc. Each of them is designed separately. Such systems can be fully automated or manually controlled. Depending on the requirements for their functionality and characteristics, specific equipment is selected;
  • arrangement of recreation areas, children's, sports grounds. It involves the creation of an artificial or lawn cover in such zones, the installation of the necessary equipment (sports equipment, street barbecue, etc.), the installation of small architectural forms (benches, gazebos, etc.), in some cases - installation of fences;
  • installation or arrangement of small architectural forms. These include gazebos, garden furniture, decorative elements, etc. Location is chosen taking into account the functionality of one or another zone, species characteristics, site layout;
  • storm sewing arrangement. It assumes the installation of an underground part (pipes, trays, wells, etc.) and ground elements (rain-seekers, lattices). Storm sewage is combined with drainage systems installed on roofing and facades of buildings. It is used to collect surface waters (rain, waist). The collected water is sent to the water supply point;
  • other work on improvement. Their list is formed individually and may include the arrangement of water bodies, fountains, retaining walls, installation of fences, stairs, installation of structures for vertical landscaping, etc.


  • arrangement of lawn platforms. The territory allocated under the lawns is pre-aligned or profiled, if necessary, beats up with fertile soil. Further, roll coatings can be used - ready lawn, which is expanded in compliance with special technology. In this case, you can get lawn sites in just a few hours. Another option is sowing lawn blends. It is possible to use different mixtures of seeds - resistant to pulpating, intended for the arrangement of sports, Mauritanian, partare lawns;
  • creating flower beds, flower beds. Flower beds are broken in predetermined places, taking into account the requirements for the composition. As a rule, such a combination of plants, which provides continuous flowering during the whole warm season;
  • landing fruit and decorative trees. It can be young seedlings. In this case, the cultivation of the garden will be required for several years. Another option is landing large-scale adults grown in the nursery of trees. According to the species composition, age, appearance, fruit and decorative trees, as well as shrubs, taking into account the plan of landscaping, the characteristics of the territory, the characteristics of the soil on it, the level of illumination, humidity, etc.;
  • arrangement of alive hedges. Living hedges can be used to form the boundaries of the site, as well as for its zoning. Shrubs with a dense location of the branches are selected for them so that the hedge is not transparent. They can be different in height, coniferous or deciduous, which do not require care or intended for regular haircuts.