Repairs Design Furniture

Krepim Mauerlat to a fetal wall, all the ways. How to attach Mauerlat to the aerated concrete wall How to install Mauerlat to a fuel-concrete wall

For the correct installation and installation of the rafter system of the roof, the competent distribution of heavy loads on the building, the builders resort to the use of an important element - Mauerlat. Mauerlat is a wooden or metal fastening that is fixed in the top of the walls. At the same time, it should be securely secured.

If the builders apply rafters from a metal, then there is a need for Mauerlate from a diodeava. It is attached to a wall of aerated concrete without armopoyash and performs two functions:

  • distributes loads that are transmitted to the walls of the structure;
  • metallic Mauerlat attack the rafting elements of the roof.

Selection of building materials

In the manufacture of wooden mauelalat use bars. At the same time, experts advise to make fastening from deciduous trees treated with special antiseptic means. The bars should be put on the perimeter of the wall. To connect them between themselves, specialists install the lock that must be fixed using nails. This will help make a solid, solid wooden design. It is important that its size be less than the width of the aerated concrete walls. The bar must be fixed on the inner surface in such a way that there is a period of five centimeters between the external slice and the fastening. Sometimes builders use a brick for a protective belt on the outside of the wall. Before starting the installation work, it is necessary to provide waterproofing between the walls and bars.

Mounting varieties

There are ways, with which you can safely consolidate Maurylalat on aerated concrete. It is necessary that the mount is fixed as reliably as possible, it will help to avoid the displacement of the roof. In the construction industry, it is customary to record an element with the help of the following means:

Waterproofing during installation

Between the Mauerlat and the wall of the structure, waterproofing is needed. For this purpose, it is possible to use polyethylene, building materials in rolls or modern waterproofing means. Such work is extremely important in building the building, otherwise the liquid capable of destroying Mauerlat may be condensed in the field of contact of materials. The protection against the penetration of moisture is the shut-down stage of installation.

Nuances of mounting work

The base is used as a base of 10x10 to 15x15 cm.

Experts believe that it is preferable to install a solid wooden structure around the perimeter of the wall surface. In this case, you need to make wooden bars in a single Mauerlat with a castle. Its dimensions will depend on the characteristics of the bar. After you decide on the type of fastening of the design to the aerated concrete, you will calculate the location and number of items, you can start the installation. First of all, the workers need to prepare a workplace, ensuring the insulation of the space between Mauerlat and concrete masonry. It is important to remember that the areas of the contact of wooden bars and concrete surface occurs wheels of wood. Waterproofing building materials, laid under the construction of Mauerlat, will avoid the destructive effects of moisture. For good waterproofing, two dense layers of the material are used. You can use runneroid or more expensive means.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that when applying a stud or anchor, you need to do the holes in the surface of the aerated concrete. But this task is more complicated than it may seem at first glance. The complexity lies in the fact that the use of a construction level cannot be installed exactly in a vertical position, especially in a liquid concrete mixture. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to determine where the bolts will be located, and how far they will deviate from the concrete. To this end, experts use a flat wooden board. It celebrates the exact location of the bolts. For this, the board is applied to the extreme bolts and noted where others should be. After that, the builders carry points directly to the bar, drill holes according to the points marked. Then you should arrange holes on the fixed bolts and tighten the wooden bar with nuts. With metal wire work is made much easier. For this, 2 holes are drilled in Bruz, the distance between which should be about thirty centimeters.

In the harvested holes, workers make a metal wire, twisting tips.

Fix Mauerlat on aerated concrete is simple enough. A primary role is played by careful preparation of all components: wooden bars, fasteners, reinforcement frame, reliable waterproofing. Let's look at the order of work.

Mounting Mauerlat to aerated concrete

Before directly fastening, Maurolalat should prepare a basis. Reinforcing belt - a prerequisite under the arrangement of the roof, if the walls are made of aerated concrete or any similar material.

The reinforced concrete strapping believes warns the pressing of aerated concrete blocks and allows you to evenly distribute the dynamic and static forces coming from the roof completely on the wall area.

Arming the reinforcing belt

The minimum size of the concrete tape is 200x150 m. It is attached from the inner surface of the wall.

Installation steps:

  • construct formwork on the perimeter of the house. FRONTONONS process necessarily;
  • u-shaped blocks create a reinforced concrete belt;
  • from the reinforcement with a thickness of 10 mm collect the framework. Armature must perform 4 cm;
  • for the hard attachment of Mauerlotata on a gas-concrete with an interval in 1m, stilettos are installed. Their diameter - 14mm;
  • blocks fill the M-200 brand concrete;
  • a week later, you can remove parts of the formwork and fastening Maurolat.

Important: At the stage of preparation for the beginning of work, builders are required to calculate the number of studs and the future distance between them. The attachment points of the wooden structure to the rafter and the connection point with the reinforcing belt should be placed in different places. Check that the number of rafter legs and spills is the same.

Preparation of wooden design

Brux processed before installation antisepticsWood preventing rotting. A log or timber segment 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm is wrapped with waterproofing material. For this purpose, a bitumen-polymer waterproofing material is suitable. Ruberoid does not apply.

Qualitative materials will allow creating a solid construction. The tree should not have bitch and cracks. Humidity must comply with construction standards.

If the developer uses "raw" wood, it is necessary to provide adjust the anchor nut.

This operation is produced 1 time per year for 5 years. During this period there is an intense shrinkage of wet wood. As the bars dry out, pulling up the nut will have to become less and less.

In this photo, you can visually see one of the ways of fastening Mauerlat on the walls of aerated concrete.

How to fix Mauerlat to aerated concrete?

Use anchor with washer and nut. Form of anchors: T- and G-shaped. Thread: M12 or M14. According to international construction standards, in seismic areas between adjacent anchors, the step should not exceed 1 - 1.2 m.

Mechanical fasteners


  • dowels are inserted into the prepared holes;
  • screw fasteners;
  • garpoon teeth are firmly pressed into aerated concrete;
  • the surface is expanding;
  • the design is securely fixed.

Excellent option Maurelala installations on aerated concrete has only one drawback - high cost. 1 Anchor and Special Dowel with Garpoon costs more than 3 thousand rubles.

Another video on how to fix Maurylalat to aerated concrete.

Installation Maurolat

Another method is used to fasten the Mauerlat in aerated concrete walls. Need capsule with chemical. Its cost is much lower - 150 rubles. for a unit.

Reliable fixation of the design is achieved by penetrating chemicals in the pores of the material. Additionally, the concrete surface receives heat and waterproofing.

Finishing stage

After mounting, Mauerlata on aerated concrete installation of the rafter design. There are two ways.

First option

  • in the boards, they are replaced by 1/3 of the depth of the board;
  • nails and metal corners will allow reliably to fix rafters;
  • nails (2pcs.) Cross-cross will be clogged with sides;
  • an additional nail is driven from above;
  • fastening corners finally fix the joint.

Second option

  • in the rafyl, it was not carried out;
  • from the bottom, the special reference bar, resting in Mauerlat;
  • nails are driven as at the first time.

The reference bar has a length of 1 m. The second option is suitable for rafters having a small height.

The fastening of the binder timber can only be performed after accurate calculations and billets of high-quality materials. Purchase of inadequate quality bars with high humidity can lead to a structural strength violation.

For mounting Maurolalat to a fuel-concrete wall, use anchor with special dowels or a chemical installation method. Be sure to perform Thermal insulation of the reinforcing belt from extruded polystyrene foam.

Compliance with the requirements will allow to secure Maurylalat and create a solid rafter design.

When connecting aerated concrete blocks with other structural elements, difficulties arise. An ordinary fastener cannot be resist in porous material. This is especially important when installing massive parts. There are several installation options that allow you to attach Mauerlat to aerated concrete without Armopoya.

Appointment of Mauerlat

One of the main carrier structural elements of the structure is Maurylalat. It is responsible for the distribution of the load from all the elements of the roof: insulation, the rafter system, the inside of the inner side of the skates, roofing. Its value is commensurate with the importance of the foundation for the building.

Loads are very large. The roofing rates have an exposure to the perpendicular direction to the walls. The wind and the snow layer enhance the pressure. Point loads are especially devastable for walls of piece materials - bricks and aerated concrete. Therefore, it is necessary to distribute the effect along the entire length of the design. A timber bar copes well with this task, resting in the end part of the wall and tightly leaned towards it.

The presence of Mauerlat also simplifies the process of mounting the rafter system. It is easier to connect the wooden elements with each other than to attach them to a monolithic wall. This makes it possible to make different options for connections: moving or deaf with fasteners.

For Mauerlat, a wooden bar is selected with dimensions from 100x100 to 150x200 mm. This element must be two times the thicker of the rafter foot. The width is selected through the thickness of the wall. It is better to leave up to 50 mm between the edge of the bar and the edge of the wall on both sides. This location will protect Mauerlat from weather conditions and warm it up.

If you make this element from the logs, the installation of the rafter legs and the mounting to the base may become more complicated. Certain carpentry skills will be required. It is necessarily selected high-quality wood of the highest grade, without protruding knots, curvatures, signs of rotting and cracks.

Best selection - hardwood materialBut it is not always possible to find it. Alternatively use carefully selected pine. The rafter system may consist of metal elements. In this case, Maurylalat is made of steel (foreign or channel).

Frame structures, houses from logs and bars can do without Mauerlat, his role will play the top row of wall designs. Concrete buildings are less susceptible to the point load, so they can also do without a support superstructure for the roof, if the overlap is fastened to the protruding beams.

To attach Mauerlat to ceramzitoblocks without armopoyece, a closed scheme is used, which involves the structure of the frame enveloping the building around the perimeter. This design is most reliable. If the frontones are made from aerated concrete, then perform the framework scheme of the laying will not work. In this case, you need to ensure the maximum strong grip wall and timber.

Fastening options

Each of the installation options Maurolalat has its advantages and disadvantages. There are several situations in which you can do without armolation and use alternative mounting types:

The pressure reduction is ensured by using a hanging type rafted, reliably fixed with tightening with a horizontal arrangement. Inclined rafters with a reference point of a skate, having a hinge link, can also reduce the load.

Using wire

The easiest option is mainly used in the construction of brick walls. Between 4-5, steel wire bundles containing 3-4 veins with a diameter of 3 mm are laid out between the upper rows. Their ends should look out on both sides of the wall. The release of the wire should be enough to cover the Mauerlat timber, tightening and curling the loop. Wire beams and subsequent connections should be located between pairs of rafters.

After preparing the wall, it is necessary to decompose the waterproofing at its end. The bar is stacked over the construction and levels. Next, a loop is created from the wire and is delayed with mounting. It is necessary to ensure a dense adjacent of the timber to the wall surface.

The placement of beams for aerated concrete blocks is carried out in front of the last two rows. This material is comprehensive and harder bricks, so the use of wire for fastening the roof to the walls from aerated concrete is not always justified in practice.

On anchors and dowels

Aerated concrete is a rather fragile material, so screwed anchors and dowels can create a crack or chip on the surface. For high-quality fixation, the maximum long anchors will be required - 300-500 mm. Such fasteners are quite expensive. Installing Maurolalat using anchors includes several stages:

You can increase short sections of timber using locking compounds of type "in Polterev" and "in the paw". They will need to fasten the hairpin or anchor. The angles are combined in the same way, for better fixation, they can be strengthened with steel brackets.

It is better to use bars with the same long for docking on the wall.

With the help of chemical anchors

Chemical anchors are a new way of fastening Maurolat to a wall of aerated concrete. There are many different kinds on sale, so you can often stumble upon a fake. To buy reliable material, it is better to give preference to proven brands: Sormat, Tox, Hilti, Tecfix, Nobex, Kew, Fischer, Tecseal, Technox.

Chemical anchors are characterized by the method of application. Ampulity type - capsule containing the composition of 1-2 components is placed in the hole for the anchor. When interacting with air, the substance quickly solidifies. The destruction of the ampoule takes place when driving into the hole of the hairpin or anchor, the composition covers all the free space, including threads. Frozening occurs in 25-45 minutes, depending on the air temperature. This mount firmly fixes the material and withstands heavy loads.

An alternative view is a polymer mixture in tubes or cartridges distributed by a pistol-dispenser (in some cases conventional models for sealants and "liquid nails"). The installation of the attachment in the aerated concrete is the following steps:

Chemical anchors for the installation of Mauerlat on aerated concrete possess a number of advantages:

The material has some drawbacks:

  • High price. For porous aerated concrete, deep channels will be required, and therefore a large amount of composite.
  • Chemical anchors do not withstand high temperatures. But heating is more than 100 degrees - a rarity for Mauerlat, so minus is not significant.

Application of stovered studs

You can fasten the Mauerlat on aerated concrete without armopoya using studs that are discovered from the wall and removed from each other to the desired distance. The location of the stored mounts should be noted on the bar. For this, Maurylalat is stacked on top and slightly pressed. The ends of the fasteners will leave the traces on the material.

Then the pins rushes a waterproofing strip, the timber with prepared holes is superimposed. The ends of the studs are sealed and tightened with nuts. Mauerlat turns out to be tightly pressed against the wall.

To witches the studs during the construction of the wall, you need to drill a hole in a depletion of a depth of 500 mm and a diameter greater than the pins size by 3-4 mm. Masonry glue is used to fill the channel. The composite mass introduces the heel until it stops and is left until complete drying.

Another embezzlement option is their welding to metal plates in a perpendicular position. Strips are stacked in the seam in front of the terminal blocks from the gas silicate. They provide fixation of studs and protection against pulling. In the upper blocks, you must first drill holes under the pins. The edges of the ceramzitoblocks are rich for avoiding distortion from the thickness of the metal plates.

In the design of a small house of aerated concrete blocks with a simple sloping roof, there is no particular need to cast a reinforcing tape, much cheaper and faster to secure Mauerlat to aerated concrete without Armopoya. The technology reduces the cost of time, the construction is faster, but does not work easier, since this method of fastening the Mauerlat vehicle directly on the wall requires accuracy and accuracy.

Features of the mounting of Mauerlat to aerated concrete without armopoyash

Simply put, not knowing technological techniques for the right installation, it is better not to risk and use the classic way, with the laying of reinforcement and concreting tape. On the other hand, the problem is only in compliance with technology, there are no secrets in this, and with due patience and accurately consolidate a wooden bar without Armopoya will not be much difficulty.

First of all, it is necessary to know the conditions under which you can attach Mauerlat to aerated concrete without Armopoya:

  • In the design of the roof frame, the raftered should not create an additional cutting load on the upper edge of the walls;
  • The building and roof are primarily focused on the ground so that the wind streams create minimal pressure on roofing rods;
  • The tilt of the roof is chosen quite large, so that in winter, heavy snow cover squeezed the rafters and Mauerlat outside the top edge of the walls.

Tip! The way to fix Mauerlat without Armopoya, you need to choose before the walls are posted. It is necessary to make a solution before the last three rows of blocks will be posted. It is at the level of third-on top of the ranks laid a penultimate layer of wall reinforcement, which is convenient to use in order to secure the timber directly on the wall of aerated concrete.

The situation with rafters will become more understandable if you look at the scheme below.

Hanging rafting beams after installing and aligning on the skate and Mauerlat are necessarily connected-tighten with horizontal bruspets.

If the sleeve beam is on the ski run using a hinge, then the heel of the rafter, which it relies on the surface of the Mauerlalate, needs to be fixed on the sliding compound. Otherwise, the weight of the roof will tumble a wooden bar from the surface.

Good arguments against Armopoyasa

Most masters engaged in the construction of buildings from aerated concrete confident that Armopoyash's arrangement can solve all problems with the installation of Mauerlat and Roof. In fact, this is not entirely true, for one simple reason, - the future house is built of extremely weak aerated concrete. Therefore, it is impossible to carry techniques and technologies of Armopoyas, which are successfully working on brick, block and concrete buildings, on aerated concrete walls.

Principal objections vs. Aropoyash are only two:

  • First of all, with any aropoyase manufacturer scheme, it is possible to fix only for the top row of aerated concrete, so the roof has to do also with restrictions, as in the case when this belt is not. The concrete frame is well redistributed by the suspension load, but all the efforts from Armopoyas are only on the top row of aerated concrete, hence the appearance of cracks on the upper edge of the walls;
  • Maintain Maurylalat on Aropoyase - means creating huge problems with a cold bridge in that part of the roof where aerated concrete is worst worse. Even laying a layer of insulation from EPPS helps weakly, it is necessary to look for ways to arrange production to remove condensate from Armopoyas.

The third argument against concrete is associated with costs. A summary of the reign ribbon will leave the sum of about the third part of the estimates on the construction of the foundation. For the house 4x8 m is approximately 60-100 thousand rubles. It is clear that to fasten the Mauerlat and the roof frame on Mauerlat, harshly connected with concrete armoomas, much easier. Sometimes masters - roofers even refuse to put a roof on aerated concrete without Armopoya, but technologically possible is quite possible.

How to mount Mauerlat to aerated concrete without armopoyash

There are several reliable and proven methods that allow you to securely secure the Mauerlant timber on the aerated concrete walls. Recommended options include:

  • Use of spills with mortgage elements;
  • Laying timber using steel annealed wire;
  • Schemes allowing to secure the timber with chemistry;
  • Use of brazing.

For your information! In addition to the listed options, consolidate Maurylalat using anchor bolts.

Mounting Mauerlat to aerated concrete without armopoyash Anchors

This is the only way, from the use of which you need to immediately refuse, without the Armopoyas, it is better not to risk.

Anchor fastening perfectly works on Armopoyasa made of concrete, bricks, slag block, but because of the small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the contact sleeve, the fastener can snatch from the body of aerated concrete the first strong wind.

In order to secure Mauerlat with anchors, it will be required three times more fastening points, each of which will have to incur costly adhesive composition. The cost of such a fastener will be no less than the cost of traditional armoomas, and there are practically no benefits to concrete.

Stiletry fastening

The easiest way to build a building from aerated concrete without a reinforcing belt to consolidate a wooden bar using a mortgage element and threaded hairpins at least M16. The method is very similar to the option with an anchor, but differs in the depth and diameter of the threaded rod, which will need to be fixed in the aerated concrete unit.

In this method, the attachment is one nuance. Before laying the last three rows of the box blocks, it is necessary to place the planned lines of the installation of the future threaded fastener of Maurolat. Usually simply apply vertical lines on the walls. Next, under the laid steel reinforcement put mortgage elements, most often it is steel plates, 5 mm thick, with a welded nut M16. The remaining rows of aerated concrete are laid out on the walls in the usual order.

In order to fix the studs in the wall, it will take:

  • Drill a vertical hole with a diameter of 20-25 mm to the level of the plates laid into aerated concrete, it is usually necessary to drill a brown to a meter of depth;
  • Screw the rod with carvings in the nut with the plate;
  • To correctly fasten the hairpin, it will need to be aligned in the level and expose in the hole;
  • After it was possible to align and secure all the rods, the free space is poured with a concrete or adhesive mixture.

A day later, you can put Mauerlat directly on aerated concrete. This is the only way to consolidate Mauerlat on the wall with minimal cost and the maximum degree of reliability. Another option of installing Mauerlat to aerated concrete without armolation is given on video

Installation of Mauerlat on the impudent

It is clear that it is not always possible to prudently lay the plates into the walls of aerated concrete, and the horizontal shurten be pierced to the fastener is simply not possible. If a box of aerated concrete has a small size, then consignment of Mauerlat without Armopoyas can be joinery, using brazing.

The technology is practically no different from the previous method. Initially, in Mauerlate, laid on aerated concrete, the centering holes are drilled, the bar sticks out to the surface of the walls by ordinary self-draws. This allows you to correctly align and combat Mauerlat until the final fastener.

Under the bar, waterproofing is sequentially applied, the rubberoid is placed, after which it is possible to dry the holes 25-30 mm under oak brazed at a depth of 70-80 cm. It remains to pour glue and fix the rods. The tops of the rods are cut off, the joinery screw is wedged into the inside, allowing you to separate the bells, and thereby rigidly fasten the Mauerlat. At first glance, this method creates the impression of the most unreliable, but the practice of installing Mauerlat speaks about the opposite. Especially if you remember that most of the brusade houses are collected using brazing.

Fastening chemical anchors

Relatively new method allows you to fix the bar or the board almost anywhere the wall of aerated concrete. For retention, Maurolalat uses threaded anchor, but they are not wrapped in the body of aerated concrete, but in a special cavity, a flooded with a rapid-hardening resin.

Pre-mark on the walls of the points in which the timber is planned. Next, the Mauerlat boards are dismantled, and the holes for the arrangement of chemical traffic jams are drilled in the aerated concrete. So that the anchor bolt is firmly kept in the thickness of the aerated concrete, it is necessary that the diameter of the cork cavity is at least 35 mm.

The cavity under the fill of the self-impending resin is cut with a special device. The oblique cutter is a drill with a bent at an angle of 15 on the cutting edge. The nozzle is installed on the drill and consistently, a cavity under the tube of conical shape is drilled into several passes.

Before fastening the anchor, the hole is purged by air. You can use a manual pump for pumping tires or any similar device. Next, on the holes, it is necessary to fix the plastic nozzle through which the syringe is crushed by a resin mixed with a hardener.

After 10 minutes, it is necessary to complete an anchor bolt, align it vertically and temporarily fasten until the final curing of the plastic. Before installing the anchor, you need to carefully clean from dust and degrease the solvent. Another hour, Mauerlat can be fixed on aerated concrete. The advantage of chemical anchors is the simple technology and high reliability of fasteners, without using Armopoyasa. The minus remains the high cost of the self-impending resin and the inability to fasten the Mauerlat at temperatures below 15 o C.

Mounting Maurolalat to a gas concrete wire

In order to fix Maurylalat on the walls of aerated concrete, no expensive materials or special tools will be required. It is enough to have an electric door with a long drill with a nozzle, scissors for cutting wires and a construction rod with a diameter of 5 mm. Sometimes it is additionally used with a wire with a thickness of 2 mm for ligation of the reinforcement.

Tip! If the walls from the aerated concrete were laid by other masters, and the armature location is unknown, it will also be useful to use a manual device to search for hidden wiring.

The advantage of this method is an exceptional simplicity of the process. In order to secure the Mauerlalat bar on the wall, it is enough to connect the wire loop and pull the wood to the support surface as on the video

Before entering into installation, you will need to solve two problems. First, it will be necessary to immediately install a thick and very heavy timber on the walls and combat separate details of Mauerlat in one run.

Secondly, it will be necessary to choose the line and locations of the drilling holes. The best option is considered to drill holes below the laying level of the last reinforcement layer. Definitely do not fit the sections of the walls above the window and doorways.

Before fastening Maurylalat, cut wire and ignite to make it softer and plastic. The material is passed into the hole and wrapped on the angular edge of the Maurolalate by mounting, the remaining mustache is cut off with scissors.

Some craftsmen, before fixing the timber, put on a wire spiral spring, wound from pieces of rods with a thickness of 2 mm. The improvised tube is set in a drilled hole in aerated concrete to avoid cutting the wall material with strong fastener tension. The method does not guarantee the absolute preservation of the aerated concrete during the wrong balancing of the rafter, but does not give a wire braid to cut the wall like a hacksaw, with wind gusts.

Since under Mauerlat there is no durable concrete armois, then special attention must be paid to the correct and uniform tightening of nuts on heels or anchors. Usually fasteners wrapped in a key, following the rule of diagonal. That is, each next point for the nuts should be located on the opposite side of the wall from the previous nut.


The choice of a way exactly how to fix Mauerlat to aerated concrete without Armopoya, it is necessary to make taking into account the thickness of the walls, the size of the building and the roof design. For the bath, the best option will be a wire fastener, a himnkener or studs can be used for a small cottage in the country. Two-storey buildings are better to build with reinforcing armoomas from steel rolled steel.

One of the most important nuances of the construction technology of the house of aerated concrete is the mount of Mauerlat. The characteristics of the blocks do not allow you to withstand high spot loads, without making design measures, the walls will simply be destroyed. Properly completed mount implies the bookmark of Armopoyas, this stage is not recommended to skip. In case of the impossibility of its organization, Mauerlat comes directly with the wall and is fixed with the help of wire, anchors, studs or copilyons. The method is determined in advance, in the absence of experience, this type of construction work is better to entrust specialists.

Possible ways of fasteners

Depending on the type of strapping scheme, one of two options for mounting Maurolalat to aerated concrete is selected: the fill of the monolithic w / b belt throughout the perimeter of the building or the placement of fixing elements directly into the masonry or blocks. The first method, in addition to ensuring maximum reliability, contributes to the redistribution of loads, aligns the walls and protects them from deformations, including shrinkage. The presence of Armopoyas is mandatory when conducting construction in areas with seismic activity, erection of houses from aerated concrete over one floor, the use of heavy roofing materials, complex roof shape.

The standard instruction on its bookmark includes the following steps:

  • Preparatory: calculation of fasteners and selection of the interval between them. The main guide is the placement scheme of the rafter: with an equal number of the attachment point to the Mauerlate should not coincide with the spun spin points.
  • Laying U-shaped blocks on top of the last row throughout the perimeter of the wall of aerated concrete. They perform the role of formwork, the recommended width is from 25 cm.
  • Assembly of the reinforcing frame of rods with a thickness of 10 mm. At this stage, there is a laying of studs for fixing Mauerlat with an interval of not more than 1 m, strictly vertically, with a binding wire to the main rows. Particular attention is paid to the corners, in these areas, metal rods are flexing for a length of no less width of the belt. Similar actions are repeated throughout the perimeter of bearing walls, including the frontones and partitions.
  • Organization of the insulation interlayer from compacted polystyrene foam. It is located closer to the outer edge of the aerated concrete wall.
  • Pouring the inner cavity with concrete with a storage grade not lower than M200, sealing, removal of excess and thorough alignment of the upper layer. Polyethylene covering and standard humidity care during the first days.

It is possible to start the next stage of the reference to the walls of the Mauerlat to the walls from aerated concrete. All formwork designs are removed (they are used when pouring a monolithic reinforced concrete cushion throughout the perimeter and width, such an execution is characteristic of brickwork, but sometimes used for houses from a gas-silicate). Next, on top of the upper side, in contact with the future Mauerlat, 2 layers of waterproofing are labeled, this stage is impossible. At the processed antiseptics and antipirens and a well-dried wooden bar marked the attachment points. It is easiest to do this by applying it to Armopoyas over the studs and hitting a sledgehammer, the holes are drilled according to the diameter of the rods (at least 14 mm). After that, it remains only to attach Mauerlat to a fuel-concrete wall and tighten it with nuts or washers.

The final stages of work are difficult to fulfill themselves, the forces will be required at least 2 people. In addition to the capital walls of Armopoyas, it is mounted on any sections, which are based on the elements of the roof (for example, skate racks or litters). In the absence of experience, it is worth viewing video instructions on the topic "How to fix Mauerlat." If you need to eliminate errors that have arisen during the masonry process, it is better to contact the specialists at least for advice. Installation of the rafter is possible only at the end of all works to fix Mauerlat and testing the quality of compounds.

How attached to the wall of Mauerlat in the absence of Armopoyas?

The laying of the monolithic ribbon is not always possible, in some cases they resort to other methods of boring timber. The easiest way is to lock for 3-4 rows to the top of the steel wire between the blocks. Its length is selected taking into account the cross section of Mauerlat: when folding, it should be enough for girth and twisting. The step depends on the distance between the rapid structures. This option is often addressed when mounting a bar to the wall of a single-storey house of aerated concrete.

For light and small-sized buildings, the nozzle of Mauerlat is also suitable for threaded studs of galvanized or stainless steel. They are mounted in masonry for 1-2 rows to the upper edge, the minimum allowable magnitude of the bundles of such products into the wall of aerated concrete is 2 times the height of the block. Standard Street length - within 1 m, diameter - from 8 to 24 mm. If necessary, the protruding sections are then cut.

Fastening the Mauerlat vehicle with wooden brazers is possible both when booking Armopoyasa, and without it. They are processed by antiseptics and well-dried long plugs. They are mounted into the wall of aerated concrete closer to the upper edge and connect with Mauerlat via brackets. An alternative option is their bookmark between blocks, the number of pieces is no less than the number of rafters.

The high reliability of the attachment is provided with anchors: mechanical or chemical. In the first case, the method is to screw the expanding dowels with a cross section within 12-14 mm in aerated concrete. The second is to use chemical anchors (capsule or in the form of a tube with polymer resins-based compositions). The minimum depth of the laid hole is 2 rows of masonry.

The main advantage of Anchorovka is the possibility of fixing Maurolalate without complex organizational measures in the process of masonry of gas blocks, it is fairly easy to spend independently. Nevertheless, the best results are observed in the most fixed hardware, that is, either embedded simultaneously with armopoyas, or fixed with the help of chemical compositions (in the latter case, the welding works are prohibited next to the compounds). By cons of the method include high cost: from all technologies, the attachment without Armopoyas Anchor will cost more than everything, and the more reliable, the higher the outcome costs will be.

To violations of the technology of mounting Mauerlat, with their own hands include:

  • The absence of a waterproof layer between the timber and the top of the wall. Preference is given to modern bituminous polymer mastic, the budget option is the rubberoid, the polyethylene film for these purposes is not suitable due to low strength. The minimum number of waterproofing layers is 2.
  • The landing of Mauerlat, untreated with antiseptics (the contact side remains unprotected) or the use of non-dry wood.
  • Installation of anchors or spills at an angle, the connection is unreliable.
  • Incorrectly chosen fittings for a frame, the absence of overlap (recommended minimum, if necessary, the continuation of the rods - 20 cm), a close adjacent of the metal to the walls of the aerated concrete (plastic stands are well suited to ensure the necessary 5 cm).

When using raw wood, Mauerlat is fixed with a nut, the reliability of the mounts is periodically checked, if necessary, they pull up. This operation is carried out at least once a year for 4-5 years, until the end of shrinkage processes. Fully used and established bar practically does not need to pull up, its inspection is carried out in order to prevent.