Repairs Design Furniture

How to close the ends of the chipboard: Kant PVC; furniture edge; Plastic profile. The end of the log. Processing than paint the ends in a litter

To extend the service life of the log cabin, the CBB kit or a bar for assembly is treated with compositions that prevent biological damage. But this is not enough for full-fledged protection, since the ends of the logs after the construction of wall structures are required separately by special means.

Needs to protect the ends

If you pay attention to the state of the log, which year or two lay on open air, It can be noted that his ends came up, covered with a grid of cracks. It is unprotected ends that are first affected by the attack of the treasures, are covered by mold stains, they strive with moss.

This is due to the fact that this part of the log is most vulnerable to external influences - the arrangement of wood fibers contributes to the penetration of moisture and the rapid evaporation, the wood, loose in the structure becomes a refuge of insects and microorganisms.

Processing of the cuts of a church also helps from cracking the crowns. On the full drying of wood takes about two years, in addition, the tree constantly absorbs and gives moisture, and if you do not cover the end slices of the log special compositionThe evaporation of moisture will occur unevenly, which leads to the appearance of cracks and deformation of the crowns.

In order for the log in the first years after the construction of a log in the first years after the construction of the cut, the end sections should be covered by a protective composition that does not interfere with:

  • the outlet of the moisture contained in the wood, along the longitudinal fibers through the ends;
  • the exit of moisture from the inner part of the log outside along transverse wood fibers;
  • evaporation from surface layers.

In this case, the treatment of the ends slows down the yield output on the longitudinal fibers. This allows you to achieve a more uniform evaporation, so that during the drying of the logs are significantly less cracking. As a result, the aesthetic appearance of the construction and its heat-shielding properties remains.

After completion of the shrink shrink, it is required to paint the end cuts with a decorative protective composition, clutching pores so that during the operation of the walls are absorbed and gave moisture evenly.

Popular funds

Choosing than to handle the ends log logs, it is worth paying attention to special needs with antiseptic properties. If there is a desire to save, you can resort to folk remedies. Traditionally, for the processing of the ends of the logs immediately after installing the cut, lime was used, which:

  • disinfects wood and prevents dropping;
  • provides protection from the effects of ultraviolet;
  • available at a price.

After a shrink shrink shrink, end sections should be coated with a composition forming the film on the surface. It may be a olive, paint, which includes wax or oil.

Today, many foreign and domestic manufacturers offer special needs for the processing of ends. Among popular on russian market Options include:

  • "Sezheng Tor". It penetrates into the wood to the depth of several centimeters, creates a gas-permeable coating that does not miss moisture. This prevents the cracking and appearance of rot, insect pests defeat. The composition is environmentally safe, does not contain harmful components. The processing agent practically does not change the natural color of wood and provides reliable protection for several years.
  • "Botot". As a result of staining on the surface of the wood, a moisture-proof film is formed. It protects the logs from the deformation and appearance of cracks during the drying, prevents the development of fungus.
  • "Neomid Tor Plus." It allows you to create a water-repellent coating, so that the fungus does not start in the brothers, wood does not rot and is not damaged by pests. Processing also warns the appearance of cracks and curvature during the sweep. The tool does not affect the natural color and structure of the tree.

Technology processing

To ensure good fire protection from rounded or chopped logs, whole bar natural humidityIt is necessary to observe a certain order of work.

At the first stage, the logging is performed immediately upon completion of the assembly. Tracking is the alignment of the protruding parts of the crowns (releases). Typically used chainsaw or electric saw. Traditionally, editions are cut so that the surfaces of the ends formed the vertical plane.

In order to fully perform the ending, a good tool and experience with wood is needed, since the process requires accuracy and accuracy of actions. Tracking allows you to give a cut-out aesthetic appearance.

In the second stage, the end sections are grouped. Grinding is necessary to prepare the surface under impregnation with a protective composition. In the process of grinding, irregularities are removed if the log house was assembled some time ago - various pollution, Mold spots. It is important to stripping to the layer of clean, intact wood.

The rough ridge is performed grinding machine A ribbon type, the grain of the abrasive surface should be large (P40-60). Then grinding is performed with smaller abrasive. Instead of grinding, it is allowed to use a grinder equipped with a grinding petal nozzle.

Grinding is performed only in dry weather, and you can handle abrasive, only asking logs. When exposed to grinders on a wet surface, small bumps are formed on it (pile), that is, it is impossible to perform work with high quality and achieve the smoothness of the surface.

The third stage is impregnation. This term denotes the application of a protective composition for wood on the prepared ends of the church. Regardless of the choice of means designed to protect the tree from rotting, damage to pests and uneven dermisses, the composition is applied using a wide painting brush.

It should be valid according to the instructions of the special administrator. General recommendations Such: the composition is applied abundantly, in two or three layers with an intermediate drying within a few hours. It should be done neatly, completely covering the agent every end and paying special attention to the edges.

Works are recommended in dry weather. Before processing cut ends, make sure the wood is not raw. In this case protective composition It is better to fall and absorbed better (if it is with impregnating properties), while the consumption of funds will be less.

Additional treatment

The wooden house will flash longer, if after shrinking the cut to additionally cover the end sections with a special sealant, providing reliable protection against moisture. For this type of work, specialized funds are used, which include Zobel, Kordin WV456, etc. Painting of the ends will add aesthetics appearance log building, if you pick up the composition with suitable color. When choosing means to protect wood, it is better to prefer to environmentally friendly compositions.

The causes of the formation of cracks in the wood are many different factors. But the main one is various humidity Surface and internal layers. When drying, the external fibers hanging intensively experience the effects of tensile efforts. And the inner layers drying slowly, under the action of humidity preserved in them, are experiencing compressive efforts.

The result of such inconsistencies is the occurrence of cracks. Violation of the integrity of the wood structure, reduces its strength, and moisture falls into the resulting cracked. The cracking in the natural drying of the tree is inevitable, completely this process is impossible to be excluded, so it is important to minimize the number of new cracks and their size. What can be done?

Selection of material

  • break through B. winter timewhen it, due to the slowdown of the movement of juices, the lowest (in warehouses can be found until May);
  • at least two weeks before use to be dried in the chamber;
  • with natural dryer, a duration of more than 2 years, it should not be affected sun rayswhat is suitable for a canopy;
  • being a cross section of ≤ 200 mm (less susceptible to cracking).

The glued bars are made from the past selection and specials. Processing of boards, glue with an alternating direction of wood fibers. This significantly increases their ability to resist the formation of cracks.

Compensation propelles

Our ancestors who accumulated rich experience, no propilov (except longitudinal groove) Not satisfied. Modern practice confirms that small cracks (up to 2 mm) appear, and in relation to large propyl, privileged under the following conditions:

  • location in the middle of the longitudinal groove only from the bottom side, otherwise the weakening will occur in two places, which can lead to a split bric and BRUSEV;
  • depth ≤ 1/6 log thickness or timber;
  • brenta was dried in the stack ≥ 1st year.

The device propyl does not affect the formation of lateral cracks, therefore there is no special efficiency from this method.

Use of protective compositions

For sale for sealing cracks presents:

  • acrylic Puttles - Color Painted different breeds Wood plastic ready-made compositions. Different with water resistance, frost resistance and durability. Quickly dry. Apply for sealing small cracks with a depth of ≤ 4 mm;
  • acrylic sealants, in its pure form, they are laid on a depth of ≤ 5 mm, and at large cracks, polyethylene harness is stacked, followed by applying sealant;
  • an aqueous solution of plaster and filler (can be used) and several drops of shampoo - (Arb hydro).

The grandfather's method is effective - close up of deep cracks with moss. Moss is withstanding 30 minutes. In water, pressed and rolls into the roller. Tight filling of cracks with moss is performed by a spatula. After drying, the moss reliably clogs all cracks.

Protecting ends of Srub

Sections, fully opening wood fibers, violate the structure of the tree. Therefore, cutters are the most vulnerable places, the protection of which needs to be performed immediately after assembling the house.

The work includes:

  1. Torching is the alignment of a log or a bar in length with chainsaws.
  2. Grinding of the ends - elimination of all irregularities with grinding machines.
  3. Application of protective compounds, which can be used:
    • domestic preparation "Sezheng Tor", penetrating wood deep into the wood. Eco-friendly air covering coating, good defense From the occurrence of cracks and chopping;
    • russian "neomide torus plus" is a ready-made aqueous solution of synthetic copolymers and various auxiliary components. Excellent protection against cracking and damage to fungi and mold;
    • another Russian means "Botot" - reliable protection from all of us adverse factors;
    • from import funds, you can allocate: Zobel, Teknol JRM, Kordin WV456.

In the villages still practiced processing of the ends of the tree with lime with protecting cladding boards from atmospheric influences.

Many home masters do not adhere to the technology of sealing the ends of the plasterboard, which leads to poor-quality finishes and cracking of the seams. Need to carefully study all the stages of this uncomplicated processbefore starting to work. How to close the seams? The technology is simple and can be divided into three stages, which cannot be neglected so that the plasterboard design serves for a long time.

The process of sealing the ends of the plasterboard

There is a certain procedure that directly affect the quality of the finish. Do not hurry, when embedding joints in plasterboard structures, everything needs to be done in a strict sequence, especially if you do work for the first time with your own hands.

Shipped ends on the wall of plasterboard

In most cases, the seams are cracking precisely because of the performance of work in the rush, but also the quality of the materials used also plays the last role.

First stage - Preparation

Preliminary preparation is necessary in any work, and when the joints in the drywall is one of the important stages. First of all, you need to properly dock.
On the Internet, there is a lot of information about whether to leave the gap between sheets, and often it is very contrary to.

Based on the experience of professional finishes, it is safe to say that between the plates you need to leave the gap in about 2 mm.

It is necessary that during the drop of moisture in the room of the seams will not be deformed and it will not crack. It should also be noted that when docking the cutting elements of the material, the seams must be properly prepared. The clearance should be at least 2 mm, but about it a little later.

Gap size between plasterboard sheets
Consider what you need to purchase to start work, the list is not very large, so it is easy to prepare it. Below is a table in which everything you need is represented.

Required tool kit

ShpaklevkaFirst of all, we will analyze what putty need to be applied for. The mixture must be chosen such that it will later be covered with the entire surface of the wall so that the material does not disappear.
The material is intended for and produced in several embodiments from 45 to 100 mm. For joints apply the first sizzy. It is better to use self-adhesive material, as it is much more convenient to use it.
This material is used to improve the adhesion of the material with the surface, in addition, it protects drywall from moisture, which will continue to delete the peak of the putty from the plates of HCL. Optimal option An acrylic putty is considered.
SpatulaIt is impossible to make any work on finishing without good tool. To seal the joints, you will need two types of tools: a wide spatula - 350 mm, and for help in overlapping a small spatula - 100 mm.
Additional toolIt is for the batch of seams, and brushes, screwdrivers. Drill with a nozzle mixer for kneading a solution, a container or a construction bucket.

Read also

Fastening bracket on the wall of GCL

Step-by-step process sealing ends in drywall

Important! To obtain a qualitative composition of putty, you need to buy fresh material, which is stored in a heated warehouse with proper humidity. If storage conditions are broken, then high-quality finishes will not work.

Second Stage - Preparation of joints

As soon as all the preparations for the beginning of work are completed, you can proceed to the preparation of the joints.

The circuit of sealing angular junctions between the drywall algorithm for the performance of such:

  • clean the surface from dust, in case there are defects in the form of loops or burrs, they need to trim carefully, with the help of a building knife. Dust is removed by a wet rag, it is very important to do, especially if the walls stood in the assembled time for a long time;
  • spend the design inspection - specifically you need to pay attention to the hats, sticking fasteners to be twisted in such a way that they are recessed into the material by 1 mm;

  • the edges of the sheets from the factory do not require additional attention, but the joints of the cut material must be prepared. To do this, it is necessary to remove the edge at an angle of 450, as a result, the chamfer of 2 mm width should be turned out, a depth of 5 mm.

Ends of the logs must be treated with a special composition

The ends of the logs are most susceptible to rotting.

To confirm such a fact, pay attention to some log, which broke out for several years not demanded. There is exactly the end of the log "Pozzhan".

Since on the end of the log, all the fibers of wood are open, they actively absorb any moisture: from the air, from rain and snow. Naturally, the unprotected surface of the end from the constant impact of moisture and temperature drops is very quickly:

  • loses natural, fresh wood color and becomes "black"
  • appears a large number of Small cracks-grid "wrinkle" like an old woman
  • from the permanent presence of moisture, fungus, rot, mold, black dots appear

It is naturally suggested by one single way out: to handle the ends of the logs by any makeup. In fact, it is best to do it right away as soon as a log house is assembled.

Wood drying

Wood drying log logs for two years. Yes, and in the future, the wood-natural material, which all the time picks up moisture and dries. These processes are continuous. And to protect it from a set of moisture, it is covered with special compositions.

But, in the first year of life, a log of painting the logs should be made only so that the logs do not lose their freshness. And the protective composition you need to choose such that it does not prevent the wood drying:

  • develop moisture from the inner layers of wood logs on longitudinal fibers to the ends
  • removal of moisture from the inner layers of wood on transverse fibers to the outer surface of the log
  • evaporation of moisture from the surface of the outer layers of the log

Yes, the moisture removal system is quite complicated. And it works not evenly:

  • on the longitudinal moisture fibers reaches the ends of the logs faster than along the transverse fibers of the outer surface
  • due to the uneven evaporation of moisture through the ends and from the side surfaces there are stresses inside the wood, which leads to the formation of cracks in the places of the greatest voltage

Why you need to paint ends log

Already proved the fact that, if the ends are protected, then the log will dry much evenly, which in turn will have a positive effect on its appearance: longitudinal cracks will not be formed or there will be much less.

Why is this happening?

  • Cracks on the logs, as a rule, are formed closer to the ends. This occurs due to the different velocity of the evaporation of moisture through the side and end surfaces.
  • through the painted end surface of the log decreases the rate of evaporation. And this means that speeds become approximately the same.

There is an alignment of evaporation processes and no voltages in different layers of wood.

About the causes and consequences, the pros and cons of the processing of the ends of the logs can be arguing and arguing, but the fact is fixed: the ends need to be covered by any composition, immediately, after assembling a church. Wood cracks when dried too quickly.

It is in order to reduce and even eliminate the formation of cracks on the logs you need to paint ends log protective composition.

What to treat ends log logs

Since in the first two years, the process of drying logs occurs, and the log house is sitting down, it is recommended to treat ends log logs with a breathable makeup.

For example, earlier the ends of the logs were painted with lime:

  1. protects the surface from ultraviolet
  2. disinfects and does not give logs to rot
  3. inexpensive

In the future, when the log house is already at the time, it will be possible to paint the end sections by any means forming a film coating that has an oil or wax in its composition.

Means for processing ends of logs

Domestic industry releases special tool For processing the ends of the logs. It is recommended to choose from three manufacturers:

  1. Senezh Tor.
  2. Neomid Tor Plus
  3. Bototor (Rogned)

Means for processing ends of logs SENEZH TOR

Senezheng Tor:

  • Reduces the number and depth of dry cracks

  • Provides the preservation of the fortification of the valuable wood wood

  • Reduces linear deformations for timber during drying

  • Prevents overseas moisturizing and drowning wood

  • Does not contain chemical compounds prohibited in the EU

  • Slightly changes the color of the processed ends for the convenience of work

  • Environmentally friendly product without solvents and odor

  • Fire, explosion-safe material

  • Frost-resistant

The means for treating ends of the logs "Sezheng Thor" penetrates through the end along the fibers of the wood for a couple of centimeters and forms a breathable cutter on the end section, but a water-repellent coating that normalizes the evaporation of excess moisture from wood, repels atmospheric precipitation.

Means for treating enemy logs Nemidor Plus

Neomide torus plus:

Provides protection to the ends of logs from loading and damage by any fungi and pests:

  • effectively protects wood from rotting

  • prevents dry cracking

  • reduces the degree of linear deformations

  • creates a water-repellent barrier in wood fibers

  • prevents the set of excess moisture and end moistening

  • forms an elastic thin layer coating with high vapor permeability and water resistance, which allows wood to "breathe"

  • retains natural wood texture

Means for processing ends of logs Bototor


Forms an elastic film on the end, which eliminates the difference in the rate of evaporation of moisture between the side and end surface, so that the composition:

    • prevents the formation and development of cracks;

    • reduces the amount and depth of drying cracks;

    • prevents the formation of linear deformations for timber during drying;

    • provides protection of ends from moisturizing and posting.

Processing of the ends of the logs at times reduces the percentage of longitudinal cracking of the logs.

The ends are the most vulnerable parts of the logs, as the wood fibers remain completely open and more of other areas are subjected to negative effects of weather factors. The processes of moisturizing and rapid evaporation of moisture lead to formation on the ends of cracks, as a result, logs can crack, which is very poorly reflected on the strength wooden design. Prevent the development of negative processes will help the processing of ends log logs from the rounded log of special logs antiseptic means. If a timely handling processing is in a timely manner, wood dries evenly, which has a positive effect on the appearance of the logs and a log house as a whole.

The need to treat ends becomes obvious if you look at the untreated log, which has broken several years on the street, whose ends of which lost their natural color and darkened, were covered with cracks, fungus and mold appeared on them.

It happens from the fact that open ends actively absorb moisture, which then quickly evaporates, and the loose wood structure becomes a refuge of microorganisms and insects.

Through the end and side surfaces, the moisture logs evaporates at different speeds. The evaporation of moisture through the ends occurs significantly faster, which leads to the formation of cracks and the deformation of the crowns.

The painting of the cut ends contributes to a uniform drying of the logs, since the rate of evaporation through the painted surface slows down, and accordingly, the process of formation of cracks is stopped.

The first processing of the ends must be carried out immediately after the construction breed house. But since in the first years after construction, the active process of a church shrinkage is underway, it is necessary to process ends to the means that do not prevent natural shrinkage processes in the wood.

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