Repairs Design Furniture

How and with what means wash plastic windows from different contaminants? Than launder plastic windows: the secret of the housewife than to wash the windows after painting from sticking

Upon completion of the repair work, it remains to wash the room from the construction dirt, garbage and dust. Special attention should be paid to plastic windows. Their, in most cases, are installed before the start of the main repair actions. The window design is covered with a layer of dirt no less than the room itself. Therefore, many owners are concerned about the question: "How to quickly and qualitatively wash the windows after repair work?". The procedure itself can be divided into two components: cleaning the frame and washing glass. Moreover, this applies not only to the new glass package, but also the one that was already in operation.

How to Clean the profile from dust and remove traces from the mounting foam

In the event that the design is only after installation and the protective film is not removed, glued by the manufacturer, you can simply remove it and wash the plastic slightly with a cloth. But there are cases when the film is removed to mounting work Or the windows were already in operation. Then the design is covered with a thick layer of dust and dirt, wash which will not be easily. There are several ways to wash windows:

  • It is necessary to take an ordinary tool for washing, dilute it with warm water and wipe the design. This procedure, as a rule, is enough for removing the lung of dust.
  • To remove dried dirt, it is better to apply a means in liquid form on the frame and leave for 10 minutes. When the dirt becomes softer, it can be easily removed with a cloth moistened in water.
  • If, after these procedures, wash the residues from plaster, concrete or foam failed, they can be carefully scolded with a blade or a stationery knife.
  • It happens that after carrying out works on the plastic structure, traces remain from mounting foam. Remove it hard, but quite real.
  • Take the spatula and carefully remove the frozen foam from the installation. Usually, it is very easy to remove, not applying special efforts. Only when the foam was absorbed into the frame, difficulties may arise with its purification.
  • It is necessary to take a means for washing plastic or solvent containing acetone in its composition. Next, you should wet a piece of felt and cover them the remains of foam.
  • As soon as the foam is spinning, it is vigorously to wash felt until all the dirt will be deleted.

What to do if nothing helped, and the windows are still contaminated

If, after the steps described above, the glass failed was not to drop, you can resort to the process of electromechanical polishing. To carry out a procedure, a small machine for grinding or drill is useful, a liquid agent that has acetone and circles from the felt with the GIO cream. The repair process takes place in two stages:

  1. A spatula and cleaning agent remove the maximum possible part of the pollution from the foam.
  2. On the power tool should be a circle from felt, and polish the surface. Thus, it will take off upper layer Designs with mud, which has entered its structure.

With a grinding method, you can not only remove the dirt, but also remove the remnants from the mounting foam and small defects. If the scratches are deep, it is recommended to smear them with an acrylic of white or liquid PVC, which is sold from companies engaged in the implementation of windows.

How to wash glass

If a neat wizard fell, it means very lucky. Since after them will remain only a layer building dustAnd not traces from the mounting foam on the glass. To remove dust after repair, many housewives resort to standard Procedure Washing windows with a rag and ordinary warm water. This method is simple, however, does not always bring due effect. It happens that after cleaning, there is still a white color from foam. In order to rain the glass with the help of an aqueous solution, it is necessary to conduct a procedure at least 10 times. And then there is no guarantee that all pollution will be removed.

To clean plastic glass windows After repair, it is necessary to conduct the following actions:

  1. In one liter of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp. A spoon of the alcohol of the ammonia or a glass of vinegar. In the event that this was not at home, it is possible to use chlorine lime divided in relation to 50 grams per 1 liter of water.
  2. Immerse a sponge into water with a solution, slightly push it out and wipe the glass. Next, polish it with a newspaper to shine.

If it is not possible to reach some parts of the glass, or the design is made with deaf parts, you can use a handle that changes the length. It has two surfaces - alone with a sponge, and the second silicone. The sponge is lowered into the pelvis with water, wash the windows with it, and then with the help of silicone nozzles remove excess moisture together with pollution.

  1. Solvents not intended for PVC can spoil the frame, as they contain acid. Therefore, it is recommended to use them with extreme caution.
  2. When sinking windows with solvent, it is necessary to work in rubber gloves and take care of the eye.
  3. It should be well followed that the means for washing does not fall into rubber. Since it can be ruined and the tightness of the window will be impaired. In some cases, the problem may not have solutions, since most designs are manufactured with built-in rubber, and it is not possible to replace it.
  4. To launder the remains of construction putty, it is recommended to use the means removing cement-lime dirt. It is possible to buy it in every supermarket implementing construction mixes For repair.


Some mistakenly suggest that drop plastic design At the end of the repair work is very hard. However, they are mistaken. If you do everything correctly, then soon the windows will again shine cleanliness and whiteness and become better than it was.

Apartment in which recently made good repair - solid positive and beauty. If it could be avoided by the repair process itself, and especially postgraduate cleaning, this world would be much more perfect. But there is no perfection in this universe, and therefore you have to learn to make many tedious and unloved things and solve all sorts of problems. For example, how to wash windows after repair from paint, cement spots, traces of primer, mounting foam, tape, glue and other contaminants.

If you do not intend to change the windows, then before starting repair it is better to close with paper or film. Before painting, it is necessary to gently stick on the glasses on the glass to the frame a special rapid tape. It cannot be replaced by the usual scotch, especially color, since the usual adhesive tape It has an unpleasant feature to stick to the glass too much and leave difficult removed glue spots on the frames.

If the windows are decided to replace new, you need:

  • Choose right moment To change windows: after the production of basic works on plaster and alignment of walls and ceiling, but before final finish.
  • Together with the windows to buy in the company producing them, special means For cleaning frames and glasses from glue, paint and other types of dirt. Then you get stuck with what you need, without the need to unsuccessfully search for a suitable product in the Khmaga.

My windows from construction dirt

Reading tips on this cleaning of windows after repair, you get a resistant feeling that 99% of these councils wrote a person, still living at the beginning of the last century and a silence who did not have abandoned the achievements of civilization in the form of special tools and household chemicals. Kerosene, ammonia, turpentine, fresh onions, lemon juice, grinding from chalk - which you just do not offer to use to wash the evaporations when repairing the window. But, if you came to the store of household goods or building materials behind all these Dedovsky means, maybe it's easier to buy modern, efficient, specially created in order to make you easily wash your windows?

The order of washing windows

Before you get washing, windows should be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner from sand, pieces of plaster and dust. So you will save the surface of scratches and laundering the windows will be much easier. First you need to remove all major pollution:

  • puffed dirt;
  • pieces cement mortar;
  • paints or glue;
  • remnants of mounting foam;
  • protective film with frame.

The latter is especially important to do before the heat or frosts. Otherwise, then suffer from removing the elasticity of the film with small plasma.

Then you need to wash the frame and glass from the inside. If there are no special contaminants, you can simply first wash off the main dust of cool water, and then clean the frame and glass to washing windows. Most of these funds perfectly remove a variety of pollution from adhesive to adhesive. They can wash and frames, and window sills.

If there are "difficult" pollution on frames and glasses, it is most effective to use specially intended for this tools.

The chemical industry offers the following compounds for use in everyday life:

  • cleaning for cement;
  • means for removing traces of glue, tape, labels and stickers;
  • paint solvent (for different types Paints are special solvents, just buy for one bottle more when purchasing building materials);
  • tools for cleaning plastic Ram. and double-glazed windows;
  • solvents for remnants of mounting foam;
  • silicone removal tools.

To remove dried paint from glass, you can use razor blades (if you find), spare blades from stationery knives, special plastic spatulas, wood or solid rubber. The latter are most safest for the surfaces of your new windows, but perfectly remove the attached dirt and paint.

There is another excellent invention that has already been rated by many mistresses: melamine sponges. For cleaning glass and plastic, they are great. No additional funds, except for clean water, you do not need. The melamine sponge will be able to remove traces of glue, paints, cement and other contaminants. But do not forget then to ventilate the room: Melamine allocates formaldehyde in some quantity. Not mortally, but not helpful.

Caring for plastic windows is minimal. Unlike wooden, they do not need periodic color and additional protection. The only thing that will be required is to wash the profile and windows windows will serve faithfully for more than one dozen years. But even such care has its own rules and requirements. How and what to wash plastic windows? - Let's consider this question together.

Cleaning the window after installation

Immediately after installing the window, do not look as I would like. Upon completion of the installation work, a film remains on the profile, and on glass and accessories - stains. You will have to give 5-10 minutes cleaning windows after installation.

Upon completion of all works, first of all, remove the protective film from the profile. Make it need no later than 2-3 days after installing the profile. The adhesive layer under the exposure to sunlight can move away from the film and stay on the profile in the form of spots, which will continue to settle dust and dirt from the street.

The film cannot fully protect the profile from contamination, so after it is removed on the surface of the frame and glasses there may be stains from building mixtures. Now we will tell than launder plastic windows after repair. We will take into account only a profile, because glass and accessories can be cleaned by any means, and the frame needs more gentle care.

How to wash concrete, putty and plaster with window profile?

If you remove stains from building mixtures, immediately after they hit the window, there will be no trace from them. It is much more difficult to wash the profile and glasses if concrete, putty or plaster already dried. It will take a little longer here.

These building materials are subject to recesses that this lack of us will be used for good. Water stains strongly with a pulverizer or rags, periodically can additionally moisturize contaminated places. After a few minutes, the building mixtures can be washed off with a cloth.

If the water did not help, carefully remove the stains with a blade or a thin stationery knife. More roughest and thick tools, for example, spatula are not recommended, you can damage the profile.

What to wash the construction foam from the window profile?

It will be difficult to wash the construction foam, so you follow that the installers wipe the profile every time it fell to the surface of the frame.

If it still failed to avoid it, completely remove the dried foam will be completely removed using the scope of the knife or blade. Remains can be removed by special means, for example, phenozol or penosylli "non-traditional" foam solvents like Domexide ( medicine). But in no case do not use chemical solvents, nitrosostava (toxic substances organic, for example, nitrobenzene, nitronafthane) or pure acetone. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC, the material from which the profile consists) is not subject to the influence of acids and alkalis, but the glossy film or the protective layer can be on the profile surface, which will suffer from the effects of such funds.

And now we will tell in detail about the means of dealing with stains construction foamwhich mentioned earlier.

Phenozol is a firma-paying means for caring for plastic windows. In the line of its products there is a special cleaner for the profile without the content of any solvents. This means you can delete any contamination, including stains of the mounting foam. We will return to this company, because it produces a lot of funds that will be useful to us.

Penosil is a European firm producing mounting foam and construction glue. In addition, it produces Premium Foam Cleaner - a cleaner hardened mounting foam with tools, clothes and even skin. As part of the fund, there is acetone, but due to the mass of the auxiliary substances, this solvent is not dangerous for the surface of the profile. The tool is produced in the form of an aerosol.

Domexide is a drug in the form of a solution or gel used with muscular or articular pain. This medicine is produced by several manufacturers and sold without a recipe. The equipment includes dimethyl sulfoxide, which softens the foam, due to which it can be removed by a conventional cloth. The remedy does not disturb the outer layer of the profile, but can cause allergies or skin irritation, so it is better to use it in gloves.

How to wash the paint from the window profile?

Remove paint spots most difficult. Typically, paint materials are removed with acetone-containing means, but in our case such a solution is not suitable.

First of all, try to scrape drops with a blade or a stationery knife. It is necessary to do it extremely neat. If there are small stains, you can wipe the facility to remove nail polish, without acetone. Do it better point, i.e. Apply the tool only on polluted areas, most convenient to use cotton chopsticks.

Paint on water based You can delete with construction fabric (Device feeding hot air under high pressure) and the usual household high power hair dryer.

To do this, it is enough to direct the jet of hot air on the stains for a few minutes, the paint will become soft and it will be possible to wipe it with an ordinary cloth. With more durable paint and varnish materials This reception will not pass.

How to wash the glue stains from the window profile?

If you did not remove the film from the glue on time, be prepared for labor-intensive work.

It is possible to remove the stains with an aqueous solution of acetic acid (70%) in the ratio of 10/1. If you use less pure acetic acid (with a lower active substance content in percentage ratio, for example, 14%, 10%) water can be taken less.

Acelled mortar, all polluted areas are cleared several times, after which the glue is rubbed with a rigid soup to washing the dishes. To completely remove glue from the protective film, you will leave 20-30 minutes of continuous operation.

With the removal of construction mud, we figured out, now let's find out how and the better wash plastic windows during operation.

Cleaning the window during operation

Under the word "window" we mean profile, glasses, fittings and even the seal. All these details consist of different materials and the requirements for their care are different from each other.

How to wash a plastic window profile?

Profile washed as contamination. As a detergent can act as special means and household chemicals to all.

Most available tool For cleaning profile - a typical dishwashing gel. In such means there is no hard particles that can damage the surface of the profile, they are not toxic, do not cause allergies, easily implicit, remove all dirt from the profile and easily washed off.

It is recommended to make a soap solution in a 10/1 ratio (10 parts of water, 1 part of the gel). Water should not be hot. The profile is wiped with a soft sponge for washing dishes or a special household cloth from the microfiber (fabric material, not leaving the fibers). Correctly wash plastic windows using conventional soft tissue, but in this case the profile will have to polish with circular motions.

After washing, from the profile you need to wash off the whole foam and wipe dry. It is not recommended to leave the wet frame. If the sealing of the profile and the glass package is somehow damaged, water can get inside the window, which can cause condensate or fungus.

With serious pollution, it is better to use special tools as, for example, the aforementioned phenozol. For convenience, you can purchase a special set that includes funds for washing the profile, sealing and accessories. Each of these funds meets all the requirements for the care of plastic windows.

Fenosol is not the only firm, but one of the most affordable. Attention is worth paying and companies called Karcher. It produces a range of products for household use, Including for cleaning products from PVC. You can purchase a stone / linoleum / PVC cleaning agent. It removes persistent contamination without harm to the profile, suitable even for care wooden windows, Sold in a convenient bottle with a spray gun.

Each of these professional funds you can purchase in a construction or shopping store. Their price is about 500 rubles. To clean the profile, these compositions you need a soft rag. Material can use any.

How to wash the glass?

Window glasses are not much different from ordinary, so you can wash them with the usual means. It is best to use cleaners based on acetic acid, ammonia or ordinary alcohol. The same compositions can be wiped and profile.

In order to wash plastic windows without divorces, rags made of microfiber are used. You can also use conventional paper napkins or newspaper.

More complex contaminants can be removed by solvents, alcohol and acetone. The main thing is to ensure that these compositions do not fall into the profile and the seal. If you have a tinted or laminated glass (glass covered with a special film) is better not to use caustic compositions.

How to wash accessories and seal?

Cleaning accessories can be by any means, because the metal is not afraid of any chemistry. In addition to cleaning, do not forget to periodically lubricate the mechanisms with ordinary vegetable or special oil.

From the plastic window seal periodically need to remove dust and other contaminants. Do it with a soap solution and a soft cloth. Once a few months, the seal must be treated with silicone lubricant, which you can purchase in any construction store are also recommended periodically (once every few years).

Caring for windows outside

Wash plastic windows you need both inside and outside. Caring for windows from the street does not differ little from the side of the room. The exceptions are metal parts of the window, for example, a drainage profile. It is best to wash only soap solutions not to use abrasive agents (with rigid particles), as well as various acids and alkalis. The paint, which is covered by the outer parts of the window, may be damaged, whiten metal, which will increase the chance of corrosion (rust).

After repair, sometimes it is very difficult. On the frame and glass remains sticky tapes, primer, cement, paint, and so on. For each type of contamination, there are separate means to help remove them. But it is only preparatory stage. Only after various building materials are cleaned, it is possible to fully.

When choosing a cleaning agent, you need to pay special attention to the label, it should indicate that the drug can be used for PVC. If there is no such mark - it is worth refraining from buying for the reason that the components that are part of this agent lead to a change in the color of plastic or corrosive it. It is worth noting: To lead to the proper type of glass and parts of plastic, the means are needed different.

Wash the windows after repair in the new building is quite difficult. During work on the extraction of housing, they may remain of different kind Pollution. It is stains from paint, putty, plaster, construction dust.

Before proceeding to, it is necessary to recognize the nature of pollution. It is important not to just clean the surface from dirt and dust, but also not to damage it.


It must be flush immediately as soon as the first drops fall on the glass or plastic. Then you can not use additional funds. The paint is cleaned with a wet rag. If she dried up, you will have to use undergraduate means:

  1. Sunflower oil. They need to lubricate the stain from the paint and leave for some time until the substance is dissolved.
  2. Soap. It must be chopped on the grater and dissolve in water. Then the liquid is used to process stains. This option helps if water-based paint was used.
  3. Special solvents. They need to be selected by the council of a specialist so that the tool does not harm the surface of the windows.

All these methods are tested, and their effectiveness is proved.


Scotch can be deleted using the following options:

  1. Vegetable oil. It is assumed to use it just like when paint stains. Perfectly copes with traces of scotch not only olive or sunflower oil, but also an extract of tea tree.
  2. Medical alcohol, cologne or vodka. Also act as solvents.
  3. Nail polish remover. It is better to wipe the windows of those means that do not contain acetone.
  4. School eraser. They are supposed to carefully rub the evaporated place.
  5. White Spirit. It must be mixed in it and wipe the traces of Scotch.


This material is the most dangerous for PVC windows in a new building. This is due to the fact that the fresh spot is transparent to drying. And then the substance is frozen, and it is difficult to wash off. You can use with this contamination by the following means:

  1. Warm water. It needs to thoroughly wet the spot and leave it soften. After that wipe with a cloth.
  2. Any bathroom cleaning agent that is suitable for removing lime plates.
  3. Any solvent. It is used only in extreme cases when previous funds did not cope with the task. It is necessary to act clearly according to the instructions on the package.

All of these means will help get rid of ugly gray spots. But if it never managed to do, the frame will have to paint. To do this, purchase a special product for plastic surfaces, nitroemal or paint-aerosol for the car.


You can use the following purification methods:

  1. Special tools that are intended to remove cement with different surfaces. For example, Baugerätereiniger 81, Cement N Concrete Remover, Atlas Szop suitable. They are sold in the form of a spray, which relies to spray on a dirty window. After a certain time, cement softening, and it can be removed with a rag.
  2. Comet. Gel apply on a stain, wait. When dirt soften, remove it with a wet cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. Vinegar. It is necessary 2 tbsp. l. Essences to dilute in 1 liter of water. Mixed to richly smoke stain. After a few minutes, drop. Hands protect gloves.

The main thing is that the tool does not contain acids that can damage the window (this is indicated on the package).

Mounting foam

Wash it with water will not work. If the traces are still fresh, then you need to use Cosmofen. It uses plastic windows installers. The higher the digit on the package, the better the means.

Only Dimeksid helps from dried foam. This medication is a strong solvent, so hands will have to protect gloves. We need a liquid at an undiluted form to apply a sponge on the spot, and after a few minutes wash the wet rag.

Means for washing frames and glasses

You can wash the window after all the remnants building materials Removed. For cleaning the frame, you can use soap or ordinary detergent For dishes. The first should be chopped on the grater and dissolve in 3 liters of water. Detergent relies only 1 tbsp. l. You can still take advantage of other household chemicals: Mr. Proper, Cillit Bang., Sanita, Domasetos. From the emerged construction dust helps the ammonia alcohol. It is necessary to dissolve 25 ml of substance in 1 l warm water.

To wash the glass, you can take advantage of the means: Mr. Muskul, Help, Wedge, Sif, Ecker, Second for glass. The solution can be prepared from the primary means. For example, you can mix 50 ml of alcohol and table vinegar, then add 1 tbsp. l. Starch. All this is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. The means must be sprayed from the pulverizer to the windows, and then rub rag. The fabric should be without a pile.

First you need to wash the outdoor side, and then - internal. It is better to conduct a procedure in the morning or in the evening to straight sun rays They did not fall on the windows after the use of chemicals.

The perfect mistress in the house glitters cleanliness, but everyone knows that there are no ideal people, and now you notice that window glass Not too clean. Dirt on the windows may not miss 50% of daylight into the house, and this is no longer well affected by health and mood. In the northern regions, where there is little light, on the account every sunny ray. Therefore, the windows must always be clean, and not twice a year. Of course, the first thing you think - how to wash the window glass, which effective means For washing windows, there are some of them at home, which you can do it yourself, and as you have to go to the store. To laundered windows windows, there are plenty of money: ordinary stores, homemade, and even professional.

Suppose your usual, homemade windows washed. Run to the store? Not necessary! After all, exist folk remedies for washing windows. If you do not know how to make a means for washing windows - do not worry, it's not at all difficult. How to make a means for washing windows knew many years ago, when it was not yet in the shops of such an abundance of household chemicals. You will not need any special devices and ingredients. For example, the method of washing winds is well-known. In warm water, add the ammonia alcohol in proportion 1 part of the alcohol on 10 parts of water. Another good cleaning agent for windows is the usual vinegar. Vinegar in the amount of 2 tablespoons is added to a liter of warm water. Homework For washing windows is ready. Our grandparents used in such ways, the means are tested by time and are not forgotten to the present.

By the way, vinegar is now considered to be the best to wash windows without divorce. Of course, the detergents for windows is easier to buy in the store than to do, but these above tricks may well help you out. For example, if you are waiting for the respected guests, you need to rub the windows, and the funds of the house did not turn out. There is no time to go to the store, everything is designed for a minute. Then rush to wash the glass with vinegar will be the best option.

Washing windows without divorce by folk remedies, like all homework, requires the correct sequence. To prepare the workspace, you need to remove everything from the window sill and and arrange the working tools (sponges, cleaning agent, etc.) so that they are at hand, but did not interfere. First wash the frame (window profile). If there are no strong contaminants, then you can do and just clean water. Abrasive use not to damage plastic and rubber connections. We wipe the dry profile and only, then proceed directly to the glasses. Of course, you should start with the top of the window. First wash windows from the inside, then outside. Apply the selected and prepared glass to the glass using soft materials. Clean soft sponge for washing the dishes, or the microfiber cloth is suitable.

No need to use any hard brushes so as not to scratch the glass. Scratches, even small, will rush into the eyes and do not get rid of them. If we talk only about natural means, it is good to use a chalk solution to remove strong contaminants, which is preparing at the calculation of the tablespoon of crushed chalk on the floor of the water. Claimer It will be necessary to rinse very well with clean water so that there are no divorces on the glass. After the dirt from the windows is removed, you need to wipe the glass with a newspaper, which will give the glass glitter, absorb excess moisture and remove the divorces if they appear. Folk, homemade funds are especially good where little children or allergies live, as they are absolutely not toxic.

When washing windows, it is important to comply with several tips, regardless of which means is used. Usually wash windows early in the morning or in cloudy weather. The sun dries a tool applied to the window, a divorce may appear very quickly and from this. Bright light prevents these divorces to see. The wind is also quickly dried applied to the glass, so during the washing of a strong wind should not be. At the time when you wash the windows, there should be nothing in the kitchen, otherwise the glass is noticeable. Start windows with frames. No need to clean windows hot water. From this they remain divorces and stains.

If you still washed glass hot water, then rinse them cold. Usually a lot of dirt and dust accumulates in the corners, they are pretty hard to rinse. Corners are well brushed with cotton chopsticks. So that the dirt did not stick to the windows longer, it is necessary to wipe them after washing: add 7 parts of glycerin into three parts of the water, there are several drops there. ammona alcohol. Then the window windows will save the cleanliness for a long time. If the glass is wired from the inside with a solution of glycerol and alcohol, the glass will not fiery and be covered in winter. If the glass is still covered with frosty patterns, it is necessary to wipe it with a strong hydrochloric solution. No need to pick me out the knife, scratch the glass.

If you have enough big windows, you will be completely uncomfortable to wash them with a cloth, then wipe, also shine. For big windows It is better to take a special mop for washing windows. First we apply a foam onto the entire window with the help of a sponge, then we remove it along with the mud with a rubber scraper. If the window has a sunscreen film, wash such a window is needed to a means that do not contain abrasive particles and alcohol.

How to choose a detergent for washing windows in the store? After all, there are such a variety! A bottle and cleaning agent should be a mark "no divorce". If you are looking for how to clean plastic windows, the main thing is to choose a tool without abrasive particles so as not to scratch the window. The window, regularly washing with such a means, quickly becomes muddy, minor scratches are easily viewed on it. You can wash the plastic windows with a soap solution, a soft store, or special sets for washing PVC windows. Yes, and there are also there. They are intended for washing this material, it will be very good and will not leave scratches. Household chemicals for washing plastic are sold in business stores.
Of course, you choose, use folk remedies for cleaning windows or buy them in the store. Adherents of natural funds, opponents of synthetic substances usually resort to homemade means.
In fact, you can replace the window to wash the windows by any other detergent. Yes, the dishwashing agent is also suitable. It is enough to dissolve several drops of funds in a liter of water - and this solution will wash your windows to shine.

Than laundering plastic window sills at home

After successfully dispersion, the windows can be a little rest, and then begin to begin the next part of the cleaning - the sink of the window sill. Usually the windowsill is that item on which the last place pays attention to, but the dust is accumulated very quickly. On the windowsill, the hostesses often cost flowers, they love to sleep cats, decay their children toys. Dust accumulates on the windowsill and was able to come from the street if the window opened. And if you have not paid attention to him for a long time, perhaps now you grabbed your head and do not understand how to wash the windowsill. In fact, even the most severe dirt and dust can be taped with a conventional soap solution, but it will have to work well. The question than washing plastic window sills at home is very relevant, due to their large propagation. Wash the windowsill of the plastic window is better specially designed for this material with means. They do not contain substances scratching and corrosive soft plastic. However, usually hostesses buy such common means as Mr. Proper, Domasetos. They are also quite suitable for washing, but they can damage plastic, microcracks are formed on it, which is very easily clogged with dirt, and from there it will not be easy to wash it at all.

In addition, in order to launder plastic on the windows, the gel "Sif" is not bad, strong contaminants can be carefully wired White by Spirit, just do not overdo it, it can also melt plastic.

So, what can wash the plastic windowsill, we figured out, now we turn to more difficult question - Yellow spots. You probably noticed that the plastic is easily yellowing if it is wrong to care for it. Therefore, a very popular question is how to wash the plastic window sill from yellowness. The window sill may be yellowed from tobacco smoke, food fatty particles, if it is a kitchen windowsill, as well as from improper wash. It is not necessary to rub the scratch with abrasive drugs, because in this case the windowsill scratched and very quickly will become dirty again. To wash the plastic windowsill, you must first wipe it from the external dirt: rub dust, then wipe the dry cloth (preferably a microfiber cloth). After that, the yellowness can be removed with a weak solvent "COSMOFEN 10" - this is a special plastic cleaner, which must return to your windowsill pristine whiteness. If you are unhappy with the result, pass the cleaner again.

If welcome white color It does not return to your windowsill, it means that it has lost whiteness from improper care. But in this case, you do not need to be upset. It can simply paint or decorate the self-adhesive film. Choose any color, imitating films different materials: Wood, marble, stone. Look for self-keys to your taste and update window sills.

Washed yellowed plastic windows can be exactly the same way as the windowsill. Gently wipe from dust, then process the plastic purifier. Either use storesBut without abrasive particles.

Now you know how to wash plastic windows from yellowness, but it is better not to bring them to such a state. As you know now, it is quite difficult to remove this resistant yellowness, and some cases are impossible at all. But so I want our windows to be always like new and shone purity and whiteness! So you need to care for plastic correctly, on time to wash it suitable means, do not rub hard washcloths, do not put on it fat and hot.

Washing windows after repair

If you have a repair, your windows and window sills are probably in a terrible state. You were engaged in enthusiastically repair workAnd now you wonder how to wash the windows after repair. Perhaps you have just installed plastic windows, and traces of film, tape, stickers remain on them. Perhaps the windowsill was marker marker and now it is necessary to wash very dirty windows and find out how you can wash the windowsill from this kind of contamination. Under the repair conditions, you can also forget to protect windows and window sills with a film from inevitable contaminants, so than laundering the windows from paint - almost the most common question after repair.

Wash the film from plastic windows is not easy if it is not removed immediately. If the protective film was on the window or windowsill for several months or even more, it will not be possible to remove it. Moreover, it will not work and wash the film if a lot of time has passed. Do not attempt to apply a knife or spatula - so you damage the plastic coating. Nails also do not need to pick the film. Most the best way - Ordinary household hair dryer. Heat the hot air to the surface with which you need to remove the film, the film will slowly peel, and you immediately remove it until it has cooled.

Suppose the plastic windows have just been installed and now there is a question in front of you than washing the tape from the plastic window. Best tool To clean the windows from the tape or its traces - oil. Vegetable, olive, even essential (tea tree, mint). Also well helps to remove traces of tape vodka, alcohol, ammonia and, of course solvent. A simple way to drop the traces of Scotch from the window is an ordinary eraser that is in the arsenal of each schoolboy. To rub the stain with an eraser, after the glass wipe with a damp cloth, and here, on your windows, not a trace of Scotch. In the same way, you can wash the windows from the glue not only the remaining scotch, but in general from any.

Let's go back to the situation when you need to wash plastic windows after repair. Suppose they are traces of paint, cement, marker and who knows what else. Of course, the method and means of washing depends on the nature of pollution.

What to wash the paint from plastic windows? First you need to carefully remove large drops of paint. You can make it a spatula, just so as not to cherish and do not scratch plastic. It is unlikely that you want to spoil the windows in just a renovated apartment. It is better to use rubber spatulas. The spatula needs to work on a soap surface, so less chances to spoil the coating. After you removed large traces of paint, the residues rub the solvent. For each paint applies its own. The solvent also needs to work carefully so as not to damage the plastic. Well, if you immediately noticed that the paint was stained. In this case, you need to wipe the stain with a cloth moistened in vegetable oil, then wipe dry. If necessary, repeat.

If you need to wash water-emulsion paint from plastic windows. As it is clear from the name, the paint is water based. Therefore, there will be no difficulty in laundering such paint with water with soap, and it is easily mounted from any surface.

After repair, there may be a problem in the form of traces of primer on the windows and window sills. To wash the primer from the plastic window sill can be warm water with a detergent dissolved in it. First you need to apply the prepared water on the primer, to leave for a while, and then rub the usual sponge. There are good responses to apply for these purposes of the cleaning foam cleaner.

Few people can perform repairs perfectly, not spanning and not blocked. And after overhaul On the windows always full of construction mud. If it happened, drops of cement mortar remained on the windows, we will tell you than laundering the cement from the windows. First, the traces of cement need to wet, then rub the rigid sponge. If the result is not visible from the sponge, try to apply a spatula, scraper or just a blade. Only a sharp edge You need to direct so as not to scratch the glass itself. After the main spots are cleaned, you need to wash off the remaining dirt with a sponge with a detergent, and then rinse with water several times.

Turn the windows and window sills in the catastrophe can not only repair, but also small children. Every parent knows that children love to draw anywhere, but not on paper. Smooth white window sill is perfect for drawing. Especially impressive looks on it drawings with a black marker. What to wash the plastic windowsill from the marker? Verified to remove the marker from the windowsill - alcohol or vodka. Soak, after a few minutes erase. If the alcohol does not help, you need to wash off the solvent, but carefully not to damage the plastic.

Professional means

If the windows are badly contaminated and the usual means do not help, and you do not know how you can wash the windows, or your windows come out on a busy street, and very quickly polluted - only professional tools for washing windows will be helped you. They possess several important properties: removal of dirt, water mitigation and dirt-repellent properties. Mitigating water is an important stage, as any surface, kneading soft water, it remains clean and better washed. A professional agent has a substance that launders the dirt is an order of magnitude better than ordinary stores, and certainly do not prepare similar means. But the most interesting thing in these funds is mudtoping properties. After the first washing, your windows will still shift for a long time, like freshly made, dust and dirt simply will not stick to your windows. Often, professional means cannot be applied to windows in sunny weather - they dry in the sun too quickly and unevenly, leave the divorce and protect the glass from dust will be bad. In addition, to work with a professional detergent, you need an appropriate tool - scrapers, coats for applying, brushes. A simple wiping newspaper in this case will not suit. There will be no challenge to order a professional cleaning agent for windows over the Internet. The best of them are the Finnish, then German and Swedish.

In addition to all the above methods and funds, there is another option to cause windwakers if you have means for this. They wash your windows by professional means to mirror glitter.

In this article, we figured out how to wash plastic windows, how to wash the windows from the tape, cement, paint and other repair errors. Now you know how to wash windows from the primer, glue and even a marker. It remains only to note that, according to the well-known saying, "the one who is not a master is not cleaned." We recommend maintaining the cleanliness of your windows not from time to time (once or twice a year), but regularly. Especially if it is plastic, which very quickly absorbs all pollution, fat and odors. Plastic is not easy to wash, without damaging the material itself, if he is strongly contaminated. Therefore, S. plastic window sills You need to regularly wash dust, use a means for washing plastic. If you are planning to repair - protect the windows and window sills with a film, as a last resort, cover the windowsill with newspapers so that it does not have to wash the construction dirt from the windows.

There are many means for washing windows - folk, shops, even professional. Each hostess chooses what she likes. Some do not want to use "Chemistry" in everyday life, preferring windows with vinegar and ammonia, others seem nonsense in the modern world to use grandmothers tools. No matter how cool, and the most good tool For washing the windows, which is suitable personally. Only you know that good for you, your family and cleaning at home.