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The safest means for washing dishes. Review of the best means for washing children's dishes. High-quality organic dishwashing gel

Today, there are practically no owners left, which would not use the dishwashing agent. In stores it is easy to find many different funds, and every hostess picks up that most like her. However, there are universal requirements that most reflect the views of the masters about the quality of products.

A consistency plays an important role. As a rule, the more thicker, the more responses find the owners. But it is much more important to have a safe dishwashing agent at hand. Today, no one is a secret that the Pavits contained in various cleaners are the greatest harm. All of them partially dissolve in water, so if you choose a means, without understanding which ingredients are included in its composition, it is recommended to rinse the dishes under the water of water at least half a minute.

It is safer to choose a high-quality dishwashing agent, to buy which you, for example, can in the online hypermarket "WKONOS". According to the standards existing in our country, the most harmless - those in which the share of pavov is up to 15%.

However, in Europe restrictions even tougher - from 2 to 7%. Therefore, all foreign products presented in us meet these requirements: many means contain no more than 5%.

An important property for the owners is also foaming. Active foaming agents are faster and more efficiently coped with oil residues on the dishes. Additional and pleasant bonuses that affect the choice are convenient packaging and non-repulsive smell. Modern producers took care that the washing of dishes was accompanied by pleasant, more often fruit flavors, and also developed comfortable bottles with special protective valves and small holes. High-quality funds are enough for a long time!

And the last factor determining the choice of means for washing dishes becomes the price. In the "Airline" at affordable prices, you will acquire a remedy for such well-known firms as:

  • Fairy.
  • "Pemo Suite"
  • "Foss"
  • "Eared Nanny"
  • Pril and others.

Modern hostesses have a rich selection of chemistry to organize life. At the same time, it is impossible to argue that all products are equally good. If we talk about the goods for the kitchen, then among them there are both high-quality and not very. Some better have a penalty, others have antibacterial properties or protect the skin of the hands from aggressive components. To understand what a means for washing dishes is the best and safest, refer to this article.

First, each mistress should determine for themselves those properties that chemistry must have chemistry. Secondly, we advise you to rely on the list of the most popular options from «Product. Such a list was compiled on the basis of consumer feedback and experts. After reviewing it, as well as reading about the features of each product, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice.

As practice shows, the best liquids and powders are optionally imported. Among Russian production goods also have a lot of worthy specimens, which is confirmed by user ratings.


To determine which products for cleaning and disinfection of kitchen utensils are optimally suitable, it is important to know the range and differences in different types.

In the store you can see such options:

  • liquids;
  • gels;
  • powders;
  • pills;
  • balms;
  • capsules;
  • concentrates that are bred before use;
  • rinsers.

It should be understood with the chemical composition. The ingredients indicate the label before buying should not ignore this information.

Pay attention to the consistency. Too liquid option is not very convenient in operation, and not economical. The presence of sediment is also undesirable.

Gel copies are practical, they give more foam, perfectly dissolved. They are enough for a long time.

Concentrates are expensive, but at the same time they are loved by many. Before use, they are diluted with water (properties from this are not completely lost). As a result, you can achieve a very large volume of fluid. One bought bottle is sometimes enough for 5-6 months.

Powders are suitable for cleaning the burnt dirt, burnt Casans, saucepan and pan, stoves. True, they can scratch the surface and remain in the resulting furrows. Thus, powder particles are not flushed and falling later in food, which can not be allowed.

The general requirements that chemistry must meet for items in contact with food:

  • Efficiency. The product should remove the most different contamination, fat. Ideally, if such properties it retains even in cool water. It is best to take what it works without prior soaking.
  • Safety. No one needs an allergy or, worse, burns in the hands. Hypoallergenicity should be at one of the first places among the criteria of choice.
  • A pleasant fragrance that would not remain on the washed dishes. Agree, I do not want to eat, feeling a chemical smell.
  • Good wash. This is important as in order to get rid of flavors and security. The particles remaining on the kitchen accessories can get into the body and harm him.
  • A sufficient level of adolescence.

Pay attention to the presence of the dispenser. It is much more convenient to use the product with it than without. For one pressing, the optimal amount is extruded, it is easier to control the consumption.

Rating of the best and safest dishwashing agents

Most samples have already been tested by a large number of people. This allows you to draw conclusions and make a list of leaders. The products of the following brands got into it:

AOS Antibacterial

Produced in Russia. Experts call it a record holder in efficiency. Consistency of the product gel-like. It creates a lot of foam, which holds for a long time, and then quickly washed off. There is an antibacterial additive, as well as the ingredient that protects the skin from cutting. It is located in an average price segment, while the cost is well correlated with quality.

Among the minuses should be highlighted with a large concentrate of detergent particles. Because of this, kitchen utensils need to be carefully rinsed.


Among the disadvantages are poor blurred. The smell is bright, which can not like everyone. Daily use is not suitable for each mistress, since the product dries hands.

Organic People

It is manufactured in the form of a gel. All ingredients are natural, created on a vegetable basis. As part of many oils, extracts and glycerin, softening skin. Natural seaside salt is added to thicken the mass. Hazardous chemicals means does not contain.

The consistency is thick, forms a lot of foam. Among the advantages should be noted the lack of dyes. The bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser.

It is impossible to lower the cons. Efficiency is lower than those of analogs containing artificial additives. The cost is high, on the pocket not everyone.

"Eared Nanny"

Liquid is very popular among Russian housewives and primarily mothers. Production domestic. The reduced indicator of anionic surfactants - surfactants (their much less than in Fairy). These chemical compounds are good for cleaning, but high concentration can adversely affect the body. Synthetic dyes does not contain, smells little expressed. Includes an aloe vera extract additive.

Quickly flushes fat from any surfaces, even with plastic. It is not bad for foaming, it is consumed economically - all the benefits are obvious.

The bottle is corrugated, does not slide, easily held with one hand.

It is positioned as a nursery, but also for adult dishes is suitable. Also, the means can be washing toys.


Inexpensive, but at the same time an effective product. The composition is almost identical to the best funds, minus - in a more liquid consistency. From here and low price. Nevertheless, the goods choose many mistresses, because it dissolves the fatty flask in a matter of seconds and cleans kitchen accessories.

The manufacturer is the Kazan firm "NEFIS COSMETTIKS", the same thing that manufactures AOS.

Mama Lemon.

Produced in Japan. In addition to the classic ingredients, it contains a salt-thickener. Due to this, during long-term use, the skin of the hands does not suffer.

It cleans high quality, smells poorly, but nice. Bettleness is not bad. This is a big plus, as it disappears the need to spend a lot of water during rinsing.

Bottle with dispenser, which is convenient to use. The mechanism passes fluid drops.

You can breed with water in proportion one to three. After dilution, the property does not deteriorate.

The cost is not small. Sold not everywhere, you have to search.

Mama Lemon is successfully used for washing floors, other surfaces and wall tiles.

Amway Dish Drops.

Sold in the form of a concentrate. Contains biodegradable surfactants without dangerous ions. This is a plus for both consumer health and environmental.

Washing properties are excellent (even the fatty feeders will clean up), forms enough foam, is perfectly washed off, does not leave divorces. Skin is not dried.

It is necessary to dilute the tool all the time that not everyone likes. It is consumed very economically, but you should not remake with the addition of water - follow the instructions specified on the package.

The cost is high. For 1 liter will have to pay a lot, but it is important to take into account that the liquid will be diluted, in the end it will be quite a lot.


Domestic products that are positioned as a liquid for children's accessories. This is not quite so. The composition has many chemicals, they are not less than in other similar samples. What kind of surfactant are present, do not write on the label.

The thickness is good, the means is foaming. The effectiveness is not bad. Suitable people who do not like sharp smells.

It is worth a lot, while spent quickly, not economically.


Produced in Russia. Contains a large amount of surfactant (up to 30%), so it acts perfectly, copes with the most complex pollution (experts call it a budget analogue of Fairy). At the same time, the goods are not the status of "Eco", but it is effective and is inexpensive. For children's dishes it is better not to use.

It is consumed economically, has antibacterial properties and copes well with unpleasant odors.

Of the minuses, you can note the negative impact on the hands of the hostess.

"Surprise for Cinderella"

Evoids great popularity in our country. It has good foam properties, effectively acts even in cold water. It smells easily, unobtrusive, almost imperceptibly. The consistency is thick, for washing a large amount of dishes enough of several drops.

The disadvantage is considered the absence of a component capable of protecting the skin.


One of the highest quality products of Russian production. To obtain a large volume of foam, you can use only one drop of fluid. Washed off surfaces well. Both for washing and for rinsing, it is permissible to use cold water.

AlphaTechform LLC has released a whole line of products with unusual, pleasant aromatic compositions.

Gel "I was born"

It consists exclusively of natural components and vegetable extracts. is hypoallergenic. That is why it can be bought for cleaning children's tanks. At the same time, do not forget about careful rinsing.

Suitable for plastic. Thick, has a good concentration, foams. Chamomile smell barely catch, quickly dishes.

Minus - no bottle dispenser.

Mommy Care.

It contains anise and citrus aromatic oils - the composition is quite pleasant. The composition is an eco-friendly, soap nuts as an active substance. The absence of strong chemical components, parabens and phthalates are a plus that allows you to use foam even for children's bottles.

It works quite effectively, washed away without effort, it smells easily. The skin is not dried, since it does not contain alcohol and dangerous surfactants.

For all these advantages have to pay extra. The cost is higher than the average market.

"The world of childhood"

Suitable for children's tanks from different materials, since there are no dyes and artificial additives. Aloe extract protects hands from cutting and irritation.

Forms a lot of foam, effectively removes food and fat. It is washed off from items quickly, smells slightly, but aromatization is slightly saved after rinse. Another disadvantage is a continuing dispenser, which can break even before the gel is fully consumed.


Refer to natural biodegradable options. It can be used for tanks that are used both adults and children. The product is well delayed on the sponge, gives a rich foam, while it is washed easily.

It works effectively even in cold water (in hot, of course, more efficiently). Kills bacteria and eliminates an unpleasant smell.

Liquid consistency, colorless. The reason is in the absence of special thickeners and dyes. Consisted economically.

Ehaclean is used for china washing, glass, crystal. Suitable for refrigerator disinfection.

De La Mark.

Gel is created on a natural basis. It acts perfectly, help clean the dishes before the brilliance. It is not foaming hard, easily washed off when rinsed. After myself no flavor.

Harmless for babies, since it does not contain acids, sulfates and chlorine compounds. Skin cover is not dried and not annoying. But it is spent pretty quickly.

Our safety rating allows you to determine which products for cleaning and disinfection of kitchen accessories can be chosen on the shelves of domestic stores or online platforms, such as "product".

If you read this article, it is certainly important for you to ensure not only cleanliness, but also safety for the family during food intake. In this case, we recommend paying attention to the bright dishes from the brand "Cool Miracle", which can be found in our catalog. Original mugs, plates and whole sets are capable not only to raise the mood, but also awaken appetite.

What you should remember during washing

Whatever modern, environmental and improved chemistry, it will still affect the body, so you need to handle it carefully.

In particular, it is worth putting on gloves during washing. So the skin of the hands will definitely be protected. In such an equipment, you can easily apply aggressive samples, designed for the fatty fat in frying languages.

Do not forget to rinse clean accessories well. No matter how natural goods are, it is better that even microparticles do not get into food.

What to buy for dishwasher

Special products have been created for devices. It is released in the form of tablets, liquids and powders. We present you a rating in which the best and safest detergents for washing dishes with the use of equipment are collected:

Calgonit FINISH.

It is spilled in large capacity, at least 1.3 liters. This volume is enough for about 5 months. For the family, it is advantageous to purchase a lot of gel at once and do not follow it for a long time. If few objects are loaded into the dishwasher, you can pour less fluid and, thus, save.

The product quickly and easily eliminates pollution, does not leave divorce on glass products.

The minus is that you have to buy a large number at once, and this is financially consumed.


Available in powder with tricolor granules. It has a slight chemical smell. Excellent copes with fat. Does not require the use of the rinse.

Contains ingredients protecting equipment from scale formation. Pretty economical.

Disadvantage: leaves footprints on glass utensils. Also to ill-conceived moments include cardboard packaging. It can be accidentally soaked, which will damage the box and the products itself.

Frosch Soda.

Produced in tablets. There are options for manual washing. It is manufactured in Germany. His advantages - naturalness, hypoallergenicity and efficiency. The aroma is little tangible, his remnants will quickly disperse. Includes oils that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Another advantage is that the detergent does not harm the environment, safe for health. After use, you do not need to do careful rinsing. It can be safely used in the family with children.

Does not provoke the appearance of scale, as it contains ingredients that prevent it.

As minus you can note the high cost. However, the principle of "price - quality" is observed.


We hope that after reading the article you managed to determine for yourself which detergent for dishes is better and safer. We advise you to further watch the video on this topic.

Olga Nikitin

Reading time: 7 minutes


Surely you, like most families, there is a bottle with a dishwashing agent. Want to know what means for washing dishes is more popular with the owners, and what do they think about the detergents offered in our market?

See also:

  1. Tools for dishes Myth and Fairy from Procter & Gamble
    Washing detergents for the dishes of the international concern Procter & Gamble are widespread - such as the "Myth" and Fairy. They are available at the price: 1000ml Fari bottle can be bought at the price of 115 rubles, and 0, 5l "Myth" - from 30 rubles.

    Manufacturers offer them with various fragrances. For example, with the smell of lemon, orange, berries, apples. In a wide range of products for dishes, you can find such where Vitamin E is added, chamomile extract to protect your hands.
    The German company Werner & Mertz GmbH is a manufacturer of a well-known means for washing dishes "frosch" - offers lemon and grenade balms, which dissolve fat and remove the dirt using fat-solvents obtained from the outer shell of the lemon and garnet extract.

    Caring for the skin of the hands takes on the scarlet faith. The components of this means for dishes are from 5 to 15% anionic surfactants, ampholite seals and less than 5% of uninogenous surfactants.
    For the half-liter bottle of such a means you need to pay 190 - 200 rubles.
    But, according to consumers, consumption of funds are minimal, so it is enough for a long time: 4ml means on 5 liters of water.
  3. Peumolux and PRIL - Washing Tools from Henkel
    Henkel supplies Pimolux and Pril dishes. "PRIL" -dimatologically tested with a pH is a neutral means, effectively fights fat pollution and has no dyes. It does not dry and does not irritate the skin of the hands, has a comfortable cap for the dosage of the means. The components of the Aloe - Vera does not disrupt the protective layer of the skin.

    Consumption: on 5 liters of water - 1 teaspoon means. The advantage is that it is not expensive, but it works as expensive. 1l PRIL costs 140 rubles.
  4. Detergent for dishes Eared nanny from Nevsky cosmetics
    Nevskaya cosmetics is not inferior in quality to Western manufacturers. "Eashable nanny" - a means for dishes, loved to many, especially young mommies who care about the health of children and when washing children's dishes.

    The tool is made without dyes, it works in cold water, it does not cause irritation in the hands and is completely washed off from the dishes.
    Polite bottle of "Eared Nanny" for dishes costs 450 rubles.
  5. AOs, Sorti, Biolan - Detergents for dishes from NEFIS Cosmetics
    NEFIS Cosmetics enterprise owned such already well-known trademarks "AOS", "Sorti", Biolan. The main direction of the trademark "AOS" is tools for washing dishes.

    Many Russian hostesses consider this tool as the best. The secret of success - in proven facts. A record of the unique formula of Records recorded in the book of Records of Russia proves that one bottle "AOS" is enough to move 9664 plates.
    The tool is perfectly foaming, it is easily washed off, does not leave the divorces, contains caring balms for hands and vitamins.
    500ml means cost 160 rubles.
  6. DOSIA dishwashing detergent from Reckitt Benckiser
    Reckitt Benckiser - a well-known worldwide company selling goods for a home in more than 60 countries offers a detergent for DOSIA dishes.
    It includes: surfactant, mineral salt, alkali - to combat pollution. Dyes - for the appropriate color, complexing agents - to soften water, sodium laureetsulfate - for the formation of foam.

    To protect your hands from negative impact, glycerin, natural hoods from plants, aloe - faith are added to the remedy.
    0.5 liter concentrated means "DOSIA" costs 34 rubles.
  7. Morning Fresh dishwashing agent
    A lot of positive feedback received a means for washing dishes "Morning Fresh". 900ml. Funds can be bought for 60 - 90 rubles.

    It consists of water, fragrances, 15-30% surfactant (anionic), dyes and preservatives. It foams well, protects hands.
  8. Detergent for dishes lazuli from TM Stork
    "Lazurit" is a means for washing dishes from crystal, faience, glasses, porcelain, plastics and ceramics. This means represented by TM Stork is manufactured by the one developed in 2002. The newest development allows, according to the application of the manufacturer, to win fat and protect your hands.

    The tool is specifically designed for dry and sensitive skin: vitamin F - heals microcracks and softens the skin, and aloe extract - prevents moisture loss.
    500ml. Funds will cost 35 rubles.

And what modern detergents for dishes do you prefer? It is very important for us to know your opinion!