Repair Design Furniture

Gas signaling devices in the boiler room. Features of installation and rules for using a household gas alarm Gas alarms for a boiler room

Completion of the control system with a shut-off valve and a gas concentration sensor for gas boiler enterprises and private houses during gasification (re-equipment of the boiler room). Mounting, commissioning works systems of automatic control of gas pollution in the Moscow region. Maintenance, repair, adjustment, replacement of alarms, СН4 and СО sensors, gas shut-off valves, system control units, automated gas systems, fire safety.

Annual maintenance agreement, SRO admission, delineation act, certification of specialists.

For legal entities, a maintenance agreement for an OPS with a license from the Ministry of Emergencies.

For specialists of gas companies: if you have a project list of gas equipment for the gas and fire safety system, after calling the office, please fill out an application for the supply of equipment and components for the gas control system. In the case when the gas safety system has already been installed on its own, it is better to order commissioning and a maintenance contract for the automatic gas control system in conjunction with the delineation act and other documents for the gas utility trust.

For owners of private houses and apartments: To obtain a contract, the annual maintenance of the gas contamination sensor when supplying gas to a residential building in the Moscow region and New Moscow must have a solenoid valve installed on the internal gas pipeline in the boiler room. The application for installation and commissioning of the gas contamination system is ordered by calling the telephone on duty.

If you wish to use the gas control system as optional equipment in a private house or apartment, it is necessary to call our specialist to the object for measurements, and then for installation and commissioning. Please call the company for a quick solution to this issue.

We conclude contracts for the annual service and maintenance of gas control systems with combustible gas.

In our specialized organization You can always order a full range of technical measures related to gas pollution control at various gas supply facilities in Moscow and the Moscow Region. Primary and annual engineering works with a gas pollution control system at your facility.

We are representatives of gas equipment for gas control of all Russian manufacturers, as well as leading foreign manufacturing plants with Rostekhnadzor permits and certification for Russian market.

Types of work for drawing up estimate documentation:

  • Verification of STG gas contamination control devices;
  • Design work for gas supply to the facility;
  • Installation work of gas contamination alarms SZ 2;
  • Commissioning of CO gas contamination control systems;
  • Warranty for equipment Belt, Citron 2 years;
  • Maintenance of equipment for monitoring the gas contamination of the SOU;
  • Contract for commissioning and maintenance of SAKZ;
  • Repair, installation of operating parameters of sensors, replacement of equipment;
  • Repair of the gas contamination indicator SZ 1;
  • Departure of a specialist to troubleshoot the CO, CH4 monitoring system;
  • Installation of household methane gas contamination sensors in the boiler room and other premises;
  • Installation and commissioning works in the production premises of enterprises.
  • Installation work in industrial premises with a ceiling height of more than 5 meters.
  • Installation of wire lines to control the gas control system.

For residents of private households, apartment buildings and housing and communal services organizations, we recommend the installation of sensors for gas contamination with natural gas together with a shut-off valve in apartments and cottages where it is operated gas equipment.

These security and warning systems are installed with apartment gas heating or in the presence of one gas stove in the apartment or in the country. The security of apartment buildings and townhouses is in your hands and under the control of gas threshold analysis systems.

Service for individuals and organizations. Quality work for 20 years!

The contract for the maintenance of the gas contamination sensor and the gas shut-off valve is issued after installation and commissioning at the facility. Instructions on the safety rules and operation of the gas control system for responsible persons are mandatory.

The cost of work and a maintenance contract, the price of equipment is specified at the current time in the company's office or with an engineer on duty technical service.

Gas sensors are serviced by specialized enterprises

Equipment for automatic control systems for gas contamination with flammable gases, carbon monoxide provided by our company has permission from Rostekhnadzor for operation on the territory Russian Federation; the operation of this gas equipment is confirmed by the relevant certificates. The company's specialists carry out a complete set of gasification facilities for the projected gas and fire safety, warning systems and control of penetration into the boiler room of a private house or building.

Installation, commissioning and maintenance of automatic gas control systems are carried out by the company's engineers who have the appropriate certification of the commission and approvals of Rostekhnadzor. Gas alarm, shut-off valves and other gas control equipment for safe use combustible gases in boiler rooms, presented by Russian and imported production.

The cost of these gas systems, devices with installation, commissioning and service, please check with the company's office at the current time. Pre-submit applications for consideration of project documentation for gasification of your facility, which is the basis for processing information on the gas project and preliminary estimate.

Maintenance and repair of equipment for automatic gas control

Repair and calibration (adjustment), replacement and maintenance of the gas control system for individuals (private houses) and legal entities(enterprises) is carried out on the basis of the initial commissioning contract and service gas equipment. In the future, the contract for the maintenance of the gas safety system in a residential building or boiler room of an enterprise is being extended.

Urgent engineer calls or instrumentation locksmith for the repair of the gas contamination indicator or replacement (calibration) of the СН4 or СО sensor, the shut-off solenoid valve, the control unit are accepted from the company's customers in Moscow, new Moscow and the Moscow region, and directly for the category of customers whose gas supply has stopped due to a trunk leak fuel. In this case, a shut-off solenoid valve was triggered and the internal gas pipeline in a residential building was closed. Customers with a maintenance contract have priority in the general flow of applications in winter time years when the urgency of the call is necessary for basic security purposes. For proper maintenance, the renewal schedule for maintenance of SAKZ, SGG-6M, SEITRON, BELT and other warning systems should be observed.

If you have a contract for the annual maintenance of the combustible gas analyzer and the solenoid shut-off valve, to call the gas safety engineer, inform the company office of the number and date of the contract. In the absence of a contract, provide the address of the location of the object, contact phone number, the name of the gas sensor for targeted diagnostics and repair of the gas control circuit in a private house. Follow the instructions from the office of a specialized organization or from the control room before the specialist arrives at home.

We kindly request that after detecting a malfunction in the gas monitoring system of an individual house, ensure the ventilation mode in the premises, open the windows and doors of the housing construction for the inflow and outflow of air. Wait for the gas engineer, do not try to use gas equipment or repair gaseous fuel leakage control systems yourself. Do not include electrical devices and lighting in a home or boiler room of an enterprise. Do not use mobile phones and other electronic devices inside the building, as this can lead to irreversible consequences. Do not use open fire and cars near the object of danger at the time of the accident of the automatic gas control.

Gas control systems are a very specific set of gas appliances and the independent purchase of such equipment is sometimes problematic due to the lack of proper technical or design information.

Save your own time, especially for representatives of commercial companies from the regions who send their subordinates to buy equipment hundreds of kilometers away without the corresponding project documents or technical passports of the existing boiler equipment. Gas shut-off valves of large diameters over 50 mm with a nominal bore of 65, 80, 100, 150 mm are supplied by prior request, since such equipment is not available in Moscow and the Moscow region.

There are times when the shut-off solenoid valve is suitable in diameter, but not suitable for operation electrical circuit connections. Some of the equipment for gas control systems is made according to a special order, which has a technical task, deadlines, responsible persons for the execution of the order and compliance with the norms and instilled in this industry. All applications for the implementation of services for installation, commissioning, maintenance and supply of equipment for automatic gas control systems are carried out with 100% advance payment with the preparation of the necessary documents.

Obtaining technical advice on gas safety systems in in electronic format or by phone - the most the best way solving the assigned tasks when supplying gas to the facility and passing approvals in compliance with all norms, rules and requirements of the relevant supervision services.

For construction and installation organizations that are engaged in gasification of facilities, information on the installation of gas control systems (if you decide to do it yourself) is provided upon request. Shut-off valve, flammable gas warning device, warning device carbon monoxide etc., it is better to install after agreement with our specialists, who, upon completion installation works will carry out commissioning, that is, the first start-up of the entire system.

If you need advice on electronic circuits work of the gas safety system ( various production), connection diagrams, please contact us, we are always ready to provide technical support to our colleagues.

Applications for the purchase (complete set), installation, commissioning and maintenance of automated gas safety control systems should be sent to the mail of the official website or call the office of our company at the specified phone numbers.

Thank you for reading this information!

It is almost impossible to imagine a normal comfortable life without gas equipment in the house. The use of gas appliances allows us to heat rooms, cook food, and provide homes with hot water. And all these devices can be potentially dangerous - a gas leak is possible, which can cause fire or poisoning of people. To prevent these accidents, gas detectors are installed - devices for monitoring the level of combustible gases in the air. The devices notify about the leakage by sound and light signal, which can save lives, health of people, property.

Types of gas alarms and their functions

Gas level alarms are used in household premises, in furnaces, boiler rooms, at industrial facilities. Depending on their purpose, there are household and industrial ones. The first ones set the degree of gas content and are triggered if the gas concentration exceeds the specified parameters. The latter have a more complex design and represent whole complexes of sensors and control panels for measuring and displaying the concentration of gases in the air. Domestic gas alarms can monitor the concentration of carbon monoxide, propane and methane.

Multi-channel gas detector can be installed to detect methane and carbon monoxide

The instruments can detect the presence of several gases in the air, such as carbon monoxide and methane. Such models are well suited for installation in rooms where it is installed heating equipment... Devices can differ in the type of power supply. The most commonly used signaling devices are 220 V.

Gas detectors can be automatic or manual. Gas level measurements are based on different principles:

  • physical method of analysis;
  • physical method of analysis with physical reactions;
  • physical method of analysis with physicochemical reactions.

In addition to providing a sound and light signal about a gas level exceeding a specified one, household alarms can perform other functions:

  • to ensure the actuation of an electromagnetic shut-off valve that blocks the flow of gas;
  • the ability to connect a relay that controls exhaust fan, an annunciator sending to control room special signal, and other devices;
  • the ability to connect additional equipment;
  • autonomous power supplies;
  • self-diagnostic function, providing information about the status of the device and its elements.

The memory function of some models will be very useful in order to save the measurement results.

Some types of alarms detect the level of several gases in the air. Such models are called combined

Gas detector mounting technology

You can install a household gas alarm with your own hands. It is necessary to determine the location of the sensor, install it and supply power, and then connect additional equipment. detailed instructions for installation and connection diagram are indicated in the passport of a specific device. The location of the gas detector is determined in advance - even at the design stage of the gasification system.

Experts remind: when installing a gas detector, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements of regulatory documents. This issue is regulated by the relevant clauses of such normative acts:

  • Federal Law N 384-FZ;
  • SNiP 42-01-2002;
  • SP 62.13330.2011;
  • SP 41-108-2004.

If in doubt own forces, there is not enough knowledge to choose a place to place the sensor, it is better to invite gas workers.

When installing gas alarms, you must follow the instructions, building codes and regulations.

The signaling device is installed in places where a gas leak is most likely - next to a boiler, a gas water heater for hot water supply, a meter, kitchen stove... The maximum distance from the sensor to the gas equipment is 4 m. It is prohibited to place the devices in the following places:

  • near sources of open fire, gas burners, ovens; the distance must be at least 1 m;
  • near places that can generate droplets of grease, dust particles, steam or ash;
  • near windows, uninsulated chimneys or ventilation;
  • near paints and varnishes, solvents, combustible and fuel materials.

When determining the installation height of the signaling device, it is necessary to take into account the type of device, since sensors that react to different gases (CH4, C3H8, CO) determine the density of air and gas. You should focus on the following distances:

  • for a sensor that detects CO (carbon monoxide) - 1.8 m above the floor, but not lower than 0.3 m to the ceiling;
  • C3H8 (propane) - maximum 0.5 m from the floor, and if there are any noticeable depressions, care must be taken to install an additional sensor;
  • CH4 (methane) - 0.5 m from the ceiling;
  • CH4 and CO (combined) - 0.3 m-0.5 m to the ceiling.

The mounting method may differ depending on the model, but, as a rule, household gas alarms are fixed with dowels. Usually, special holes are provided in the housing for installing sensors. Before installation, be sure to carefully read the product passport.

The passport of each model indicates the temperatures at which the device can be used. Long-term storage at low temperatures can affect the performance of the alarm. To restore it, you need to leave the device indoors for 3-4 hours at room temperature... The manuals for some CO alarms describe the procedure for restoring the zero threshold. It usually takes a few minutes.

Pay special attention to temperature regime operation, in some cases it is necessary to withstand the device at room temperature

Why are solenoid shut-off valves needed?

These are devices that allow you to quickly shut off the gas supply in the event of a gas signal. The valves are installed at the gas pipeline inlet. Devices may differ in diameter, power supply, and the type of the valve itself. The last criterion is especially important.

A distinction is made between normally open and normally closed valves. Normally open is also called pulse, because an electrical signal is sent to the coil of such a valve only at the moment the device is triggered. The coil of a normally closed valve is energized at the moment of opening, and cut-off occurs when the voltage is lost.

Domestic models are easier to maintain and repair than foreign counterparts

In everyday life, it is most rational to use normally open valve operating from a 220 V network. In the event of a power outage, the device does not work, which allows you to use gas appliances that do not depend on electricity without restrictions. When open, the valve does not require power consumption to operate.

Like all devices, the normally open valve has some limitations in its use. It is undesirable to install it together with a gas sensor that automatically checks its outputs every time the power is turned on. The device will be triggered at these moments. Therefore, even before buying a valve, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the features of its operation. Basic information is indicated in the documentation for the device.

Do-it-yourself installation and connection of the shut-off valve is not allowed. This type of work should be performed only by specialized organizations that have the appropriate permits.

Correct maintenance of gas detectors

The household gas alarm is easy to operate and does not need any special maintenance. The care that should be taken is minimal and consists of regularly wiping down the device to remove dust, dirt, cobwebs. It is important to ensure that dust does not accumulate and does not enter the sensor housing through the grill.

The signaling devices are checked every year. Self-verification using "grandmother's methods", for example, by supplying a 100% gas mixture from a lighter or other device to the sensor, is unacceptable. Such checks sometimes end in failure of the sensor's sensitive element. It is necessary to provide metrological verification by specialists. The service is paid, and this should be taken into account in advance.

If a malfunction of the gas control system is detected, ensure good ventilation in the room and call the gas service. Until the arrival of a specialist, do not turn on electrical appliances or use an open fire.

Experts recommend giving preference to domestic-made gas alarms, since if the device needs to be replaced, they are cheaper than imported counterparts when buying and repairing. In addition, repairs are usually faster.

A household gas alarm is a simple and inexpensive device that almost everyone can afford. There is practically no hassle with its maintenance, you just need to check the device in a timely manner and wipe it from dust. This simple device may one day save your life and the lives of people you care about. Ask yourself whether it is worth installing a signaling device - and the answer is likely to be yes.

Gas supply has become part of our life. Gas is used to heat houses and entire residential complexes, not to mention industrial applications. The gases used - methane, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon monoxide formed during the combustion of solid fuels, are explosive, some of them are toxic, therefore it is very important to control the state of the gas networks. For these purposes they serve gas control sensors premises.

Types of devices

Through gas sensor it is possible to register the excess of the norm of the content of one or another gaseous component in the air or its presence. The device includes a gas sensor (gas analyzer). It converts the measured concentration of a substance into an electrical signal (or another type of signal), which allows you to register and visualize this signal. The main characteristics of a gas sensor are:

  • the degree of selectivity (selectivity) for an individual substance;
  • the rate of reaction (response) to fluctuations in the concentration of a substance;
  • limits for determining the concentration of a substance.

Recording devices are part of special systems - signaling devices, in common tasks which includes:

  1. Continuous automatic control of the concentration of installed gases in the air;
  2. Receiving signals about malfunction or emergency from an external device;
  3. Generation of an alarm signal when the gas content is registered above the norm.
  4. Abnormal interruption of the component supply.

The measuring instruments that make up the signaling devices differ in their principles of operation. In industrial premises, devices of the following types are installed:

  1. Electrochemical- works on the basis of an electrochemical three-electrode sensor placed in a container with electrolyte.
  2. Semiconductor- is a silicon substrate with a heating film deposited on it.
  3. Infrared (optical)- operates on the basis of the principle of absorption of infrared rays.
  4. Thermochemical- works on the basis of the principle of heat release during gas oxidation.
  5. Photoionization- acts on the basis of ionization of a gas molecule ultraviolet radiation when passing through the sensor.
  6. Linear gas sensor measures the gas content and converts it into a linear analog signal for output to a visualization device.

Widely used optical gas sensor on a par with semiconductor and electrochemical.

Gas alarm sensor by the type of execution it can be:

  • stationary - fixed motionlessly;
  • portable - powered by a built-in battery.

Design room gas sensors executed in accordance with GOST 12.2.007-75 (last revised on 18.10.2016) “Occupational safety standards system. Electrical products. General safety requirements ".

Selection of installation locations for devices

Equipping industrial premises with gas contamination sensors should be carried out in coordination with the management of the enterprise on the basis of guidelines and methodological documents. For industrial halls placement of gas sensors regulated by the methodology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry VSN 64-86.

According to this methodology, a list of hazardous, explosive and fire hazardous substances is drawn up for each production site or workshop, the leakage of which is possible during the implementation of specific technological processes. For each substance, the lower flammable concentration limit (LEL) and the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the working space must be indicated.

Moreover, installation of gas sensors It is carried out on the basis of the installation manual of the plant attached to the signaling devices and the standards of the "Rules for the Installation of Electrical Installations (PUE-76)".

In order to carry out automatic control over the content of fire hazardous components, the measuring instruments are fixed at a certain level. You should also take into account the density of the gaseous component relative to air, corrected for the ambient temperature:

  1. If the relative density of the gas is less than unity, the measuring device is mounted at a level of 50-70 cm relative to the potential source of the leak.
  2. If the relative density of the gas is in the range from 1.0 to 1.5, the device is mounted at the level of the location of the potential source of leakage or under it, but no further than 70 cm.
  3. If the relative density of the gas is more than 1.5, the device is mounted at a level not exceeding 50 cm relative to the floor.

To control the concentration of methane in the working area with a concentrated source, the measuring instruments are installed at a level of 50-70 cm above the source. If the sources of methane emission in the room are dispersed, installation height of gas sensors depends on the potential location of the highest gas concentration, most often its value is set equal to 50-60 cm below top floor... The same principles are used during installation. sensor of gas content for hydrogen.

In order to control harmful substances, devices are placed at a height of 100-150 cm relative to the floor or production site in areas where it is possible for workers to be found.

If during the technological process the simultaneous release of various hazardous substances is possible, the height of the placement of control devices depends on the density of the substance, for which the proportion of the percentage of the substance in the mixture and the lower concentration limit flame spread (NKPR) is the highest.

Installation of control devices in the boiler room

The boiler room is a technical room where the heating agent is heated on special equipment and transferred to consumers through the pipe network.

Currently, boiler houses are switching to gaseous fuels, but liquid and solid heat carriers are still used, as a result of heating which gases are released. Due to the use of combustible substances in the work, the space of the boiler rooms is equipped appropriately for the timely prevention of emergencies due to gas leaks and the prompt elimination of the consequences of such accidents.

The main components, the leakage of which is observed during the operation of the heating equipment of boiler houses, are carbon monoxide and methane. Carbon monoxide is a very toxic substance, a significant excess of its concentration in the workspace can lead to human poisoning and death. Methane is highly explosive. An excess of its concentration in the air at the slightest sharp violation of the air environment leads to destructive consequences.

Rules for installing gas sensors in a boiler room are regulated by guidelines for the control over the content of methane and carbon monoxide in the working space of boiler rooms.

In order to control the concentration of gases in boiler rooms, measuring control devices. Gas sensors in the boiler room are placed at the rate of one unit per 200 sq. m. working area. If the area of ​​the working room is less than this value, there must be at least one device in it.

Methane gas concentration sensor installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the gas device and 10 cm from the ceiling. The number of measuring instruments also depends on the number of possible gas accumulation points. CO gas contamination sensor(carbon monoxide) should be located at a height of 150-180 cm relative to the floor in the personnel access area and at the entrance to the boiler room.

It is allowed to use one device that measures the concentration of both gases, or two monogas devices for separate control over each component.

In automated boiler rooms, the signal from the measuring device must be output to the control panel in the control room.

The distance from the gas concentration control device to the air inlet must be at least 2 m. The devices must be protected from moisture and dust.

Installation of a gas contamination sensor assumes the presence of a shut-off valve, which is located at the inlet of the gas pipeline to the boiler room. Gas content sensor in the boiler room and shut-off valve are a system - a highly sensitive sensor, built into the device, detects changes in the concentration of a substance in the air, and the gas line is shut off by means of a valve. The valve is automatically triggered when an alarm is received from a measuring instrument in the event of a gas leak and in the event of an increase in pressure in the gas main or a decrease in voltage in the network in the event of equipment malfunction.

Installation rules in production

Rules for installing gas sensors in the premises industrial production assumes the placement of gas analyzers in the most possible places of leakage or gas accumulation. First of all, these are pumping and compressor rooms, warehouses of combustible materials (one device is installed for each individual pump or compressor (group of pumps or compressors)).

The levels of multi-storey industrial buildings with discontinuous floors are considered as separate rooms... The number of control devices in each of them is calculated according to the same principle as for boiler rooms - at least 1 unit per 200 sq. M. area or one room of a smaller area.

If a large volume of flammable or explosive materials can enter the room, at the discretion of the developers, the emergency equipment system includes:

  • warning alarm;
  • emergency ventilation;
  • manual or automatic (full or partial) shutdown of equipment upon reaching gas concentration values ​​of more than 50% LEL.

Devices of gas analyzers for sampling in order to control the MPC of harmful and hazardous gaseous components in the air of working rooms are installed no higher than 2 m from the floor level. The installation height of analyzers that collect information on the concentration of several substances is calculated according to the density of the component having the highest value of the proportion of its concentration in the mixture and LEL.

The construction materials of the devices must be resistant to corrosion. Gas supply structures should not change the composition of the analyzed substances passing through them. Also, gas analyzers must comply with explosion protection requirements in order to exclude air ignition both outside the device and inside the supply pipes.

Alarm signaling should be sound and light. In automated rooms with periodic maintenance, it is installed at the entrance, in other cases - in the field of visibility of the working personnel. Also, alarm equipment is installed in dispatching and operator stations.

Ensure good visibility of the alarm signal among the working lights, usually accompanying the technological processes... Extinguishing devices alarms in the access zone service personnel it is forbidden to install.

Installation rules in a residential building

Accommodation household gas sensor in a residential building - independent decision owner. The normative and technical documentation does not provide for the mandatory equipment of residential premises with gas analyzers.

In residential buildings are mounted gas sensors for home for natural gas. The devices are mounted in utility rooms, outbuildings, basements or basement floors... The system power must exceed 60 kW.

If the room contains gas meters, pressure regulating devices, there are detachable connections, access to them is limited in order to exclude the entry of unauthorized persons.

If the removal of combustion products is supposed to be carried out directly into the room, it will additionally have:

  • carbon monoxide monitor;
  • light and sound alarm;
  • equipment for automatic shutdown of gas supply devices.

Household control devices are designed to only record the excess of the standards for the content of harmful components in the air and report it. If gas equipment is used to heat the house, it is advisable to install combined devices control, measuring simultaneously the concentration of several substances.

Using the information from the passport of the device, you can set natural gas sensor on one's own. The installation locations are indicated in the design documentation for the house. The general rule of thumb is that the device is mounted on vertical wall at a horizontal distance not further than 4 m from gas equipment in places of the highest possible concentration of gases. Connecting gas sensors according to the scheme indicated in his passport.

During installation, it is necessary to minimize the ingress of dust, moisture, soot, grease, and running air on the device body.

Methane concentration control devices are mounted at a height of 50 cm from the ceiling or less, propane - no higher than 50 cm from the floor, carbon monoxide - higher than 1.8 m from the floor and below 30 cm from the ceiling, combined - at a height of 30-50 cm from the ceiling ...

Gas sensors for home can be installed in a system with shut-off (electromagnetic shut-off) valves. Installation requirements gas sensor and shut-off valve differ - if the device itself can be installed independently, to mount the valve, you must contact a service licensed in this area.


The maintenance of gas analyzing systems operating in industrial premises is carried out by specialized organizations. The personnel involved in the service must be certified in accordance with the regulatory documents (Federal Law No. 116 of 22.06.2007 and PB 12-529-03 clause 5.7.10, clause 5.7.11).

In the course of maintenance work, the serviceability of the operation of measuring instruments, shut-off valves is checked, the connections of the valve structure are checked for tightness. At the end of the service, an act of completed work is drawn up, which indicates the results of the check.

Service of gas sensors includes mandatory metrological verification. The verification time and frequency are indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation for the device. If such data are not available, verification is carried out every six months or a year, depending on the production profile, in the premises of which the gas analyzers are installed.

It is forbidden to put into operation the device if they have:

  • the verification period has expired;
  • there is damage;
  • there is no stamp (seal).

After the expiration of the service period of the gas analyzer, its diagnostics are carried out in order to determine the possibility of its further use.

Thus, gas concentration control devices are a solution to the safety issue not only in production, but also in residential premises. Their timely maintenance and verification will maximize the anticipation of emergencies.

Any room in which gas equipment is used must be checked for the level of concentration of gas combustion products in the air. To measure this parameter and ensure safe environment in everyday life and in industry, a special device is used - a gas contamination sensor. What kind of device it is, what functions it performs, is disclosed in the article.

What is a gas sensor

It is a high-precision measuring device designed for the continuous automatic control of the amount of hazardous gases in the air. Gas level alarms are used in industrial, domestic and municipal premises.

They are produced as a separate device that can be placed autonomously in a suitable place. There are also signaling devices included in the kit for the shut-off valves.

The device is equipped with an analyzer capable of reacting to changes in the concentration of certain gases. Different sensors are used to measure the amount of gas in a medium. They instantly react to an increase in the concentration of gases emanating from gas appliances. At a high level of gas contamination, the sensor gives light and danger.

Modern sensor models are equipped with a liquid crystal display on which the measured values ​​are displayed. Built-in memory allows you to record the received data and store all measurement results.

The display also shows information about the operability of the device and existing faults. This function allows you to change worn parts in a timely manner.

Types of gas detectors

Gas pollution control sensors are divided into two main types: household and industrial. Household alarms provide a number of reactions to an excess of the set gas concentration parameter. The main tasks of an industrial sensor are measuring and displaying gas content indicators on the display. Industrial devices are used to solve more severe problems and are often used in conjunction with a control panel, to which a signal from gas sensors is supplied.

According to the type of gas being measured, the following alarms are distinguished:

  1. Methane.
  2. Propane.
  3. For measuring or carbon monoxide.
  4. Combined multicomponent.

By installation method gas sensors there are:

  1. Stationary - they work only from the mains and are located near the power source.
  2. Portable - power is supplied from the built-in battery.

Functionality of gas sensors

The gas level sensor is a multifunctional device and has the following capabilities:

  1. Sound and light notification. If the device reacted to gas contamination, its indicator lights up and a loud sound signal is triggered.
  2. Possibility of connecting a gas shut-off valve.
  3. Relay output for connecting additional electrical devices: a separate annunciator, fan, mechanism for a fireman or dispatching console.
  4. Built-in autonomous power supplies.

Installation features

The installation of a gas concentration sensor depends on the type of device and is carried out subject to certain rules. The installation of a household alarm can be carried out independently, following the manufacturer's instructions. Each sensor model comes with a passport with a device installation diagram.

When choosing a place for the device, it is better to contact the gas service representatives for help. They know the regulations and can choose the right place.

Usually, gas alarms are placed on the wall near appliances that operate on gas (near a column, gas stove, boiler and meter). Distance between sensor and gas appliance should not exceed 4 meters.

How not to install a gas sensor:

  1. Less than 1 meter from ovens and gas burners.
  2. In dusty places.
  3. Close to windows or ventilation ducts.
  4. Near storage places for gasoline, paints, solvents.
  5. Near uninsulated chimneys.

Industrial alarms are installed by gas specialists using a special technology.

Gas alarms for boiler room

Boilers and other heating devices run on liquid, gaseous and solid fuels, when burned, excess methane and carbon monoxide may appear in industrial premises. This threatens personnel poisoning and an explosive situation. Gas sensors in the boiler room allow timely detection of high concentration of gases and prevent emergencies... All boiler rooms must be supplied with gas control alarms in compliance with the following requirements:

  • the sensor must work continuously;
  • the sensitivity of the device must be selective;
  • the presence of an emergency ventilation on / off program in the device until the concentration of methane and carbon monoxide reaches the normal value;
  • alarms from several devices must be connected to a common console;
  • availability of a certificate of conformity to GOST;
  • the appliance must be of a safe design and have the longest possible service life.

Gas sensor cost

A gas detector can be purchased in every specialty store. The price of this device depends on the brand and functionality. Thus, a household alarm for propane or methane produced by Promgazenergo costs almost 1.5 thousand rubles. An automatic gas contamination sensor from PKF Energosystems costs about 6 thousand rubles. It can be used in domestic and industrial areas. The price for imported models can exceed 10 thousand rubles.