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Advantages of houses from a combined bar. Houses from the glued bar The device of houses from the combined bar. Combination of wood and foam concrete

The technology of wooden house-building over time develops and adopt progressive forms, as the pace and realities of life make the creators look for new ways of perfection of a comfortable stay. The main qualities of forever the heat and ecological cleanliness of housing remain forever. By combining these advantages, manufacturers offer their potential customers a combination of monolith and wood, as well as absolute innovation - a combined bar. Detailed about it below.

The essence and dignity of the material

The combined product is glued lamellas, like elite pressed wood. But the interlayer between the elements is the extruded polystyrene foam - the best insulation in his class. The advantages of the new building material is obvious:

  1. Facilitate the object as a whole. If we consider that the glue wood is sufficiently heavy and requires special conditions for the foundation and other nuances, then the houses from the combined bar are lighter twice in comparison with the same project without the participation of the weightless layer. This is a big benefit to the desire to arrange a house of any storey or to reduce the construction due to the simple little fondament.
  2. Ecology. The composition of raw materials includes polystyrene foam, which does not interact with moisture, does not excrete toxic substances in a calm state, there is no smell, harmful to the environment, uninteresting rodents. Therefore, it is possible to recognize a combination of wood and styrene - ecological. If we talk about glue, then its number is not much and not essential - he does not threaten allergies.
  3. The heat capacity of the object. Based on the fact that the 5-centimeter polystyrene layer is equivalent to 2.5 m brickwork, then, one can say, at home from a combined insulated timber, the only ones that do not need additional insulation.

From the last item, it follows that an additional plus innovation is an external and inner view. Wood with its structure remains in the first rows of designer techniques. Since additional finishes are not required, then the owner will receive a truly traditional house - the drawing of different breeds is unique, and no longer need to hide it for decorative coatings.

Combined buildings - Monolith and wood

Not new, but also at the peak of popularity Construction - houses combined from blocks and timber. The bottom - the base and the first floor is performed from cellular foam concrete, the second tier and the cushionable space, respectively, from wood. The advantages are as follows:

Disadvantages of the material is - poor interaction with moisture, if low-quality blocks are applied. The need for cladding is some options are non-primable. But, nevertheless, projects of such houses enjoy deserved attention.

The device of houses from a combined bar. Combination of wood and foam concrete

The construction of the described objects requires an understanding of the processes. An independent device is possible at all stages. Therefore, detailed descriptions of each option are given below.

Warm glue timber:

  • As in any construction, the process begins with the design. By contacting the Design Bureau for the planning option or with its own sketches, the future owner will receive detailed advice and comments. But, most importantly, everything will be documented and permissions are obtained.
  • Build houses combined from the glue bar follows the same scheme as everyone else - the choice of the foundation, the construction of the walls, the rafter system, finish. Due to the fact that the construction is simplified by the lack of insulation, the speed increases, the need disappears in deep monolith.

Therefore, the basis for such objects may well be piles or a low-breasted tape. These options are given a short time on the shrinkage, after which you can not slow the walls.

  • Bearing structures are carried out with a mandatory compaction of interventorystone, that is, as if it were with an ordinary logberian. At the end, the house is left for shrinkage, and after carrying out caulking. These measures are designed to prevent drafts into the formed clearances in the mobility of the soil.
  • It remains to work the truss system. All elements can also be from a warmed bar. The attic roofs are recommended - they will create a useful space and will receive additional insulation due to the material.

Under the finish, they understand the staining of the bar with lacquering or other film compositions, designed not only to preserve the youth of wood, but also protect it from any damage - biological or fire.

Combined buildings - foam block and timber:

Depending on the design, such houses have an impressive foundation. They are used for heavy architecture or problem soils.

The advantages of monolithic as possible to arrange basement rooms for autonomous communications - a well pump or boiler room. The work comes down to the right organization and layout of the first monolithic floor:

  • A ribbon foundation is satisfied with a significant depth. In addition to the protection against freezing, he will have to carry the loads of the blocks - they are though easy, but large quantities and dimensions require a sustainable platform.

Required reinforcement, depreciation cushion, high formwork. After pouring, the concrete must be loosened and insulated. Objects - the combined houses of the Bar-Foam block necessarily need to be protected from moisture.

  • The installation of foam blocks does not represent complexity. Start laying should be with the output of the corners. The landmark is the painted fishing line. The first 5-6 rows are necessarily checked by the level.
Through the series, the surface of the blocks is reinforced by the stroke and the folds of the reinforcement rods in such a way that the crossing accounted for joints. Walls to the conceived height - 2.5 m.
  • In the last number of blocks should be installed fittings and the surface of osmolene. The cores of wood comes, it needs to be protected from condensate, which will necessarily arise due to the temperature difference from different surfaces.
  • Next, the construction of the second floor is no different from the ordinary - the crowns are installed with the obligatory seal, the overlaps are put, lags, the draft floor is lined up.
  • There are a lot of roof options, but for the house of the combined bar is recommended simple - scanty, attic. They do not lose weight with their form.

Well, as can be seen from the written, innovation is quite real for independent work. All processes are spelled out many times and with accurate observance of the instructions of the problem do not represent.

Houses from glued bar are beautiful and durable buildings, which are inherent in the benefits of wooden houses. But at the same time, they are devoid of lack of buildings from a rounded log or a natural humidity bar. The process of building a house takes less time, the facade does not require a complex decorative finish, and the unique appearance of the design will become the subject of the envy of friends and neighbors.

Consider more than good houses from the glued timber, and projects and prices for buildings will help you choose the appropriate option.

Features of building material

The glued timber is a type of lumber, which consists of several longitudinally glued wooden lamellae with perpendicular location of the fibers. For gluing, special adhesive compositions are used, having a minimum level of formaldehyde emissions.

The timber is made of softwood wood. Pine or spruce is used, less often - cedar. Some manufacturers are used for the production of cedar, but the price of the house from the glued bar - cedar - will be as high as possible.

Due to the multilayer structure, the material under consideration acquires special properties in comparison with a natural humidity bar or a log. The most important pluses of the material are:

  • The minimum shrinkage ratio - pre-dried boards (lamella) are used for its manufacture, so after the construction during the operation of the house, the construction is allowed to provide a minimum shrinkage. Due to this, it is possible to start the interior decoration after the construction of the walls and the roof;
  • Lack of cracks - Bruz lamellas gluing with a resin with high gluing ability under high pressure. At the same time, the boards are in a special way that completely eliminates the cracking (the more end-to-end) of the bar already during operation. You can be sure that throughout the service life of the house in the walls will not appear "Cold Bridges", which reduce the thermal insulation properties of the walls.
  • Shape stability - due to the perpendicular location of wood fibers in the finished product as it is exploited and the loss of moisture from the board of the Bar retains its original shape. Therefore, the construction does not breed, cracks between the crowns are not formed in the walls.

Want to start construction - the glued bar is hardly the best option from existing ones. You can see this yourself, having familiarized yourself with the advantages and features of these buildings.

Advantages of houses from glued timber

Cottages and cottages from this building material have such advantages:

  1. Beautiful appearance. Buildings from glued timber look much more spectacular than private cottages decorated with clinker bricks, mineral plaster and other similar materials. It is not necessary to use an additional finish of the facade, it is enough to cover the beam by the compositions that protect against atmospheric precipitation, ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Ecology. The bar is a natural material, therefore it does not harm human health and safe for the environment. Bonding is performed using special resins that have the minimum level of emission of harmful substances. A timber, made of coniferous wood, highlights phytoncides that have a beneficial effect on health and fill the room with a special "coniferous" aroma.
  3. Energy efficiency. Wood itself has a minimum thermal conductivity coefficient. Therefore, the walls do not require additional insulation with the help of polystyrene foam, stone wool, polyurethane foam. It shall hees the construction process and makes the facade beautiful, as the bar does not close the insulation.
  4. Long service life. The deadline for the house of the house of glued bar is from 50 or more. There is no technology for Nova, so there is no information about the longest operation time. However, the timber has the best characteristics than a rounded log, and at home from it is 100, 200 or more.
  5. Fire safety. In contrast to conventional wooden buildings, the material in question is glued under high pressure and temperature, which increases its density. And also undergoes treatment with antipirens at the factory. Thanks to this, wood is not flammable when opening with open fire and poorly supports burning. When building, experts put the wiring into protective covers, which reduces the chance of fire.
  6. Easy finish. In most cases, the inner and outer surfaces of the walls do not require decorative finishes, as beautiful themselves. It is enough to cover them with protective compositions. Finishing is appropriate only in plumbing rooms to avoid moisture effect on the surface of the tree.
  7. Air permeability. This is one of the most important advantages of the design. Unlike houses insulated with foam, as well as construction of a frame-type glued bar does not prevent air infiltration through the walls. Due to this, the level of humidity in the room is regulated in a natural way, there is no need to install powerful ventilation systems with fans.
  8. High bearing ability at low weight. The bar is withstanding a significant load, so you can use a smaller number of carrier elements for multi-storey buildings. This shall hees the design and speeds up its construction, it allows you to effectively plan the inner space.
  9. Protection against biocorrosion. In the process of making a bar, it is processed by antiseptics, which eliminates the appearance on the surface of the walls of mold, fungus and other microorganisms. Wood does not rot, thereby increasing the service life of the house.
  10. Easy buildings. Designs are erected according to a previously developed project from the prepared household complexes. The assembly resembles work with the designer, the mount is made with the help of special accessories. In some places, "movable" fastenings are installed for adjusting the size and form of construction in the case of its shrinkage.
  11. No cracks between the crowns. The glued bar can have ridges and grooves on the top and bottom of each element. It is necessary for the tight docking of the crowns with each other. They exclude the possibility of the appearance of slots between the crowns, which worsen the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

Please note that when buying a bar and ordering services for construction, you need to use the services of proven companies. The violation of the technology of manufacturing lumber and the construction of the cottage leads to the fact that the lamellas are separated, and cracks appear between the crowns. That negates all the advantages of the design.

The most important question that interests those that want to build a house from glued bar is the price. The final size of the estimate depends on many factors that we will talk about.

Pricing for Bruce Houses

The cost of the house from the glued bar of turnkey is calculated individually when ordering the project development or construction of the cottage. The price is affected by the following factors:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bconstruction - the more spacious the cottage will be, the more the material will be needed on its construction. Acquisition of glued timber and its installation will entail additional costs, which will affect the cost.
  • Number of floors - two-storey houses require more durable bearing walls and installing inter-storey floors, so multi-storey residential buildings will cost you more than one-story.
  • The complexity of the project - the price of a house from glued timber depends on the complexity of the selected cottage. Simple rectangular forms are made easier than complex designs, which also affects the pricing.
  • Type of foundation - a type of foundation is chosen depending on the type of soil, personal wishes, floors and the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction. The easiest option is the pile or columnar foundation, however, it is possible to build houses on a tape or slab base. Latest options are more reliable, but cost more.
  • Engineering networks inside the construction - the price may vary depending on the complexity and length of engineering networks (water supply, sewage, electricity, heating) inside the house. Regardless of the cost of the house, our specialists fully comply with the requirements of GOST and Law No. 123-FZ with the arrangement of engineering systems.
  • Interior decoration is the amount that will have to spend on the construction of a cottage from a glued timber, directly depends on the type of interior finishing materials used. But the plus of brushes houses is that in most cases it is not necessary to do a challenging finish. Wooden walls are beautiful by themselves.

Construction companies take various wooden houses from glued timber - prices, in addition to listed factors, depend on the chosen project. What should be considered in this case?

Wooden cottage projects

What is good for the glued bar - projects of houses from this material allow you to realize even the most bold design ideas. Before starting the construction of the house, you can go one of three ways:

  1. Take advantage of a typical project. Documentation is usually on the website of the construction company or other resources on the Internet. Cottages from glued timber, whose projects are taken from the standard documentation, costs themselves cheaper. But at the same time the personal wishes of the customer are not taken into account.
  2. Order an individual project of the house from the glued bruz turnkey. In this case, during the construction, all the wishes regarding the style, the number of floors, the area, the presence of terraces and the veranda will be included. But since the development of the project requires complex engineering calculations, this option will require significant financial costs.
  3. Take advantage of a typical project with refinement "for yourself." The optimal option in order to get a suitable house, but at the same time not to spend a large amount. The engineers of the contractor will make the necessary changes to the project documentation. Main calculations do not need to be done that he reduces the process of design.

You like the glued bar - projects of beautiful and affordable houses are presented on our website. Examine them and choose suitable for yourself. Or take advantage of the help of our consultants.

Order Construction services

Stroy Cottage will build a turnkey cottage for you in the shortest possible time and at an affordable cost. We guarantee the quality of lumber, as well as compliance with the SNIP, GOST, Sainpin, as well as fire safety regulations.

To obtain consultations on the construction of the house and place an order, call our consultants on the phone indicated on the site.

The houses made of glued timber - a modern, aesthetic and reliable view of the housing, which is increasingly preferred. Such structures are a competent compromise between reliability, functionality and beauty and provide the owners positive emotions from their operation.

Advantages of houses from glued timber

Bar - universal material, which has a number of significant advantages. In addition to ease of use in the construction of structures. Houses from the bar are distinguished by such advantages as:

  • aesthetics;
  • low cost;
  • ability to use immediately after installation. Houses from the glued bar have a low percentage of shrinkage (no more than 0.5%), which allows not to wait until the start of operation;
  • sustainable impact resistance: moisture, rotting, mechanical damage.

In addition, the large popularity of houses from the bar is due to the simplicity of the construction and the possibility of operation in a short period after the completion of the work.

Stages of construction

The construction of the house from the glued bar turnkey is implemented in several stages:

  • selection and coordination of the project. The project of such a house may be standard or individual. It should be borne in mind that the implementation of an individual project takes longer;
  • construction of the foundation. The foundation can be either a tape or pile-screw depending on the type of terrain, soil and relief;
  • installing walls and roofs. It is carried out after the foundation shrinkage occurred. The construction of walls and roofs is a responsible work requiring accuracy and professionalism.

After performing all these steps, the structure of the structure is carried out - external and internal.

Our offer

In the catalog of LLC "Woodhouse" presents a large selection of houses of houses from glued bar. We can buy a house from glued bar at an affordable price. In our catalog you can explore the projects of houses from glued timber, prices and pick up the appropriate option. If you have any questions, leave an application on the website or contact our specialist. We will give you detailed advice and help you choose the optimal solution. If necessary, changes can be made to any type projects. Also, especially for you, we will be able to develop an individual decision, taking into account all your requirements and build a house from glued bar, which for many years will delight you with your reliability and aesthetics.

Our company offers the service of building houses from glued bar in any part of Moscow, as well as the area.