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Silent exhaust fans. TD-Silent - the most quiet channel fan fans for exhaust Channel silent: care features

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High-quality equipment of this category technique will help organize the flow of fresh air and removing contaminants with minimal costs. An additional bonus is the lack of uncomfortable sounds. In today's review we will look at household channels silent fans for exhaust. It provides information that will simplify the choice of the optimal model and will help to install on their own.

Electrical work performed with power off. Conditions should be provided in which the random voltage supply is excluded. To check the phase, a specialized "screwdriver" indicator is used or.

The photo shows an example of a durable and fast attachment on "liquid nails". However, it must be borne in mind that the dismantling of the design in this embodiment will be difficult. For this reason, the use of conventional self-tapping screws is preferable.

The external molding method allows you to make noise source beyond the residential area. In this case, it is permissible to use the productive fan for the extraction of industrial category.At the final stage, a decorative protective cover is installed. Trial launch check functionality. Install the desired timer settings and other electronic components.

How to extend the service life of the channel fan

Careful sealing of the gaps will prevent the mud deposition, the formation of mold, other colonies of harmful microorganisms. Should regularly remove the cover for cleaning. The frequency of the procedure is set to specific conditions. In the most difficult situations, you will need a complete disassembly. Here will come in handy noted above the mount on the self-drawing.

For your information! Some models provide a mandatory replacement of fine filters.

Can I repair the channel fan yourself

The ability to restore performance depends on the nature of the breakdown, the qualifications of the contractor. In the channel fan 200 mm (and in general, any diameter) it is not difficult to replace the spoiled mesh partition, separate fastening elements, typical electronic parts, switches, indicators. It is not too difficult to make a decorative panel with your own hands in exactly according to individual requirements.

The rewind of electric motor coils is performed using special equipment. Such a task is better to entrust specialists from the profile workshop. The second acceptable option is to install a new power unit with similar technical specifications. The assembly is performed with accurate impeller centering.

Prices, characteristics of modern models, recommendations for proper purchase

Brand / modelPower consumption, WProducer
Difference, cubic meters / hour
price, rub.Features

Modern ventilation equipment can provide a healthy microclimate in any room. But it is often achieved to the detriment of the comfort of living, since the concomitant work noness causes, at least, discomfort and irritability, and even chronic fatigue.

Channel silent fans will help to get out of the position. We will tell you how to competently select an extremely quietly working device designed to install in an exhaust channel or a hole chosen in the wall. Let's tell me how to understand the range, taking into account the characteristics and features of the work.

Presented in the market silent channel fans are traditionally divided into different categories, subspecies. But a healthy microclimate for the most part depends on the performance characteristics. One of which, silent, is even put in the name, that is, the buyer should always be selected from the definition of a number of parameters.

The main of which are:

  • silent;
  • performance.

If you like silence, you need to start the search with the first characteristic, since it is it that it has a significant impact on the comfort of living.

Criterion of appliances noness

According to sanitary standards CH 2.2.4 / residential premises and a number of other levels of noise should not exceed the temperate 30 dB during the daytime and 20 dB in the night. Which are comparable to a quiet whisper and in many situations will be quite appropriate for kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms.

Silent is every channel fan, which made a complex of special work. Which include isolation of structural elements from each other, for example, the engine from the housing, as well as the optimization of the aerodynamics of the blades, the channel to which contaminated air masses move

But still you need to remember that the sound, published by the specified fans at 30-35 dB, even from a distance of several meters will be irritating users. This is especially true for situations where there is a bedroom, children's bedroom next to the toilet or bathroom equipped with ventilation equipment.

As a result, it should be aware of what is really silent, and without any compromises and tricks of marketers, models of which such a working characteristic does not exceed 25 dB are considered. In this case, the sound of the fan is comparable to a very quiet whisper.

Since good is always the enemy of the best, then when buying needs to be remembered by the fact that models related to the category of market leaders in noiselessness are not more than 20-22 dB.

And although the advantage over ordinary low-noise models may seem insignificant, but it may well become decisive after several years of operation. Those. When the operating characteristics of the device are reduced - bearings begin to be generated, the air canals are clogged with dust, and anti-shirt pads wear out.

All silent aggregates of the presented type are suitable for use anywhere in the channel, which makes them universal and effective in any conditions.

Comfortable sound of working ventilation equipment can provide a number of comprehensive solutions of engineers.

They include the following:

  • the use of high-precision bearings - such high-quality and balanced products exclude the beating, as a result of which there will be no vibration that resonates can significantly increase the sound;
  • high technology blades - one of the causes of noise is the aerodynamic component, therefore the developers wanting to make the sound comfortable, carefully select the number of blades, optimal angles of inclination, as well as in the manufacture, carry out accurate balancing of the impeller elements;
  • using technological buildings - high-quality material of manufacture (metal, plastic) eliminates the vibration of individual parts and nodes, aerodynamic noise moving air;
  • using vibrational pads - Quiet work is also achieved by the use of special types of rubber as gaskets to eliminate contact between the housing itself and the attachment nodes to the electric motor.

Gaskets have become an important element of the design, the fan body is isolated from the air duct, the wall.

Bearings, blades and special buildings and gaskets - all this reduces to minor values \u200b\u200bvibration, air flow currency their resonation.

Today it is no longer an uncommon finishing of ventilation mines with modern soundproofing materials. Reduces noise and reliable fastening of the electric motor to the case. The power plants themselves are usually applied on all types of fans.

Fan performance indicators

This characteristic is considered one of the most important, since it is interconnected with noise. It is clear that the higher the performance, the louder the electric motor and the associated sounds sound.

As a result, thoughtlessly buy, in the kitchen, in the toilet on the principle of "porridge, do not spoil" is not worth it, as it can turn into a decrease in the comfort of living and financial losses.

But avoid negative consequences is easy. That is, the optimal power can be calculated, knowing that such an indicator must correspond to the derivative of the size of the room and the multiplicity of air exchange.

For example, the volume of shower is 5 m³, and the recommended multiplicity of air exchange, according to SNiP, 7-9. And to calculate performance, you just need to multiply cubic meters for any number of multiplicity. The result will be 35-45 m³ / hour.

As the most important characteristic of all sorts of channel fans, performance should be calculated correctly, since an attempt to achieve silence due to lack of power will result in buying a new unit. And excess of power leads to the overflow of electricity, the occurrence of drafts and increase the volume of work

Different perform a number of important options. Therefore, so that during operation you do not have problems with the device, you should also pay attention to a number of characteristics when purchased.

To which, in any situation, belong:

  • safety safety;
  • functionality;
  • geometric dimensions;
  • cost.

Although all listed features are traditionally in the shade of the main performance characteristics (performance, noise), but they cannot be called secondary. Since each of them significantly affects the features of the ventilation equipment.

The importance of a safe design

Since channel fans are designed for ventilation in all sorts of rooms, they often have to work in difficult conditions. Which creates increased humidity in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet, the presence of fat particles in the field of cooking and increased cultivities in other rooms.

All of the listed has a significant impact on performance, the durability of the aggregate. And most importantly affects the safety of accommodation. Since moisture particles, fat can always lead to short circuit and other negative consequences.

Each used must be at least splashing, and even better in the moldiness. An effective measure that allows us to take care of your health is the acquisition of an aggregate running from low voltage, which is considered to be 24 V, but its power will not be enough in all cases.

An important advantage of any channel fan is that it can carry out air ventilation immediately in several rooms, and regardless of its location. And all that is needed for efficient operation is the right installation and sufficient power.

And the most practical solution will be the purchase of a fan with a security class not lower than IP34. Since as a result, the user will protect himself, their loved ones from all kinds of unpleasant cases.

Meaning of equipment functionality

Modern channel fans designed for or in the kitchen, quite technological and buyer have the right to choose the device with the most suitable mode of operation, which can be:

  • standard;
  • auto;
  • autonomous.

In the first case, the electricity switch is connected, which is the lighting of the room in which it is installed. The result is the simultaneous inclusion of both lamps and ventilation equipment.

The shutdown procedure occurs in the reverse order, that is, after shutdown, the ventilation and illumination of the room occurs.

The method described above is quite convenient and effective for use in, but already considered obsolete. The reason is that short ventilation cycles are not able to successfully cope with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom.

The appointment of all sorts of fans of this species is identical, that is, they are in the channel, should remove air masses beyond the limits of premises, but they cope with such a task in different ways. And it all depends on the level of product functionality

Some species can work autonomously, determining the level of contaminants on their own. Less technological fans work on the basis of programs embedded in their timers, and the simplest products are ventilated between the inclusion \\ shutting off that the user performs.

This feature does not allow to effectively cope with the replacement of air masses on fresh or leads to overvoltage of electricity, and impressive. The automatic version of the ventilation implies the presence of a timer at the fan, which allows you to set the ventilation period, taking into account the conditions available in a particular room.

As a result, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The user, entering the bathroom or any other room with a fan, includes it by pressing the switch button.
  2. The ventilation instrument carries out a removal of contaminated air masses, and even after the person leaves the room.
  3. The stop occurs automatically after the user has expired by the user period.

The advantage of this type of equipment is the ability to choose the optimal mode for all cases. At the same time, the participation of the user is minimal.

The most modern are channel fans capable of carrying out air exchange offline. Which allows you to make the presence of sensors (for example, humidity). The signal from which leads to / off the fan itself.

Although all channel fans are hidden from the eyes, but this is not the reason for saving on the quality of manufacturing materials or something else. Since, in many respects, noiselessness depends on this, durability, efficiency

The advantage of the last method is the greatest efficiency. That is, the air is always clean, the user's participation is not required, it is also important that there is no electricity overrun.

Form, dimensions and cost

Today, fans with different shape of the enclosures are available on sale.

Which happen:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • square.

But you should know that for household purposes, it is used mainly to be products related to the first species.

Rectangular and square analogs are most often counted on productive industrial instruments, so the owner of the house, apartment, office is unlikely to have a matter with them. Exceptions will only be cases when the vertical ventilation pipe is used as a separate box.

The main geometric parameter of household channel fans is the mounting size. For example, the specified characteristic is always indicated on the housing and in its technical documentation, as it is completely able to affect performance.

In addition, the specified dimensions are a standard value that facilitates the choice of fan.

The cost of models depends on the features. For example, fans equipped with a metal case, with some and the same capabilities, are many times more than their analogues with plastic cases, although it does not guarantee the opportunity to get much more advantages.

Therefore, you should know that for household purposes, the devices will be optimal on which there is 100, 125 or 150 mm marking. For ventilation in unandardially large residential premises, restaurants, offices are suitable options on which 160 mm or 200 mm are indicated. Large sizes are related to industrial.

Since the performance, functionality of the fans, the quality of manufacturing materials and the volume of work that ensure silentness is fundamentally different, then their price is significantly different.

As a result, for an inexpensive version, you will have to lay out a completely moderate amount. And the model is capable of working autonomously, that is, equipped with a humidity sensor, the controller and capable of acting is guaranteed silently over the years, you need to pay more than more.

For comparison: for such money you can buy a completely decent smartphone. Nevertheless, the most affordable fans are not the best option. After all, they are not designed for a high level of security, durability.

Types of channel fans

Today at points of sale can be found fans, constructively related to several varieties.

These include:

  • axial, less often they are called axial;
  • radial;
  • centrifugal.

Each view has its advantages and disadvantages, so they should be known.

Group # 1 - axial fans

A characteristic feature of this species is the direction of air flow along the axis of the electric motor, on which the impeller is located, which is responsible for moving air masses.

Any axial channel unit is the simplest variety of channel fans. Nevertheless, they are quite effective, economical. In addition, there are many modern technological and secure models among such equipment that can provide a sufficient level of comfort

The main advantages of axial fans for all sorts of extracts are:

  • low productivity required to move air masses;
  • economical electric motor;
  • simple design.

The listed features make aggregates relating to the presented type, most silent without any additional measures. What allows them to be classified them to the most affordable, and therefore, both in demand for any household needs.

The main disadvantage is the low productivity, which is still enough to solve various local tasks.

Group # 2 - Radial Fans

Such devices are more technological than axially described above. This is evidenced by the fact that the air flows do not move directly along the axis, and due to the special forms of the impeller blades, mixed, compressing and sent to the case.

At the same time, the effect of discharge is created behind the rear edges. This leads to the fact that there is a quick suction of external air flows.

Radial units belong to more efficient than their axial analogs. With their choice, it should be remembered that there are 2 subspecies of such fans and the most quiet products are considered to be tilted forward with blades, besides, they are significantly more economical than their analogues with blades inclined backwards

So, the radial type of fan intended for the exhaust is two types:

  • with shovels tilted forward;
  • with blades tilted back.

Optimal for silent work is the first type, besides, it is more economical, with an impressive 20%. But if it is an important parameter performance, then it is better to purchase fans whose blades are rejected back.

An important feature of each radial fan for any variety of drawing is considered compactness. Such an advantage is especially valuable when the place for installation is inaccessible or its little.

Group # 3 - Centrifugal fans

This is the most modern, most quiet and productive view of channel fans. Their principle of operation is similar to radial analogues. That is, a higher pressure is created closer to the housing, and in the center the discharged space, which leads to more efficient suction of the external air masses.

Centrifugal fans - the least known variety of fans. However, such products refer to the most technological, productive and silent. The only minus is that they are too powerful for small bathrooms, toilets and even kitchens in ordinary apartments and even many private houses.

Features of the design and principle of work makes the most quiet. In addition, they can be installed directly in the air ventilation mine, which makes it possible to eliminate the negative impact on the aesthetic properties of the room.

And most importantly, it contributes to the increase in the capacity of the aggregates of this type and to reduce the impact on them moisture, dust, which extends the resource.

Regardless of the variety of channel fan, its performance and functionality every 1-3 years is recommended to clean the mud. Such an operation is desirable to carry out with bearings, which will extend the resource of operation, and will also increase safety

The essential minus of any centrifugal fan is high performance, as a result of which they can only be used in rooms from 15 m².

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video material makes it possible to get acquainted with the fact that there is a channel fan and understand the principle of its work:

Among the modern channel fans, it is quite estimated to find a silent model of the desired power, distinguished durability and safety, and in various price categories. But at the same time, it is necessary to own certain luggage of knowledge or the expected result will not be able to be obtained.

Want to talk about how the silent fan is chosen for installation in the exhaust channel? Share that personally for you have become the main selection criterion. Please leave comments below the block below, ask questions and place questions on the topic of the article below the block.

Channel Fans TD Series Developed specifically for working with high-length channels and in conditions of increased noise levels in the room where they are installed. This type of fans has the advantages of centrifugal fans (large outlet pressure) and the benefits of axial fans (high air flow, low noise level and overall dimensions).

TD series fans are designed for mounting in ventilation channels. Fastening elements are supplied with the fan. It is possible both vertical and horizontal installation. The TD series fans (with the symbol T) have a built-in shutdown delay timer from 1 to 30 minutes. Have one maximum speed.
The TD models of 160 - 2000 series have two speeds and, if necessary, can be connected via the RGUL-2 speed switch (specially designed for the TD series fans). Models of fans TD 4000/355 and TD 6000/400 have one speed. The rotational speed can be changed when connected to a RMB transformer fan.
Together with the fans of the TD series, it is possible to use an external HIG-2 air humidity control sensor or SQA air quality control sensor.
The enclosures of the fans are made of high-strength plastic, with the exception of models 800,1000,1300 and 2000 in which there is a steel housing covered with epoxy enamel.
The blades of the impeller of the fans are cast from durable ABS plastic with the exception of models 1000,1300 and 2000, which are made of galvanized steel.
Electric motor:
models 160, 250, 350 have:
single-phase asynchronous electric motor with a key-closed rotor from cast aluminum;
protection against overheating (fuse);
self-lubricating delicate bearings;
iP 44 security class.
models 500, 1000, 1300, 2000, 4000 and 6000 have:
single-phase asynchronous electric motor with a permanent condenser and an external cast aluminum rotor;
overheating protection (built-in, self-refreshrating thermal protection);
hermetic ball bearing assembly;
iP 44 security class.

S & P is a novelty to the fan market: a unique channel fan TD-Silent.created specially for ventilation systems, with the most stringent noise requirements. Soler & Palau engineers solved the task of a new fan, achieve unprecedentedly low noise level parameters and exceed the TD-Mixvent series fans. Thanks to the use of a fundamentally new layout of the fan and high-quality materials, the noise level of TD-SILENT is lower than that of the nearest analogs by 12 dB (a) . The impeller with diagonal blades and an electric motor located in a special casing. For a significant reduction in noise level, designers created a double body with a layer of special noise absorbing material. The inner, perforated case passes the sound waves, directing them at a certain angle on the layer of the noise absorbing material, in which the sound waves are extinguished by almost 100%. Transfer of vibrations, from the fan body to the air duct, prevent special quick-disconnecting clamps with rubber seals. TD-SILENT fans are made of high quality plastic. The TD-Silent fans model range are presented with seven sizes, with diameters from 100 to 315. and air flow from 180 to 1770 m3 / h

TD Silent. TD Silent. TD Silent.


Model (Max. Consumption / Diameter) Rotation frequency
Potcher power
Talk, A. Max. races.
rev., m3 / h
Max. slave
temp., with
Sound level.
pressure, dB (a)

diameter, mm.

Weight, kg
Single-phase models (1F., 220V, 50Hz)
TD-160 / 100N Silent 2500 20 0,16 180 40 24 100 1,4
TD-250/100 2200 24 0,11 240 40 31 100 2,0
TD-350/125 2250 30 0,13 360 40 33 125 2,0
TD-500/150 2500 50 0,22 580 60 33 150 2,7
TD-500/160 2500 50 0,22 580 60 33 160 2,7
TD-800 / 200N 2780 70 0,30 880 60 37 200 4,9
TD-800/200 2500 120 0,50 1100 60 39 200 4,9
TD-1000/250 2800 125 0,50 1010 60 40 250 9,4
TD-1300/250 2520 180 0,80 1300 60 43 250 9,4
TD-2000/315 2700 255 1,20 2000 60 47 315 14,0
TD-4000/355 1400 345 1,53 3800 40 44 355 19,0
TD-6000/400 1400 665 2,97 5500 40 44 400 26,0

Installation of a channel fan

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S & P represents a novelty to the fan market: a unique TD-SILENT channel fan. Created specially for ventilation systems, with the most stringent noise requirements. Soler & Palau engineers solved the task of a new fan, achieve unprecedentedly low noise level parameters and exceed the TD-Mixvent series fans. Thanks to the use of a fundamentally new layout of the fan and high-quality materials, the noise level of TD-SILENT is lower than that of the nearest analogs by 12 dB (a) . The impeller with diagonal blades and an electric motor located in a special casing. For a significant reduction in noise level, designers created a double body with a layer of special noise absorbing material. The inner, perforated case passes the sound waves, directing them at a certain angle on the layer of the noise absorbing material, in which the sound waves are extinguished by almost 100%. Transfer of vibrations, from the fan body to the air duct, prevent special quick-disconnecting clamps with rubber seals. TD-SILENT fans are made of high quality plastic. The TD-Silent fans model range are presented with seven sizes, with diameters from 100 to 315. and air flow from 180 to 1770 m3 / h

The quietest low profile channel fans in the world. When developing channel fans TD Silent. The latest technologies in the field of computer simulation and production of plastics were used. The material used in the production of the fan allows you to extinguish vibration. Internal case of channel fans TD Silent., special design, reflects sound waves at a certain angle, which is then tracked with a layer of noise absorbing material. It allows you to extinguish the noise throughout the fan operation time. Sound waves formed inside the fan TD Silent.Pass through the inner perforated case and the layer of noise absorbing material is quenched.

Included: Passport in Russian, Warranty Cover

Store "Luchi.rf" offers silent household fans for drawing from the Spanish company Soler & Palau. These are reliable models with a wide variety of characteristics, easy to install and operate.

Productive and silent

It is considered the more powerful ventilation, the more it will be noise. In general, this is true.
However, household low-noise fans are designed to provide air exchange in sufficiently small rooms. They do not need such a high level of power, as allowed for production workshops.
Therefore, you do not have to choose between efficiency and personal comfort.

Silent exhaust fan

"Pulls out" air, eliminating unpleasant odors and excess humidity with it, reduces the risks of mold formation and extends the durability of the interior.
At the same time, to ensure optimal microclimate, it will be necessary to take care of the influx of fresh air and episodically to air the room.

Silent intake fans

They act on a strictly opposite principle - "pound" fresh air into the kitchen, eliminate the stool, contribute to the accelerated sediment of steam, smoke.
However, require an additional device to eliminate the "exhaust" air. Since the planning itself and the architecture of the room do not always allow to ensure a full circulation of air flow only at the expense of the supply system.

How to choose?

The optimal characteristics of the model depend on many parameters - including from the area and the conditions of operation of the room.
In the shop "Luce.rf" you can purchase a silent false fan with any:
  • diameter
  • performance
  • power
  • color
  • design
  • additional options (timer, humidity sensor, etc.)
To select an overhead household fan with optimal characteristics, contact our consultants. We have experienced specialists who are ready to answer any questions.