Repairs Design Furniture

What should wood for rafters? Review of means for processing rafted roof methods for applying antiseptic

The bearing roof support structure includes.

The rafting system is a frame, or the so-called skeleton of the roof - is experiencing various loads.

Loads are:

  • permanent - weight of the crate and actually. This may be very serious, especially when using heavy coating materials, such as;
  • temporarily valid - snow and wind. Calculated in accordance with the geographical location, taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof.

Materials for the rafter design:

  • reinforced concrete;
  • metal;
  • wood.

Metal or tree

The best sawn timber gives the northern regions with a harsh climate - dense, with excellent mechanical properties and without bugs and a similar living nature.

Humidity of sawn timber

Spoken tree has 50 percent humidity and even more.

To use as elements of the solo system, the indicator should not exceed 18-22 percent.

Therefore, when buying a forest, it is necessary to pay attention to how well it is succeeded.

If the storage of timber is carried out correctly, even a tree, congestion, when the sludge is not yet completed, will naturally dry, you only need to provide sufficient.

Slinged from wet wood, sprinkling on the roof, cracks up with time, strung out.

The deformation when drying is fraught with a violation of the geometry of the skate, the nodes of the connection may disperse, making an unstable all design.

Dry tree will not shine and black, and although it is believed that Sinene does not affect the performance characteristics, still subconsciously the choice is made in favor of wood without such aesthetic flaws.

In the case of the use of more wet wood, connecting nodes are recommended to be additionally secured by bolts. In order to avoid saving the beams under their own weight, supports are installed.

Complex defense

In the wooden skeleton of the roof, additional metal elements can be used - in this case, a gasket is required between the metal and wood.

As is known, condensate is formed on the metal, which, when contacting the rafters, can lead to waterproofing.

The moistureproof material should also be laid in places of contact with brick - first of all, under Maurylalat.

Wood susceptible to biological influences is quickly destroyed. Protecting it from fungi, mold, insect-treasures using impregnation with antiseptics will make it seriously increased.

The treatment of lumber with antipirens is also extremely important, allowing to increase fire safety repeatedly.

Modern fire-proof compositions can be combined type - capable of preventing and fire, and biological destruction.

We choose the breed

Wood must have strength and at the same time flexibility. Ease of processing is also important.


  • pine. Tree resinness provides high winding resistance. The pine timber is also popular with such as lightness, strength, attractive for builders with a straight trunk. Pine sawn timber is low, in comparison with noble breeds, price;
  • larch - excellent strength characteristics of its comparable with an oak, also at an altitude of the durability of elements made from larch;
  • spruce is great for the beams of overlap, rafters: dry spruce is no less durable than pine, but worse resists moisture.

Large breeds:

  • oak - Suitable for responsible sites, for example, Mauerlat makes out of it. Its relatively easy to process, the main minus is the price category;
  • aspen - durable and elastic, but in the bulk, it has a rotten core, unsuitable for processing, it is very difficult to choose a primary aspen of proper quality;
  • beech - wood complex in processing, but durable and durable.

What should be the grade

Various defects reduce the strength and carrying capacity of the rafter.

The perfect trunk is smooth, without rot and other lesions, with a minimum number of bitch and cracks.

For the roof frame device, 1 variety with humidity is not more than 12 percent, the use of 2-3 varieties is also allowed.

For one meter, the rafter should not have more than 3 small bitch.

More expensive, in comparison with an array, option. The glued timber is recommended to purchase only a proven manufacturer, since cases of low-quality material were noted.

Provided for the purchase of a bona fide supplier such material has a number of indisputable advantages.

His advantages:

  • not subject to deformation;
  • relatively light;
  • lasting. For comparison: the strength of the thunder-cooled wood rafters are the same as the whole array of the first grade;
  • convenient assembly - ready-made items can be collected as a constructor;
  • does not sane over time, that is, you can set a smaller number of supports.

Standard cross sections of carrier elements:

  • for Maurolalat, the timber 100 is selected 100, 100 at 150, 150 by 150 mm;
  • diagonal rafting legs, as a rule, have a cross section of 100 per 200 mm;
  • ramans - 100 per 100, 100, 150, 100 per 200 mm;
  • boards for, Filk, Podcovy - 50 by 150 mm.

Ideally, the beams and rafters should be planed, but this is an optional condition.

Sliced \u200b\u200bforest will significantly reduce costs due to a decrease in the amount of waste.

To order ready-made elements, you need to know their exact dimensions and quantity. However, the stock is needed anyway.

The construction of the rafter system is better to entrust the specialists who are welcomed in this area and familiar with all the nuances of construction, or to take advantage of their advice.

For example, an inexperienced installer will try as much as possible to attach each element as possible, and from an unnecessary number of nails of the board simply crackle.

In order for the top design of the house is strong and reliable, you need to provide builders with high-quality material that meets all the above requirements.

Wooden rafters are used in construction from very long time. They possess excellent performance, besides, it is easily processed. To take care of the processing agent rafters should be long before the start of the roof frame assembly.

Why do you need to handle rafters?

The fact of the susceptibility of wood is well known to rotting. The microorganisms that appear in it destroy the fibers, as a result of which the material loses its qualitative characteristics.

The strength of the rafter is also determined by the tree of wood. In most cases, coniferous wood grades are used in the construction of roofing structures, which are easily ignited due to the high resin content.

For a real estimate of negative factors that can adversely affect the roofing design, the analysis of the characteristics of a particular region is necessary. With increased climate humidity, the main danger is the possible rotting of wooden elements. In the case of a roast climate, first of all, you should think about protecting the design from the fire.

Different species of trees are distinguished according to the degree of exposure to rot. The application of special compositions can protect both fungus and mold.

What a means need to handle rafters first, and what can be selected as a supplement? This question must be resolved in advance, since it is impossible to impregnate the material twice: first with an antiseptic composition, then antipirelicic to protect against flame. This question is also solved depending on the characteristics of the climate. The impregnation should be the main composition penetrating into the depths of wood fiber. After that, an additional compression is carried out.

What to soak the material?

So impregnations can be antiseptic and antipirelic. It is possible to purchase wood in an already processed form, but in most cases it is still cut directly on the spot, so impregnation of new cuts is required.


This group includes substances of the first and second efficiency groups. They can provide a certain percentage of weight loss of treated wood material (up to 9 and 30%). Regardless of the qualitative characteristics of the rafter, a regular check of their state is required. If the norms are not compliance, restoration work must be carried out.

Fireproof materials are the following species:

Impact - are solutions of salts, the application of which is carried out in three ways:

  • manual;
  • immersion method;
  • under the influence of pressure.

Sharp are mixtures of pasty consistency.

Varnish Used in cases where it is necessary to maintain a beautiful natural pattern of wood.

Paints - With them, an opaque thin film is formed on the surface.

It should be borne in mind that flame retardant impregnations can be destroyed for both closed, and for open areas.


The classification of antiseptic means is somewhat different. They are purely protective and can have a decorative effect.

A group of protective antiseptics is divided into the following types:

  • lighted;
  • hard-mounted;
  • washed.

Antiseptic compositions can be dissolved in oil, water, lung solvents, petroleum products. Water-soluble antiseptic means are used for construction. They have a number of benefits:

  • very quickly dry;
  • form a solid film on wood;
  • let the tree "breathe".

The basis of antibacterial impregnation with decorative effect are alkyd resins. As a result of the appropriate treatment, ordinary pine can turn into a tree of any valuable rock. The composition of the impregnation includes a solvent, due to which a good adhesion is ensured and the penetration of substances on a sufficient depth.

What composition to choose?

In unsubstantiated terrain, the tree suffers more from the influence of the fungus. The rafters are processed taking into account their initial state. Basically use aqueous solutions of a certain means. But if the tree is already affected by fungus, it is necessary to use special impregnation-disinfectors.

To protect the wood from the beetle larvae, it is necessary to use special compositions. It should be borne in mind that simultaneous treatment of rafted by several drugs is not entirely safe because they can enter into a reaction with each other.

Today, construction stores offer a large number of compounds, the use of which to impregnate the rafter beam gives an excellent result. Associax, Senez, Rogunda, Olympus proven itself well. They are characterized by safety in terms of ecology, non-toxicity and resistance of the result obtained.

Some of these compositions produce series that are intended for various types of disinfection and different purposes:

  • on the development of mold;
  • from fungus;
  • from beetle;
  • for processing the end parts of the building.

Comprehensive processing makes it possible to fully protect the entire rafter system.

The consumption of substances in the industry is about three kilograms per cubic meter of wood. When used in everyday life, there is no need for such large volumes. In these cases, the remedy is bred by water in proportion 1: 9. With a two-layer application, consumption is no more than 200 ml of the finished means for processing one square meter of the surface. However, this approach from a professional point of view is not justified: experts argue that for the reliability of processing it is necessary to apply at least 5-8 layers.

Requirements for impregnation

  • The wood to impregnate wood should be completely dissolved in water and do not contain chromium and arsenic compounds.
  • It is very important that the impregnation is not washed away, since the consolidation of the components of the means in the thickness of the wood is extremely necessary.
  • High-quality and correctly selected composition should reliably protect the wood from the destructive factors of biological nature: fungi, microorganisms, insects.
  • If it is necessary to further protect the system, the rafter from the possible effects of fire after the installation of the roofing coating on it is applied by the dispensing method.

Basic ways of wood processing

Impregnation (or surface impregnation) wood Can be made in two main ways:

  • immersion in the protective composition;
  • spraying with a pulverizer and applying a roller or brush.

Features of the immersion method

Wooden elements are immersed in a special bath with a protective agent. Cold solution can be carried out with a cold solution, the temperature of which corresponds to the ambient temperature, or hot-from 50 to 60 degrees.

The third way of impregnation is contrast. When it is used, wood is first immersed in hot impregnation, after which it quickly moves to a cold similar concentration. The method of unexpected cooling contributes to the increase in capillary suction. Such a way, wood can be soaked to a 20 percent level of humidity.

Duration of the procedure

Previously, the methods of impregnation were divided into two types: long and short - wood could be from several days in a cold solution to 15-120 minutes inside hot.

Today, wood processing has lost its relevance for several days. The newest funds offered by the construction market are distinguished by much higher efficiency compared to the means of the past generation.

If you need to process wood to maximize depth, special devices are used, with which the process of impregnation is carried out under pressure.

Manufacturers of means for impregnation must include the method and duration of wood processing.

Humidity of material

The level of moisture of the tree has a noticeable effect on the duration of impregnation and its quality. The higher the moisture content of the material, the better it is soaked. If it is necessary to process wood above the degree of natural fiber saturation (in the case of pine, this indicator is 28-29%), it is recommended to use more concentrated solutions or an increase in the duration of the tree in the filled bath.

The immersion method is successfully practiced by construction firms. The only limiting factor today is the parameters of the reservoir used for immersion, since rafters are quite overall structural elements.

Spraying method, spraying, applying

The distinctive properties of this method are simplicity and low cost. Its main advantage is the possibility of impregnation of already ready-made structures. Disadvantages of this method:

  • in efficiency, it is significantly inferior to the immersion method: the penetration depth of the composition in the thickness of the wood is only a few millimeters;
  • the second substantial minus of spraying is that the hidden parts of the already erected design cannot be processed properly.
  • When using a less concentrated solution or applying an insufficient number of layers (for example, for saving), it is not possible to achieve a sufficient level of wood protection, as a result of which it is subjected to spoilage.
  • When using impregnation, it is necessary to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the amount of solution and the method of its use. It is impossible to be limited to applying two or three layers of substance, if you need five or six.

Treatment of the rafter system

The technology used in industry, providing for preheating wood, is quite complicated. In the process of immersion of the tree in a cold solution, it rapidly cools, which leads to the formation of reduced pressure. This ensures a deeper penetration of the disinfectant. Elements are kept inside the container for several hours. Such an operation is also carried out in autoclaves in conditions of increased pressure, after which the excess chemicals are removed by a vacuum method. When conducting a procedure in the factory, the composition penetrates a 15-millimeter depth.

Processing can also be performed independently. Very often there is a need for her in the already erected building. In this case, the solution is applied using a brush or roller. Such a surface coating lasts about 2-8 years. The implementation of deep impregnation in such cases is possible only with the help of special devices or under pressure.

It is for this reason that the treatment is optimal to the structure to assemble the structure - the immersion method.

Regardless of the selected method, the most important rules in the processing of the rafter are the gentle handling of the impregnating layer and the preservation of its integrity. The cause of damage can be discharged from a significant height or contact with pointed tools.

Universal means: apply or not apply?

Multiple treatment and coating is a rather time consuming process. Of course, I want to limit ourselves to a single treatment with a universal solution with subsequent drying and installation in place.

Such impregnations are already available. They include not only the antiseptic component protecting against fungus and mold, but also an antipilet in the form of a solution of some salts that protect material from fire.

Despite the surface attractiveness, such a "universal" method has one substantial minus: when used it is not possible to determine if the material is impregnated with a proper way or not. After the layer is dry, the processing can no longer be continued, because the protective film has already been formed on the wood.

In addition, the duration of the progress of the effects of the supplies of additives can vary significantly. For example, the effect of antiseptics lasts 2 years, and antipirets - 10 years. In this case, wood will be protected from a fire, but it will appear fungus or rot. In this case, the re-impregnation with the solution is impossible, since the protective film is still preserved. Conclusion: it is better to abandon dubious versatility and choose a method that provides high-quality processing.


  • Handling rafters is necessary for their sewn from rotting and exposure to the flame.
  • With high humidity, the main danger is the possible rotting of wooden elements. In the case of a roast climate, first of all, you should think about protecting the design from the fire.
  • Fire retardants are produced in the form of impregnation, coaras, varnishes, paints.
  • Antiseptics are purely protective and can have a decorative effect.
  • Simultaneous treatment of rafted by several drugs is unsafe, as they can react with each other.
  • The surface impregnation of wood is carried out by immersion in a protective composition or spraying with a spray gun and a roller application or brush.
  • The higher the moisture content of the material, the better it is impregnated.
  • When using impregnation, it is necessary to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the amount of solution and the method of its use.
  • The universal funds offered to consumers cannot provide appropriate protection of the rafter elements.

How to cook impregnation for wood with your own hands, find out from the video.

The rafting roofing system is a wood material that is easily destroyed when contacting with moisture and quickly flammifies in case of fire. What to process rafters to extend their service life and eliminate the formation of mold microflora. Which of the compositions available in the market is most effective? It depends on the wood breed and the prevailing climatic conditions. Wet - need protection from water, hot - it is necessary to protect the tree from the fire.

What should be the composition

Any tool that you decide to use to cover the rafter system must meet the following requirements:

  • deep into the structure of wood fibers;
  • do not contain copper sipop, potassium bichromate, arsenic, chrome;
  • well dissolved in water, but do not wash off from the tree;
  • effectively protect the beams of overlapping and the claw from mold, the formation of rot, fungus, prevent ignition.

After that, it is worth deciding that more threatens the rafter system - rot or fire. For wet climatic conditions, an antiseptic is chosen, which deeply penetrates the tree, and then additionally covered with flame retardant. The fact is that it is possible to soak wood only once. From what composition is applied first, the enhanced of the properties of wood resist the formation of rot or ignition.

What are the antiseptic agents

Antiseptics for beams of overlapping and crates can have an additional decorative effect. The equipment includes an alkyd resin, which gives the tree a certain color. For the rafter system, water-soluble antiseptics are most often used. They have a number of benefits:

  • penetrate deep into the wood structure;
  • they are easy to apply on the elements of the rafter system;
  • quickly dry and allow the tree to breathe;
  • forming moisture protective film on the surface of the tree.

High-quality antiseptics must have antimicrobial (biocidal) and antifungal (fungicidal) properties, as well as ensure reliable insect protection - insecticidal properties.

Water soluble substances preferably contain fluoride and sodium siliconfluoride, a mixture of borants and boric acid, pentachlorophenol, a mixture of zinc chloride with sodium (potassium) chrome. The compositions are toxic only for microorganisms and completely harmless to humans. There are also means soluble in oils, petroleum products and lung solvents.

Antiseptic methods

Imprinting (surface impregnation with an antiseptic) is performed by the full immersion of wooden elements into the composition or method of applying a substance with a spray with a spray with a pulverizer / convent chass. For immersion, a special bath is used, a trough or even a ditch, a pre-vest capacity of a polyethylene film.

The dive time of the material depends on the specific antiseptic. Typically, the manufacturer indicates a package of 30-60 minutes for small and medium-sized wood. When immersing large farms, for example, for the roof of natural tile, the impregnation time is increased to four hours. After drying, all ends of wooden structures are treated during the day.

When machining with an antiseptic manually by spraying, spraying or staining the effectiveness of the composition penetration deep into the wood significantly decreases. Although this method requires a small amount of antiseptic composition.

The coating is performed in several layers with an application interval about half an hour.

Most Popular Antiseptic

It has proven to practice the modern tool of Sezhez. Such an antiseptic can be handled the roof, wooden crate, overlap beams. The composition is presented in the form of a water-based solution ready for use. His advantages:

  • bioprotection for a period of 30-35 years;
  • the type of composition is hard-on;
  • chemical bunch with wood;
  • deep penetrates the structure of the fibers, without increasing hygroscopicity;
  • allows the tree to breathe;
  • it has a decorative effect.

Recommended consumption is 250-300 g / m. cube When applied without immersion, 60-80 kg / m. Cube when soaking. Senezhez deep penetrates overlapping beams and other elements, forming a two-level protective barrier. Prevents the development of fungi and mold microorganisms, insects. The manufacturer produces various series of antiseptics - ultra, bio, torus, sauna for specific wooden structures.

High efficiency is the means of Pinotex Imprey Estonian production. Suitable for bayopackers of beams of overlapping, crates, mauerlatov, rafted. It is an antiseptic on a water basis with an alkyd binder. He deeply absorbed into the wood surface, provides good protection from rot, blue, mold.

The consumption of substance is from 85 to 200 g per square meter, depending on wood processing - sawn or stranded. Pinotex Impure cannot be used for the elements of the rafter system already affected by the microorganisms, unlike the composition of Sezheng.

The means of production of Russia Arad is used to protect the wood material from the formation of rot, mold. Main characteristics:

  • effectively protects the beams of overlapping, boards from the effects of atmospheric moisture;
  • the Bio series is suitable for the prevention of a healthy wood material, the antiplebre series is used for affected by focal microorganisms of the tree;
  • the type of impregnation is a hard-on, allows the tree to "breathe";
  • the term of the biozoshitis of the rafter system with a complex means of ancient is about 30 years;
  • fund consumption is 250-350 g / sq. m when processing with a brush and 200 kg / m. Dive cube.

The remedy can be applied to new wood or as the processing of the operated roofing design.

When choosing antiseptic compositions for the beams of overlapping, shelling boards and Mauerlatov, it is necessary to pay attention to the moisture content of wood, since not all antiseptics are suitable for wood with a humidity of more than 20 percent.

Application of flames

Fireproofs are designed to give wood material additional qualities - fire resistance, decrease in flammability. If you decide that the likelihood of fire is higher than the possibility of rotting the rafter design, first of all, all wooden fragments of the roof should be treated with antipirens.

They are classified for the first and second efficiency group. Funds of the first group create fireproof for 5-7 years, so they are more efficient. Preferably, phosphates and ammonium sulfates, boor, boric acid and combinations of these substances include phosphates and ammonium sulfates.

All antipirens are divided into:

  1. Impregnations - salts solutions that are handled or immersion.
  2. Fooling antipyren - have a pasty consistency.
  3. Lucky is used for decorative purposes. On the roof their use is too.
  4. Paints form a thin protective film on the surface.

Most often to protect the beams of overlapping and rafters, use impregnation when the antipirens will perform the role of primary protection, and the coating, if the flame is applied to the antiseptic. Methods of coating flame retardant are identical to applying antiseptics. The market has a large selection of the compositions of the first and second category. Restaurant neomide is very popular.

Since the composition gained a lot of positive customer feedback, it is possible to consider its properties.

Nomomide 530 - Fireproof

The tool is suitable for any type of wood surface - sawn or stranded beams of overlapping, boards, rafters, crates. Main advantages:

  • flames for ten years;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • does not contain toxic substances and formaldehyde;
  • does not prevent further trees;
  • does not change the hygroscopicity of the material;
  • comes in ready-to-use form;
  • made on water basis;
  • by danger, a person occupies the same category that household chemicals is not dangerous.

Neomide compositions are produced in different series. Some funds are designed to protect the beams of overlapping and other elements of the rafter system from insects, rotting, blue, are used as wood bleach. Nomomide 530 is an effective fire retardant, which currently enjoys the greatest popularity.

Before processing the rafter, you need to choose the right priority. The composition that is applied first and will be the main one. The second substance will perform an additional protective function.

How to get rid of mold on rafters The roofing material of Ondowville is a reliable obstacle for atmospheric precipitation, but even under such a coating there are all the conditions for the appearance of mold. Having found a fungus on the wooden structures of the roof, you should not fall into the despondency - it is not so terrible, like his little. Get rid of mold and prevent her appearance in the future is not so difficult.

2014-08-08T11: 49: 39 + 04: 00

Spores of mold fungi accompany us everywhere. They are present in wet places, on dry surfaces and even in the air, so do not be surprised, noticing on new rafters of dark or whiten spots of mold.

The roof reliably protects the truss system from the rain, and, in anticipation of favorable conditions, the argument does not show the fungus. With the onset of heat at high humidity, they wake up, begin to multiply and activate the process of rotting.

Easily get rid of mold, but if you are late to do this, it may be necessary to replace the weakened structural elements. It is equally important to take all the necessary prophylactic measures.

Causes of the appearance of mold

To activate the dispute, the fungus and the development of mold requires compliance with four main conditions: the establishment of favorable temperature and humidity, the presence of oxygen and food. Alming at least one of these factors can prevent the appearance of rot.

Obviously, the main impetus to start the growth of mold gives increased humidity. Its appearance may be due to the following reasons:

For the manufacture of the rafting system, raw lumber were used;

The design of the wet in the construction, the installation of Codeville was performed during the rain, etc.;

There is no ventilation attic;

Insufficient ventilation of roofing cake, resulting in a wet insulation and rafters;

There is no guide moisture protection film, as a result of which the condensate flows into the rafter system.

Preventing the appearance of mold

To prevent the appearance of mold, it is necessary to exclude the conditions for the development of the dispute mushroom. It is pointless to fight with warm temperature, and with an oxygen access is expensive, so we will dwell on the two remaining factors:

1. The fungus develops with wood humidity above 20%, so only well-dried sawn timber should be used to manufacture a rafter system.

The mounted rafter system should be covered with moisture protective film.

The roofing pie of the insulated roof must be well ventilated, for which the roof of the ondowville is equipped with skate products and, if necessary, roofing fans.

Unheated should be equipped with ridiculous windows, as well as product and exhaust ventilation with sufficient cross-section area.

2. The main condition for the life and development of mold is the presence of food. If in the absence of oxygen, low temperature and humidity of the fungus "falls asleep", then in the absence of food, it dies.

To deprive the food fungus, sawn timber should be processed by antiseptic means.

What if the mold has already appeared?

If the mold has already appeared, it is necessary:

1. To completely remove the affected wood. To do this, you can use a metal brush, a knife or other suitable tool.

The size of the processed area should exceed the affected area by 10-20 cm on each side.

2. Process the purified area by any detergent containing chlorine, and leave until complete drying.

Treatment rafted by special compositions warning biological destruction and reduced risk of fire, allows you to extend the timing of the solving system.

Changes in wood properties

For the construction of wooden structures, in particular, a rafter system of the house, wood of various breeds can be used, each of which has its own properties and degree of resistance to external influences. When choosing a lumber to pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • the degree of moisture of wood;
  • grade (the presence of cracks, bitch, etc.);
  • moisture resistance;
  • the resistance of wood rot and the impact of pests.

To increase the resistance of the material to biological destruction, you need to process special means of beams, rafters and other elements of the roof frame. At the same time, it is impossible to forget about the antipyren, which give the wood an unusual resistance to it to ignition.

At the preparation for construction, it is important to determine the means that the processing will be carried out. Today, the construction market presents a wide selection of antiseptics, flame retardants and universal firebread tools that need to be processed by the elements of the rafter system.

The choice of means and ordering of the processing of the rafter system

Under biological destruction, it is implied to rotting wood (damage to fungi and microorganisms) and the impact of pests on wood fibers (first of all bugs-tree-bugs). To protect rafters from biological destruction, antiseptic treatment is necessary. If wood is already damaged, it is necessary to soak the disinfector. Otherwise, in a humid climate, the destruction of the rafter system will occur in a short time. The danger of fire is always preserved, and the fire retardant treatment of wooden elements is relevant in the construction of a rapid system in regions with any climate.

Using the antiseptic and the flames, it is necessary to choose the order of their application correctly: one composition (main) should be an impregnation, penetrating wood incinerate, the second is a coating that creates an upper protective layer.

If the area does not apply to arid, it is recommended first of all to take care of the protection of the rafted from rotting. A high-quality impregnation with an antiseptic will create a reliable barrier for fungus and pests. And the cooler to reduce the risk of fire will help to reduce the flame retardant tool.

In the regions with a arid climate, you should bother about fireproof and impregnate beams and rafters with antipirens. To prevent the damage to the wood with a rot or bug, a bioprotective composition is applied to the surface of the wooden elements.

Antiseptrate the rafting system can be various means. There are special compositions that destroy the larvae of pests - vertoon bugs, preparations are offered, successfully fighting with common black rot, etc. Buying an antiseptic, you need to properly determine the choice based on the specifics of specific conditions. Mix various drugs can not, since their joint impact on wood fibers can become destructive.

Treatment of Stropil

To ensure reliable protection of the wooden elements of the rafting system, it is not recommended to process the finished roof frame. In this case, the most distant places remain inaccessible: attachment nodes. In the joints can penetrate moisture and provoke the rotting of raw wood. To exclude it, you need to carefully treat rafters, beams and other parts of the design before starting the installation of the rafter system.

It should be borne in mind that impregnating with an antiseptic of finished structures with a brush or sprayer is less effective than the immersion method that can be applied to the individual elements of the roof frame.

Full processing of rafters implies deep impregnation of wood by antiseptic. The maximum effect can be achieved only in the conditions of production, since for better penetration of the protective composition, wood should be heated, and the solution is supplied under pressure. Processing directly on the construction site is less qualitative, but with a careful approach also gives a good result.

To use the immersion method, it is necessary to build the capacity of the required dimensions, taking into account the length of the rafted and the width of the beam. To this end, it is digging a definite depth, or a long box is peeled from the boards. In both cases, the surface of the improvised tank is lined with a polyethylene film that is fixed on the side. Next to the container should pour a diluted antiseptic (the concentration of the composition is indicated by the manufacturer) and alternately immerse the beams, rafters and other wooden parts. Each element of the design must be withstanding in a solution for 2-3 minutes.

The rafters and other parts of the roof frame should be dried about a day, placing them in such a way that all parties are ventilated.

Especially carefully need to handle ends of rafters, grooves and propuls, since these places of rafters are most vulnerable. For this rafter, already impregnated with immersion, are additionally processed by an antiseptic in problem places with a painting brush.

If you have to handle beams, rafters and other elements of the design by surface impregnation using roller, sprayer, or brushes, it is required to carry out the minimum of twice. Before the first and second treatment of pests and rot, wooden parts must dry.

Treatment rafters should be carried out in the warm season. Merzlu and wet wood does not make sense - the fibers do not absorb the antiseptic. Antiseptat should be protected by protective equipment. The compositions used, hitting the unprotected skin, can cause a chemical burn.

After the antiseptic is penetrated into wood fibers, and the item is completely dry, it is necessary to handle it with flame. The cooler composition is applied to the surface of the rafted by a maclove or a soft painting brush, you can use a small roller. The remedy is divorced at the concentration specified by the manufacturer.