Repair Design Furniture

How to make a new fashionable out of an old bed. Restoration of old furniture: giving new life to the chest of drawers. Alteration of the old wall: changing the design

If you love handmade, and the furniture in your home needs updating, this material is especially for you. We asked Russian designers and decorators to show you how to quickly and affordably renovate your home.

We hope we managed to inspire you to update your interior. Invent, create and have fun with what you have done.

Enjoy your experiments!

1. Author's decoupage

Renovation of a furniture facade using decoupage technique is one of the favorite techniques of designer-decorator Anastasia Kasparyan. What do you need? Photo or painting, printed on a color inkjet printer, special glue, masking tape, hair dryer and brushes.

What to do? We put the printed image with the front side on the furniture facade, grease it with transformer glue, smooth it with a roller and dry it with a hairdryer. Let it dry, then moisten it abundantly with water, remove the paper. The resulting image is fixed with varnish. Voila, the new furniture facade is ready!

2. Painting with a cross

To give old furniture a new creative look, you can not only repair and paint it, but also paint it. Even if you are far from an artist, there is an easy way to create a real masterpiece on a furniture facade! Anastasia Kasparyan shares the secret again.

What to do? Remember the good old cross stitch? The principle is the same here. We lined the surface, find the drawing you like, and transfer it to the facade using colored paints. It turns out unusual and stylish!

3. Industrial lacing

Another unusual way to update furniture is to create a decorative pattern using nails and ropes. “Such modernization will look spectacular in a loft interior or a brutal men's room,” says Anastasia Kasparyan.

What to do? Nail the nails along the perimeter of the selected image, drawn in advance on the furniture, and connect them sequentially using a tourniquet. It turns out very unusual.

4. Soft spot

Everyone's familiar way of decorating old furniture is its upholstery. But Anastasia Kasparyan proposes another unusual way of renovation. To create such a charming pouf, we need a stiff mesh warp and woolen threads. It can be a mesh, a metal trash can, or just a wire drawn over it.

What to do? We outline a drawing on the basis and start "embroidery" - almost like on a fabric, only on the furniture facade. You can decorate the entire composition with the same homemade pom-poms set on glue.

5. Pipe decor

If there is neither time nor desire to paint and drag old furniture, you can simply decorate it. The materials left over from the repair will come to the rescue, in particular - plumbing pipes.

What to do? Designer Victoria Pashinskaya proposes to make an unusual decoration out of them by sawing them into pieces, assembling the structure with the help of screws and decorating it with small decor.

This design can be included in the interior as a separate element; cover with glass and get a coffee table; use it as an underframe or decorate a furniture facade with it, using it as niches for storing small things.

Have you decided to make repairs, change the interior, purchase furniture that will correspond to the updated design? But it happens that it is a pity to throw out old furniture, because it is still quite strong, it can last a long time. And every piece of interior keeps its memories, family traditions. It's just that a hand will not rise to carry such things to a landfill. But both in the landfill and in the sales markets you can see furniture that could still serve and serve. Designers are looking for this "treasure", making real masterpieces.

But it happens that it is a pity to throw out old furniture, because it is still quite strong, it can last a long time.

Do you want to change the environment, introduce original ideas into the interior, so that the old furniture sparkles with new colors? You will bring your ideas to life, create great things.

And every piece of interior keeps its memories, family traditions.

The furniture of the old times had the main advantage - it was very strong, durable, it was made from natural wood. Using all your imagination, you yourself decide how best to use certain parts of the headsets, what new purpose will be at the table, chair, chest of drawers, etc.

It's just that a hand will not rise to carry such things to a landfill.

It seems to you that this is difficult to do. In fact, everything is not so difficult. Read the relevant literature, look on the Internet, talk with friends, acquaintances who are fond of this business. You will give things a unique look. There are many materials and ways you can DIY furniture. On the restoration of interior items, you can save a significant amount of money than on the purchase of new furniture.

Take advantage of a huge number of ideas, methods, how to remodel outdated furniture.

Before you start work, decide which restoration method to choose. Get the ingredients you need. Remember, this business requires diligence, endurance, a serious approach. Maybe this will push you to start your own business. You will delight not only relatives, friends and acquaintances with amazing things, but also fulfill orders.

The furniture of the old times had the main advantage - it was very strong, durable, it was made from natural wood.

Living room, study

The most important room in the house is considered to be the living room. Actually, here we mainly spend time, relax, meet with friends, get together with the whole family. If you decide to make repairs or change the interior, take the matter seriously. The furnishings should be comfortable and multifunctional. Set aside space for a study, if desired. At first glance, this seems to be impossible, because the rooms are small and it is difficult to allocate space for an office. If you work from home, you need to ensure that there is nothing to distract from your work, the conditions are in a fruitful, even atmosphere. Designers advise to fence off the working area.

You will give things a unique look.

To do this, use partitions. They can serve as racks. In order not to spend significant sums for the purchase of furniture for the workplace, use old interior items. You can reverse engineer them:

  • repaint;
  • paste over with wallpaper or self-adhesive film;
  • change fittings;
  • decorate with various objects, attributes;
  • arrange books, indoor flowers.

On the restoration of interior items, you can save a significant amount of money than on the purchase of new furniture.

So that the furniture does not take up much space, it can be converted into a transformer, made on wheels. It is compact, easily moves, folds, unfolds. The redesigned furniture will fully match the overall decor of the room.

You will delight not only relatives, friends and acquaintances with amazing things, but also fulfill orders.

It is important to save more space in a small living room. Therefore, it is better to use a shelf table for a study. It will be more suitable for the general setting. Make old furniture into wall shelves, shelves, bedside tables, where you will store everything you need for work.

Many houses have old chairs.

Colorful chair

Many houses have old chairs. They are worn out, the upholstery has fallen into disrepair, do not rush to get rid of them. They can be restored and will last for a long time. By changing their texture, you will return the previous beauty. Now there are many varieties for restoration, be smart.

Now there are many varieties for restoration, be smart.

The first step is to remove the old coating. If the seat is soft, then remove it too. Then sandpaper, the grit can be any, the surface is treated. How you sand will determine how the other coating will lay down. The work will be a little easier if the surface is wetted. Usually, the old coating turns out to be sticky from such a procedure. Let the chair dry and sand again with fine-grit sandpaper.

Thinking of putting varnish on the chair? Better to apply a colorless primer. You can't do without it, even if you want to paint the chair. This allows the coating to last longer and spreads better. The varnish must be applied in two layers. The first coat must dry before the second coat.

If the seat is soft, then remove it too.

It has become popular to paint furniture white, and the seat is draped in contrasting colors. There are many options available.

  • The chair will look unique if you use a stencil for decoration. The drawing can be very diverse.
  • We completely replace the upholstery and foam rubber. Any fabric will do, it is fixed with a stapler.
  • Another option is to make a cover. The coating will hide flaws and disadvantages without major rework.
  • You can decorate the cover in different ways - according to your taste and color.
  • Needlewomen can knit or crochet the original upholstery.

Use outdated things in a new way. Show your imagination to the fullest.

Use outdated things in a new way. Show your imagination to the fullest. Here are several options where you can use old chairs.

Many craftsmen can make a bench, bedside table, photo frame, planter, hanging shelf, even a dog feeder

For example, such a necessary item as a wall hanger. It is quite simple to make it. You need to separate the back from the chair, paint or decorate, attach hooks and hang on the wall. A favorite rocking chair that everyone wants to have, but not many have. It is easy to make, just make semicircular beams and attach it to a chair.

An unusual option is a pet bed. First you need to build a box with a mattress. The filler can be foam rubber. The back of the chair will serve as the headboard, and the legs will serve as the base. From them it will turn out to assemble a wonderful box for magazines and newspapers.

Have you decided to make repairs, change the interior, purchase furniture that will correspond to the updated design?

Do you like a rustic setting? Towel racks will perfectly "fit" here. They are made from the backs of chairs, they are made quite simply, they will look stylish in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Designers are looking for this "treasure", making real masterpieces.

If the frame is strong, and the legs have become unusable, then the chair can become, to the delight of the kids, a swing. First, the furniture must be carefully processed - sanded, coated with an anti-fungal solution, painted.

Take advantage of a huge number of ideas, methods, how to remodel outdated furniture.

Many craftsmen can make a bench, bedside table, photo frame, flowerpot, hanging shelf, even a dog feeder. A chair can make an unusual table for storing various accessories.

The furniture of the old times had the main advantage - it was very strong, durable, it was made from natural wood.

Light sideboard

Before, almost everyone had a buffet. Many have kept it, not wanting to throw out the obsolete thing. It adds a certain charm to the setting. The restored buffet is placed in any room. The main thing is that it matches the interior. Before starting work on the alteration of old furniture, it is necessary to assess its condition and eliminate flaws. Then we clean - remove the old coating with sandpaper or a tool intended for this, grind and paint. It is important not to forget that the surface must be primed before any painting.

Light colors are in vogue now, but you can give the furniture a bright shade or paint it in a neutral color, apply a drawing, paste over with wallpaper, gift paper, film. Use new hardware. If you like to paint, put some image on the doors. Not enough patience, stick the stickers, and cover the surface with clear varnish. If the sideboard is wooden, it is better to use varnish for painting. You will get a unique thing, it will last a long time.

Before starting work on the alteration of old furniture, it is necessary to assess its condition and eliminate flaws.

How to update an old bedside table

A Soviet-era bedside table is a valuable thing. It is so strong that it can serve for more than one year. But its appearance is poor. From such a thing, you can create a newfangled object.

If you like to paint, put some image on the doors.

You will need the following materials:

  • self-adhesive film;
  • putty;
  • acetone;
  • dye.

You will get a unique thing, it will last a long time.

We look to see if there are defects, cracks, or other flaws on the nightstand. Wipe off dust, remove dirt. We dismantle the parts, process them with sandpaper. Putty the damaged areas, let dry, grind the surface again. Be sure to degrease with acetone. The next step is wrapping with a film. We prepare a piece of the required size, plus 3-4 cm. We apply it to the plane, detach the backing from above and carefully glue it. So we paste over the entire surface of the bedside table. Next, we repair the decoration elements, attach them to the furniture, change the fittings, and assemble the parts.

Instead of film, you can use wallpaper, gift paper, or just paint.

Features of reworking the wall

We all remember the old Soviet walls that stood in the houses of our grandmothers and mothers. The furniture, unfortunately, has become dilapidated, chips, scratches and cracks have appeared. Nowadays, you can still see these walls in apartments. If they are strong, but outwardly worn out, it is better to remake them in a modern way.

There are many options for reworking furniture with your own hands.

Here are several options.

  1. Pantry. You remove all unnecessary things, the most necessary things will remain. Move the shelves to another place or add several new ones. Place boxes for shoes, containers for linen, change the facade.
  2. Wardrobe. We remove the doors, install additional shelves and rungs for clothes. It's great if the wall is elongated. Then we change all the doors on the compartment door from floor to ceiling, this will help to hide the gaps.
  3. Or we divide the wall piece by piece and install it in other rooms. For example, a mezzanine - in the corridor or hallway, a wardrobe - in a bedroom or in a nursery, and a sideboard will make an excellent library.
  4. You do not want any changes, but the wall needs updating, you need to completely disassemble it, removing the fasteners and accessories. We clean, remove the old coating. Using the necessary pastes and a primer, we close up cracks, chips, scratches. We dry and grind everything. Not satisfied with the color of the wall, repaint, then cover with a matte varnish. After drying, we collect the walls, change the handles, hinges. If you want, put modern doors.

Go for it and everything will work out!

Turn on your imagination, and your wall will turn into ultra-fashionable furniture, update the interior in the room.

How can I alter other items

Any old furniture can be updated. It is made of high quality wood and will always be in demand. After carrying out the necessary alteration procedures, real works of art will appear in your house. After cleaning, processing, painting, decorating, an elegant thing will turn out from an old chest of drawers. You can make a sofa out of it, convert it into a table for a mirror. Modify the bottom of the dresser to accommodate pets.

It is made of high quality wood and will always be in demand.

A coffee table will make a wonderful ottoman, a baby changing table will serve as a unique stand in the country. An old chair can be repainted, the upholstery can be changed, an original table will come out of a dilapidated door, a cozy bench with shelves will come out of a table for dishes.

Any old furniture can be updated.

There are many options for reworking furniture with your own hands. All you need is desire, patience, imagination, ingenuity, and with your own hands you will create special things not only for yourself, but also for relatives, friends, acquaintances. Go for it and everything will work out!

VIDEO: Second life for old furniture

The times of shortage of furniture are long gone, and today we can buy whatever we want for an apartment and a house to our taste. But until now, many owners of furniture items of the socialist era are trying to repair them, give them a new life. And this is not from greed or a keen attachment to things. It's just that an object like an old chest of drawers may not be trash, the place of which is perhaps in the country, but a challenge to your own imagination and the ability to create with your own hands.

Restoration of an old chest of drawers: pros and cons

The repair and restoration processes are similar, but have a few significant differences. When repairing old furniture, we simply transform it most often: we remove peeling paint, sand it, apply a new layer, fasten loose elements. Restoration is a deeper work that goes far beyond the boundaries of cosmetic repairs. In addition, a restored dresser can become more valuable if it was originally a sufficiently original, exclusive piece.

Before deciding to restore an old chest of drawers, conduct a thorough assessment of its value. Examine the product for tags or stamps indicating the name of the master and the time of manufacture. It may turn out that your chest of drawers is an old piece of furniture art, and by starting to process it, you will lose a truly valuable thing.

An old chest of drawers may be of antique value.

Signs of antiquity can be as follows:

  • grinded inner corners as a result of prolonged use of the chest of drawers;
  • uneven notch on the fastening screws;
  • different distances between the turns of the notch.

The last two signs may indicate that the fasteners were made by hand and not industrially.

All of the above can be detected with the naked eye. A deeper analysis will be carried out by a specialist whom you invite to evaluate the product. Before the final conclusion, it is not recommended to start restoration or repair work.

Restoration process from start to finish

So, you have made the decision to restore the old chest of drawers with your own hands. The work will be painstaking, requiring attention and time. Every step is of the utmost importance, so try not to miss anything.

Old chest of drawers in need of restoration

To work you will need:

  • putty and glue for wood;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes in the set;
  • hammer;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • rubber mallet;
  • gloves and respirator;
  • toothpicks, toothbrush;
  • hardware cleaner (toothpowder is suitable);
  • brushes;
  • paint and varnish.

Cleaning the product

The old chest of drawers must be cleaned so that the surfaces and decorative details are not damaged. First, wipe the product with a sponge and soapy water. The water should be lukewarm, but not hot, and a chlorine-free laundry or stain remover soap should be used as a detergent.

Antique pieces of furniture, especially dressers, are often adorned with small details and carved inserts. A toothbrush will help you clean them well.

Remove the furniture fittings (this will give you access to the surfaces under the parts for better dirt removal) and rub with a cleaning agent. For example, tooth powder works well for silver.

Use an awl or toothpick to clean hard-to-reach places such as crevices and corners. Plaque and stubborn dirt can be removed with fine emery paper. It should be used very carefully, otherwise the finish may tarnish as a result of strong pressure.

If you decide to change the color of an old chest of drawers or cover it with a new layer of varnish, the surface must be carefully sanded.

Preliminary preparation

After the old chest of drawers has been washed and dried well, repair or replace damaged items. Finding the right parts is likely to be difficult. To do this, it is better to contact an antique shop or carpentry shop to order the production of the necessary decor items. There you can also get professional assistance with the installation of parts.

Check how well the screws and bolts are tightened and if the wood is cracked. Remove rusty or loose bolts: they must be replaced with new ones. Glue small cracks on the surface with wood glue; those that are larger, cover with putty on wood, picking it up strictly in tone. If you plan to subsequently cover the dresser with stain, then use a special putty.

Painting works

Nowadays it is rare to find furniture made of natural wood on a wide sale. An old chest of drawers may not go well with the modern style of your home. Therefore, in addition to a fresh look, this product can be given a new image. The easiest way is to paint it with one color, for example, white.

Remove the old coating from the surface first. Do this carefully so as not to damage the wood or leave traces of old coating in crevices and corners.

Thoroughly clean the surfaces of the dresser so that no unevenness remains

Now sand the surface to get rid of any irregularities and minor imperfections.

Sand the surface well

After sanding, proceed to the putty. Carefully seal up any chips and unnecessary holes. After the putty has dried, rub it with fine-grained sandpaper.

Use wood-based paint to paint the dresser. It may be necessary to sand the surface again. To give the chest of drawers a gloss, you can apply a layer of varnish over the paint (naturally, after it has completely dried).

Replacing old parts

The old dresser used in our example had iron handles. Of course, they are beautiful and give the furniture an antique look. Unfortunately, some of these pens are hopelessly damaged. The easiest way out is to completely replace them with new ones, more suitable in style. It's easy to do: drill holes of the required diameter in suitable places and insert the fittings.

Replace old dresser handles with new ones for a modern look

As you can see, the chest of drawers has become completely different: new, modern and exclusive.

New life of old furniture

Decoupage chest of drawers

If pure white color seems to you not enough in order to breathe new life into the old chest of drawers, make decoupage.

  1. Paint the surface with white acrylic paint. Let dry well.
  2. Cut out pattern fragments from decorative paper napkins. Stick them on the dresser with PVA glue.
  3. After everything is dry, cover the dresser with varnish.

That's all, your chest of drawers has sparkled with new colors! Decoupage is good because you can choose any pattern and pattern that your imagination allows.

Master class on decoupage chest of drawers (video)

Another repair option

This method will help you turn an old and boring bulky chest of drawers into a light and elegant piece of furniture. For the transformation, we will take a classic model without any special decorative ornaments: three wide drawers and two small ones.

Classic chest of drawers with three large and two small drawers

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • a means for removing an old layer of varnish or paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • chisel;
  • matte putty;
  • PVA glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • polyurethane foam decorative moldings;
  • wallpaper;
  • paraffin;
  • water-based acrylic paint;
  • transparent water-based varnish;
  • 8 decorative handles.


Unscrew the handles from the dresser. Examine it carefully from all sides. Pay particular attention to the lid and legs: these are the places where the wood is usually the most damaged. If the deficiencies are minor, it is not necessary to eliminate them. But if more serious damage is found, sometimes it is necessary to replace some parts completely.

Free the chest of drawers from old varnish or paint. The upper layers can be removed with a chisel; they usually come off easily. Thoroughly rub the remains with emery so that clean wood is visible.

Thoroughly clean the product from old paint and remove the fittings

On places where noticeable irregularities and dents are found, apply mastic with a spatula and level the layer. After drying, sand these areas with fine-grained emery paper. Do this carefully, do not press too hard, otherwise you will damage the fresh layer of mastic. As a result, the surface should become perfectly flat.

New dresser handles you purchase may be smaller or larger than your old ones. In this case, you need to seal up the holes left over from the old handles that you removed with mastic and make new ones in the right places with a drill.

Note! There are handles that are attached to special screws. There is no need to drill holes for them. If you have the opportunity, purchase such accessories to make your job easier.

Dilute PVA glue with water. Use a brush to brush over the entire surface of the dresser. You can replace the glue with any primer. When the surface is completely dry, you can start decorating.

Decorative elements

First of all, prepare the main decorative elements - frames for the sidewalls and drawers. They can be made from conventional polyurethane moldings. In this work, the main thing is correct measurements. The frame for the drawer must be positioned strictly along the edge. It is better to make a small indent on the sidewalls.

Size the decorative frames on the drawers correctly

It is also very important to properly trim the corner pieces of the molding.

When you have prepared all the parts for the frames, start attaching them. For greater reliability, fasten the frames with screws, then seal the places where they enter the moldings with mastic so that the caps do not stand out.

Apply mastic to the places where the screws enter the moldings.

Now paint the installed frames with acrylic paint. Choose whichever color you like or suits the interior of the room. For example, for a French-style chest of drawers, light coffee or beige is well suited. Apply the paint in several layers, each time until it dries completely.

Stick wallpaper inside the frames. It's good if they have a thick texture and a quirky pattern. The ornament should be darker than the general background. After you finish pasting the wallpaper, carefully screw the knobs into place.

For the originality of the decor, use wallpaper.

The final touch is the covering of the chest of drawers with transparent varnish. It should be applied in several layers.

Chest of drawers after restoration in the interior of the bedroom

To make the drawers easy to slide out of the grooves, lubricate the wooden parts of the slide system with paraffin. Sliding will be greatly facilitated.

How to restore an old chest of drawers (video)

As you can see, turning an old bulky chest of drawers into a completely new and attractive interior element is not at all difficult, albeit troublesome. But all difficulties pale before the result of the work. Let us know in the comments about your ideas for restoring and remodeling old furniture. Good luck and comfort to your home!

Soviet furniture is often of good enough quality to serve its owners for years. You can only throw it away because the interior has become old-fashioned or tired. Many items are made of natural wood, and could continue to function for a long time, but this design! Tweak the look of your grandma's dresser or mom's wall for something really cool.

There are several effective tricks that will completely change the appearance of the Soviet headset and allow it to last longer. Choose one thing, or combine them all.

Repair and preparation for alteration

If the table or chest of drawers you inherited was not particularly popular, its design can be left unchanged. After all, it will not necessarily be furniture that has set the teeth on edge, and in combination with modern furnishings it will be quite appropriate to look. But it will hardly be possible to do without repair work. Over time, the furniture dries up, and some parts will have to be re-fitted to each other.

Be sure to pay attention to the following operations:

  • Cleaning furniture from dirt, dust and soot (pay special attention to the corners);
  • preventive lubrication of locks;
  • fitting of parts (if the furniture is dry or warped during transportation);
  • grinding and puttying of damaged surfaces;
  • change of furniture fittings

In some cases, restoration of damaged surfaces and thorough repairs will be sufficient. If you decide to completely change the appearance of a particular item, this stage will be preparatory.

Repairing damaged coatings or applying new varnish

The least radical way of alteration, which borders on restoration. You can update the damaged coating a little, or completely change the look of the furniture. It all depends on the type of varnish and processing methods.

It is most appropriate to use it in cases when furniture made of good types of wood gets under restoration. A classic design that will fit into any interior needs delicacy.

Some helpful tips:

  • The easiest way is to use an oil-based varnish, it was with it that old furniture was processed. In some cases, you can do without removing the old layers.
  • Apply the varnish with a sponge, not a brush, to prevent streaks and lint from forming on the surface.
  • Dry each layer for at least 12 hours.
  • If you want to completely change the look of your furniture, use a two-component craquelure varnish. It will create a cracking effect on the surface, and will make the furniture look like an antique.

Some pieces of furniture shouldn't be overhauled. It is enough to restore the old layer of varnish and restore the fittings a little.

Craquelure varnish goes well with painting, decorative painting and decoupage.

Painting old furniture

Choose this technique if you're looking to completely redesign your design. Be that as it may, but natural wood furniture can look slightly bulky and heavy. And if for a spacious office this can be a plus, then in a small apartment you want lightness and air. Repainting will help to make the design more democratic.

Some helpful tips:

  • Use this type of rework also where the wood is badly damaged, or we are talking about inexpensive types of wood.
  • Be sure to remove the old coating from the surface.
  • Sand the wood well, then apply putty and a coat of primer. This will significantly reduce paint consumption and achieve better results.
  • After applying the first coat of paint, dry the furniture and walk over it with a sander and sandpaper. This process may seem ineffective, as a significant portion of the paint will be removed. But with re-coloring, you will achieve the perfect result.
  • It is easier to work with matte paints, they better hide surface defects.
  • Use art painting or ready-made templates to create interesting designs.
  • Combine painted details with natural wood.

Light shades and laconic fittings will make the furniture more democratic.

White color and weightless hardware completely transformed the old chest of drawers.

Monochromatic paint that hides the texture of the wood looks light and modern.

In some cases, a light background in combination with contrasting hardware works great.

It is good to apply bright accents with masking tape.

As a stencil for applying paint, you can use an old curtain with an ornament.

Another version of the "lace" painting.

Master the decoupage technique

This type of finish has long been adopted by needlewomen. But why not apply it on a larger scale? Use ready-made images and apply them to a painted or sanded surface.

Some helpful tips:

  • Be sure to prime the surface before sticking images on it.
  • As a material, use any drawings printed on thin paper, napkins, or even newspaper clippings.
  • Thick paper must be soaked in water or decoupage solution before gluing;
  • Do not limit yourself to surface treatment with glue. After the decoupage coating has dried, cover the furniture with a durable varnish.

Decoupage works great in combination with matte paint.

A large drawing can be printed on thin paper.

Decoupage combined with craquelure varnish and painting.

Do you want to create a unique interior at no extra cost?

Old furniture will help you with this, a photo of the alteration of which you can find with us.

There are many ways to transform old, familiar items.

The choice of method depends on the purpose of using the furniture and the type of coating, as well as its condition at the time of the renovation.

You can find a step-by-step photo master class for making furniture with your own hands from old interior items on our website. The furniture renovation process includes two main stages:

  • repair;
  • decoration.

Let's consider in more detail what to focus on.

Repair of tables

Tables are distinguished by functionality into writing, dining, kitchen and magazine tables. Depending on their purpose, their structure also differs, and, consequently, the process of restoration. Typically, dining tables consist of 4 legs, a bow and a table top. They can be solid or folding. When reworking such furniture, you should pay special attention to the condition of all elements, as well as their fastening. The legs should be the same, no damage. They can be replaced if necessary.

The table top, in turn, is the main part of the table. Its surface must be smooth, free from grooves, crevices and corrosion. If necessary, you can use wood putty to achieve the desired effect. With its help, you can easily and quickly eliminate all surface imperfections. If necessary, it can also be used when repairing legs. The same scheme is used when repairing coffee tables.

Kitchen tables have their own characteristics. Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to conduct a complete inspection of this piece of furniture. The strength of the countertop plays an important role. She must withstand heavy loads and physical stress. In this regard, the foundation on which it is installed must also be strong.

An example of using wood putty to help fix all the unevenness of an old countertop

Note! Kitchen tables are not only a place to work, but are also used to store kitchen utensils. For this, drawers, shelves and doors are built into them. They should be given special attention.

If the table is equipped with shelves, then you should pay attention to their fasteners. If necessary, special caps made of wood or plastic can be purchased in a furniture store, and a thin, durable metal corner can also be used as a fastener for the shelves. Pay attention to the condition of the awnings with which the door is attached. It is best to replace them with new ones, as with frequent use this part lends itself to the greatest wear and tear.

The freshness of natural wood is given by special polishing agents that can be found in any hardware or furniture store.

If the table is equipped with drawers, then check how firmly their sides and bottom are connected. To facilitate their use, you can replace the fittings with which the drawers are pulled out. You can buy it at a furniture store. There you can also purchase various types of comfortable handles.

Advice! When replacing awnings, choose ones that are designed for furniture. They will provide more convenient and reliable door operation.

When repairing a desk, you should pay attention to all of the above. After watching a detailed do-it-yourself workshop on remodeling old furniture, you can repeat it yourself.

Repair of cabinets and bedside tables

Each house has furniture that is designed for storage. As a rule, these are cabinets and cabinets of different types and sizes. They can be different in height, depth, roominess. Moreover, each of them can become a real decoration of your apartment. To do this, see how to restore old furniture with your own hands next.

Quite an extravagant and extraordinary element of the interior - a bedside table from an old suitcase

First of all, it is worth inspecting all the shelf mounts and, if necessary, replacing them with new ones. You can also replace the drawer mounts with more functional and modern ones.

Door fixing methods may vary depending on size. Sheds are used for cabinets and small cabinets. They wear out quickly, so when carrying out repairs, it is best to replace them with new ones.

If you are remodeling a large wardrobe and it has movable doors, then over time, its fittings may also wear out. In a furniture store, you can find special fastener rollers for sliding cabinet doors.

How impressive the restored old furniture looks in this case, see below in the photo.

Repair of chairs

It is hard to imagine any home without chairs. Today it is such an ordinary subject that few people pay attention to it. This can happen in two cases - either when the chair is properly designed as an interior item, or when it breaks down. We will consider how to come from the second option to the first.

The option of restoring old armchairs with covers in vintage style

The chair consists of three main elements:

  • legs;
  • seats;
  • backs.

All of them may fail sooner or later. If the legs become the cause of the breakage, then they must be firmly fixed, since otherwise the use of the chair becomes dangerous. If the seat breaks, then it can be replaced by cutting out a corresponding piece from plywood or fiberboard. The same can be done with the backrest. You can also soften the stool if you wish. To do this, a soft foam-based upholstery must be attached to the seat and backrest.

Advice! If you decide to install or replace the upholstery on the chair, it is best to use fabric stitched to the foam rubber. You can find one in a textile store, and it is worth fixing it with a construction stapler.

Old furniture: photos of design options using painting

As you know, any piece of furniture should be not only functional, but also attractive. Therefore, when old furniture is being updated, the photo of which you can see below, it is necessary to break down the work into several stages. The first step is surface preparation.

It is necessary to clean the furniture from traces of old paint, varnish, as well as from dirt. After that, it is necessary to putty the cracks, if any, and then apply a primer. Then you can apply the base. To do this, you need to choose a paint of the appropriate color.

New life of the frame of an old bed made of natural wood - painting in delicate turquoise

Advice! It is best to use a water-based acrylic paint. It does not contain toxic substances, does not emit a strong odor and dries quickly. This gives the surface a glossy, attractive appearance. But if you are good with an aerosol can, then it will work.


The restoration of old furniture, photos of which are presented below, includes decor. You can use different techniques and combine them. The most common is decoupage. To do this, you need the following:

  • the required image printed on paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue brush;
  • varnish, preferably water-based acrylic;
  • brush for applying varnish.

Decoupage is a fascinating experience, and furniture made using this technique looks very gentle and unusual.

Advice! It is best to use large colored napkins with appropriate motives as the image.

Lubricate the surface with glue, gently attach and smooth the picture. Let everything dry a little, then open it with varnish. It is worth noting that there is no doubt about the effectiveness of using this method during the restoration of old furniture with your own hands.

Another equally interesting decorating method is the application of patterns using lace. To do this, you will need:

  • lace;
  • paint of the corresponding color;
  • Scotch.

Take a piece of lace and attach it to the place you plan to decorate. Secure the ends with tape. It is advisable to cover the rest of the area with paper or film. Apply paint with a brush or use aerosol cans. Let the product dry. Remove the tape, paper, and lace.

Advice! If you want to decorate a large area, it is best to use a piece of guipure of the appropriate size.

Both of the above methods are quite effective. Instead of lace and guipure, you can use paper templates. As a rule, often when decoupage and restoration of old furniture, wallpaper left over after repair is used.

Padding of upholstered furniture

Over time, the upholstery of sofas and armchairs not only loses its attractive appearance, but can also sag strongly, become not as soft as before. But if you do not want to throw away your favorite piece of furniture or do not have the funds to buy a new one, you can carry out the hauling at home.

Refurbished shabby chic dining room

A detailed master class on how to remodel furniture with your own hands, and photo examples are presented on our website. You need to purchase the appropriate fabric from which the new upholstery will be made. This could be:

  • barakan;
  • velours;
  • leatherette;
  • crepe;
  • alcantara;
  • leather, etc.

The choice of material for upholstery depends on your financial capabilities. You can buy it both in a textile and in a specialized furniture store. You will also need a construction stapler and staples for it.

It is best to get rid of old upholstery. It can be fixed with glue. In this case, you will need a utility knife or (if staple brackets are attached) you will need to use a flathead screwdriver. After removing the old cover, start installing a new one.

A small master class on replacing the upholstery of an old pouf

Cut off the required piece of upholstery, attach it so that the edges go into the place where the old one ends, and attach with a stapler. You can carry out such manipulations both with the soft part, and with the back and by-lines.

If the upholstered furniture has lost its volume and softness, they can be returned by replacing the foam rubber. It must be fixed with special small studs. If you are afraid that such manipulations are beyond your power, then you can stick the foam rubber over the old upholstery and cover it with a new one. But it should be borne in mind that the furniture should not lose its functionality.

Add new volume to the seat of an old chair

You can add any volume to your product. To do this, it is necessary to choose foam rubber of the appropriate thickness. If a folding mechanism is present, then after the constriction it should function as before.

Advice! If you need to replace the upholstery and restore its volume, it is advisable to use fabric stitched to foam rubber. You can purchase one from a specialist store, or you can sew both materials yourself.

Decoration of upholstered furniture upholstery

If you change both layers of upholstery, you can apply different types of decoration options that will give your furniture a more aesthetic look. There are many ways to do this. We'll look at two of the most common:

    The fabric used for the stretch can be stitched in with patterned seams. This will create a special decorative effect. Purchase buttons or textile clips and use them to tighten the fabric and foam rubber, joining them together.

Updating upholstered furniture with a cover

A more economical and simpler way to hide stains is to sew covers. To do this, you can pick up any fabric you like. It is important that it is durable. The most commonly used for this purpose:

barakan; velours; velvet; jeans; coarse calico; other.

Having taken measurements for the size of the sofa, you can sew a cover that will cover the back, seat and, if necessary, the leg of your sofa.

A small workshop on sewing a removable cover for a pouf

When making a cover, you can use a variety of decor techniques. You can put embroidery in a certain place. If you wish, you can sew on the applique. For this, fragments of the pattern are cut out of pieces of fabric and sewn to the base, forming a single picture.

You can also apply the currently popular patchwork - the art of making products from rags. In this case, you can use pieces of old unnecessary things to make a cover.

Updating the story with plywood

Scuffs, stains and even torn upholstery on the backside can be hidden with a special overlay. To make it you will need:

plywood; small metal corners; the smallest furniture screws.

You can cut the plywood yourself or ask for help from specialists where you will purchase it. You will need 5 pieces according to the size of your book. The cover should cover the outside, inside, back, front and top. After making measurements, just make 5 corresponding rectangles and fasten them from the inside of the structure using corners and self-tapping screws.

Further, it is enough to simply put on the structure on the past. It can not only play the role of decoration, but also be quite functional. You can use the overlay as a mini table. If necessary, apply paint or decorate it in any way convenient for you.

Advice! After making the plywood trim, sand it on both sides with sandpaper.

May 3, 2019 Sergei