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Vasilek blue: description, useful and harmful properties, photos. Types and varieties. Vasilek cultivation of seeds

Vasilek - decorative plant related to the family of complex beds. Basil inflorescences are very diverse - there are many forms and colors.

The plant is widely known in Europe, Asia and America. There are more than 500 varieties of flower.

Vasilecks perfectly tolerates the strong cold and the scorching sun. Long blossomwhich is usually observed from July to September, you can achieve with the help of abundant watering and feeding.

Landing colors It is advisable to produce, observing a distance of 20-30 centimeters.

History Vasilka

Vasilek is known since ancient times, many myths and legends are connected with it. A wreath of beautiful blue flowers was found even in the tomb of Tutankhamon.

In legends Ancient Greece Vasilek is mentioned as a healing agent whose juice treated his terrible wounds Centaur Chiron. Centaurea Cuanus - the scientific name of the plant, literal translation Which is a bentaur flower.

Russian name is associated with the legend telling Vasily, the young man, the transformed mermaid in a beautiful blue flower.

Vasilek was a favorite flower of the world-famous Basinist Krylov.

Vasilkov varieties

There are several types of cornflowers:

  • mountain - height does not exceed 40 cm, blooms in summer (June - July) blue flowers;
  • the desired - the name is given due to the original color of the leaves (with white edge below). Flowers have pink color, with white middle. Tall view reaching 80 centimeters;
  • large-headed - view whose height exceeds 1 meter, has huge buds and spectacular yellow flowers;
  • vasilek beautiful - a gentle pink shade flowers frame grayish-white leaves. Height does not exceed 40 cm;
  • grungy - grows to 1 meter, blooms with beautiful crimson-red flowers;
  • beautiful vasilek - grows only up to 20 cm., It is known for round flowers, with a pinkish-purple tint.

Use in folk medicine

Inflorescences Vasilka are a storehouse of healing components. The plant is effectively in the fight with many ailments:

  • eliminates itching during eczema;
  • quickly helps to cope with diatela symptoms;
  • makes it easier for jaundice;
  • perfectly removes swelling;
  • eliminates rheumatic pains;
  • has a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • is an excellent means of relieving pain and inflammation;
  • it is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Before applying Vasilka's infusions and decoctions, a doctor consultation is required.

Disembarkation and care

For reproduction of perennial cornflowers, seeds are used, which are planted in the spring (April - May), in the soil enriched with nutrients.

The method of division is also possible to reproduce the plant. A bush, pre-selected for division, turns out, retarded (10 cm) from the root and shoot off.

Roots are thoroughly washed and cut into 2-3 deteen, child kidneys must be present in each of them.

Abundant I. lush flowering You can achieve the feeding, which is made before the start of flowering. To collect seeds, it is necessary to wait for the moment when the petals are covered, and the core of the inflorescence will acquire a dark shade.

The dried inflorescences are broken and stored in a dark dry place for 2-3 weeks, then seeds are shaken out of the head, which spring is in the ground.

Vasilek - the plant is unpretentious, in need only in soil looser and regular watering.

Club design

Vasilki in flowerbeds are perfectly combined with plants that bloom at the same time with them, such as poppy or calendula.

They form a wonderful motley meadow. Shrub existing on the site, perfectly shade tall types of cornflower, and for registration alpine Gork, on the contrary, approach the lowest varieties.

In landscape design used for landscaping slopes. Plants located in the flower bed around Vasilkov must be restrained, inconspicuous shades.

13 jun. 2015

Vasilki - not catchy flowersBut they have natural charm and are well suited for creating flower beds in natural style.

Vasilka are common worldwide, in Russia the name of the flower is given by Vasily, which means the "royal" due to the crown of edge flowers. The Latin name of this CENTAUREA flower, which means "Centaur", because according to the legend of the Greeks Centaur Chiron, these flowers heal his wounds.

CENTAUREA has up to 500 species of annual and perennial herbatous plants From the family of comprehensible. Vasilkov flowers are inflorescences - baskets, in the middle of which small tubular flowers are located, and at the outer edge, larger funnel-shaped flowers. Color coloring Vasilkov is blue, blue, pink, lilac, yellow and white.

In ancient times for the peasants, the cornflowers were weeds, since the fields of rye died with blue lights. it one-year Vasilek Blue (Centaurea.cyanus) Or field, and in the people it was called Dwarl, Will, Blavat, Lookout, Blue, Sinushnitsy, Sinetooth.

Vasilek blue blooms from June to autumn frosts. He has a thin strong reprehensive stem, up to 70 cm high, branched in the upper part. Inflorescences with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm bright blue on the edge and dark blue in the center. There are varieties with white, pink, purple, red and even double colors.

Previously, from the juice of domestic dark blue small tubular flowers, which are located in the center of the basket, got a bright blue paint, and from blue edge flowers paint was a pale blue.

After flowering, the Vasilkov ripen seeds with a fluffy tank, so they easily scatter on distant distances and multiply as weed. Vasilki differ in minimal requirements for growing conditions, grow well on dry and wet places, but abundantly bloom only in open sunny places.

Vasilki look great alone, as well as in a group with other bright summer flowers with poppies, daisies, estolia, calendula. Seeds little varieties Vasilkov come into the mixture for moorish lawnwhich creates a bright lawn of wildflowers.

Annual Vasilkavery unpretentious, long bloom from June to September, so gardeners gladly decorate their flower beds with cornflowers. Annual cornflower cornflowers are spreading, they are seeded immediately into the ground in April - the end of May, they can be soaked and under the winter. Shoots appear in a week, and after some time the seedlings reload leaving a distance of 10-12 cm between plants.

Perennial Vasilkarequire minimal care, besides, these plants are long-livers, without transplanting live up to 10 or more. However, some types of perennial vasilkov due to the crawling rhizome quickly grow up, suppressing neighboring plants. But there are perennial cornflowers with a rod root, they are less aggressive and slowly diverge to stirre, so they multiply predominantly seeds.

Vasilek meadow (Centaurea.jacea.) It is often possible to meet on forest edges and glades. This plant height up to 80 cm with strong reprehensive stems branched to the top. On the tops of the stems are formed by single large inflorescences - baskets with purulent pink and white flowers. The stalks and leaves of the plant are covered with a pile, like a web, so they seem to be sisovat. Vasilek meadow blooms from mid-summer to frosts, spread it with seeds.

Vasilek Mountain (Centaurea.montana.) It grows on the meadows in the mountainous areas of the Pyreneev, Alps and the Balkans. This cornflower looks effectively in the gardens, but quickly grows into a dense curtain, thanks to the stronger rhizomet. Lightweight shoots reach a height of 60 cm. Large up to 6 cm in inflorescences diameter blue-violet colorBut there are varieties with white, pink and purple flowers. This species blooms richly in May-June.

Vasilek Mountain breeds seeds, spending sowing under winter or in early spring, as well as the division of the bush. Vasilek Mountain winter articles, withstands spring frosts.

Vasilek is soft (Centaurea.mollis) His homeland is the Carpathians, where this flower decorates meadows. Vasilek mild has a long smaller rhizome, so it grows quickly, forming dense thickets. Thin low shoots up to 30-35 cm long end end with single blue inflorescences. It blooms all summer, unpretentious and resistant to diseases. It is easily multiplied by the segments of rhizomes and seeds.

Vasilek Fisher (Centaurea.fischeru.) Right from the Caucasus, he has extraordinary big inflorescences in diameter reach 9 cm white or pink color. Strengthening shoots with a height of 30-50 cm have silver leg. Flowers from June to August.

Vasileck large head Forms a high bush to 120 cm with large bumps dropped into bright yellow inflorescences and baskets. Flowers from July to mid-August. Propagated by seeds, poorly tolerates the division of the bush. This high cornflower is better placed in flower beds in the second plan.

Growing Vasilkov

All cornflowers are light-minded plants, so they bloom well only at sunny places, under the trees, even with a slight shading or a thick planting, they grow worse.

The soil for growing cornflowers should be well prepared, refilled by humus, with a neutral reaction.

Most cornflowers prefers moderate moisturizing, watering these flowers only as needed during the drought period. The rest of the departure for cornflowers is a weeding, loosening. Pretchets complex mineral fertilizer Make regularly only for colors grown on cutting.

Basils bloom in June - July. Perennial species in the first year have not yet gained strength to bloom abundantly, but forms a lush bush from the leaves. Seamless shoots are cut at a sheet outlet level. Burnt leaves of Vasilkov green leaves.

Approximately 500 species grows in Europe, Asia, North Africa and America. Usually, when it comes to the plant of cornflowers, the blue flower immediately appears, despite the fact that they are still yellow, pink, lilac and so on. In the Russian Federation they are called in different ways - the stir, the ringing grass, the bobbly, the wipe, the silver.


In decorative gardening, it is customary to classify cornflowers in several signs. The first shares representatives of the kind on annuals and perennials.

By one-year, in particular, the famous Vasilek Blue (he is a field of field, cornflower blue, cornflower is a garden), which created a cornflow association with blue in the masses. Among the cornflowers of this species there are also two-year-old plants.

Their blue flowers have long been lost in the crops of rye, attract the attention of the flower water, even taking into account the fact that they are essentially weeds. Their beauty is so pronounced that in the distant 16th century the plant was aligned. In the natural environment, the painting of the funk-shaped edge flowers is bright blue, whereas among the varieties there are many different colors - pink, red and others.

In addition, the terry and semi terry zerotforms are derived, which differ in the number of wide tubular flowers. Vasilek terry also has a wide color range - there are bright blue, purple, dark purple and other variety colors. Blue Vasil's flowering continues from the beginning of the summer before the arrival of frosts. The plant is generally not demanding in courtship.

In British firms (and the British are an ardent adherents of simplicity and natural proximity in everything that concerns colors) you can choose almost any variety that meets personal requirements and preferences. Also, the blue cornflowers are an integral component of the seed mixture of Mauritan lawn.

Types of Vasilkov

- More often, sometimes a two-meter growing in the Eastern Mediterranean. Soothes are branched, crowned with single light yellow baskets. Blossom lasts from June to September.

Refers to bilateral plants. His shoots are greatly branched. The main interest in this kind is caught flowers quite rare, as for cornflowers, painted - white. They form small baskets at the ends of the twigs.

For perennial cornflowers are typical and almost complete immunity to disease. To understand how best to use them in your flower bed, you need to know what they are divided into 2 groups:

Vasilki, whose root rod or short rhizome. It is typical to form thick bushes and grow slowly.

  • These include vasilek English (Light yellow inflorescences with a diameter up to 7 cm, flowering period - July-August, is in demand in mixed flower beds, like the element of the 2nd plan),

  • Opened vasilek (one of the most beautiful, with spectacular bright pink flowers and beautiful foliage, in England is used to compile mixtorers),

  • vasilek meadow (Bright purple inflorescences, up to 4 cm in diameter, shoots straight branchy purple, flowering period - from mid-summer to cold weather),

  • vasilek Freigian (blooms since July Purple-pink shield baskets for one and a half months)

  • Grungy Vasilek (with spherical single baskets, purple-lilac on the edge, brightened in the middle area, blooming from July to August and being the second following cornflower blue on honey properties),

  • vasilek Talieva (the rarest species listed in the Red Book and found only in the territory of the European part of Russia, the shade of flowers is creamy-yellowish, bloom comes in mid-summer).

And cornflowers forming root processes or horizontal rhizomes. Actively grow up with the formation of Kurtin and thickets.

  • Their number includes vasilek Mountain characterized by stable decorative throughout the season and special beauty at the time of flowering from June to August. 6-centimeter inflorescences are blue, or more precisely - purple blue with a deep tint. Like cornly blue, this species It has long been used in culture (from the mid-16th century).

Vasilek landing and care

Vasilek in the natural environment prefers open fields. He is not terrible, and he loves the light very much, so it is necessary to choose a well-lit place for cultivation. This applies to both the annual cornflower of blue and perennials, the more the sun will be on the site, the better, and even the strong heat in this case is more suitable than halftime.

Many lights need primarily foliage, which should receive it evenly throughout the volume, in connection with which in the compositions of a mixed type of blue cornflow (and some others) need to be placed in the foreground (even taking into account the varietal differences in height), and thickened landing For the most part are not suitable.

In addition, for a comfortable development, these plants need a certain space equal to approximately half the meter between instances of medium and high varieties. With such a distance, mutual blackout is practically excluded.

For the most part, cornflowers are very resistant to drought, including, of course, and a popular blue appearance, which can be carried away by even long periods in the drying ground.

But it is less related to more rare annual cornflowers (for example, to meadow), which is important to the slight moisture content of the soil.

Bodyak is also a representative of the Astrov family and has therapeutic properties. Grown when landing and leaving open soil without special troublesBut you should be careful because it is a weed grass. You can find recommendations for the cultivation and removal of this plant in this article.

Soil for Vasilkov

Lush I. long term Blossoms are provided by planting cornflower on high-quality ground, pre-treated and medium-nutrient.

Numerous and most overall flowers are obtained where the earth is fertile, not oversaturated with humus, drainaged and neutral in terms of indicators. Lime or boiled soils are not favorable for growing, smoothly as compacted, too dry, raw, stony.

According to this part of the care, it should be noted that the Earth needs to systematically glow and loosely loosened when it is still young, and mulching makes it not even these minimum procedures.

Transplant Vasilkov

Transplanting Perennial Vasilkov is carried out from the 10th to the 30th. The instance selected for this should be dug, trim the height of 10 cm from the root, rinse root system water.

If necessary, divided by an endless knife for a couple of decene, including several subsidiaries. Before planted, the soil is squeezed with a compost, scattering the fertilizer with a 5-centimeter layer.

Fertilizer for Vasilka

On the fertile soils Vasils are not needed, moreover, they may adversely affect the development, if there is an overabundance. Mineral nutritional mixes are brought only on initial stage flowering, and only in a small volume equal to half of the dose packaging.

Under no circumstances should these procedures be systematized, even when growing on a cut. A repeated non-concentrated feeder is allowed when problems with flowering occurring in a sharp reduction in the number of flowers or a delay of the second wave.

Pruning Vasilkov

Pressing the aesthetics and refinement can be reduced to the trimming of the blurred flowers. If you forget about this, the next year is not a very pleasant surprise in the form of a bit around wherever in the fall of cornflowers. The trimming is carried out by following one of the 2 proven methods - high and low.

The first implies circumcision of stems under inflorescences, and the second is entirely entirely with a residue of about 10 cm. Upper trimming (high) is safer and allows you to get a more tidy and fluffy bush, avoiding the dangers of getting propellant in the flower bed.

Vasilek cultivation of seeds

The reproduction of cornflowers is carried out by sowing seeds either by shifting. If there is a double-year or multi-year corner, both methods are suitable, while annual can be multiplied by seeds.

Seeding seeds annual cornflowers produce early spring, perennials - in autumn periodAfter which they will perfectly hold the winter under the cover of snow. Roots / cuttings Perennial forms are divided from last days August to the first September.

Diseases and pests

Vasilka are not subjected to pest attacks and practically do not get ill. In those rare cases where their health deteriorates, the reason must be sought in care (and more specifically - in excess of soil moisture). Noticing on a blue coronary coroned cornflower, it is necessary to do the measures to eliminate the disease, known as fusariosis .

It helps to get rid of the processing of Fundazole, spraying plants with infused 3 days with cow dung (1: 1 with water), sprinkling foliage and stems ashes. The treatment of perennial species looks different - the affected areas are cut and burned, thereby preventing the re-occurrence of the disease.

Vasilek Blue Medical Properties

In the edge flowers, the cornflower contains glycosides, flavonoids, vitamins, salts of minerals, coloring and other connections. Medications, which include vasilek blue, are used as coorative, antipyretic, diuretic and antimicrobial means.

Its choleretic, relaxing, wound-healing and painkillers are also expressed. With it, they remove the spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs, improve appetite and digestion as a whole.

Infusion Vasilka

The infusion cooked from flowers effectively affects inflammation and microbes in the treatment of conjunctivitis, chicken blindness and blufaritis. To prepare it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of cornflower flowers and pour boiling water (200 ml).

Before you begin to use it, it is necessary to give it to brew for 1st hour and strain. Take in the amount of 50 ml 3-4 times a day in 20 minutes before meals.

Tincture Vasil on Vodka

In hepatitis and diseases of biliary passes, the tincture of flowers is used. By 30 grams of the upper parts, the cornflower will need 300 milliliters of high-quality vodka (diluted medical alcohol is suitable).

The tincture should be in darkening at least 15 days, while it takes to shabby every day. IN finished video It takes 30 drops to eat.

Broth Vasilka

In cases of urination problems associated with inflammation in the kidneys, the rope of petals of cornflower is treated.

They prepare it as follows: two tablespoons of plant raw materials pour 250 ml to boiling water and boil over 10 minutes. You can take on the tablespoon to 6 times a day.

The name of the Vasilek flower has a Greek origin, it is like a word "Kentaurion", which means "flower, yellow color" IN everyday life We are accustomed to seeing these flowers in blue color.

In fact, they are a wide variety of shades: white, yellow, purple, blue, pink, and even black. In Russia, they are also called with wipes, perlaring, shinets and many others.

General description of the plant

Vasilka are annual, two-year and perennial. Their stems have a reprehensive or lying form. Some species grow up to 140 cm in height. The helpful part of the cornflowers is located alternately, the column has a solid form.

Plant inflorescences are different. Baskets are distinguished by spherical shape, as well as cylindrical. Wrapping scales can be both bare and flooded.

They are individually located or several pieces in flowers having a thyroid shape. Flowers are placed around the edges - funnel-shaped, those that in the middle are tubular or tubular-funnels.

Vasilki are quite enduring, so it's easy to contain them. Plants are breeding without difficulty, pests and various diseases are not affected.

Root plant plant

According to the nature of the root system of cornflowers, these types are distinguished:

  • long and branched roots (for example, soft cornflower);
  • korneotprosk, which are formed due to many process (for example, in Fisher Vasilka);
  • short roots, but strongly branched (at mining cornflower);
  • deep-cornerable, having a rod type (for example, Russian cornflower);
  • colutual powerful roots (in large-headed cornflower).

Seeds of cornflowers have an ovoid shape, in most cases on top of the ones, have a joke. The germination of seeds is preserved about 3 years. Approximately 250-300 pieces of seeds are in weight 1 g.

Plant Features

Perennial cornflowers differ from many other field colors by the fact that they have leaflets located in the root zone remain green for almost all year round.

This is explained by the fact that they grow 2 times a year. The first time - in the spring and remain on the plant until August, the second - in the autumn (September-October) and remain on it until spring.

During the flowering period, the plants are distinguished by special beauty. This time is about 45 days, starting from the beginning of summer and to the end. The period of achieving the maturity of fruits occurs in the second half of August and lasts until the end of September.

For good growth, plants need a lot of light. With the slightest eclipse, it starts to grow badly. This feature concerns all species, with the exception of a soft cornflower. Therefore, fans of wildflowers land them need no less often than 50 cm from each other so that they do not create a shadow.

All kinds of this plant are quite cold-resistant, as they do not get out in winter, do not damage after early and lateral frosts. Vasils related to one-year plants are preserved to deep autumn.

It is important: Fans of field plants who decided to plant in their field of cornflowers, it is necessary to know that there are species that breed exclusively by seeds (annual species whose root has a core form), and there are those that need to be searched by dividing the bush.

Classification of Vasilkov in relation to moisture

Depending on the moisture resistance of cornflowers there are two types:

  1. Plants that prefer medium humidity and are called mesophytes. Such species grow on moderately moistened areas of the Earth and on meadow plains in mountain belts. These include mountain, meadow, Frigian Vasilek and Vasilek Fisher.
  2. Plants that dryness are not bad are called xerofitov. These include perennial species of cornflowers who have a rod rhizome, and this: Vasilek Russian, Marshall Vasilek, cornflowed cornflower, cornflower. Most of these plants grow in steppes and arid meadows. Annual plants, such as corn, nutmeg and blue also get well on drought-resistant land plots.

Vasilka varieties

About 550 varieties of cornflower plants are known in the world. Their homeland is Western Asia. However, over time, distributed to other countries around the world, namely in European and Asian countries, in America and Africa.

Most famous species Vasilka are: mountain, spread, Russian, Sumy, East, Don, Siberian, Meadow and Blue Vasileuk.

Vasilek Raskidnoye It is a two-year weed plant. It grows up to 15-20 cm in height, has a represented, branched base, blooms from July to September. Grows on sandy soil. Flowers are white or pale pink. This kind of cornflower in the people is called rolling-field. His seeds have a browned hue and have a small joke. From one bush plant to collect about 385 thousand seeds.

Vasilek blue Belongs to the complex family and is an annual plant. It grows in height to 70 cm. It has a rough stem, lanceal type of leaves, root in the form of a rod. Flowers have bright blue color. Fruits - seeds with a hokholkom. Flowers blue Vasilek from beginning to end of summer. It is distributed in all European countries. It grows mainly on wet soils, namely - on wheat fields, potatoes.

The flower is a good turbine, is used in medicine, as a source of calcium, magnesium, iron, as well as antibacterial and choleretic agent. Plants meet a terry and semi-form: the more flowering the breadth-shaped form, the greater the degree of terrace.

You need to know: Despite the fact that Vasilek blue is valuable medicinal plantYou can use it if you know the recipe for sure. The cause of concern - the plant has cyano components in its composition, which are poisonous.

Large-headed vasilek Grows on the mountain meadows of the Caucasus. It grows about 130 cm high, has a short but thick rhizome. He has a single type of basket, a bright yellow shade. A bush has a cylinder form. Blossom starts at the beginning of summer and until the middle of the autumn. The reproduction occurs by separating the bush in the spring. Good height It reaches on the moistened sections of the Earth, in the arid period loses its fertility.

Gives preference to meadows and glades in the forest area. Flowers have a bright attractive purple shade up to 4-5 cm of magnitude. Stems have a branched shape, purple color. Maximum growth reaches about 80 cm. The leaves have a solid and slightly islated shape, easy-to-wear. Flower from July of the month and to late autumn.

Vasilek English It is a steppe perennial plant. It grows in height to 140 cm. It has a deep root system in the form of a rod. Stems naked, not numerous. Bottom leaves form a socket, bluish-green color. Flowers have large size and light yellow shade. Blooming begins in the second half of summer and until the end of August. It has high resistance to frost and drought. Multiplied with seeds.

Vasilek Mountain - this is perennialgrowing in the mountains. His homeland is Western European mountains. Rhizome plants are long, deep. Grow up to 60 cm in height. Stems have a reprehensive bush form. Flowers all summer. Fruit at the end of August. Color large, purple blue shade. Prefers solar plots of land with medium humidity. The reproduction occurs seeds and dividing stalks.

There are rare types of cornflowers who are listed in the Red Book. They belong to Vasilek Borovy, Vasileuk Dubiansky, Vasileuk Talieva.

See video About the colors of cornflowers in the garden:

Cornflower, medical properties And the contraindications of which we will consider in the article, is an annual plant, the representative of the Motherland is considered the Mediterranean. It grows in Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan. The plant is often found on forest edges and roadside roads.


With the origin of the cornflower bind many legends. According to one of them, the Centaur cured a wound with a herakl plant with juice. According to the beliefs, the Romans, a certain young man named Cianus, was born blue clothes. It did not like the goddess of Flore, and she turned him into a flower. And in Ukraine they say that one day the peasant named Vasily kosil rye. He liked the mermaid, who decided to smoke him. Vasily walked behind her. And she, not wanting to let go, turned it into cornflower (photos of flowers in front of you), which resembles water color.


This plant is attributed magic properties. It is said that the flowers are able to protect people from unrelied spirits. For example, on the day of Ivan, the juggles of the girls are wash off in an infant of this flower, so that evil spells cannot overcome them. And on the day of the wedding of the bride and the bride baptized a bunch of cornflowers. They are accepted to sate on August 14, on the day of Macovya or the first rescue. And from them weave wreaths and store houses for a whole year. We also mention in the folk songs of Vasilek. Therapeutic properties and contraindications have long been known in traditional medicine. Even hippocrates knew about this flower. It is used today in the treatment of many ailments.

Science has about 700 species are not only blue, but also white, black, yellow and purple. However, classic vasilek has exactly blue.

Collection, preparation of raw materials and storage

Flowers collect whole summer while they bloom. Best of them are suitable for those who completely dismissed. Raw materials are blue flowersthat are separated from tubular grounds to achieve better quality Drug.

Pulling flowers are ventilated, spreading in a dark cool place. If the raw materials are prepared correctly, it will become of blue color, There will be no smell, and if you taste, the cornflow will be bitter. Flowers are stored in glass tanks or paper bags for two years.

If the rays of the sun fall during the drying, then the flowers of Vasilka will lose therapeutic properties and become useless for traditional medicine. This, by the way, can be seen in color - it will become white.


What has been therapeutic properties and contraindications is explained by the composition. It includes the following microelements and substances:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • vanadium;
  • chromium;
  • cobalt;
  • luteiline;
  • selenium;
  • chloride Pelagronina.

In the plant a lot:

  • vitamin C, normalizing the work of the CNS, activating the activities of the endocrine glands and leading to normal blood formation;
  • carotene, immunostimulating substance, as well as excellent antioxidant;
  • resins that have antibacterial, disinfectant and immunomodulatory action;
  • cumarins lowering blood clotting, as well as having astramic, antiseptic and diuretic properties.

Useful properties of Blue Vasilka

Folk medicine has long been used healing properties plants. On its basis, antipyretic and diuretic products are prepared. Another Ancient Roman doctor named Galen treated the plant in kidney patients. Until now, the cornship is used in the problems in the urinary system, for example, with neurites or cystitis.

To other therapeutic properties of cornflowers include choleretic and cleansing. Due to the first, the plant is treated with liver disease. Vasilek protects the body from viruses and infections. A cleansing property is actively used for diets. Withdrawing unnecessary water, Vasilek contributes to the speedy burning of fats. Ramars from it normalize digestion and help the removal of toxins and slags, eliminating harmful substances.

A positive effect of a flower on vision is known. So, when blefarized cotton discs, moistened in the indices of cornflowers, apply to the centuries. This means will remove fatigue after long work at computer.


First of all, it is not necessary to take off the individual intolerance. Some trace elements make the plant toxic. We are talking On cyanic potentially dangerous components that contain cornflowers. Therapeutic properties and contraindications are very different in the percentage, nevertheless it is necessary to keep in mind that the plant is weakly poisonous. Therefore, its use is prohibited by pregnant women, as well as women during lactation and children. It is also known that folk remedies With uterine bleeding from it do not. Moreover, if there is such a problem, it is impossible to use it in any form. Coumarines that are part of Vasilka are very strong anticoagulants, they depress blood clotting.


Those who want to normalize the digestive process, improve your appetite or cure a cold, useful to drink tea, brewed with cornflower. Flowers are added to black or green tea, drink drink twenty minutes before meals. It actively eliminates toxins. Also prepare and the healing medicine from different components. For this, they take a teaspoon of the Tolokaniki and are poured with 500 milliliters boiling water and leave on fire 3-4 minutes, after which the same cornflower is added, the solution is composed and insisted for several hours. Take the medicine three times a day under Art. spoon.


The next tincture will have an excellent impact as a diuretic at edema and to increase the appetite. Take flowers one part and poured ten parts of vodka. The medicine insists for two weeks, after which they filter. We use twenty-drops before meals, which are bred in a tablespoon of water room temperature.

The decoction is good to make a row for eyes from inflammation and with fatigue. Take a teaspoon of flowers, add boiling water into a glass and keep on fire for a few minutes. Then they insist hour, flickering, wactive discs in a cool brave and apply to the centuries. It is also taken inside two tbsp. Spoons three times a day per hour before eating with angina, bronchitis and laryngitis.

They are also preparing an infusion from colds. The same recipes are folk remedies for diarrhea in children and adults, pain in the stomach and kidney disease. Cooking recipe next. Three teaspoons of cornflowers poured 400 milliliters boiling water, insist for a couple of hours, after which they filter. Take a means 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Vasilek for beauty

Look at Vasilek! Photos of colors shows how beautiful these plants are beautiful. It is not surprising that they are widely used in the beauty industry. The flower has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, eyelids and hair.

Plant extract is part of many cleansing lotions sold in stores. But it is prepared independently. For this, two tbsp. Spoons are poured with two glasses of boiling water and insist hour. The means is useful to wash in the morning or wipe the face. Also frozen and rubbed the ice cube. It perfectly tones the skin and narrows the pores. Vasilek is especially suitable for fatty and combined skin, as it reduces the release of the saline and the appearance of acne. If it is constantly used, then the face will acquire a matte tint and freshness.

With a long work, the infusion of the Vasilka becomes an indispensable tool. Compresses are made with him. They also wash the skin around the eyes after removing makeup and before applying cosmetics.

Infusion will help to inhale the strength in weakened and lifeless hair. It is rubbed in the roots after washing the head. Also good just rinse curls. Vasilek will help stop their loss and get rid of dandruff.

Fitotherapists recommend to make floral baths. They remove fatigue. This contributes essential oilsincluded in the plant. Prepare a bath just. A glass of flowers is poured with boiling water, insist an hour and pour into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Use in cooking

Vasil's seeds are used as seasonings. They are added to the podlivals, sauces, salads, hot dishes. The leaves are used when singing and added to pies and sausages. All dishes with cornflower acquire a special refined taste.


These are therapeutic properties and contraindications have. Of course, the plant is worth trying to have. But before starting receiving inside, it is necessary to make sure that there are no contraindications, as well as consult a doctor.