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When the last day of Ramadan post. What can not be done during Ramadan Muslims? Night of the predetermination of fate

All Muslims accurately comply with traditions that determine their behavior. At the same time, the Muslim calendar is also distinguished by the names of months, and religious prescriptions. For example, Ramadan begins with the post and ends with preparing for the holiday of talking. During the ninth month, Muslims should know that it is possible and that it is impossible to eat, do. Includes Ramadan 2017 the beginning and the end, which this year falls on May-June, special prayers. They are held in different cities, including Moscow. After reading the schedule of a prayer, each representative of Islam may visit compulsory azans in communities.

Muslim Ramadan 2017 - the beginning and end of the sacred month

To comply with the rules of behavior during the post, all Muslims need to know what number Ramadan begins in 2017. The beginning of the month coincides on May 26 in the Gregorian calendar.

What date begins and ends in 2017 a month Ramadan?

Flight observance begins on May 26th. His completion of the post falls on July 25. At the same time, representatives of Islam should be up to the evening last day Follow the rules of behavior and nutrition. Also, you need to find out what month Ramadan should start and end, take into account the differences in the dates for each year.

How will Ramadan 2017 will be held in Moscow - the schedule of Muslim prayers

Throughout Ramadan, Muslims should hold morning and evening prayers. Their schedule corresponds to the sunrise and sunset. It will help to correctly hold Ramadan 2017 schedule for Moscow common and home prayers.

When in 2017, during Ramadan, you need prayers in Moscow?

The predestrous prayer (Fajr) should be carried out after 2 nights (permissible is considered to be held up to 9 pm). But evening prayer (Magreb) is carried out after 9 pm. You can carry them out both in communities and at home.

Ninth month Ramadan - What can not do at this time to Muslims

Holding rules during Ramadan concerns nutrition and behavior. Therefore, representatives of the Islamic religion must necessarily know that it is impossible to do in Ramadan to eliminate sinful behavior.

What can not be done during Ramadan Muslims?

It is not allowed during the daytime (between the morning and evening prayer) to eat food, enter into sexual contacts, inhale tobacco smoke. It is also impossible to think about sinful Ramadan per month. Failure to failure only to elderly people, sick, children, pregnant women and nursing are allowed. But they will later have to fill the missed post.

Muslim month Ramadan - what can and what can not eat during the post

Meal during the post must be held twice a day: before morning prayer And after evening. You also need to know what you can eat in Ramadan and what is allowed to drink.

What is allowed and what can not be there during Ramadan?

Dishes during the post should be light and helpful. Therefore, you can eat porridge, grain pellets, yogurt and cottage cheese. Reception of soups, salads, use of raw vegetables and fruits. You can drink water, a small amount of coffee, alcohol should be excluded.

Having learned all pro muslim Ramadan 2017 The beginning and end of the month, rules of behavior and nutrition, can accurately comply with the prescribed rules. It is important to remember that it is possible and cannot be done, there is during the post. Muslims are encouraged to explore the data on the schedule of prayers in communities or at home in Moscow and other cities. All this will help you easily spend the month of fasting and not to disturb Islamic customs.

The month of Ramadan is the most honorable and important of 12 months lunar calendarwhich Muslims live around the world.

When the post begins and how long

Ramadan (Other name - Ramazan) ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, which is 10 or 11 days less sunny year. For this reason, the days of Muslim religious holidays every year are shifted relative to the Gregorian calendar.

Respectively, Ramadan, which lasts from 29 to 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar, each year comes to different numbers. In 2018, Ramadan lasts 30 days.

© Photo: Sputnik / Alexander Polyakov

Day, according to the Muslim calendar, begin at the time of sunset, and not at midnight, as in the Gregorian calendar.

Ramadan in 2018 begins in the evening of May 17 with sunset and ends on the evening of June 16, 2018, after which the holiday of Eid Al Fitr will begin (the Turkic name "Uraza Bayram").

At the same time, Ramadan can begin in various Muslim countries different time, and it depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct monitoring of the pheasis of the moon.

Ramadan is translated from Arabic as "hot", "scorching". Each orthodox Muslim in this month proves the power of his faith, due to the complete abandonment of the simplest needs of a person during the period of hot days. Orthodox during this period should be free from various thoughts that can be discussed by a person.

© Photo: Sputnik / Nataliya Seliverstova

Muslims believe that the spiritual and bodily post of Ramadan can significantly improve the state of the human spirit. In Turkic languages, this post is called Uraz.

Post to Ramadan

During the whole month, Ramadan Muslims are obliged to comply with a number of strict rules, one of which is the post, the purpose of which rethinking the life, cleansing of the soul and body.

During the post, it should be praying a lot and confirm their intention (nigs every day) to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah. It should also be refrained from evil thoughts and intentions, to beware of the disruption of deeds and unacceptable people.

The post begins with the beginning of dawn and ends after sunset.

During Ramadan, Muslims refrain from food and drink in the bright time of day, smoking, including hookah or other mixtures, intimate intimacy.

© Photo: Sputnik / Maksim Bogodvid

The failure of the post is considered to swallow any liquid, including water during bathing, as well as the ignition of Niyat. At the same time, blood flow, swimming, kisses, the introduction of drugs by means of injections is allowed.

The main meaning of such a post is to strengthen the faith of every believer Muslim, as well as to determine the life values \u200b\u200band, of course, to spiritually get hidden by daily prayerAnd also refraining from temptations. Practice shows that the post has therapeutic action on the body.

Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. Observe it is obliged to every adult Muslim. An exception is children, sick people, pregnant and nursing women, travelers, warriors and old people who physically can't stick to the post. But the reimbursement of post in another, more favorable period is obligatory.

If Muslim violated the post, then he must pay the in need of a certain amount of money or products, thus fastening the post.

With the onset of Ramadan among Muslims, it is customary to congratulate each other in words or in the form of cards, because this particular holiday was the beginning of the origin of the Holy Book Koran, who plays a special role in the life of every believer.

© Photo: Sputnik / Michael Voskresenskiy

Ramadan is the time to earn an eternal paradise, when many cases can honor the Great Award. These include post, five-time Namaz, the prayer "Tauguevich", sincere Moluba do "A, Iftar (Trial), predestous meal (Sachur), donations and many other good cases and actions.

When was the noslan koran

The first revelation of the Koran was sent on the night of the Lylylyat al-Frame or the night of power and predestination. This is the most important night of the year for every Muslim.

Muhammad, when his prophetic mission began, was 40 years old.

Before the Koran's sent to the Koran, the Prophet Mohammed often retired and indulged in prayer in Hira's cave near Mecca, where he opened the first Sura of the Quran in 610.

To the prophet Muhammad, by order of Allah, came by one of the angels - Jebel, and told him: "read". The word "read" means "Quran." From these words, the nice of the Koran began - that night, Angel Jebel handed the first five ayats from the sura of the buncut.

© fotolia / Meen_NA

Opened coran

The mission lasted to the death of Mohammed - the Great Quran disgraced the prophet within 23 years.

According to sources, Lylylyat al-Frame is the night when angels and prayers are descended to the ground, which uttered on this night has much more power than all prayers per year.

In the Qur'an of this night, the whole Sura "Inna Anzalnaga" is dedicated, which says that the night of power is better than a thousand months in which it is not. It's a night when the fate of every person is predetermined in heaven life Path, difficulties and tests that have to go, and if you spend this night in prayers, in understanding your acts and possible errorsAllah will forgive his sins and will be merciful.

Regarding the dates of the night of predestination in the Quran, it is said that it falls on one of the last 10 nights of Ramazan. Therefore, the most correct is considered to devote to prayers all the last 10 nights Ramadan. Some sources indicate that the Lylyata Al-frame accounts for 27 Ramadan.

© Photo: Sputnik / Denis Aslanov

The reverence to the ninth month of the lunar calendar is repeatedly mentioned in the Quran. Muslims call the post "Mubarak", that is, blessed. It is believed that the value of the good act committed at this time increases a few hundred times.

For example, a small pilgrimage (UMR) is equal to Haju (visiting Mecca), and voluntary prayer is awarded just as mandatory. Ramadan received a special status in 622.

What is celebrated after the post Ramadan

Ramadan is completed by the second value of the Great Holiday - Eid Al Fitr or the so-called holiday of talking. The holiday comes after sunset on the last day of Ramadan and last three days.

The spelling holiday comes on the first day of the month Shavval, which comes at the end of the Holy Ramadan. In 2018, Al Fitr will celebrate from 17 to 19 May.

The holiday begins with the onset of evening namaz time - it is desirable to read the tackar from that time to all Muslims (Allah's alleviation formula). Tabier read before the holiday of festive namaz on the day of the holiday.

© Sputnik / Alexander IMedashvili

Muslims at this time should go to reflections on spiritual values \u200b\u200band rethinking life for the period of post. This day is considered a feast of salvation from hell, as well as the day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On this day, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the old men.

Night for a holiday is advisable to spend in the dignity, in the midst of the ministry Allah. On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to wear clean clothes, put on a finger silver ring, incense to shake and, sowing a little, early go to the mosque to commit a festive Namaz.

On this day, Muslims distribute alms to those who need, congratulate each other and wish the post of the Most High, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, receive guests.

The material is prepared on the basis of open sources.

Among all Muslim holidays, Bayram is one of the most important.

Other his name, common among believers - ID al-Fitr. It is celebrated in the whole three days in a month, the Arabic is called Shavval, timed to the end of Ramazan post. And therefore, Ramazan Bayram is also called him. More about this holiday we will talk below.

Establishing a holiday

According to Islamic legends, the holiday of Ramazan Bayram was established by the founder of Islam - the Prophet Mohammed. It happened in 624. Since then, Umma, that is, the world community of believers, annually celebrates this day, as their religion requires.

Image of celebration

In Christianity, during Easter, believers greet each other with the words "Christ Rissed!". A similar exclamation of Ramadan Byeram, Muslims serves as a phrase on arabic "Eid Mubarak!". It translates like this: "The blessed holiday!". The days of the celebration in most of the traditionally Muslim countries are considered festive and at the state level, and therefore, at this time, almost all the weekend and no one works. The day begins with a wash, which has a ritual nature. Then be sure to visit the mosque in which public prayer with reading special text - ID-Namaz is held. This is a special prayer in Arabic dedicated to this holiday, and it is even read only once a year.


This ceremony begins with dawn and continues until lunchtime. In essence, it is a form of namaz. It is best to do it in a mild along with other believers, but if the circumstances are prevented, then Namaz can be held at home alone, but also no later than dining Azan. In addition to the prayer on this day, you need to cry - a mandatory alms, which is one of the pillars of Islam. Moreover, it should be done before the festive prayer starts to be performed. Ramazan Bayram must celebrate all Muslims, it is not necessary to grieve these days, and therefore alms-stamped most often give to the poor so that they can buy new clothes and eat well.

What do on holiday

Like any celebration, Bayram is a holiday, which is covered with tables and put a treat. Believers go to visit each other and invite to themselves to divide friendly meal. It is also very important to visit your parents and other relatives. If it is impossible to do personally, then, at least, you need to send a postcard, or somehow convey my congratulations. Ramazan Bayram also requires all sick, lonely and poor to be forgotten. Therefore, religion prescribes to pay attention to such people and participate in their lives a gift, visit and treat. Children, as a rule, also receive gifts from their parents and spend time in games and fun. Also, the relevant relatives are not forgotten into Bayram. The holiday suggests that the believers will visit the graves of their dead and will make clock prayers on them. As for the enemies, the traditions of this day from a person are required to reconcile with everyone with whom he was in a quarrel, and to conclude the world.

There is also a special tradition to pray on the night before the holiday. According to Islamic legends, the prayers, ascended at night on the eve of the holiday by Bayram, are of particular strength - they are especially careful of Allah's ear, and if a person says it sincerely, they are charged with the merit to a person. The only one is recommended not to abuse the vigils on the festive night, in order not to sleep in the morning the most important prayer in the mosque.

Value of the holiday

In general, there are only two dates of Muslim holidays in Islam, whose meaning is so great. In addition to the Bayrama described above, it is ID-Ul-Adha - a day dedicated to the completion of pilgrimage (Hajja) in Mecca to Kaaba. Bayram, as mentioned above, is the result of Ramazan's post, in which every believer is prescribed to abstinence from food, drinking, envelope and intimate proximity before sunset. This is done in order to harden the power of will, release the time for spiritual exercises, do good deeds, doubt the desire and repay your passion. And Hajj, and the post is an effort on themselves undertaken to move along the path proposed by Islam. It is the completion of successful spiritual labor and is celebrated in these great holidays. At the same time, the existing norms of morality demand from Muslims to maintain the level of perfection, which was achieved during these pious exercises. That is the end sacred post Ramazan does not mean that now you can return to all your former sins and bad habits. Just the opposite, leaving once, they need to be left forever, and thus the post time becomes the internal transformation time. It is necessary to cause the content of Allah and its approval.

What is the holiday Ramadan?

Muslim calendar based on which lies lunar year, there are usually a few holidays that are of great importance for all Muslims. However, such a holiday, like Ramadan, gives a special preference.

Ramadan, he is Ramazan, goes the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar. Ramadan is considered a month of strict post. According to Muslim custom, this month through the Messenger of Jibril, the Prophet Muhammad was delivered to the first spiritual revelation. All this happened in 610, when Mukhamad was in Hira's cave, which is located near Mecca, where he quite often retired for religious worship services. This and subsequent revelations, which were sent to the Prophet, made up the sacred book of Islam, referred to as the Quran.

Post a month Ramadan is one of the main obligations for all Muslims. It is prescribed in order to increase the awareness and evaluation of Muslim's own actions and exact execution orders of Allah. Throughout the day, it is strictly prohibited: there is, to drink, indulge in various fun and to divert pleasure. Daytime Muslims necessarily devote to prayers, reading the Quran, charity, work, as well as religious thinking and actions. In addition to the standard 5 prayers every day, with the arrival of the night, the additional prayer-namaz is also read, which is referred to as tauravich. As a rule, tauguevi read after the fifth prayer. In the last decade of the month of Ramadan, a more active righteous life is being conducted, including the commemoration of the Night of the Prophet Muhammad of its first revelation. This month you can drink and eat food only after sunset and until the time when it gets up. Only children, sick people are liberated from the post, and still warriors who take part in hostilities, but still an unfulfilled post must be compensated for another time. According to the statement of Mullah, during Ramadan Allah gives the remuneration of the beige for each accomplishment of mercy.

The end of the post and holiday Ramadan is the second most important thing among all Muslim holidays - ID al-Fitr, which is listed by the holiday of talking. He is beginning to be celebrated with the arrival of sunset on the last day of the holiday of Ramadan and marks the 1st and 2nd, Shavval for the coming over Ramadan. At this time, all Muslims should think about spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat they acquired during the celebration of Ramadan. This holiday Muslims is considered to be a day of salvation, forgiveness, remuneration and reconciliation.

The celebration of the holiday begins with a special prayer in the mosque. After the end of Namaz, the Islamic priest asks Allah to accept the post and forgiveness. After all this, believers, Tasby's rosary, the whole crowd begin to read the ZIKR - these are the words of the ritual commemoration of Allah. ZIKR is carried out according to a special formula and in a certain way, aloud or about itself, accompanying all this by some television.

After namaz, the mosque is covered festive table And they distribute alms to the poor. Saadaka is charged with each adult on the day of the post in the days of Ramadan. It is collected only with Muslims. It is listed as a voluntary donation.

In almost all Muslim countries on the days of Al-Fitra ID, the graves of the deceased relatives are relying. On the second day, Al-Fitra comes the post of month Shavval, which lasts 6 days.

Month of Ramadan 2017: the essence of the post, schedule, calendar, which is prohibited in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan 2017 (the post of Musulmian) begins in the evening of the 25th of May with the onset of the evening after the moon will be visible to the sky and this data is now that according to preliminary calculations.

As for the exact date of the beginning of the month of Ramazan, it, depending on the countries of the world, can begin 1 day forward or later to solve the highest religious ranks. When approaching the month of Ramadan exact date The beginning of the post will be determined by the leaders of the religious clerks of each country in Islamic countries, individually.

The beginning of the post in 2017, within the framework of the Holy Month, Ramadan is considered from morning on May 26 and it continues 30 days (± 1 day), depending on the lunar calendar in different countries of the world on the decision of the Ulame Councils.

The essence of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is a month cleansing from sins and keep a post in a given month is considered one of the 5-pillars in the Islamic religion. The month of Ramadan (Ramazan) begins after the end of the month "Shaban" and after Ramadan begins the month of Shaval. It was in the month of Ramadan for the peoples of the world that the Holy Book "Quran" was sent in which this month it was clearly written that righteous Muslims needed certain days In a month, Ramazan categorically refrain from prohibited acts (guns) and during the daytime, refuse to adopt write and drink.

Month of Ramadan 2017

In fact, this month many nations are also called "Ramazan". He is the ninth account in the Muslim calendar. If you use Grigorian calendar, then annually the beginning of the month will change. This holiday is the most important and most revered for all Muslims. In the coming year, this festive month falls on May 26th. The end of the festive month will be held on June 25. This year the duration of Ramadan is 30 days.

Each new month in the Islamic lunar calendar begins immediately for the new moon. It is worth considering that the lunar calendar is characteristic of being shorter than the Gregory, for this reason the shift date of the start of the post takes about 11 days in the ratio with the modern calendar. It is also worth remembering that in countries with the Muslim population, Ramadan is determined using astronomical calculation, and in all others due to the direct observation of the moon. You can also take advantage of authoritative statements of famous Muslims, which can determine the beginning of the holiday. For this reason, the definition of the start of the post differs depending on the location of the state in which the Orthodox lives.

Features of the holiday Ramadan

Contemporaries include this holiday to the list of mandatory Muslims. This month marks the post, which is also called Saum. He is one of the pillars of modern Islam. Throughout the month of faithful Muslims, it is forbidden to take food during the daytime. Also, they can not drink, smoke and make love throughout the holiday, whose purpose is to redeem all of his sins. Speaking otherwise, the post is a test for the power of the will, having passed that the spirit of a person will be able to triumph over his carnal wishes. Orthodox can concentrate their attention on inner world. This will reveal or destroy the sinful inclinations, as well as repent of the sins of already perfect. A person gets a chance to overcome his own pride and measure the will of the creator. The duration of this post usually ranges from 29-30 days, which is explained by the peculiarities of the lunar calendar. The beginning of the post falls on dawn, and ends only with the sunset or evening Azan.

Ramadan's intention

Before proceeding with the post, it is necessary to pronounce their intentions, the form of which will be approximately the following: "I wish today to make the post Ramadan, for the sake of Allah." Muslims must in 30 minutes before dawn to cope with the morning meal and proceed to talk. This meal is called Sujur, and the Trial of the Iftar. It should be deleted with water, milk or dates, as well as other products. Each day, after the completion of the evening prayer, the collective tauguerti prayer is performed, which includes 8 to 20 rockets. The final stage of the month is associated with the onset of the night al-frame. On the first day of Shavval, timed to the completion of Ramadan, spend a conversation. At this point, the Muslims are performed early morning festive prayer. Also, the obligatory alms should be paid to the obligatory alms, which is called al-Fitr. This festival is the second most important for the Muslim community around the world.

Refusal of needs to strengthen the spirit of man

Due to the complete abandonment of the most simple needs of a person during the period of hot days, it allows it to be faithful to prove to how strong their faith is. During this period, Muslims try to cope with their passions and instincts. In addition to outdoor purity, during this period of time it is also necessary to observe internal purity. This means that the Muslim must free themselves from various thoughts that may be desecrated by a person. The post of orthodox, who could not achieve the cleanliness of his thoughts and actions, cannot be considered, since "Allah does not need to be abstaining from food and drinking one who left Lies." Muslims adhere to the opinions that the spiritual and bodily post of Ramadan can significantly improve the state of the human spirit.

Ramadan and Koran

The post applies only to a certain number of days. If a person is sick or wandering, he can postpone the post at another time. Those who may be made with the commission must redeem their deed of alms for the poor. In the event that someone made a good act of personal beliefs, it will start him. It was this month that Orthodox received the Quran. This book is a true manual for a person. That of Muslims, who will find this month must fast. But excerpt from the Quran, which directly speaks Ramadan and his influence on Muslims - "Allah wishes you relief and does not want difficulties to you. He wishes you to be brought to the end a certain number of days and exalted Allah for taking you to a straight path. Perhaps you will be grateful. "

At this time, Muslims need to perform their prayers with maximum responsibility than at another time. The month should be devoted to the study of the Quran and the execution of good deeds. Also Muslims should give voluntary (gardens) and mandatory (squeak) alms. Many Muslims, which for various reasons do not make Namaz, usually in this period again begin to comply with this rule Islam. For this reason, Orthodoxes so enthusiastically expect the arrival of Ramazan.

What is prohibited in Ramadan?

During the post, it is forbidden to make several actions. It is worth considering that their accomplishment will be considered in the bright period of the day. We are talking about:

Not uttered desire to make a post;
Deliberate meal and drinking;
Sex contacts (it doesn't matter whether there was a fact of seeds or not), masturbation and ejaculation caused by stimulation;
Rectal and vaginal use of drugs;
Swallowing the fluid that got into the mouth.
What is allowed to Ramadan month
At the same time, the law does not prohibit:

Unintentional adoption of food and drink;
Introducing medication tools due to injections;
Give blood;
Swim, but only if water does not penetrate into the mouth;
Kiss if the partner saliva is not swallowed;
Enjoy caresses that do not cause ejaculation;
Swallow saliva and sputum that does not belong to another person;
Brush teeth, but with the condition so that the paste does not penetrate into the throat;
Do not make namaz.
Operations freed from post
Do not follow the rules have the right to those who are not Muslims. Also children who have not reached majority and people with psyche disorders. Ramazan may not abide by old men and people who suffer from severe diseases that do not allow you to cope with the post. To redeem it, they must feed the poor. Pregnant women can also not follow the post if they are worried about their or baby's health. They must follow Ramadan after the reasons for concern will come. As mentioned earlier, the travelers can deal with any physical condition Or the complexity of the selected route. In the event that a person does not respect Ramadan, he should not show food or smoking to other Muslims. Also in countries where the Muslim population prevails, it is forbidden to take food, smoking or the use of chewing for the Ramadan period.

Mandatory requirements
It is very important for those who observe the post, report their intention. The intention must be pronounced with a heart. To do this, you can use any language that will be understood as fasting. If we translate this phrase into Russian, then it should look something like that - "I mean tomorrow (today) to commit the post of the month of Ramazan, for the sake of Allah." It is necessary to pronounce this phrase every day throughout the month. The phrase is repeated between the night and morning namaz. The intention that was uttered once a month over all of the following days is not considered valid in any Sunni Mazhab. The exception is only Malikitsky Mazhab.

What to do in case of failure

If the post is broken, and for this will not be good reasons, then this offense will be attributed to sins. In the case of an unintentional violation of the post due to severe illness, Muslim should be performed by post 1 day of the post. It is also fashionable to pay poor to certain funds that are equal to 1 Ca wheat. Other products purchased on an equivalent amount can also be used. If the post was missing for another valid reason, the orthodox should comply with it at any convenient time before it comes to the next Ramadan. Sexual intercourse, which was committed in the bright period of day, must be sworn using 60 days of permanent post or saturation of 60 poor people. If the post is not complied with the reason that is provided in the Sharia, it is necessary to do repentance.

Good deeds
Based on the Hadiths and the Quran, to make good actions during this period it is customary to be very important for Muslims. If you follow the words of the Prophet, Allah can increase the meaning of each such act sevenisotroply, and the Shaitan during this period will be in chains, so it will be easier to do in this period than at another time of the year. Orthodox Muslims this month is worth spending more time to study the Quran. They should not forget about the alms, as well as do other positive actions.

Breakfast (Suchur) at dawn
Sujur is a breakfast that takes at dawn throughout Ramadan. Food should be taken before it is necessary to read the morning prayer. Sujur and Iftar make it possible to replace the usual nutrition in this month for all faithful. Muslims must make Sujur before the first signs of dawn. In this case, the reward for Orthodox will be much larger. If observant post is not satisfied until dawn, its post will be saved, but it will be deprived of a certain part of the remuneration, as it will not fulfill one of the requirements of the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad.

Evening food (Iftar)

Itftar is a conversation or meal in the evening every day throughout Ramadan. It is necessary after the evening prayer will be performed. Iftar can be started only with the sunset. You should not postpone this meal at a later period of the evening. To talk on Sunna, you should use dates or water. When the Iftar is performed, it is necessary to speak a special prayer called Dua. She may sound like this: "Oh my God, for your satisfaction, I fasted, I believed in you, revealed on you and made a trial, using your gifts. Forgive me, about the one whose grace is infinite. Praise Most High, who helped me fast and fed me when I dealt. "

Tauguera in Ramazan month

Tavory can be translated as a passage. This name is given to a special voluntary prayer that follows after night prayer. It continues until the sun appears with a dawn. Taravih can be performed independently or in the team. Prayer received such a name due to the fact that after each fourth rocade, praying get the opportunity to relax sitting, bringing praise to the Lord.

During the life of the Prophet Tauguevich consisted of 8-20 rocates. Modern prayer includes 20 rocates. She approved the Caliph Umar, which was given to the consent of the Sahaba. Today, prayer is represented by 10 prayers, each of which consists of two rocates. It must be done daily throughout Ramadan. Start prayer follows after the completion of the night prayer.

Completion of Ramadan

The last ten-day period of Ramazan Muslims should be particularly diligent in their prayers. During this period, it is best to visit the mosque, as the prophet Muhammad did, who retired in the mosque for the whole period. IN last year He spent his life in the mosque 20 days during the month of Ramadan. During privacy, you should not forget about the need to pronounce your intentions. They need to mention that you decided to spend privacy in the ITICFA. After the orthodox leaves the mosque, you need to return to the usual form of intent. During this period, the al-frame night should be expected.

Al-Frame Night in 2017

This night is also called at night the power. It is believed that it was 27 night that this month coincides with the period when Muhammad was opened by Sura "Inna Anzalnaga".

This happened in the seventh century in the mountain cave Jabal Ann-Nur. It was at this time that, as confirmed by Islamic sources, Muhammad met with Archangel Jabrail, who pointed out the prophet on the scroll and commanded him to read it. Muslims celebrate this night at the end of Ramazan. It was on the night of power that the faithfuls get the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from the Creator for their own sins. Also, this period should be dedicated to the reading of the Quran.

Holiday Trial of Uraza Bayram

At the end of Ramadan, a trial is held, which is called Al Fitr or Uraza-Bayram on Turkic. 2017 The Ramadan holiday is celebrated on June 25th. During this period, Muslims can make a special prayer, as well as to pay alms. Al-Fitr is slammed is a gracious one, which should be paid to the poor. Making this act is mandatory for all faithful. The head of the family should be paid a certain amount of money in the whole family, which he fears. In case the child was born at night on the last day of Ramazan, he doesn't need to pay alms for him.

Payment of alms
You can pay al-Fitr in the mosque to the face that is authorized to take it. You can also distribute products directly to those who need them. Almighty is equal to one SAA bulk substances. For example, in European countries, it is customary to pay alms in the equivalent of wheat or barley, in Asia for this use rice, and in the countries of the Middle East. It is best to pay al-Fitr products as it was customary to do during the prophet. You can pay alms with money only in the Khanafit Mashabe. This mandatory alms allows you to redeem (chantarra). All sorts of mistakes that were allowed during Ramadan. Also, it is designed to provide assistance for the poor and those who need funds to celebrate Uraza Bayram.

Congratulations to Ramazan

The post continues to remain the joyful holiday for the faithful on the entire planet. Muslims can congratulate their friends and loved ones with his arrival due to the words of Ramazan Karim, who are the wishes of the generous Ramadan. Traditionally, at this time, Muslims can be desired - "Let Allah please your eyes in Ramadan with sweet evenings and friendship of the chosen, the grace of the all-friendly and paradise of pious!".

Uraz Calendar 2017: a holiday of a trip, which marks the completion of the post in the sacred month of Ramadan

Each people have their own faith, and at least significant holy holidays are also not different among themselves, they always fall out for different days, for example, in 2017, Ramadan (or Uraz) begins with the dawn of the Sun on May 26 and ends after sunset on June 24.

Uraza is mandatory compliance with Sauma (post) for Muslims for 30 calendar days, which consists of five pillars (basics) of Islam. For these 30 days, the believers of Islam should abandon drinking, intimate proximity, smoking, and even meals. The start of Sauma comes with Morning Azan and ends after evening Azana in thirty days.

Before starting the Saum, Muslims read the NITIS: "I will make a saum of the month of Uraz, for the sake of Allah." Believers in front of the morning Azana should finish eating food (they are called Sujur) and immediately talk, it is allowed to take milk, dates and water to the Iftar.

Every night, believers make the rite of Isha (prayer for the night), after which the collective taverch prayer goes, it consists of 8 to 20 rockets. Mighty night al-Cadar comes ten days before the end of Sauma.

Uraza Bayram is celebrated on the first day Shavval, which comes at the end of Ramadan. Muslims are committed by Namaz (festive prayer) and al-Fitr (Almighty) will be claimed.

Uraz calendar 2017: Uraza - time of fun and joy

Uraza-Bayram is the second most important holiday in the Islamic calendar after Kurban-Bayrama. Aquanun of the Muslim holiday is bought for each other gifts, prepare treats, decorate the dwelling.

Four days before the holiday women spend general cleaning Houses, courtrooms, crops, clean the cattle. After completing cleaning, all family members should swim, wear clean linen And put yourself in order.

In the evening the hostess cook traditional dishes oriental cuisine. Children deal to their relatives, occurs mutual exchange treat.

In Uraza-Bayram, it is impossible to work, so in most Islamic countries this day is a weekend. Russia will rest in the republics of the North Caucasus, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The holiday itself is accepted early to get up and wear festive clothes. Muslims are specially welcomed by each other: "Yes, Allah is the grace of yours and you, and us!", "Yes, our and your prayers will accept Allah!".

An hour before the sunrise in the mosques after the sermon read the festive prayer - Haoot-Namaz. On prayer is mainly present only men. Women at this time prepare homes treats.

After the arrival of men from the Mosque, the hostess is covered on the table. Each house is waiting for the arrival of guests, they themselves also attend their neighbors, relatives and carry them sweets.

Before the beginning of the holiday, Milosnya (Fitr Sadaka) is obligatory - distribution of property and money in need of a festive day. This year her minimum size - 50 rubles.

In the feed, in Holiday, Uraza Bayram is made to visit parents, do good deeds, give gifts, visit the cemeteries and remember the deceased relatives.

Uraz Calendar 2017: These days, the filing of alms is not just a possible solution for Muslim, but it is mandatory

extraked for all Muslims Holiday Uraz-Bayram in 2017 will begin on June 25 and will last until June 28. This date can be found with the help of a lunar calendar, which correlates with the Islamic calendar.

Now we need to find a month Shavval, which should be immediately behind Ramadan. Here is the end of the search, because the Holiday Uraza Bayram accounts for the first three days of the Shavval. There are not few less well-known but important rules. For example, it is important to take food with the right hand.

If you use a cutlery, it should also be in right hand. It is very important to show special attention and hospitality for guests, even if it is your long-standing friends: need to leave bEST FOODchoose for guests best places And let them feel at home, without hinting that they are still visiting.

What is customary to cook for a festive table?

The main product from which most festive dishes are being prepared in Uraza-Bayram is lamb. It makes the head-soups, roast, snacks, meat salads.

The festive table depends on folk traditions. If the pancakes bake in Tatarstan in Tatarstan, pies put on the table, then in the Central Asian republics, the inalienable attribute is pilaf.

In Saudi Arabia in the morning eat sweets and dates, fruits. At noon, you need to eat tightly so that the table is not empty next year.

In Kyrgyzstan, the holiday is called Oroseo Ait. The believer should visit seven houses, taste cooked dishes and read prayers.

In Turkey, on the Shekeker by Byira, they also tall sweets. The youngest of relatives are obliged to visit the highest.

Post Ramadan - This is a sacred holiday in Islam, lasting for a whole month. In an Islamic calendar on account, this month is ninth. I received my name in honor of the sacred month of the calendar.

Let's figure it out that this is for such a sacred holiday and why he is so important for his believers. Ramadan is famous for the whole world in that, according to tradition, it is carried out in a strict post and prayer. The post implies a refusal of eating, drinking, entertainment and bad thoughts, holding a believer in thought and prayers.

This holiday helps a person to get close to God. Rabbar occurs through several types of cleansing:

Physical, which occurs in restricting food and drink.
Spiritual, at the time of compliance with the post is prohibited by entertainment, pleasure, sex classes, as well as thoughts about sinful matters.

The main meaning of this holiday and compliance with all restrictions is the ability to show allegiance to Allah and the doubt of negative qualities in a person who pushes him to commit evil. It is believed that with a limitation of life in life joys, a person appears on thinking of their evil and insidious actions committed for the year, which entail all negative in his life.

It is worth noting that Ramadan does not coincide with other sacred holidays. His attack is strictly due to the fact that the Islamic calendar of the Lunar, and all months are coming since the onset of noving. Since Islam is a global religion, the time of the onset of Ramadan in different countries It will take place in different ways, with the advent of the moon.

What is forbidden to do in Ramadan:

With the onset of Ramadan, the daily conscious consumption of food and drink, smoking various tobacco, including hookahs, is strictly forbidden to thicken the sex thirst.

What is allowed to do in Ramazan:

In Ramadan, an irrequisite eating, kisses, a lasca, which will not lead to seeds, bathing and cleaning teeth, blood delivery, involuntary vomiting.

Muslims are confident that the Ramadan significance of good deeds and pilgrimage increases 700 times. At this month, the Shaitan is stuck in the chain, and good deeds are faster and better reach Allah. At this time, Muslims are suitable more responsibly to the execution of prayers, than usual, read the sacred book Koran, do good deeds, give donations to the poor and distribute mandatory alms.

While compliance with the post is obligatory is the payment of alms (the al-filter is closed). This payment is mandatory for Muslims and has an accurate measurement. The size of alms is 1 CAA. Saa is a measure of weight, equal to 3500 g. In different cities are used to donate different products. So in Europe, al-filter wheat and barley, in the Middle East, in Southeast Asia-rice, are signed in Europe.

How to eat in Ramadan:

The basis of the post in Ramadan is quite simple, it is impossible to eat food and water until the sun shines in the sky. Morning reception Break-shore, should be carried out until the sun flames will appear in the sky. Evening reception (IFTAR) can start only when the sun hits behind the sky. Meal eating usually begins with dates and water. Before taking food, the reading of prayer is mandatory.

And of course mandatory condition During the standing of the post is the NITI (intention) to make it. It manifests itself in reading prayers and committing rites. The intention to pronounce every day between the night and morning namaz.

Who can be released from the post in Ramadan:

Stretching the post is mandatory, but some categories of people can be released from strict conditions of Sauma. Frequently exempt juvenile and people with mental disabilities. If the believer went on a journey, he begins to follow the post upon return. Pregnant, women, nursing children, women with menstruation are also exempt. Older people who cannot restrain themselves in food, prepare food for beggars.

Violation of the post in Ramadan and its consequences.

It may happen such that the believer violated the maintenance of sauma due to severe illness or due to Heyda (menstruation). In this case, the believer can rehabilitate before Allah, and he must fast one day before the arrival of the next Ramadan, or must provide a certain amount of the nor. If the believer made a sexual act during the daytime, he needs to compensate this violation of six ten days of a continuous post, or feed sixty poor people. The fact of the post without valid reason is considered to be a sin.

The end of the month of Ramadan

The last ten days of the post are the most important among Muslims. Many of them follow the example of Muhammad and prevent themselves to read prayers. To do this, they hide in the mosque.

Nice holiday Ramadan

After the end of the restrictions, Ramadan is completed, there are three days of the holiday, which are accompanied by a deal. The first day is considered not workers, and in schools can make holidays for all three days.

Joint residence of several religions and conditions for persons who do not comply
It should also be noted during Ramadan, people who do not follow the post, from respect to Muslims it is undesirable to demonstratively eating in the daytime, smoking, chewing a chewing gum, loudly include music in public places. There is also a secret rule in countries with a mixed religion, for example in Israel, as well as in cities where the Arabs and Jews will live together.

Ramadan 2019: when

In 2019, Ramadan begins on May 5 to June 3. It should be noted that the offensive of this holiday people are waiting with impatience and awe, because Ramadan is not just a great holiday, but a personal miracle of the soul and body of every Muslim.

Ramadan is considered the most honorable month for believers. Faith is mounted on it in Allah. The full post will be when a person is cleared by his behavior from sins and gets content from Allah

It is considered to be incomplete to waste time in the course of the Holy Month. After all, it is these days that Muslims can be rewarded for the perfect good cases. Wisdom is not to violate the rules of the post assigned to believers by Allah

In Ramadan, the improvement of good qualities of believers, which will be treated. Quarrels and discords stop, the hearts of the friends are connected and the sense of responsibility and compassion to the beggar

On the holiday Ramadan comes great post. And all believers are obliged to stick to it.

As the Orthodox date of Easter holidays is replaced every year and Muslims, the onset of the month of Ramadan is calculated by the phases of the lunar calendar and the difference from previous years may consist of 10-11 calendar days. Because the date of the occurrence of the sacred for Muslims period changes every year

In 2017, Ramadan came in May, namely the 27th. The end of Ramadan falls on June 25

The holy period for Muslims has long been taking its beginning in the warm season, since it always falls on the summer months.

What is the number of Uraza-Bayram 2017 - a holiday of talking from Muslims

Uraza-Bayram or holiday Talk - the second most important holiday from Muslims, which is held in honor of the end of the post of Ramadan, in 2017 it falls on June 26

Uraza-Bayram or the holiday of talking - the second value of the Great Holiday in Muslims, which is held in honor of the end of Ramadan's post, in 2017 falls on June 26. The month of Ramadan, in which he was sent Holy QuranIn 2017 began on May 26 with sunset and ends on June 25 in the evening.

On the last day, Ramadan after the sunset comes a holiday of talking or ID Al Fitr (in Arabic) - one of the most important events in Islam.

In various Muslim countries, Ramadan can begin at different times, and it depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the moon phases.

The Muslim calendar of Muslim summer is conducted from the resettlement (Arabic Hijra) of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Yasrib, named after the city of the Prophet - Medina. According to the Christian summer, the resettlement was committed in the summer of 622.

At the heart of the Muslim calendar, according to which the Muslims of the whole world live, lies the lunar year, consisting of 12 months - it is 10 or 11 days less than a sunny year, so the days of Muslim religious holidays are shifted to the Gregorian calendar every year.

Lunar month lasts 29 or 30 days. Ramadan - the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar in 2017, lasts 30 days. This sacred month of post and spiritual cleansing among Muslims is the most important and significant of all periods of the year, the site has become known.

The month of the post and spiritual cleansing with the onset of Ramadan, every orthodox Muslim should start post - one of the five pillars of Islam along with the testimony of faith, prayer, alms and pilgrimage. Observance of the post in the ninth month of the Muslim calendar was prescribed in 624 - in the second year by Hijra.

During the month, Ramadan Orthodox Muslims in the daytime refuse to eat food devoting to their spiritual and physical purification. Therefore, in Islam, two night meals are provided: Sujur - predawn and Iftar - evening.

Muslims refrain not only from food and drink, but also foul language and unclean thoughts. Their goal is to strengthen faith, rethink your lifestyle, retire from the forbidden, determine for yourself true life values. The post of that, whose affairs and thoughts are unbelieving and not godly, is considered invalid.

During the holy month after the mandatory night prayer, the prayer of the tauguera is performed - voluntary namaz, which lasts before dawn. For his execution, according to legend, a great reward from the Most High.

Those who for some reason are exempt from post, should feed the poor every day or to assist the needy, spending no less than the amount that spend on the day for food. The most important night of the year in the sacred month of Ramadan has night Lylylyat al-Frame or the night of power and predestination - the most important night of the year for every Muslim.

On this night, the Archangel Jebel went down to the praying prophet, the Archangel Jabel came down and handed him the Koran. According to the sources of Lylylyat al-Frame - it is the night when angels are descended to the ground, and the prayer, which uttered on this night is much more power than all prayers per year.

In the Qur'an of this night, the whole Sura "Inna Anzalnaga" is dedicated, which says that the night of power is better than a thousand months in which it is not.

It's a night when the fate of every person, his life path, difficulties and tests, which have to go, and if they have been in prayers, in understanding their acts and possible mistakes, then Allah will forgive him sins and will be merciful.

The holiday of talking on the last day of Ramadan after sunset begins one of the great holidays - Eid Al Fitr. At this time, Muslims should be found reflections on spiritual values \u200b\u200band rethinking life for the period of post. This day is considered a feast of salvation from hell, as well as the day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes.

On this day, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the old men. The holiday begins with the onset of evening namaz. This time is advisable to all Muslims to read a tackper (the formula of Allah's alleviation). Tabier read before the holiday of festive namaz on the day of the holiday.

Night for a holiday is advisable to spend in the dignity, in the midst of the ministry Allah. On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to wear clean clothes, put on a finger of a silver ring, to shabby incense and, sowing a little, early to go to the mosque to make a festive namaz.

On this day, the obligatory will be claimed by Al-Fitr or "Summary Trial", they show joy, congratulate each other and wish the post of the Most High, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, receive guests.

Uraza-Bayram is closely intertwined with the ideas of spiritual improvement and good deeds. During the celebration, it is customary to make good actions, take care of relatives, to show compassion for those in need.

Uraz 2017: What can be eating during Muslims

Vault of Rules B. Holy month Ramadan regulates not only the number of food meals, but also what products can be Muslims during the post. First of all, it is worth noting that the whole month Ramadan believers can eat twice a day: early in the morning until dawn (in front of the morning prayer) and after sunset (after evening prayer).

In the daytime, it is allowed to eat food only for pregnant and nursing women, children, old men and sick. All others should refrain even from the use of water, which is especially difficult in hot Arab countries.

Uraz 2017: What is allowed to eat Muslims during the sacred month of Ramadan

The list of products allowed in the sacred month of Ramadan, namely, you can eat Muslims during the post, quite simple. Preference should be made easy to assimilate and at the same time calorie products: cereal, cottage cheese, yogurt, grain pellets, fruits and vegetables. You can also have coffee and tea in limited quantities.

Uraz 2017: What is celebrated after Ramadan post

Ramadan is completed by the second value of the Great Holiday - Eid Al Fitr or the so-called holiday of talking. The holiday comes after sunset on the last day of Ramadan and last three days. The spelling holiday comes on the first day of the month Shavval, which comes at the end of the Holy Ramadan.

In 2017, Al Fitr will celebrate from 26 to 28 June. The holiday begins with the onset of evening namaz time - it is desirable to read the tackar from that time to all Muslims (Allah's alleviation formula). Tabier read before the holiday of festive namaz on the day of the holiday.

This day is considered a feast of salvation from hell, as well as the day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On this day, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the old men. Night for a holiday is advisable to spend in the dignity, in the midst of the ministry Allah.

On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to wear clean clothes, put on a finger of a silver ring, to shabby incense and, sowing a little, early to go to the mosque to make a festive namaz. On this day, Muslims distribute alms to those who need, congratulate each other and wish the post of the Most High, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, receive guests.