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What features is the Gregorian calendar. The difference between Julian and Grigorian calendar. When Russia moved to the Gregorian calendar

People have repeatedly thought about the need for the summer. It is worth remembering, the very calendar Maya, who several years ago made a lot of noise all over the world. But almost all global states now live according to the calendar, which is called Gregorian. However, in many films or books you can see or hear references to the Julian calendar. What is the difference between these two calendars?

This calendar has received its name thanks to the most famous Roman emperor. Gay Julia Caesar. The development of the calendar was engaged, of course, not the emperor himself, but this was done by his decree a whole group of astronomer scientists. Birthday of this method of summer is January 1, 45 BC. The word calendar was also born in ancient Rome. Translated from Latin, it means a long book. The fact is that then interest on debts paid in calends (so called the first days of each month).

In addition to the name of the entire calendar, Julius Caesar also gave a name to one of the months - July, although in initially this month was called Quintilis. Other Roman emperors also gave their names for months. But besides July, only August is used in our days - a month, which was renamed in honor of Octavian Augustus.

The Julian calendar completely ceased to be state-owned in 1928, when Egypt moved to Gregorian. This country has become the last of the gigorian calendar. ITALY, SPAIN, AND SPEED TOLDED IN 1528 passed the first. Russia made a transition in 1918.

Nowadays, the Julian calendar is used only in some Orthodox churches. In such as: Jerusalem, Georgian, Serbian and Russian, Polish and Ukrainian. Also in the Julian calendar, Russian and Ukrainian Grequocatolic Churches and Ancient Church in Egypt and Ethiopia are celebrated.

This calendar was introduced by the Pope Roman Gregory XIII. In honor of him and received its name calendar. The need to replace the Julian calendar concluded, first of all, is confused about the celebration of Easter. According to Julian calendar, the celebration of this day fell out on different days of the week, but Christianity insisted that Easter should always be celebrated on Sunday. However, at least the Gregorian calendar and ordered the celebration of Easter, the remaining church holidays were shot down with his appearance. Therefore, some Orthodox churches still live in the Julian calendar. Visual example The fact that Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25, and Orthodox on January 7th.

Go to new calendar Not all people perceived calmly. In many countries, riots broke out. And in the Russian Orthodox Church, the new calendar acted only 24 days. Sweden, for example, lived at all through its own calendar because of all these transitions.

General features in both calendars

  1. Division. As in Julian, and in the Gregorian calendar, it is divided into 12 months and 365 days, and 7 days in the week.
  2. Months. In the Gregorian calendar, all 12 months are called as in Julian. They have the same sequence and the same number of days. There is a simple way to remember in which month and how many days. It is necessary to compress own hands in fists. The knuckle on the mother's left hand will be considered January, and the subsequent treasury behind it - February. Thus, all the knuckles will symbolize months in which 31 days, and all the depressions are months in which 30 days. Of course, the exception is February, in which 28 or 29 days (it depends on whether the leap is now or not). Wpadina after a nameless finger right hand And the bone of the right little garbage is not taken into account, since the months of only 12. This method is suitable for determining the number of days and in Julian and in the Gregorian calendars.
  3. Church holidays. All holidays that are celebrated on the Julian calendar are also celebrated in Gregorian. However, the celebration occurs on other days and numbers. For example, Christmas.
  4. Situation of the invention. Like Julian, the Gregorian calendar was invented in Rome, but in 1582 Rome was part of Italy, and in 45 BC, the center of the Roman Empire.

Differences of the Gregorian calendar from Julian

  1. Age. Since some churches live in the Julian calendar, you can confidently assert that it exists. So he is older than Gregory for about 1626 years.
  2. Using. The Gregorian calendar is considered state in almost all countries of the world. Julian calendar can be called church calendar.
  3. Leap year. In Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap. In the Gregoryan, the same leap year is the number of which Katten 400 and 4, but that which is not Katten 100. That is, 2016 in the Gregorian calendar leap, and 1900 - no.
  4. Datage Date. Initially, the Gregorian calendar, one might say, was in a hurry for 10 days compared to Julian. That is, according to the Julian calendar on October 5, 1582 - it was believed on October 15, 1582 for the Gregorian calendar. However, now the difference between calendars is already 13 days. In connection with this difference in the countries of the former Russian Empire There was such an expression, as old style. For example, a holiday, referred to as the old new year, is just a Happy New Year, but according to the Julian calendar.

Different peoples, religious cults, astronomer scientists tried to make an invoice of the current time as the most accurate and simple for any person. For the starting point was taken by the movement of the sun, the moon, the earth, the location of the stars. Developed and applied calendars - dozens. For the Christian world of significant calendars used by centuries, there were only two - Julian and Gregoryan. The latter and now is the basis of the summer, considered the most accurate, not subject to the accumulation of errors. The transition to the Gregorian calendar in Russia occurred in 1918. What it was connected will tell this article.

From Caesar to this day

It was by the name of this multifaceted personality that the Julian calendar was named. The date of his appearance is considered to be January 1, 45 years. BC e. Based on the decree of the emperor. It's funny that the point of reference has little to do with Astronomy is the day of the entry of the consuls of Rome to the position. This calendar, however, was born not from scratch:

  • The basis for him was the calendar of ancient Egypt, which had already existed for centuries in which there were exactly 365 days, the change of seasons.
  • The second source for compiling the Julian calendar was the existed Roman, where there was division for months.

It turned out a rather balanced, thoughtful way of visual flow of time. It was harmoniously combined simplicity of use, clear periods with astronomical correlation between the Sun, Moon and stars, known for a long time and affecting the movement of the Earth.

The appearance of the Gregorian calendar, fully attached to the sunny or tropical year, grateful humanity is obliged to Pope Gregory XIII, which indicated to go to the New Time on October 4, 1582 to all Catholic countries. It must be said that even in Europe, this process was neither Shalko nor Valko. So, Prussia moved to him in 1610, Denmark, Norway, Iceland - in 1700, the United Kingdom with all the overseas colonies - only in 1752.

When Russia moved to the Gregorian calendar

Thirsty of the whole new after everyone was destroyed, the flame Bolsheviks gladly gave the team to switch to a new progressive calendar. The transition to it in Russia occurred on January 31 (February 14) of 1918. Grounds for this event soviet government There were quite revolutionary:

  • Almost all countries of Europe have long switched to this method of summer, and only the reactionary tsarist government clapped the initiative to be very prone to astronomy, other precise sciences of peasants and workers.
  • Against such a violent intervention that violates the sequence of biblical events was the Russian Orthodox Church. And can the "Sellers of Durana for the People" be smarter than the proletariat armed with the most advanced ideas of the proletariat.

Moreover, the differences between two calendars are called fundamentally different. By big account, Grigorian calendar is a modified version of Julian. The changes are mainly aimed at eliminating less accumulation of temporary errors. But as a result of the date of what happened historical events, birth famous personalities Have a double, confusing calculus.

For example, the October Revolution in Russia happened on October 25, 1917 - according to the Julian calendar or software, the so-called, old style, which is the historical fact or on November 7 of the same year in New Year - Gregorian. Such a feeling that the Bolsheviks conducted the October rebellion twice - the second time "on the bis".

The ROC, which the Bolsheviks could not make sure of the clergy, nor organized by the robbery of artistic values \u200b\u200bto admit a new calendar, did not retreat from biblical canons, counting time, offensive church holidays According to the Julian calendar.

Therefore, the transition to the Gregorian calendar in Russia is not so much a scientific, organizational event, how many political, affected by the fate of many people, and his echoes are heard and understood. However, on the background cheerful Game In "Transoving time for an hour ahead / back", still not finally ended, judging by the initiatives of the most active deputies, it is just a historical event.

Humanity from a long time uses by summer. Take, for example, the famous Maya's circle, who made a lot of noise in 2012. Meaning day after day, the calendar pages carry off the week, months and years. Almost all countries of the world today live according to the generally accepted grigorian calendar, but long years State was julian. What is the difference between them, and why is the last one now uses the Orthodox Church?

Julian calendar

Ancient Romans conducted the score of the moon phases. In such a simple calendar was 10 months called in honor of the gods. The Egyptians, the summer was familiar to modern: 365 days, 12 months to 30 days. In 46 BC Emperor Ancient Rome Guy Julius Caesar ordered the leading astronomers to create a new calendar. Sunny year With his 365 days and 6 hours were taken for the sample, and the initial date was January 1. New way Calculusions of days then, in fact, called the calendar, from the Roman word "calendas" - so named the first days of each month, when interest on debts were paid. To the glory of the ancient Roman commander and politics to perpetuate his name in the history of the Grand Invention, one of the months called July.

After the murder of the emperor, Roman priests confused a little and declared every coming third year leaping to align a six-hour offset. Finally, the calendar was aligned with the Emperor Octavian Augustus. And his contribution was recorded by the new name of the month - August.

From Juliansky to the Gregorian

Centuries in julian calendar There were lives. They used Christians during the first Universal CathedralWhen the date of the celebration of Easter was approved. Interestingly, this day is noted every year, depending on the first full moon after the Spring Equinox and the Jewish Easter. Change this rule was only under the fear of Anathema, but in 1582 the chapter catholic church Pope Grigory Xiii went to risk. The reform was successful: the new calendar called Grigorian, was more accurate and returned the day of the equinox by March 21. The hierarchs of the Orthodox Church condemned the innovation: it turned out that the Jewish Easter happened later than Easter Christian. This was not allowed by canons of Eastern tradition, and in the divergence between the Catholics and Orthodox, another item appeared.

Souluscript in Russia

In 1492. New Year In Russia, they began to celebrate on church tradition on September 1, although earlier the new theths began simultaneously with the spring and was considered "from the creation of the world." Emperor Peter I established that accepted from Byzantium julian calendar On the territory of the Russian Empire is valid, but the new year has now been celebrated in obligatory 1st of January. Bolsheviks transferred the country on gregorian calendarFor which all Europe lived for a long time. It is interesting that in this way, then February became the shortest month in the history of the summer: February 1, 1918 turned into 14 February.

FROM Juliansky to the Gregorian calendar In 1924, Greece officially passed, after her - Turkey, and in 1928 and Egypt. In our time, only some Orthodox churches - Russian, Georgian, Serbian, Polish, Jerusalem, and Eastern - Coptic, Ethiopian and Greek-Catholic live in the Julian Sauchnya. Therefore, there are discrepancies in the celebration of Christmas: the birthday of Christ Catholics celebrate December 25, and in orthodox tradition This holiday falls on January 7th. The same and with secular holidays, embarrassing foreigners, is celebrated on January 14, as a tribute to the previous calendar. However, it doesn't matter who in which calendar lives: the main thing is not to spend the priceless days.

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Different ways of calendar. A new time calculus was introduced by the Council People's Commissar - Government of Soviet Russia January 24, 1918 "Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic".

Decree was designed to promote "Establishment in Russia is the same with almost all cultural peoples of the calculus of time". After all, from 1582, when the Julian calendar, in accordance with the recommendations of astronomers, was replaced by the Gregorian, the Russian calendar was different from the calendars of civilized states for 13 days.

The fact is that the new European calendar has been born by the efforts of the Pope of the Roman, but the Russian Orthodox clergy of the Catholic dad was not authority and not a decree, and it rejected the innovation. So more than 300 years have lived: in Europe new year in Russia December 19.

Decree of SNK (Abbreviation of the Council of People's Commissar) dated January 24, 1918 was ordered February 1, 1918 to consider the 14th of February (we note in brackets that for many years of observations orthodox calendar, that is, the "old style", more consistent with the climate of the European part Russian Federation. For example, March 1, when the old style is still deep, in the spring and does not smell, and the relative warming begins from mid-March or its first numbers by old style).

Not everyone liked the new style

However, not only Russia rested in establishing a Catholic account of days, in Greece "New Style" was legalized in 1924, Turkey - 1926, Egypt - 1928. At the same time, something is not heard that the Greeks or Egyptians celebrate, as in Russia, two holidays: the new year and the old new year, that is, the new year according to the old style.

Interestingly, the introduction of the Gregorian calendar without delight accepted in those european countrieswhere the leading religion was Protestantism. So in England on a new time account, only in 1752, in Sweden - a year later, in 1753.

Julian calendar

Julia Caesar was introduced in 46 BC. Started on January 1. Year had 365 days. The number of the year, who divided by 4 was recognized as a leap. One day was added to him - February 29. The difference between the calendar of Julia Caesar and Pope Calendar Gregory is that the first every fourth year without exception is leap, and the second leap only those who are divided into four, but not multiple hundred. As a result, the difference between Julian and Gregorian calendars is gradually increasing and, for example, in 2101 An Orthodox xmas It will be celebrated not 7, but January 8th.

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The Grigorian calendar is the most common calendar. He was proposed by Aloyisius Lilius, a Naples doctor, and adopted by Pope Gregory XIII in accordance with the recommendations of the Triedent Cathedral (1545 - 1563) to correct the mistakes of the old Julian calendar. He was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII Papal Bulla dated February 24, 1582. This Bulla is called "Inter Gravissimas" according to her first words.

In the Gregorian calendar, the length of the tropical year is approximated by the number of 365 97/400 days \u003d 365.2425 days. Thus, the tropical year will move relative to the Gregorian calendar for one day after 3300 years.

Approach 365 97/400 is achieved by the introduction of 97 leap years for every 400 years.

In the Gregorian calendar for every 400 years accounts for 97 leap years:

Every year, the number of which is Koint 4 - leap.

However, every year a multiple 100 is not a leap.

However, every year a multiple 400 is still leap.

Thus, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100 and 2200 are not leap years. However, 1600, 2000 and 2400 - leap years.


The principle of determining the date of Easter in the Gregorian calendar as a whole preserves the principle of Alexandrian Easter (Sunday after the first full moon after an equinox), but the equinox is considered, naturally, on March 21 in a new style, which (today) is 13 days earlier than for Julian number ( And almost coincides with astronomical - for example, in 2005 it was March 20, n. Art.) For more details, see the article Polelia.

When Country X passed from Julian to the Gregorian calendar?

Papal Bulla from February 1582 decided that 10 days should be excluded from October 1582, so for October 4, it follows October 15 and then it is necessary to use a new calendar.

It was observed in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. Soon other Catholic countries were followed. However, Protestant countries were in no hurry to carry out the transition, and countries with Greek orthodox Church They did not move to a new calendar before the early 1900s.

The following list presents the transition dates in some countries. Very strange, but in many cases there are disagreements of relative accurate date. In some cases different sources Give highly different dates. This list does not include all different opinions about when the transition occurred.

Albania: December 1912

Austria: Dates differ in different fields

See also Sections Czechoslovakia and Hungary

Belgium: See the section Netherlands

Canada: In various fields, the transition occurred at different times.

mainland New Scotland:

Other parts of Canada: Grigorian calendar since the first European settlements

China: The Grigorian calendar replaced the Chinese calendar in 1912, but the Grigorian calendar was not used throughout the country to the Communist Revolution of 1949

Egypt: 1875

Finland: At that time, part of Sweden. (However, later Finland became part of Russia, in which the Julian calendar was still used. The Grigorian calendar remained official in Finland, but in some cases the Julian calendar was used.)

Strasbourg: February 1682

Germany: Dates differ in different states:

Catholic states - various dates in 1583-1585

(Many local options)

Greece: for March 9, 1924 followed March 23, 1924 (according to some sources, in 1916 and 1920)

Ireland: Look UK

Japan: The Grigorian calendar was introduced on January 1, 1873 and complemented the traditional Japanese calendar

Latvia: during the German occupation from 1915 to 1918

Lithuania: 1915.

Netherlands (including Belgium):

Limburg and South provinces (currently Belgium):


again switched to Julian in the summer of 1594

Norway: At that time, part of Denmark

Romania: For March 31, 1919, he followed on April 14, 1919 (parts of the country with the Greek Orthodox Church, perhaps crossed later)

Russia: for January 31, 1918 followed February 14, 1918 (in the eastern parts of the country, the transition may not occur until 1920)

Scotland: Regarding Scotland's transition a lot of unclear. Various sources Dissolve in opinions, some believe that the transition occurred with all of the UK, others - what before.


Catholic Cantons: 1583, 1584 or 1597

Protestant cantons: for December 31, 1700 followed January 12, 1701 (many local options)

USA: Different areas have switched at different times.

Along eastern coast: With Great Britain in 1752.

Mississippi Valley: With France in 1582.

Texas, Florida, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico: with Spain in 1582.

Washington, Oregon: with the United Kingdom in 1752.

Alaska: in October 1867, when Alaska became part of the United States.

Wales: see United Kingdom

Yugoslavia: 1919.

In Sweden, the transition occurred very curious. Sweden decided to gradually move from Julian to the Gregorian calendar, not introducing leap years from 1700 to 1740. Thus, 11 extra days were to be excluded, and on March 1, 1740 the transition to the Gregorian calendar was to be completed. (However, during this gap, the calendar in Sweden would not coincide with any calendar!)

Thus, 1700 (which in Julian calendar was a leap) in Sweden was not a leap. However, by mistake 1704 and 1708 steel leap years. This led to the loss of synchronization with both Julian and Grigorian calendars, and it was decided to return to the Julian calendar. To do this, in 1712, an extra day was added, and this year became a double leap year! Thus, in 1712, in Sweden in February were 30 days.

Later, in 1753, Sweden moved to the Gregorian calendar, having missed 11 days, like other countries.


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See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is the Gregorian calendar in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    only units. , Sustainable combination of the modern calendar, otherwise: a new style, which is based on the calculus system introduced in 1582 ...
    new style, see in Art. ...
  • GREGORIAN CALENDAR in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    calendar, new style, chore system introduced in 1582 with Pope Gregory XIII (hence the name). See calendar ...
    (Lat. Gregorianus) New Style (see Calendar ...
    [New style (see Calendar ...
    new style, see in Art. ...
  • THE CALENDAR in Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • THE CALENDAR in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • THE CALENDAR in the popular intelligent encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language:
    -Ar "I, m. 1) System, a way of tutorial based on the frequency of nature phenomena (seasons, phases of the moon). Sunny calendar. Julian calendar. Gregorian ...
  • THE CALENDAR in modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (from Lat. Calendarium, letters. - Long book; in Dr. Rome debtors paid interest on the day of the calend), the system for the number of large gaps ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    To see in a dream that you hold the calendar in your hands, means that you will be very neat and methodical in your habits ...
  • THE CALENDAR in Encyclopedia, Japan from A to Z:
    The traditional Japanese calendar, as well as the calendar of many other peoples of East Asia, is moon-sunny. It is believed that he was introduced in Japan ...
    Shadhodova - see shadow calendar ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    Paying - see payment calendar ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". January February March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    reference edition, contains a sequential list of numbers, days of the week and months of the year, often indicating other information and illustrations (eg, "annual ...
  • Calendar Bibliogr. in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Bibliogr.) - Painting of the Days of the famous year, with the designation of the time of mobile holidays, indicating which numbers of the month correspond to the days of the week of this year, ...
    [Latin Calendarium, from Calendae Calenda (first day of the month)] 1) The time surge system based on the periodic phenomena of nature: a change of day and ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    anray, m. 1. Method of measuring days a year. And the Julian calendar ("old style" was introduced in 46Ag.aan.Ae. Under Yulia Cesar). Grigorian ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , - I, m. 1. The method of measuring days a year. Sunny k. (In K-Rom, the movement of the sun and shift lunar phases). …
    Republican calendar, see Republican calendar ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Calendar, the reference edition contains the following. The list of numbers, days of the week and months of the year is often indicating other information and illustrations (eg, ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Calendar (from lat. Calendarium - a long book), the system of the account for long periods of time, land. Periodicity visible movements Heavenly bodies. Need ...
  • GREGORIAN in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Gregory Calendar (New Style), Church System - sunny calendarintroduced by Pope Gregory XIII (from here Named.) In 1582; It is further ...
    calend "Pie, calendars", calendar ", calendar" th, calendar ", calendar" m, calend "ry, calendars", calendar, calendar "mi, calendar", ...
  • GREGORIAN in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    grigoria "Nsky, Grigoria" NSA, Gregory "NSKO, Gregory" Nisseh, Grigoria "Nisky, Grigoria" Naxian, Grigoria "Nawn, Grigoria" Nevsky, Grigoria "Nawn, Grigoria" NSO, Gregory "Nevsky, Grigoria" Nek, Grigoria " Nsky, Grigoria "NSA, Gregory" NSO, Gregory "Nisseh, Grigoria" Nisky, Grigoria "NSA, Gregory" NSKO, Gregory "Nevsky, ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the new foreign word dictionary:
    (Lat. Calendarium Calendae Calenda (first day of the month)) 1) Time number system based on periodic phenomena of nature: Senake of the Seasons ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the dictionary of foreign expressions:
    [LAT. Calendarium 1. Time None Systems based on periodic phenomena of nature: change of seasons (sunny to.), changing the phases of the moon (Lunny ...
    cm. …
  • THE CALENDAR in the Synonyms Dictionary Abramova:
    monasses, Almanac, ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    address Calendar, Diary, Calendar, Book, Menology, Persons, Schedule, Slanders, ...
  • GREGORIAN in the dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.
    1) Reference printed publication in the form of a table or a book containing a sequential list of days of the year indicating various other information ...
  • GREGORIAN in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    arr. The XIII associated with Pope Gregory XIII (about the chore system introduced in 1582 instead of the Julian calendar and installed in Russian ...
    calend'a, ...
  • GREGORIAN in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    the calendar, …
  • GREGORIAN full by the spelling dictionary Russian language:
    grigorian (Gregoryan ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the spelling dictionary:
    calend'a, ...
  • GREGORIAN in the spelling dictionary:
    gregory`an (Gregory`an ...
  • THE CALENDAR in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegova:
    the method of measuring days a year is sunny to. (In K-Rom, the movement of the Sun and the shift of the lunar phases are consistent). Julian to. (Old style). ...
  • Calendar in the Dalya dictionary:
    husband. (calends, Romans, the first day of the month) painting of all days a year, with the testimony and others, to this regard., Information; ...