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Men's shirt apasha. The value of the Apache shirt in the spelling dictionary. How to choose the type of collar on the figure

From a plurality of small parts is the image of a modern woman. Some of them only emphasize the style and individuality of their owner, others opposite are capable of changing the mood and style of image. These include a collar, which, depending on the model and type of clothing, can perform not only the decorative function, but also to protect against wind and cold.

Collars are different: standing, stand-shuffling and flat. Today we will talk about one of the classic models of collars, and in particular about the collar of Apache, which is widely used in various types of clothing.

Apache or "Hooligan": a tours in history

The proportion and prescription of the etiquette - the advent of the collar Apache is obliged to the French, who were delivered to the top buttons of the shirt, thereby demonstrating their dismissive relationship established by the rules. Of course, such a bold and extraordinary solution was perceived by the public ambiguously: the most extensive admirers of the conventions were outraged by negligent, by those standards, appearance, but, nevertheless, many such an original idea had to do. Withstand the test of time, today the apas collar firmly settled in the wardrobes of men and women and is used as a stylish supplement of dresses, blouses, shirts, coats, changing and even fur coats.

Clothes with collar apasha

Business suit or sports form, romantic blouse or classic shirt, evening dress or coat - with collar apasha. Any clothes look great.

For example, a shirt with a collar Apache is the perfect solution for bold ladies with a bright appearance and a decisive character. Suitable for creating an image, both in and in everyday. At the same time, put the correct accents will help the decorations: going to the official meeting, it is possible to complete the composition with a beautiful gold chain or pearl thread, and a bright jewelry will become a highlight of the everyday ensemble.

In addition, today you can buy a removable collar Apache, which will transform an imaginary dress or blouse. There are models related crocheted, decorated with beads, rhinestones, embroidery, appliqués, various color solutions are possible. So choosing a white openwork collar, you can give a certain restrained word, while the collar in the peas or the cell will complete the image in retro style.

Most popular among the beautiful half coats and raincoats with the collar of Apache are enjoyed. Such models look incredibly feminine and elegant. And fit women with absolutely different constitution.

  • Shirt apasha
    rub'` And Ash, Rub` Oshe ...
  • Shirt apasha
    aPASH shirt, shirts ...
    apache, batch filed, sleeveless, blouse, blouse, turtleneck, gymnaster, dashiki, cuber, footer, chain, combination, combinance, spacecraft, shirt, suit, sailor, shell, clothing, sprinkle, ...
    A fragmental - metal sheath of manual grenade, sliced \u200b\u200bon rhombus and other geometric shapes, which in the explosion gives a large number of sharp ...
  • APACHE in the illustrated encyclopedia of weapons:
    - Spanish automatic pistol caliber 6, 35 mm. Imitation Browning 1906 ...
  • SHIRT in the dictionary of the Norivsky Zhargon:
    - 1) shipping, offshore, 2) Employ chamber ...
  • SHIRT in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    If you in a dream you put on your shirt - it means that your infidelity will be the reason for the cooling to you your beloved. Looking shirts ...
    (Franz. Apache - by the name of the Apachi Indian tribe) ..1) declassed element in France; bully, thief. The word has become used in France ...
  • APACHE in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    1. Neism. About the front of a men's shirt: with an open wide gate. Shirt a. 2. A, m., Odush. In France: declassed element; ...
  • SHIRT in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , - And, well. 1. Clothes made of lightweight fabric, powered by the upper body (men's) or as underwear (female). Lower, ...
  • APACHE in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    , Nepha.: 1) Collar Apache - Open and Wide; 2) APASH shirt - with open wide ...
    ruba "WATCH, Ruba" Ship, Ruba "Ski, Ruba" Sheck, Ruba "Shka, Ruba" Scoops, Ruba "SCI, Ruba" Ship, Ruba "Shock, Ruba" Shka, Ruba "Shock, Ruba" Shka, ...
  • APACHE in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    aPA "W, APA" Shi, Apa "Sha, Apa" Shem, Apa "Shu, Apa" Sham, Apa "Sham, Apa" Sham, Apa "Sham, Apa" Shami, Apa "Shem, ...
  • APACHE in the full accentuated paradigm on the link.
  • SHIRT in a fun etymological dictionary:
    - …
  • APACHE in the dictionary for solving and drafting scanvords:
    The collar that has lost ...
  • APACHE in the new foreign word dictionary:
    (FR. Apache, by name. Indian tribe Apache) 1) Statute. declassified element in France; hooligan, thief; 2) Men's shirt style ...
  • APACHE in the dictionary of foreign expressions:
    [FR. Apache, by name. Indian tribe Apache] 1. SET. declassified element in France; hooligan, thief; 2. Logsa men's shirt with ...
  • SHIRT in the Synonyms Dictionary Abramova:
    || put in one ...
  • APACHE in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language:
    bandit, shirt, ...
    g. 1) Clothes made of lightweight fabric for the top of the body, which is an affiliation of both underwear and outerwear. 2) ...
  • APACHE in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    1. m. A person who belonged to the declared groups of the population; Thief, hooligan (in France). 2. Admission Neism. 1) postponed, non-profile (about collar). ...
  • SHIRT in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    rub''Ska, and, r. MN. ...
  • APACHE in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    up'Ash, Nearby. and -a, TV. ...
  • SHIRT in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    shirt, - and r. MN. ...
  • APACHE in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    apache, Neism. and -a, TV. ...
  • SHIRT in the spelling dictionary:
    rub''Ska, and, r. MN. ...
  • APACHE in the spelling dictionary:
    up'Ash, Nearby. and -a, TV. ...
  • SHIRT in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov:
    upper coating layer, shell (special) R. fetal, grains, cocoon, bulbs. Shirt reverse side of playing card shirt color wool, suit SPEC ...
  • APACHE in the dictionary of the Russian language of Ozhegov.
  • APACHE in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    (Franz. Apache - by the name of the Apachi Indian tribe), .. 1) declassed element in France; bully, thief. The word began to be used in France with ...
    shirts, g. 1. Clothes made of lightweight fabric for the top of the body, UPOTR. As linen belonging and as outerwear. Quantitative ...
  • APACHE in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    apache, m. (foreign.) 1. In France - Hooligan, Bandit. 2. In the meaning unchanged. arr. With an open wide gate (about shirt; ...
    shirt 1) Clothes made of lightweight fabric for the top of the body, which is an affiliation of both underwear and outerwear. ...
  • APACHE in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    apache 1. m. A person who belonged to the declared groups of the population; Thief, hooligan (in France). 2. Admission Neism. 1) postponed, unfair (o ...
    g. 1. Clothes made of lightweight fabric for the upper body, which is an affiliation of both underwear and outerwear. 2. ...
  • APACHE in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    I m. A person who belonged to the declared groups of the population; Thief, hooligan (in France). II nonism. arr. 1. postponed, unfastened (about collar). ...
    I. 1. Clothes made of lightweight fabric for the upper body, which is an affiliation of both underwear and outerwear. ...
  • APACHE in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:
    I m. A person who belonged to the declared groups of the population; Thief, hooligan (in France). II MZK m. 1. postponed, ...
  • WATER JACKET in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    the cavity for water or other liquids surrounding the heated elements of machines and equipment, for example, internal combustion engines, metallurgical stoves (in ...
  • Kurdish proverbs in quote Wiki:
    Data: 2009-07-27 Time: 11:12:34 * The thief is a thief - whether the egg stole, whether the bull won. * Everyone is knocking on the door ...
  • SCARFACE: The World Is Yours in the list of easter and codes for games:
    Put the game pause, select Cheats menu and enter: kiltony - suicide; FPATCH - fills the score of the rage to the maximum; ...
  • Modern wedding ritual in the dictionary of rites and sacraments:
    Modern wedding rite two hearts of the zodiac merged into one under the seven of the marriage. In the world, seven wonders, but there is nothing ...
  • TUNIC in the lexicon sex:
    (Lat. - Shirt), in dr. Rome genus clothes; White woolen or linen shirt to knees with short sleeves. Rushed ...
  • CLOTHES in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    artificial covers of the human body. O. In the broad sense of the word also includes hats, shoes, gloves, etc. Jewelry only complement ...

Do not underestimate the collar if it is properly picking up, he can make real wonders - visually lengthen or expand the face, adjust the shoulder line and change the silhouette. Therefore, buying blouses and jackets, you should know which models are best suited to your figure and type of appearance.

How did the apas collar appeared

Apache is a wide opened collar. Fashion came to us from France, where the shirts of such models wore hooligans expressing protest to the official business style, ties and other conventions. Such clothes were a kind of protest against strict social norms and power.

The so-called Hawaiian shirt with a wide throat, sewing from cotton or silk fabric of different colors, appeared in fashion at the beginning of the twentieth century, but after a while she became not so relevant. How did the fashion changed over the years, and what are the rules for choosing clothes style with a collar apasha?

Fashion comes and goes, but some accents are almost always in trend. After the twenties, the collars of Apache lost their underwent great popularity. Nevertheless, the fashion on them is still in force. They may be present as an element of clothing for men and women.

Such clay apply in the design of different items of female and male wardrobe, it can be a shirt, blouse, knitted sweater, jacket, dress, jacket and coat.

There are three versions of the collars of the jacket type:

  • open (English) collar - the most common, in its title is present with a straight angle;
  • the collar with closed convictions is also called Schalke - the obtasses are rounded along the entire length, are often stopped by velvet or atlas, often used in tuxedes and look better with a butterfly tie;
  • the apas collar is a postponed option on which there are no buttons, it is wide enough and suitable for styling in a free style and informal events.

Collar Schalke and Apache differ in each other with a cutting height and roundness of forms.

Schalke is associated primarily with tuxedos, it is full of elegance and perfectly harmonizes both with men's and female silhouette.

Collar Schalke, thanks to its longitudinal vertical lines, makes a shape slimmer, visually lengthens the silhouette and perfectly suitable for people of low growth.

Shirts with a collar Apache open the chest, visually expanding it. They should not wear girls with broad shoulders.

They look great on high growth women, without taking extra centimeters of silhouette.

How to choose the type of collar on the figure

Female clothing styles should be selected by figure, style lessons in the selection of profitable combinations in clothing from leading designers teach us properly combine all the elements of the wardrobe:

  • Wear a blouse with a collar Apache, you can under a skirt and pants in a free style, such a blouse will look great with jeans and shorts and it will be good for many summer stylization;
  • What should not be done, so it is to hide such clothes under the jacket, in such a combination it will not look at all;
  • If the girl has a wide thigh, a waist and a small top of the body, as well as a small breast, for this type of figure, clothing with a wide collar;
  • The optimal option will be a coat with collars of Apache, which mask the small chest and align the proportions of the shapes. Ideally, if such a jacket with a collar apasha has a fitted silhouette. The waist emphasized the belief, and the chest is an open big gate.

Choosing a style in clothes, it is primarily to be guided by the features of the figure, selecting those stylization, which are better suited for the silhouette, will help hide the flaws of the figure, and beautifully emphasize its advantages.

  • - 1. A kind of design of a stand-postponed collar. 2. Shirt with an open wide gate ...

    Encyclopedia of Fashion and Clothes

  • - ..1) Declassified element in France ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - shirt...
  • - R. collar / ...

    Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - Ruba / Scap APA / W, Ruba / Ski APA / W Rod. MN. Ruba / Shek ...

    Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary dictionary

  • - Apache, Nepi.: 1) Collar Apache Open and Wide; 2) Apache shirt with an open wide gate ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Shirts ...

    Orphographic Dictionary

  • - Up "Ash, Nepi ...
  • - rub "Ashka Ap" Ash, rub "Ashki AP" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Apache "Street robber", from Franz. Apache "Hooligan, Pimp", since 1902, flew into use the editor of the newspaper "Maen". Named Apacha's Indian tribe in Mexico, at the border with the USA; See Hamilsheg, EW 39; Eli 46 ...

    Etymological Dictionary of Fasmere

  • - Apache M. Apache m. 1. In France, a person belonging to declassy groups of the population; Thief, hooligan. BAS-2. Apache, as it should be, strong, deft, rough hooligan, owner and lord of this street woman ...

    Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

  • - About the poor Wed. Here are those and beggar. Delieleva was the Palash Rvani shirt, now, look, ka-smt, in which bogie! Melnikov. On the mountains. 2, 13 ...

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - Apache 1) Standard. declassified element in France; hooligan, thief; 2) Male shirt with an open wide gate ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - 1. Apache, -a, - 2. Apache, nezor ...

    Russian verbal emphasis

  • - 1. Apache, Apasha, Apache, Apache, Apasha, Apasham, Apache, Apache, Apache, Apache, Apache, Apache 2 ...

    Shape words

  • - SUBS., Number of synonyms: 4 gangster ugly shirt hooligan ...

    Synonym dictionary

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38. April 1962. Piper Apache

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38. April 1962. Piper Apasha In April 1962, the Nassau Airport (Bahamas) Airport Dispatch Point of Airport (Bahamas) took a challenge from a small two-time aircraft of the APASH type, which asked him to help him find the airfield. He was north of Nassau, and