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The Cathedral Message of the Apostle Peter. First universal cathedral. Grace you and the world will multiply

Peter, the apostle of Jesus Christ, the aliens, scattered in Ponte, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Viphini, elected, on the proposal of God's god, when consecrated from the Spirit, to obedience and sprinkling the blood of Jesus Christ.

Said snayers Or because they are scattered, or because all those living in God are called aliens on Earth, as, for example, says David: for a wanderer I have a naughty, like all your fathers (Ps. 38, 13). The name of the aliens is not the same as the name of the prudent. The latter means who came from someone else's country and even something more imperfect. For as an outsider case (πάρεργον) below the case of the present (τοΰ εργου) and the prolonged (παρεπίδημος) below the immigrants (έπιδήμου). This inscription you need to read with the permutation of words, that is how; Peter, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, to the Investigation of God Father, when consecrated from the Spirit, to obedience and sprinkling the blood of Jesus Christ. The remaining words should put after this; For they are indicated by those who are written by the Message. On the proposal of God. By the words, the apostle wants to show that he, with the exception of time, no less than the prophets who were sent, and that the prophets were sent, Isaiah says about this: to gleate the beggar messlo Me (Is. 61, 1). But if it is lower in time, then not lower on the proposal of God. In this regard, he declares himself equal to Jeremiah, which, before the Education in the womb, was consecrated and consecrated and appointed prophet for peoples (Ier. 1, 5). And as the prophets, together with the other, prevained the coming of Christ (for for this they were sent), then explains the service of the apostleism, and says: I am sent to obedience to obedience and sprinkling the blood of Jesus Christ. Explains that the case of his apostleship is to separate. For this means the word consecrationFor example, in words: for you are the people of the Holy of the Lord, your God (Dev. 14, 2), that is, separated from other peoples. So, the case of his apostleism - through the cubs of the spiritual to separate the peoples, the submissive cross and the sufferings of Jesus Christ, sprinkled without ashes of the Taurus, when it is necessary to clean desecration from communicating with the pagans, but blood from the suffering of Jesus Christ. In short Blood At the same time, predicts the torment for Christ those who believe in it. For who with humility goes in the footsteps of the teacher, he, no doubt, will not refuse to shed his own blood for the one who shed her for the whole world.

Grace and the world will multiply.

Gracebecause we save the gift, not bringing anything from yourself. Peace, Because, offering the Vladyka, we were in a number of enemies.

The God and the Father of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, who revived us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ who revived us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to hope to be alive, to inherit the imperishable, pure, unfavorable.

Blesses God, thanks to him for all those benefits that he serves. What gives him? Hope, but not what was through Moses, about the settlement in the land of Canaan, and which was mortally, but the hope of living. Where does it have life from? From the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For he himself, he himself, and coming to him, through the faith, gives him too much power to rise. So, the gift is the hope of living, answered inheritance, not on earth, defused, like, for example, the fathers, but in heaven, from which it has the property of eternity than and the preview of the inheritance of the earth. At the same time, the gift is still a gift - the preservation and observance of the faithful. Because the Lord and I prayed when I said: Holy Father! keep them (John 17, 11). Force. What is the power? - To the phenomenon of the Lord. For if compliance was not strong, it would not start to such a limit. And when so many such gifts, then the receiving them naturally rejoice.

Store in heaven for you, the power of God through the faith of escalable to salvation, ready to open lately.

If the inheritance in heaven, the opening of the thousand-year kingdom on earth is a lie.

Oh semi rejoice, the squabs are now a bit, if necessary, from various temptations, so that the believed faith, your proven to be preciously dying, albeit the fire of the tested gold.

As a teacher in his promise, it declares not one joy, but also sorrow, saying: in the world you will have grief (Ying. 16. 33) and the apostle added to the word about joy: skorev. But how is it regrettable, then fishes nowAnd this is according to with its leader. For and he says: you will be sad, but your sadness will be joy (John 16, 20). Or word now It should be assigned to joy, because it will change its future joy, not short-term, but continuous and endless. And since there is an embarrassment about the temptations, the apostle points out the goal of temptations: because, through them, the experience of yours becomes obvious and precious gold, like gold experienced by fire, is more expensive. Adds: if needed, Taking that not everyone is faithful, no sinful sinners are tested, and neither the other is left in them forever. The righteouss are suffering to obtain the vents, and sinners in punishment for sins. Not all the righteouss are tested so that you do not even honor the malice commendable and not hated virtue. And not all the sinners experience sorrow - in order not to be questioned by the truth of the resurrection, if everyone had received due.

To the praise and honor and glory in the phenomenon of Jesus Christ, whom, not seeing, love, and whom he did not see anything, but believing in him, happy with the joy inhalynient and preliminarily, reaching at the very faithful of the souls.

These words, the apostle indicates the reason why the righteous people are undergoing evil, and part of it consotes them because they become more nice, part of it encourages them in the phenomenon of Jesus ChristThat is exactly then, he will deliver the devotees of great fame. He fishes and something else who is fonding the transfer of mourn. What is? following: Whom, not seeing, love. If, says, not seeing his bodily eyes, love him one hearing, what will love, when will you see him, and moreover which is in glory? If so attached you to him by suffering, then what attachment should be on you the phenomenon of it in an unbearable brilliance when and will the rescue of the souls serve? If you have to come before Him and all fame, then now show your patience appropriately, and it is quite achieving the suggested goal.

Someone, the rescue was the survey and research of the prophets who predicted the grace appointed you.

Since the apostle mentioned the salvation of the soul, and it is unknown and strange for hearing, he is evident to the prophets who were sought and investigated about him. They sought the future, as, for example, Daniel, who was the Angel called him for it husband of desires (Dan. 10, 11). They investigated that which and for what time he indicated the Spirit in them. On which, that is, the time of execution, on what, That is, when the Jews through various captives will reach the perfect god, and they will be able to adopt the sacrament of Christ. Nothing that, calling the Spirit ChristThe apostle confesses Christ to God. The spirit also pointed to the sufferings of Christ, speaking through Isaiah: like a sheep, he was keen on a mischief (Is. 53, 7), and through Jeremiah: put a poisonous tree in his food (11, 19), and on the Sunday through an axis, said: revirts us in two days, it will restore us on the third day, and we will live before the face (OS. 6, 3). They says the apostle, it was open not for themselves, but for us. These words, the apostle makes a two-way business: proves the proportion of the prophets, and the fact that Christ-known now known to faith was God before the creation of the world. In a word about the proportion of the prophets, he inspires them so that they take the prophets to be presented to them, because the children of the prudent people do not neglect the wages of the Fents. If the prophets who did not take advantage of nothing, found and investigated, and, are found, they concluded in the books and handed us as an inheritance, we would be unfair if they began to refer to the works of their contemptuously. Therefore, when we argue it, you do not neglect, and not leave our evangelism. Such a lesson from the proportion of the prophets! And the fact that believers are predictable by God, the apostle comes out that they do not show themselves unworthy of the preventations of God and the title from Him, but each other would encourage to become worthy of God's gift.

Exploring, for which, and for what time, the spirit of Christ indicated in them, when he prevailed the sufferings and the subsequent glory for them, they were openly discovered that they were not themselves, but it was served to us.

If the apostles and the prophets acted in the Holy Spirit, an arrangement of some prophecies, and the other gospel, then, obviously, there is no difference between them. So, you must, says the apostle, have the same attention to us, which contemporaries themselves had to prophets, so as not to be punished, comprehended by the prophets. It should be noted that in these words, the apostle Peter opens the sacrament of the Trinity. When he said: Spirit of Christ, I pointed to my son and the Spirit, and he pointed out on his father when he said: from the sky. For a word from the sky It should be understood not about the place, but mainly about God, sending the Son and Spirit to the world.

What is now preached by the presense of the Holy Holy Spirit sent from heaven, what angels wish to penetrate.

Here is a guarantee that is offered from the high advantage of the subject. The research of the prophets about our salvation served us, and the case of our salvation is so wonderful that it became lustful for the angels. And that our salvation angels are nice, it can be seen from the joy that they expressed in christmas. They sang then: gloria (Lux. 2, 14). Having said this, the apostle cites the reason for this and says: since this salvation is kindly for everyone, not only for people, but also for angels, then you do not treat him with negligence, but focus and take care. This is indicated by words: pregnant Cresla (Art. 13) that God commanded to do and Iow (Job. 38, 3; 40, 2). What chest? will your mind, Speaks the apostle. Get ready in this way, awake, and absolutely hope for you, joy in the second coming of the Lord, about which he spoke a little before (Art. 7).

Therefore, (beloved,) pregnant inspired your mind of your, awake, completely correct the grace in the phenomenon of Jesus Christ. Like obedient children, do not convey with your previous lips, former in your ignorance, but, following the example of the convict calling you, and be saints themselves in all actions. For it is written: be holy, because I will holy.

The constructed apostle calls fascination with these circumstances. For now, some madmen say that it is necessary to escalate to the circumstances. But since it is frivolous because of the circumstances of the circumstances, then the apostle commands that they, in ledge, or in ignorance, adhered to this accomplishment, but from now on, they communicated with those who called them, who will be truly holy, and they themselves were made saints.

And if you call the Father that I am unheated to everyone in cases, then with the fear of your travel time, knowing that you are unworn silver or gold, you are redeemed from a vulnerable life, devoted to you from fathers, but the gem of Christ, as immaculate and clean Lamb.

Scripture distinguishes double fear, one - initial, the other is perfect. The fear is initial, it is also the main thing, is when someone appeals to honest life from fear of responsibility for their affairs, and the perfect is when someone who is for the perfection of love for a friend, for jealousy, is afraid to not stay Before Him in debt nothing, which is required by strong love. An example of the first, that is, the initial fear is in the words of Psalm: yes afraid of the Lord all the earth (Ps. 32, 8), that is, those who do not care about heavenly, but only fuss about the earthly. For that they have to suffer when The Lord will rise to crush the earth (Is. 2, 19; 21)? An example of a second, that is, perfect, fear can also be found in David, for example in the following words: be afraid of the Lord, all the saints it, for there is no poverty who fear him (Ps. 33, 10), and in words: the fear of the Lord is clean, abides forever (Ps. 18, 10). In such a perfect fear, it convinces the apostle Peter those who listen to him, and says: on the unfriendly mercy of the creator of God, you are taken in the number of children; Therefore, always let this fear be with you, since you have become such as the love of your Creator, and not on your affairs. A lot of arguments use the apostle when convulsed. He convinces, firstly, the fact that the Angels of Angels are accepted in our salvation; secondly, the sayings of the Holy Scriptures; Third, the need: for who calls God by the Father, to keep the right adoption, it is necessary to create a worthy of this father; And fourth, the fact that they received countless benefits used for them for them, that is, the blood of Christ, spilled in the redemption for the sins of people. Therefore, he commands them at all time to have a companion this perfect fear. For people seeking perfection are always afraid to not stay without any perfection. Note. Christ said that his father does not judge anyone, but the whole court gave his son (John 5, 22). But the apostle Peter says now that his father judges. How is it? We are also responsible for the words of Christ: Son can do nothing from himself if he does not see the father of the creative (John 5, 19). From the same seen of the Saint Trinity, the identity, and peaceful and unperturbed consent. Father is judged - It is said indifferent, because everything that someone will say about one of three persons must be common to all of them. On the other hand, since the Lord and Apostles call children (John 13, 33), and relaxed says: child! Soggood your sins forgive (MK. 2, 5); That is no inconsistency as it is called the father of those whom he revived, informing it holiness.

Even before creating the world, but, who appeared in recent times for you, who believed through Him in God, who resurrected him to be the dead, and gave him fame.

Having said about the death of Christ, the apostle joined the Word and Resurrection to this. For it fears so that the converts do not bow again to disbelief due to the fact that the suffering of Christ is derogatory. He adds the fact that the sacrament of Christ is not new (because unreasonable and indignant it), but from the beginning, before creating the world, it was hidden before his decent time. However, it was revealed and the prophets who sought it, as he said a little higher. And now he says that the world's creation is now revealed or accomplished. And for whom was made? For you. For for you, says God resurrected him from the dead. What for you? In order to, clearing an obedience to truth through the Spirit, you had faith and hope for God. Why cleaning? Because believing in the one who the resurrection from the dead marked the beginning of your rampant life, you ourselves should go to the renewed life (Rome 6, 4), following the example of the one who called you to the volatory. Do not be confused by the fact that here the Apostle Peter and repeatedly the Apostle Paul says that the Lord raised the Father (Deck. 13, 37; 17, 31). So he says, using the usual way of teaching. But listen to how Christ says he resurrected himself. He said: destroy this temple, and I will raise it at three days (John 2, 19). And elsewhere: i have a skill to give life, and I have the power again to take it (John 10, 18). Not without a goal, the Resurrection of the Son Father is watched; For SIM shows the single act of father and son.

So you have faith and hope for God. Obedience to truth through the spirit, clearing your soul to non-estater brotherly, constantly love each other from a pure heart, as a regenerated not from a half-seed, but from the net, from the word of God, living and staying forever, for any flesh - like grass, and every fame human - as a color on the grass: the grass dried, and the color opal; But the word of the Lord is forever; And this is the word that is preached.

Having said that Christians were revived not from a pulled seed, but from the net, the Word of God lively and the forever, the apostle exposes insignificance and extremely fragility of Human Glory, encouraging the listener to keep at first teacher teachings, as it constantly extends forever, but The earth will soon expire in the very creature. To confirm this here, the grass and color on the grass, the weakest of being, rather than grass; They and David likes our lives (Ps. 102, 15). Showing the lowestness of our glory, the apostle returns again to the explanation of the fact that it was to revive them the Word of God, alive and staying forever, and says: it is the word that is preached to you. Approves the word that it is forever, because the Lord himself said: the sky and the earth will give, but my words will not let (Matt. 24, 35). Should know that words to non-deviversional fraternumba You need to read in such a manner: you love each other all the way, to non-estater brotherhood. For the end of the case usually follows what was produced for him. And as for permanent love to each other from a pure heart, unlimited brother-in-law; That is true to words from the heart And others stood ahead, and words non-estater brotherly after them. Need to notice that pretext to (είς) must take instead of the preposition due to (διά).

The apostle showed the advantage of the spiritual revival of the Plot's rebirth, and put the meaning of the fame of death, precisely that the birth was connected to the plant and impurious, and the glory is no different from spring plants, meanwhile, as the word of the Lord does not have anything like this. For every human opinion is stopped soon, and the Word of God is not the case, it has an eternal stay. With such a goal he is added: then the word is preached.

As evidence of the most ancient, Christian legend, and internal signs, consisting in the very epistle, indisputably prove the belonging of his St. The first apostle Peter. This message is enjoyed in their writings an apostolic husband and student of St. John the Theologian St. Polycarp; He knew him and enjoyed him and St. Papia Ierapolsky. We find references to this message in St. Iriney Lyon, at Terrtullian, Clement Alexandria and Origen. It is located in the Sirsk translation of the peshito.
The tone of speech in many places of the message fully corresponds to the hotness of the Apostle Peter, known to us from the Gospel; The clarity and accuracy of speech, the similarity of her with the speeches of the Apostle Peter in the book of acts also eloquently testify to the undoubted authorship of St. Peter.
St. The Apostle Peter, called the first simon, was the son of the Rybar Ion from Wethsida Galilee (John 1:42, 45) and the brother of St. Apostle Andrei First Called, who led him to Christ. St. Peter was married and had a house in Kapernaum (Matt. 8:14). Calculated by Christ the Savior for fishing on Lake Gennisret (Lux 5: 8), at any case expressed him his special devotion and jealousy, for which he was honored to be a special approach to the Lord along with the sons of Zevenedheyev (Luke 9:28).
Strong, spiritual spirit and decisive, he naturally ranked first in the face of Christ Apostles. He was the first strongly confidentially by the Lord Jesus Christ Christ, i.e. Messyia (Matt. 16:16), and for it was awarded the names of stone (Peter); The Lord promised to create the Church of Petrova, the Lord, whom the Gate of Adov does not overcome (Matt. 16:18). Throekly renunciation from the Lord St. Peter washed with bitter tears of repentance, as a result of which, on his resurrection, the Lord again restored him in the apostolic dignity, three times, according to the number of renunciations, instructing him the mouth of the lands and her sheep (John 21: 15-17). He was the first to promote the dissemination and approval of the Church of Christ on the descent of St. Spirit, trying a strong speech to the people on the day of Pentecost and turning 3,000 souls to Christ, and after some time another strong speech, on the occasion of the healing of chrome from birth in the temple, drew another 5000 ( Acts ch. 2-4).
The first part of the book of Acts (ch. 1-12) tells the benefit of his apostolic activity. But since that time he, wonderfully liberated by angel from the dungeon, went to another place (Acts 12:17), about him in the book Acts mentioned only once, with a story about the Apostolic Cathedral (Ch. 15). All other information about him is preserved only in church legends, not very complete and not fully defined and consonant with each other.
In any case, it is known that he made travels with the preaching of the Gospel in the Palestinian, Phoenician and the Sirskoye shore of the Mediterranean Sea, was in Antioch, where he had the first bishop of Equodia. Then I preached in the areas of Malaya Asia, Jews and proles, then in Egypt, where the brand has ordained the first bishop for the Alexandria Church. From here he went to Greece (Ahai) and preached in Corinth, which is seen from 1 Cor. 1:12.
According to legend, St. Peter from Greece went to Italy and was in Rome, then visited Spain, Carthage and Britain. By the end of his life St. Peter arrived again in Rome, where he accepted the martyrdom, along with St. Apostle Pavlom in 67, being crucified down heads.

The initial appointment of the message, reason for writing and purpose

The initial purpose of the message is seen from the very inscription of it: it is drawn to " aliens scattered in Ponte, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Viphini"(1: 1) - Minor Asian provinces. Under these" aliens"We must understand mostly assumed by Jews, because St. Peter was mainly" apostle Cropped"(Gal. 2: 7), but, as can be seen from some posts of Message (2:10; 4: 3, 4), there are also pagans that, of course, were also part of the Christian communities of Malaya Asia, as This is seen from the book of Acts and some messages of St. Apostle Paul.
What motives could be in sv. Peter's Apostle Write to Low Multihasian Christians, whose communities were founded as we know from the book of Acts, St. Apostle Paul?
The inner reason, of course, was for the apostle Peter's command of the Lord " approve the brothers of their own"(Luch. 22:32). The external reason was the tribulations that appeared in these communities, and in the peculiarities of the persecution, comprehended by the enemies of the Cross of Christ (which is seen from 1 Pet. 1: 6-7 and 4:12, 13, 19; 5: 9). In addition to external enemies, there were even more subtle enemies - internal, in the face of false teachers. Using the absence of St. Apostle Paul, they began to distort his doctrine about the freedom of Christian and patronize all moral promiscuity (1 Pet 2:16 ; 2 Pet. 1: 9; 2: 1).
There is reason to believe that information about the tests, comprehended by low-depth communities, delivered St. The apostle Petru Siluan, the former companion of the Apostle Paul, but on the conclusion of the Apostle Paul in the bonds passed to St. Peter.
The purpose of the message, therefore, is to encourage, console in the sorces of small -sising Christians and approve them in faith. The last goal of St. Peter himself means: " this briefly wrote you at the siliar, faithful, as I think, your brother, to assure you, comforting and testifying that this is the true grace of God in which you stand" (5:12).

Place and time writing messages

The place from which St. Peter wrote his first message, indicates Babylon (5:13). Roman Catholics, arguing that St. Apostle Peter 25 years old was a bishop of the city of Rome, want to see in this " Babylon"Allegoric name of Rome. It is hardly relevant to such an allegory in a farewell greeting.
It is natural to see this real name of the city. There is no need to assume that it was Babylon Epracted, about visiting which St. Peter we do not have news. In Egypt, there was a small town on the bank of the Nile, founded by migrants from Babylon, who called him too by Babylon. In the history of the Christian church, the Babylonian Church in Egypt (Chet.-Min. For June 4th. Life is prep. Zosimima). St. Peter was in Egypt, put there, in Alexandria, St. Mark Bishop, and therefore it is quite natural that he could write from there and at the same time pass hello from St. Brand.
When this message is written, it is impossible to determine accuracy. The assumptions about the time of his writing are based on the fact that under St. Peter was then Siluan and Mark, on the person of which the apostle sews greetings in Maly Asia (1 Pet. 5:12, 13). Both of these persons have accompanied St. Apostle Paul and were well known to small Christians. To leave it they could probably only after sv. The Apostle Paul was taken to the bonds and sent to Rome to Caesarev Court (Acts Ch. 26-27).
Naturally, Peter was, it was after taking Paul in the bonds to take care of his flock. And because The first message is written shortly to the second, which, undoubtedly, was written before the martyr's death of St. Peter that followed in 67, the date of writing of the first message is determined between 62 and 64 by R.X.

First Message of St. The Apostle Peter consists of only 5 chapters. The content of them is such:
1st chapter: Inspection and greeting (1 -2). The gloriousness of God for the grace of Renaissance (3-5), for which it should be rejected in the sorces (6-9) and to which the research of the prophets (10-12) belonged. A guarantee for holiness of life (13-21) and mutual love (22-25).
The 2nd chapter: the instructions on spiritual increase (1-3) and the dispensation (4-10), about a virtuous life (11-12), about the humility of the authorities (13-17), about the obedience of servants to the Lords (18-20). An example of the suffering of the Lord (21-25).
3rd chapter: moral instructions of wives (1-6), husbands (7) and all Christians (8-17). Christ the victim, who came to hell, resurrected and ascended (18-22).
The 4th chapter: the instructions of Christians regarding different moral qualities and virtues (1-11), especially about non-clear malustration (12-19).
5th Chapter: Instructions to Shepherds and Pasom (1-9). Blessing Adostal (10-11). News and greetings (12-14).

Exegetic, analysis of the first epistle of St. Apostle Peter.

Begins his first Cathedral Message of St. Apostle Peter Words: " Peter, Apostle Jesus Christ"" It is impossible not to see that St. The Apostle with a deliberate goal exhibits his apostolic dignity, because he wrote to them, they did not have a personal acquaintance with him.
Enumerating then, to whom his message is drawn, St. Peter all over his message is trying to reinforce and raise the moral life of oppressed low-immiginous Christians.
In the first 2 chapters, he reveals " the greatness and glory of the salvation taught us in Jesus Christ"That gives everything this department to a dogmatic tint. In the remaining chapters, exclusively moral instructions are dominated.
Christians of Ponta, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Viphini St. Apostle calls " aliens"In a double sense: they live outside of their fatherland - Palestine; For Christians, life on Earth has strange and alienation, for its own Fatherland of Christianina is another world, the world is spiritual.
Apostle calls them " selected"In the sense that in the New Testament all Christians make up the new chosen people of God, how in the Old Testament were Jews (1: 1). They were elected" on the proposal of the god of the Father, when sanctifying from the Spirit, to obedience and sprinkling the blood of Jesus Christ"- All three faces of the Most Holy Trinity took part in the save of people: God's father, in the proposal of his knowing, who of people how to use the free will-given to him, predetermines people to salvation; the Son of God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit Through grace, he sanctifies the elected, absorbing them the case of salvation committed by Christ (Art. 2).
From the depths of the heart, performed by gratitude to God for the redemption of the world, the apostle crashes after the Sovereav of God, who gave the people " inheritance", as opposed to sensual earthly, who was expected by Jews from the Messiah (Art. 3-4).
Having said further that the power of God " through faith"keeps them" to salvation", the apostle inspires that this salvation will open in the whole strength only in" lately"; now it is necessary to quit" little"In order to be tested by fire the temptations of Faith turned out to be more precisely the most purified gold" in the phenomenon of Jesus Christ", i.e. at the second coming (Article 5-7).
Ends his own soroughs. The apostle, pointing to the great importance of the house-building of our salvation, to which all the surveys and research of the prophets belonged; and which is so deep that in it " angels wish to penetrate"(Art. 8-12).
Based on the above, the Apostle offers a number of moral instructions, reinforcing their high dogmatic contemplations. The first overall instruction - about the perfect hope for grace of Christ with children's obedience to God as a father and the desire to become the holiness of life: " be saints because I holy"(Art. 13-16). This should encourage the high consciousness of which price of Christians:" not sober or gold", "but the precious blood of Christ"(Art. 17-20). In this, the high motivation is to keep faith in Christ and hold it tightly, in spite of any temptation (Art. 21-25).

In 2nd chapter sv. Peter inspires Christians that they, living among hostile pagans, should have their holy, virtuous life to show that they " the elected, royal priesthood, the people of Holy, people taken to the lot, in order to undoubress the perfection called them from darkness to a wonderful light"Then the pagans, seeing the virtuous life of the Christian, will turn to Christ and glorify God for what they had previously crushed believers.
Here, in the refutation of the false teaching of Roman Catholics, that the stone on which the church is founded is the personality of the Apostle Peter, it is important to note that himself Apostle Peter calls " stone"Not at all, but the Lord Jesus Christ, as seen from 4 verses. The foundation of the church, its cornerstone is Christ himself, and all believers, members of the church -" live stones"- should arrange from yourself on this stone" spiritual house, holy priesthood to bring spiritual victims favorable to God"(Art. 5) - as God in the Old Testament had his temple and his priests, who served him by bringing victims, so in the New Testament all the Christian society in the spiritual sense should be both the temple and priests.
This, of course, is a generic, and this does not abolish the priesthood as a special class of persons set in the Church for the teachings, the commission of the sacraments and management. All believers are called " holy Priesthood"Because they should" bring spiritual sacrifices"God, i.e. victims of virtue. Virtues are called" victims"Because the commission is conjugate with the feat of the suppression of their passions and lust.
In 6-8 verses of St. The apostle again calls the Lord Jesus Christ " cornerstone", I lead to a reference to the prophecy of Isaiah 28:16, whose words undoubtedly belong to the Messiah. This is a prophecy and the Lord himself Jesus Christ referred to himself (Matt. 21:42).
In 9 verse St. Apostle calls Christians again " originally chosen, royal priesthood, the people of holy, people taken to the lot"- All these features are borrowing from the Old Testament Names of the Jewish people and are attached to Christians, because In Christians, it was finally done that they pretended to be given these names in the appendix to the people of Jewish (Wed. Ex. 19: 5-6). And St. John theologian in his apocalypse says that in the spiritual sense, Lord Jesus Christ made all of us, Christians, kings and priests to God and his father (1: 6).
These figurative expressions, indicating only the high dignity of the Christian title, of course, cannot be understood literally, as they do, these are the sectants rejecting on the basis of these words of the Apostle legally established in the Church of the Priesthood and Tsarist Power.
"Once not the people, but now the people of God"(Art. 10) - These words are borrowed from the Prophet of Osi (2:23), where God, calling the then Jewish people not with their people, because he in his sinful lifestyle was unnecessary, promises that during the Messiah The people will be worthy of God told him: " you are my people". The promise was fulfilled when the best part of the Jewish people adopted the doctrine of Christ. Measuring this one can attribute to Christians from former pagans.
With 11 verse, the apostle begins purely moral instructions regarding the internal and personal lives of Christians. Here, it seems to reveal in detail what exactly the royal priesthood should be expressed, what spiritual sacrifices should they bring and how they must behave that the pagans, seeing their virtuous life, glorified them for what they are now gloomy. At the head of the persecutors of Christians were the pagan authorities and the highest classes of pagan society, and Christianity originally applied to the benefits among slaves. The disadvantage of these slaves has deteriorated even more with the adoption by them by the opposite of the faith of Christ. The consciousness of the injustice of the persecution could not grow in the faith of Christians to induce on Ropot and resistance.
To prevent this apostle in 13-19 verses, teaches the humility to any human boss " for Lord"This obedience and Christian freedom are not excluded mutually, but, on the contrary, freedom, understood in the true sense, imposes the obligation of obedience and related duties. Freedom of Christian is the freedom of spiritual, not an external: it is freedom from slavery sin , sinful world and devil, but at the same time it has a slavery to God and therefore imposes the duties required by the Word of God, you can abuse Christian freedom, overwhelming the concept of her and covering it all the misconception, which is to be afraid of Christians. Warning from such abuse Christian freedom, the apostle may have in mind those who appeared then gnostics. Calling to the patient transfer of unfair suffering, the apostle indicates " example of the very Lord Jesus Christ"(Art. 20-25) and convinces Christians" so we went in the footsteps of it", i.e. imitate him in the patient transfer of suffering.

IN 3rd chapter sv. The apostle gives moral instructions to wives, husbands and all Christians. Wives apostle commands them to obey their husbands. Here, especially the Christian wife, who were married for husbands-Jews or pagans who did not accept Christ.
The position of such wives was, of course, very heavy. They naturally could have a temptation - to be under the special leadership of persons already enlightened by the Christian faith, i.e. Selfiece husbands, to become a special relationship of obedience to other people's husbands, through which the misunderstandings and tribulations in family life could be caused. The apostle with special care warns such wives from such a temptation and inspires them to obey their own husbands, at least they were and unbelievers, pointing out the high goal of this: " to those of them who are not conquered to the word, their whales without the word purchased were". The apostle inspires that the true decoration of female Christian is not in external belts, but in the inner beauty" meek and silent spirit, which is precious before God"(Art. 4). In the example of the apostle leads to Sarra, who obeyed his husband Abraham.
The painful position of the woman, both in the ancient language, and the Jews, encourages the apostle to give instructions and her husband about his wife, in order to guide the obedience of his wife did not file her husband to abuse this obedience. Husband should handle his wife carefully like with " unpleasant vessel"(Art. 5-7).
Next, the apostle gives moral instructions to all Christians, inspiring them to rejoice, if they suffer for the truth, because " and Christ ... I suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, it was killed in the flesh, but reviving the Spirit, which he was in the dungeon, having served"(Art. 18-19). Under this" dunny", As the Greek consumed here shows, you need to intelligible hell, or" Sheol "- a place where they went, on beliefing the Jews, all the souls of people who died to the coming of the Messiah; this place in the underworld, i.e. under the ground or inside the Earth . This is not hell in our sense of the word, as the place of the eternal torment of sinners, but still a place, as its name shows, shy for the Spirit of human, unpleasant, undesirable. So it was a place before the coming of Christ for everyone in the Old Testament of people, although Apparently, there were still different degrees, depending on the wickedness or righteousness of the dead.
The Lord went to this "dungeon" to sermon about the rescue of humanity. It was a calling for all the dead to Christ and those who were in Sheole of souls to join the kingdom of Christ, and the repellent and who had no doubt were released from the place of their conclusion and were introduced into the resurrection of Christ the paradise - the place of the bliss of the righteous.
According to church legend, this preaching of Christ himself in Herde was preached by the preaching about Christ St. John the Forerunner (see the tropear it).
"Unfortunate"It means that the preaching of Christ the Savior was addressed to the most stubborn sinners, an example of which the apostle supplies the contemporaries of Noah, who died from the flood.
Of the 6 verses of the 4th chapter, it can be concluded that both of those were saved by the preaching of Christ in the hell: " for in order for the dead, there was an embarrassment, so that they, after the court on the man of the flesh, lived in God's Spirit". This apostle emphasizes that the preaching of Christ has been addressed to all people without exception, not excluding the pagans, and with the most sinful of them (Art. 19-20).
From the thought of the Flood and about the apostle they who saved in the ark in 20 verse, the apostle moves to the sacrament of the baptism, which is conveted a floppy water. In 21 verse, the apostle defines the essence of baptism. It is not " carnal clearer washes", similar to, for example, the numerous and diverse ablutions of the Jewish, which, cleaning only the body, at all concerned the uncleanness of spiritual: it is" promise to god good conscience". These words do not mean, of course, that the conscience of good, or cleansing from spiritual souls, is not given in baptism, because it says that" baptism saves Resurrection to Christ"(Art. 21). The apostle points here only on the need for the baptized to decide to start a new life on conscience.

4th chapter All devoted to moral instructions. These moral instructions are based on the thoughts of the suffering of Christ: " the castness of Christ suffered for us by the flesh, then you will assign a thought to the same thing: for the suffering of the flesh cease to sin"(Art. 1).
All this chapter is permeated by the thought of patient transferring persecutions for faith and about the need to defeat the evil attitude of the enemies of faith in a virtuous life. " Suffering a flesh cease to sin"- The suffering of bodily, from voluntary retiring a self-sharpening or from a violent oppression from outside, weakens the strength and effect of human sinfulness. However, the same thought is expressed here as in the 6th chapter of the Message of St. Apostle Paul to the Romans: about what has compared Christ and the deceased with him dies for sin, he must read himself dead for sin, and alive for God. The apostle convinces Christians not to be embarrassed by the fact that the pagans are glooming them for the fundamental change in them in their life, recalling that they will be judged by God For their breaking (Art. 2-6).
"Close to everything end"- In the sense that Christians should always be prepared for the coming of Christ. Of this, the apostle takes the need for moral life for Christians and gives a number of instructions, putting love at the head of all, because" love covers a lot of sins"(Art. 8), as teaches about it and St. Apostle Jacob.
4 head of the martyrs instruction ends: " fiery temptation ... do not alien"(Art. 12). Christians should featherbalantly confess their faith without fear of crosses and suffering, but glorifying God for such a fate (Art. 13-19).

5th chapter Contains instructions to shepherds and passas, apostolic blessings and final greetings. Shepherds The Apostle admits the mouth of the herd of God, not overlooking him, but willingly, not for vile, but from the zeal, and not dominant over the heritage of God, but feeding an example of the flock. Pasomovas quizs that they, obeying the shepherds to their own and giving it humbly leadership of God, and they themselves, however, were soused and awake, because the enemy Dvil as a lion walks, looking for whom to absorb. Three main features of true shemanship indicates SV. Peter:
1) "Pasit God's herd, supervising him not forced, but willingly and godly"" It says that the shepherd himself must be filled with love for his great deal, should feel the inner calling to him in order not to be a mercenary instead of a true shepherd (5: 2);
2) "not for vile, but from zeal"- This is the second feature of a kind shemanship, which can be called unconscious. This does not mean that the shepherd should not use anything from his Pasygh (see 1 Cor. 9: 7, 13, 14), but only the thing that the shepher does not dare put their personal benefits and material profits at the head of the angle of its shepherd activities;
3) "not dominant ... but feeding an example"- a shepherd can not have no power over his passas, but ZGA power should not wear the nature of world domination with violence, harassment and oppression, in which elements of pride would have affected; a true shepherd must be a good example of his herd - then he is easy, Without coercion, acquires the necessary authority and spiritual power over them (5: 3).
For such a good shephericing of St. Apostle promises " unwaded crown"From shepherd-head - Christ (5: 4).
"Also younger", i.e. all are not elders, not presbyters, but the youngest position in the church society, i.e. Pasomy," obey shepherds", "nevertheless, obeying each other, enjoyed the humbleness, because God is opposed by Gordy, and the humble gives grace" - "meet each other"It means that everyone in its position should submit to the eldest, entitled to him to persons and the topics to show humility, which only attracts the grace of God (5: 5-7).
The apostle calls for sobriety and spiritual wakefulness, pointing out that the enemy of human salvation devil " walk like a roaring lion, looking for whom to absorb"- Like a hungry lion, a devil, forever spiritually hungry and ever annoyed against those whom he cannot be absorbed, frightens them, as a lion with his rod, his angry and seeks to cause them any harm. He must be confused first of all" firm faith"For faith connects with Christ, the winner of the devil (5: 8-9).
Finishes his first message of St. Peter benevoles from God - to be hard, unshakable in faith, he says hello from the church in Babylon and from " son of his brand", and teaching" peace in Christ Jesus" (5:10-14).

During the first three centuries, the Church of Christ was severely persecuted by the Jews and Gentiles. By confessing the truth of Christ, thousands of Christians have suffered for faith and adopted a martyr's crown.

The church persecution ceased only at the beginning of the fourth century, when the Christian emperor Konstantin was asked for the throne.

In three hundred thirteenth year, the emperor published the famous Milan Edict about full guidance. According to Edict, Christianity became a state religion.

Attacks on the church on the part of external enemies stopped, but the enemy came to replace the enemy, even more dangerous for the church. This worst enemy was the heretical teaching of the Alexandrian Presbyter Aria.

Arian Yeresya concerned the first-acquisition of the Christian faith - the teachings about the deity of the Son of God.

Aria rejected the divine dignity of Jesus Christ and his equality with God by Father. The heretic argued that "the Son of God was no more as the highest perfect creation of a deity, through which the world was created." "If the second person is called in the sacred Scripture of God," said Arium, - not at all in nature, but in adoption. "

Hearing about the new heresy, Alexander Bishop, Alexander tried to enjoy the aria, but the admission of the archpastor was in vain. The heretic was solid and adamant.

When heresy, like the plague, covered Alexandria and its surroundings, Bishop Alexander in three hundred to the twentieth year convened the local cathedral, which condemned the false coating of Aria.

But this did not stop the versoice: I wrote a letter to many bishops with a complaint about the definition of the local cathedral and having received their support, Aria began to distribute his teaching worldwide. Rumors about heretical unrest soon reached the emperor Konstantin. Investigation of Troubles he instructed the bishop of Osi Cordubsk. After making sure that the liautration of Aria is directed against the foundations of the Church of Christ, Konstantin decided to convene the Universal Cathedral. In three hundred and twenty-fifth year, at his invitation in Nikey, three hundred eighteen fathers: bishops, presbyters, deacons and monks - representatives of all local churches.

Participants of the cathedral were the great fathers of the church: St. Nicholas, Archbishop World of Lycian, St. Spiridon, Bishop Trimifuntsky, and others. Alexandrian bishop Alexander arrived with his deacon Athanasius, afterwards the famous St. Afanasius the Great, Patriarch Alexandria. At the meetings of the Cathedral, the emperor himself was present. He pronounced a fiery speech. "God helped me to overthrow the wicked power of the persecutors," said Konstantin. "But incomparably regrettable for me with any of the war, all the bloody battle and incomparably the inner inner interferental brood in the Church of God."

During the cathedral debates, Aria and his supporters, among the seventeen bishops, kept proudly and adamant.

Two months and twelve days of the gathered participated in the debate, clarified theological formulations. Finally, decisions were accepted and announced, which had become mandatory for the whole Christian world.

The cathedral has become an expressive of the apostolic teaching about the second person of the Blessed Trinity: Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God is a true God, born from God Father before all centuries, he is also eternal as God Father; He is born, and not created, and is unique, that is, in its nature with God, the Father. So that all Orthodox Christians can clearly know the dogmas of their faith, they were briefly and defined in the first seven parts of the Faith symbol, called Nicene.

The liautment of Aria, as a misleading the proud reason, was refused and rejected, and the hero Herhetic himself excused from the church.

After the decision of the main dogmatic issue, the Cathedral was set twenty canons, that is, the rules on church management and discipline. The question of the celebration of the Holy Easter was solved. By the decision of the Saint Easter Cathedral should be celebrated by Christians not in one day with Jewish and certainly on the first Sunday after the day of the spring equinox.

Messages of the Apostle Peter.

The Apostle Peter, called the first simon, was the son of the fisherman of the ions from the Vifsida Galilee (John 1: 42-45) and the brother of the apostle Andrei and the First Called, who led him to Christ. St. Peter was married and had a house in Capernaum (MT. 8:14). Calcated by Christ the Savior for fishing on the Gennisret Lake (onions 5: 8), he always expressed special devotion and determination, for which he was honored with a special approach to the Lord along with the Sums of the Zauliyevaya (Bow. 9:28). Strong and slammed in spirit, he naturally took an influential place in the face of Christ Apostles. He first resolutely confoned by the Lord Jesus Christ Christ, that is, Messiah (MT. 16:16), and for it was awarded the names of stone (Peter). On this stone of Petrova, the Lord promised to create his own church, whom the gates of hell will not overcome (MT. 16:18). The apostle Peter washed his three-year renunciation of the Lord, as a result of which, after his resurrection, the Lord again restored him in the apostolic dignity, three times, according to the number of renunciations, instructing him the mouth of the lands and sheep of his (John 21: 15- 17).

The apostle Peter first contributed to the dissemination and approval of the Church of Christ after the Descent of the Holy Spirit, uttering a fiery speech to the people on the day of Pentecost and turning 3,000 souls to Christ. After some time, healing chrome from birth, he was the second preaching to faith another 5,000 Jews. (Acts 2-4 chapters). The book of Acts, with the 1st chapter on the 12th, tell about his apostolic activity. However, after his wonderful liberation, the angel from the dungeon, when Peter was forced to hide from Herod (Acts 12: 1-17), it was mentioned only once once upon the story about the Apostolic Cathedral (Acts 15 Chapter). Other information about it is preserved only in church legends. It is known that he preached the gospel on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in Antioch (where did the EP. Ep. Evodia). Ap. Peter preached in Malaya Asia to Jews and proles, (the pagans addressed to Judaism) later - in Egypt, where the Mark had ordained (writing from the words of Peter the Gospel, called "from Mark". Mark has not been among the 12 apostles) in the first bishop Alexandrian Church. Hence, he switched to Greece (Ahai) and preached in Corinth (1 Cor. 1:12), then preached in Rome, Spain, Carthage and Britain. By the end of the life of St. Peter arrived again in Rome, where he accepted the martyrdom in 67, while being crucified.

First Cathedral Message ap. Peter addressed to the "aliens scattered in Ponte, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Viphini" - the provinces of Malaya Asia. Under the "aliens" it is necessary to understand, mainly those who assured the Jews, as well as the pagans that were part of the Christian communities. These communities were based up. Paul. The reason for writing a message was the desire of the apostle Peter "To approve your brothers" (Bow. 22:32), in case of disagreements in these communities, and with persecution, comprehended by them from the enemies of the Cross of Christ. There were among Christians and internal enemies in the face of false teachers. Taking advantage of the lack of up. Paul, they began to distort his doctrine about the freedom of Christian and patronize any moral promiscuity (1 Peter 2:16; 2 Peter. 1: 9; 2: 1).

The purpose of this Petra message is to encourage, console and approve in faith of low-anostic Christians, to which the Apostle Peter pointed: "It briefly wrote you through the silica, faithful, as I think, your brother, to assure you, comforting and testifying that this is true Grace of God in which you stand "(5:12).

The place of the first message is indicated by Babylon (5:13). In the history of the Christian church, the Babylonian church in Egypt is known, where, probably, St. Peter and wrote his message. At this time, Siluan and Mark were held with him, left an up. Paul after he was sent to the court to Rome. Therefore, the date of the first message is determined between the 62nd and 64th after R. Kh.

Second Cathedral Message It is written in the same low-union Christians. In this second Epistle AP. Peter with a special force warns believers from the depraved false teachers. These false teachings are similar to those who denounce the AP. Paul in messages to Timothy and Titus, as well as the Apostle Judas - in his Cathedral Message. False teachings of heretics threatened the faith and morality of Christians. At that time, gnostic heresy began to spread quickly, the elements of Jews, Christianity and various pagan exercises (in essence, Gnosticism is the theosophy, which in turn is a fantasy in Tog philosophy). In life, adherents of these heresies were distinguished by immorality and sich their knowledge of "secrets".

The second message is written shortly before the martyrdom of the AP. Peter: "I know that soon I have to leave the chramine my, like the Lord our Jesus Christ opened me". Writing can be attributed to 65-66 years. The last years of the life of the Apostle Peter spent in Rome, from where it can be concluded that the second message is written in Rome as his death testament.

As evidence of the most ancient, Christian legend, and internal signs, consisting in the very epistle, indisputably prove the belonging of his St. The first apostle Peter. This message is enjoyed in their writings an apostolic husband and student of St. John the Theologian St. Polycarp; He knew him and enjoyed him and St. Papia Ierapolsky. We find references to this message in St. Iriney Lyon, at Terrtullian, Clement Alexandria and Origen. It is located in the Sirsk translation of the peshito.
The tone of speech in many places of the message fully corresponds to the hotness of the Apostle Peter, known to us from the Gospel; The clarity and accuracy of speech, the similarity of her with the speeches of the Apostle Peter in the book of acts also eloquently testify to the undoubted authorship of St. Peter.
St. The Apostle Peter, called the first simon, was the son of the Rybar Ion from Wethsida Galilee (John 1:42, 45) and the brother of St. Apostle Andrei First Called, who led him to Christ. St. Peter was married and had a house in Kapernaum (Matt. 8:14). Called by the Savior Savior for Fishing on Lake Gennisretsky (Lux 5: 8), at any case expressed him his special devotion and jealousy, for which he was a special approach to the Lord together with the sons of Zevenedheyev (Luke 9:28) . Strong, spiritual spirit and decisive, he naturally ranked first in the face of Christ Apostles. He was the first to resolutely confessed by the Lord Jesus Christ Christ, that is, Messyia (Matt. 16:16), and for it was awarded the names of stone (Peter); The Lord promised to create the Church of Petrova, the Lord, whom the Gate of Adov does not overcome (Matt. 16:18). Throekly renunciation from the Lord St. Peter washed with bitter tears of repentance, as a result of which, on his resurrection, the Lord again restored him in the apostolic dignity, three times, according to the number of renunciations, instructing him the mouth of the lands and her sheep (John 21: 15-17). He was the first to promote the dissemination and approval of the Church of Christ on the descent of St. Spirit, trying a strong speech to the people on the day of Pentecost and turning 3,000 souls to Christ, and after some time another strong speech, on the occasion of the healing of chrome from birth in the temple, drew another 5000 ( Acts ch. 2-4). The first part of the book of Acts (ch. 1-12) tells the benefit of his apostolic activity. But since that time he, wonderfully liberated by angel from the dungeon, went to another place (Acts 12:17), about him in the book Acts mentioned only once, with a story about the Apostolic Cathedral (Ch. 15). All other information about him is preserved only in church legends, not very complete and not fully defined and consonant with each other. In any case, it is known that he made travels with the preaching of the Gospel in the Palestinian, Phoenician and the Sirskoye shore of the Mediterranean Sea, was in Antioch, where he had the first bishop of Equodia. Then I preached in the areas of Malaya Asia, Jews and proles, then in Egypt, where the brand has ordained the first bishop for the Alexandria Church. From here he went to Greece (Ahai) and preached in Corinth, which is seen from 1 Cor. 1:12, by legend, St. Peter from Greece went to Italy and was in Rome, then visited Spain, Carthage and Britain. By the end of his life St. Peter arrived again in Rome, where he accepted the martyrdom, along with St. Apostle Pavlom in 67, being crucified down heads.

The initial appointment of the message, reason for writing and purpose

The initial purpose of the message is seen from the very inscription of it: it is drawn to "aliens, scattered in Ponte, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Viphini" (1: 1) - Minor Asian provinces. Under these "aliens", it is necessary to understand the mainly assumed by the Jews, because St. Peter was mostly "the apostle of the circumcised" (Gal. 2: 7), but, as can be seen from some seats of the message (2:10; 4: 3, 4), there are also pagans that, of course, also included The Christian communities of Malaya Asia, as can be seen from the book of acts and some messages of St. Apostle Paul.
What motives could be in sv. Peter's Apostle Write to Low Multihasian Christians, whose communities were founded as we know from the book of Acts, St. Apostle Paul?
The inner reason, of course, was for the apostle Peter the command of the Lord "to approve the brothers of their own" (Luke 22:32). The external reason was the tribulations that appeared in these communities, and in the peculiarities of the persecution, comprehended by the enemies of the Cross of Christ (which is seen from 1 Pet. 1: 6-7 and 4:12, 13, 19; 5: 9). In addition to external enemies, there were even more subtle enemies - internal, in the face of false teachers. Taking advantage of the absence of St. Apostle Paul, they began to distort his doctrine about the freedom of Christian and patronize all moral promiscuity (1 Pet. 2:16; 2 Pet. 1: 9; 2: 1). There is reason to believe that information about the tests, comprehended by low-depth communities, delivered St. The apostle Petru Siluan, the former companion of the Apostle Paul, but on the conclusion of the Apostle Paul in the bonds passed to St. Peter.
The purpose of the message, therefore, is to encourage, console in the sorces of small -sising Christians and approve them in faith. The last goal of St. Peter himself means: "This briefly wrote you to you through the siloman, faithful, as I think, your brother, to assure you, comforting and testifying that this is the true grace of God in which you stand" (5:12).

Place and time writing messages

The place from which St. Peter wrote his first message, indicates Babylon (5:13). Roman Catholics, arguing that St. Apostle Peter 25 years old was a bishop of the city of Rome, they want to see in this "Babylon" the allegorical name of Rome. Hardly such an allegory is appropriate in a farewell greeting. It is natural to see this real name of the city. There is no need to assume that it was Babylon Epracted, about visiting which St. Peter we do not have news. In Egypt, there was a small town on the bank of the Nile, founded by migrants from Babylon, who called him too by Babylon. In the history of the Christian church, the Babylonian Church in Egypt (Chet.-Min. For June 4th. Life is prep. Zosimima). St. Peter was in Egypt, put there, in Alexandria, St. Mark Bishop, and therefore it is quite natural that he could write from there and at the same time pass hello from St. Brand.
When this message is written, it is impossible to determine accuracy. The assumptions about the time of his writing are based on the fact that under St. Peter was then Siluan and Mark, on the person of which the apostle sews greetings in Maly Asia (1 Pet. 5:12, 13). Both of these persons have accompanied St. Apostle Paul and were well known to small Christians. To leave it they could probably only after sv. The Apostle Paul was taken to the bonds and sent to Rome to Caesarev Court (Acts. Ch. 26 - 27). Naturally, Peter was, it was after taking Paul in the bonds to take care of his flock. And since the first message is written shortly to the second, which, undoubtedly, was written before the martyr's death of St. Peter that followed in 67, the date of writing of the first message is determined between 62 and 64 years by R. X.

First Message of St. The Apostle Peter consists of only five chapters. The content of them is such:
The first chapter: the inspection and greeting (1 -2). The gloriousness of God for the grace of Renaissance (3-5), for which it should be rejected in the sorces (6-9) and to which the research of the prophets (10-12) belonged. A guarantee for holiness of life (13-21) and mutual love (22-25).
The second chapter: the instructions on spiritual increase (1-3) and the dispensation (4-10), about a virtuous life (11-12), about the humility of the authorities (13-17), on the obedience of servants to the Lords (18-20). An example of the suffering of the Lord (21-25).
The third chapter: moral instructions of wives (1-6), husbands (7) and all Christians (8-17). Christ the victim, who came to hell, resurrected and ascended (18-22).
The fourth chapter: the instructions of Christians relative to different moral qualities and virtues (1-11), especially about non-unified malformation (12-19).
Fifth chapter: instructions to shepherd and passas (1-9). Blessing Adostal (10-11). News and greetings (12-14).

Exegetic, analysis of the first epistle of St. Apostle Peter.

Begins his first Cathedral Message of St. Apostle Peter Words: "Peter, the Apostle Jesus Christ" - it is impossible not to see that St. The apostle with a deliberate goal exhibits his apostolic dignity, because the church, to whom he wrote, did not have and did not have a personal acquaintance with him. Enumerating then, to whom his message is drawn, St. Peter all over his message is trying to reinforce and raise the moral life of oppressed low-immiginous Christians. In the first two chapters, he reveals "" the greatness and glory of the salvation taught us in Jesus Christ, "which gives everything a dogmatic shade to all this department. In the rest of chapters, exclusively moral instructions are dominated.
Christians of Ponta, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Viphini St. The apostle calls the "aliens" in a double sense: they live out of their Fatherland - Palestine; For Christians, life on Earth is a stroperation and alienation, because the Own Fatherland of Christian is another world, the world is spiritual. The apostle calls them "elected" in the sense that in the New Testament all Christians make up the new chosen people of God, which in the Old Testament were Jews (1: 1). They were elected "to the invasion of God's god, when consecrated from the Spirit, to obedience and sprinkling the blood of Jesus Christ" - all three faces of the Most Holy Trinity took part in the rescue of people: God's father, in the proposal of his knowing, who of people how to consume his free will, predetermines people to salvation; The Son of God, the destruction of God, and the Holy Spirit through grace will sanctify the elected, absorbing them the case of salvation committed by Christ (Art. 2). From the depths of the heart, performed by gratitude to God for the redemption of the world, the apostle crashes after the Slav's Gloorology, who gave people the "Inheritance Affective", as opposed to sensual earthly, which Jews were expected from the Messiah (Article 3-4). Having said that the power of God "through faith" complies with their "to salvation", the apostasses that this salvation will open in the whole strength only in the "recently"; Now, it is necessary to quit "a little", so that the temptations tested by fire turned out to be more precious than the most purified gold "in the phenomenon of Jesus Christ", that is, at the second coming (Article 5-7). Ends his own soroughs. The apostle, pointing to the great importance of the house-building of our salvation, to which all the surveys and research of the prophets belonged; And which is so deep that the angels "want to penetrate it" (Art. 8-12). Based on the above, the Apostle offers a number of moral instructions, reinforcing their high dogmatic contemplations. The first general instruction is about. Decancing on grace of Christ with children's obedience to God as a father and the desire to become the holiness of life: "Be holy, because I will holy" (Art. 13-16). This should encourage the high consciousness of which price of Christians: "not Srebra or Gold," but the Gem of Christ "(Art. 17-20). This is a high motivation - to keep faith in Christ and hold it tightly, in spite of any temptations (Art. 21-25).
In the second chapter of St. Peter inspires Christians that they, living among hostile pagans, must have their holy, virtuous life to show that they are "the elected, royal priesthood, the people of Holy, people taken in the lot, in order to proclaim the perfection who called them out of darkness into a wonderful light ". Then the pagans, seeing the virtuous life of a Christian, will turn to Christ themselves and they glorify God for what they had previously crushed believers.
Here, in the refutation of the false teaching of Roman Catholics, that the stone on which the church is founded is the personality of the Apostle Peter, it is important to note that himself The apostle Peter calls "Stone" by no means himself, and the Lord Jesus Christ, as seen from 4 verses. The base of the church, its cornerstone is Christ himself, and all believers, members of the church - "live stones" - must arrange from themselves on this stone "the house is spiritual, the Holy Priesthood to bring spiritual victims favorable to God" (Art. 5) "As God in the Old Testament had his temple and his priests who served him with the cause of victims, so in the New Testament, all the society Christians in the spiritual sense should be both the temple and priests. This, of course, is a generic, and this does not abolish the priesthood as a special class of persons set in the Church for the teachings, the commission of the sacraments and management. All believers are called the "holy priesthood" because they must "bring spiritual victims" to God, that is, the victims of virtue. Virtues are called "victims" because the commission is conjugate with the feat of the suppression of their passions and lust. In 6-8 verses of St. The apostle again calls the Lord Jesus Christ "cornerstone", leading a reference to the prophecy of Isaiah 28:16, whose words undoubtedly belong to the Messiah. This prophecy and the Lord himself Jesus Christ attributed to himself (Matt. 21:42). In 9 verse St. The apostle calls Christians again "originally selected, the royal priesthood, the people of Holy, the people taken to the lot" - all these features are borrowing from the Old Testament Names of the Jewish people and are attached to Christians, since in Christians, it was finally done that preceding these names In the appendix to the people of Jewish (Wed. Ex. 19: 5-6). And sv. John theologian in his apocalypse says that in the spiritual sense, the Lord Jesus Christ made all of us, Christians, kings and priests to God and his father (1: 6). These figurative expressions, indicating only the high dignity of the Christian title, of course, cannot be understood literally, as they do, these are the sectants rejecting on the basis of these words of the Apostle legally established in the Church of the Priesthood and Tsarist Power. "There is no other people, but now the people of God" (Art. 10) - these words are borrowed from the prophet
Osi (2:23), where God, calling the then Jewish people not with their people, since he in his sinful lifestyle was unnecessary, promises that during the Messiah, the people will be worthy that God say to him: "You are my people ". The promise was fulfilled when the best part of the Jewish people adopted the teachings of Christ1. Execution This is the more so you can attribute to Christians from former pagans. With 11 verse, the apostle begins purely moral instructions regarding the internal and personal lives of Christians. Here, it seems to reveal in detail what exactly the royal priesthood should be expressed, what spiritual sacrifices should they bring and how they must behave that the pagans, seeing their virtuous life, glorified them for what they are now gloomy. At the head of the persecutors of Christians were the pagan authorities and the highest classes of pagan society, and Christianity originally applied to the benefits among slaves. The disadvantage of these slaves has deteriorated even more with the adoption by them by the opposite of the faith of Christ. The consciousness of the injustice of the persecution could not grow in the faith of Christians to induce on Ropot and resistance. To prevent this apostle in 13-19 verses, he learns with any human superiors "for the Lord." This obedience and Christian freedom are not excluded mutually, but, on the contrary, freedom, understood in a true sense, imposes the obligation of obedience and the associated duties. Freedom of Christian is the freedom of spiritual, not an external one: it is free from slavery to sin, sinful world and devil, but at the same time it is slavery to God and therefore imposes the responsibilities required by the Word of God, you can abuse Christian freedom, interpreting the concept of She covered with her every misconception, which he should be afraid of Christians. Warring from such an abuse of the concept of Christian freedom, the apostle, maybe, meaning those who appeared then gnostics. Calling to the patient transfer of unfair suffering, the apostle points to the example of the Lord of Jesus "Christ (Art. 20-25) and convinces Christians" so that we walked in the footsteps of him, "that is, to imitate him in the patient transfer of suffering.
In the third chapter of St. The apostle gives moral instructions to wives, husbands and all Christians. Wives apostle commands them to obey their husbands. Here, especially the Christian wife, who were married for husbands-Jews or pagans who did not accept Christ. The position of such wives was, of course, very heavy. They naturally could give rise to the temptation - to be under the special head of persons already enlightened by the Christian faith, that is, other people's husbands, to become a special relationship of obedience to other people's husbands, through which a misunderstanding and non-confidence in family life could be caused. The apostle with special care warns such wives from such a temptation and inspires them to obey their own husbands, at least they were and unbelievers, pointing out the high goal of this: "So that those who do not conquer the Word, the life of their wives without the word purchased." The apostle inspires that the true decoration of female Christian is not in external belts, but in the inner beauty of "meek and silent spirit, which is precious to God" (Art. 4). As an example, the apostle leads to Sarra, who obeyed his husband to Abraham.
The painful position of the woman, both in the ancient language, and the Jews, encourages the apostle to give instructions and her husband about his wife, in order to guide the obedience of his wife did not file her husband to abuse this obedience. The husband should handle his wife carefully, as with the "unrefined vessel" (Art. 5-7).
Next, the apostle gives moral instructions to all Christians in general, inspiring them to rejoice, if they suffer for the truth, for "and Christ ... I suffered for the sins of our, the righteous for those who are unrighteous, formerly killed in the flesh, but reviving the Spirit that he was in the dungeon Spirits, sitting, preaching "(Art. 18-19). Under this "dungeon," as the Greek used herein shows, it is necessary to intelligence hell, or "Sheol" - a place where they went, on beliefing the Jews, all souls of people who died before the coming of the Messiah; This place is in the underworld, that is, underground or inside the Earth. This is not hell in our sense of the word, as the place of the eternal torment of sinners, but still a place, as its name shows, shy for the Spirit of the human, unpleasant, undesirable. This was the place before the coming of Christ for everyone in the Old Testament of people, although, apparently, there were still different degrees, depending on the wickedness or righteousness of the dead. The Lord went to this "dungeon" to sermon about the rescue of humanity. It was a calling for all the dead to Christ and those who were in Sheole of souls to join the kingdom of Christ, and the repellent and who had no doubt were released from the place of their conclusion and were introduced into the resurrection of Christ the paradise - the place of the bliss of the righteous. According to church legend, this preaching of Christ himself in Herde was preached by the preaching about Christ St. John the Forerunner (see the tropear it). "Disposable" means that the preaching of Christ the Savior was also addressed to the most stubborn sinners, an example of which the apostle supplies Novopnikov Nov who died from the Flood. Of the 6 verse, 4 chapters can be concluded that both of those were saved by the preaching of Christ in Herde: "For, for the dead, it was an embassy, \u200b\u200bso that they, to be destroyed by a man in a man, lived in God." This apostle emphasizes that the preaching of Christ has been facing everyone without exception to people, not excluding the pagans, and with the most sinful of them (Art. 19-20). From the thought of the Flood and about the apostle they who saved in the ark in 20 verse, the apostle moves to the sacrament of the baptism, which is conveted a floppy water. In 21 verse, the apostle defines the essence of baptism. It is not a "carnal clever washythiation", similar, for example, by the numerous and diverse ablutions of the Jewish, who, cleaning only the body, at all concerned the uncleanness of spiritual: it is "the promise of God's promise." These words do not mean, of course, that the conscience of good, or cleansing from spiritual souls, is not given in baptism, because it is said that "the baptism saves the Resurrection of Christ" (Art. 21). The apostle points here only on the need for the baptized to decide to start a new life on conscience.
The fourth chapter is all devoted to moral instructions. These moral instructions are based on the thoughts on the suffering of Christ: "The castle of Christ suffered for us for us, then you will arm the same thought: for the suffering of the fleet cease to sin" (Article 1). All this chapter is permeated by the thought of patient transferring persecutions for faith and about the need to defeat the evil attitude of the enemies of faith in a virtuous life. "The suffering power ceases to sin" - the suffering of corporal, from a voluntary retiring of self-timing or from the violent oppression of the outside, weakens the strength and effect of human sinfulness. At the same time, the same thought is expressed here as in the 6th chapter of the Message of St. The Apostle Paul to the Romans: The fact that the crown and the deceased with him dies to sin must read himself dead for sin, and alive for God. The apostle convinces Christians not to be embarrassed by the fact that the pagans gloomy them for the fundamental change in them in their lives, recalling that they will be tried by God for their breaking (Art. 2-6). "Next to the end" is in the sense that Christians should always be prepared for the coming of Christ. From this, the apostle displays the need for moral life for Christians and gives a number of instructions, putting love at the head of all, because "love covers many sins" (Art. 8), as teaches about it and St. Apostle Jacob. 4 head of the instrument of martyrs is ends: "Foggy temptation ... not alien to" (Art. 12). Christians should renowned their faith without fear of silence and suffering, but glorifying God for such a fate (Art. 13-19).
The fifth chapter contains instructions to shepherds and passas, apostolic blessing and final greetings. Shepherds The Apostle admits the mouth of the herd of God, not overlooking him, but willingly, not for vile, but from the zeal, and not dominant over the heritage of God, but feeding an example of the flock. Pasomy on-sires so that they, obeying the shepherds with their own and giving up humbly leadership of God's hand, and they themselves, however, they knew and wake up, because the enemy Dvil as a lion walks, looking for whom to absorb. Three main features of true shemanship indicates SV. Peter: 1) "Pasit God's herd, I do not care for him, but willingly and godly" - here it says that the shepherd himself must be filled with love for his great deal, should feel inner calling in order not to be a mercenary instead of a true shepherd (5: 2); 2) "Not for vile, but from diligence" - this is the second feature of good shepherdness, which can be called unconscious. This does not mean that the shepherd should not use anything from his Pasygh (see 1 Cor. 9: 7, 13, 14), but only the fact that the Shepherd does not dare to put their personal gains and material profits at the head of its pastoral angle ; 3) "Not dominant ... But feeding an example" - a shepherd cannot not have the authorities over his passas, but ZGA power should not carry the nature of world domination with violence, harassment and oppression, in which elements of pride would have affected; A true shepherd must be a good example of his herder - then it is easy, without coercion, will acquire the necessary authority and spiritual power over them (5: 3). For such a good shephericing of St. The apostle promises the "disadvantageous crown" from the shepherdler - Christ (5: 4). "Also, the younger", that is, all the elders are not presbyters, but the youngest position in the church society, that is, the passas, "obey the shepherds", "yet, obeying each other, enjoy the humbleness, because God is opposed to Gordy, but The humble gives grace "-" Understand each other "means that everyone in her position should submit to the eldest, entitled to him to persons and the topics of humility, which only attracts the grace of God (5: 5-7). The apostle calls for sober and spiritual wakefulness, pointing that the enemy of human salvation is Divol "walks like a growling lion, looking for someone to absorb," like a hungry lion, a devil, forever spiritually hungry and ever annoyed against those whom he cannot absorb They, as a lion, their rod, their malice and seeks to cause them any harm. He needs to resist, first of all, "hard faith", because faith connects with Christ, the winner of the devil (5: 8-9). Finishes his first message of St. Peter's benevolences from God - to be firm, unshakable in faith, he he greets from the church in Babylon and from the "Son of his Mark", and the teacher of the "World in Christ Jesus" (5: 10-14).