Repair Design Furniture

Diagonal laminate flooring, the pros and cons of laying technology. Laminate diagonally: a new way to emphasize the originality of the interior (27 photos) Laminate at an angle of 45 degrees reviews

If your room is narrow or has a non-standard layout, installing the flooring diagonally can solve this problem. The correct choice of the color of the laminate and its correct installation with respect to the incident light from the window can transform any, even the most ordinary-looking room.

Laminate is a material with many advantages. Among the advantages are beauty, versatility, resistance to temperature changes, moisture resistance. You can walk on the laminate without any problems in heels, move furniture on wheels and ride on children's toy cars.

Laminate flooring retains its functional qualities for a very long time, the main thing here is compliance with certain rules.

The process of laying laminate flooring depends largely on the type of floor on which the work will take place. No matter what base the laminate is laid on, the surface must be flat and free of dust.

Laminate can be laid on a cement screed. For this it is important that the screed is flat and dry. Therefore, if you decide to lay the laminate on top of the cement, you must wait at least 7 days before starting work. In winter, if there is no central heating in the room, it should take 3 weeks until the cement floor is ready for further use.

When laying the laminate on a cement screed, it is recommended to cover the floor with plastic wrap to avoid moisture release. Also, between the floor and the laminate flooring, you can use a polystyrene backing, in case you need to insulate the floor.

If the laminate is mounted on a wooden floor, it will not work to level it with cement. In this case, you can use OSB boards to get an almost flawless floor. For insulation, also use a substrate or isolon.

Allow the laminate to sit indoors for a while before starting the installation process. He needs to get used to the room temperature.

Diagonal laying of laminate: features of work

Like any job, laminate flooring requires certain skills. The diagonal method is slightly different from the standard styling. The flooring of the boards is not mounted directly along the wall, but starting from the far corner of the room.

Craftsmen who have more than once come across the laying of laminate along the bias can do this work without aids. They can cut the laminate by eye, join boards with ease and easily determine the angle of inclination.

But if you first decided to cover the floor with planks with your own hands, it is better to install beacons on which it will be easier to lay the laminate.

In appearance, the finished floor with a diagonal laminate installation will look like brickwork.

Highlights when laying your laminate diagonally:

  1. The room is visually enlarged. If the floor is made light, the room will become spacious and light. A variegated floor, consisting of laminate in different shades, will draw attention to itself.
  2. When laying diagonally, the emphasis is on the corner of the room, so in this way you can shift the focus from the walls or other parts of the room to the corner.
  3. When laying the laminate diagonally, the seams between the boards are not so noticeable.
  4. If you use the installation obliquely throughout the apartment, you can avoid installing thresholds between rooms.
  5. The laminate does not need to be nailed or screwed on. The material may deform or crack.

This method of laminate flooring has significant disadvantages. The material consumption is higher than with conventional styling. To save money, you can start from the middle of the room and work towards the corners. Also, the calculation of the material is more difficult to do than with direct laying.

Laminate consumption when laying diagonally

Laying laminate flooring diagonally requires accurate material calculation. Specialists or consultants in hardware stores will help you calculate how many boards will go to the floor in the room. There are times when the calculation is very approximate and then the material may not be enough or the boards will turn out to be more than necessary.

You can calculate the consumption of the laminate yourself by calculating, according to the described scheme, the approximate single-piece consumption of boards for covering the entire floor. Add 3-4 boards to the resulting amount in case something gets damaged.

If it is not possible to draw up a detailed layout of the room, but there is a general quadrature, you can calculate the flow as follows. When laying diagonally, add 10-12% to the total area of ​​the room and divide the resulting number by the area of ​​one board. Divide the number of boards by the number of laminate in the package.

How to lay laminate flooring diagonally: laying technology

Before you start laying laminate boards, you need to lay the backing. Roll out the material over the entire surface of the floor, glue the joints with tape or masking tape. So that when laying the boards, the substrate does not move, you can make a small overlap on the walls, the excess can be easily cut off with an ordinary clerical knife.

Perhaps in order to lay the laminate flooring correctly, you will need a diagram that will show in sequence how it is more convenient and economical to lay the boards.

The diagonal layout of the laminate starts from the far corner of the room, which is located near the window. You can lay the laminate from right to left, and vice versa - there is no fundamental difference. When installing boards, you need to take into account the angle of inclination, it varies from 30 to 45 degrees.


  1. The first row is assembled from a whole board, the ends of which are cut at an angle for the correct joint with the wall.
  2. You can prepare a template according to which the board adjacent to the wall will be cut. Cut the next board according to the template, connect it to the main row along the entire length.
  3. Collect the next row, connect with the previous one. Lay out the entire floor using this technology.
  4. Install the skirting board. He will hide all errors.

The laminate is connected to each other by means of special locks. To dock the boards together, you need to bring the board into the lock at an angle of 30 degrees and gently lower it to the floor. If you hear a "click" sound, then you did everything right.

When laying the laminate obliquely, you need to adhere to a distance from the wall of 20-30 mm. This is done so that the coating does not deform when it is loaded. These indents will later be hidden by the plinth.

Laying laminate diagonally (video)

A high-quality result can be obtained only by observing all the rules for styling. Despite the fact that diagonal styling is a more complicated and painstaking process than standard styling, the finished result will exceed all expectations. Thanks to this method of installing laminate flooring, you can transform a room, make it original and beautiful.

Diagonal laminate - how to lay? See photos in the interior. There are two main ways of laying - diagonal and straight. The second option is suitable for those who are new to this business, and it is only suitable for rooms that are narrow and stretched in length. If your room is more square, then it is possible to lay out the laminate diagonally.

We will tell you how to do it correctly.

Very often, when laying the laminate diagonally, the laboriousness of the process and the complexity of the calculations are noted. Yes, in this case, you will have to use more material, since there will be several times more waste (scraps) than with the classical method. But there is also a positive moment: a chic appearance and showiness in the interior. This way of decorating the floor looks much more interesting.

Diagonal technology makes it possible to achieve a visual expansion of the space in the room, which will be an advantageous solution for owners of modest living space. This solution looks especially attractive in places that are not cluttered with furniture and other items. The drawing can be done by anyone, and any professional finisher will take advantage of this. And also, responsible and result-oriented builders will not complain that it is difficult, since they are also “for” the style and original design.

that the type of design "diagonal laminate" is even easier to lay in rooms with complex shapes than using the standard method. But it should be borne in mind that the master will take on this work only with increased pay, since each of us values ​​our strength and time.

How to lay laminate flooring diagonally


Material consumption when laying laminate diagonally is a very important topic that requires the most accurate calculation and cutting. Ideally, the laminate should be cut into more than three rows of panels. If you are preparing a large number of blocks, number each so that when laying on you forget which segment should be in which place. Since there are not completely right angles everywhere, it will be correct to estimate the trimming angle by simply trying on the material. The laminate that will be laid over the ledge, recess, outlet should be cut according to cardboard templates.

Regardless of which method you choose to lay your laminate flooring, special attention should be paid to surface preparation. To begin with, you should treat the floor with mixtures for leveling to the state of "perfect", remove all debris and interfering objects. Before laying, sweep the subfloor, reinforce it, and then place a cellophane wrap on the floor, and cork sheets or underlay on top. After that, you can proceed to the main part of the work.


How to lay laminate flooring diagonally?

General rules are:

  • The laminate must be kept indoors for at least 24 hours prior to installation.
  • should be aligned.
  • After it is hardened.
  • The base of the material should be cleaned.
  • On the lining.
  • Preparation of wedges for expansion gaps (wood blocks or laminate trim, ideally the wedges should be 1-1.5 cm wide).

Laying the laminate diagonally from corner to corner requires that a right-angled triangle is drawn at the beginning on the back of the boards (the corners of the figure can be adjusted depending on the straightness of the joints on the walls in the room). In this case, your drawn hypotenuse should "look" in the direction of the groove. Next, the cut out figure is placed in the corner and wedging is done so that there is an interval.

Advice: do not rush to throw out the remaining boards, as they may come in handy when laying in the second half of the room.

When you have a gap, choose a solid panel from the groove side towards the tongue and draw a 45-degree line. Next, from the end point we lay a segment, its length should be the same as the base of the triangle. Connect the second point to the base (again at 45 degrees), and you should now have an isosceles trapezoid. If you follow these simple principles, you can achieve excellent results even without special skills and abilities.

Tools and fixtures

Sawing of the laminate is done with any object with fine teeth convenient for you. According to the recommendations of experts, it is better to use special machines or an electric jigsaw, you can try with a circular saw. But if you do not want to learn how to use these tools when repairing, it is better to actually purchase something from this list than to use hacksaws for metal and hand saws.

In addition to the main tool, you will also need:

  • Construction tape.
  • Hammer.
  • Wedges for creating gaps.
  • Padding block.
  • Pencil, ruler to measure out short pieces of material.

Material consumption - we calculate the quantity for purchase

It is quite simple to estimate the approximate material consumption: you know the area of ​​the room in m 2, add another 15% to this figure and divide by the area of ​​a single panel. If you are not satisfied with this calculation, there is a more accurate formula. Label the length of the room as X, the width as Y, and label the length and width of the laminate panels as A and B, respectively.

Next, we calculate the area of ​​the room (for this we multiply the length by the width, X * Y). To calculate the stock, multiply the width of the room by the width of the panel and by 1.42 (Y * B * 1.42) - this way you will get the area for which you should definitely have enough material, if you do not cut it off at all during installation. Next, we sum up both figures, divide the resulting amount by the area of ​​one panel block and round up.

Important: the area of ​​the room should be prepared and again talked with the seller in the hardware store how much it costs to take the coverings, otherwise you may miss and buy more than you need, or less (and there is no guarantee that when you return to buy laminate flooring, its stocks will still be in the fold - not only you are engaged in repairs).

Styling technique

Laying laminate flooring diagonally has three main varieties:

  1. We start from the corner, the first element will be a right-angled triangle.
  2. Laying begins with an indent from the corner, your original piece is a trapezoid.
  3. We start laying from the middle of the room, from the line that diagonally crosses the whole room, the first row is prefabricated.

But most often work begins from the corners, which is located farthest from the entrance, and when working, you should move from left to right. We lay the initial row away from ourselves with a comb and onto ourselves with a groove. If you will be using standard panels with a typical lock, first place them in the same plane, and after laying the wooden underlay, hit the panels with light blows of a wooden mallet. Since it is easier to drive the spikes into the groove, you should not do the opposite, and do the work from one corner to another.

When you have several panels in a row(and this happens often), you can either add them one at a time, or immediately make a chain and fasten it as a prefabricated structure. If you are laying blocks with latches, you do not need to knock them in; it is better to make a double-sided docking, which will go from the middle or from the indentation.

When using the trapezoid method it is necessary that the length of the smaller base is not more / less than the length of the larger base of the previous one. If you are missing one panel to close the gap between the walls, assemble in rows, and the corners can be cut in advance, but only for those blocks that complete the chain.

You can also lay the laminate diagonally with your own hands if you connect opposite corners with a diagonal strip that is drawn on the backing. If this method is difficult for you, there is a way to simplify it - hammer nails in the corners or install self-tapping screws, and then pull a string or twine between them. It remains to measure the angle that separates the diagonal from the nearest wall - it will be he who will show you which panel to cut first. It should be placed with its wide part on the marked line, and the field should be fenced off from the wall with wedges.

We attach as many panels as required to the initial block with their ends, and only at the end of the row will a cut at a certain angle be needed. Here, each tier will duplicate the previous one, but the cutting is done so that the seams run away and in no case coincide.

Attention! Only suitable elements should be used to the right and left of the middle, if there is no threshold between several rooms, and each of these rooms will have the same covering, trimming the laminate is not necessary. But panels that do not fit in one room will be immediately connected to others.

Laying laminate flooring diagonally with a lock in the comb-and-groove format, it should be used only in one direction, while from the corner; if you purchased a cover with snaps, then this does not play a special role, and other chains can be attached to the previous ones from different sides.

If you started working from the middle of the room, leave the installation of small fragments for dessert so that there is no waste of material. Expanding wedges are installed from the walls to the edge of the panels, which will need to be removed - they are needed to avoid immediate surface adhesion and the creation of an expansion joint.

Important: make sure that the walls do not narrow for the entire duration of the work, since then alternate laying will begin.

Finally, part of the formation is turned into the source for the opposite segment. When laying diagonally, attention should be paid to specific features. Problems often arise with goods from manufacturing companies such as:

Each of these manufacturers has its own design methods, which affect the specificity of the offset, the size and type of the lock. If you suddenly become uncomfortable with securing the blocks, the simplest solution would be to create rows with alternating short and long locks.

"The most convenient cutting option is from the inside out and with a jigsaw, as this makes it possible to avoid chips on the outer surface."

Laying the laminate diagonally over and over straight screeds should be started no earlier than one week after application. In winter, if there is a heating interruption, you should wait all 3 weeks. In order to level hardwood floors, use slabs, isolon or underlayment.

Examples of

If you want to expand the space visually, it will be useful to put laminate flooring against the walls, and leave the middle of the room for linoleum of the same shade.

A combination of panels of different, contrasting shades will look great - this will add expressiveness to the floor. The main emphasis is advised to be introduced into the corner parts of the coating.

For clarity and observation of the process "from" and "to", watch the training videos on the Internet.

With a certain level of training, skillful hands and the presence of the necessary set of tools it is possible to lay the laminate in a diagonal way... Be patient, calculate the required amount of material, prepare a set of special tools - and get to work.

Laminate - diagonal or straight?

To make the flooring look elegant and become a real decoration of your apartment, find out which option is more suitable for your case: straight or diagonal.

Features of the direct method

This type of installation is suitable for a room of any configuration, if the walls are flat enough and there are no distortions of the building box. Important feature: if there is a lot of furniture in the room, or there are carpets on the floor, choose only the direct laying method, otherwise all the charm of the diagonal covering will be lost behind the protrusions and corners. In this case, there can be no question of any graceful lines.

With the direct method, you need to start laying the covering from the door so that the laminate pattern goes parallel to the luminous flux. Professionals note that the light that illuminates the floor from the window does not give a shadow at the seams, so the illusion of a perfect coverage is created. The floor appears to be very flat and smooth.

Important: to achieve this effect, windows should be located on only one side of the room. If you carry out the installation of the floor across the lines of the incident light, the proportions of the room will be distorted (the room will "stretch"). When buying, keep in mind that cutting the material will take at least 7% of its total amount.

Diagonal way

If the room is spacious, with a minimum set of furniture, you can choose just this method of installation. This type of coverage will be able to hide the incorrect or disturbed geometry of the walls.... The diagonal coating will look aesthetically pleasing and effective.

The styling technique is much more complicated. than with the direct method. To cope with the work is within the power of masters who have some experience in arranging the floor with the use of laminate.

note: stock of material must be at least 15% to be enough for cutting. Remember that the methods for calculating the required number of boards in the straight and diagonal method are different.


You will need:

  • Measuring tape;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Metal ruler;
  • Wooden block to knock out panels;
  • Pencil;
  • Special styling hammer with rubber base;
  • Spacer wedges (for securing gaps along walls).

How to lay laminate flooring diagonally?

How do you lay your laminate diagonally? If one of the walls in your apartment is located at an angle or in a semicircle to the rest, it is worth starting work from it. Everyone chooses the angle at which the boards will be located. Most often, it ranges from 30 to 45 degrees. If the angle is larger, the amount of trimming will increase significantly.

Important start work in such a way that the light from the windows passes along the long part of the board. Then the floor will seem monolithic, and the area of ​​the room will visually expand.

Laminate calculation

For the direct way it is enough to find out the area of ​​the entire room, divide by the area of ​​a unit (one board) and round off the result. That's it, the number of boards has been calculated. It remains to add 7% for trimming - and the calculation is over.

How to calculate laminate flooring when laid diagonally? Diagonal option has a formula that differs from the previous version. To the product of the length of the room and its width, you need to add the product of the width of one board by 1, 42 by the width of the room.

The mathematical form is:

  • AC is the width of the room;
  • СD - its length;
  • 1.42 is the square root of the number 2.
  • (ACxCD) + (1.42 AC x the width of one board).

For example, room size: 5 by 7 meters. The width of one board is 10 cm (0.1m), and its length is 100cm (1m).

Algorithm for finding the required number of pieces of laminate panels.

  • S rooms: 5x7 = 35 sq.m;
  • S of a spare amount of material: (1.42 x5 x 0.1) = 0.71 m2;
  • S boards (1 piece): 0.1x1 = 0.1sq.m.

Substitute the values ​​into the formula:

  • 35 + 0.71 = 35.71sq. m - the total amount of material.
  • 35.71 / 0.1 = 357 pieces.

It is this number of boards that is needed in the diagonal version for a room 5m wide and 7m long.

The ways

Stages of work with a diagonal laying option.

  1. The floor needs to be prepared, make a screed, let it dry well, check how even the floor is. Gypsum fiber boards or thick plywood sheets can also serve as the basis for laminate flooring.
  2. Necessarily pull the cord or rope diagonally, which will control the angle of laying and show the slightest deviations from it;
  3. Next, the substrate is laid out on the floor. Sheets are joined end-to-end and glued with special tape of sufficient width;
  4. The angle of inclination of the panels is selected. To make it clearer, you can lay out several boards on the floor;
  5. To make it easier, experts recommend starting from the center of the room and going to the corners. Long planks are easier to start with than small triangles;
  6. After assembling several rows, you need to connect them together. Careful metering is very important;
  7. A rubber mallet will help to fit adjacent boards tightly and securely. Do not overdo it so as not to damage the lock;
  8. With prepared wedges, you need to fix the gaps between the board and the wall. If you have not prepared the wedges, you can use cuttings from the laminated board. But this is unprofessional. Prepare a special set in advance;
  9. If heating pipes pass in the place of masonry, you need to immediately cut holes for them. They can be easily sealed with an acrylic based sealant or silicone of a suitable color;
  10. It remains to put the skirting boards... It is worth choosing high-quality products, inside of which there are channels for pulling a cable with edges made of rubber. This ensures a tight fit to the floor. Buy corners and fittings that are easy to attach to the wall using wall plugs.

A few practical tips for installing laminate flooring.

  • Calculate the required amount of material, taking into account rejects and waste;
  • Choose expensive and high quality material... Savings can lead to the fact that during the life of the coating defects may appear, which appear due to the poor quality of the cheap coating;
  • After purchasing, let the boxes with laminated panels rest for at least two days. The temperature in the room should be +17 degrees and higher so that the level of humidity and temperature conditions during warehouse storage and in the place of constant use gradually becomes equal;
  • Carry out flooring work using laminated panels only in dry rooms. A high level of humidity or its sharp drops are unacceptable (boards can swell and warp);
  • Do not allow water to enter the laminate, especially in the case of buying a budget version of panels, where the quality of the material is lower;
  • Do not forget about the underlay and a flat base to avoid differences in floor height;
  • When installing laminated panels, leave the "thermal seams", which are the protection that prevents the boards from warping when compressed and expanded due to exposure to moisture. Gaps should be on all sides of the room between the covering and the wall;
  • The gap is calculated simply: every meter of existing floor width requires 1.5mm of all-round clearance. In the office, the size of the gaps should be significantly larger, since the area of ​​such rooms and the differences in humidity and temperature there are much larger.

Advice: If the room will contain heavy, bulky furniture that will interfere with the natural expansion and contraction of wood panels, you need to leave gaps within 10 mm on each side of such a room.

In these photos, you can see what the room looks like after laying the laminate diagonally.

It is really difficult to lay the laminate in a diagonal way. But the result will meet your expectations. The time and effort spent on this important work will fully pay off with the aesthetic, elegant look of your apartment, the floor of which will be beyond praise.

The most popular way to lay laminate flooring is longitudinal. It is the most simple and economical. This method is often indicated on the instructions that come with the packaging of the coating. Most of those who decided to make repairs on their own try not to deviate from the basic rules of installation. Of course, this is a good option, especially if there are no problems with the layout of the room, and the installation error is several degrees. But what if the room has uneven walls, ledges? In a difficult situation, laying the laminate diagonally is better.

With the classical method of laying, laminate boards are located parallel to the walls - along or across the room. The laminate is laid diagonally at an angle of 30 or 45 degrees. The last option is considered the most optimal.

Advantages and disadvantages of diagonal styling

The pros and cons of diagonally laying laminate flooring are controversial. This is not to say that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and vice versa. The indisputable advantages of this installation method: unusual design and the ability to zone the space.

Diagonal styling is the shortest path to creative and interesting room design. The skills gained during the repair will be useful to visually smooth out the unevenness of the walls, hide the defects in the layout of the room.

Laminate laid diagonally is a good way to visually expand a room. It is often used by interior designers. This floor looks most impressive in rooms that are not overloaded with furniture and accessories. In this case, the diagonal pattern of the laminate visually expands the space even more. It seems that the room has really become more spacious.

Here is a photo of the laminate flooring diagonally in different versions:

One of the most important arguments in favor of diagonal laying is that such a floor pattern looks stylish and opens up scope for the designer's possibilities. You can visually enlarge the room and make it lighter, divide the space into separate zones using different styling methods.

How to calculate the right amount of material

Laying laminate flooring at an angle of 45 degrees is technically more difficult than the classic installation method and requires more materials to carry out the plan. For this reason, counting the required amount of laminate, add 15-20% to the resulting value. Professionals with extensive experience in laying laminate flooring can reduce unnecessary waste to a minimum - up to 5%. If you decide to make repairs yourself and have little experience in such work, it is better to play it safe and take more material.

How is diagonal styling done?

So how do you lay your laminate flooring diagonally? Before starting work, take paper, a pencil and a ruler. Draw a scale diagram of the room and sketch the layout of the boards on the plan. Consider the location of the windows: the boards should be laid so that the sunlight falls on them in parallel. This makes the seams between the lamellas almost invisible. You will get a detailed diagram as in this photo:

Then proceed directly to work. For the laminate to be laid correctly, it is important to level the subfloor well. This is a mandatory rule when installing any floor covering, regardless of the method.

Floor preparation

From a technical point of view, the preparation of the subfloor for diagonal installation does not differ from the traditional longitudinal installation of laminate boards. There are several stages:

  • Pour the concrete screed and wait until the mixture is completely dry. Vacuum the floor to remove dust and debris.
  • The second layer is waterproofing: a primer or a dense polyethylene film.

  • On top of the previous layers, a backing is laid: cork, polypropylene, expanded polystyrene, etc. Depending on the material, the backing sheets are stacked jointly in a joint or with an overlap.

Installation of laminate

You can lay boards from corner to corner or from window to doorway. In the latter case, try to position the longitudinal joints in the direction of the sun's rays. You can start installing the floor from the center of the room so that the boards are aligned. Pull the cord diagonally from one corner of the room to the next. This will serve as a guide.

The first row should be laid out strictly parallel to the guide. Stack the boards from the center to the left. In the diagonal laying method, the end locks are connected first, after which a whole long row engages the next, already fully assembled row. It is best to do the job with helpers. If you are working alone, use the load. This will facilitate the process of connecting the longitudinal locks. As soon as you fasten the two rows and put a load on them so that they do not disperse, you can safely continue working.

Lamellas are laid according to the brickwork method or in a checkerboard pattern with an offset of at least 30-40 cm. The coating will be stronger and stronger without deforming during operation.

Once you reach the walls, do not stack the laminate back to back. Be sure to leave small gaps of 1.5-2 cm. The fact is that with natural fluctuations in temperature and humidity, the laminate will expand and contract. If not done, the floor will bulge and may crack. To ensure that the floor is laid evenly and the distance to the walls is the same everywhere, use small pegs while working. When the laminate is completely laid, discard them. These gaps will not spoil the appearance of the floor. They are covered with a plinth that is attached to the wall.

Making repairs with their own hands, some are faced with a problem - cutting off the extreme lamellas. You need to cut the boards strictly diagonally, taking into account the direction of the wall. The cut should run parallel. How to do it correctly and smoothly? Measure with a ruler the distance from the uppermost corner of the row to the peg between the wall and the boards, in the same way measure the distance from the bottom outer corner to the peg. Transfer the obtained values ​​to the whole lamella. Mark the resulting points and connect them with a line. Clearly cut the panel along it as shown in this photo:

You can cut the laminate with a hacksaw or jigsaw strictly from the back.

Whichever technology you choose to lay your laminate flooring, always choose high-quality material. Don't skimp on coverage at the expense of quality. Medium or premium laminate flooring will last much longer than cheap ones. When installing the floor in the kitchen, it is better to choose a moisture-resistant coating. After you've bought and brought your laminate flooring into your home, let it sit for at least 48 hours. Observe the temperature regime in the room: not lower than +17, so that the laminate, after being in the warehouse, gradually "gets used" to the new conditions.

Do not install laminate flooring in a damp room. This material does not tolerate sudden changes in humidity and a large amount of moisture in the air. From this, the lamellas swell and swell. If you have recently plastered walls and other surfaces, it is best to wait with the renovation of the floor. It is necessary for the humidity level in the room to return to normal.

Do not allow water to enter the laminate floor, especially if the most inexpensive material is chosen. The quality of such a coating is the least resistant to any impact. Moisture-resistant panels are not afraid of an accidentally spilled glass of water, but even they will not withstand too much of it.

Laminate is laid only on a substrate and only on a flat surface. If these conditions are not met, then it should be expected that the unevenness of the base will lead to deformation of the coating. The substrate does not allow the laminate to change its structure and is a good heat and sound insulator.

Also, the laminate goes well with any floor heating system. Do not forget about the so-called thermal seams - those very gaps along the walls. It should be borne in mind that in office premises, such gaps are much wider than in a living room. The size of the gap is calculated simply - 1.5 mm for each meter of the width of the room.
Please note that all advice applies only to rooms with a humidity level not exceeding 65%.

Heavy oversized furniture prevents the floor from "breathing", preventing the panels from expanding and contracting naturally. In this case, experts recommend increasing the gaps between the coating and the walls by another 1 cm along the entire perimeter.

Inspired by the photo and decided that you want to do the same? Correctly laying laminate flooring at a 45 ° diagonal is a little more difficult than laying it along or across a room. You will need more accuracy in your work and clearer calculations. This styling option is less economical in terms of money. But in the end, you will get a beautiful and original floor that will stylishly fit into any interior and visually increase the space. And this is especially valuable in small rooms.