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Council of People's Commissar Bolsheviks. Who and how manages the world

SNK and drug addicts


The State Device of the RSFSR was federal in nature, the highest authorities were the All-Russian Congress of the Slave-X, Sold-X, CR and Cossack deputies.

The congress was elected responsible for him by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (WTCIK), which was formed by the Government of the RSFSR - Congress of People's Commissars (SNK)

The fields in the field were the regional, provincial, county and volost councils of advice who have formed their executive committees.

Created "To manage the country to continue before the convening of the Constituent Assembly."The 13th national commissariatants - internal affairs, labor, military and maritime matters, trade and industry, public education, finance, foreign affairs, justice, food, mail and telegraphs, on the affairs of nationalities, communication, were formed. Chairs of all drug addicts entered the composition of SNK

SNK belonged to the right to replace individual members of the government or its entire composition. In emergency cases, SNK could make decrees without prior discussion. The DVIR claimed the decrees of SNK if they had the national meaning.

Council of People's Commissar

According to the decree of the II Congress of the Councils "To manage the country", a temporary 6 working and peasant government was formed with the name - the Council of People's Commissars (abbreviated - SNK). The "institution of individual sectors of public life" was instructed by commissions headed by the Chairmen. The Chairmen united in the Chair College - the Council of People's Commissars. Control over the activities of the SNK and the right of the bias of the Commissioners belonged to both the Congress and its VTCI. The work of SNK was built in the form of meetings, which convened almost every day, and from December 1917 - and in the form of meetings of deputies of the Commissar, who were determined by January 1918 to the permanent Commission of the SNK (small Council). From February 1918, the convening of the United Meetings of the Presidium of the DVIK and SNK began practicing.

Initially, only the Bolsheviks entered the SNK. This situation was due to the following circumstances. The formation of a single-party system in Soviet Russia was not immediately after the October Revolution, and significantly later, and was explained primarily by the fact that the cooperation of the Bolsheviks party with the parties of the Mensheviks and the right-wing essences, demonstratively left the second congress of the Soviets, and then turned into opposition, it became impossible. The Bolsheviks offered to enter the government to the left esera, which was drawn up into an independent party, but they refused to send their representatives to the SNK and took the expectant position, although they were included in the DVIK. Despite this, the Bolsheviks and after the second congress of the Soviets continued to look for ways to cooperate with the left esera: as a result of negotiations between them in December 1917, an agreement was reached on the entry into the seven representatives of the left socialist revolutionaries, which was one third of its composition. This government block was necessary to strengthen the Soviet power, to attract the wide peasant masses on its side, among which the left sector enjoyed serious influence. And although in March 1918, the left sector in protest signing the Brest world came out of SNK, they remained in the Central Bank, other state bodies, including the Military Office, the All-Russian Emergency Commission for SNK to combat counter-revolution and sabotage (from August 1918 - with counter-revolution, speculation and crimes by position).

SNK.- From July 6, 1923 to March 15, 1946, the highest executive and administrative (in the first period of existence also legislative) of the USSR authority, its government (in every Allied and Autonomous Republic was also the Council of People's Commissars, for example, SNK RSFSR).

People's Commissar (people's Commissar) - A person who is part of the government and heads a certain People's Commissariat (People's Commissariat) is the central body of state administration of a separate sphere of state activities.

The first Council of People's Commissars was established 5 years before the formation of the USSR, October 27, 1917, decree "On the establishment of the Council of People's Commissar", adopted at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Prior to the creation of the USSR in 1922 and the Education of the Union Council, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR actually coordinated the interaction between the Soviet republics arising in the territory of the former Russian Empire.

See the Council of People's Commissars. * * * SNK SNK, see the Council of People's Commissars (see the Council of People's Commissars) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SNK. - Sibneft NK Sibneft SNK Siberian Oil Company OJSC Organization, Energy. SNK Special Supervisory Commission Chechnya Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of contractions ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation

SNK. - [Es En ka], nezor., m. The Council of People's Commissars. ◘ Decree of the WTCIK and SNK on the dissolution of marriage. DSV, vol. 1, 237. Resolution of SNK Union of the SSR. Shitov, 226. The congress adopted a resolution, fully approving the Policy of the DVI and SNK. Bondarevskaya, Velikanova, ... ... Explanatory Language Sovildie

- [Es En ka] Council of People's Commissars, Sovnarkk (for example, SNK USSR, SNK RSFSR, 1917 1946) ... Small Academic Dictionary

See the Council of People's Commissars ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

SNK. - - See the Council of People's Commissars ... Soviet Law Dictionary

SNK. - Council of People's Commissar Means of Non-Defense Control ( means of non-destructive testing Page of folk control (name of the newspaper heading) ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

SNK European democrats. SNK European Democrats SNK EVROPPSKY DEMOKRATY Date of Foundation: 2002 Ideology: Conservatism, Ecologism, Europeananism Allies and Blocks: Public Cases, Green Party ... Wikipedia

Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (Sovnarka RSFSR, SNK RSFSR) Name of the Government of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic from the October Revolution 1917 to 1946. The Council consisted of national commissars of the actual ministers, ... ... Wikipedia


  • Criminal Code of the RSFSR, SNK RSFSR. Official text with amendments on July 1, 1950 and with an application of stationary-systematized materials. Reproduced in the original copyright orphography of the 1950 edition ...

The government of the world in the world of the workers' and peasant state was first formed as the Council of People's Commissars, which was created by 26 Oct. (November 8) 1917, the next day after the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Resolution of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies to Education of the Workers and Peasant Government.

The decree written by V. I. Lenin said that "the Constituent Assembly, the temporary working and peasant government, which will be referred to as the Council of People's Commissar, is established to manage the country. V. I. Lenin was elected the first chairman of the SNK, who worked in this post for seven years (1917-1924) until his death. Lenin has developed the basic principles of the activities of the SNK, the tasks facing the highest authorities of the State Administration of the Soviet Republic.

The name "temporary" with the dissolution of the constituent assembly dropped. The first composition of SNK was one-party - it included only the Bolsheviks. The proposal to the left esrames to enter the SNK was rejected by them. On Dec. 1917 Left-esters entered the SNK and consisted in Prospect until March 1918. They came out of SNK due to disagreement with the conclusion of the Brest world and stood in the position of counter-revolution. In the future, CHK was formed only by representatives of the Communist Party. According to the Constitution of the RSFSR 1918, adopted by the 5th All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the government of the republic was called SNK RSFSR.

The Constitution of the RSFSR 1918 identified the main functions of the SNK RSFSR. The general management of the activities of the SNK RSFSR belonged to the WTCIK. The composition of the PRA was approved by the Soviets VTCIK or the congress of the Soviets. SNK possessed the necessary completeness of rights in the field of enforceing, and along with the Central Executive Committee, enjoyed the law of decrees. By performing executive and administrative power, SNK RSFSR led the activities of drug addicts and others. Center. departments, as well as directed and controlled the activities of local authorities.

The management of SNK and the Small Counsel, which is 23 Jan. (February 5) 1918 became the Permanent Commission of SNK RSFSR to preliminary consideration of issues introduced into SNK and issues of current legislation of the management of the department of public administration and the government. In 1930, small SNK was abolished. According to the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of November 30, 1918 was established under before. V.I. Lenin Council of Workers and Peasant Defense 1918-20. In April 1920, he was transformed into a labor and defense council, (STR). The experience of the first SNK was used in the State Construction of the PR in all the Allied Soviet Socialist Republics.

After the unification of the Soviet republics into a single Union State - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) created the Union Government - the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. The provision on the USSR SCA approved CEC on November 12, 1923.

The USSR Council was formed by the USSR CEC and was its executive and administrative body. SCA USSR led the activities of the Union and United (Union-Republican) People's Commissars, considered and approved the decisions and decisions of the Union-Union Values \u200b\u200bwithin the limits of the rights provided for by the USSR Constitution 1924, the provisions on the SCC of the USSR CEC and other legislative acts. The decisions of the USSR decisions and decisions of the USSR were binding on the entire USSR and could be suspended and canceled by the CEC of the USSR and its Presidium. For the first time, the composition of the USSR SNK, headed by Lenin, is approved at the 2nd session of the USSR CEC on July 6, 1923. The USSR Council, under the provision of 1923, was: Chairman, Deputy. Chairman, USSR addresses; Representatives of the Union republics participated in SNK meetings with the right of a deliberative voice.

According to the Constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1936, the USSR SNK was the highest executive and administrative body of the state power of the SSR Union. He formed the top. Council of the USSR. The Constitution of the USSR 1936 established the responsibility and accountability of the USSR SNK. Advice, and in the period between sessions, the top. Council of the USSR - its Presidium. According to the Constitution of the USSR, 1936, the USSR SNK united and sent the work of the Union-Union and Soviet-Republican People's Commissices of the USSR, and other economic and cultural institutions to him, took measures to implement the national economic plan, the state budget, carried out guidance in the field of external relations with foreign states, He led the general construction of the country's armed forces, etc. According to the USSR Constitution, 1936, the USSR SNK was entitled to the Office and Housekeeping, assigned to the competence of the USSR, suspend the decisions and orders of SNK of the Union republics and cancel orders and instructions of the USSR addresses. Art. 71 The Constitution of the USSR 1936 set the right of the deputy request: a representative of SNK or the USSR peer, to which the request of the Deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet is obliged to give an oral or written response to the appropriate chamber.

SNK of the USSR, according to the Constitution of the USSR 1936, was formed in the 1st session of the top. Council of the USSR 19 Jan. 1938. June 30, 1941, the decision of the Presidium is the top. Council of the USSR, the Central Committee of the CSP (b) and SCA of the USSR was created by the State Defense Committee (GKO), which focused all the fullness of state power in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War 1941-45.

SNK of the Union Republic is the highest executive and administrative body of the state power of the Federal Republic. He is responsible to the Supreme Council of the Republic and it is accountable, and in the period between sessions, the top. Council - before the presidium top. The Council of the Republic and it is accountable to the SNK of the Federal Republic, according to the Constitution of the USSR 1936, issues decisions and orders based on and in the fulfillment of the current laws of the USSR and the Federal Republic of the Republic, decisions and orders of the USSR SCA and is obliged to check their execution.

Composition and formation of SCC of the USSR

An important stage in the way of adopting the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 was the second session of the CEC Union of the SSR, which was opened on July 6, 1923.

The CEC of the USSR formed the Soviet government - the Council of People's Commissars. The USSR SCA was the executive and administrative body of the USSR CEC and was responsible in his work to him and his Presidency (Article 37 of the Constitution). The chapters on the highest bodies of the USSR consolidated the unity of legislative and executive.

For the management sectors of the public administration, 10 USSR addicts (Chapter 8 of the USSR Constitution 1924) were created (Chapter 8 of the USSR 1924): five all-union (on foreign affairs, on military and maritime affairs, foreign trade, communication, post office and telegraphs) and five united (Supreme Council of the national economy , Food, Labor, Finance and Workers' and Peasant Inspection). All-Union People's Commissaries had their authorized in the Union republics. The United Noncomcombs guided in the territory of the Union republics through the people's names to the same name. In other areas, the Office was carried out exclusively by the Federal Republics through the relevant republican addicts: agriculture, internal affairs, justice, educational, health care, social security.

The drug addicts of the USSR were headed by the people's commissars. Their activities combined the principles of collegiality and unity. At the addict, under his chairmanship, a board was formed, the members of which were appointed by the USSR SNK. The People's Commissar had the right and solely to make decisions, bringing them to the attention of the college. College or its individual members in the event of disagreement could appeal the decision of the People's Commissar in the USSR SCA, without suspending the execution of the decision.

The second session approved the composition of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and elected his chairman V. I. Lenin.

Since V. I. Lenin was sick, the leadership of the Council of People's Commissar was carried out by five of his deputies: L. B. Kamenev, A.I. Rykov, A. D. Tsyurup, V. Ya. Chubar, M. D. Orahlashvili. The Ukrainian Chubar has been from July 1923 by the Chairman of the Council of Justice of Ukraine, and Georgian Orazhelashvili Chairman of the Sovnarkom ZSFSR, so they performed, first of all, their direct responsibilities. From February 2, 1924, the Chairman of the USSR SCA will be Rykov. Rykov and Zureupa were Russian by nationality, and Kamenev - Jew. Of the five deputy councils, only Orachelashvili had a higher education, the remaining four - average. The USSR Council was a direct successor to SNK RSFSR. In addition to the chairman and five deputies to the first Council of the Union, there were also 10 addresses and the Chairman of the OGPU with the right of a deliberative voice. Naturally, when selecting the leaders of the Sovnarkom, there were problems related to the necessary representation from the Union republics.

There were also their problems in the formation of allied drug addicts. Drug addicts of the RSFSR on foreign affairs, foreign trade, communication, post office and telegraphs, in military and maritime affairs were converted to allied. The personnel composition of the addicts at the time was still formed mainly from the former employees of the Office of the Office and specialists of even pre-revolutionary time. For employees former to the revolution workers in 1921-1922. It accounted for only 2.7%, which was due to the lack of a sufficient number of competent workers. These employees automatically flowed from Russian addicts to allied with a very minor number of employees translated from the National Republics.

The Council of People's Commissars of the Federal Republic is formed by the Supreme Council of the Federal Republic of the Republic of: Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Federal Republic; Vice-Chairmen; Chairman of the State Planning Commission; Folk Commissars: Food Industry; Light industry; Forest industry; Agriculture; Grain and livestock state farms; Finance; Internal trading; Internal affairs; Justice; Health care; Enlightenment; Local industry; Utilities; Social security; Authorized committee of the billets; Chief of art administration; Authorized National Union People's Commissariators.

History of the legislative framework of SNK

According to the Constitution of the RSFSR of July 10, 1918, the activities of the SNK is:

· Management of general affairs of the RSFSR, the management of individual sectors of the Office (Article 35, 37)

· Edition of legislation and adoption of measures, "necessary for the right and rapid flow of public life." (Article 38)

The People's Commissar has the right to solely make decisions on all issues in the conduct of the Commissariat, bringing them to the attention of the board (Article 45).

All accepted decisions and decisions of the SNK reports the WTCIK (Article 39), which is entitled to suspend and cancel the decree or decision of the SNK (Article 40).

17 folk commissariats are created (in the constitution, this figure is erroneously specified, since in the list presented in Art. 43, they are numbered 18).

· According to foreign affairs;

· Military affairs;

· For maritime cases;

· By internal affairs;

· Justice;

· Social security;

· Enlightenment;

· Post and telegraphs;

· For nationalities;

· According to financial affairs;

· Communication paths;

· Agriculture;

· Trade and industry;

· Food;

· State control;

· Supreme Council of the national economy;

· Health.

With the formation of the USSR in December 1922 and the creation of the Union Government, the Soviet Union of the RSFSR becomes the executive and administrative body of the state authority of the Russian Federation. The organization, composition, competence and procedure for the activities of the SNK were identified by the Constitution of the USSR 1924 and the Constitution of the RSFSR 1925.

From this point on, the composition of SNK was changed in connection with the transfer of a number of powers to the Union agencies. 11 folk commissariates were established:

· Internal trade;

· Finance

· Interior

· Justice

· Enlightenment

· Health

· Agriculture

· Social security

The SNK of the RSFSR was now included with the right of a decisive or advisory voice, authorized by the USSR drug addicts under the Government of the RSFSR. SNK RSFSR allocated, in turn, permanent representative in the USSR SCA. (According to SU, 1924, N 70, Art. 691.) From February 22, 1924, the SNK RSFSR and SCA of the USSR have a single business management. (According to TsGAOR USSR, f. 130, op. 25, d. 5, l. 8.)

With the introduction of the Constitution of the RSFSR of January 21, 1937, SNK RSFSR is reported only by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, during its sessions - the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

From October 5, 1937, the composition of the SNK of the RSFSR consists of 13 folk commissariates (the data of the CSA RSFSR, f. 259, op. 1, d. 27, l. 204.):

· Food Industry

· Light industry

· Forest industry

· Agriculture

· Grain Sovzhozov

· Livestock household goods

· Finance

· Internal trade

· Justice

· Health

· Enlightenment

· Local industry

· Municipal economy

· Social security

Also, the composition of the SNK included the Chairman of the State Institution of the State Institution of the RSFSR and the Head of Arts Affairs at SNK RSFSR

Since the Jewish topic was touched, then lay out one material that I didn't find myself places. The issue of the Jewish Representative Office in the upper echelons coving is very vividly trembling to this afraid. Even I did not resist his saduketive char. Once he read the famous book "One hundred and forty conversations with Molotov" F. Chuev and one moment was very much confused. Here he: "They say, the Jews made a revolution, and not Russian. - Well, few people believe in it. True, in the first government, the majority of the majority of Jews in the Politburo. " A very strange statement, for someone, like not "stone ass", know the true state of things - they are like you. And no sclerosis.

In general, this is a very common misconception among a very general public - that the Jews made up most in the Soviet leadership. Even in other friends I read this. Immediately I will say that the majority - that in party tops, that in the government - the Russians have always constituted. However, foreigners - including Jews - a very broad representation was had in certain periods. On the national composition of the party leadership, in principle, quite a lot is written, but about the government, I only saw the analysis, spinning around the first composition of the Council (although, to admit, the plot itself was not particularly interested). So I was born with my idea to dig and search how many Jews were part of the Soviet government. Next article: Jews in the USSR leadership (1917-1991) turned up. I thought that she had the topic exhausting, and was very sad for nothing. The time spent time was very sad, but I didn't find it without pleasure that in relation to the government, the text contains in itself although minor, but still skipping, and decided work on throwing. But now, I think I brought it to the end, and I present the results to the court.

Immediately I will say that I was interested in only the compositions first SNK RSFSR (1917-22) and SNK / CM of the USSR. Wikipedia reports that "before the creation of the USSR in 1922 and the Education of the Union Council, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR actually coordinated the interaction between the Soviet republics arising in the territory of the former Russian Empire." Therefore, we will have chronological frameworks to cover 1917-1991. As for the personalities, I will present it in the form of a simple chronological list - it is somehow perceived in the dynamics.

Trotsky Lev Davydovich (Bronstein Laba Davidovich)
People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR (November 1917 - March 1918).
People's Commissar on the Military and Maritime Affairs of the RSFSR / USSR (August 1918 - January 1925).
People's Commissar RSFSR (March 1920).
Chairman of the main concession committee at the USSR SCC (June 1925 - 1927).

Steinberg Isaac Zakharovich (Atzhok-Nakhman Zerahovich)
People's Commissar of Justice RSFSR (December 1917 - March 1918).

Sverdlov Veniamin Mikhailovich (Binjamin Movshevich)
People's Commissar of RSFSR Communication (January-February 1918).

Gukovsky Isidore Emmanuilovich
Narc on the financial affairs of the RSFSR (March-August 1918).

Lyutov Artemia Moiseevich
Acting Mission Post and Telegraph RSFSR, USSR (March 1920 - May 1921, November 1927 - January 1928).

Dovygalevsky Valerian Savelievich (Saulovich)
People's Commissar and Telegraph RSFSR (May 1921 - July 1923).

Shainman Aron Lvovich
Chairman of the Board of the State Bank RSFSR, USSR (October 1921 - December 1924, January 1926 - October 1928).
People's Commissar of the USSR (December 1924 - November 1925).

Kamenev (Rosenfeld) Lev Borisovich
Deputy Chairman of the SNK RSFSR / USSR (September 1922 - January 1926).
People's Commissar of Foreign and Internal Trade of the USSR (January-November 1926).
Chairman of the Main Concession Committee at the USSR SCC (May 1929 - October 1932).

Sokolnikov Grigory Yakovlevich (Brilliant Girsche Yankelyevich)
People's Commissar of Finance RSFSR / USSR (October 1922 - January 1926).

Yakovlev (Epstein) Yakov Arkadyevich
People's Commissar of Agriculture of the USSR (December 1929 - April 1934).

Rukhimovich Moses Lvovich
People's Commissar Trades of the USSR (June 1930 - October 1931).
People's Commissar of the Defense Industry of the USSR (December 1936 - October 1937).

Litvinov Maxim Maksimovich (Vallah-Finkelstein Meer-Genoch Moiseevich)
People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR (July 1930 - May 1939).

Kalmanovich Moses Josephovych
Chairman of the Board of the USSR State Bank (October 1930 - April 1934).
The People's Commissar of Grain and Livestock Councils of the USSR (April 1934 - April 1937).

Rosengolts Arkady Pavlovich
People's Commissar of Foreign Trade of the USSR (November 1930 - June 1937).
Head of the Department of State Reserves for SCS of the USSR (August-October 1937).

Shumyatsky Boris Zakharovich
"People's Cinematography": Chairman "Soyuzzino", Head of the Main Directorate of the film industry, Chairman of the State Film Firecraft Advision in the USSR SCA (November 1930 - January 1938).

Goltzman Abram Zinovievich
Head of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet at SCC of the USSR (February 1932 - September 1933).

Goshetokin Filipp Isaevich (Shaya Isaakovich)
The main state arbiter in the USSR SCC (February 1933 - October 1939).

Cleinter Israel Mikhailovich (Stew Mailikhovich)
Chairman of the Committee on Crimping of Agricultural Products at SCC of the USSR (April 1934 - December 1936).
People's Commissar of the USSR (December 1936 - August 1937).

Maryasin Lev Efimovich
Chairman of the Board of the USSR State Bank (April 1934 - July 1936).

Wezer Israel Yakovlevich
People's Commissar of Internal Trade of the USSR (July 1934 - October 1939).

Yagoda Heinrich Grigorievich (Yehuda Enoch Girshevich)
People's Commissar of the USSR (July 1934 - September 1936)
People's Commissar of the USSR (September 1936 - April 1937).

Kaganovich Lazar Moiseevich
People's Commissar of the USSR Communications (May 1935 - August 1937, April 1938 - March 1942, February 1943 - December 1944).
Narcar of the gravity industry of the USSR (August 1937 - January 1939).
Deputy Chairman of the SNK / CM of the USSR (August 1938 - May 1944, December 1944 - March 1953).
People's Commissar of the Fuel Industry of the USSR (January-October 1939).
The People's Commissar of the USSR Oil Industry (October 1939 - July 1940).
Minister of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR (March 1946 - March 1947).
Chairman of the State Committee, see the USSR of the material and technical supply of the national economy (January 1948 - October 1952).
First Deputy Chairman of the SM USSR (March 1953 - June 1957).
Chairman of the State Committee see the USSR on labor and wages (May 1955 - May 1956).
Minister of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR (September 1956 - July 1957).

Kaminsky (Hoffman) Grigory Naumovich
Chief Sanitary Inspector of the USSR (1935 - June 1937).
People's Commissar of the USSR (July 1936 - June 1937).

Kruglikov Solomon Lazarevich
Chairman of the Board of the USSR State Bank (July 1936 - September 1937).

Khalepsky Innokenty Andreevich
People's Commissar of the USSR (April-August 1937).
Particular SCS of the USSR in touch (August-November 1937).

Broskin Alexander Davidovich
People's Commissar of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR (October 1937 - June 1938).

Kaganovich Mikhail Moiseevich
People's Commissar of the Defense Industry of the USSR (October 1937 - January 1939).
People's Commissar of the USSR Aviation Industry (January 1939 - January 1940).

Gilin Abram Lazarevich
People's Commissar Food Industry of the USSR (January-August 1938).

Ginzburg Semen Zakharovich
Chairman of the Committee on Construction Affairs at the USSR SCC (March 1938 - May 1939).
People's Commissar for the construction of the USSR (June 1939 - January 1946).
People's Commissar for the construction of military and naval enterprises of the USSR (January 1946 - March 1947).
Minister of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR (March 1947 - May 1950).

Dukelsky Semyon Semenovich
Chairman of the Cinematography Committee for the USSR SCA in the Range of the People's Commissar (March 1938 - June 1939).
People's Fleet of the USSR Fleet (April 1939 - February 1942).

White Zakhar Moiseevich
Acting Chairman of the Soviet Control Commission at the USSR SCC (May 1938 - April 1939).

Anelovich Naum Markovich
People's Commissar of the Forest Industry of the USSR (October 1938 - October 1940).

Pearl Polina Semenovna (Karpovskaya Pearl Semenovna)
The People's Commissar of the USSR Fish Industry (January-November 1939).

Vannikov Boris Lvovich
People's Commissar of the USSR (January 1939 - June 1941).
People's Commissar of the USSR (February 1942 - August 1945).
People's Commissar / Minister of Agricultural Engineering of the USSR (January-June 1946).
Head of the First Main Directorate for SNK / CM USSR (August 1945 - March 1953).

COUNTRYWOMAN (Zalkind) Rosalia Samoovna
Deputy Chairman of the USSR SCC (May 1939 - August 1943).
Chairman of the Commission of Soviet Control for SCS of the USSR (May 1939 - September 1940).

Mehlis Lev Zakharovich
Deputy Chairman of the USSR SNK (September 1940 - May 1944).
People's Commissar / Minister of State Control of the USSR (September 1940 - June 1941, March 1946 - October 1950).

Salzman Isaac Moiseevich
People's Tank Industry Tank Industry (July 1942 - June 1943).

Raizer David Yakovlevich (Usherovich)
Minister for the construction of enterprises of a heavy industry (May 1950 - March 1953).
Minister of Construction of enterprises of the Metallurgical and Chemical Industry of the USSR (April 1954 - May 1957).

Dymshitz Veniamin Emmanuilovich
Head of the capital construction department of the USSR Capital Construction Department - Minister of the USSR (June 1959 - April 1962).
First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Programmer - Minister of the USSR (April - July 1962).
Deputy Chairman of the USSR (July 1962 - December 1985).
Chairman of the USSR, Chairman of the USSR (July - November 1962).
Chairman of the Council of National Economy of the USSR (November 1962 - October 1965).
Chairman of the State Committee, see the USSR of Material Supplies (October 1965 - June 1976).

Volodarsky Lev Markovich (Goldstein Laba Mordkovich)
Head of the Central Statistical Office at the CF USSR, Central Statistical Department of the USSR (August 1975 - December 1985).

Kotlyar Nikolai Isaakovich
Fisherman Minister of the USSR (January 1987 - November 1991).

Raevsky Vladimir Abramovich
Acting Minister of Finance of the USSR (November 1991 - March 1992).

As can be seen from the list, the first 30 years of the communist regime turned out to be the first 30 years of the communist regime for the relevant people.

Other authors (and yes, and there is no other), lizing the Jews in the Soviet government, they often refer to their number of representatives of other peoples, mainly, no matter how funny, Russians. The reasons for this personally are not clear to me - in most cases, the origin is possible enough to establish on the reference literature and completely there is no need to sit down in such a scenario. But here there is this phenomenon. I met the following "liaudevy" from the addresses:

Efim Slavsky (born in the Ukrainian peasant family);
Rodion Malinovsky (his origin is very muddy: the son of cook-Ukrainians, the father is unknown - suggest that from Karaim, but these are not Jews, albeit Jews; Marshal's daughter argues that her grandfather is "Russian Prince");
Isidor Lyubimov (Waxberg and Solzhenitsyn are recorded in the Jews, although the Bolshevik was born in the family of the Kostroma peasant. Apparently, the name confuses);
Pavel Yudin (the son of the Tula Worker. Here, it seems, confuses the surname);
Ivan Teodorovich (from the Polish noble family);
Abraham Zaveyagin (other than those called Abram, although he is Abraham; Son of the train station in the Tula region);
Mikhail Frinovsky (from the Penza teacher's family);
Vasily Rulev-Schmidt (out of the poor family - Father Peasant, Mother Kukharka-German);
Nikolai Krestinsky ("Molotov" touchingly notices: "... Apparently, the former Jew seems to be baptized, therefore the Krestinsky. But maybe I am mistaken. Barin, such a barin. Might be intentes and find out that the barin - from noble family);
George "Lomov" of the pits (also from the nobles).

Stubbornly circulate rumors about the Jewish origin of Andropov - directly striking! However, there are no direct reliable information, we will believe the official biography. A similar way, Philipop Goloshchekin hit the list, rather, inertia - there is no documentary confirmation of its "present name" and the Jewish origin. But this one, since no one argues, let it be.

There is another question about the Khrushchev Ministry of Agriculture Mikhail Olshansky - here it is, the stereotype of Jewish appearance does not strongly correspond, and the surname on the origin of the Belarusian. Questions seem to and should not arise, but the place of birth of the minister, Sarna, was at the beginning of the twentieth century. So in this case, the grandmother said in a literal sense. If someone has confirmation or denial of guesses, I will be very grateful.

Perhaps it is still worth dispelled by the well-known error - despite the numerous statements of the publicists of the "black-based" ™ directions, killed in the spring of 1918 in Petrograd Bolshevitsky "Tribune" Volodarsky Never in the Council of RSFSR did not enter (although he is attributed to the fictional post "People's Commissar, Propaganda and Agrication "). The fact is that after the arrival of the Bolsheviks to power in the field, according to the example of the Center, their Councils began to form. And the Volodarsky entered the Council of Commissioners of the Union of Commune of the Northern regions - there he was a commissar for printing, propaganda and agitation. That is, this is a regional "minister", no more.

However, the name "Volodarsky" you still meet in the list presented - only not at the beginning, but at all at the end. And no accident: statistics - the younger brother of the St. Petersburg "newspaper dictator". That's how in life it happens: o)

Such in the Sovde was the situation with the addresses and ministers of Jewish nationality. As you can see, nothing is right from the row, everything is quite decent. It is much more decent than in the sovereign, and then independent Russia, where only 12 people from this people were part of the highest executive body. So to the national policy of the current government should look closely! ;about)

ZY Of course, the representatives of the Jews at the government level were not exhausted - the Commissars "of them" and in the Union republics were, but it already requires a separate special immersion. A separate special immersion requires the theme of the Jews-managers of the sectoral masters of other drug addicts - these controls in the mass of their own by the end of the 30s, during the Stalinovsky inflating states, were made as independent drug addicts. The list of residents of the Government Houses shows that at this level the representative office of the Jews was significantly larger - as with the "bodies", the list of leaders of local offices of which in the 20-30th says, in general, for itself. But, again, it is necessary to do separately.

However, this list is strongly divided into official data in the composition of the first Council. First, he writes the Russian historian Yuri Emelyanov in his work "Trotsky. Myths and Personality, "it includes addresses from various SNA compositions, repeatedly changed. Secondly, according to Emelyanov, the wild mentions a number of drug addicts, in general never existed! For example, by cults, by elections, on refugees, on hygiene ... But really existing addicts of ways to communications, mail and telegraphs in the Wildlist are missing at all!
Next: Wild argues that 20 people included in the first Council, although it is known that there were only 15.
A number of posts are inaccurate. So, chairman of Petrosovta G.E. Zinoviev never occupied the post of the Commissar of the Interior. Pause, whom the wild for some reason calls "Protian", was a commark of post office and telegraphs, not agriculture.
Severally mentioned "members of the SNK" in the government were never included. I.A. Spitsberg was an investigator VIII of the liquidation department of a drug leisure. Who is meant by Lilina-bookist, it is generally incomprehensible: whether the actress M.P. Lilina, whether Z.I. Lailina (Bernstein), who worked as a commodity of national education in the executive committee of Petroset. Cadet A.A. Kaufman participated as an expert in the development of land reform, but did not have anything to the Council of the Council. The name of the People's Commissar of Justice was not at all Steinberg, but Steinberg ...