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Influence of the sun and moon on human health. Lunar Health Calendar: Effect of Moon Phases on Human Health. Folk Signals for Full Moon

The land with the moon in the solar system is a double planet representing unified system With common centers of mass and rotation. The movement of the moon acts on the ground and causes redistribution gravitational forcesWhat leads to a change in physical factors, wave and radiation regime. Pure visually to residents of cities to judge this effect is difficult, but the navigators know well, after all, tides are both a visible, essential for all Earth shells, the gravitational effect of the moon. Moreover, the moon affects not only the aqueous mass, but also on the soil, the soil, that of course, less noticeable, but reliably established by scientists. Since the human body is more than 80% consists of water, the moon is every day and happening on us. That is why we will talk about our health today, the influence of the Moon phases on health, living organisms, man sleep.

The lunar phases are the visible temporal sequence of the orbital motion of the moon.

Moon day 1-7 day. The initial phase is a new moon. The astrodolgots of the moon, the sun and land are equal. The moon disk is almost invisible. The forces of gravity of the moon and the sun are summed up, which leads to maximum tides. The moon is called "young", "coming", "growing" during this period.

8-15 days. The disc is half illuminated - the first quarter, the difference of astrodolgot of the sun and the moon - 90 degrees.

16-22 days. The beginning of the phase is the full moon (the disk is completely lit). The forces of the gravity of the sun and the moon counteract, tides and foams are minimal.

23-29, 30 days. Disk lighting gradually decreases. The moon is called "decreasing", "aging", "flawed".

W. different species Living organisms have clear reproduction rhythms that have a moon-monthly or lunar-crescent periodicity. These rhythms contribute to a partner meeting strictly in accordance with a certain tide time required for the subsequent development of larvae or eggs. Proved the presence of lunar-month rhythm in insects.

In the course of the experiment, the connection of the visual reception of freshwater fish with the gravitational influence of the moon was revealed, i.e. Sensitivity to light in fish has a lunar-month rhythm. The endogenous lunar daily rhythm is characteristic of marine animals and, with transportation from Slov's places, their rhythm adjusts to the local time of the Moon.

Moon-daily rhythms and land-based organisms that are not related to livelihoods with marine and ocean tides are found. The zoologists were noted during the full moon increase in the frequency of the pairing of primates.

Gravitational irritation in animals is transformed into primary nervous excitations. In plants, the impact of gravity leads to the activation of growth hormone, which also proves the close and comprehensive connection of all types of living organisms with lunar rhythm.

The influence of the moon per person is recorded. So human bodyDespite the microclumatic living conditions created, has exceptional sensitivity and adaptation capacity to factors. ambient and exposed to the same gravitational influence as the whole earth.

The gravity forces of the moon act on the aquatic masses of the human body, on the permeability of the cell membranes and the water balance, which is reflected in the organs and their functions. The effect of lunar gravity is perceived by the epiphysis, which affects the body with hormonal active substances (serotonin and melatonin).

Bloodmarkes, calcium exchange, muscular system reaction are evolutionally connected with gravity. There is a clear connection of the phases and the impact of the moon on living beings. So for example, it can be traced when analyzing blood: the maximum content of leukocytes - before and during the new moon, the minimum ones on the full moon.

Transport of energy substances and metabolites, cellular exchange also depend on the gravitational adhering force. The functioning of the female sexual system is associated with the influence of the moon. The peak of conceptions falls on the full moon, the new moon is noted large quantity menstruation. Significantly more often fertilization occurs on the arriving moon.

In the first phase, it is recommended to start a wellness cycle that firms the body's functions. The brain is activated, cervical vertebrae, throat, lungs and nervous system. Hidden pathologies are exacerbated due to increased blood circulation. In this phase, it is recommended to eat thermally untreated food, drink fresh juices, focused by trace elements.

In the second phase, the digestive organs, heart, thoracic spine, are activated, gall-bubble. The body is easily cleaned, so the treatment of the liver, the gallbladder is preferably carried out in this phase. It should be limited to the reception of drugs, because The opportunity is increasing side Effects. Dry food, porridge and stew vegetables are preferable, and in fats it is necessary to limit itself.

In the third phase, the kidneys, lumbar region, sex glands are activated, bladder. Compresses and heating the belt will bring the greatest effect at this time. Full moon is a trauma period. Abundant bloodstures are possible, frequent poisoning occurs. The body easily maintains the maximum physical exertion.

Sexy sensitivity is exacerbated. In this phase, there is a complete assimilation medicines, alcohol, which requires extreme caution when used. The nervous system is most tense. Possible insomnia, sleep disorder, manifestations of somnambulism. The most reliable will be analyzed in full moon.

For the fourth phase, the decline is characterized vital energy. The bone system, gastrointestinal peristalsis are activated. The tide to the lower limbs leads to the exacerbation of varicose veins, rheumatism, edema. The cleansing process includes skin, from here - rash, acne. The metabolic rate is sharply reduced. A moderate physical activity is shown, walking. Phase is suitable for prophylactic vaccinations - the body easily copes with a vaccine. The impact of the moon is noticed. It is usually deep and calm in this phase.

The nature of the influence of the moon on human health depends largely from the phases of the lunar cycle, each phase of which lasts about a week. If a moon days Our behavior is largely determined, the Luna phases affect the state of our body, the degree of its resilience and activity.

You probably noticed that in some days you wake up with vigorous and complete energies, and in others - sluggish and tired. If it is closer to this phenomenon, we can see that the change of our well-being occur cyclically. Different phases of the moon affect our emotional state, nervous system and energy level. Especially strongly moon affects women, since the female organism is more subordinate to the lunar cycles.

Consider how the phases of the moon affect our health and the body.

During new Moon The man is most weakened and existed, the energy resource of the body is at a minimum. As the moon, the energy engineer will accumulate up to the full moon. Men react to the new moon stronger than women. They are aggressive and nervous at this time.

During the new moon, any load on the body is not desirable, it is not recommended to engage in severe physical labor. Need to try to minimize nervous tension and aggression, because it is during the New Moon, there is a largest number of strokes and heart attacks.

The new moon period is favorable to get rid of harmful habits, for cleaning procedures, as well as to sit on a diet.

Phase growing Moon - this is best time For new beginnings. In relation to health it can be a strengthening immune system, increasing muscle mass, accelerating the metabolic process, increase the flexibility of the spine, etc. In the period of the growing moon, measures should be started to achieve these goals.

On a growing moon, a person has a lot of energy. Therefore, all exercise, started at this time, will be easily and carried out with enthusiasm. Any loads these days are allowed higher than, at first glance, can withstand a person.

In the period of the growing moon, preventive treatment courses are recommended: receiving vitamins enriched with the necessary meals nutrition, etc. Possessing procedures that feed the skin, nails and hair. At this time, our body especially dislike everything that falls into it. Therefore, you need to monitor your nutrition: it should be full and high-quality, but in no case redundant.

IN full moon Our feelings and emotions are exacerbated. During this period, the psyche of man becomes very vulnerable. Women react stronger to full moon than men. For the full moon, insomnia is characterized by an excess of energy and restlessness. Full moon should not find out the conflict emotional relationship or to take for the volitional education of children. These days, as a result of the increased emotionality of drivers, accidents are rapidly on the roads. Under the influence of alcohol, there are unpredictable actions with grave consequences.

In the full moon, the painful sensations appear as much as possible, symptoms of diseases are pronounced, and surgical operations are dangerous bleeding. Studies have shown that during this period the blood is more liquid and worse folds. Therefore, during the full moon, it should be avoided by surgery.

The rapid activity and the pace of physical exercises in the full moon should be reduced. During this period, strong physical exertion cause reverse effect: Instead of the tide of energy, fatigue is felt, the mood is spoiled, pessimism appears, all efforts seem in vain. So that it does not happen, the full moon should be abandoned by large loads. For example, instead of the morning jogging, it is possible to just stroll during the day, and in the gym, the power exercises should be replaced with exercises for relaxation.

In the days of the full moon, it is recommended to use more fluid, but not alcohol. The full moon enhances the effects of alcohol on the body. Juices should be freshly prepared. It should be used more vegetables and fruit. From meat these days can generally refuse. Well at this time will act on the body of lactic acid products.

In phase descending moon It is necessary to analyze the results achieved and correct errors. At this time, you need to start a decisive fight against chronic diseases and with the fact that you do not like. The period of decreasing moon is the most suitable timeTo finally get rid of everything that annoys you. If you need to limit yourself in food to get rid of excess weight, begin to observe the new mode during the descending moon, after the full moon.

Disease during a decreasing moon loses its strength, and the body tries to get rid of it from the foreign ones. If it helps him with his efforts in the form of normalization of the day mode, walks on fresh air, restoring the power mode, correction of some bad habits, can significantly improve well-being and achieve an excellent result. All physiological procedures aimed at removing inflammatory processes and eliminating toxins at this time are effective. During this period, you can visit the dentist and agree to the operation.

In the phase of the descending moon, the metabolic processes slow down. Food that is poorly absorbed will accumulate in the body in the form of slags. Therefore, in the nutrition, the focus should be made on cereals, vegetables and fruits, and meat to use in small quantities. It is recommended to drink more fluid to facilitate the elimination of toxins from the body.

Life in agreement with the lunar cycle makes it possible to maintain a stable health and nervous system, and in the treatment of diseases, taking into account the phases of the Moon, one can achieve more efficient and accelerated recovery.

The effect of the moon on a person is known since ancient. This is explained by the fact that the body is almost 80% consisting of water, and the moon has the most direct impact on all living and non-living, containing water. For a long time, it is not a secret for anyone that strong tides occur in the new moon. Considering how the moon affects the human body, in certain days of the lunar cycle, it is strictly forbidden to carry out operations, cutting, to engage in power exercises. And knowing about what can be done on a growing and descending moon, it is always available to choose the best time for cosmetic procedures, restoring the strength and landings.

How the moon affects the human body

Astrology - This is not a fortune telling, but the science of cycles and rhythms. Moon astrology considers the cycles of the moon and its influence on all living and non-living. We know that life is impossible without water. She is the basis of all living on our planet and a carrier of life in our body. Everyone knows the influence of the Moon on the human life and on such a phenomenon, like tides and flow. Water is inherent abnormal properties, i.e. When freezing, it expands, has a memory, susceptible both on physical, energy and at the information level. Water is not just H20. It has various complex structures consisting of quanta or more complex elements - clusters or clathrates. According to Dr. Emoto, the basis of any created thing is the source of energy XADO (HADO) is a vibration frequency, a wave of resonance.

The effect of lunar phases per person, as well as on all living and non-living, containing water, is a wave. Strong tides, spills happen to the new moon, when the sun and the moon are on one side from the ground and both shone as it were pulling the earth to himself. It shows us well. And, of course, the human body, consisting of 70 - 80% of the water, also reacts to the impact of the moon. On the days of the new moon and full moon (and plus-minus the day from the dates of the new or full moon) it is more difficult for us to maintain the balance both emotional, mental and physical. In the new moon, blood becomes more thick, the likelihood of strokes, infarction due to thrombotic education increases. Full moon also increases the number of cases of bleeding, strokes, heart attacks due to hemorrhage.

Given how the moon affects a person, these days need to follow blood pressure, keep emotions in harmony, do without alcoholic beverages. The volume of the injubiled fluid should not exceed the norm. And the norm of each of us has its own, depending on the constitution.

Impact on a man growing, decreasing moon, full moon and new moon

Synodic cycle of the moon And its influence on human health must be viewed from three positions. First, considering the growing moon or decreasing, secondly, to take into account its quarters, and then already - phases.

From the new moon to the full moon moon growing. From full moon to noving - decreasing. And, having a moon calendar at hand, you can, looking at the moon, it is easy to determine. The moon is growing - if you can make the letter "P" from the sickle, and if only "C" is an aging, decreasing.

In the period, starting from the new moon, there is a gradual energy extension. These days, the effect of the growing moon per person is very strong, because all biological and mental processes are activated. And the closer to the full moon, the person is more active and lucky in their endeavors. This period is the best for the improvement of the body, but unfavorable for surgical operations (especially in full moon).

In full moon effect on a person, and after this point, the maximum begins a smooth decrease in the dynamics of life, all its processes.

In the period of decreasing moon, the viability of the body is reduced. A person becomes less active, fasterly tired, reactions are dulled, and things are moving with great difficulty. And the closer to the new moon, the lower the vital tone and the adaptation of the body. The effect of decreasing moon per person is not so active, because in this period, emotions are injected, sensitivity and susceptibility are reduced. At this time, it is necessary to properly embellish the accumulated energy, and therefore it is good to continue the started, completing things. These days are planned cases already established, which do not require large energy costs. This time is suitable for measures to purify the body and conducting surgical operations (except for the days of New Moon).

New Moon - a minimum point. The influence of the new moon on a person is such that to start anything at the point of the energy minimum is illogical. As they say, on what energy will you start, then you will get.

And no one is no longer a secret that, working with plants, also need to consider what moon is growing or decreasing. On the growing moon, it is favorable and sow plants with a useful above-ground part. On descending, with a useful underground part. And in the new moon and the full moon we try not to touch the plants.

What can and can not be done on a growing and descending moon

Each person needs to know what can be done on a growing and descending Moon so that all the undertakings are successful.

What can not be done on a growing moon:

  • conduct planned operations, since the recovery period can delay, can hold swelling of soft tissues and more coarse scars are formed;
  • ensure to eat if you do not want to quickly add in weight.

On the growing moon it is worth:

  • do strength exercises muscle mass will be well increasing;
  • restore forces;
  • feed the body with vitamins food additives, useful substances and products that will be well assigned;
  • making nutritious masks, massages with natural oils.

What can not be done on a decreasing moon:

  • stream hair, wanting to speed up their growth;
  • carrying out rejuvenating procedures (less effective);
  • nature skin hair.

At the descending moon is:

  • carry out planned operations, taking into account zodiac sign Moon;
  • perform procedures for cleansing the body from toxins (more efficiently on the phases of dispersion and balsamic);
  • take drugs contributing to weight loss (immediately after the full moon);
  • apply the purification organism of grass and medicine;
  • to coincide the course of hirudotherapy (leeches);
  • extend extra hairs on the body;
  • remove warts, papillomas, pigment stains;
  • corn;
  • fight fungus;
  • do a manicure, pedicure;
  • carry cleaning skin, peeling;
  • was laundry, clean things.


  • If an emergency operation is needed, it is carried out without taking into account the phase and sign of the position of the Moon.
  • When planning the deadline, consider the recommendations given in the calendar. If, for example, in the calendar it is indicated: throats are vulnerable, thyroid gland (moon in the Taurus sign), then avoid any intervention in these organs. Observing recommendations, you will avoid complications.

What are the moon phases

The land and the moon are moving together around the sun, and the interval between new moon is called a synodic period. "Synodic" translated from Greek - "Rapid". During the new moon, the moon seems to be with the sun in the sky. The synodic month ranges from 29.25 to 29.83 days. The reason is the ellipticity of the lunar orbit. The average duration of the synodic month is 29,53059 days, or 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3.0 seconds.

During this time, the moon passes a certain series of phases. All phases moon month Defended by the corner interconnection of the Moon with the Sun. The synodic cycle consists of eight lunar phases, each of which has its own energy and semantic effect. There is another phase Moon And energy changes in nature, without reflecting on all earthvelopes.

Each lunar phase is like a "speed switch". The following is described what phases of the moon and how they affect all living things.

Phase New Moon - People period, the conditional point of "zero". Nature is resting. All processes are reduced. It is important at this time to be equilibrium, economically spend the forces.

Sickle phase. There is a thin month. Awakening energy, desires. Time of new projects. "SEW seeds." It is on this phase that the folk accept, shake coins so that they arrived.

First quarter. At the beginning of this phase, like on the last quarter, the moon looks like an orange slice. Phase personal action, motivation. Energy is increasing, the need to materialize desires. "Drink sleeves".

Convex moon. Very active, active phase. Confidence increasing, desire to express knowledge and skills. "Testing fruit."

Full moon.The highest point of the cycle. The peak of the energy, which since the full moon begins to smoothly decline. Someone on this phase is easily, joyful, and someone feels discomfort. "Harvesting".

Scattering phase. The time of thinking the current situation, the use of skills and resources acquired during the growth period. "Crop processing."

Last quarter. Delightness, smooth, measured life. Manifestation of skill. "Production of wine."

Balsamic phase. The latter, the final phase of the cycle. A tangible reduction in energy and interest in what was worried in this cycle, "Liberation". Cleansing the energy of space and internal dialogue about what it is worth practicing on the new cycle of the moon.

"Everything is your time ..." and those who adhere to the lunar "schedule" are more successful, they "float through" the energy of life and thereby more reasonably waste life forces!

Phases - "Seasons" of the Lunar month

Comparing the phases of the moon with the time of year, it can be said that:

  • the phases of the sickle and the first quarter are spring,
  • convex and full moon - summer
  • scattering phases and last quarter - autumn,
  • balsamic and New Moon - Winter.

How do these phases "seasons" of the Moon affect a person, and how can this knowledge can be used when leaving for yourself?

"Spring" - moisturizes. For example, the "spring", in the phase of the sickle moon and in the first quarter, on the growing moon, you can make a chemical twist, as the hair is easier to withstand this drying procedure. But at the same time, the zodiac sign in which the moon is located. For this procedure is undesirable to carry out if the moon is in the signs of Aries, cancer or fish.

"Summer" - warms. Considering the influence of the Moon on the human body, on the convex phase and the full moon effectively any cold impact, for example, the removal of moles with liquid nitrogen. However, if the moon is in the sign of the Capricorn, then you can not affect the skin.

"Autumn" - dried. "Autumn", in the scattering phase and the last quarter of the moon, the skin needs moisture. All water procedures will be effective, moisturizing masks.

"Winter" - cools. On the balsamic phase of the lunar month and to the new moon, you can expect, for example, from the depilation of hot wax, from a bath, saunas.

Do not forget that every time, using the "seasonal" recommendations, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the Moon phases per person in the zodiac sign.

Apogia and Perigesm Moon

In addition to personal predisposition to "Wardering" there are also external factors of influence. One of the "guilt" is the moon, or rather, its remoteness from the ground.

The "companion" of our planet has a specific trajectory of movement in the form of an ellipse. The nearest point of the orbit of the Heavenly Body (Moon) to the center of attraction, that is, to the ground, - Perige. The opposite point - Apogee Moon - the most distant point of the lunar orbit. By the way, our satellite is never removed from the center of the Earth by more than 406.7 thousand kilometers and does not approach it closer than 356.41 thousand kilometers. Depending on whether the moon is in Apoghee or Perigue, the human well-being changes.

When the moon in suitoe, we increase the performance, the feeling of fearlessness appears. Excessive optimism may be manifested, the recklessness is that "the sea is knee." For example, being driving, the driver can lose caution and do not feel the speed, the rhythm of movement. In the emotional plan, at this time, a person has a high degree of involvement, that is, it may be imperceptible to themselves in the "black hole" of relationships, an event. At such days, it is difficult to feel the face of the permitted and possible, therefore, the number of injuries, accidents, is usually increasing.

At this time, you must try not to lose control of yourself and the situation, track all "re-", slow down, and also limit the reception of any stimulants starting with coffee. By the way, when the moon in suitoeee, removed as much as possible from the ground, the influence of its phases and zodiac signs is somewhat weakened.

But the most difficult thing is the perige, the moon closest to Earth. It is enough to remember the Shakespeare Hero Othello, leaning jealousy under the influence of the Moon in Periguee: "... all over the moon ... not to moderately approached the Earth and drives everyone crazy ..." Under Perigeny Moon, the peak of the Caribbean crisis of 1962, almost impertped us in Nuclear war.

For example, biologists have already been proven: when the moon in perigue, the growth of plants increases, and the seeds adsorb the greatest amount of moisture, especially in the full moon phase. Experts do not advise sowing, landing, transplanting and rooting in days when the moon in Periguee. In addition, plants can overcome diseases and pests, and their root roots "will go to Bottva", even if they were planted, as expected, on a decreasing moon. Naturally, a person affects the degree of intimacy of the moon. In some, as if the "roof breaks", on the soul "Cats scrake", the pressure on the psyche is felt. It is more difficult to carry such days people with an unstable nervous system. Especially dangerous combination of perigue with a new moon, full moon and eclipse. Statistics show that in days when the moon in Periguee, the number of cases of breaking of relations and even suicide increases. Therefore, avoid any clarification of relations, the introspection and criticism of yourself and others. We try to appreciate what is here and now. Just rejoice in life! See the starry sky more often!

It is known that in our Solar system The only source of its own light is the sun. All other celestial bodies of our system feed on solar energy, remaining in their position around the sun and reflecting its light. The satellite of our Earth is the moon, directing the light of the Sun towards our planet, is a kind of mirror for the Earth. The movement of the moon around the Earth and its certain position relative to the sun is made to divide on four phases of the moon.

There are four main phases of the lunar month:

  • (1 - Phase moon)
  • (2 - Phase moon)
  • (3 - Phase of the Moon)
  • (4 - Phase moon)

Being in its movement around the Earth in the shade of our planet, reflects the sunlight then one, then another half of the disk. At the energy level, the lunar phases are represented different kinds Shows solar energythat affect all types and forms of life on our planet.
Each lunar cycle phase affects its all earthly, which is due primarily, with the degree of remoteness of the moon from the Sun. Cardinal changes occur twice a month: when the mooner peopic grows, until it turns into a complete disk, then decreases until it disappears at all. Not only our overall health depends on the influence of the moon phase, but also the nature of various life situations.

The growing phase of the moon is called the period flowing from the new moon to the full moon.

The decreasing phase of the moon is called the period flowing after the full moon.

The effect of the growing phase of the moon

During we more emotionally react to the situation and phenomena of the surrounding world. During this period, energy is accumulated, and therefore more favorable planning. From the new moon to the full moon, it is good to begin new things, to make important decisions, lead responsible negotiations, etc.

Effect of decreasing phase of the moon

On emotions, on the contrary, they slow down, we have reduced sensitivity and susceptibility. At this time, it is favorable correctly to waste accumulated energy, and therefore continuing to continue well, to complete things. Both phases growing and decreasing the moon are still divided into two parts, each of the four periods lasts about a week.
Features of each phase of the moon separately:


- This is such a phase period in which the moon is not visible at all in the sky because it is on the same line with the land and the sun. At this time, the moon "shows" our dark sidewhich is not illuminated by the sun. New moon can affect a person for several days. During this period, a person feels depressed, exhausted, often accompanying his headaches. At the same time, there is an acceleration of fluid output from the body and accelerated exchange substances. For new miles, many people have a violation of the psyche, phobias and mania are manifested. It is not very desirable at this time to start developing something new and meet suspicious people.

When the phases of the moon change, it also affects a person, as well as the change of sun cycles. A lot of astrologers are confident in the presence of points of contact between these two planets. The moon also has four phases. They are called quarters.

The first phase of the moon is associated with the elements of the earth

She begins with the emergence of the month in the sky and lasts exactly half the term from the new moon to the full moon, that is, 1-7 days of the lunar month, and ends in the first quarter. Spring in spring sunny calendarthat is, means the beginning of everything. During this phase, the brain in humans is very active. If during this period make plans, they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. Increases the overall activity and the desire to do. But it is not very hurry too, it's better to think better, count and, slowly, proceed to the execution of the plan.

During this period will be effective treatment Eye and heads. Also this period favors agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase will grow perfectly and bring a wonderful harvest.

It is characterized by the acquisition of emotional equilibrium. During this period, we have large potential capabilities that must be used to achieve their goal.

The second phase (first quarter) of the moon, associated with water element

Duration: time from the first quarter to the full moon, which corresponds to the 8th to the 15th.
At this time, we will see half the moon disk in the sky. By the solar cycle is summer. The most productive period, the period of filling the energy. This is the best time to change work, travel, public speeches.

This moon phase is well suited for the treatment of the gastric bubble, liver, a large intestine.

They advise in this period to plant and replant plants, rooting the cuttings.

This period is strong emotional tension. At this time, we, more than ever, we need spiritual comfort, and therefore very painfully perceive indifference and alienation. This phase of the moon is suitable for effective resolution of conflicts, solving problems and overcoming discontent, maintaining difficult negotiations and knowingly unpleasant meetings, and the proper negotiations will certainly give a good result.

Full moon

At this time we see the moon completely in all its glory. Moonlight, in this phase of the moon, can influence people in different ways. Yes, and the body has been fiercely consumed during this period. Insomnia, increased irritability and emotionality can manifest.

Alcohol can be dangerous. At this time it happens the most a large number of road traffic accidents, man-made accidents and disasters.

It is better at this time not to carry out surgical operations.

Also, during no need to transplant plants, it will be much better to do them with a weeding and soil looser.

Third Phase of the Moon, associated with the elementAir

It comes into effect after the full moon when the lunar disk begins to decrease. Its duration is from 16 to 22 moon day. It comes autumn over the solar cycle. The period is characterized by balanced activities and maturity.

This phase is very well suited to complete your affairs.

At this time, energy is best spent, and the appetite decreases. That is why many nutritionists recommend starting a fight against overweight and cellulite at this time.

It is desirable during this phase to plant root and bully.

At this time, we are most open to communicate, openly express our feelings and go to social contacts. During this period, we can easily overestimate your strength, so you should not find out the relationship, bring up children with a volitional way. There may be an effect of oversupply of feelings for the most minor reasons, inadequate perception of reality, when the petty seems important and significant.

The fourth phase of the Moon associated with the element of fire

It comes into action from the second week after the full moon, and lasts until the next new moon from 23 - 30

Moon affects man? Some belong to this skeptical, others subordinate their life to the lunar calendar. Who is right?

Remember the school lessons of geography, which were taught that herbs and flows in the seas and oceans directly depend on the phase of the moon. And the person, as we know, 80% consists of water and it means that we want it or not, and the Phases of the Moon really have a certain impact on us. It is most acutely manifested when the Earth's satellite is in the full moon phase.

People have long noticed that during this period, emotions are exacerbated, riding joy or despair can smell suddenly, and inexorable statistics show that the highest percentage of suicides accounted for this time, as well as the exacerbation of various chronic diseases and primarily mental. No wonder the human fantasy attributes increased activity at a time when it is full moon, in all sorts of evil spirits: Vurdalakov, gibs, werewolves and witches.

"Bloody Moon" July 2018. The NASA reported that July 27 was the longest moon eclipse Over the past 100 years. In Kiev time, it took place at 23.21. Photo: Reuters.

Moon Mathematics

The lunar month consists of four phases: new moon, full moon, growing and decreasing moon. The first lunar day marks the beginning of the new moon. At 7-8. moon day It accounts for the first quarter of the lunar month, the full moon from 14 to 17 lunar day. Third quarter - 22 and 23 lunar days. The fourth quarter is the end of the lunar month.

If you decide to analyze your condition from the point of view of lunar phases, it is better to purchase the lunar calendar in which all days are clearly indicated.

What to wait to the full moon?

It is unlikely that a full-bended night to you in the window will knock the vampire asking you to let. Do not wait for it. In addition, not everyone is "given" to feel the influence of the shining in principle, and those who have such happiness fell, this is different. But something in general is there.

First of all, the nervous system is "suffering", especially in people with a subtle psyche. Many are sharpened or reflexes are changing, a surge is observed both positive and negative emotions: Fatal doom, desperate joy, inexplicable phobias. Even the very healthy people These days complain about insomnia.

During the lunar eclipse-2018 there was almost 100% combination of the center of the Moon and the center of the earth's shadow. At the time of the eclipse of the moon, the earth and the sun were on the same line, while the planet was located between the sun and the moon and departed her natural satellite from sunlight. Photo: IPA RAS

But not only on mental processes and emotional state can affect the moon. Numerous experiments (known since the time of the hippocrates) prove that the rate of metabolism in the full moon is sharply reduced in organism, it negatively acts onto the state of blood, which is explained by the acceleration biochemical processes. Conclusion is simple: it is better not to assign operations for these days. First, the bleeding occurs more often, which is difficult to stop, and secondly, the process of recovery will occur more for a long time. But the cleansing of the body these days will be as efficient as possible.

It is hard to experience the full moon to people with a heart and hypertension: stable heart work is broken, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

The risk of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning is increasing, which is explained by the activation of the vital activity of various viruses and microbes. In addition, specialists are noted, drugs at this time are less effective, the risk of side effects increases.

"Bloody Moon" July 2018. Photo: IPA RAS

Moon-Moon, love-love ...

There is one more interesting feature full moon: At this time, the passage of ripened eggs accelerates through the foolopiev pipes and its hit in the uterus, that is, in those few days, when the full moon is standing, the possibility of conception increases many times. This condition of the body is supported by an intensified deposit to the opposite sex, so be alert, those who are protected from unwanted pregnancy, and catch these days those who seek to conceive.

Is it possible to protect against the full moon?

Do not rely on the will of the case and do not be a fatalist, writing off all problems on the luminaire, much depends on you, your behavior during this period.

It is better not to use alcohol at this time: the psyche for everything reacts exacerbates, and the protective mechanisms of the body decrease. Even if you are invited to an important event and can not "not affect", limit, for example, a glass of wine.

Make your psyche and do not load it additionally watching horror movies, criminal news, and some particularly sensitive and emotional agents and ordinary enough to get stress. Temporarily give up such dubious pleasure - care yourself.

The same can be said about communication with people unpleasant to you: if it fails to abandon it at all, try to reduce stressful communication to the minimum.

Questions readers

18 October 2013, 17:25

Good day. My baby is 3 months and 2 weeks, and we do not pass colic, for the third night it shouts shouting, as much as I am a gas-driving tube, it turns out with the feet, and he still does not have a cocal. We were advised to drink Riabal, I gave him, he did everything out. It is constant Temp 37, 37.1. They did the ultrasound of pressure, but there is a meteorism. And he can sometimes green, and there are undigested elements of milk. Maybe you should feed the baby? Tell me what to do and if you enter, what? Thanks in advance.

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And in full moon is happiness

Interesting situation with the 13th 15th lunar days . The first one is considered one of the most unfavorable and even life-threatening, but at the same time it is the best day in the month in order to solve or somehow smooth family conflicts.

And the 15th, about which they say he is the most conflict and deceptive, promises a quick recovery to all those who have sick on this day.

Keep the situation under control, and you can benefit from this state of the month. Noticed, for example, that these days the best way Those cases that require a "special" approach to people are managed. When you need to ask about something, you need to ask something - ask, require - find the right tone and you will not refuse.