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Moon phase for the month of September. The Magic of Numbers


The phases of the moon have an impact on the nature around us, and on every person, even if we do not always notice the obvious. Knowing everything about the state of the moon, you will be able to manage your future, build only realistic plans and get rid of mistakes.

The New Moon in September 2016 is in Virgo. And this is a favorable combination for any practical matter, for example, in order to fight bad habits, repay debts, strengthen life or carry out repairs. But be careful: solar eclipse, which astronomers also scheduled for the 1st, threatens to confuse plans and turn into unpredictable consequences. To be ready for anything, you can read more about the eclipses in September.

According to lunar calendar, the growing moon will be the most favorable time in September 2016. At this time, the energy of summer has not yet given way to the energy of extinction, which is often activated in autumn. Until September 15, days can be considered summer, despite the weather, as they are charged with the sun and creative energy. During this time, you can easily close the gestalts, finish the things that you have been putting off, perhaps, all summer.

A particularly good growing moon affects the condition of the hair. Read more about this, especially if you are going to not indulge in autumn depression, but instead change the image along with the hairstyle or color of your curls.

The full moon in September 2016 will appear in the sky on the 16th. The moon is in Pisces, and this entails uncertainty and the first signs of an autumn bad mood. Drive him away! Astrologers will tell you how not to make mistakes on the Full Moon, guided by your Zodiac Sign.

Be careful with alcoholic drinks, even if you are not driving, but today you have a meeting with friends. A hot drink can also negatively affect the agreement between close friends, and even if you are at a corporate party or among unfamiliar people, alcohol can even cause you to not make the impression you were counting on.

The waning moon in September is great for taking care of your health and finances. Usually in the second half of September it is customary to stock up for the winter, thinking about the first results. For many, this time will bring the well-deserved fruits of your efforts for the year.

Psychic Elena Yasevich can give good advice about rituals for the aging moon. Learn more about how to bring money and harmony into your home by clearing your mind with meditation.

For many, September remains the time when it is worth preparing for the difficulties of everyday life, which has been going on since school days. Some perceive September as parting with summer, the time for warm sweaters, scarves, and boots. Someone tries not to become discouraged, and someone, knowing that there is such a handy hint as the lunar calendar, makes a plan for the month in order to be fully equipped, not to waste energy in vain. The lunar cycle in September 2016 is represented by periods:

September 1 - the new moon phase begins;
September 2 - 8 - the period of the growing moon;
September 9 - first quarter;
September 10 - 15 - the period of the growing moon lasts;
September 16 - full moon phase;
September 17 - 22 - the period of the waning moon begins;
September 23 - third quarter;
September 24 - 30 - the period of the waning moon continues.

Lunar calendar for September 2016 - a brief forecast

The lunar calendar for September 2016 begins with a new moon, and this good news, the month opens a favorable period, with the exception of September 1 (an unfavorable critical point). Since the moon is just being born on this day, there is a change of cycles. As a result, a person feels weak and tired, he lacks vital energy. Therefore, in the first two days of the autumn month, you should take care of your health, avoid all kinds of stress, and in no way overload yourself with work.

At the beginning of the month, it is useful to do light physical exercises, yoga, meditation. Perhaps you should find a suitable diet for yourself or organize the right diet. It is also advisable to visit a doctor and undergo a complete diagnostic examination by specialists to prevent the development of diseases and improve the body as a whole. As a result, strength, desire and vitality will appear for further actions.

During the growth of the moon, it is advisable to start planning, distributing upcoming affairs, meetings, future projects that I would like to carry out in the near future.

In the current period, while the lunar calendar for September 2016 is gaining momentum, maximum concentration, increased mental activity and, possibly, non-standard thinking will be required. To achieve this, you can use training for the brain, drink more vitamins, alternate mental activity with physical activity. And this will help change the "decoration" - you can diversify everyday life pleasant, bright events (visiting exhibitions, going to the cinema or theater, participating in city events, and so on).

Toward the middle of the month, the period of energy accumulation and business planning ends, and an active week begins instead. This is the highest point of the lunar calendar, the climax, a period of decisive action and bold deeds. V this moment there is an opportunity to change your life drastically or to direct it in a different direction. It all depends on the actions taken. Everything that has been accumulated, now the lunar calendar offers to use it wisely. This is the period of implementation of all plans, enterprises and projects. Here, in no case should one miss opportunities, because it is not known whether they will appear in the future or not.

The current period will last until September 15, then comes the full moon phase (another critical point). Starting from this date in the lunar calendar, you need to switch, so to speak, to an energy-saving mode, because this period is characterized by a breakdown, failures nervous system, immunocompromised. On the day of the full moon, it is advisable not to make any important decisions, everything should be measured and calm. It is important to try to achieve inner harmony, this will help to overcome the upcoming unfavorable period.

By the end of the month, the lunar cycle enters the last phase of the waning moon. This is the time to take stock, analyze the work done in the current period and draw up a complete picture. The lunar calendar opens up a favorable moment for correcting mistakes, bringing the work started to the end point. The experience gained will undoubtedly be useful in future work and any other activity.

Since, along with the waning of the moon, vital energy also decreases, it is necessary to relax, take care of your own health. Wellness procedures will be useful. You can visit a bath, pool or sauna, use the services of a professional massage therapist, and also start taking a multivitamin course or include herbal teas and fresh fruits in your daily menu.

For a detailed study of the lunar cycle in September 2016, you can use the table below.

Lunar calendar for September 2016 by day

In order to find out brief description certain day, you can use the daily forecast of the lunar calendar 2016.

September 1- An unfavorable day for laborious work, vigorous activity. Although this day requires increased activity and the solution of numerous tasks, it is necessary to concentrate on one thing, save your strength and nerves. If you need to sum up the work or complete the work you have started, then today is the very day.

September 2- Today, the lunar calendar does not show the best day when it is worth dealing with financial issues or making important deals. It is better to refuse all work with money, papers and documents. This is the time to spend on health. Also a good option for today will be creative work.

September 3- In the lunar calendar, a favorable time to visit a beauty salon or a hairdresser. However, it is better to refuse haircuts, you can use hair care products. It is important to take care of your health and appearance. This will help career growth, improve relationships with others.

4 September- Today, the lunar calendar calls you to nature, you can have a picnic or just take a walk in the park. Communication with friends and loved ones will also bring many benefits. auspicious color today - dark or muted green. If this color does not quite fit the wardrobe, you can use jade or amazonite jewelry.

September 5- On this day, you can safely go on a long journey or start a new journey. If you want to start new life- now the lunar calendar shows the most suitable time for this. A change of image will bring novelty to life, help you find new friends or business partners.

6 September- A great time to make appointments and dates. A good day to spend with family and friends. Don't miss a visit today mass events, any presentations or seminars. The day is conducive to mental work and the acquisition of new skills. In the wardrobe, it is better to use bright yellow colors, bold solutions that will help you become more noticeable and attractive.

September 7- If a trip to the hairdresser is planned for today, you can safely go. The lunar calendar approves a radical change in the image, which means that interesting new haircuts and dyeing in a different color are possible. Hair will remain shiny and well-groomed for a long time, and the haircut will not lose its shape. If there are any misunderstandings, you should not stir up conflicts, but it is better to settle everything peacefully.

8 September– A neutral day that is suitable for scheduling, planning future work, upcoming meetings and projects. It is undesirable to engage important things requiring a lot of attention and time. You can spend the day with your family or in a relaxed friendly atmosphere.

9th of September- Today the lunar calendar indicates a day for household chores and chores. You should not move far from home, make important decisions or work with documentation. Today you can finish what was started before. It is also not recommended to engage in planning, as this will not bring any benefit in the future. This day is patronized by black, so elegant and strict classics will be a great addition to business.

10 September- The right time to start entrepreneurial activity, opening your own business. Also, the lunar calendar suggests that this day contributes to establishing peace in the family, strengthening relationships with loved ones. To gain self-confidence and achieve inner harmony, you can add rich red shades to your wardrobe.

11 September– Time for making decisions, moving, business trips. The best thing you can do on this day is to complete all unfinished business, solve existing problems. You should be careful and prudent, because the lunar calendar predicts an increased risk of injury. Avoid high heels or platform shoes.

12-th of September- It is desirable to dedicate this day to charity or helping people around you, relatives and friends. As a result, the material condition will noticeably improve. Today it is important to pay special attention to your own habits and behavior. It is better to refuse visiting beauty salons or transfer them to another day.

September 13- In the lunar calendar is very right time to start learning something new, acquiring useful skills and gaining experience. You can work with important papers and documents, make financial transactions. All this will make life much easier in the future. In the wardrobe, it is better to use a business classic suit, which will contribute to career growth and will attract the attention of the authorities.

September 14- The lunar calendar asks you not to worry, because today everything depends on your mood. If you recharge with positive for the whole day, then things will go uphill, all scheduled meetings will be successful. It is good to do physical work. It is important not to allow sadness or melancholy in today, as this can lead to depression. Comfortable cozy clothes warm colors help you feel more comfortable.

September 15th- This day of the lunar calendar is distinguished by its regularity and calmness. Today you can take care of your health (first of all, avoid stress). It will be useful to walk on fresh air reading exciting books and playing music (or even just listening to it). For a change, you can use the delivery of Japanese cuisine to your home, which will also help to combine business with pleasure.

16 of September“All the words spoken today have significant weight and consequences, so do not throw them thoughtlessly. Since the full moon phase begins according to the lunar calendar, it is worth paying special attention to your health and mental state. We must try to avoid quarrels, conflicts, ambiguous situations. The day is traumatic, so it is advisable to spend it with family, close to relatives and friends. Avoid bright, contrasting colors in your wardrobe. Pastel shades- that's what really suits today.

September 17- Once again, the lunar calendar pleases with positive energy. A great day for a pleasant and fun pastime. Today you can go out of town with friends or go to the movies. Attending mass events will also be favorable. On this day, it is great to arrange friendly meetings, parties or corporate parties. However, it is better to refuse to visit makeup artists or hairdressers.

September 18- Have you gone on vacation yet? The lunar calendar for September 2016 insistently requires a break, because this is a great moment to start a trip or journey. Also a very good time to work with different kind information. Knowledge of something new, received on this day, will help in work, communication with management. Today you can afford to relax a little, but you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages, as there is a risk of poisoning.

September 19- The lunar calendar shows an unfavorable time for important events, business meetings and the start of serious projects. In order to avoid losses and senseless spending, it is better to transfer it to another day. Today you can practice daily affairs or mental work. Time spent alone will have a good effect on internal qualities, will allow you to reconsider your outlook on life.

September 20- From today, the lunar calendar advises to come to grips with your health and physical fitness. Wellness treatments, physical training, yoga or meditation, proper nutrition and mode - these are the main points that need to be given maximum attention. From clothes it is better to choose cozy and practical cardigans, various knitted things. They emphasize individuality and maintain health.

September 21- Auspicious day to change jobs. Since health is at stake, you should visit a masseur or sauna, and you can also start a course of herbal medicine. This will help keep you healthy and vital energy. To enhance the effect, you can use all shades of sky and blue in your wardrobe. Particularly organic will be light accessories in the form of a silk shawl, sophisticated jewelry without massive stones.

September 22nd- Today, the lunar calendar warns that it is undesirable to plan business meetings or meetings. In general, on this day it is desirable to avoid all kinds of contacts. Better to do your own research or learn something new. The time spent studying today will be of great benefit.

23 September- According to the lunar calendar, it is best to do household chores, rearrangement, cleaning and home improvement. The day is also favorable for planning and distributing upcoming tasks. To escape the mundane, you can take a moment and transform your wardrobe by buying a few bright pieces for an accent and the upcoming winter season.

September 24- An unfavorable day for attending mass events, presentations. Spend it at the hearth. For travel and travel, the day is neutral. It is undesirable to make fateful decisions.

September 25- Today, the lunar calendar calls in no case to be inactive or indulge in sadness. It will be useful to spend time outdoors, walks, trips out of town. You can have a small picnic or go fishing. In order not to look sloppy and untidy, you can use military or safari style in clothes.

September 26– A day for cleansing the body, strengthening procedures, achieving inner peace and balance. On this day, you can go to the spa or swimming pool, do yoga or martial arts. White color Today is perfect for creating a new look.

September 27- On this day, the lunar calendar asks you not to work at the limit of your strength, it is advisable to save them for further planning and organizing upcoming projects. It is important not to miss the moment when you can enjoy communication with family and relatives. We should not forget today about those who need help.

September 28- Unfavorable time for business projects and entrepreneurial activities. It is recommended to spend more time in nature, go on trips and trips. In order to be lucky, you can use shades of pink or purple in your wardrobe.

September 29- Today, according to the lunar calendar, it is very important to monitor your own emotions and keep them under control. Large acquisitions and long-planned purchases will prove useful and profitable. The current events of today depend on the mood, so it is advisable to avoid intrusive and unpleasant thoughts.

September 30th- A day for ordinary and everyday activities. You can not make important decisions and do rash acts. This may affect subsequent events. It is important to avoid stress and overexertion. You can resort to the help of a stylist or hairdresser and freshen up your appearance a little.

This is how the lunar calendar for September 2016 turned out, and how to use the tips is up to you. The main thing is not to let yourself indulge in despondency, especially on days when she can so easily take over the mood. Healthy optimism, still warm weather, a possible vacation or a trip with loved ones in nature will be yours the best defenders from empty feelings.

See forecasts for lunar calendars for other months:

Lunar calendar for 2016

(select the month you are interested in and follow the link)

Replaces fourth.
At 12:03 the 1st Lunar day begins. until 05:46 the 29th Lunar day continues

Symbols - hydra, octopus.
The moon is not visible in the sky, and there is very little energy accumulated earlier. This is the critical day when the negativity of the entire lunar month comes together before being burned at the moment of the new moon. Try to keep track of your thoughts and events of the day. If it is successful for you, then you deserve help from dark forces and your behavior and thoughts are far from well-known moral principles Christianity or any other world religion. Difficulties that arise on these days can be considered a blessing; because higher power they did not turn away from you and show your problems on the external level. A highly spiritual person practically does not feel the influence of this day, but there are only a few such people on our Earth. The main recommendations for behavior on the 29th day are humility and repentance. We must humbly accept punishment, as it is the result of what we have previously done. It is necessary to drive away negative thoughts from yourself. It’s good to give yourself an attitude in the morning so that you don’t think about anything bad. No worries, no doubts, no torment. On this day, you can’t completely get away from business and you need to bring everything to the end, but you need responsibility and building reliable protection from negativity, opposition to it. It is necessary to observe fasting, abstinence. You can not start new cases and even plan them. False connections should be cut off, annoying people and annoying thoughts should be driven away, and the body should be cleansed. Before going to bed, it is useful to cleanse with water: hold in cold water legs. It is recommended to light a lampada, a candle, fumigate the house with wild rosemary. Should be avoided muddy water, darkness and dark rooms. Items made of bone should not be worn. Food should consist mainly of baked (cereal) products - pies, pancakes. They are important to bake in the house. If the 29th day is the last in the lunar month, it is advisable to take stock of the month before going to bed.
Divination. Don't guess.
dreams can be heavy and unpleasant, but they are deceptive.
Medically the rectum and anus are connected with these lunar days. Problems in these organs show that you have bad defense and discharge goes to the rectum.
Do not approach each other on this day. Spend it in Prayer and ask for a better fate for your child. The day is extremely unfavorable for the birth of a new life. Face to face, the born will meet with Satan and all the suffering that such a meeting brings. He is waiting for the fate of a murderer, a sadist doomed to suffering or a black monk, a tireless fighter against evil.
Those born on this lunar day will not live long without outside help or without the support of good aspects in the birth horoscope with Jupiter or Venus. They may have many problems.
They fight with someone all their lives. As a rule, centenarians, but losers. They can only be given one piece of advice: go through all the illusions and temptations, fill all sorts of bumps and try to get out of the trials alive and with dignity. at 05:46 the 30th lunar day begins

The symbol is a golden swan.
These lunar day not everyone is moon month and they must be used. This is a day of debriefing, a day of forgiveness and love, a time of great measure and complete harmony. A harmonious day when light, goodness and love triumph again on Earth. On this day, you need to carefully analyze your path and try to wash away all sins from yourself. It is necessary to cleanse oneself, to renew oneself for a new life - to wash off everything old, to give up everything unnecessary, superficial, to forgive everyone and stay in love and harmony with the world. The day of acceptance of spiritual initiation and transition to a new circle of development. Thank the outgoing month for the lessons and discoveries it has brought you. And with a pure heart, prepare to enter the new lunar month. It is especially important to take stock before a solar eclipse. On this day, you should complete all the things you started this month, you don’t need to start new ones, even make plans early - wait until the first lunar day. Throw away the fuss, everything superfluous - enjoy life, contemplate, learn beauty, give people joy, distribute debts, while showing mercy. It is necessary to clean the house, in particular, by introducing talismans (horseshoe). Food should be light, not meaty, not coarse. It is recommended to work with stones.
Divination. For all.
dreams. Dreams on these lunar days are true and prophetic. From them we can understand what mistakes we made during the month.
Medically these days are associated with the heart, as well as the pineal gland of the brain. Heart attacks on this day are dangerous. Other diseases that began at this time do not promise a quick recovery, but if you manage to defeat this disease, life extension awaits you, and rejuvenation processes can begin.
Life-rest awaits your future baby. He may be somewhat limited or seem so, because his wisdom will be such that he will be too lazy to talk about what is known in the whole Universe. Harmony in marriage and the acquisition of an ideal, peace and a sense of home are the best that can await a child conceived on this day. The main thing is mercy and love for everything and everyone. Raise him this way before birth.
Those born on this lunar day may have either physical disabilities or mental limitations - their health will have to be dealt with for a long time and seriously.
People of this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, monogamous. Gifted with the highest cosmic love, these people went through the whole circle of incarnations. This is one of their last incarnations at this level - they will most likely not be born on Earth again. at 12:03 the 1st Lunar day begins

The symbol is a lamp.
A very clean day. The process that takes place on these days is cleansing. In the first rays of the Sun, illuminating the Moon, the dirt of the soul must burn. The lunar cycle is just beginning, so this day is perfect for creative ideas and plans for the month ahead. The plans and dreams of this day come true if the thoughts are pure and if you think them over in detail and imagine them as vividly as possible. It is very important if they match yours. true desires and needs and are really important to you. In this case, they are successfully implemented without your intervention. On this day, many contacts are not recommended, it is not favorable for group work. It is necessary to return to the roots, remember childhood, read books on the history of your people, consider your own actions, and analyze the path traveled. On this day, it is good to forgive insults to relatives and friends, as well as enemies. It is favorable to mentally repent before your conscience - by doing this you will contribute to the ordering of world chaos. If the length of the day allows, it is useful to sit by the fire, fireplace, or just by the flame of a lit candle. We strongly advise you not to abuse food, alcohol, smoking, drugs on this day. From the beginning of the new moon, spend a day on a strict diet, and if health allows, go hungry. If the 1st lunar day is very short, continue fasting the entire second lunar day. You should not start new business - limit yourself to plans and dreams. By creating negative mental images, we can create realities that can then bring misfortune.
Divination. Don't guess.
dreams. If something good is dreaming - this is to joy, if it is bad - easily let it go from you. The dreams of this day are not heavy.
Medically this day is associated with the brain and the front part of the head: you should not overwork, drink alcohol, eat spicy and very hot food. Physiologically difficult day, compacts the internal organs.
A child conceived on this day will be kept and protected by Heaven. He will have the strength of the spirit, he will have a long and interesting life. Maybe a priest. It is necessary to prepare for such a day of conception with a long fast, spiritual and physical.
Those born on this lunar day, as a rule, live to a ripe old age, especially if in their individual horoscope there is no bad influence of a malefic planet: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, sometimes Neptune.
They are a little children all their lives: like a child, they are always waiting for something, dreaming. They begin to act very energetically and brightly. Capable of accomplishing a feat.

September 1, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days (05:46/12:03), Moon in Virgo, new moon at 12:03, solar eclipse at 12.06. It is not recommended to start new business. Try to think only about the good, since any of your thoughts today can be realized later in a completely unpredictable way.

September 2, 2016, 2 lunar day (07:01), the growing Moon in Virgo. Good day for signing contracts. Clarity and compliance with agreements in all matters is important. In the first place today are the interests of the group, the collective.

September 3, 2016, 3 lunar day (08:14), the growing Moon in Virgo/Libra (03:55). A good day to start trips and travels, to make contacts and connections, new acquaintances. If you are planning important things for today, leave doubts and fears and boldly go towards your goal.

September 4, 2016, 4 lunar day (09:27), the growing Moon in Libra. A great day for acquaintances, communication, exchange of information. The more you give today, the more you will receive, as this is a day of mercy and generosity.

September 5, 2016 5 lunar day (10:37), the growing Moon in Libra / Scorpio. Today it is not recommended to sign documents, give verbal and written commitments. Try to remember the dream you had - it may contain important clues.

September 6, 2016, 6 lunar day (11:47), the growing Moon in Scorpio. Today it is necessary to be principled in important issues, to have your own position and opinion and defend them, to call a spade a spade, as this is the day for the defense of justice.

September 8, 2016, 8 lunar day (14:02), the growing Moon in Scorpio / Sagittarius. A day of surprises and surprises. Do not wait for them, change your life yourself, take bold initiatives, do something that you have never done before, dare - and success will become your companion.

September 9, 2016, 9 lunar day (15:04), the growing Moon in Sagittarius. Today it is not recommended to make purchases, start new business and make responsible decisions. You should not make plans, as life will certainly make its own adjustments to them.

September 10, 2016, 10 lunar day (16:00), the growing Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn (15:54). Nice day to visit the temple. It is useful to arrange a fasting day, to establish an individual diet that is optimal for you. Avoid conflict situations.

September 11, 2016, 11 lunar day (16:49), the growing Moon in Capricorn. Any deeds and activities aimed at strengthening material well-being are favorable. This day is best spent in your home, with your family.

September 12, 2016, 12 lunar day (17:30), the growing Moon in Capricorn. Purchases made today will be for a long time give you pleasure. A great day to strengthen material well-being, sign important legal documents establishing mutually beneficial partnerships.

September 13, 2016, 13 lunar day (18:04), the growing Moon in Capricorn / Aquarius. A good day for financial and commercial affairs, for communication and new acquaintances. It's good to start trips and travels. In the evening, you can receive guests or go to visit yourself.

September 14, 2016, 14 lunar day (18:32), the growing Moon in Aquarius. Today it is preferable to engage in hard physical labor. It is better to postpone all important matters and making responsible decisions until a more favorable day.

September 15, 2016, 15 lunar day (18:55), the growing Moon in Aquarius / Pisces. A wonderful day for reading books, communicating with interesting people, for meetings "of interest." Do not lose optimism and good mood - and luck will be on your side.

September 16, 2016, 16 lunar day (19:16), Moon in Pisces, full moon at 22:05, lunar eclipse at 21:54. Today it is better to give up increased business activity and visiting crowded places. Everything that happens to you and around you must be taken seriously. The evening is best spent with family.

September 17, 2016, 17 lunar day (19:36), waning Moon in Pisces/Aries. A good day for trips and business meetings, creative search and amazing finds, for active actions aimed at realizing one's talents and abilities.

September 18, 2016, 18 lunar day (19:57), waning Moon in Aries. A good day for receiving and processing information, shopping, traveling and meeting, for a fun holiday in good company. It is not recommended to overeat, the food today should be the lightest.

September 19, 2016, 19 lunar day (20:20), waning Moon in Aries/Taurus. An auspicious day for any activities aimed at strengthening material well-being, as well as for attending a variety of cultural events.

September 20, 2016, 20 lunar day (20:47), waning Moon in Taurus. A good day for martial arts, for a lot of physical activity. A day of active undertakings and risk, when one cannot shy away from the struggle.

September 21, 2016, 21 lunar days (21:20), waning Moon in Taurus/Gemini. Another day aimed at strengthening material well-being. Day of active work. Idleness and laziness are categorically contraindicated - they can destroy well-being achieved with great difficulty.

September 22, 2016 22 lunar day (22:02), waning Moon in Gemini. The day is favorable for communication, establishing contacts and useful connections, for new acquaintances. Day of generosity and mercy. Help today those who need it - and get help yourself if needed.

September 23, 2016, 23rd lunar day (22:55), waning Moon in Gemini/Cancer. A day of big and serious things, carefully thought out and planned in detail in advance. You can travel and travel. Good to install healthy lifestyle life, sports.

September 24, 2016, 24 lunar day (23:56), waning Moon in Cancer. Today it is best to live "on a whim", since all plans can be implemented exactly the opposite way. It is useful to visit a bath or sauna, beautician, hairdresser.

September 25, 2016 continuation 24 lunar day, (16:47), waning Moon in Cancer/Leo. Great day to visit the temple. Sincere pious prayers will certainly be heard today. It is useful to be outdoors as much as possible and walk.

September 26, 2016 25 lunar day (01:06), waning Moon in Leo. A favorable day for collective events, but it is not recommended to work hard and overwork. Try to be in nature as much as possible. Traveling is not recommended.

September 27, 2016 26 lunar day (02:19), waning Moon in Leo. Any problems that arise should be dealt with immediately, as soon as they arise. Today, nothing can be postponed "for later." In the evening, be sure to pay attention to the children.

September 28, 2016, 27 lunar day (03:33), waning Moon in Leo/Virgo. Not recommended for active social activities, hurry and fuss, worry about anything. The calmer you are, the better this day will be for you.

September 29, 2016 28 lunar day (04:47), waning Moon in Virgo. A good day to start traveling and traveling, to sign important legal documents. Favorable for intellectual work, for solving logical problems.

September 30, 2016, 29 lunar day (06:00), waning Moon in Virgo/Libra. It is not recommended to start business and engage in important projects. It is best to devote this day to putting things in order at home, at work, in your thoughts and feelings. In no case do not violate peace and harmony.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in September 2016

  • September 3 1:13 - September 3 3:55.
  • September 5 3:30 - September 5 15:38.
  • September 8 3:42 - September 8 4:20.
  • September 10 3:51 - September 10 15:55.
  • September 12 13:00 - September 13 0:28.
  • September 14 18:31 - September 15 5:23.
  • September 16 22:05 - September 17 7:22.
  • September 18 23:10 - September 19 7:58.
  • September 21 6:32 - September 21 8:53.
  • September 23 10:57 - September 23 11:33.
  • September 25 4:42 - September 25 16:48.
  • September 27 11:52 - September 28 0:43.
  • September 29 13:05 - September 30 10:52.

Read also:

  • Lunar calendar for January 2016. New moon and full moon in January 2016.
  • Lunar calendar for February 2016. New moon and full moon in February 2016.

In order to monitor the state of the moon, there is a lunar calendar. It will help you make your life more orderly and meet lucky tickets on the way more often.

September 2016 is the beginning of a new autumn. Read the autumn horoscope for the next three months to find out more about what awaits you in the future.

September 1 and 2: The first two days of this month according to the lunar calendar will be very positive and positive for both work and love. Virgo will help to establish relationships with any person. However, a solar eclipse will begin on September 1st, so trouble may arise by the evening.

3, 4 and 5 September: Libra and the growing moon are far from the most the best combination, however, this does not mean that only disappointment will await you in these three days. At the center of everything will be your attitude to the world. As you think, so everything will happen.

September 6 and 7: These two will probably be the most productive for any job. Do not be afraid of loneliness on these 6 and 7 lunar days. It will allow you to concentrate on any problem. Believing in yourself will help you move mountains or win over someone you like.

September 8, 9 and 10: At first, Sagittarius will be very kind to us, but on September 9 and 10 it will be more difficult to achieve success in all areas of life. Demand from yourself more than you can, and then you will gain something in any case.

September 11 and 12: the growing Moon and Capricorn are those who will influence us in these two days. This time will be ambiguous, although very positive. A good mood will contribute to personal growth.

September 13 and 14: on the first day of Aquarius, the Moon will strongly resist him, so astrologers recommend not starting anything new. But on September 14, according to the lunar calendar, a very favorable day will come for any new beginnings and solving any pressing problems.

September 15 and 16: September 15 will be a great, energetically calm day, perfect for intellectual work. September 16 is the day of the Full Moon in Pisces, as well as the lunar eclipse. The middle of the month is dangerous for those who are used to shifting the solution of their tasks onto other people's shoulders. Indifference in solving problems can lead to new failures.

September 17 and 18: Aries and the waning moon is a bad combination, especially for those who play sports and often take risks. Put aside all such things.

September 19 and 20: the first day of Taurus influence will be more negative than positive, since any inaction will lead to failure. But on the other hand, September 20 is a very favorable day for love.

September 21 and 22: again auspicious days. This time, Gemini will help in love and other areas of life. Energetically, these days will be one of the strongest in September, so you will need a strong desire to succeed.

September 23, 24 and 25: in the third quarter on September 23, the Moon and Cancer will be able to find a compromise, but on the 24th and 25th this will not work. Cancer will make you impulsive or even rude.

September 26 and 27: Leo is adamant - only the most stubborn will receive a prize in the form of good luck. The rest will have to be content with their shattered egos.

September 28 and 29: Virgo returns, again helping us find happiness. The waning moon will require the start of new business and the abandonment of bad habits.

September 30th: It is difficult to call the last day of September favorable. Libra is to blame for everything, who wants to see more independence in us.

The lunar calendar for September is more positive than negative, since there will be a lot of energetically powerful days. The moon and stars will join forces to make your life more enjoyable. Keep your mood high so as not to lose touch with Fortune. Go only forward and do not forget to press the buttons and

31.08.2016 02:12

Choosing the perfect wedding day is a dream of every couple. Use the tips of the lunar calendar to make your planned celebration...