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What is better Avast or defender Windows 10. What is better: Windows or Avast defender. Pros of Shooting Windows Protector

Does not display users with a requirement to install antivirus, as Windows 7 did it. Since Windows 8, the operating system includes built-in antivirus -. But is it the best - or at least a suitable - solution to protect the computer?

Windows Defender is essentially the latest version, free Microsoft Anti-Virus, first written for. Now it is embedded directly to the operating system, which guarantees all computers running Windows 10 the basic level of antivirus protection.

Is the Windows defender? Is enough enough?

Antivirus is enabled by default. Windows Defender automatically checks all launched programs, downloads database updates via Windows Update Center (Windows Update) and has an interface for a deep test system.

But how good is this antivirus? We have to admit: Microsoft development is slightly lagging behind competitors in comparative tests of anti-virus software. We have previously expressed anxiety about this - the more serious, that in the past, Microsoft anti-virus we really liked.

The defender of Windows has many advantages. It is built-in, does not stick with pop-up windows, does not require money and consumes less system resources than some competing antiviruses. It is not attempting to collect user's web surfing data and benefit from it, as some free antivirus programs now do.

In general, Windows defender provides good protection. If you regularly update Windows (what happens now automatically), use a modern browser and avoid potentially dangerous java plugins, everything should be in order. In combination with the compliance with the standard security rules, which should be held in any case, the Windows defender copes well with its task.

Despite the low score that Windows defender was received in June 2015 following the test results (only "0.5 / 6" for protection), the program was able to recognize 95% of "widespread and prevailing threats", as well as 85% of the zero day attacks. Recognized 100% of test samples in both directions, and - 100% common viruses and 99% of the zero day attacks. So despite the difference in points, the defender of Windows still copes quite decently. In the past, Microsoft representatives noted that the program focuses on actually common threats, while the tests are unrepresentative, and the antiviruses of other manufacturers are optimized precisely under the passage of tests. However, now Microsoft representatives no longer comment on test results.

In Windows 10 there are other protection tools that have passed from Windows 8, in particular, which prevents downloading and launching malware, regardless of which antivirus is used. And in Chrome and Firefox there is also a function of Google Safe Browsing, which blocks downloading many malicious programs.

For most users, there will be enough protector of Windows - if there is common sense and good habits in terms of security. But if you regularly download Pirate software and keep another risky activities, it is better to abandon the Windows Defender in favor of any other program, more efficiently coping with test samples for antiviruses.

Use Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit

We also advise you to use the program to protect against exploit to protect your browser and plug-ins, which are most often exposed to attacks. We recommend a free program. It acts about the same as its own Microsoft EMET utility, but more convenient and has more security features. With it, you can block the most common exploits, even previously unknown attacks of the zero day. For example, Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit would cope with the blocking of all zero day attacks on Flash, which were reported lately. The program strengthens the safety of the browser, plug-ins and other favorite places of attacks through protection against the most common types of attacks, instead of defending against all known malware samples.


Question: Is it worth installing the antivirus if there is a built-in Windows 10 defender? " Worried many users. After all, the opinion is firmly established that this operating system does not need additional protection, as it allows you to go to various sites without feet. Experience has shown that no viruses have been discovered after such manipulations.

But, opinions on this issue are not so unequivocal. Many professionals claim the opposite. All previous versions also had protection, but it did not save them from a viral threat. Therefore, until then, Win 10 will be popular, it is worthwhile for its safety.

List of best antiviruses for windows 10

Users who began to use the latest version of the Ourser recently, ask a question how to protect your PC more efficiently. For this purpose, the modern market offers a lot of options. In such a situation, a natural question arises, which one is the most optimal.

Of course, the easiest way out is to download and put one of the free versions. Only, it is necessary to understand that their effectiveness is an order lower. For this reason, professionals recommend installing one of the paid programs. The most high popularity of users have won the following software products:

  • Kaspersky Lab;
  • Ahnlab;
  • Avast.

Antivirus Windows 10.

Window 10 has its own antivirus - Windows Defender. It has high efficiency. This paid product has so far offered separately, and from recently it is a mandatory element of the software that is embedded in the operating system.

The overwhelming majority of users who are accustomed to use paid anti-virus products are trusting only by them. They establish Kaspersky and other popular programs. The degree of expediency each determines independently. Some act as a habit, others - just want to create a maximum level of protection for the information on the device.

See also:

Features of the reliability of Anti-Virus Windows Defender

First of all, it is necessary to highlight that this is the newest product submitted by the company. And he guarantees the owner a high degree of protection almost from all threats identified on the network. Numerous tests and analyzes have shown that the program effectively copes with its functions by 98%. If you compare this indicator with the "flawless" Kaspersky, then in the second case, the indicators are at the level of one hundred percent. The lag of the Windows Defender is absolutely not critical, and to someone who does not suffer from the fear of "catching the virus" it will suit. And if you remember that Kaspersky is a paid product, then the benefit of the dozens becomes obvious.

What program to choose to protect

There is no unambiguous council in this situation. For users' reviews, such programs work effectively:

  1. Kaspersky Internet Security. A paid program that makes it possible to avoid dangerous viruses. Although, it will be fairly noted that any paid program has very good complimentary analogues. They work very adequately, only their promotion do not do so actively.
  2. Qihoo 360 Total Security. Fully free program from Chinese developers. It works efficiently, but for higher security purposes, the Avira anti-virus and BitDefender anti-virus engines are advised in the settings.
  3. Kaspersky FREE. The program has recently been represented, but has already managed to conquer confidence in users. Her indisputable advantage is that it is free. The free version of the program is available for a resident of any country.
  4. Farwall. This is a technological barrier that prevents unwanted links between hosts and networks. Translated this name sounds like a fiery wall. The firewall perfectly protects from the network attack of hackers. It fully holds under the control of the Internet - the activity of all actions that are performed on the PC. The highest degree of protection against firewall manifests itself from a joint tandem "Antivirusman" and a firewall.

Symbolically, you can add such formula:

good free program + the most good firewall \u003d PC protection equal to paid options.

Basic rules of work on the Internet

What is still better to put on your computer, everyone will decide alone. There is no single recipe in this matter. Even the best antivirus products cannot be considered an absolute panacea against the threat. To fully secure your PC, you should comply with simple rules for work on the Internet:

  1. No need to download programs from the untested site. Use only proven products that are available in Wikipedia are recommended. At the same time it is worth working only on official sites. The reference to official resources is located at the top of the articles in the right column. Unfortunately, search engines do not give the opportunity to distinguish the authenticity of the site.
  2. No need to go on a suspicious link, especially on an unverified site or in a letter from a suspicious addressee.
  3. Do not advise use hacked. As a rule, each paid program has a free analogue, and if there is no one, but the product is very necessary, it will have to buy it.
  4. It is necessary to develop a habit of at least once a week to carry out a thorough check of the PC for viruses. This is especially true of those users who work actively online every day. For full reliability at the end, you can additionally check the free DR.Web Cureit utility.

All this proven precautions that are tested by time. They enable the computer with Windows 10 to be protected in all situations.

To install or no additional protection on a computer or laptop, the question that is in constant debates. Therefore, each user stands in the conditions of the need to make an independent decision. In general, the program used in the "dozen" allows you to securely defend, and solves its tasks effectively. This program is regularly updated and all this is done automatically.

If you carefully examine and remember these recommendations, it is quite possible to work without third-party antiviruses. In this case, you can visit a huge number of sites and install different programs. An additional antivirus can be set once every six months for auxiliary checks of a PC in the absence of threats.

Surely many users of the Microsoft system have a question: Does the Windows 7 defender need? In order to answer, at first it is worth considering what is responsible and what functions the built-in antivirus performs.

Functions of the Windows Defender

The main task of the Windows Defender is to search and block malicious for system and user files, spyware, viruses and Rootkit packages. Built-in antivirus software performs real-time protection. The Windows 7 defender can also clean the system from suspicious programs into one mouse click.

The built-in program prevents system infecting in two ways. In real-time, it will help to block the malicious application before it starts. This method is very effective for neutralizing threats during surfing on the Internet. The second method provides scanning system and user files for threats. This check is performed automatically according to a specified schedule: when you turn on and off the computer, as well as at certain times of the day. Naturally, the ability to manually start scanning system or individual folders and files is provided.

Effective duet

Usually, in parallel with the work of the built-in defender, the Windows firewall is used, which will help ensure restricting network access for unverified applications or specially selected programs. Firewall has three access protection profiles:

  • public - ensure the maximum level of flow filtration and will be appropriate in places with free Wi-Fi connection (cafes, shopping centers, metro stations);
  • working - has less rigid filtering of the transmitted information, as it is designed to work in a more reliable network;
  • the home profile has the lowest level of data filtering, because the home network is usually only a few computers that do not represent a network threat.

The use of firewall and Windows defender together will provide the maximum level of protection of the system and user data.

System updates

Of course, for the correct operation of the embedded protection, do not forget to establish the recommended Windows updates that will provide current antivirus bases and patches. The optimal option in terms of protection will be the configuration of the automatic update of the system. But on weak computers, it may entail very unpleasant work delays during the background installation of updates, and it may also be possible to reboot the OS, which will not be completely convenient, for example, when you urgently need to check mail.

In order for Windows to be unable to interrupt your work on the most important place, it is recommended to select the installation of updates on a schedule, which will allow you to carry out the process at a convenient time for you. It is also possible to configure a manual update of the system, but the user will have to not forget from time to time to check its presence.

Summing up

It is safe to say that the built-in antivirus will protect the computer from most threats, if we follow the recommendations for its use. It will be a worthy free solution to the problems with viruses and will ensure safe work on the Internet.

It should be noted that the Windows 7 defender, the reviews about which are very decent, cannot give full protection without the above measures (firewall, updates). Many users are still inclined to paid protection systems, such as NOD 32, Kaspersky and others, but this decision It is quite individual. Here, as they say, taste and color ... If you wish, the Windows 7 defender can be turned off and on and on any time.

How to turn on the defender?

If the user made a decision to stop on the protection embedded in Microsoft, it was likely to have a question about how to enable Windows 7 defender.

According to the standard, on the newly installed system, the Windows 7 defender has already been launched and is guarding about the order. In the same case, if it was disabled for some reason, it is worth considering several options for its activation.

"Simple" option

The first option is the easiest, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to use due to disabling service or system notifications. To make it, you only need to sum up the pointer to the flag on the right side of the quick start panel located below, and select the item "Turning on Virus Protection (Important)".

After that, the antivirus must start and open a window with data on the protection status of your PC.

Messages in the Center for Support

If there are problems with displaying the defense message, you first need to try to enable system messages. To do this, click on the right mouse button on the bottom panel and select "Open Support Center".

In the new window that opens, go to the "Parameters of the Support Center" tab and check the "Protection against Viruses" checkbox.

After these actions, the required notification will appear in the support center.

Setting up the system configuration application

If the message is missing and the Windows 7 defender still does not start, this means that the anti-virus service itself is disabled. In order to activate it, you need to dial msconfig.exe in the search and select the application found. Clicking on it, you can open the system configuration window. By choosing the "Services" tab, scroll through the Windows Defender Service and install a tick on it.

Next, below, click on the "Apply" button and restart the computer so that the changes can enter into force. If you need to deactivate the Windows 7 defender, how to disable it through the "System Configuration" described in the appropriate section below.

Setup using the Computer Management menu

Also, the Windows 7 Defender application can be enabled through "Management" (option is recommended if the system configuration menu does not help for any reason). To do this, go to the control panel and select "Administrative", then click the Label to the "Computer Management" label and find the list on the left. It is chosen "services and applications", then "services", and we are revealed to the full list of services.

As in the previous version, we are looking for the "Windows Defender Service" item, we make the right mouse button on it (PCM) and select the item "Properties", where we click "Run", and also select the type of startup "automatically".

Applying parameters and restarting the computer, the service will be enabled. Application "Windows 7 Defender" How to disable and you can enable it through this item.

With the proper execution of the actions described above, a corresponding notification will appear at the Support Center, as a result of which you can successfully enable antivirus. It is worth mentioning that all the actions produced are also relevant for Windows 8.

How to disable Windows 7 defender?

If it is decided to get rid of the Windows 7 Defender anti-virus application, how to disable it becomes the main task of the user. In essence, for deactivation, you need to make almost the same actions as for inclusion. The disabling option through the configuration of the system will differ from activation only by a check mark - instead of installing it will need to be removed. And in case of shutdown through "Management", in the properties you need to select the start type is not "automatically", but "disabled".

If your computer contains a Windows 7 defender, how to disable it will tell the following instruction. The recommended embodiment of the built-in antivirus is deactivation through the Defender setup menu itself. To do this, in the search for Windows, type "Defender" and click on the result with the image of the stone wall on the icon. Go to the "Parameters" menu, then on the Administration tab and remove the checkbox located next to the "Enable Appendix" inscription.

Applying settings, the defender will be completely disabled. In order to get rid of the title message about protection in the notification center, you need to remove the checkbox from the "Protection against Viruses". Now Windows Defender is completely disabled. After that, of course, it is desirable to establish an alternative antivirus.

Windows 10 operating system has many advantages and disadvantages. However, the issue of protection is quite acute. Having received the built-in antivirus, more known as Windows Defender (Windows Defender), users began to wonder if it is necessary to install an additional program on your PC at all?

Is the Windows 10 defender capabilities enough to protect the system or need antivirus?

Starting with Windows 8, the operating system has begun to include built-in antivirus called Windows Defender or Windows Defender. In fact, this is not a new product, but an improved free Microsoft Security Essentia LS Anti-Virus, which was first used in Windows 7. This antivirus, according to the developers themselves, guarantees the operating system the basic level of protection. Therefore, users are often wondering if the Windows 10 defender is needed or antivirus?

To understand this issue, it is necessary to initially consider the advantages of the defender of Windows 10. So, among the advantages of this product, Microsoft is worth it:

  • Built-in, do not need to install;
  • It does not bother pop-up windows;
  • Consume a minimum of system resources, compared with the latest versions of popular antiviruses;
  • Fully free;
  • Does not collect data on user web surfing;
  • No built-in advertising;
  • Checks all running programs and services;
  • Checks all downloaded files;
  • It has in its composition such components as the SMART screen filter, firewall and firewall;
  • Regularly updated without any keys.

In general, Windows Defender provides high-quality protection if the user uses a modern browser, loads programs only from official developers sites, does not install dangerous plugins, such as Java, updates the operating system itself. In compliance with these rules, the opposite antivirus is not needed at all.

However, if you regularly download pirate programs, movies, music, visit prohibited sites or 18+ resources, then without a verified antivirus you can not do. The Windows defender will not be able to provide data protection, since the number of filters is minimal and viral databases are not updated as often as in Avast or Kaspersky.

Therefore, if you use your PC only for working purposes or to visit social networks, the built-in defender of Windows will be enough for you. Otherwise, we recommend installing antivirus of any third-party developer.

How to enable the defender on windows 10?

If there is no installed antivirus from a third-party developer on your PC, it is necessary to enable Windows Defender. To do this, do the following:

  • Click "Start" and choose "Parameters".
  • A new window will open. Select the "Update and Security" section.
  • In the Left menu, select the Windows Defender section. Click on the "Enable Windows Defender" button.

  • Also in this window you need to drag the slider to the "Included" position in the "Protection in Real Time".

  • Enable recommend and "Autonomous Defender ...", which can delete the non-removed virus and restart the PC automatically.

After, turning on the built-in protector, the computer will be fully protected from viruses and hacker attacks, however simple security principles in the network still have to adhere to.

Some of the Windows 10 users, and earlier Windows 8, you can often find the opinion that these operating systems do not need an additional antivirus program except the already built-in Windows Defender. People tell that they say that they use this OS constantly, attend some kind of sites and have never made anything dangerous.

I do not assume to judge how much Windows 10 is better protected from viruses and other hazards than, for example, "Seven". Perhaps this is true. But we, as ordinary users, must be borne in mind that even among professionals on this issue there is no consensus. Of course, someone will say that those who are talking about the need to use antivirus on Windows 10 simply promote their antivirus programs. But personally, I do not believe in such "theories of conspiracies" and I believe that once the problem with viral and other threats existed in all previous version of Windows, then why the "dozen" should be an exception.

Ultimately, Windows's viral danger is not subject to the fact that it is poorly done, but, above all, because it uses the overwhelming number of the world's population. For example, alternative and free Linux viruses are much less susceptible. Many experts believe that hackers are simply unprofitable to work on the hacking OS, which few people use.

So, I am convinced that Windows 10 in the coming years will still be susceptible to the danger of infection. At least as long as it is popular. And over time, with an increase in its prevalence, such threats will become only more. Therefore, personally, I consider the installation of third-party antivirus program. At least for peace of mind. So, in my opinion, antivirus program on windows 10.

What program to protect against viruses and other network attacks to choose, I cannot definitely advise. Personally, I used two years paid on both of my computers. Kaspersky Internet Security. Nothing dangerous clinging. But I really didn't want to pay money. ( To be honest, over time, we are increasingly convinced that any paid program has no less worthy, but absolutely free analogs - just most often they are not so actively "spinning"). In general, in mid-2015, I began to study other, already free offers. Read the sea positive about chinese and completely free antivirus Qihoo 360 Total Security . Put yourself. And so far (now December 2017, that is, more than two and a half years have passed) everything suits. When installing this program, for greater security, I recommend in the settings to additionally enable BitDefender and Avira anti-virus engines. Together with them, the Chinese product has more than once held decent places in the international ratings of antiviruses. In the 2015 PCMAG laboratory reports, this product showed the same results with recognized leaders of the BitDefender and Kaspersky anti-virus market. By the way, unlike them, the Chinese product is completely free. For installation, two versions are offered: PC - ALL IN ONE or PC - ESSENTIAL. I advise you to put the second - Essential. It has antivirus and sandbox, but there is no extra, on my taste, options (type of cleaning, optimization and other pseudo-teased trash) and, the main thing, in Essential there is no advertising spam in the form of pop-up windows, with which this Chinese anti-virus is moneticized.

By the way, Kaspersky recently released absolutely free antivirus Kaspersky FREE. . Only citizens of Russia and Ukraine could use it first, the free version is available for all countries of the world. She also copes with his tasks very well.

For those who particularly need security (or suffers from strong virusophobia), It is recommended to establish both of the above free antivirus:

  1. First Kaspersky Free.
  2. Then 360 Total Security

It is just such an order, because only the second product (360) allows you to establish yourself if there is another anti-virus program on a computer - Kaspersky put yourself next to another antivirus just will not give. Of course, to put two antivirus nearby is better not at all slow and outdated cars. I will not say that I am a virusophobe. Just at a certain point I became wondering how these programs would walk around. By installing them, I realized that the performance of the computer remained the same. That is why I did not for some time to remove none of these antiviruses. After the next rebar, Windows left only 360. I decided that I would have enough. But the fact is a fact: Kaspersky is perfectly getting along with Chinese antivirus.

In addition to the anti-virus program on Windows 10 there will be nice install and firewall (technological barrier preventing unauthorized or unwanted links between computer networks or hosts). Firewall translated means "fiery wall". If the antivirus is mainly focused on finding malicious programs and files on the hard disk of the computer and removable media, as well as on the security control of the site visited through the browser, the firewall protects the computer from all sorts of network attacks of hackers. For this, the firewall fully controls the Internet activity of all processes running on the computer. In combination with antivirus, the firewall provides maximum protection of the computer. Paid antiviruses, as a rule, in their composition have it, but free - no. Therefore, computer security specialists recommend installing it separately. Recently read the formula that you like: the best free antivirus program + best free firewall \u003d computer protection, not inferior to paid solutions. Agree, it is easier to install yourself and two, but free programs than to put just one but paid. Of course, in the "top ten" there is a built-in firewall (Windows Firewall), but, like the built-in antivirus (Windows defender), it gives only basic protection. The most advanced firewall in the world has been considered to be a product of Comodo. Free version Comodo Fierwall quite enough.

For example, on my computer for a long time, two programs responsible for safety were installed:

  1. 360 Total Security
  2. Comodo Firewall

If it takes into account that 360 uses Avira and BitDefender engines, then it turns out whole 3 antivirus engines!

Now I use only antivirus 360. Since both cars (and hospital, and laptop) have not particularly powerful, I decided that it makes no sense to spend resources on the operation of the firewall.

In general, I'm still not inclined to consider antivirus programs in Windows 10 unconditional panacea from all dangers. Maybe it's just a luck that I have not registered anything serious about 4 years in the daily use of a computer for 8-12 hours, and maybe the fact is that, in addition to the anti-virus program and firewall, I also regularly turn on my own head - that is, , observe Elementary safety rules when working on the Internet :

  • Never download is incomprehensible to what programs from unverified sites. Only authoritative and at the same time, by the way, free software for Windows 10About which at least there is an article in Wikipedia and only from the official site. By the way, I always take a link to the official website of this or that program also in Wikipedia (at the top of any article Last link in the right column). The fact is that in the search engine it is often impossible to distinguish which site belongs to developers, and which is not.
  • Never walk on suspicious links, especially on suspicious sites or in letters from unknown addressees.
  • Never use hacked programs and programs with so-called activators. (Almost any paid program has free analogues, and if not, but the program is very necessary, then, in my opinion, it is not sin and buy or use the test version).
  • Regularly (with daily active work on the Internet - once a week at least) to fully test the computer by an antivirus program. For reliability, you can then check it out with a free utility Dr.Web Cureit. .

All these precautions along with antivirus, which I trust, while allowing my computers with Windows 10 to remain protected.

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