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When and where you can see solar eclipses. Solar Eclipse: What to do and not do

If you do not delve into the essence of the phenomenon, it can be said that the eclipse is a temporary disappearance from the skyscleant of the Sun or the Moon. How does this happen?

Sunny and lunar eclipse

Here, for example, the moon, passing between the land and the sun, completely or partially sunbathing the sun from the earth observer. This is a solar eclipse. Or the moon, making his way around the Earth, falls into such a position that the earth is in a straight line connecting the moon and the sun.

The shadow of the land falls on the moon, and it disappears from the skyscle. This is a lunar eclipse. Eclipses occur because heavenly bodies constantly change the location. The Earth rotates around the Sun, and the moon is around the earth. Both of these processes occur simultaneously. If for a few minutes the moon, the earth and the sun turn out to be on the same line, the eclipse begins. Complete solar eclipse is a very rare and dramatic event.

During a complete solar eclipse, it seems that some huge monster a piece of the sun devours the sun. When the sun disappears, the sky darkens and the stars are visible in the sky. Air rapidly cools. Soon, nothing remains from the sun, except for the thin luminous ring, as if hanging in the sky, we see part of the blazing solar crown.

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Interesting fact : During a complete solar eclipse, the air temperature is reduced, the sky darkens and stars appear on it.

What happens during solar eclipse

Ancient Chinese artists depicted a solar eclipse in the form of a dragon, devouring the sun. In fact, a few minutes, the sun comes out of the "shelter", and the night turns into a clear day. This dragon is the moon, held between the land and the sun. To finally understand what is happening during an eclipse, make an easy experience. Turn on the table lamp, and look at it.

Now take a piece of cardboard and slowly lead it before your eyes so that at the end of the movement, the cardboard was between your eyes and a lamp. The moment when the cardboard will close the lamp from your eyes, and corresponds to the moment of the beginning of the solar eclipse. Cardboard is far from the lamp, but being in front of his eyes, he closes the light of the lamp from you. If you keep cardboard further, the lamp will open to your view again.

Full and partial solar eclipse

The same can be said about the moon. You see the solar eclipse when the moon, crossing the day sky, it turns out between the sun and the illuminated face of the earth, closing the light of the sun. If the moon lights up only a part of the Sun, then a partial is a solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse

Undoubtedly, every person knows about such a phenomenon as solar eclipse. However, few people know the nature of this phenomenon and can explain what it is happening during the solar eclipse.

The first such phenomenon happened in the distant past. This led people to a panic state. They did not understand what was happening and this brought them into the wild horror. As a rule, people believed that some kind of malicious monster tries to destroy the sun and should certainly be protected. Since the solar eclipse is a very short phenomenon, the plan of people has always worked, and they successfully expelled a terrible monster and returned bright sunlight and warmly. After that, it was possible to quietly return to my house.

It is known that the first described solar eclipse happened in the era of the board of the fourth emperor of the Dynasty of Hein Chung Kang. About this event there is a record in the great book of China "Book of History". Only in the nineteenth century managed to set the date of this eclipse. It happened on October 22, 2137 BC.

Even at the beginning of the sixth century BC. Astronomer scientists have found the true cause of sunny eclipse. They noticed that the moon disappears with the sun. It came across them to the idea that the moon simply covers the sun from the point of view of the earth observer. It happens only in the new moon.

But at the same time, the eclipse does not take place every time, when the satellite passes between our planet and heavenly luminaries, but only when the orbits of the sun and the moon intersect. Otherwise, the satellite simply passes at a distance (below or higher) of the sun.

If we speak with simple words, the solar eclipse is simply the shadow of the moon on the surface of the globe. The diameter of this shade is about 200 kilometers. Since this distance is much less than the diameter of the Earth, the solar eclipse becomes available only to those who found themselves in the zone of this shadow. In this case, the observer may observe a complete solar eclipse. Those people who are close to the shadow area can observe only a private solar eclipse. He is observed by people who are about 2000 km from the total solar eclipse zone.

The shadow, which is discarded by the moon towards the globe, has a shape of a sharp converging cone. The top of this cone is behind the ground, so it's not just a point on the surface of the planet itself, but a small black spot. It moves along the ground surface at a speed of approximately 1 km per second. Accordingly, at one point the moon can not close the sun for a long time. Therefore, the maximum lengthy duration of the total eclipse phase is 7.5 minutes. The duration of the private eclipse is about 2 hours.

Solar eclipse is a unique phenomenon. It occurs due to the fact that for the earth observer, the diameter of the lunar and solar discs is almost equal, despite the fact that the diameter of the sun is 400 times the diameter of the moon. This is due to the distance from our planet to the Moon and the heavenly shining. The last is about 390 times more than the first.

In addition, the orbit of the moon has an elliptical form. Due to this, at the moments of the onset of solar eclipses, the satellite can be at different distances from the ground, and therefore be of both of the sizes from the point of view of the earth's observer. At this time, the lunar disc can be equal to sunny, and may also be more or less than it. In the first case, a short-term solar eclipse comes, which lasts only a few seconds. In the second case, the total eclipse lasts a little longer. In the third case, the solar crown remains around the dark disk of the moon. This is perhaps the most beautiful version of the solar eclipse. It is the longest for all three options. This solar eclipse got the name ring-shaped and amounts to about 60% of all solar eclipses.

Not less than 2 times a year (and not more than 5) shadow from the satellite falls on our planet. Over the past hundred years, scientists counted about 238 solar eclipses. None of all the planets submitted at the present time in the solar system cannot be observed such a sight.

Complete solar eclipse is a great opportunity for astronomers to see the sunny crown. First, it was believed that Krona belongs to the moon, and only in the 19th century astronomers put everything in their place.

Eclipse and legends

Despite the fact that the mystery of the solar eclipse was solved for a very long time, this event still amazes human consciousness. Therefore, to this day, during an eclipse in different parts of the Earth, people are knocking in the drums, harness fires or tightly closes in their homes. Often, this astronomical phenomenon is blamed in wars, epidemics, hunger, floods, and even troubles in personal life.

Koreans in their myths described how the king of the countries of Darkness sent fire dogs to the Sun. The Japanese sincerely believed that the sun leaves from the sky because of some insult, and the moon dies from an unprecedented disease. Peruvians even tied their dogs so that their howl helped the satellite to cure.

The Chinese with the help of drums and arrows drove away from the Sun of the Dragon, who tried to eat heavenly shining, and the Africans beat in Tamnama so that the serpent who had seen from the ocean could not overtake the sun and absorb it.

Indian tribes believed that the sun and the moon were borrowed from the demon named Danko. Therefore, during the eclipse, they endured utensils from home, rice and weapons. Danko took these generous donations and let go of prisoners.

On Tahiti, the solar eclipse is considered the most romantic event that symbolizes the act of love between the Sun and the Moon. Therefore, they look forward to this event. But Thais buy talismans, and preferably black.

India became the richest to the superstition of the country. The legend here says that the demon named Rahu drank Elixir of immortality, which the sun and the moon told the gods. For this, Rahu was executed, but his severed head remained immortal and now she squealing the moon or the sun as revenge from time to time.

In addition, during the solar eclipse in India, it is forbidden to eat and drink, but it is necessary to pray. It is best to do it, standing on the throat in the water. It is believed that if during an eclipse, the pregnant Indian will leave his home, then the child she is born blind or will have a lip of her lip. And the food that did not have time to eat before the eclipse began, you need to throw out, as it is considered defile.

Do you know that…

1) The speed with which the Earth rotates around the Sun, does not allow the sunny eclipse longer than 7 minutes 58 seconds. For 1000 years, approximately 10 complete eclipses occur, which lasts 7 minutes and more.

2) On June 30, 1973, the last long-term eclipse was happening. At this time, passengers of one aircraft had good luck to observe it as much as 74 minutes due to the velocity speed.

3) If splitting the entire globe on the plots of a certain size, the inhabitants of each of them will be able to observe a complete eclipse about once every 370 years.

5) Each eclipse is different from the other. Solar krone always looks somewhat different. It depends on the period of solar activity.

6) If you are fortunate enough to observe a complete solar eclipse, then on the horizon, on the background of the sky of dark purple, you can observe a bright red-orange strip. This is the so-called glow ring.

7) The nearest solar eclipse will take place on November 3, 2013. It will be seen in the Atlantic Ocean and Africa.

8) May 28, 585 BC Solar eclipse completed a five-year war between Midyans and the Lydians.

9) "The word about the regiment of Igor" describes the most significant solar eclipse of Russian history.

How to observe a solar eclipse?

It is better not to try to look at the sunny disk with the naked eye or with the help of conventional sunglasses. Points should be special, otherwise you can lose sight. Despite the achievements of modernity, smoky glasses or an illuminated photofill come great.

Eye damage can happen even if you look at the subtle crescent of the sun. Only 1% of the star shines 10 thousand times brighter of the moon. If you closely observe the sun, then something like a magnifying glass is created, which transmits sunlight on the retina's retina. The retina is very fragile and it is impossible to restore it, so never observe the solar eclipse, without any special protection.

If you watch the complete eclipse, and the sun is completely hidden, you can completely calmly look at this unforgettable spectacle, without using any special filters.

Observation of partial phases of eclipse requires special technology. One of the safest ways to observe the Sun is the use of "Obcomer Camera". It makes it possible to observe the projected image of the sun. Making a mobile chamber of the obscura is quite simple. To do this, you will need two dense pieces of cardboard. In one of them, it is necessary to cut hole, the second sheet will serve as the screen on which an inverted image of the sun will be formed. In order to enlarge the image, you just need to push the screen a little further.

The second way of observing the Sun is the use of light filters. In this case, you will watch directly in the sun. Through such filters passes the minimum amount of light.

One of these filters is made of aluminated polyester. However, the material may be different density, so it is very important to conduct a filter survey for the presence of holes through which the radiant rays can penetrate the filter.

Another type of filter is made of black polymer. Summer observation through such a filter is more comfortable for the eyes. However, it is worth remembering that no filter is one hundred percent protection if the optical density does not exceed 5.0.

There are also special filters for telescopes and cameras. However, they are not always safe, as they can melt under the influence of temperature and harming their eyes. Many prefer to observe the solar eclipse with the help of a telescope. This allows you to exactly see the entire process of this phenomenon. During the complete phase of the eclipse, the light filter can be removed.

On March 20 of this year, a complete solar eclipse will occur, which will block up to 90 percent of sunny. Eclipse will become the largest event in the last 16 years. On this day, the moon passes right in front of the sun, swinging the shadow to the ground. Solar eclipse can cause temporary turning off the electricity throughout Europe. Eclipse will occur on March 20 on Friday and will begin at 7:41 am UTC (World Time) and will end at 11:50 UTC.

· Start of the solar eclipse: 12:13 Moscow time

· Maximum solar eclipse phase: 13:20 Moscow time

· Ending solar eclipse: 14:27 Moscow time

· Maximum darkening of the solar disk: 58 percent

In the east of Greenland, in Iceland, on the Svalbard archipelago and the Faroe Islands will be observed a complete eclipse. In Russia, in Europe, the Northern and Eastern part of Africa and the Northern and Eastern part of Asia will be observed a private solar eclipse.

The last time the total solar eclipse of this scale occurred on August 11, 1999, and the next will take place in 2026. In addition, the eclipse can disrupt solar sources of power supply and lead to the disconnection of electricity.

Remember that it is impossible to look directly to the Sun disc during, as this can lead to irreversible eye damage. For observation, you need to take advantage of special solar light filters.

Eclipse falls on the day of equinox and noving, and the moon will reach the moon perigee - the nearest point to the ground on its orbit. Spring equinox comes on March 20, 2015 at 22:45 UTC (March 21 1:45 Moscow time). It represents the moment when the sun crosses the heavenly equator. On the day of equinox, the duration of the night and the day is the same and is 12 hours.

Martov new moon will be super littleness, which, although it will not be seen, but will have more than the usual effect on the oceans of the Earth. Eclipse occurs when the heavenly body, for example, the moon or planet passes into the shadow of another body. On Earth, you can observe two types of eclipses: solar and moon.

During the solar eclipse of the orbit, the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. When this happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun and throws the shadow on the ground.

There are several types of solar eclipses:

Full - it can be seen in certain areas of the Earth, which are located in the center of the lunar shade falling on the ground. The sun, the moon and the earth are on a straight line.

Private - this eclipse occurs when the sun, the moon and the earth are not exactly on the same line, and the observers are located in a half.

Ring-shaped - occurs when the moon is located in the largest point from the ground. As a result, it does not block the entire disk of the Sun, and looks like a dark disk, around which a bright ring is visible.

Solar eclipses since ancient times caused a thrill in humans. Many mysterious myths and legends are associated with them. The eclipse of the Sun was considered a harbinger of some terrible turning event in the life of people. Perhaps in something ancient people were right. Solar eclipse really affects our planet and the vital activity of its inhabitants.

In 2016, 2 solar eclipses are expected.

Far East, North America, Australia

The first will take place on March 9. Unfortunately, it will practically be seen from Russia from the territory of Russia - it will capture part of the Far East, the north of the North American continent, the Pacific Zone and East of the Indian Ocean. The private phase will be seen from Asia and Australia. The width of the shade will stretch 155 km - it will pass through the oceania in the water of the Pacific Ocean.

Eclipse will last for 5 hours 15 minutes. For world time, the beginning will have to 23 hours 19 minutes 18 seconds UT. The full phase will start at 00 hours 15 minutes 53 seconds and last 4 minutes 9 seconds.

Africa, Madagascar

The second eclipse will be held on September 1 and will wear an annular character. Its feature is that the moon is not able to completely close the Disk Sun and in the full phase around the dark moon will be observed a glow. This is a very beautiful and unusual phenomenon. In Russia, it will be seen at all will not be. In order to watch this unique space action will have to move to the African continent in the area of \u200b\u200bMadagascar.

For worldwide time it will begin at 06 hours 13 minutes 03 seconds UT and will last about 6 hours.

What is solar eclipse?

Solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon when the moon with his disc fully closes the sun from us. Thus, the earth, the moon and the sun are built into one line. Solar eclipse is only in the new moon, when the side of the moon, visible from the ground, should not be covered.

A year happens from 2 to 5 solar eclipses, which can be seen from different points of our planet. Cosmonauts are observed as during this cosmic phenomenon the shadow from the moon passes along the ground. Those people who are in the shadow area can observe a complete eclipse, and those that are located near the shadow band see the private eclipse when the solar disc closed moon is only partially.

During a complete eclipse, the Moon disk gradually closes the whole sun. At this time, it becomes gloomy and the most bright stars appear in the sky - as the ancient "day becomes at night." It lasts for a short time - from 3 to 5 minutes. Duration with private phase usually does not exceed 6 hours.

Since ancient times, it was considered that from the solar eclipse should not wait for nothing good. Scientists have believed that the womb of all the fear of the unusual behavior was shone. Meanwhile, recent studies are confirmed by the fact that this phenomenon affects the processes arising on Earth.

In 1954, when the French researcher Morris Alla discovered a change in the movement of the pendulum during an eclipse. This observation was a real sensation and for several years various scientists tried to confirm or refute this theory.

Studies of recent years, thanks to modern ultra-computing, confirmed - during solar eclipses there are some anomalies of the gravitational field of the planet. What this is connected, and what influence on the environment, theoretical scientists do not yet know. In order to make an unambiguous conclusion, it is necessary to deal with observations for many years.

Fans of mysticism with confidence can say - an eclipse affects the state of a person. Negative manifestations begin to be felt 2 weeks before the start, especially strongly manifests itself in weather-sensitive people. Peak is achieved during an eclipse, after which there is a sharp decline. The consequences of this phenomenon are observed during the week.

Someone even launched a rumor that it was at this time, according to medical statistics, the number of calls of citizens with complaints about the malfunction of the cardiovascular system, hypertensive pain, increases the number of nervous diseases, increases the number of suicides. Actually numerousstudies have shown that there are no statistical dependencies.

Bioenergy argue that during an eclipse, the magnetic fields and the energy currents of the Earth occurs, which affects the human state. We can feel the influence of eclipse and on ourselves, especially if our body is weakened with disease or stress. Anxiety increases before the eclipse, anxiety is enhanced, the voltage grows, the mood deteriorates. We become more sensitive to external stimuli, ranmine. Maybe the occurrence of headaches, ailments. This all suggests that the solar eclipse makes an imbalance into human energy systems

How to prepare for eclipse according to astrologers

Eclipse is stress not only for you, but also for people around you. Try these days not to try anything extraordinary - it will be hard for you and you will not understand others. Do not overvolt your body. Watch out for your physical and mental state.

To take the negative manifestations to a minimum you need:

  • get enough sleep;
  • it is easy to eat (eliminate heavy fatty food from diet, alcohol);
  • do not overload yourself with work and household matters;
  • maintain your body with vitamins.

In preventive purposes, it is possible to start taking the tincture of the hawthorn to take a few days before eclipse. You need to drink 20 drops 3 times a day after meals. She will help your heart fight the magnetic perturbations of the Earth and stay in a tone. In addition, the hawthorn tincture increases immunity and strengthens the nervous system that it is necessary to your body in such unfavorable conditions.

Do not start anything new - you do not have enough vital energy to bring to the end. These days it is better to engage in routine work. Eclipse is a great day to refuse bad habits. If you decide to quit smoking - do it exactly at this time. The body is faster adapting to a new situation and it will be easier for your discomfort.

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Solar eclipse is a beautiful phenomenon of nature and no imaginary negative factors should prevent you from fully enjoying them. Be sure to go special glassesnot transmitting infrared radiation, or kip big glass and pay half an hour of your time on this magnificent spectacle!

Solar eclipse is good or bad, as what it affects, whether it should be feared - such questions occupy many.

From the point of view of astrology, the sun is the light of your personality, your spirit. Literally - this is the symbol of your I and your personality. Therefore, the eclipses of the Sun are periods requiring special attention.

Solar eclipse is the moment when the moon closes completely or partly the sun from the observer from the ground.

It happens in the new moon, when occurs near one of twomoon knots, northern or southern. These nodes, in fact, the points of intersection of the visible orbits of the moon and the sun.

Many deep karmic programs are associated with lunar nodes, so the eclipse of the Sun is a special period.

Depending on how much the sun is in the shadow, eclipses are full, private and ring. The latter concern periods when the moon It passes through the Disk of the Sun, but it turns out to be less than the sun in diameter, and cannot hide it completely.

Every year, on average, there are two solar eclipses. However, there may be more them. For example, in 1917, 1946, 1964 and 1982 four solar eclipses occurred. And in 1805 and 1935 there were as many as five!

Periods of solar eclipses

Solar eclipses in 2019:

  • January 06, 2019. - Private solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn in the southern node. Start at 23:34:25 UT, the maximum of 1:41:25 UT, the end at 3:48:21 UT.
  • July 2, 2019. - Full solar eclipse in the sign of cancer in the northern node. Start at 16:55:14 UT, maximum at 19:22:50 UT, ending at 21:50:26 UT.
  • December 26, 2019. - Ring solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn in the northern node. Start at 2:29:48 UT, maximum at 5:17:36 PM UT, ending at 8:05:35 UT.

* UT (Universal Time - Universal Time, World Time) - Average sunny time on Greenwich Meridian.

the effect of solar eclipses

Solar eclipses have always caused special attention, because the sun is the brightest and most significant object of the starry sky. They are often mentioned in ancient sources, historical events and scientific discoveries are connected with them.

It is believed that everything that has begun during the eclipse period carries something hidden, the fact that in the future will bring either problems or favorable opportunities.

Solar eclipse spreads its influence a few days before and after the eclipse itself. Therefore, care is required during this period.

The chain of events that starts during the period of solar eclipse can bring enough deep changes to your life. And it can be a serious change for the better!

Seven ways to avoid failures during the period of solar eclipse:

  1. Do not complete new and important affairs and tasks, especially if they are tied to you. You do not need to take a loan these days or give money to debt.
  2. Do not get involved in new projects, no matter how tempting they do not seem, without a very thorough preliminary thinking.
  3. Try not to be on the street for a long time at the time of eclipse. In antiquity it was believed that it steals good luck.
  4. Post down long trips and moving. You should not enter the new house during the eclipse.
  5. Try not to go to work on an eclipse day if you do not plan important changes. It is also not recommended to open your business on this day, register the company.
  6. It does not follow this day to play a wedding or make a proposal of hands and hearts.
  7. It is not recommended to find out the relationship in this period, except when you would like to translate them to another level.

In the period of solar eclipse, try to make care maximize and control emotions.

During the period of solar eclipses, it is favorable:

  • Enter new habits. For example, to do yoga, start running in the morning.
  • Collect information on the question of you. You can get an unexpected prompt or find out something significant.
  • It is symbolically starting a new stage in your life, just track that it does not just come to your head on an eclipse day, but it was thought out in advance.
  • Study something new.
  • Prepare plans for long-term deeds in the realization of which you would like significant changes. For example, practices for training are very well suited.

Do not forget that in the period of solar eclipse of emotions are unstable, so try to avoid unnecessary quarrels and disputes.

features of solar eclipses in the signs of the zodiac

Depending on which sign is the sun at the time of eclipse, the manifestations of general mood will be different.

How will the solar eclipse affect different zodiac signs:

  • During the period of solar eclipse in the Aries Of particular theme can be independence, the desire to express oneself, its initiative in relations. Well at this moment lay the foundations for your health, some serious business in which you will lead.
  • In the sign of Taurus The effect of eclipses will appear as follows. Attention will be focused on quite earthly matters: money, property, securities, etc. Solar eclipse in the Taurus sign can stimulate changes in your cash habits, as well as in the way to make a living. Positive in order to raise your self-esteem, feel significant and valuable.
  • During the period of solar eclipse in the sign of the twins You can get important information you have been looking for, learn important facts. Also, the topic of this eclipse is a trip, business trips or moving, relationships with neighbors, with brothers and sisters. May increase the amount of paper work.
  • Solar Eclipse in Cancer Sign Upualizes questions at home, real estate, as well as parents. In addition, it can bring changes in the career. The likelihood of moving, selling or buying real estate increases. Issues of interaction with the family, family, can enter the fore.
  • During the period of solar eclipse in the lion sign Your creative projects, the interaction with children can get a new impulse. Also, one of theations of such an eclipse is a question about holding a vacation. It is possible to get money from real estate or from parents.
  • The main topic of the solar eclipse in the sign of the Virgin - These are changes in the routine tasks, the routine of the day, work. Also this is a good time to start or change the diet. It is very good during this period to start changing your space, for example, to organize it in the house or in the office in a new way, to restore order in financial affairs.
  • Solar Eclipse in Scales Sign Raises the issues of partnership, marriage, interaction with the nearest environment, and translates them to a new level. There is more energy and speakers in these areas. Relationships with friends can also change much, a new important person may appear in your environment.
  • One of the important solar eclipses in the sign of Scorpio - This is the topic of internal transformation. May come a feeling of abandonment, loneliness, loss of confidence. During this period, the likelihood of loans is increasing, your debtors can pay their debts, even long overdue.
  • Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Expands perspectives. Therefore, if you planned to publish something, you want to declare yourself, it can be done now. Also, this eclipse reveals the topics of long journeys, studying the culture of other peoples.
  • During the period of solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn The topic of formulation of significant, large goals, career growth is emphasized. There may also be changes in the social sphere, complex working moments that will need to be addressed. During this period, recognition comes for the former achievements, allowing you to make a new step forward.
  • The main theme of the solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius There are issues of group activities, as well as issues related to the topic of alienation. For example, attention may require a child who has grown and left the house to start an independent life. There may be tension in contacts with surrounding people, friends, colleagues and employees. Relationships in the family, at work can go to a new level.
  • Solar Eclipse in Fish Sign Makes the emphasis on what can emerge from your past and create a problem. May cause the need to be in solitude or visit the hospital. If relations begin during this period, they are built on a deep understanding. Also, this eclipse can be derived from the insulation state. It is believed that this is one of the most inspiring positions of eclipse.

To pass the period of solar eclipse without loss, control over emotions, accuracy and caution. This is especially significant if you yourself were born during the eclipse period, or it affects the important points of your horoscope. For example, the solar eclipse in the Virgin, and you were born under the sign of the Virgin.

So, summarize what you need and do not need to do during the period of solar eclipse:

  • Try not to plan anything important for the period of eclipse. Remember that the effect of eclipses extends a few days before and after it.
  • Check if the eclipse point coincides with a significant point of your horoscope (the position of the sun, the moon, etc.). If so, you should be especially attentive.
  • On the Eclipse Day, try not to be outdoors at the time of the extrusion maximum.
  • Follow the recommendations about seven ways to avoid failures during the solar eclipse period. Remember that the influence of the chain of events started by eclipse can be very long and fatal.
  • Check in which sign of the zodiac and in which node, northern or southern, passes the eclipse. Use recommendations from the article.
  • Be careful and carefully during the period of solar eclipse, it will allow you to pass this period without loss and with favorable results.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation on consultation, read more about which you.

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With respect and wishes of good luck,