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Saving important things for later. The procrastinator is who? Why prologomators are pronounced

There is such an unpleasant phenomenon - procrastination is what we do to cope with anxiety arising at the beginning of work on the task and in attempts to bring started to the end. Someone, avoiding an important case, begins to dig in small and not urgent, someone the eve of the annual report recalls that it was going to disassemble things in the closet for a long time ... how did you still stop laying things on then and pull to the last?

Why do we postpone

"Why are you postponing?" The most frequent answer to this question sounds like this: "Because I'm lazy." However, even the most avid procrators are not devoid of motivation and energy that they use in some areas of their lives - sports, hobbies, reading, care for other people, music, investment, gardening, or seats on the Internet.

Many do progress in those areas of activity that themselves chose themselves, but at the same time they are absolutely not able to start work in other areas.

According to my theory, nor tension, neither disorganization, nor any other drawback of nature cannot be considered the reason why you are pronounced. It is impossible to explain to the procrastination and the assumption that people by nature are lazy and therefore for the motivation they need pressure from.

My system is based on the theory of the positive psychology of Dr. Martin Seligman, which Dr. Susan Kobaz from Chicago University calls "psychological benchmarks that enhances human initiative and the ability to quickly restore the spiritual and physical condition." According to her research in The Hardy Personality, the optimistic interpretation of human behavior is often not taken into account when it comes to how people cope with difficulties. Similarly, in Anatomy of An Illness and The Healing Heart Norman Kazins says that modern medicine actually does not notice the life-affirming the healing forces we have from nature, and prefers to focus on illness, while humor, positive emotions and thoughts have therapeutic properties .

"If a person is endowed with the ability to be positive and active, then why are we afraid and put unpleasant?" - You can ask you. One explanation gave Denis Watelli, author The Psychology of Winning and The Joy of Working. It determines the procrastination as the "neurotic form of behavior in order to protect the personality", in particular its own dignity. That is, we are pronounced when our self-esteem or independence is under threat. We begin to be lazy only when there is a danger or does not receive the release of our natural ingredient desire of fruitful activities. "No one is pronounced in order to feel bad," said Wetley. "Only in order to reduce their deep inner fears for a while."

What are these deep internal fears forcing us to look for such unproductive forms of getting rid of them? Dr. Theodore Rubin In his book, Compassion and Self-Hate suggests that it is afraid of failure, the fear of being imperfect (perfectionism) and the fear of expectations of something impossible (when we are risen in different tasks) do not give us to work as it should or achieve achievable goals relations.

The fear of failure means that you are convinced that even the smallest lack can prove your worthlessness. The fear of being imperfect means that it is difficult for you to take yourself as you are - imperfect and, therefore, completely humane - so any criticism, rejection or condemnation by other people puts your subtle understanding of what is perfect, threatening. The fear of expectations of something impossible signals your concern that even after you have worked out and reached your tasks, the only one will be all new and new, more complex goals that promise the lack of rest and time to enjoy the fruits of their Labor.

These fears, according to Dr. Rubin, and do not give us to achieve the standard of living when we will experience sympathy and respect yourself here and now - for whom we are and where we are in this moment. This sympathy to itself is essential in overcoming the main causes of procrastination. You need to understand: procrastination does not mean that you have a problematic nature; Rather, this is an attempt - although it is an unimportant - to cope with the fear knocking out of the saddle to expose yourself to universal condemnation.

The fear of condemnation is rooted in excessive identification of oneself with their work. This fear follows a destructive burden for perfectionism, for tough self-criticism and fear that you will have to deprive yourself of free time in favor of the invisible judge.

The benefits of procrastination

Having worked with thousands of procrators, I realized that there is one basic reason for the procrastination: it gives temporary deliverance from stress. The main reason why we acquire any habit, according to Dr. Frederica Kanfer and Dr. Gini Philips, expressed by them in the book Learning Foundations of Behavior Therapy, is that even the most bad habit leads to remuneration. Procrastination reduces the stress, distracting us from the fact that we perceive as a source of pain or threat. The more discomfort is expected from work, the more active you will try to avoid it and try to find salvation in something more pleasant. And the more you feel that endless work deprives you of pleasure from free time, the more active you will avoid it.

In a sense, we are looking for a way to temporarily reduce the alarm associated with its implementation. If it turns out that the work that we considered necessary do not really need to do, we feel justified and get a double reward for procrastination. It turns out that we not only used it to cope with our fears, but also saved strength.

There are many situations in which the delay of cases is rewarded and turns out to solve the problem.

  • Randomly pending boring task is performing someone else.
  • If you have long postpone the purchase of something, then in the end, waiting for sales or this thing will cease to be fashionable.
  • Often, procrastination passes with impunity: almost everyone in childhood was ever experienced due to the fact that he was not ready for a control or exam, and all this inhuman tension passed in one second, it was worth hearing the news that the teacher fell ill or for some kind The reason you do not need to go to school on this day - all this teaches you to pronounce in the hope that a miracle happens again.
  • Taking a pause to cool down, you avoided serious twigs with parents, teachers, bosses or friends.
  • Comfortable situations are sometimes allowed by themselves if waiting for more information or rely on the will happy case, etc.

It is believed that procrastination is rather an independent problem than the symptom of other problems. And, unfortunately, this diagnosis, instead of sending your efforts to break the cycle "Pressure - fear - procrastination", only worsens the situation, as it imposes guilt for you for such a terrible habit. Surrounding in one voice say that "you need to gather; just do it."

And you try hundreds different methods, make up lists, generate a schedule to make the scripter to force yourself to take up the case, but the results are disappointing, because such methods attack the procrastination, and at the same time you as its source, instead of attacking the problems that led to it.

When we identify our value through the work ("I am what I am doing"), then, naturally, without having protective psychological mechanisms, I am very reluctant to risk. If you think that, condemning your work, people actually condemn you, then perfectionism, self-criticism and procrastination and become the necessary forms of protection. Seeing your indecision that interferes with how to make a business or, on the contrary, complete the started, a person controlling you, or family members - often from good motives - begin to encourage you or, on the contrary, put pressure, and even threaten. And when there is a conflict between your internal fears, allow an error or to be imperfect and external requirements of other people, you start looking for salvation in procrastinations. And it can lead to a destructive cycle.

Requirements of the perfect result - fear of failure - procrastination - self-criticism - anxiety and depression - loss of confidence - Even big fear of failure - procrastination ...

Procrastination does not put the beginning of this behavioral stereotype. It is only a response to perfectionist or exorbitant requirements, as well as for fear that even small mistakes cause destructive criticism and cause failure.

You can learn to use procrastination in three basic cases:

  • as an indirect way to avoid the pressure of the bosses;
  • as a way to reduce fear of failure, justifying your behavior, far from perfection;
  • as a protective mechanism against the fear of success holding us away from the opportunity to express yourself.

More thoroughly studying the main reasons for the procrastination, we can understand which of these make it possible to identify the reasons for our own problem.

To be continued...


We begin to be lazy only when there is a danger or does not receive the release of our natural ingredient desire of fruitful activities. "No one is pronounced in order to feel bad," said Wetley. "Only in order to reduce their deep inner fears for a while."

Obomov - no wonder Russian.

Comment Article "Why are we lazy? How to stop postponing things for later and defeat the procrastination"

Maybe someone will not be lazy to comment ... then to silence the main thing and do it. Minor in the course of the case. Otherwise, I will forget, Issue, Nakosyachu and the mandrage begins, inner concern.


i have it for a long time, although I have only 38, but I feel that brains are somehow strange. I forget the bags constantly, especially in the market, such as paid, the surrender took and went. I can remember at home. Yesterday was apotheosis. First, I forgot in the clinic, returned. Then in the Bread - Already the seller joined me ... And today apotheosis, I am going to bake cottage cheese casserole, kneading the dough, took out the bowl, smeared the butter and flooded the dough - right into the empty multicooker ... now I think it will work or not :-) Plus I am engaged in English with the child, so those words that I knew from school - ok, and I can't remember new generally, at least 20 times repeat, I remembered everything from 1-2 times ... it certainly strains me, went to a neurologist, wrote Guards of Ceurson and Midakalm, here, but I do not see a sense yet ... I sit on the decree of the 10th year, probably quite a fulfillment came ...

if there is a financial opportunity. Go to xenono therapy. Dress up mask, lying, breathing, 3 sessions every day + a couple more times a week, and after surprise, the code from the xerox does not fit the intercom))

"- No president will change us. He himself is from us. He himself is unknown how to break through .... Our people seek in Stockholm (London and so on) only to be surrounded by the Swedes. Everything else is already in Moscow. Or Almost there. Not for the time to go, change life, the profession to eat something, and not to live under the guidance of the Swedish premiere ... So what do we do? I would say: change in the Swedish side. About it I do not want to talk because it is easy to talk. But ...

I'm an optimist! Specific, adequate, with the inevitable elements of the realist, but! Positive realist! And then it is often confused by a realist with a pessimist. But no, I have no time to do whine and myself. I am active purposeful, responsible and in love! I love my life, my family is like the most the main part This life. Sometimes I get tired, and yes - "There are days when you give your hands, and there is no words or music, no strength ..." (c). But it must be remembered that in fact everything is not so sad and ...

The new-fashioned Philosophy of Chayldfrey, that is, a voluntary refusal to the birth of children, today becomes more and more fans. Among the Childfries are found both women who prefer personal freedom and self-realization and men who are deliberately refusing to paternity. Arguments "Continuing the kind ...", "A glass of water in old age ..." for these people - empty sound. It should be noted that not everyone consciously refuses the birth of a child. That's just every time there are "reasonable ...

02/07/2018 19:26:18, Hel-La

12 I'm too lazy to wear and then wash all sorts of buttons. Therefore, during meals, my child sits naked and maries a belly to himself. I think that my mother then will not be lazy through the probe of the child in resuscitation to feed.

Every day he is increasingly similar to his future corpse. Jean Paul Sartre, each of us probably saw and experienced warm feelings and, even admiration, to the heroes of films, who, to find out on the verge of death, suddenly began to gain themselves. Such a feeling, probably, would have experienced a person who would reliably knew about the approaching end of the world. They started learning foreign languages, learn to sing, play on musical instruments, dance, passionately love, in the end. There are many bright examples ...

Several methods for dealing with laziness. 1. To stop being lazy, you must do anything! Try to do nothing at all, become in the middle of the room and stop. You are just forces for 15 minutes. Then you want to move, go. Try all the day not to get out of bed, just lying without moving. You will not succeed, through time you want to eat, do all needs. After such procedures, you will be perceived all of your business with delight! 2. Put the goal, decide on the tasks ...

He is ready to live there. He is burning, the child is just changing. He is there like a fish in the water. I tried to play it - the lessons, then the circle. Just need to teach it not to be lazy. And even to do what it seems unnecessary and nasty at this particular point in time.


And what does he do because it is necessary? Not interesting, I do not want, but it is necessary?
What knows about you from what you do regularly on the basis of "Like-I don't like Foot my beauty"?
About other people from the same?
It is for what, motivation is great, it allows you to do with pleasure. But discipline is more important that it should be done to do anyway. And who does not know how to motivate himself to blame himself, then will do without pleasure. But still will be. Do. All you need. On time.
IMHO The child simply did not form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe discipline and the execution of their debt as an integral part of the life of which no one would be dealt with and avoiding.

tell him what you give him his favorite thing if he will do everything you say

11/28/2015 13:14:47, Ivan Samarin

Our very first masseuse. The first 100 sessions came every day and worked only with the neck and her back and only then began his hands-legs, crawling and so on. Light, do not be lazy come to the seminar on the house. Just what, and problems breathing you decide. everything...


what does your cardiologist speak for shortness of breath? ... any doctor has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe general list of medicines that you take? If you are still drinking convalex, the valproate slows down the metabolism of some (quite many) medicines. Maybe you have an overdose of something? ... Sleep in the afternoon 3 times 2 hours can be from Aerp. Correlation is the time between reception and falling asleep?

What do doctors say why the child does not hold his head? You do not have any strong muscle pathology, if you don't even put a child's cerebral. In order to crawl at least on the plastinski or turn over, it is necessary to understand the causal things, to have a motivation to this, use and coordinate a large group of muscles, but it is not necessary to hold it. First of all, it is necessary to make a x-ray department, if there are no displacements there, then it is possible a head too heavy due to hydrocephalus, or the child too slowed down by the air. One more possible reasonWhat you are trying to work immediately over the whole body of the child, and the brain cannot compensate all. Our very first masseuse. The first 100 sessions came every day and worked only with the neck and her back and only then began his hands-legs, crawling and so on.

04/02/2008 22:10:20, VTTA

It will pass :)) Chesslovo! And what then starts, cutting the light. I'm directly laughing me now - we have changed the furniture, and choose the car (test drives all sorts), the child of the eldest thing I am stupidly too lazy - with a complete understanding that it's not fucking to be lazy.


And I did not wait for enthusiazism with enthusiazism. As the pregnancy was revealed at the beginning, so I still can't collect yourself in a bunch. No, I certainly do something, for example, I already glitter - I'm draining her and drag. Current to which this nafig is necessary?! And things that really need to do is lying on the box, and I write to Cofu, or I read everything about the kids, pregnant women, even about traveling (yesterday it brought a chance to the site tour of the company, so I spent 8 hours all in Dreams). Daughter house. Well, how to make yourself do something, eh?

It will pass :)) Chesslovo! And what then starts, cutting the light. I am right now - we also change the furniture, and choose the car (test drives all sorts), the child of the senior dispensary, I go to driving courses, every day it pulls me on culinary and bureaucratic exploits (type of keeping husband and receiving tax deduction) and t. d. Hem in shock! And this is with the elders, to which 1.1 and 28-week belly ... Mdja ...

I spoke at school, then I realized that it was not just useless, but it was very harmful and even stopped going to meetings. I agree with you, it is necessary to help, but we do not know this particular situation, maybe not too lazy at all.


My child now finishes the 1st Course of Moscow State University, entered without tutors, but there were a lot of skills at school. Causes are intense relationships with teachers. I spoke at school, then I realized that it was not just useless, but it was very harmful and even stopped going to meetings. With her son and sitting that unloved lessons taught, and asked, persuaded. Yes, with a 17-year-old guy sitting together and read writings on Onegin before the exam! Very afraid that it would be angry, there was a psychologically to this. By the way, not one I sat with a child. My friend, too, together with the daughter of a book in literature read. Try to understand the baby and get up on his side. Either it is difficult for him to study in general, either on individual subjects, or there "Cat has fastened the road" and "Kosa to stone" found. Maybe better school change? If laziness - they correctly wrote about the belt and the grave hill. If the principles are a matter of something completely different. At 15, a person will give up a school rather and fools makes it worth it.

"I think that you have to say everything is thicker, to talk about the army, thoroughly, in short about a further life. Ask:" And what are you, kid, going to live? Do you want to disseid and work on the car, sitting on the fifth point? ". We must not explain," what is good and what is bad, "and you need to make him understand that life for errors is wiping with terrible power And for such a naked irresponsibility in the future, he is waiting for only three things: vocational schools with a bench salary, a turyaga and a little grave in the Chechen village. It is necessary to put everything in such a light: it's deeply to do parents, let albeit on the ears, but in the future he will not receive a penny from the above-mentioned parents, otherwise he apparently decided that childhood is too good to fall out of it; You look, stopped legs with your neck and will sit so until the oldest and beat the bumps. It is necessary to make it necessary to understand with their active actions that nothing from the sky itself and the parents always keep the child will not be able and while he does not realize it, it doesn't make sense to fight: only he can cope with this universe evil. The only thing you can do in this situation is to take a tough position: all the joys of life (TV, computer, etc., etc.) came the end. It is necessary to directly declare that after the army, as he wants, so it will catch and you do not pegs. In the last, you can practice an old method, effectively pushing the thought processes of the child - the father's belt. As one fisolof used to say, "body suffering is fixed." I myself do not recognize the pacifist and violence, but in the fight against the universe evil, hereinafter also lazed, all the methods are good. Yes, that sin to tate, I am also lazy, we are all in some degree of lazy, but some struggle with laziness and go to Mercedes, and others do not fight and become homeless. If it will finally come to him that it belongs to the number of last, then maybe everything is not lost for you, "- cheerful anonymous, 15 years old.

How everything is running with you. You have, not a daughter. Sorry. Your daughter is a shank, and an equal, and not an object of control.
Habits are instilled with the example of parents and personal motivation, IMHO. Invite her friends. It can be ashamed of the mess in the room. Let him go to visit herself, sees how removed it. Although, IMHO, even early.
And about the mistakes and one's own opinion, so it is beautiful that it has it! I would explain the consequences (drop from the chair) and provided to act. Fell, do not pay attention, or kiss if it hurts and not a word about what we talked, and you ... everything will understand. After the fall, did she do so again? Not? You see, the conclusion is made.
Violence (moral) can lead to closedness and unnecessary protests at a later age, IMHO, do you need it? Let it be responsible for their choice now.

Probably your plans for the next year are amazing with your scope - you want to bring assets to offshore on the Balearic Islands or learn how to play ukulele. And I'm going to spend the next few months to get rid of procrastination - the main obstacle to the world of the future on Earth.

Procrastination, as Wikipedia tells, is a concept in psychology that means a condition characterized by constant postponing of important cases for later, instead of the execution of which time goes on trifles, which actually do not matter. For example, if you need to go and endure the garbage, and you polished the iPod; If you need to answer business letters, and you are reading Google Reader. Many people spend on procrastination twice as much time than at the work itself, and the year of the year it becomes only worse. This type of people is called "procrastators".

The reasons for procrastination there are a great set. Some cannot work without adrenaline until they hit the grandilan head. Others in this way are trying to avoid responsibility and pull with the decision-making. Some simply brain clogged with any nonsense. But in reality it does not matter much.

It is much more important that procrastination is the basis of half of modern civilization. For example, the popularity of communication in social networks - Direct consequence of this bad habit. Normally reads the news once a day, looks into a live magazine - once a week, watching TV - once a year. And what we see in real life? A huge number of people spends on this a bunch of time - and all just because they are unable to make themselves write some business letter.

Our internal and external enemies are willing to all in order for us to be more convenient to pronounce. They lure us in traps - such as "similar videos" on YouTube, "Popular Records" on Yandex. But even a complete disconnection from the Internet will not save from this habit. Even the Chekhov himself sometimes, having sidewood for a couple of minutes for the "Chamber No. 6", got up and ran to the buffet behind Ryabinovka. With this problem you need to deal with other ways.

There are many ways to treat procrastination. For example, "Approach (10 + 2) x 5". The idea of \u200b\u200bthis is: First you need to put a goal - say, write a text paragraph. Then, honestly, without distracting and grinding his teeth, perform the task for ten minutes, checking the time. After that, a couple of minutes you can relax, smoke, drink coffee. And then repeat everything first. An hour later you will have five ready-made paragraphs - a rather good result for a robot.

But the problem is that it is not always possible to achieve some of the result using the methods described above.

This is mainly because of their use requires the presence of the will of the will, which most of us have already atrophily. And for this reason, the solution to this problem should be done the main task The year, and to try to rise to the beginning of next year, to reduce the visibility of Live Journal at least 80%, smoking by 40%, search for its name on the Internet for 3.

In truth, I can not imagine what happens if people around the world once will cease to spend time on procrastination. The world, as we see it, will cease to exist. And it will suddenly be discovered that all our business actually leaves twice the time. What happens then - whether GDP will double, whether the financial crisis will end, - I do not know. But if I somehow find time to watch the TV series "WORK" - I will consider it with my achievement.

Five types of procrastinators: What do you feel about?

Not all procrastinators are the same - and the methods of dealing with procrastination for each of their own, tells Gwen Moran from Fast Company magazine.

If, as the deedlanine approaches, your desktop becomes more neat and tidy, you should be familiar to the effects of procrastination. And to postpone the fact that you can do today - it's not innocuous: one new study shows that procrastination is associated with more high levels Stress, depression, fatigue and even with unemployment.

At procrastination, if it uses wisely, there may be benefits. But Her Home driving force - the desire to avoid something painful, and it can be destructive, says the psychologist Neil Fiore, the author of the book " Easy way to begin new life" Employees chronically suffering from procrastination face imbalances in life, as they avoid the necessary actions or classes, he says.

If you study your progastination style - the reasons that encourage you to postpone the necessary, then you can make useful conclusions. Here are five common types of prologous and methods that help them get out of the bog.

Five types of procrastructors


Such people are trying to avoid shameful mistakes or condemnation from others. They spend too much time for some one aspect of the project, because poorly manage their time, or in general for a long time They shy away from the project, and then at the last moment they are trying to finish it. And this, of course, only increases the likelihood of errors.


Such people are afraid that the surrounding will expose them and see unqualified or unworthy workers in them, and therefore postpone everything that is fraught with such risks, says fjore. Often, a person hits such a procrastination when people are surrounded by the people. "If I can't please a partner, parents, teachers, chief, it provokes what behaviorists call" learned helplessness. " And this, in essence, the path to depression, "says Fiore.


When the work is boring or unpleasant, some people are pronounced to avoid such a classes, says Nicole Bandez, founder of the consulting company Productivity Expert. If you hate what you do, or it sides it, it is difficult to find motivation.


Sometimes things are simply too much, and it is difficult to decide where to start - so we do not do anything, says fjore. And it does not matter, you yourself scored so much affairs, or this chief decided to take such a bunch of work on you - the thought itself is to have to do all this leads to the fact that we avoid action.


Some people are confident that they are best working under pressure, so they are pronounced while life is not delivered to the corner.

If this is repeated and repeated, without causing no negative consequences for a person, in fact, the person receives a reward for procrastination, says Bundes. "If, say, at school, you have always been waiting until the last, before passing the task, and each time they received a good assessment, it creates an idea that it does not need to hurry anywhere," she says.

How to cope with these types of procrastination

What if procrastination prevents your work? First of all, you need to pay attention to it, says Bundes. And then choose the appropriate approach.

Make sure the work should accurately be done

If you are pronounced due to overload or because you hate your work, for starters ask yourself, and exactly you need to perform this or that task. Maybe from some of its elements you can get rid of or delegate them to someone? When you eliminate such unnecessary components, the path becomes clearer, advises Bundes.

Divide tasks on parts

When you know exactly what exactly needs to be done to move forward, you eliminate uncertainty, frequent cause Procracutinations, and get a specific action plan. The planning process itself also helps you see that everything is not as terrible as it seems to you (especially if you pick up your grandina for each step).

Take on specific obligations

Fiore says it is important to find his true motivation and feel why you are doing this or that matter. For example, if you are trying to correct your health and well-being, and exercise is part of your plan, it is important to take on specific obligations. "If people write down or declare when they start to do, indicate that they will do during at least some kind of short time, and the collision with obstacles internally rehearse, it helps to actively engage, more regularly clean your teeth or, let's say, there is more vegetables"," Says Fiore.

Do something one

It is often possible to deal with procrastination if you make yourself take at least some kind of action, says Bundes. Let even this action - view some studies or make a project plan, it sends you to the path to the completion of the case. This is the case with sports activities: Often, the most difficult thing is to start.

Add urgency

Fiore and Bundes say that to overcome the procrastination, it is also useful to add urgency to your task. Put the grandine for the first version and tell me that this version should not be perfect, advises fjore. As for completely urgent tasks, Bundes recommends put the timer and force himself to work on a project of 15-30 minutes, just to start. You can also add game items - reward yourself for each stage or invent your separate incentive for each component project.

What is procrastination?

Many people do not know what procrastination is, although the phenomenon is very common in our society and in one degree or another inherent almost to all people.

This is baking, postponing for later important cases that will still have to do. As a result, this leads to serious problems, both in life and in professional activities.

And this is not too lazy?

No, laziness and procrastination are completely different things. If a person does not do something because of laziness, he feels great, enjoying at all deserved rest. On the contrary, a person suffering from procrastination is alarming, fear that in the future it becomes the cause of stress.

In other words, Lazy blessing, not doing anything, and the poor fellow with procrastination is constantly hugged by a conscience, requiring immediately to do business, but a person does not have "moral forces".


It means that if there is a problem - procrastination, - it should be known to everyone with the symptoms.

A person suffering from this psychological disorder seeks to postpone all important things "for later", especially if there are many time on their execution. He is doing anything, but not necessary. He hangs on Vkontakte or in classmates, unfolds solitaire, tells his colleagues about growing rabbits or drink tea. In other words, the moment pulls the moment when they still have to take the case.

As a result, he reaches the fact that it is forced to do all the work in an Averal pace, which, naturally, is reflected on its quality and causes the execution of the authorities or the displeasure of teachers if we are talking About who else learns.

This scenario is not occupied occasionally (no specific work does not like), but always, as a result leads to severe psychological consequences.

What to do?

Regarding the reasons for this phenomenon, scientists have no consensus. Call a different one, and no version explains all the facts. So, not knowing what procrastination means how psychological problemWhat is its origin, it is impossible to eliminate her cause and have to work with its consequences.

  1. Important and incorrect (graduate from the institute, become the head of the department ...).
  2. Important and urgent (add a diploma, buy a medicine, pass a report ...).
  3. Unimportant and urgent (go on an anniversary, see your favorite movie ...).
  4. Unimportant and indeferential (often "chronophages" (time eaters): chat on a phone or trim online, wipe the shops, play cards ...).

Based on the analysis of these cases, a list of cases is drawn up, starting with important and urgent.

And performed, but starting from anywhere with such a calculation so that things from different groups alternate.

At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the regulations and be sure to distinguish time for rest.

Learn your type of procrastination?

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And the eyes are afraid, and the hands do not! Already tomorrow you need to pass new project, prepare an important report, send the head of the final results of monthly work. But, here it is, lagging around where the feeling of fatigue, and in the hands of the remote control, a sweet bun from the store on the contrary, the favorite embroidery, notepad and pencils. It has been necessary to pour flowers long ago, help the child to draw a boat, follow the homemade cat. And all this is committed under unbearable remorse of conscience! Emergency work is postponed at best for a couple of hours, at worst - indefinitely. In psychology, the inclination to the constant postponation of very important and urgent cases, leading to the vital problems and painful psychological effects is called procrastination.

How to determine what procrastination for you has become a problem and prevents life?

Basic signs:

  • You, during your duties constantly distracted. For example, you can call conversations with colleagues, constantly view messages on your phone, smoke, leave to the toilet or drink tea.
  • On the solution of even the most simple problems takes a lot of time.
  • You never have time to finish work on time. And when "dates are pressed", or refuse to work, or begin to try to fulfill it short time. As a result, a qualitative result, of course, will not.
  • Taking off the dates, often feel the feeling of guilt, Corrite yourself, promise once again to do everything in time, but the situation does not change.
  • You are afraid of responsibility, complex tasks, large volumes of work.
  • Not very confident in yourself, you have a low self-esteem.
  • Constantly justify yourself, and comes up with a great many reasons for postponing.

"Do not postpone tomorrow everything you can do today." The meaning of the proverb is deep and understands since childhood. But, nevertheless, not everyone managed to follow this simple truth. Consciously postponing "for later" important workfrom which the success and welfare depends, you do not relax, and spend more intensively vital energy. From this unpleasant tendency, you must urgently get rid of!

Seven stages of getting rid of procrastination

Responsibility, desire, success, life achievements are all bright antonyms to such a word as procrastination. Each eaten bun and re-water flower at a time when you need to urgently sit down necessary work - a new round of this state.
Would you like to become more successful? Tired of the fact that someone else instead you get praise and rewards? Then it is now - the most good time To become a way to fix!

First stage. Stop thinking!

Procracing, you do not notice how endless planning takes all your time. Sometimes this state comes to the absurdity: you are in constant search perfect solution. But, unfortunately, this decision does not arise. The thing is that it simply does not exist!
Constantly thinking, you just spend your own time. And this is an excellent justification of idleness. In order to move from the "dead point", it is necessary to stop making infinite plans and go to action.

Second phase. From an elephant back to the fly.

All your problems are not really so big and scary, as it may seem at first glance. It is possible that the boss is not so angry and terrible. And the work that he gives, a wave forces by a simple mortal man. In fact, it is difficult to find workers and homework, which really surpass human capabilities.
However, the state of procrastination is truly magical. Laying important things, we begin to see them through the prism of their own doubts and experiences. And now the task received a couple of days ago, grows to the giant sizes. How to cope with it, do you think with horror? Just look at her from a different angle. Armed with common sense, knowledge and everyday experience, start acting.

Soon you will see how the elephant created by you turns back into the fly.

Third stage. Just take the first step

The first step is the most difficult, but at the same time the most important. "You should not see the whole staircase, just take the first step," said Martin Luther King Jr. Martin. In other words, stop thinking about a global task!
When you look too far to the future, any task or project seem just incredible and unbearable for you. As a result, after a few minutes, all attempts to do something important and necessary are stopped. And now you are aimlessly viewing the pages on the Internet, switch the channels on TV or flores a useless magazine.
The third step of dealing with procrastination is an attempt to move your focus of attention to these tasks. Now you need to concentrate exactly on the first step today. Having determined the circle of today's problems, you are easily included in the work. You know what exactly you need to focus on what you need to direct your efforts!
Thus, you put yourself in a favorable condition in which you feel confident and other positive emotions. In this state, you are aware that there is a lot of tasks to perform the next step. But at the same time you accept it, and do not postpone the case to the "best times."

Fourth stage. Start the day with the most difficult task

The most difficult and surround task is what scares the most. A complex telephone conversation, painstaking reporting, preparation of a project for a demonstration before a large audience cause an unpleasant tremor in the body and make you lower your arms? So this is exactly what needs to start today!
Getting Started to solve the most complex and unpleasant tasks at the beginning of the day, you make a huge service.

Having spent a couple of hours to a difficult and unpleasant case, you exempt yourself from him in the future! And this means that you have made a huge step forward and now you can start a pleasant part of your work.

Fifth stage. Learn to make decisions

A person is a biological and social being (that is how we were taught in school in the lessons of biology). And this means that simple inaction in anticipation of the team is an uncharacteristic behavior for us, which robs in longing and causes strong depression. In order to feel confident and successful, it is necessary to make decisions every day and actively turn on!
If you want something, but you can't make a decision and do it is the most explicit sign procrastinations. The lack of desired actions causes a serious internal conflict. Output one: take responsibility for your own solutions and your own life.

Sixth stage. See the fear right in the eye!

Timely and correct solution of any tasks inevitably conducts professional and personal success. And it is at the same time well, and bad! Any procrastination - fear of becoming successful, as success is a rather heavy daily burden.
It is much easier to live with a sense of constantly regretful about the missed opportunities. Once again, remaining at the "sideline" of his life, we think about how it would be good if we had a little hurried and managed to pass by passing by.
Stop fear of success! Each missed chance makes life boring and gray. In extreme cases, it is better to regret that using the excellent opportunity, we did not receive the expected result. In any case, readily opposing various suggestions, we attract useful dating in our life, which, one way or another, will play their role in it.

Seventh stage. Bring the work started to the end

Abandoned on half of the road, it always causes unpleasant mental experiences. Unfinished in time project, an imperfect call, missed meeting can be the causes of poor well-being.
The final step of dealing with procrastination will help learn to avoid this unpleasant and even hazardous state. Once again, taken for certain work, control the degree of its completion. Make sure you have completed all the tasks and passed all the steps. As a result, the result of your works will not make yourself wait long! And reap the fruits of your successful work Very nice and useful for mental health. Public recognition, long-awaited increase in the career ladder, solid cash stimulation - only a small part of what you get, won over insidious procrastination.

Let's not chat: With procrastination, each of us is not familiar with it. Most even capable of maternally admit that from time to time we intentionally (or not?) Pull the acceptance of an important decision that can affect our life. This may be a hike to a dentist, a large or small task, waiting for execution, or banal home cleaning. Today we will try to find out what situations should be on guard and what can help in the partisan struggle against this unprofitable quality.

Do not delay in a long box will start.

1. Determine if it is really necessary to do it

Perhaps the reason for your procrastination lies in the absence of a weighing reason to start acting. The work you can't tolerate, or something else, unloved from childhood, from which you always wanted to get rid of, is a completely different category to which dreams and real goals do not.

In such situations, I would advise first of all to approach the assessment of the upcoming task critically: what for Would spend time on what is strongly not likely, if there are many other tasks, take on which pleasure?

2. Spend a small "intelligence fight"

Finding out what tasks are in idle state, take one of them and perform a small part of it to understand the level of difficulty of execution. Relying on the impressions obtained in the process, decide whether you need help.

Often, we overload yourself to thoughts about how much things need to have time to be translated into life, and then we cannot budge, imagining the endless list of tasks: there are many of them, and the employee, that is, you are one-one-one. This approach is obviously wrong. What if you give urgent question, Say, 15 minutes or half an hour? It is likely that you will taste, thereby moving from the dead point.

3. Listen to yourself. And do on the contrary

The best friend "I will do tomorrow" - "Something I do not want." If rebellious moods grow in the soul, it is necessary to fight them as strong and hard as with international terrorism. After all, if you go about your desire to do nothing, what will happen next? Right, nothing.

So, before taking the time that I could not avoid, try tune in to new way: Make, walk on foot or resort to a different way, effective for you.

4. Order first

The situation around you can successfully be how to promote procrastinations and help in the fight against it. Long explore your desktop, housekeeping or any other place where you have to work.

Surely not everything around you is in the ideal order, so find the strength to get rid of the garbage, distribute everything in place, so that the eye is glad, and the work arose.

By the way, after a small cleaning and it seems easier. Make sure you yourself.

5. Teach yourself to thoughts: Now it will always be

As a rule, the first steps in what would be, be it sport or new duties at work, are always not easy. Probably most simple example There will be a situation in which each of us turned out to be at least once in life. Remember the magic Snooze button on the alarm clock? I bet, you may not know what it means english wordBut you know exactly how this button works: there is nothing easier than clicking on it and calmly sleep further.

So here it is impossible succumb to such temptations listening to inner voiceCalling to postpone all things in a long box. Forget about the rules of etiquette when he once again comes off in your head: we will converge his tirade on the half-word and do what should.

6. Tell the trustee to your important decision.

They can be your business partner, wife or best friend - Yes, anywhere, the main thing is that he is in the know. Write this person your intentions, indicating key points, Dates and deadlines. Ask him to check you as an experiment.

It can very well be that your ally in the struggle for productivity and the help itself requires help and additional motivation in life. Therefore, we urge you to be honest in relation to each other: gently, but decisively indicate the places that require, in your opinion, special attention. And act.

7. Do not let yourself be a victim of circumstances

You did not think why the expression "be a victim of circumstances" so popular? Why are the stories from the losers of losers collect crowds sympathizing? The answer is simple: people want to be confident that there are always those who are weaker, unsuccessful, unhappy themselves.

Let's think productive: digging in your own issues will not help in finding solutions. Chin up! Try to dispel the despondency, convince yourself: "I'm fine." Then everything should work out.

8. Apologies are not accepted

In general, you need to apologize as little as possible. Apologize is, in fact, forgive yourself, that is, our chief enemy. If you forgive yourself all right and left, in the end you will seek and become living, guided by instincts and natural needs. Is this life?

Reason to negotiate with them, going along the path of least resistance, there may be indefinitely a lot. Eradicate the slightest attacks of this bad habit.

9. Learn to focus in a short time

If you want to be successful, learn to manage your time. Start with small: get to be collected during small time segments required to perform a task.

Mastering this technique perfectly, you can proceed to long-term planning. As my favorite poet said, "it seems great at a distance."

10. Listen to Indian Mantras

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Even if you do not frequent ethnofestivals and have never thought about the trip to Nepal or Goa, pay attention to the national music of the country of elephants and Carry sauces. Mantras are positive installations, listening to which and meditating, you can find calm and tune in to the desired way. The first thing to learn is to control the breath. When it is by force you can begin to comprehend more complex states - concentration on what you need.

By the way, Mantra has a lot. You can experiment and choose the one that I like and works.

11. Leave the comfort zone

Our enemy enemy is an inner voice. If you let him sound, he will imperceptibly convince you of her right. And it is reliably known that in most cases he is mistaken. Try to distrast from it by anyone known to you.

Most often, he arises in those moments when we tend to doubt our power. Therefore, if you are not sure if you reach the end of the way, try to stroke the words of doubt with positive installations: "I can, I will come, I will do."

12. Visualize goals. Im present success

Visualization - powerful tool To achieve goals. More than once it was proved that this technique helps to kill the procrastination on the root, motivating you for success.

A look in the future contributes to the concentration of attention for the endful purposes, as well as on how their achievement will affect the quality of your future life. Get the "Board of Desires" if you want to succeed as soon as possible.

13. Create yourself a little problem

Or a lot, this is how much will need. What am I talking about? The fact is that the suffering and different sense are also sources of motivation: the feeling of unpleasant pushes us forward, and we change the work, moving, learn something new.

Having reached a certain point of awareness of the situation that dislike, a normal man begins act. So, if you are still sitting in place and prefer not to think about the problem, it means that everything suits you, not otherwise.

In general, you are the same wizard that can help you with everything. As the wise Mahatma Gandhi taught us, if you want to change in the future - become this variable in the present.

14. Who is drifting, that wins

Bound your fear! Fear of anything - the most faithful accomplice of procrastination. Just tell me: "No, I'm not afraid of anything, I will succeed." Repeat it more often, write down on a piece and hang on the prominent place - we have already talked about the benefits of visualization of thoughts in the point number 12. If you get to gain control over the fear of at least once, it will also be possible to return.

How to do it? Talk to yourself - all did it at least once in life. So why not make a good one, useful habit? Alone with his thoughts you can not criticize the soul and not to look for excuses negative traits: fear, laziness, reluctance to change something. Try to identify your own problem places And start fighting them.

15. Work on self-discipline

To be honest, the choice is often not so great: either to collect all the will in the fist today and stand on the path of change, or reap the bitter fruits of frustration in the already foreseeable future. Leave the solution to important life questions For later - it is too easy and, alas, completely ineffective.

Many people are known for the proverb "Sing the thought - get marine, lay the action - get the habit, lay the habit - get married, lay in character - get fate." Check yourself with the right thoughts, get good habits, because everything is in your hands.

In general, each of us is nothing more than a totality of habits and styles. You can accustom yourself absolutely to everything. Take advantage of this feature of the human consciousness in their own interests!

16. Scales must be loyal, and timing - foreseeable

Easy to give promises, isn't it? On this topic in the world, there are quite a few songs and even more words. Also applies to the terms, dents, as it has now become fashionable to speak. It is half a minute to assign them from the strength, the week and months can take place.

How to proceed? Let's think strategically: imagine that in punishment for breaking the work schedule you will be deprived of the opportunity, say ... drink coffee for a month! Not a very joyful perspective, right?

17. Announce war perfectionism

In fact, there is nothing good in it with a smooth account. To begin with, refer to the definition. Perfectionism is the belief that the best result can (or need) to achieve. It would seem that nothing is bad, but, reflecting in a similar way, we are infinitely distinguished from the true goal, which is to make the case - gET SH * T DONE, as they say overseas.

The main mistake that many are inclined is the substitution of concepts. Perfectionism has nothing to do with high quality. Who would tell us about this, the answer will be one: time is money. Learn to manage it in the same way as an experienced commander manages his army.

18. Do not forget to encourage yourself

It happens that we are not enough awards for the case, performed with success. We must not forget about the promotion, because it is one of the strongest sources of internal motivation. That is why it is so important to celebrate your victories, both big and small. Arrange an extraordinary output, please yourself by buying, which have long been dreamed of, penetrate the joy of triumph!

In the end, the fight against procrastination is not easy. As Jim Ron, a famous American speaker and a business coach, said in his book "Vitamins"

We all should test two types of pain: the pain of discipline and pain of regret. The difference is that discipline weighs oz, while regret weighs tons.

Are you prone to procrastinations? What and for what reason do you tend to postpone once? Share with us your opinion and successful experience in dealing with your misfortune!

Moscow, 11 Sen - RIA Novosti. The desire to postpone the case for later - the right sign that they can not be done at all. The fact that still lies in the habit of delaying the execution of responsibilities until the last moment and why lists of cases on the day can significantly reduce performance, said RIA Novosti psychologists and psychoanalysts.

Procrastination (from lat. Pro - instead, ahead and crastinus - tomorrow) - the concept of psychology, denoting the tendency to continuously postponed affairs and duties for later. Psychologists note that her reason is not laziness, which only accompanies, and other phenomena, sometimes requiring specialist consultancy.

Cause First - Lack of Personal Interest

"We have the problem of inclusion of motivation very serious. In addition, I would not say that activity is an unconditional value for our domestic mentality. Why do something? For what? Motivational deficit is a big problem. Something you need to want Something inspired, something should take place in the shower, so that an inspiring and fascinating goal appears, "explained the associate professor of the Faculty of Consultative and Clinical Psychology of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Andrei Spes.

If something does not want to do, psychologists advise to answer themselves to the question: "Do I need it?" If not, and at the same time it is possible to give someone to someone or abandon him at all, it is better to do so so as not to experience the remorse of the conscience for poor-quality or inadvertent work done.

The reasons for the second - fear of failure

Psychologists note that for the desire to delay the execution of some business until the last moment there may be fear of their own failure. Children do not want to learn and do lessons when they do not understand the material, adults are afraid of their duties when they lack qualifications.

The solution for this problem is quite simple: in the case of the child, parents should be placed with him or hire for this tutor working to work - to find a way to improve their skills to the desired level.

Third reason - internal conflict

Psychologists about what the desire to become beautifulThe modern ideal of beauty is a painful thinness plus enlarged parts of the face and body - descended from podiums and glossy magazines. About how this ideal affects the minds of young girls and mature women, which threatens the pathological desire to follow the artificially created model of beauties, RIA Novosti said specialists on International Beauty Day.

The most serious reason for the proclastination is associated with internal human conflicts, of different kind Anomalies and disorders that he himself may not be aware and therefore needs help from a specialist.

"It is likely that there is some kind of active process of psychological protection, and for some reason what needs to be done is alarming, rejection. A person does not really understand why, but it cannot be formed. The third topic is almost infinite, because that these forms of resistance can be as much as you like. it is rather a symptom internal conflict"," Explained the psychoanalyst Dmitry Sklizkov.

Damage of success

"Over the past 20 years I had to work with large quantity highly successful peopleAnd, if we talk about a psychological draw, which distinguishes successful people from not very successful, this is the ability to think and immediately start doing. Do not doubt, do not reflect, if I need it or not, whether I will succeed or not, "said Sklizkov.

Of particular efforts to work out this quality is not required. All you need to do is put in front of yourself the desired and motivating goal. If it is, and there is no psychological disorders, get rid of procrastination will be easy: it will be necessary to rationally distribute your time and action.

"For example, books and courses on time management are very well and the right thing. But it must be remembered that it helps only a certain circle of people who have no existential and motivational issues, a tendency to melancholiciness and depressiveness," the speech recommended.

Daily lists trap

Psychologists remind that the compilation of lists of affairs makes sense if a person keeps a clearly set goal in his head and remembers that all things work on its implementation. For a list for one day, it is advisable to allocate a mandatory minimum, for example, two cases, and then praise yourself if the third was performed.

"A person must clearly understand what he wants and what is his value. Then he will be able to allocate for himself the stages, and each made a step will be simply learning. In all other cases, making a list of cases and any time management can be a way to deny and bring themselves to Psycho, "- concluded Sklizkov.

How often are you before the surrender of an important project, the exam, a conversation with parents or campaign to the dentist (when the tooth already hurts) find a lot of other, simpler classes, absolutely not related to the basic case? Moreover, each list of such cases and the situation is very individual and may contain quite a few points. And even if you have only one point in this list, it still interferes with living normally. What to do? Fight with this unpleasant phenomenon.

Let's start with the very determination of the term "procrastination" - this is a concept in psychology, denoting a constant postponing for more unpleasant thoughts and affairs.

As I said, a list of such cases and thoughts is individual and can be very impressive. There are several tips that help to fight procrastination and do not require any complex actions. The main thing is not to postpone the work on yourself "for later."

1. Make one unpleasant thing to you in the morning. Of course, not immediately after waking up. And when it comes it to engage in affairs, let the first point in your "Todolist" will be at least one small unpleasant thing. For example, call plumbing or call not a very pleasant customer. It's how to jump from the tower immediately without thinking. Or approach a hundred times to the edge, to estimate the height, to move, gather with the Spirit and ... stop before the journey again. And so as long as you are not afraid of you, who has already burst the patience stand in line on the jump. Good rule - First of all, at least a small unpleasant thing, and your list is already in short.

2. If you hardly do any work several times a week, make it every day. No matter how strange it sounds, but this rule works. For example, you need to write to a blog article or fill cards for the program. Of course, you can sit down and write the desired quantity in a few days. But first, it is not always at hand need materialAnd secondly, the second time to sit down and force yourself to write in a few days it will be very difficult (taking into account the fact that you do not like it, but it is still necessary to do anyway). If you start working on it every day gradually, then gradually retract. And it will not be so difficult to sit for this work. Gradually, it will be in your habit, and later may even please.

3. Find a company for your "unpleasant things." Studies show that many things we make much more advantageous for the company with someone else than alone.

4. Make preparation for work with your necessary tool.That is the collection required tools gives you the opportunity to morally prepare for the fulfillment of an unpleasant case. For example, printing any letter, or collect the necessary information before talking to the client. You do not need to do this today, you can postpone it. But it is quite possible that simply getting ready in advance, you decide to finish it as soon as possible and make it all on the same day.

5. Enter the list. This advice can be found quite often in the fight against the non-fulfillment of cases (simply speaking, an ubiquitous laziness). And it works. Typically, lists are constituted to perform any long-term, but it works with one-day. Just write on paper that by the end of today I have to do something and that.

6. First, the most unpleasant (ladies and children are ahead). Make sure that you first perform one of the main unpleasants, and not the fulfillment of "small troubles" trying to delay the fulfillment of the most unpleasant (and it happens).

7. Learn to enjoy the completion of unpleasant things. Forced themselves to do what has been postponed for a month - rejoice! At least for the fact that you have such a well done and finally found the strength to complete a very unpleasant thing. Even if you were a little sicken in the process of execution and at the end there was an unpleasant precipitate. You did it. You are well done!

And now I would like to ask what you start doing you to avoid doing an unpleasant case? I personally, I begin to go through things or search that I still have to do it "like, would be necessary, I often do not associate with" my dragon ".