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Psychological mechanisms of social perception. Perception is a definition in psychology

Perception (this word means "perception" in translation from Latin) is a cognitive process of active direct display by a person of various objects, phenomena, events and situations. If such cognition is aimed at social objects and effects, then such a phenomenon is called social perception. Various mechanisms of social perception can be observed in everyday life on a daily basis.


Mentions of such a psychological phenomenon as perception were found in the ancient world. Philosophers, physicists, physiologists and even artists have made a great contribution to the development of this concept. But the greatest importance is attached to this concept in psychology.

Perception is the most important mental function of cognition, manifested in the form of a complex process of receiving and transforming sensory information. Thanks to perception, the individual makes up an integral image of the object that affects the analyzers. In other words, perception is a form of sensory display. This phenomenon includes such characteristics as the identification of individual features, the correct selection of information, the formation and accuracy of a sensory image.

Perception is always associated with attention, logical thinking, memory. She always depends on motivation and has a certain emotional coloring. The properties of any kind of perception include structure, objectivity, apperception, context and meaningfulness.

The study of this phenomenon is being intensively conducted not only by representatives of various branches of psychology, but also by physiologists, cybernetics, and also other scientists. In their differential studies, they widely use methods such as experiment, modeling, observation, empirical analysis.

Understanding what functions, structure, and mechanisms of social perception are, has for psychology not only something in common, but also practical significance... This phenomenon plays an important role in the creation of information systems, in artistic design, in sports, pedagogical activities and many other areas of human activity.


Perceptual factors are both internal and external. External factors include intensity, size, novelty, contrast, repeatability, movement, and recognition.

Internal factors include:

Interaction with society through perception

Another concept that is widely used in psychology and related sciences is such a variety of our perception as social perception. This is the name of the person's assessment and understanding of other people and himself, as well as other social objects. Such objects can include various groups, social communities. This term appeared in 1947, and was introduced by the psychologist D. Bruner. The appearance of this concept in psychology allowed scientists to look at the tasks and problems of human perception in a completely different way.

People are social beings. During life, any person contacts other people a huge number of times, forming a variety of interpersonal relationships. Individual groups of people also form close bonds. Therefore, each person is the subject of a huge number of very different relationships.

A positive or negative attitude towards people around us directly depends on our perception, as well as on how we evaluate our communication partners. Usually, during communication, we evaluate first the appearance, and then the behavior of the partner. As a result of this assessment, a certain attitude is formed in us, preliminary assumptions are made about the psychological qualities of the interlocutor.

Social perception can take several forms. So, in most cases, social perception is the perception of the person himself. Any individual perceives himself, as well as his own or someone else's group. There is also a perception by the members of the group. This includes perceptions within the boundaries of their community or members of an alien group. The third type of social perception is group perception. A group can perceive both its own person and members of a foreign community. The last type of social perception considers the perception by one group of an alien group.

The very process of such perception can be depicted in the form of evaluative activity. We evaluate the psychological characteristics of a person, his appearance, actions and deeds. As a result, we form a definite opinion about the observed, form a clear idea of ​​its possible behavioral reactions.


Perception is always the process of predicting the feelings and actions of the people around you. To fully understand this process requires knowledge of the features of the functioning of its mechanisms.

The mechanisms of social perception are shown in the following table:

NameDefinitionExamples of
StereotypingA persistent image or an idea of ​​people, phenomena that is characteristic of all representatives of one social group Many believe that the Germans are terrible pedants, the military are straightforward, and beautiful people are often narcissistic.
IdentificationIntuitive identification and cognition of a person or a group in situations of direct or indirect communication. In this case, there is a comparison or comparison of the internal states of the partnersPeople make assumptions about the state of the psyche of a partner, trying to mentally become himself
EmpathyEmotional empathy for others, the ability to understand another person through the provision of emotional support and getting used to his experiencesThis mechanism is considered a prerequisite for successful work psychotherapists, doctors and teachers
ReflectionSelf-knowledge through interaction with another person. It becomes possible due to the ability of the individual to imagine how the communication partner sees himLet's imagine a dialogue between hypothetical Sasha and Petit. This communication involves at least 6 "roles": Sasha, as he is; Sasha, as he sees himself; Sasha as Petya sees him. And the same roles on the part of Petit
AttractionCognition of another person based on a strong positive feeling. Thanks to the attraction, people not only learn to understand their communication partner, but also form rich emotional relationships.Psychologists distinguish these types of this perceptual mechanism: love, sympathy and friendship.
Causal attributionThis is the process of predicting the actions and feelings of the people around. Without understanding something, a person begins to attribute his behavior,Not understanding something, a person begins to ascribe his behavior, feelings, personality traits, motives to other people

The peculiarity of interpersonal cognition is that it takes into account not only a variety of physical characteristics, but also behavioral features. If the subject of such a perception actively participates in communication, then he establishes a coordinated interaction with a partner. Therefore, social perception is highly dependent on the motives, emotions, opinions, prejudices, attitudes and preferences of both partners. In social perception, there is also a subjective assessment of another person.

Does our perception depend on society?

In interpersonal perception, there are various gender, class, age, professional, individual differences. It is known that young children perceive a person by their appearance, paying special attention to his clothes, as well as to the presence of special attributes. Students also grade teachers first by their appearance, but teachers perceive students by their inner qualities. Similar differences are found among managers and subordinates.

Professional affiliation is also important for perception. For example, teachers perceive people by their ability to conduct a conversation, but, for example, a coach pays attention to a person's anatomy, as well as to how he moves.

Social perception is highly dependent on the previous assessment of our object of perception. In an interesting experiment, the teaching grades of 2 groups of students were recorded. The first group consisted of "loved ones", and the second - of "unloved" students. Moreover, the “beloved” children deliberately made mistakes when completing the task, and the “unloved” children solved it correctly. However, the teacher, despite this, positively assessed the "loved" and negatively - the "unloved" children. The attribution of any characteristics is always carried out according to this model: people with negative characteristics are assigned negative actions, and positive people - good ones.

First impression

Psychologists have found out which factors cause the strongest impression in the process of the emergence of social perception. It turned out that usually people pay attention first to the hairstyle, then to the eyes, and then to the expression on the face of the stranger. Therefore, if you warmly smile at your interlocutors when you meet, they will perceive you friendly and will be more positive.

There are 3 main factors that influence how the first opinion about each person is formed: attitude, attractiveness, and superiority.

"Superiority" is observed when a personality, in some way superior to a particular person, is rated much higher in terms of other characteristics. There is a global revision of the evaluated personality. Moreover, most of all, this factor is influenced by the insecure behavior of the observer. Therefore, in extreme
situations, almost all people are able to trust those to whom they would not have come close before.

"Attractiveness" explains the peculiarities of perception for a partner attractive in terms of their external data. The error of perception here is that people around people often greatly overestimate an outwardly attractive personality by its social and psychological properties.

"Attitude" examines the perception of a partner depending on our attitude towards him. Perceptual error in this case is that we tend to overestimate those who treat us well or share our opinion.

How to develop perceptual skills

D. Carnegie believes that mutual strong sympathy and effective companionship arise from an ordinary smile. Therefore, for the development of perceptual skills, he suggests, first of all, to learn how to smile correctly. To do this, you need to perform exercises specially designed by this psychologist in front of a mirror every day. Facial expressions give us real information about a person's experiences, therefore, having learned to control our facial expressions, we improve the skills of social perception.

You can also use Ekman's technique to learn to distinguish between emotional manifestations and develop social perception skills. This method consists in highlighting 3 zones on a human face (nose with an area around it, forehead with eyes, mouth with chin). The manifestation of 6 leading emotional states (they include joy, anger, surprise, fear, disgust and sadness) is noted in these zones, which allows each person to recognize and decipher the facial expressions of another person. This perceptual technique has become widespread not only in ordinary communication situations, but also in the psychotherapeutic practice of interacting with pathological individuals.

So, perception is the most complex mechanism of psychological interaction between a person and the object perceived by him. This interaction takes place under the influence of a huge number of factors. The characteristics of perception are age characteristics, life experience of a person, specific effects, as well as a variety of personal properties.

Perception is a kind of reflection of things and situations of reality. The age of the perceiving individual plays an important role here. Perception helps to form a holistic image of the subject. In psychology, such a phenomenon allows you to find out how a person sees a situation and what conclusions he draws from communication with the outside world.

What is Perception?

Perception is a cognitive function that helps in shaping an individual's perception of the world. Perception is a reflection of a phenomenon or an object; it is a core biological process. This function is acquired through the senses involved in the formation of a personalized holistic image of the object. It affects analyzers through a variety of sensations evoked by perception.

Perception = this is a popular subject of psychological research. In simple words, such a reflection of reality means understanding, cognition, the formation in the mind of an integral image of some phenomenon. Perception cannot exist without separate sensations, but it is an essentially different process. For example, you can simply hear sounds, or listen carefully, you can simply see or purposefully look, observe.

Types of perception

Depending on the organs of perception, perception is:

  1. Visual... The movement of a person's eyes is spasmodic, as a person processes the information received. But when it stops, the process begins visual perception... This type of perception lends itself to the influence of a previously developed stereotype. For example, if a person is accustomed to skimming through the text with his eyes all the time, it will be difficult for him in the future to learn how to work through the material in depth. He may not notice large paragraphs of text, and then, when asked, answer that they were not in the book at all.
  2. Tactile... This function is responsible for adjusting, monitoring and correcting the working movements of the hands. This type of perception is based on tactile, temperature and kinetic sensations. But the organ of perception in this case is a hand, which, with the help of feeling, helps to recognize individual signs of an object.
  3. Auditory... In human auditory perception, the phonemic and rhythmic-melodic systems occupy an important place. The human ear, unlike the animal, is much more complex, richer and more mobile. This understanding actively involves the motor component, but such a component is separated into a special separate system. For example, singing with a voice for a musical ear and speaking for a verbal ear.

In addition to the above types of perception, there are two more, in which information is reflected not through the senses, but through understanding:

  1. Spaces, distances, distances, directions of objects located from us and from each other.
  2. Time is the duration, speed, and sequence of events. Each person has their own internal clock, which rarely coincides with the daily rhythm. And so that a person can perceive this rhythm, he uses additional external signs and analyzers.

Law of Perception

Perception = this is a sensory display of an object or phenomenon. Communication as perception is a mechanism for its beginning, since any communication process begins with the perception of people with each other. And the process of perception, according to the laws of social perception, is built in the form of a judgment about an object. The famous psychologist N.N. Lange developed a special law of perception, according to which perception is a quick change of a certain generalized perception of an object to a more specific one.

Perception in philosophy

Perception in philosophy is sensory understanding, the reflection of things in consciousness through the senses. This concept has several categories:

  1. Internal perception, with the help of which a person realizes where his limbs are, whether he is sitting or standing, whether he is depressed, hungry or tired.
  2. External perception, for which sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste are used.
  3. Mixed perception that manifests itself through emotion or whim.

What is perception in psychology?

Perception in psychology is knowledge. With the help of such perception, a person can mentally form an integral image of an object. In other words, this reflection of reality is a unique sensory display that is formed by:

  • motivation;
  • installations;
  • experience;
  • personal characteristics of the perceiver;
  • cognition of the world through the prism of understanding one's own "I".

Social perception

Social perception is a holistic understanding of social objects. She studies behavior patterns between people with different levels of development. In order to be able to know and understand another person, there are certain mechanisms of social perception, they are presented:

  • identification, when a person begins to behave in a way that, according to his opinion, his interlocutor could behave;
  • when a person copies the emotional mood of the interlocutor;
  • an attraction that manifests itself in the form of love or friendship;
  • reflection, when a person begins to see himself through the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • stereotyping, when a person perceives his interlocutor as part of a social group, community;
  • causal attribution, when a person is endowed with certain qualities in accordance with his actions.

Perception (Latin percipere - to perceive). The first steps in the study of the process of perception were made back in Antiquity, then it was reflected in philosophy, physics, and art. The German philosopher and physicist Gottfried Leibniz made a special contribution to the study of the nature of perception.

His theory of "small perceptions" for the first time in history explained the difference between the conscious and unconscious state of mind.

By small perceptions, the researcher understood unconscious perceptions that can be realized if a special act is added to them - apperception. While creating his theory, Leibniz tried to answer the question of the existence of a similarity of souls in inanimate nature. His innovative ideas were further developed in the writings of philosophers, as well as in psychology - thanks to Sigmund Freud.

Modern psychology suggests following properties perception. Objectivity. This property of perception determines the possibility of perceiving objects as having concrete (and not incoherent) images. Apperception is a general influence of the human psyche. Context - attachment to circumstance. Meaningfulness - the subject is related to a certain class. Structurality - an object is perceived as a certain structure, abstracted from sensations.

In addition, perception acts as a necessary stage of cognition, is always associated (to a greater or lesser extent) with thinking, memory and attention. Perception is actively studied by modern sciences through empirical analysis and modeling, these studies are of general scientific and applied importance.

Psychological mechanisms of social perception

Perception is a Latin word meaning perception, which is used to describe cognitive processes that are closely related to the display of various life situations, phenomena or objects. In the case when such perception is directed to social spheres, the term "social perception" is used to characterize this phenomenon. Every person faces manifestations of social perception on a daily basis. Let's take a look at the various psychological mechanisms of social perception.

Perception, translated from Latin (perceptio), means "perception"

What is social perception

The concept of social perception dates back to the times of the ancient world. Many philosophers and artists of that time made a significant contribution to the formation of this sphere. It should also be noted that this concept is important in the field of psychology.

Perception is one of the important functions in mental perception, which manifests itself as a process with a complex structure. Thanks to this process, a person not only receives various information from the senses, but also transforms it. The impact on various analyzers leads to the formation of integral images in the consciousness of the individual. Based on the above, we can conclude that perception is characterized as one of the forms of sensory reproduction.

Perception is based on the characterization of individual features that help to form information based on accurate sensory images.

The considered cognitive function is closely related to skills such as memory, logical thinking and concentration. This concept depends on the strength of the influence of life stimuli, which are endowed with an emotional color. Perception consists of structures such as meaning and context.

Perception is actively studied by representatives of various fields, including psychologists, cyberneticists and physiologists. Various techniques are used during differential experiments, including simulation different situations, experiments and empirical analysis. Understanding how social perception works is essential in the field of practical psychology. It is this tool that acts as a foundation for development. different systems affecting the sphere of human activity.

Social perception studies behaviors between individuals with different levels development

Influence of perceptual factors

Perceptual factors fall into two categories: external and internal influences. Among the external factors, such criteria as movement, number of repetitions, contrast, size and depth of manifestation should be highlighted. Among the internal factors, experts identify the following:

  1. Stimulus is the motivation for achieving goals that are of high importance to the individual.
  2. Setting the perception of the individual - getting into certain life situations, a person is based on previous experience.
  3. Experiences - various experiences life difficulties, have an impact on the perception of the surrounding world.
  4. Individual characteristics of perception - depending on the type of personality (optimism or pessimism), a person perceives the same life difficulties in a positive or unfavorable light.
  5. Perception of one's own "I" - all events occurring in a person's life are assessed on the basis of a personal prism of perception.

The influence of psychological perception on interaction with society

Social perception in psychology is a term used to describe the process of an individual's assessment and understanding of the people around him, his own personality or social objects. Such objects are composed of social societies and various groups. The term in question began to be used in psychology in the forties of the last century. This concept was first used by the American psychologist Jerome Bruner. Thanks to the work of this scientist, researchers were able to consider various problems associated with the perception of the surrounding world from a different angle.

Sociality is inherent in every person. Throughout his life, a person builds communicative connections with people around him. The formation of interpersonal relationships leads to the formation of separate groups that are linked by the same worldview or similar interests. Based on this, we can say that a person, as a person, participates in different types relationships between people. The nature of the relationship to society depends on the degree of personal perception and how a person evaluates the people around him. At the initial stage of building a communicative connection, external qualities are assessed. Following the appearance, the model of the interlocutor's behavior is assessed, which makes it possible to form a certain level of relations.

It is on the basis of the above qualities that the image of the perception of the people around is compiled. Social perception has many forms of manifestation. In most cases, this term is used to characterize personal perception. Each person perceives not only his own personality, but also the social group to which he belongs. In addition, there is a form of perception that is characteristic only of members of such groups. It is perception based on the framework of a social group that is the second form of manifestation of perception. The last form of perception is group perception. Each group perceives both its own members and members of other groups.

Behavioral reactions are formed on the basis of social stereotypes, the knowledge of which explains communication models

The function of social perception is to assess the activities of the people around. Each individual subjects to a careful analysis of the individual characteristics of the temperament of others, their external attractiveness, lifestyle and actions. Based on this analysis, an idea is formed about the people around them and their behavior.

The mechanism of social perception

Social perception is the process on the basis of which the forecast of the behavior model and the reaction of society in various living conditions is carried out. The mechanisms of interpersonal perception presented below allow us to study the subtleties of this process:

  1. Attraction - the study of the people around you, which is based on a positive perception. Thanks to this mechanism, people gain the ability to closely interact with others, which has a positive effect on the formation of sensory relationships. A striking example this function is a manifestation of love, sympathy and friendship.
  2. Identification - this mechanism is used as an intuitive study of personality based on modeling various situations. Based on his own beliefs, a person analyzes the internal state of others. Example: when making assumptions about the state of the interlocutor, it is common for a person to mentally imagine himself in his place.
  3. Casual attribution is a mechanism for creating a forecast of the behavior of others, based on the characteristics of one's own personality. When a person is faced with a lack of understanding of the motives of the actions of others, he begins to predict the behavior of other people, based on his own feelings, stimuli and other individual properties.
  4. Reflection is a self-knowledge mechanism based on interaction in society. This "tool" is based on the skills of presenting one's own personality, "through the eyes" of the interlocutor. As an example, one should imagine the dialogue between Vasya and Pasha. At least six "personalities" take part in this type of communication: Vasya's personality, his idea of ​​his own personality and the representation of Vasya's personality through the eyes of Pasha. Exactly the same images are recreated in the consciousness of Pasha.
  5. Stereotyping is a mechanism for creating a stable image of people and phenomena around them. It is important to note that such images have characteristics depending on social factors. As an example of stereotyping, we can cite the persistent idea that the majority of outwardly attractive people are prone to narcissism, representatives of Germany are pedantic, and law enforcement officials think straightforwardly.
  6. Empathy is the ability to provide emotional compassion, provide psychological support, and participate in the lives of those around you. This mechanism is a key skill in the work of specialists in the field of psychology, medicine and pedagogy.

The tools used by social perception enable communication between individuals

The above types of cognition of the personality of others are based not only on the physical characteristics of a person, but also on the nuances of the behavior model. Building close communicative ties is facilitated by the participation of both partners in the conversation. Social perception depends on the stimuli, feelings and lifestyle of each of the participants in interpersonal relationships. An important component of this cognitive function is the subjective analysis of the surrounding individuals.

The importance of first impressions

An in-depth study of social perception has made it possible to identify key factors that influence the strength of impressions about a person. According to experts, during their acquaintance, most people pay increased attention to their hair, eyes and facial expressions. Based on this, we can say that a friendly smile during dating is perceived as a sign of cordiality and a positive attitude.

There are three main points that are decisive in the process of forming the first impressions of a new personality. Experts refer to such factors as the degree of superiority, attractiveness and attitude.

  1. "Superiority" is most sharply expressed in the situation when the personality of a particular individual is in some way superior, is perceived as dominant in other spheres as well. Against this background, there is a global change in the assessment of their own qualities. It is important to note that people with low self-esteem are more susceptible to the influence of the "superiority of others". This explains the fact that in critical conditions people express confidence in those who were previously treated negatively.
  2. "Attractiveness", which is a feature of social perception, is a factor on the basis of which the degree of attractiveness of others is analyzed. The main mistake such a perception lies in the fact that paying increased attention to external qualities, a person forgets about the analysis of the psychological and social characteristics of others.
  3. "Attitude" is based on the perception of a person, depending on the attitude towards his personality. The negative effect of this perception is based on the fact that when good attitude and sharing a life position, a person begins to overestimate the positive qualities of others.

The primacy effect in social perception manifests itself upon first acquaintance

Methodology for the development of perceptual perception

According to the famous psychologist Dale Carnegie, a simple smile is enough to evoke sympathy from others. That is why, wishing to build a strong communicative connection with others, you should learn the correct smile. Today, there are many psychological techniques for the development of facial gestures that help to enhance the transmission of experienced emotions. Controlling your own facial expressions allows you not only to improve the quality of social perception, but also to get the opportunity to better understand others.

One of the most effective methods for developing social perception skills is Ekman's practice. The basis of this method is to focus on three areas of the human face. These areas include the forehead, chin, and nose. It is these zones that best reflect emotional states such as feelings of anger, fear, disgust, or sadness.

The ability to analyze facial gestures allows you to decipher the feelings that the interlocutor is experiencing. This practice has become widespread in the field of psychology, thanks to which the specialist gets the opportunity to build a communicative connection with persons with mental disorders.

Perception is a complex mechanism of human mental perception. The performance of this system depends on many different external and internal factors. These factors include age characteristics, existing experience and individual personality traits.

/ Perception

Social psychology is a science that studies the mechanisms and patterns of behavior and activities of people, due to their inclusion in social groups and communities, as well as the psychological characteristics of these groups and communities

Psychology is usually understood as the science of human behavior, and social psychology as the branch of this science that deals with human interaction. The primary task of science is the establishment of general laws through systematic observation. Social psychologists develop such general laws to describe and explain human interaction.

The very combination of the words "social psychology" indicates the specific place that this discipline occupies in the system scientific knowledge... Having emerged at the intersection of sciences - psychology and sociology, social psychology still retains its special status, which leads to the fact that each of the "parental" disciplines quite willingly includes it as a component. This ambiguity in the position of the scientific discipline has many different reasons. The main one is the objective existence of such a class of facts. public life, which in themselves can be investigated only with the help of the combined efforts of two sciences: psychology and sociology. On the one hand, any social phenomenon has its own "psychological" aspect, since social laws are manifested only through the activities of people, and people act, being endowed with consciousness and will.

On the other hand, in situations of joint activity of people, very special types of connections arise between them, communication and interaction connections, and their analysis is impossible outside the system of psychological knowledge.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the process of one person's perception of another acts as an obligatory component of communication and can be conditionally called the perceptual side of communication.

The object of the research is the interaction of people with each other through the perceptual side of communication.

The subject of the research is social perception as a socio-psychological aspect of interaction.

The aim of the work is to study the structure and mechanisms of social perception.

Social perception concept

social perception facial expressions openness

The emergence and successful development of interpersonal communication is possible only if there is mutual understanding between its participants. The extent to which people reflect the traits and feelings of each other, perceive and understand others, and through them and themselves, largely determines the process of communication, the relationships that develop between partners, and the ways in which they carry out joint activities. Thus, the process of cognition and understanding by one person of another acts as an obligatory component of communication, conditionally it can be called the perceptual side of communication.

Social perception is one of the most complex and important concepts social psychology... It can even be argued that it is one of the most significant contributions of social psychology to modern and promising human psychology.

Its closeness to the general psychological concept of "perception" is limited by the name, the most common everyday meanings and the fact that both are related to the mechanisms and phenomena of human perception of various phenomena. This is where the similarities end. Perception is a theoretical concept that characterizes an artificially highlighted fragment holistic process cognition and subjective comprehension of the World by man. Social perception is a complex, multi-component concept that tries to explain the unique phenomenon of people knowing and understanding each other.

The concept of social perception was first introduced by J. Bruner in 1947, when a new look at the perception of a person by a person was developed.

Social perception is a process that arises in the relationship of people with each other and includes the perception, study, understanding and assessment of social objects by people: other people, themselves, groups or social communities.

The concept of "social perception" includes everything that in the general psychological approach is usually denoted by various terms and studied separately, then trying to mold from pieces a holistic picture of the human mental world:

- own process of perception of the observed behavior;

- interpretation of the perceived in terms of the causes of behavior and expected consequences;

- building a strategy for their own behavior.

The process of social perception is a complex and ramified system of forming images of public objects in the mind of a person as a result of such methods of comprehending each other as perception, cognition, understanding and study. The term "perception" is not the most accurate in defining the formation of an observer's idea of ​​his interlocutor, since this is a more specific process. In social psychology, sometimes such a formulation as “cognition of another person” (AA Bodalev) is used as a more accurate concept to characterize the process of human perception by a person.

The process includes the relationship between the subject of perception and the object of perception.

The subject of perception is an individual or group that carries out cognition and transformation of reality. When the subject of perception is an individual, he can perceive and cognize his own group, an extraneous group, another individual who is a member of either his own or another group. When a group is the subject of perception, then the process of social perception becomes even more confusing and complex, since the group realizes knowledge, both itself and its members, and can also evaluate the members of another group and the other group itself as a whole.

The specificity of a person's cognition of another person lies in the fact that the subject and the object of perception perceive not only the physical characteristics of each other, but also the behavioral ones, and also in the process of interaction, judgments about the intentions, abilities, emotions and thoughts of the interlocutor are formed. In addition, an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe relations that connect the subject and the object of perception is created. This gives an even more significant meaning to the sequence of additional factors that do not play such an important role in the perception of physical objects. If the subject of perception actively participates in communication, then this means the person's intention to establish coordinated actions with a partner, taking into account his desires, intentions, expectations and past experience. Thus, social perception depends on emotions, intentions, opinions, attitudes, biases and prejudices.

Social perception is defined as the perception of external signs of a person, comparing them with his personal characteristics, interpretation and forecasting on this basis of his actions and deeds. Thus, in social perception, there is certainly an assessment of another person, and the development, depending on this assessment and the impression made by the object, of a certain attitude in the emotional and behavioral aspect. This process of one person's cognition of another, evaluating it and forming a certain attitude is an integral part of human communication and can be conditionally called the perceptual side of communication.

Social Perception Functions

There are the main functions of social perception, namely: knowing oneself, knowing a communication partner, organizing joint activities based on mutual understanding and establishing certain emotional relationships. Mutual understanding is a socio-mental phenomenon, the center of which is empathy.

Empathy is the ability to empathize, the desire to put oneself in the place of another person and to accurately determine his emotional state on the basis of actions, facial reactions, gestures.

Empathy is based on the ability to correctly imagine what is happening in the soul of another person, what he is experiencing, how he evaluates the world around him. It is known that empathy is the higher, the better a person is able to imagine how the same event will be perceived by different people, and to what extent he admits the right for these points of view to exist. Of great importance is also personal experience various emotional experiences, because it is difficult to imagine the feeling of another, which he himself has never experienced. Thus, in a certain sense, empathy is the ability to draw conclusions by analogy, although such a definition does not provide an exhaustive answer to the question of the nature of this phenomenon.

Thus, in this work, we found out that social perception is the perception, understanding and assessment of social objects by people, first of all themselves, other people, and social groups. The term was introduced by the American psychologist J. Bruner to denote the fact of social conditioning of perception, its dependence not only on the characteristics of the object, but also on the subject's past experience, his goals, intentions, and the significance of the situation.

In the structure of social perception, the observer, the observed and the social situation of communication are distinguished; each of the structural components affects the success of the socio-perceptual process.

Among the most important, from the point of view of success, characteristics of the observer stand out: age, profession, state of self-esteem and the content of the "I-image", socially perceptual skills and abilities.

In accordance with the social situation of communication for the implementation of social perception by the observer can be used various mechanisms social cognition.

Social psychologists have found that the perception of social objects is qualitatively different from the perception of the material world. This happens because, firstly, the social object is not passive and not indifferent towards the perceiving subject. Influencing the subject of perception, the perceived person strives to transform the idea of ​​himself in a direction favorable to his goals.

Secondly, the attention of the subject of social perception is focused primarily not on the moments of the generation of the image as a result of the reflection of the perceived reality, but on the semantic and evaluative interpretations of the perceived object, including causal ones. Thirdly, the perception of social subjects is characterized by a greater fusion of cognitive components with emotional (affective) ones, a greater dependence on the motivational and semantic structure of the activity of the perceiving subject.

We found out that the area of ​​research related to the elucidation of the mechanisms of the formation of various emotional attitudes towards the perceived person is the study of attraction. And attraction as a mechanism of social perception is considered in three aspects: the process of forming the attractiveness of another person, the result this process, the quality of the relationship. And the result of this mechanism is a special kind of social attitude towards another person, in which the emotional component prevails.

Perception is a definition in psychology

Perception - mechanisms and patterns of social perception

Perception is a kind of reflection of things and situations of reality. The age of the perceiving individual plays an important role here. Perception helps to form a holistic image of the subject. In psychology, such a phenomenon allows you to find out how a person sees a situation and what conclusions he draws from communication with the outside world.

What is Perception?

Perception is a cognitive function that helps in shaping an individual's perception of the world. Perception is a reflection of a phenomenon or an object; it is the core biological process of the human psyche. This function is acquired through the senses involved in the formation of a personalized holistic image of the object. It affects analyzers through a variety of sensations evoked by perception.

Perception = this is a popular subject of psychological research. In simple words, such a reflection of reality means understanding, cognition, the formation in the mind of an integral image of some phenomenon. Perception cannot exist without separate sensations, but it is an essentially different process. For example, you can simply hear sounds, or listen carefully, you can simply see or purposefully look, observe.

Types of perception

Depending on the organs of perception, perception is:

  1. Visual. The movement of a person's eyes is spasmodic, as a person processes the information received. But when it stops, the process of visual perception begins. This type of perception lends itself to the influence of a previously developed stereotype. For example, if a person is accustomed to skimming through the text with his eyes all the time, it will be difficult for him in the future to learn how to work through the material in depth. He may not notice large paragraphs of text, and then, when asked, answer that they were not in the book at all.
  2. Tactile. This function is responsible for adjusting, monitoring and correcting the working movements of the hands. This type of perception is based on tactile, temperature and kinetic sensations. But the organ of perception in this case is a hand, which, with the help of feeling, helps to recognize individual signs of an object.
  3. Auditory. In human auditory perception, the phonemic and rhythmic-melodic systems occupy an important place. The human ear, unlike the animal, is much more complex, richer and more mobile. This understanding actively involves the motor component, but such a component is separated into a special separate system. For example, singing with a voice for a musical ear and speaking for a verbal ear.

In addition to the above types of perception, there are two more, in which information is reflected not through the senses, but through understanding:

  1. Spaces, distances, distances, directions of objects located from us and from each other.
  2. Time is the duration, speed, and sequence of events. Each person has their own internal clock, which rarely coincides with the daily rhythm. And so that a person can perceive this rhythm, he uses additional external signs and analyzers.

Law of Perception

Perception = this is a sensory display of an object or phenomenon. Communication as perception is a mechanism for its beginning, since any communication process begins with the perception of people with each other. And the process of perception, according to the laws of social perception, is built in the form of a judgment about an object. The famous psychologist N.N. Lange developed a special law of perception, according to which perception is a quick change of a certain generalized perception of an object to a more specific one.

Perception in philosophy

Perception in philosophy is sensory understanding, the reflection of things in consciousness through the senses. This concept has several categories:

  1. Internal perception, with the help of which a person realizes where his limbs are, whether he is sitting or standing, whether he is depressed, hungry or tired.
  2. External perception, for which sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste are used.
  3. Mixed perception that manifests itself through emotion or whim.

What is perception in psychology?

Perception in psychology is a mental function of cognition. With the help of such perception, a person can mentally form an integral image of an object. In other words, this reflection of reality is a unique sensory display that is formed by:

  • motivation;
  • installations;
  • experience;
  • personal characteristics of the perceiver;
  • cognition of the world through the prism of understanding one's own "I".

Social perception

Social perception is a holistic understanding of social objects. She studies behavior patterns between people with different levels of development. In order to be able to know and understand another person, there are certain mechanisms of social perception, they are presented:

  • identification, when a person begins to behave in a way that, according to his opinion, his interlocutor could behave;
  • empathy, when a person copies the emotional mood of the interlocutor;
  • an attraction that manifests itself in the form of love or friendship;
  • reflection, when a person begins to see himself through the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • stereotyping, when a person perceives his interlocutor as part of a social group, community;
  • causal attribution, when a person is endowed with certain qualities in accordance with his actions.

Gender Perception

Perceptual effects are certain features that prevent partners from adequately perceiving each other. In science, they are represented:

  • primacy, which manifests itself when meeting;
  • novelty, which manifests itself when new important information appears;
  • a halo, which manifests itself with an exaggeration of positive or negative qualities partner.

/ 18.The concept of social perception

Social perception is a person's figurative perception of himself, other people and social phenomena of the surrounding world. The image exists at the level of feelings (sensation, perception, representation) and at the level of thinking (concept, judgment, inference).

The term "social perception" was first introduced by J. Bruner in 1947 and was understood as the social determination of perceptual processes.

Social perception includes interpersonal perception (perception of a person by a person), which consists of the perception of external signs of a person, their correlation with personal qualities, interpretation and prediction of future actions. As a synonym in Russian psychology often use the expression "knowing another person", says A. A. Bodalev. The use of such an expression is justified by the inclusion of his behavioral characteristics in the process of perception of another, the formation of an idea of ​​intentions, abilities, attitudes of the perceived, etc.

The process of social perception includes two sides: subjective (the subject of perception is the person who perceives) and the objective (the object of perception is the person who is perceived). In the course of interaction and communication, social perception becomes mutual. At the same time, mutual knowledge is aimed primarily at understanding those qualities of a partner that are most significant for participants in communication in this moment time.

The difference between social perception: social objects are not passive and indifferent in relation to the subject of perception. Social images always have semantic and evaluative characteristics. Interpretation of another person or group depends on the previous social experience of the subject, on the behavior of the object, on the system of value orientations of the perceiver and other factors.

The subject of perception can be either a separate individual or a group. If an individual acts as a subject, then he can perceive:

1) another individual belonging to his own group;

2) another individual belonging to a foreign group;

If the group acts as the subject of perception, then, according to G.M. Andreeva, the following is added:

1) the group's perception of its own member;

2) perception by a group of a representative of another group;

3) the group's perception of itself;

4) perception by the group as a whole of another group.

In groups, individual ideas of people about each other are formalized into group assessments of personality, which appear in the process of communication in the form of public opinion.

Allocate mechanisms of social perception - the ways by which people interpret, understand and evaluate another person. The most common mechanisms are the following: empathy, attraction, causal attribution, identification, social reflection.

IDENTIFICATION (Identification; Identifizierang) is a psychological process in which a person is partially or completely dissimilated from himself (see assimilation). An unconscious projection by a person of himself onto something other than herself: another person, business or location. In other words, it is the unconscious identification of the subject with another subject, group, process or ideal. It is an important part of normal development. Empathy - comprehension of the emotional state of another person, understanding of his emotions, feelings and experiences. In many psychological sources, empathy is equated with empathy, empathy, sympathy. This is not entirely true, since you can understand the emotional state of another person, but not treat him with sympathy and empathy. Having a good understanding of the views and the associated feelings of other people that he does not like, a person often acts contrary to them. A student in the lesson, annoying an unloved teacher, can perfectly understand the emotional state of the latter and use the possibilities of his empathy against the teacher. People, whom we call manipulators, very often have a well-developed empathy and use it for their own, often selfish purposes. The subject is able to understand the meaning of the experiences of the other because he himself once experienced the same emotional states. However, if a person has never experienced such feelings, then it is much more difficult for him to comprehend their meaning. If an individual has never experienced affect, depression or apathy, then he most likely will not understand what the other person is experiencing in this state, although he may have certain cognitive ideas about such phenomena. To comprehend the true meaning of the feelings of another, it is not enough to have cognitive ideas. Personal experience is also required. Therefore, empathy as the ability to understand the emotional state of another person develops in the process of life and in older people it can be more pronounced. It is quite natural that close people empathy towards each other is more developed than people who have known each other relatively recently. People from different cultures may have little empathy for each other. At the same time, there are people who have special insight and are able to understand the experiences of another person, even if he seeks to carefully hide them. There are some types of professional activities that require developed empathy, for example, medical practice, teaching, theatrical. Almost any professional activity in the field of "person - person" requires the development of this mechanism of perception.

Reflexion - in social psychology, reflection is understood as an imitation of the course of reasoning of another person. More often, reflection is understood as thinking about YOUR mental actions or mental states. Attraction - a special form of perception and cognition of another person, based on the formation of a stable positive feeling in relation to him. Through positive feelings of sympathy, affection, friendship, love, etc. between people there are certain relationships that allow you to know each other more deeply. According to the figurative expression of the representative of humanistic psychology A. Maslow, such feelings make it possible to see a person “under the sign of eternity”, i.e. to see and understand the best and most worthy that is in it. Attraction as a mechanism of social perception is usually considered in three aspects: the process of forming the attractiveness of another person; the result of this process; the quality of the relationship. The result of this mechanism is a special kind of social attitude towards another person, in which the emotional component prevails. Attraction can exist only at the level of individually selective interpersonal relations, characterized by the mutual affection of their subjects. There are probably various reasons why we are more sympathetic to some people than to others. Emotional attachment can arise on the basis of general views, interests, value orientations, or as a selective attitude towards a person's special appearance, behavior, character traits, etc. It is curious that such a relationship allows you to better understand the other person. With a certain degree of conventionality, we can say that the more we like a person, the more we know him and the better we understand his actions (unless, of course, we are not talking about pathological forms of attachment). The attraction is also significant in business relationships. Therefore, most psychologists working in the field of business recommend that interpersonal communication professionals express the most positive attitude towards clients, even if they do not really feel sympathy for them. Outwardly expressed benevolence has the opposite effect - the attitude can really change to a positive one. Thus, a specialist forms an additional mechanism of social perception in himself, which allows him to obtain more information about a person. However, it should be remembered that excessive and artificial expression of joy does not so much form an attraction as it destroys people's trust. A friendly attitude can not always be expressed through a smile, especially if it looks fake and too stable. So, a TV presenter smiling for an hour and a half is unlikely to attract the sympathy of viewers. ^ Causal attribution mechanism associated with attributing to a person the reasons for behavior. Each person has their own assumptions about why the perceived individual behaves in a certain way. When attributing certain reasons for behavior to another, the observer does this either on the basis of the similarity of his behavior with some familiar face or a known image of a person, or on the basis of an analysis of his own motives assumed in a similar situation. The principle of analogy, similarity with the already familiar or the same applies here. It is curious that causal attribution can "work" even when an analogy is drawn with a person who does not exist and never really existed, but is present in the observer's perceptions, for example, with an artistic image (an image of a hero from a book or film). Each person has a huge number of ideas about other people and images, which were formed not only as a result of meetings with specific people, but also under the influence of various artistic sources. At the subconscious level, these images occupy "equal positions" with the images of people who really exist or really existed. The mechanism of causal attribution is associated with some aspects of the self-perception of an individual who perceives and evaluates another. So, if a subject attributed negative traits and the reasons for their manifestation to another, then he will most likely evaluate himself by contrast as a carrier of positive traits. Sometimes people with low self-esteem show excessive criticism towards others, thereby creating a kind of negative subjectively perceived social background, against which, as they think, they look quite decent. In fact, these are only subjective sensations that arise as a mechanism of psychological defense. At the level of social stratification, such intergroup relations as outgroup choice and social creativity strategy are certainly accompanied by the action of causal attribution. T. Shibutani spoke about the measure of criticality and benevolence, which is advisable to observe in relation to others. After all, everyone has positive and negative traits, as well as features of behavior due to his ambivalence as an individual, personality and subject of activity. In addition, the same qualities are evaluated differently in different situations... The attribution of reasons for behavior can take place with due regard for the externality and internality of both the one who ascribes and the one to whom it is attributed. If the observer is predominantly external, then the reasons for the behavior of the individual whom he perceives will be seen by him in external circumstances. If he is internal, then the interpretation of the behavior of others will be associated with internal, individual and personal reasons. Knowing in what respects an individual is an external, and in what respects an internal, it is possible to determine some of the features of his interpretation of the reasons for the behavior of other people. A person's perception also depends on his ability to put himself in the place of another, to identify himself with him. In this case, the process of knowing the other will go more successfully (if there are substantial grounds for the appropriate identification). The process and result of this identification is called identification. Identification as a socio-psychological phenomenon is considered by modern science very often and in such different contexts that it is necessary to specifically stipulate the features of this phenomenon as a mechanism of social perception. In this aspect, identification is similar to empathy, but empathy can be viewed as an emotional identification of the subject of observation, which is possible on the basis of past or present experience of similar experiences. As for identification, here intellectual identification occurs to a greater extent, the results of which are the more successful, the more accurately the observer has determined the intellectual level of the one whom he perceives. The professional activity of some specialists is associated with the need for identification, such as the work of an investigator or teacher, as described many times in legal and educational psychology. An identification error with an incorrect assessment of the intellectual level of another person can lead to negative professional results. Thus, a teacher who overestimates or underestimates the intellectual level of his students will not be able to correctly assess the connection between the real and potential capabilities of students in the learning process. It should be noted that the word "identification" in psychology means whole line phenomena that are not identical to each other: the process of comparing objects based on essential features (in cognitive psychology), the unconscious process of identifying loved ones and the mechanism of psychological defense (in psychoanalytic concepts), one of the mechanisms of socialization, etc. In a broad sense, identification as a mechanism of social perception, combined with empathy, is a process of understanding, seeing another, comprehending the personal meanings of the activity of another, carried out through direct identification or an attempt to put oneself in the place of another. Perceiving and interpreting the world around and other people, a person also perceives and interprets himself, his own actions and motives. The process and result of a person's self-perception in a social context is called social reflection. As a mechanism of social perception, social reflection means the subject's understanding of his own individual characteristics and how they manifest themselves in external behavior; awareness of how he is perceived by other people. One should not think that people are capable of perceiving themselves more adequately than those around them. So, in a situation where there is an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside - in a photograph or film, many remain very dissatisfied with the impression made by their own way. This is because people have a somewhat distorted image of themselves. Distorted ideas even relate to the appearance of the perceiving person, not to mention the social manifestations of the internal state.


The process of one person's perception of another is mandatory part of communication and represents what is called perception. The perceptual side of communication explains the perception and understanding of another person and oneself, the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding and interaction. In perception, an important role is played by the attitude in communication. Often, the formation of the first impression of a stranger depends on the characteristic given to him. And then in it, depending on the attitude, some will find positive features, others negative. Perceptually possible errors of perception, the reasons for which may be:

♦ "halo" effect- information received about a person before direct communication with him forms a bias in the idea of ​​him even before his perception;

♦ the effect of "novelty"- upon perception a stranger often the primary information about him (the so-called first impression) seems to be the most significant;

♦ stereotype effect- arises from an insufficient amount of information about a person and exists in the form of a certain stable image.

In the process of perception, not only the perception of each other occurs, but a whole range of feelings is born, emotional relationships arise, the mechanism of formation of which is studied by attraction.

Attraction is the appearance, when a person is perceived by a person, the attractiveness of one of them for another. To form an attraction, you can use some techniques:

proper name

when communicating, more often refer to a partner by name and patronymic, since such an appeal serves as an indicator of attention and unconsciously evokes positive emotions;

reception "mirror of the soul"

a friendly facial expression, a smile when communicating, signal friendly relations and good intentions;

reception "golden words"

do not skimp during communication on compliments, praise, which any person needs;

patient listener reception

be able to listen with interest and patience to your interlocutor, let him speak;

reception "preliminary information"

when communicating, use knowledge about your interlocutor (character, temperament, hobbies, marital status, etc.).

Perceptual processes. Concept, properties of perception

Perception is a reflection of objects and phenomena, integral situations of the objective world in the aggregate of their properties and parts with their direct impact on the sense organs.

Perception is based on sensations, but perception is not reduced to the sum of sensations.

Perception is impossible without sensations. However, in addition to sensations, perception includes past experience of a person in the form of ideas and knowledge

Depending on which analyzer plays a predominant role in perception, distinguish visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory perception. In contrast to sensations, images of perception usually arise as a result of the work of several analyzers. TO complex species perceptions include, for example, perception of space and perception of time... Perceiving space, that is, the remoteness of objects from us and from each other, shape and size, a person is based both on visual sensations and on sensations of auditory, skin and motor.

In the perception of time, in addition to auditory and visual sensations, motor and internal, organic sensations play an important role.

By the strength of the sound of thunder, we determine the distance separating us from the approaching thunderstorm, with the help of touch, we closed eyes we can determine the shape of the object. In people with normal vision, auditory and tactile sensations play a similar role in the perception of space. But these sensations are of primary importance for the visually impaired.

The perception of time is understood as the process of reflecting the duration and sequence of events taking place in the objective world. Only very short time intervals lend themselves to direct perception. When it comes about longer periods of time, then it is more correct to speak not about perception, but about the idea of ​​time.

The surrounding reality is perceived not by certain senses, but by a person of a certain gender and age, with his own interests, views, personality orientation, life experience etc. The eye, ear, hand and other sense organs only provide the process of perception, which depends on the mental characteristics of the individual.

Perception patterns

Basic patterns of perception:

attitude dependence, subjectivity,

The process of perception is not limited to the selection of a certain group of sensations and their unification into a holistic image; it also presupposes the recognition of an image, its comparison with traces of memory, comprehension and understanding (especially when symbolic objects, signs, text, etc. are perceived).

All this requires the involvement of past experience, in connection with which it is customary to talk about a special property of consciousness - apperception, i.e. dependence of a distinct perception of any content on past impressions and accumulated knowledge. Thanks to this connection between current and past impressions, it is possible to assimilate new sensory information, to include new images of perception in the system of human experience. Therefore, a clear and conscious perception of the surrounding world is impossible without the participation of memory and thinking.

Perception is associated with categorization, the mental process of assigning a single object or event to a certain class. In other words, any object is perceived not as a singularity and an immediate given, but as a representative of a generalized class of phenomena. Moreover, the specific features of this class are automatically transferred to the perceived object. The connection between perception and categorization indicates the mediation of perceptual processes by the social experience of the individual and cultural factors.

A characteristic feature of human perception is that its images are synthesized using speech (verbal mediation), based on the semantic structures of a natural language. Due to the verbal (verbal) designation, it becomes possible to abstract and generalize the particular properties of objects.

In the studies of a number of prominent experimental psychologists (originally G. Müller, T. Schumann, L. Lange, later - D.N. Uznadze and his followers) it was noted that perception largely depends on the attitude, defined as the integral state of the subject, not fully realized by him and at the same time presupposing a "peculiar tendency towards certain contents of consciousness" or a preliminary readiness to perceive, feel and react to something in a certain way under the influence of past experience and motivational factors.

At the same time, its subjectivity should be attributed to the basic laws of perception: people perceive the same information in different ways, subjectively, i.e. depending on their interests, knowledge, needs, abilities, goals of activity and other subjective factors. The dependence of perception on the content of a person's mental life and on the characteristics of his personality is also associated with the fundamental concept of apperception.

According to the postulates of Gestalt psychology, perception is built on the principle of isomorphism - structural assimilation of the formed perceptual image to the perceived object.

The laws of perception (according to M. Wertheimer).

Similarity effect. - Figures that are similar in some elements (color, size, shape, etc., are combined and grouped in perception).

The proximity effect. - Closely spaced figures are usually combined.

The factor of "common destiny". - The figures can be united by the general nature of the changes observed in them.

The "good continuation" factor. - From two intersecting or touching lines, lines with a lower curvature are selected.

Closure Factor - Closed figures are perceived better.

Grouping factor without remainder - Several figures are tried to be grouped in such a way that no single figure remains.

A fairly popular subject of psychological research is humans and animals. Depending on the complexity, it is customary to distinguish three levels of the psyche or reality: these are sensing and perception, representations and the highest - the verbal-logical level. Let's try to figure it out in more detail with the first one.

Sensory-perceptual processes

Perceptual is the perceiver, to put it another way. Perception is cognition and, as a result, the formation in consciousness of a holistic image of an object or phenomenon of the environment. It should be said right away that the immediate differ from each other. Despite the fact that without separate sensations arising as a result of the action of reality on the sense organs (sensors), perception could not exist, it is not limited to them.

Feelings create a base, but perceptual is a qualitatively different process, more active and meaningful. For example, you can compare how you can simply hear sounds and listen carefully, see and purposefully look, observe someone or something.

Basic properties of perception

A large theoretical work is devoted to a detailed analysis of the sensory-perceptual organization in humans, the author is the famous Soviet psychologist B.G. Ananiev. From the point of view of specialists in this field, the following can be distinguished characteristics perception:

Differences in perception and apperception

Along with perception, the concept of apperception, closely related to it, is distinguished. The perceptual process is perception. Apperception is also the reception and processing of visual, auditory and other information. The addition to the basic concept of the prefix ap- is intended to show the complexity of perception. We do not just hear, see, taste, smell and touch - the result of this passes through an individual prism. It necessarily includes previous perceptual experience, on the basis of which a judgment about the subject is made. So we compare each image with the existing standards of shape - it is a circle or a triangle, colors - green or aqua, etc.

Specific knowledge and skills, the current state, mediate our study of the world around us and determine the differences in perception different people... Personal characteristics - inclinations, interests, character, lifestyle in general, have a great influence, which also affect the perception of ourselves.

What does it consist of? As we have found out, perceptual is a synonym for perceiving. You can perceive not only inanimate things, animals, the relationship is also formed in the "man-man" plan. This means that even in communication, there is a perceptual side. That is, it is the perception and evaluation of other people. Perceptual communication also involves the ability to feel the interlocutor and the mood, to understand his needs and desires, the motives of behavior.

There are a number of factors that can affect interpersonal interactions. Firstly, this is the fact of the superiority of the other software. certain parameters, due to which he will be perceived as an authoritative person and, accordingly, have a positive image. Secondly, the external attractiveness of the partner. Beautiful people enjoy more sympathy. Third, the attitude towards the observer. If your partner treats you well, then most likely it will cause the same reciprocal feelings. Each of these points can reduce the adequacy and significantly affect the impression of someone.



(lat.perceptio). 1) reception, collection, increase of duties. 2) unconscious perception, sensation attributed to the reason that produced it (psychotic).

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.- Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[lat. perceptio] - psychol. perception, direct reflection of objective reality by the senses.

Dictionary of foreign words.- Komlev N.G., 2006 .


unconscious perception of any impression.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


perception in general; in a closer sense, the unconscious perception of impressions, in contrast to apperception - the perception of consciousness.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


lat. perceptio. Conscious presentation; collection, reception.

An explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(lat. perceptio) psychol. perception, direct reflection of objective reality by the senses.

New Dictionary of Foreign Words - by EdwART,, 2009 .


perception, w. [lat. perceptio] (philosophy). Perception.

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


and, pl. No, f. (German Perzeption lat. perceptio understanding, perception, comprehension).
psychol. Perception, direct reflection of objective reality by the senses.
Perceptual- related to perception.
|| Wed apperception.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words L.P. Krysin.- M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "PERCEPTION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat. perceptio presentation, perception, from percipio feel, perceive), in modern. psychology is the same as perception. Leibniz used the term "P." to denote vague and unconscious. perceptions ("impressions") as opposed to ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    PERCEPTION- (from Lat. percipio I perceive), perception (see). Environment affects us in the course of our activity, and we perceive, perceive. The organ of P., as well as of the psyche in general, is our brain. P. is not an isolated process, but ... ... Great medical encyclopedia

    Perception, perception Dictionary of Russian synonyms. perception noun, number of synonyms: 2 perception (5) ... Synonym dictionary

    perception- (from Latin perceptio perception) the process of direct active reflection by the cognitive sphere of a person of external and internal objects (objects), situations, events, phenomena, etc. (see perception). A Brief Psychological Dictionary. R … Big psychological encyclopedia

    - (from the Latin perceptio representation, perception), the same as perception ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (from Lat. perceptio representation perception), the same as perception. GV Leibniz has a vague and unconscious perception as opposed to a clear awareness of apperception ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PERCEPTION, perception, wives. (lat.perceptio) (philosophy). Perception. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See PERCEPTION. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    PERCEPTION- (from Latin perceptio - perception). Sensory perception, reflection of things in consciousness through the senses ... New Dictionary of Methodological Terms and Concepts (Theory and Practice of Language Teaching)

    Perception- (from the Latin perceptio representation, perception), the same as perception. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Anthology of colloquial speech. Some aspects of the theory. Litota is perception. Volume 2, Kharchenko V.K .. Each volume of the five-volume edition contains theoretical information general, and as the main array - the recordings of conversational replicas personally collected by the author, systematized by aspects ...
  • Anthology of colloquial speech. Some aspects of the theory. In 5 volumes. Volume 2. Litota - Perception, V. K. Kharchenko. Each volume of the five-volume edition contains theoretical information of a general nature, and as the main body - the recordings of conversational remarks personally collected by the author, systematized by aspects ...