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What is perceptation in psychology. What is social perceptation for humans and groups of people in psychology

Perception is a kind of reflection of things and situations of reality. Here the age of perceiving individual plays an important role. Perception helps to form a holistic image of the subject. In psychology, such a phenomenon makes it possible to learn how a person sees the situation and what conclusions are made from communicating with the outside world.

What is perceptation?

Perception is a cognitive function that helps in the formation of individual perception of the world. Perception is a reflection of a phenomenon or an object, this is a rod biological process of human psyche. Such a function is acquired through the organs of the senses participating in the formation of a personalized integrity object image. It affects analyzers with a number of sensations caused by perception.

Perception \u003d This is a popular subject of psychological research. Simple words Such a reflection of reality means understanding, knowledge, the formation of a holistic image of some phenomenon in the consciousness. Perception cannot exist without individual sensations, but it is essential to another process. For example, you can simply hear sounds, or listen carefully, you can just see or purposefully watch, watch.

Types of perception

Depending on the perception of perception, it happens:

  1. Spectator. The movement of a person's eye is hurt, so man processes the information received. But when it stops, the process begins spectatic perception. This type of perception is influenced by the previously developed stereotype. For example, if a person got used to break through the text with his eyes all the time, it will be difficult for him to continue to learn how to work out the material. He may not notice the large paragraphs of the text, and then with the survey, they did not have them in the book at all.
  2. Tangible. This feature is responsible for adjustment, control and correction of working movements. This type of perception is based on tactile, temperature and kinetic sensations. But the perception body in this case is a hand, which, with the help of feeling, helps learn individual signs of the subject.
  3. Auditory. In the auditory perception of humans, an important place is occupied by the phondematic and rhythmic melodic system. The human ear unlike the animal is much more difficult, richer and moving. Such an understanding actively involves a motor component, but this component is highlighted in a special separate system. For example, hammering a voice for musical hearing and progress for speech hearing.

In addition to the above fees, there are two more, in which the information is reflected not through the senses, but through understanding:

  1. Spaces, distance, distance, directions of items located from us and from each other.
  2. Time is the duration, speed and sequence of events. Each person has its own inner watches that rarely coincide with daily rhythm. And that a person can perceive this rhythm, it uses additional external signs and analyzers.

Perception law

Perception \u003d This is a sensual display of the subject or phenomenon. Communication as perception is a mechanism for its start, as any process of communication begins with the perception of people with each other. And the process of perception, according to the pattern of social perception, is built in the form of judgment about the object. The famous psychologist N.N. Lang has developed a special perception law, according to which perception is a quick change of a certain generalized perception of the subject more specific.

Perception in philosophy

Perception in philosophy is a sensual understanding, reflection of things in consciousness through the senses. Such a concept has several categories:

  1. Internal perception, with the help of which a person is aware of where his limbs are located, he sits or stands if he is depressed, hungry or tired.
  2. External perception for which vision, rumor, touch, smell, taste is used.
  3. Mixed perception that manifests itself through emotion or whim.

What is perceptation in psychology?

Perception in psychology is a mental function of knowledge. With the help of such perception, a person may mentally form a solid image of the object. In other words, such a reflection of reality is a unique sensory display, which is formed by:

  • motivation;
  • installations;
  • experience;
  • personal features perceive;
  • the knowledge of the world through the prism of the understanding of his own "I".

Social perception

Social perception is a holistic understanding of social objects. She studies manners of behavior between people with different levels of development. In order to be able to know and understand another person, there are certain mechanisms of social perception, they are presented:

  • identification, when a person begins to behave, thus, how, according to his opinion, his interlocutor would be a story;
  • empathy when a person copies the emotional attitude of the interlocutor;
  • an attraction that manifests itself in the form of love or friendship;
  • reflexia when a person begins to see himself through the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • stereotypization, when a person perceives his interlocutor as part of any social group, community;
  • causal attribution, when a person gives certain qualities according to his actions.

Gender features perception

Perception effects are certain features that impede adequate perception by each other by partners. In science, they are presented:

  • primary, which manifests itself when meeting;
  • novelty, which manifests itself in the event of a new important information;
  • halo, which manifests itself when exaggerating positive or negative qualities Partner.

/ 18. Social perception

Social perception is a figurative person's perception of himself, other people and social phenomena of the surrounding world. The image exists at the level of feelings (sensations, perception, presentation) and at the level of thinking (concepts, judgments, conclusion).

The term "social perception" was first introduced by J. Bruner in 1947 and was understood as the social determination of perceptual processes.

Social perception includes an interpersonal perception (human perception by a person), which consists of the perception of external signs of a person, their correlation with personal qualities, interpretation and forecasting future actions. As a synonym in domestic psychology, the expression "knowledge of another person," said A. A. Bodhalev, often consume. The use of such an expression is justified by inclusion in the process of perception of another behavioral characteristics, forming the idea of \u200b\u200bintent, abilities, installations perceived, etc.

The social perceptuation process includes two sides: subjective (subjective perception - a person who perceives) and an objective (the object of perception is a person who is perceived). In the course of interaction and communication, social perceptation becomes mutual. At the same time, the interconnection is aimed primarily on the understanding of those partner's qualities that are most significant for participants in communication in this moment time.

The difference between social perception: social facilities are not passive and indifferent in relation to the subject of perception. Social images always have semantic and estimated characteristics. The interpretation of another person or group depends on the preceding social experience of the subject, from the behavior of the object, from the system of value orientations of perceive and other factors.

As a subject, perception can act as a separate individual and group. If an individual acts as a subject, he can perceive:

1) another individual belonging to its group;

2) another individual belonging to someone else's group;

3) its group;

4) someone else's group.

If the group acts as a subject of perception, then, according to G. M. Andreva, added:

1) the perception of a group of their own member;

2) perception by a group of the representative of another group;

3) perception by the group itself;

4) the perception of the group as a whole than another group.

In groups, individual ideas of people about each other are decorated in group assessments of the individuals who act in the process of communication in the form of public opinion.

Allocating social perception - methods, through which people interpret, understand and evaluate another person. The most common mechanisms are the following: empathy, attraction, causal attribution, identification, social reflection.

IDENTIFICATION (Identification; Identifizierang) is a psychological process in which the personality is partially or completely dismissed from itself (see assimilation). The unconscious projection of the personality itself is different than she herself: another person, business or location. In other words, this is the unconscious identification by the subject itself with another subject, a group, process or ideal. It is an important part of normal development. Empathy - Comprehension of the emotional state of another person, understanding his emotions, feelings and experiences. In many psychological sources, empathy is identified with sympathy, empathy, sympathy. This is not quite the case, since it is possible to understand the emotional state of another person, but not to treat him with sympathy and sympathy. Good understanding the views and associated feelings of other people who do not like it, a person often comes against them. A student at the lesson, annoying the unloved teacher, can perfectly understand the emotional state of the latter and use the possibilities of his empathy against the teacher. People who we call manipulators very often have a well-developed empathy and use it in their own, often mercenary purposes. The subject is able to understand the meaning of the experiences of another because he himself once experienced the same emotional states. However, if a person has never experienced such feelings, it is much more difficult for him to comprehend their meaning. If the individual has never experienced affect, depression or apathy, then he will most likely not understand what is experiencing another person in this state, although it can have certain cognitive ideas about similar phenomena. To comprehend the genuine sense of the feelings of another not enough to have cognitive ideas. Personal experience is also needed. Therefore, empathy as the ability to understand the emotional state of another person develops in the process of life and in older people can be more pronounced. It is quite natural that the epipathy's loved ones in relation to each other is designed stronger than those who are familiar relatively recently. People belonging to different culturesmay have a weak empathy in relation to each other. At the same time, there are people who have special insight and capable of understanding the experiences of another person even if he seeks to hide them thoroughly. There are some types of professional activities requiring developed empathy, such as medical activities, pedagogical, theatrical. Almost any professional activities in the field of "man - man" requires the development of this perception mechanism.

Reflection - in social psychology, reflexion is understood as the imitation of the progress of another person. More often, reflexion is understood as thinking over its mental actions or mental states. Attraction - A special form of perception and knowledge of another person, based on the formation of a sustainable positive feeling in relation to it. Thanks to the positive feelings of sympathy, attachment, friendship, love, etc. There are certain relationships between people, allowing each other to more deeply. According to the articulation of a representative of humanistic psychology A. Masu, such feelings allow you to see a person "under the sign of eternity", i.e. See and understand the best and worthy that there is in it. The attraction as a mechanism of social perception is usually considered in three aspects: the process of forming the attractiveness of another person; the result of this process; Quality of relationship. The result of this mechanism is special view Social installation on another person in which the emotional component prevails. The attraction can only exist at the level of individual-selective interpersonal relations characterized by mutual attachment of their subjects. Probably there are various reasons why we treat one people with greater sympathy than to others. Emotional attachment may arise on the basis of common views, interests, value orientation or as an electoral attitude to the special appearance of a person, its behavior, character traits, etc. It is curious that such relationships allow you to better understand the other person. With a well-known part of the convention, it can be said that the more the person likes you, the more we know it and better understand his actions (if, of course, we are not talking about pathological forms of affection). The attraction is also significant in business relationships. Therefore, the majority of psychologists working in the field of business recommend professionals associated with interpersonal communications, to express the most positive attitude to customers even if they really do not have sympathy for them. Externally, pronounced goodwill has an opposite effect - the attitude can really change to positive. Thus, a specialist forms an additional social perception mechanism that allows you to get greater information about a human. However, it should be remembered that an excessive and artificial expression of joy is not so much forms an attraction, how much destroys the confidence of people. The benevolent attitude can not always be expressed by smile, especially if it looks fake and too stable. So, the television lead, smiling within one and a half hours, is unlikely to attract the sympathy of viewers. ^ The mechanism of causal attribution associated with attributing a person causes behavior. Each person has their own assumptions about why the perceived individual behaves in a certain way. I attributing to another certain reasons for behavior, the observer does or on the basis of the similarity of his behavior with any person familiar to him or a person known man, or on the basis of the analysis of its own motives assumed in such a situation. Here is the principle of an analogy, similarity with already familiar or the same. It is curious that the causal attribution can "work" even when the analogy is carried out with the face of non-existent and never existing actually, but available in the observer ideas, for example, artistic way (Hero from a book or film). Each person has a huge number of ideas about other people and images that have been formed not only as a result of meetings with specific people, but also under the influence of a variety of artistic sources. At the subconscious level, these images occupy "equal positions" with images of people who really exist or really existed. The mechanism of causal attribution is associated with some aspects of the self-assumption of an individual, which perceives and evaluates the other. So, if the subject attributed to another negative features and the causes of their manifestation, then it will most likely evaluate himself in contrast as a carrier of positive traits. Sometimes people with understated self-esteem show excessive criticality in relation to others, thereby creating a certain negative subjectively perceived social background, on which they seem to look quite decently. In fact, these are only subjective sensations arising as a mechanism for psychological protection. At the social stratification level, such intergroup relations, as the choice of an outgroup and a strategy of social creativity, are certainly accompanied by the action of causal attribution. T. Shibutani said as far as criticality and goodwill, which is advisable to follow in relation to others. After all, every person has positive and negative traits, as well as the peculiarities of the behavior due to its ambivalence as an individual, personality and subject of activity. In addition, the same qualities are estimated differently in different ways. different situations. Attribution of the causes of behavior can occur taking into account externalism and internality as one who attributes and to those who are attributed. If watching is predominantly externally, the causes of the behavior of the individual, which he perceives will see him in external circumstances. If he is international, then the interpretation of the behavior of others will be associated with internal, individual and personal reasons. Knowing what kind of relations the individual is external, and in which internet, you can identify some features of its interpretation of the causes of other people's behavior. The perception of a person also depends on his ability to put itself in place of another, identify himself with him. In this case, the process of knowledge of another will go more successfully (in the event that there are significant grounds for the appropriate identification). The process and the result of such identification is called identification. Identification as a socio-psychological phenomenon is considered modern science It is very often in such different contexts that the features of this phenomenon should specifically specifically specifically specifically specify the mechanism of social perception. In this aspect, identification is similar to empathy, but empathy can be viewed as an emotional identification of the subject of observation, which is possible on the basis of the past or of this experience of such experiences. As for the identification, there is more intellectual identification here, the results of which are the more successful, the more precisely the observer determined the intellectual level of whom he perceives. Professional activities of some specialists are related to the need for identification, such as the work of the investigator or a teacher, as repeatedly described in legal and pedagogical psychology. An error of identification with an incorrect estimate of the intelligent level of another person can lead to negative professional results. So, a teacher who overestimates either underestimates the intellectual level of his students, will not be able to correctly assess the relationship between the real and potential ability of students. It should be noted that the word "identification" in psychology means whole line phenomena that are not identical to each other: the process of comparing objects on the basis of essential features (in cognitive psychology), an unconscious process of identifying close people and the mechanism of psychological protection (in psychoanalytic concepts), one of the mechanisms of socialization, etc. In a broad sense, identification as a mechanism of social perception, combined with empathia, is a process of understanding, visions of another, comprehending the personal meanings of the other activity, carried out by direct identification or attempt to put themselves in place of another. Perceiving and interpreting the world And other people, a person also perceives and interprets himself, their own actions and motivations. The process and result of the self-perception of a person in a social context is called social reflection. As a social perception mechanism Social reflection means an understanding of the subject of its own individual characteristics and how they manifest themselves in external behavior; Awareness of how it is perceived by other people. It should not be thought that people are able to perceive themselves more adequately than others. So, in a situation where there is an opportunity to look at yourself from the side - in photography or film, many remain very dissatisfied with the impression done in their own way. This is because people have a somewhat distorted image of themselves. Distorted views relate to even the appearance of a person who perceives, not to mention the social manifestations of the inner state.


The process of perception by one person of another is mandatory part of communication and represents what is called perception. The perceptual side of communication explains the perception and understanding of another person and himself, establishing mutual understanding and interaction on this basis. In perception, an important role is assigned to the establishment in communication. Often the formation of the first impression on an unfamiliar person depends on the characteristic given it. And then in it, depending on the installation, some will find positive features, others are negative. Perceptions are possible perception errors The causes of which can be:

♦ The effect of "haloe" - information obtained about a person to direct communication with him forms bias the idea of \u200b\u200bhim even before his perception;

♦ Effect of "Novelty" - at perception unfamiliar man Often the most significant seems primary information about it (the so-called first impression);

♦ Stereotype effect - It arises due to the insufficient amount of information about a person and exists in the form of a certain stable image.


In the process of perception, it is not just a perception of each other, and a whole range of feelings is born, an emotional relationship arise, the mechanism of education of which is studied by an attraction.

Attraction- This is the appearance of a person's attractiveness of one of them for another. To form an attraction, you can use some techniques:

reception "Name of Own"

when communicating, it is more common to contact a partner by name and patronymic, as such an appeal serves as an indicator of attention and unconscious causes positive emotions;

reception "Soul Mirror"

friendly facial expression, a smile when communicating will sign friendly relations and good intentions;

reception "Golden Words"

do not bother during communication for compliments, the praise in which any person needs;

reception "patient listener"

to be able to be interested in and patiently listen to your interlocutor, let him speak;

reception "Preliminary Information"

when communicating, use knowledge of your interlocutor (character, temperament, hobbies, marital status, etc.).

Perceptive processes. The concept of perception properties

Perception- This is a reflection of objects and phenomena, holistic situations of the objective world in the aggregate of their properties and parts with direct impact on the senses.

The perception is based on the feeling, but perception is not reduced to the sum of sensations.

Without sensations, perception is impossible. However, besides sensations, perception includes past human experience in the form of ideas and knowledge.

Types of perception

Depending on which the analyzer plays the prevailing role in perception, distinguish spectator, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, olfactory and taste perception.Unlike sensations, perception, usually arise as a result of several analyzers. TO complex species Perceptions include, for example, space perception and time perception. Perceiving space, i.e., the remoteness of items from us and from each other, shape and magnitude, a person is based on both visual sensations and sensations of auditory, skin and motor.

With the perception of time, in addition to auditory and visual sensations, motor and internal, organic sensations play a large role.

According to the strength of the sound of thunder, we determine the distance separating us from the approaching thunderstorm, with the help of the touch we can determine the form of the object with closed eyes. People with normal vision, auditory and tactile sensations play a similar role in the perception of space. But these sensations acquire the main importance for persons devious.

Under the perception of time it is understood as the process of reflecting the duration and sequence of events occurring in the objective world. Direct perception is only very short temporary segments. When it comes to longer periods of time, it is more correct not to talk about perception, but about the presentation of time.

The surrounding validity perceive not those or other organs of feelings, but a person of a certain floor and age, with their interests, views, identity orientation, life experience, etc. Eye, ear, hand and other senses only provide the process of perception, which depends on mental features Personality.

  1. Laws of perception

The main laws of perception:


    verbal mediation

    dependence on the installation, subjectivity,

    the principle of isomorphism.

The process of perception is not limited to the allocation of a certain group of sensations and combining them into a holistic image; He also assumes the identification of the image, its comparison with the traces of memory, understanding and understanding (especially when symbolic objects, signs, text, etc.) are perceived.

All this requires the involvement of past experience, in connection with which it is customary to talk about a special property of consciousness - apperception,those. The dependence of the distinct perception of any content from past impressions and accumulated knowledge. Thanks to this connection between current and past impressions, it is possible to assimilate new sensory information, the inclusion of new images of perception into the system of human experience. Therefore, the distinct and conscious perception of the surrounding world is impossible without participation. memory and thinking.

Perception is associated with categorizationthe mental process of attributing a single object or event to some class. In other words, any object is not perceived as a singleness and immediate data, but as a representative of the generalized class of phenomena. Moreover, the specific features of this class are automatically transferred to the perceived object. The relationship of perception with categorization indicates indirectness of perceptual processes with social experience and cultural factors.

The characteristic feature of human perception is that its images are synthesized using speech (verbal mediation ), with a support for semantic structures of a natural language. Due to the verbal (verbal) designation, the possibility of abstraction and generalization of the private properties of objects occurs.

In studies of a number of outstanding psychologists-experimenter (initial Müller, T. Schuman, L. Lange, later - D.N. Finds and his followers) It was noted that perception significantly depends on installationsdefined as a holistic condition of the subject, not realized to it fully and at the same time as imposing a "peculiar tendency to certain contents of consciousness" or pre-readiness to perceive, feel and respond to anything in a certain way under the influence of past experience and motivational factors.

At the same time, the main laws of perception should be attributed to subjectivity:the same information people perceive in different ways, subjectively, i.e. Depending on its interests, knowledge, needs, abilities, goals of activity, etc. subjective factors. The dependence of perception from the content of the mental life of a person and on the characteristics of his personality is also associated with the fundamental concept of appeping.

According to the postulates of gestalt-psychology, perception is built on the principle of isomorphism- Structural likelihood of a perceptible image of a perceived object.

Laws of perception (byM. Vertgeimer ).

The effect of similarity.- Figures similar to any elements (color, magnitude, form, etc., in perception are combined and grouped).

The effect of proximity.- Closely located figures are usually combined.

Factor "common destiny."- Figures can be obtained by the general nature of the changes observed in them.

Factor "good continuation."- Of the two intersecting or relating lines, lines are chosen with a smaller curvature.

Closure factor.- Closed figures perceived better.

Grouping factor without residue.- Multiple figures try to group in such a way that there is no one separately worth the figure.

- (Lat. Perceptio). 1) Reception, picking up, exaltation of duties. 2) the unconscious perception, the feeling attributed to the reason, which produced it (psych. T.). A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Perception [Lat. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (Lat. Perceptio performance, perception, I feel, perceive from Percipio, perceive), in Sovr. Psychology is the same that perception. Leibniz used the term "P." To indicate a vague and unconscious. Perceptions ("impressions") as opposed to ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

PERCEPTION - (from Lat. Percipio perceive), perception (see). The environment affects us in the process of our activity, and we perceive it, prohibit. The organ P., as well as psyche in general, is our brain. P. not an isolated process, and ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

Perception, perception of the dictionary of Russian synonyms. Perception of SUMS., Number of synonyms: 2 perception (5) ... Synonym dictionary

perception - (from lat. Perceptio perception) Process of directly active reflection of the cognitive sphere of human external and internal objects (objects), situations, events, phenomena, etc. (see perception). Brief psychological dictionary. R … Big psychological encyclopedia

- (from the Latin PerceptiO representation, perception), the same as perception ... Modern encyclopedia

- (from Lat. Perceptio representation perception), the same as perception. In V. Leibnitsa, the troubled and unconscious perception in contrast to the clear awareness of the Apperception ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

See perception. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of sociology

PERCEPTION - (from Lat PERCEPTIO - perception). Sensual perception, reflection of things in consciousness through the organs of the senses ... New dictionary of methodical terms and concepts (theory and practice of learning languages)

Perception - (from the Latin Perceptio presentation, perception), the same as perception. ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Anthology of spoken speech. Some aspects of the theory. Lithota - Perception. Volume 2, Kharchenko VK .. Each volume of the fivetomnium contains theoretical information of a general nature, and as the main array - personally collected by the author of the reconnaissary replica, systematized by aspects ...
  • Anthology of spoken speech. Some aspects of the theory. In 5 volumes. Volume 2. Lithot - Perception, V. K. Kharchenko. Each volume of the five metal contains theoretical information of a general nature, and as the main array - personally collected by the author of spoken replicas, systematized by aspects ...

There is such a concept as social perception, which is translated from Latin (PerceptIO), means "perception". With regard to the psychology of society, the way a person sees the situation that conclusions do. And most importantly, psychologists celebrate what actions should be expected from a particular individual belonging to a certain group of like-minded people.

For social perception, the following functions are characteristic:

  • Self-knowledge;
  • Knowledge of the interlocutor, partner;
  • Establish contacts in the team in the process of joint activities;
  • Establishing a positive microclimate.

Social perception studies manners of behavior between personalities with different levels of development, but belonging to one society, the team. Behavioral reactions are formed on the basis of social stereotypes, whose knowledge explains the communication models.

There are two aspects of social perception in the study of processes. psychological compatibility. These are the following questions:

  • Social I. Study psychological features a separate subject and the object of perception;
  • Analysis of the mechanism of interpersonal communication.

In order to ensure the knowledge and understanding of another person, as well as in the process of communication, there are special mechanisms for social perception, allowing to make forecasts in relation to acts of communication partners.

Social perception mechanisms

The tools enjoyed by social perception ensure the establishment of communications between personalities and conclude in the following concepts:

  • Identification;
  • Empathy;
  • Attraction;
  • Reflection;
  • Stereotyping;
  • Causal attribution.

The identification method is that the psychologist is trying to put himself at the place of the interlocutor. To learn a person, it is necessary to learn its scale of values, norms of behavior, habits and taste addiction. According to this method of social perception, a person behaves in such a way as, in his opinion, he might be a story to the interlocutor.

Empathy - empathy to another person. Copying the emotional setting of the interlocutor. Only finding an emotional response, you can make a correct idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening in the soul of the interlocutor.

The attraction (attraction) in the concept of social perception is considered as a special form of a partner's knowledge with a sustainable feeling for it. Such an understanding may have the form of friendship or love.

Reflection is aware of themselves in the eyes of the interlocutor. When conducting a conversation, a person seems to see himself from a partner. What the other person thinks about him and what qualities gives him. The knowledge of themselves in the concept of social perception is impossible without openness to other people.

The causal attribution from the words "Kause" is the reason and "attribute" - label. Man gives qualities, according to his actions. Social perception determines the following types of causal attribution:

  • Person - when the reason comes from the man himself who committed one or another act;
  • Object - if the cause of the act served as an object (subject), on which this or that action was directed;
  • Considering - the conditions under which one or another act was performed.

In the process of research, according to social perception, regularities were revealed, which affect the formation of causal attribution. As a rule, a person attributes success only to himself, and failure - others, or circumstances that have developed, alas, not in his favor. When determining the severity of the action directed against a person, the victim ignores the object and thorough causal attribution, taking into account only the personal component. An important role in perception plays the installation of a person or information relative to the perceived subject. This was proven by the Bodalev experiment, who showed a photo of the same person to two different social groups. Some said that in front of them the criminal, others identified him as the greatest scientist.

Social stereotype is the perception of any interlocutor based on the basis of personal life experience. If a person belongs to any social group, he is perceived as part of a certain community, with all its qualities. The clerk is perceived differently than plumbing. Social perception shares the following types of stereotypes:

  • Ethnic;
  • Professional;
  • Gender;
  • Age.

When communicating people from different social groups Contradictions may arise, which are smoothed by solving common tasks.

Effects of social perception

Based on stereotypes, an interpersonal perception is formed, in which the following effects are determined:

  • Primary;
  • Novelty;
  • Halo.

The effect of primary social perception is manifested at the first acquaintance. The assessment of a person is based on the information obtained earlier.

The novelty effect begins to act in the case when completely new information appears, which is considered the most important.

The effect of the halo is manifested in the exaggeration of positive or, on the contrary, the negative qualities of the partner. In this case, no other arguments and abilities are not taken into account. In a word, "Master, he is all the master."

Pedagogical social perception

The perception of the teacher with pupils is determined by the relationship within educational process. Each teacher is important, which is the opinion that his personality forms in the eyes of students. So pedagogical social perception determines the status of the teacher, the image of his life. All this affects the creation of authority, or the absence of it that inevitably affects the quality of education.

The ability to find mutual language With initially socially unequal people, without losing the feelings of a reasonable distance, testifies to the teacher's pedagogical talent.

Perception concept

Definition 1.

Perception is a cognitive process of direct active mapping by a person of different phenomena, objects, events, situations.

If this knowledge is directed to social objects, then the phenomenon is called social perception. Social perception mechanisms can be daily observed in our daily life.

The mention of perception was already in the ancient world. Huge contribution to development this concept Made philosophers, physiologists, artists, physics. But psychology gives the greatest importance to this concept.

Perception is an important mental function of cognition, which manifests itself as a complex process of transformation and obtain sensory information. Through perception, the individual generates a one-piece object image that affects analyzers. Thus, perception is a kind of sensor display form.

Characteristics and properties of perception

This phenomenon has the following basic characteristics:

  • identification of individual features;
  • correct absorption of information;
  • forming an accurate sensory image.

Perception is associated with logical thinking, attention and memory. It depends on the motivation of a person and has an emotional color of a certain species.

The main properties of perception:

  • structurality
  • apperpetiness,
  • subject
  • context
  • measurement.

Perception factors

Perceptual factors are two types:

  • internal
  • external.

External factors include:

  • intensity,
  • the size,
  • novelty,
  • contrast,
  • repeatability
  • traffic,
  • review.

Internal perception factors include:

  • motivation, which lies in the fact that a person sees what he considers important or what he really needs;
  • personal perceptions when an individual expects to see what has seen earlier in a similar situation;
  • experience that gives a person to perceive what he taught his past experience;
  • characteristic features of the person.

Interaction with society with perception

The concept of a variety of our perception is widely used in psychology - social perception.

Definition 2.

Social perception is an understanding and evaluation by man of oneself, other people, other social facilities.

This term was introduced in 1947 by a psychologist D. Bruner. Introduction to the psychology of this concept allowed scientists otherwise to look at the problems and tasks of human perception. Man is a social being and is subject large number Different relationships. A positive or negative attitude of the individual to the surrounding people depends on the perception and evaluation of partners to communicate.

Social perception is manifested in several forms:

  • perception by man;
  • perception by members of the group;
  • group perception.

Social perception mechanisms

Perception has certain features of the functioning of its mechanisms. There are the following mechanisms of social perception:

  • stereotyping, which is the formation of a persistent image or representation of people and phenomena, peculiar to all representatives of one social group;
  • identification expressed in intuitive identification and knowledge of the person or group in the communication situation in which there is a comparison or comparison of the internal states of partners;
  • empathy, implying emotional empathy to others, the ability to understand other people by providing them with emotional support and cooling in their experiences;
  • reflection, that is, self-knowledge through interaction with other people;
  • the attraction is the knowledge of other people based on a positive persistent feeling;
  • cause attribution, which is the process of predicting the feelings and actions of the surrounding people.

The specificity of interpersonal knowledge is that it takes into account as various physical featuresand behavioral features. Therefore, social perception has a huge dependence on emotions, motives, opinions, installations, prejudices of both partners. In social perception there is also a subjective assessment of another person.

Perception is a complex mechanism for the psychological interaction of an individual and perceived object. This interaction occurs under the influence of a large number of factors.

Perception - This is the cognitive function of the psyche that formulates the individual perception of the world. This function is a reflection of a phenomenon or an object with its direct effect on the receptor surface parts of the senses. One of the rod biological processes of psyche, which determine the most complicated operation of the reception and transformation of information purchased through the senses, which form a personalized integrity of the subject affecting analyzers by means of a complex of sensations caused by this object, is considered to be the function of perception or perception.

Perception in psychology is the process of direct active mapping of the cognitive sphere of the subject of internal objects and external items or phenomena. In the form of a form of sensual display of the subject, perception combines the identification of the subject as inseparable, the distinction of individual qualities in it, the detection of informative content in it corresponding to the goal of action, the production of sensual image. Perception is the process of awareness of stimulation of sensory receptors.

Social perception

The origin and further successful development of interpersonal communicative interaction is possible solely upon the condition that there is mutual understanding between participating persons in this process. The fact that subjects reflect the feelings and qualities of each other, understand and perceive others, and with their own self, largely determines the communication process, relationships that are emerging between the participants and methods through which they implement joint activities. Therefore, the process of knowledge and comprehension by one subject of another acts as a mandatory component of communication. This component can be conventionally called a perceptual aspect of communication.

Social perception is one of the most serious and most important phenomena of social psychology. For the first time, the social perception of D. Bruner was introduced after the formation of a qualitatively different look at the perception by the subject of the subject.

Perception in psychology is an action that is born during the interaction of individuals with each other and combines perception, passing, injression and evaluation of individuals of social objects.

Perception concept unites:

  • individual process of perception of observed actions;
  • interpretation of perceived causes of action and expected consequences;
  • building a strategy of personal behavior;
  • emotional estimation.

Social perception perception is a process of perception in the social sense of social objects. This is a process that is nascent with personal interaction, based on natural communications and flowing in the form of perception and comprehension by individual.

Interpersonal perception is characterized by addiction from emotional reactions, views, installations, representations, hobbies and prejudices. The nature of the interpersonal relationship is significantly different from the essence of the relationship of social orientation. Since a specific feature of interpersonal interaction is the presence of an emotional basis. Therefore, interpersonal interaction should be considered as the cause of the psychological "microclimate" of the team. The emotional foundation of interpersonal relations unites all types of emotional identity reactions, such as feelings, emotions.

Social social perception mechanisms are distinguished. First of all, it should be attributed to the identification, and.

Social perception processes have a significant difference in the perception of non-social facilities. This difference is that social facilities do not have passive and indifferent features in relation to the perception person. In addition, social models are always characterized by the presence of estimated interpretations and semantic judgments. In some sense, perception is interpretation. However, the interpretation of another person or group of persons always has a dependence on the past social experience of a perceive subject, behavioral reactions of the object of perception at a particular point, the system of value references of the person and other factors.

There are fundamental functions of perception, which can be attributed: the knowledge of themselves, the Communication Partner, the organization of collective activities based on mutual understanding and establishing the necessary emotional relationship.

Perception functions are needed for a better understanding of the essence of perception. In the course of communicative actions, it is necessary to have a mutual understanding in order to effectively assimilate information. The perception of the Communication Member is called the perceptual side of the communicative interaction. This process can be represented as an internal foundation of the communication process that has achieved quite high level development.

The phenomenon of social perception is based on mutual understanding of subjects. Therefore, it should be noted that there are several levels of mutual understanding. The first level occurs when the system coincides social meanings and individual meanings in communicating individuals, and there are no coincidences to the degree of mutual estimation personal qualities.

An example of this perception level can serve as a professional communicative interaction. The next level is observed in coincidence not only single Systems, but also the degrees of mutual assessment of personal qualities. It is observed with the mutual satisfaction of the subjects with its own emotions, which arise in relation to one person to another. The third level is when there is a high degree of mutually directed confidence of individuals and their openness. Communication at this level involves the absence of secrets from each other, largely affected by the partner's interests.

Like any other mental process, perception is characterized by its properties.

Perception properties include subjectness (the perception of objects is not as a incoherent complex of sensations, but as images constituting certain objects), the structure (perceived by the subject of consciousness as a simulated structure, abstracted from sensations), apperward (the content of the psyche), constancy (perception unchanged The subject with the change in the stimulus), meaningfulness (the object is perceived by means of consciousness, then mentally called and refers to the class) and selectivity (allocation of some objects over others). Perception properties are developing depending on the age period.

Social perception mechanisms

The individual comes into communicative interaction always as a person, similarly to this, he is perceived by a comrades for communicating as a person.

Communication as perception suggests the presence of interpersonal perception - the development of the initial impression and interpersonal perception as a whole. Therefore, the mechanisms of social perception can be distinguished, which are specific methods that determine the interpretation, understanding and evaluation by the individual partner on communicative interaction. The most common mechanisms are calculated causal attribution, identification, empathy, attraction, social. Below is more submitted detailed description These mechanisms.

The causal attribution is attributing to the subject of the cause of behavioral response. Each individual unintentionally builds his own assumptions about the causes of the actions of a perceived individual, why it acts like this way. Attribute to the partner, various causes of behavior, watching doing this, based on the similarity of his behavioral reactions, either with any person known to him or a famous personality, or based on the analysis of its own motives that could manifest themselves from an individual in a similar situation.

Casual attribution operates according to the principle of an analogy and depends on some aspects of self-satisfaction, which perceives and exposes the other.

The method of comprehending the other, in which the hypothesis about his mental state is built, based on attempts to put a comrade for communicating itself, is called identification. In other words, there is a comparison with the second individual. During the identification, the partner standards are assisted, its value reference points, behavioral reactions, habits and tastes. Identification has a special personality-significant meaning in a particular age stage, approximately in the transitional period and youth. Since at this stage, identification largely determines the nature of the relationship between the young man and a significant environment.

Communication as perceptation lies in understanding by communist persons of each other and mediates not only exclusively by the presence common system Encryption or decryption of information and jointly directed action, but also the specific features of the individual's individual perception.

Empathy is an empathy empathy to another individual. Through emotional responses, the individual comprehends the internal state of the partner. Empathy is based on skills to represent and understand what is happening in another individual inside as it evaluates environmentthat he is experiencing. Empathy in cooperation with the second participant in communication is often considered as one of the most necessary professional features of a psychologist, a social worker and a teacher.

The attraction is translated as attracting, and can be expressed as a special form of comprehension of another subject based on the development of its stable positive feeling. In this case, the understanding of a comrade in interaction arises due to the formation of attachment, a friendly or deeper attitude of an intimate personality character.

Through perception and subsequent interpretation of the medium and the social environment, the subject perceives, and then interprets his own personality, actions and motives.

Social reflection refers to the process and consequence of self-perception by an individual in a social context. Under social reflection as a social perception tool, it is understood as the identity of its own individual characteristics and how they are expressed in an external response, as well as the comprehension of which it is perceived by the environment.

Interpersonal perception perception is usually managed by all the above mechanisms.

Effects of social perception

Certain features that impede adequate perception of each other by interacting partners are called the effects of social perception. These include: the effect of halo, projection, primary, novelty, average error.

Interpersonal perception involves mutual assessment by participants in communicative interaction, but after time there is no change in the estimated judgments of partners. This is due to natural causes and is referred to as the effect of the halo. In other words, once the judgment of one participant does not change about the other, despite the fact that new information about the subject of communication accumulates and has a new experience.

The effect of social perception can be observed during the formation of an individual of the first impression when a common good impression behaves in general to positive assessment and, on the contrary, an unfavorable impression provokes the predominance of negative assessments.

With such social effect, there are close relationships such effects such as primacy and novelty. During the perception of an unfamiliar individual, the effect of primability prevails. Opposite this effect The effect of novelty is considered that the information obtained by the latter is more significant. The novelty effect works at the perception of a previously familiar individual.

Also allocate the effect of projection, which is attributable to a pleasant interlocutor of his own advantages, and unpleasant - own flaws, in other words, the qualities that are pronounced by an individual who are pronounced in the interlocutors. The effect of the average error is expressed in the trend to mitigate the estimation of the most pronounced feature of the partner towards the average.

The listed effects should be considered as an expression of a special process associated with individual perception by an individual. Such a process is called stereotyping.

Thus, perceptation concept is a reflection of things and situations of reality during their impact on the human senses. At the same time, an important role is played by the age period in which the individual is perceived.