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Aristocratic cheeks. Signs of the aristocratic appearance of women and men. Main behavioral characteristics

First, it should be noted that not always, people of noble origin, have aristocratic appearance.

Georg Groot Portrait of Cesarevich Peter Fedorovich and Great Princess Catherine Alekseevna. 1740s.

And the fact that the aristocratic appearance is not a synonym for perfect beauty.

I.P. Argunov. Portrait of a graphate V.A. Sheremetya. 1746. State broad Tretyakov Gallery

In addition, among the aristocrats, it was often related marriages.
A bright historical example of the unfavorable influence of related marriages on the offspring is the royal dynasties.

Karl The Second became the latest representative of the Spanish Dynasty of the Habsburgs, having lived 39 years and leaving heirs.

Another aspect. Aristocratic appearance is, first of all, breed! Metis, no longer be a carrier of breed nor aristocratic appearance. Although, among such people, there are truth aristocrats).

O.A.Kiprensky Portrait of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The origin of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin comes from an extended nonetitular nobility of Pushkin. The poet repeatedly wrote about his pedigree in verses and prose; He saw in his ancestors a sample of an ancient kind, a true "aristocracy", honestly served by the Fatherland, but not discouraged the favor of rulers and "champed." More than once he appealed (including artistic form) and to the image of his mother's Praded - African Abraha Petrovich Hannibal, who became a servant and pupil Peter I, and then a military engineer and general

Probably because the royal yards are so riserly belonging to the conclusion of marriages). Look at the Buckingham Palace family. Complete, aristocratic faces!)

Franz Vittlehelter. Portrait of Queen Victoria, 1844-45

And yet, about the conclusions of scientists.

The main signs of aristocratic appearance are as follows:

Long face with high, direct forehead,
Slim nose - perfectly even or with a lightweight hubber;
quite big eyes
Thin line of eyebrows, narrow chin;
Hair - any color, but always healthy, well-groomed, shiny, eyelashes and eyebrows - dark, ideally - black;
an elegant physique that creates the impression of refinement even in the case of completeness;
Long arms and legs, brushes and feet miniature, with thin fingers, nails - almond-shaped;
Very light thin skin, pale or with a pinkish tint, be sure to clean and smooth; The correct proportions of the face and body.


I think that the presence of dark eyebrows and eyelashes during gray hair does not have any reason at all. There are a lot of examples. One of the truth aristocrat Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. And hair, eyebrows, and mustache, and beard ..... gray).

You will not believe, but men also believe in magic, and they have cherished fabulous dreams of childhood. Each of them, being a child, dreamed of certainwise becoming the king and proudly, to the power entrusted to him.

With age, the fairy tales go to the past, the kingdoms are missing at all, but the dream of a real queen remains for life. Notice, almost none of the men have ever seen the sideline of a real queen, except for television or old portraits. However, this does not prevent them from having a completely distinct idea of \u200b\u200bthe signs of the royal "breed", according to which they accurately determine the woman of their dreams. So, what are these signs?

Royal posture

This is an unmistakable sign of the royal "breed" - smooth back, the shoulders are omitted, the chin slightly raised. Next to such a woman it is impossible to imagine a random man, because only proud and confident man will look decent.


The real royal "poriousness" of a woman manifests itself in her manner to bear herself - greatly, slowly, not a seed with legs and without vibrant hips. It seems that even among the people running in the subway, it floats in the crowd, attracting admiring views.


The Queen will never allow himself to be fussy with his hands during a conversation, vigorously gesticulate, throw his leg to the leg and pier on the seat, trying to straighten the skirt. She knows how to emphasize her movements, but the difference between a man and a woman, behaving gently, easily and delicately. Just entered, by one calm movement of the village, freely put the legs (knees together, one of the legs one ahead of another or slightly crossed) gracefully folded his hands on his knees ... And everyone realized that in front of them - her majesty.


The "breed" of the true Queen is manifested not only in the thorough knowledge of the cutlery and the ability to use the fish knife, but also in understanding all the subtleties of behavior at the table and in society - how to receive guests what and to whom to say, when smile and when to show non-vulnerable.


The true woman of the royal "breed" is impossible to imagine himself a talking subtle sighty voice, interrupting the interlocutor and consuming jargon words in speech. She attracts attention to his low, well-posed voice, the right literary speech and the ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor.


With all the freedom of the morals of the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a special royal "breed", dressed in the style of unisex. No fashion sneakers and gorgeous pants will replace elegant dress and shoes on the heater, which will emphasize your femininity and beauty, causing admiration for men.


The person of the royal "breed" is not to have an ultra-screw cutting haircut, burned skin and screaming makeup. A decent king Woman should have hair falling on her shoulders, gentle skin and discreet makeup, emphasizing her dignity, like Mary Antoinage, for example.


The appearance and clothing of the Official of the Royal "Breed" always corresponds to the circumstances - the place, environment and time. She always and everywhere has a well-groomed and tidy look, follows the purity of her body and its clothes, does not neglect its detail, visible or invisible.


A woman decent to the king, aware of all the news and will easily support the conversation on any topic, and in the language of his interlocutor, tactfully explaining the essence of her dialogue with a foreigner if they do not understand what it is about. Such specials can listen with sincere interest to listen to a delet about the problem in which she is a professional and owns a question in perfection. As you know, men prefer educated women.


The "breed" of women manifests itself in possessing a special taste for life, the ability to surround themselves with elegant things and interesting people, the ability to radiate a special charm, choose for themselves outfits and attract the attention of others, to be ourselves and not lose dignity under any circumstances as Princess Di.

To the honor of our men who dream to meet a real queen of their lives, one important circumstance should be mentioned. If a man is truly in love, he sees on his chosen definitely all signs of the royal "breed," is ready to build it on the highest throne in his heart and with admiration puts to her legs a homely kingdom and the whole world in principle.

Aristocrats in Russia shot another hundred years ago, but in the capitalist society it is impossible without them.

Society can not do without the elite - in any case, it is considered. The cattle should be equal to someone, because without moral landmarks, it is completely smoothing.

Who claims the vacant role of modern aristocracy? As they say, who resigned, he ate! Each horse now imagines her thoroughbred.

I carefully studied the market for new aristocrats and systematized their signs.

1. Aristocrat despises cattle. By thinking he calls those who work. The purebred individuals never may afford it in life, but at the initial stage they consider themselves creative personalities, because loafers.

Sooner or later, creative search leads them on the TNT channel, and after participating in the TV project, the house 2 almost the aristocrat of famously rides on corporate parties, amusing the people frills.


The people naturally despise. Well, if you forgot - you are cattle!

2. Aristocrat loves to travel. As before - in Cannes, because in Turkey you can not fly by charter. All who did not live in France, Aristocrat calls by the lobster and despises. Everyone who in France was, the aristocrat recognizes for even.

Even if the Provence resident and Provence - spawn onto the obuchon.


In Russia, aristocrat arrives only to hold another corporate. Implement, so to speak, your inner creativity.

As soon as the aristocrat enters the native land - Sheremetyevo, the terminal D - he immediately makes the mord of the goat. Circle after all cattle!

3. Aristocrat always dresses new. The thing must be designer, even if bought in the market.

Photo: Social networks

If the aristocrats catch there, he should sit in the hired Mercedes and declare him with his property.

4. You are all stupid, and the aristocrat graduated from RGGU.

Diploma Buzova, by the way, no one has seen. Photo: Social networks

5. Aristocrat despises Orthodoxy, because in Europe, traditional values \u200b\u200bare not in honor.

Photo: Social networks

It carries in cattle light enlightenment - homosexuality, multiculturalism and in general.

6. And, by the way, about values. Against the Aristocrat family to speak, but in marriage hesitates. The aristocrat has several lovers, and before marriage - at least one hundred sexual partners.

Photo: Social networks

The child of the aristocrat to conceive from the legitimate spouse can not. He needs in life drama, intrigue and mystery. Again, alimony can be blackmought with someone shaky.

7. But the main feature of any aristocrat - he cannot live without his people. The lobster should stare on him, discuss lovers, sneak up the panties and bras to their idol, and he is happy.

Photo: Social networks

This need for the aristocrat in the people ends, as a rule, bad. When the horse falls, it is shot and allowed to meat. The people are wild and very hungry.

8. Aristocrat, if he gets the pepelats with flashes, has no right to refuse himself to move in it. Let the Mother's car, or she pumped it, the pionee mare should designate its place in it.

9. Of course, the real aristocracy cannot eliminate from political life. Sometimes it takes it in the Duma, if she has skills to lick ass with bearish disease, and if some kind of horse did not take, she goes to wither the protest electorate.

Photo: Social networks

10. Complete the description of the aristocrat only by folk wisdom: from dirt - in the prince. Fortunately, the aristocracy they consider them only themselves. For all other people, they are the most real cattle.

What is me for? Oh, yes: And who do you consider the elite of society?

The tradesman is one who even one with him remains an aristocrat. This is true, in no way causing anyone. But how to find him in the real life? Your interest is 10 signs of a real aristocrat.

No.10 - Go left

Real mothers while walking is constantly on the left. The origins of this classic sign of the aristocrat - in the Middle Ages: the lady's right on the right turned out to be protected over the Balcony Pashka, but the pots were poured on her unsuccessful satellite. Now the Shkandybaybing Male "Protects" the lady from passing cars, reducing the risk of such that onto her dressed dress will be splashes from soon rushing machines.

No.9 - throw her first

In former times, a sign of a good tone for the aristocrat was put down to postpone the chair so that his woman could sit down to the table. Now this gesture is considered to be too formal, only all the same real mothers must wanted to make sure that the lady sat down first. This deed is a sign of respect as well as a good manner, even if the owner of the lady of this and also did not see anyhow. Naturally, the passage is before sitting down, it is not obliged to exist with deliberate as well as external. It is allowed to "disguise" waiting, for example, tumble of outerwear, as long as the lady sits.

No.8 - watch for vocabulary

It is completely fundamental protruding, which is more underestimated in the modern world - unacceptable vocabulary is unacceptable on a date. The inalienable properties of the aristocrat - eruditions as well as the capacity to show their ideas, in no way resorting to the topor or even abnormative vocabulary. The lexicographic reserve submits to show not so much the formation, only as well as the highest standards of a man in accordance with their attitude as well as being around. It is also worth a dismantle from the consumption of "pseudo-teaching" definitions: too long as well as the "smart" words, the meaning of which man himself is unlikely to think.

No.7 - Go umbrella

Another aristocratic gesture is to hide with the lady from the rain in front of his umbrella. In England, the tradan was obliged to constantly exist trivial to the vanity of the weather, because the umbrella of a good property became one of the indispensable accessories for a man - as well as not so much a British. Even if the rain only intends, you need to take a umbrella with you - as well as, if the rain really starts, it will allow it to show its caution as well as the capacity to worry about being around.

No.6 - live her home

Make a lady home - an extremely principled compound of the behavior of a real aristocrat. To believe that the lady without incident reached the house - the smooth service of the man, even if it was terrible, it is absolutely no more than 10 signs of real gentlemented. The lady will feel in preservation, if she knows that a man holds her straight on the front door. But "remuneration" for the knight's behavior should not be expected: the prerogative of the lady remains to be resolved whether it is allowed to step by a man for the door threshold.

When the lady chooses the outfit for a date, the judgments of practicality, usually occasionally taken in the payback. A dressed dress can hardly become a noble guard against a sudden frost or a rain, because if the feast is cool or wet, the tradesman is obliged to recommend a lady's own jacket. Naturally, the lady can donate from so inappropriate according to the size of the wardrobe element, but the gesture itself will demonstrate care as well as interest.

No.4 - throw off space

Normal, only, no matter how regrettable, more and more often ignored in the modern world practice - to give the village on the bus, tram, metro to the elderly or pregnant women. A man can go a little further as well as recommending the village of Lama, it will be much better to sit down. The gesture allows you to show that the convenience of ladies for a man is above personal. There is no way to change the act in the view for only the bus, sounded and also stubbornly sitting the lady on the village near. The best method is to become and then quietly recommend the lady to take into debt the released seat.

No.3 - Disable cell phone at the table

The unusual number of guys in no way10 signs of a real aristocrat hesitated interrupts Svidanya conversation according to a mobile phone. This act is one of the clouded errors not so much on a date, only as well as a tet-a-tet communication situation. Answering a call according to a mobile phone as well, over all, tightening the conversation for a couple of minutes, a man forces a lady to feel unnecessary: \u200b\u200bshe is obliged to wait for the end of the conversation in a very uncomfortable setting. The gesture of the real aristocrat is to turn off the cell phone during a romantic dinner as well as to contact all missed calls later.

No.2 - deliver it

Having met during the lunch or a common walk of some friends, you need to deliver your own woman to them: otherwise she, as well as in a situation with a conversation, according to a mobile phone, will feel unnecessary. The tradesman constantly takes care of the fact that the lady felt very comfortable, as well as the concept of her own buddies or friends enters the list of acts required for this. Everything that needs to be made is to suspend the conversation to name the name of the ladies, as well as imagine it into the conversation. Even if the lady and also will not participate in the future conversation, this gesture will call her to feel the most cozy.

No.1 - reveal the door

90% of all the ladies believe that the man reveals the door before the lady is a real tradesman. To delay the door - a simple gesture, which, nevertheless, will demonstrate the honor of the lady incoming it. As well as then with other "gentlemen" gestures, the opening of the door before the lady should be made by the natural part of their own behavior.

Not so easy to be a real queen causing universal admiration! However, any may look sophisticated and exquisite aristocrat with impeccable manners. We tell how to do it.

Here are 10 signs that make you a particular blue blood.

1. Direct spin


Proper posture has long been one of the distinguishing features of the aristocrats. Have you ever seen the queen of England slightly? The bent back is firmly associated with a person who ask for alms and causes only pity. Does this effect you strive to achieve?

Direct spin - a sign of real queens!

2. Well-groomed hands

The aristocracy has always well-groomed hands and legs. No "irrigible" varnish, broken nails, rough heels and other horrors inherent in only peasants. Do not regret the time and money on a good manicure master.

Well-groomed hands - 50% of your success!

3. Minimum cosmetics on the face


Look at the royal family. Neither one of them you will not see a bright and catchy makeup - this is considered a movietone.

Of course, the aristocrats also face, but in moderation!

4. Competent and polite speech

True Queen never squeal and do not yell like victims. If necessary, they only need to add a little demanding note to the voice and calm, with confident tone to explain what she wishes. And no "obscenery"! Powers of blue blood is not at all approaching to the level of shoemakers.

Always watch what and how you say.

5. Restrained behavior


Have you ever seen the special royal blood to rush to an important meeting, breaking his head? Well, I do not! It has long been known that this world's strengths are not late - they are delayed. Their gait is leopard, and the steps are small.

Queen are never treated.

6. Punctuality

However, "Accuracy - the politeness of kings!". Despite the lack of a rush, true aristocrats are never late and always arrive on time.

Punctuality is another distinguishing feature of species of blue blood.

7. Proper nutrition

Royal food should be simple and useful. No respected aristocrat will not have fast food and other harmful food. This is "not commilfo"! Food of the aristocrats should be diverse and freshly prepared. No yesterday dinners! You can not afford a personal cook - learn how to cook well yourself.

Being a queen can even be in the kitchen!

8. Modesty


True aristocrats do not need to attract attention to at any cost. Do not try to surprise everyone. You are not in the circus!

Officers of royal blood from childhood know that "I" is the last letter in the alphabet.

9. Education

It is no secret that all Officials of royal blood receive excellent education. It is unlikely that you can boast of the same, after going to the social networks. Is it better to devote this time to an interesting book that has long been dusting on the shelf?

Aristocrats adore learn and learn something new!

10. The desire to self-improvement


Of course, there are no ideal people, but the Officials of the Royal Blood are deeply convinced that everything is in their own hands. Every day they do our best to become even better.

How do you feed yourself, so they will take others!

Following this simple rules of behavior, you quickly learn to behave like a true aristocrat. And there, maybe to the prince on a white horse hand to file!