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Stalin and Hitler - mutual admiration and exchange of experience. Total past: as Hitler and Stalin could not agree

the site continues a series of publications in the "Victory price" heading. Today, the guest of the same name of the same name on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" historian, writer Elena Congynova talks about "sympathies" between Stalin and Hitler. The ether was held by Vitaly Dymarsky and Dmitry Zakharov. Fully read and listen to the original interview canlink

In fact, anywhere neither Hitler nor Goebbels nor Gess, except for official documents, do not use the name Stalin. If they exchange some letters, notes, some developments, not in the final version, and in the stage of work, there is everywhere - Jugashvili. Just imagine how easy it is to write the surname Stalin by German letters and how difficult to write Jugashvili.

Recall a small piece of Berezhkov's memories, Stalin's translator, which tells about how he, together with Molotov, in November 1940 was at the reception at Hitler during negotiations on the Soviet-German Covenant. And so, at the end of the conversation, before parting, Hitler, shaking his hand, said: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person, and I myself am a thought that I am in history. And, naturally, two such political figures, as we must meet. I ask you, Mr. Molotov, pass Mr. Stalin my hello and my offer about such a meeting in the near future. "

Hitler: "I consider Stalin an outstanding historical person ..."

It seems that Hitler reflects a lot about Stalin, but quite a sparkor expressed (well, or there was little statements to us). For example, in 1932 (hess retelling) in the Mussolini family there was some regular trouble, and Hitler noted that his (Mussolini) would destroy the family, as the Bonaparte was killed. But as for Stalin, he stressed, here - a politician, a leader, on whom his family does not affect, relatives do not affect, although they have a lot of them, and, accordingly, draw conclusions. True, what - you can only guess.

Next 1933 year. In general, we did not have such a post as deputy Stalin, but in Germany was. The Deputy Hitler was Rudolph Gess, who had the so-called hess bureau - a structure that duplicated a lot of different structures: state, party and others. And there was such an interesting department, which was engaged in the study of the personalities of European politicians: their physical characteristics, addictions, weaknesses, shortcomings, families.

And from the very beginning, as soon as this bureau created such a department, some such discrepancy began between employees. Part of the staff argued that after the death of Lenin, Russia under the leadership of Stalin went along the path of East Despoty, that is, by the mid-1930s, she had accumulated the features of East Despoty, precisely from the personality of Stalin. The second part of the staff said that Stalin was not subject to any national signs: he is an internationalist, and Russia goes on an international path, having no national color. I wonder which of these groups did it allowed greater influence on hess? For some reason it seems that still the second. For Geess Stalin was more internationalist, but as far as he could transfer anything or prove Hitler, here it is difficult to say.

1937-1938. There are quite a lot of "allegedly" statements of Hitler about the general cleaning of Stalin. Why "allegedly"? Because they are not straightforward (well, someone from someone's words recorded). Nevertheless, the essence of these statements is that Hitler approved such a "coolness" of this disassembly, the will of Stalin. From this he concluded that in the next 15 years Russia will not fight.

Let's go back three years ago. 1934 year. Hitler destroys her companion Ernst Ryoma and other commanders of assault detachments of sa. And as Mikoyan told, again, in the Arrangement of Berezhkov, on the first after the murder of the Ryoma, the meeting of Politburo Stalin said: "Did you hear what happened in Germany? Hitler which is well done! This is how to deal with political opponents. " So, who took an example from whom is difficult to install. Hitler, by the way, very regretted in 1945 that once had to deal with the right, and not with generals according to Stalin. It was like that.

March 14, 1939. Gess writes to his friend Albrecht Haushofer: "After Munich, the Führer considers all the current Western politicians who crawled after the rain, and Stalin is a tank, which, if he moves and go ...".

Hitler loved to call Stalin eastern despot

But about the "Asian breed". 1939 year. Probably, Misanszen was like this: Hitler and his environment in the cinema looked at some kind, maybe soviet filmwhere Stalin was. And Borman writes so: "At watching the Führer noticed that the Soviet dictator reminds him of a strong beast of the Asian breed. Fuhrer expressed regret that this breed was poorly studied. "

Again 1939. The situation was as follows: Hitler prepared a software speech in Reichstag with charges of Poland and answer Roosevelt on his message on April 14. In this message Roosevelt offered himself as a "good mediator between Germany and Europe" and put a list of 30 countries, which in the next fifteen or twenty-five years Germany should not attack. And if, again, to believe hesce, then Hitler over this message and above this offer of the United States as an intermediary rather so ignored, laughed. Hess himself says about this: "This colonizer (about Roosevelte) would wish the Germans to drive into the reservation as their redheads. Us, Germans! Us, the Great Nation! And his connected trash dares to dictate to us, the Great Nation. These swine democrats will forget Versailles, only when you (Hitler) are hugging with Stalin. " That is, there are already some motives for future rapprochement.

And Borman, by the way, the same says in briefly and in essence. This is in one of his notebooks, which were found in 1945. Here is such a record: "There was a conversation about possible contact with the Kremlin. Führer expressed the reluctance to go to a personal meeting with Stalin. The Führer, however, agreed that the upcoming speech in the Reichstage would not contain the critics of the Kremlin and the Soviet system. "

Joachim von Ribbentrop and Joseph Stalin when signing the non-aggression Covenant in the Kremlin, August 23, 1939

Note that it was mutually, that is, the swearing in both directions ceased. But here, of course, no longer a personal relationship between Hitler and Stalin, but pragmatics, diplomacy, geopolitics. This is such a period when everyone screams about the world, but everyone already understands the need for military blocks, and this is coming to feel: who with whom. After all, at the same time, in the summer, negotiations are underway in Moscow: Russia, England, France. Negotiations go, go, and Hitler is terribly nervous, because for him the Union of Russia with England and France was like death. He himself refuses to go to Moscow, but he constantly goes the intention of someone there to suck. At first he is trying to send hess. Why? Hess brought up in Alexandria, in such an international city, and Hitler believed that hess would better understand how he writes, the "primitive-patus logic of Asian". This is also, by the way, the characteristic.

Then he begins to register the head of the union or labor front ley. Telegram Ambassador in Moscow Schulenburg Hitler: "At 11 o'clock, he received the consent of Molotov on the informal visit of Dr. Leia. The minister made it clear that Stalin would take him for a friendly conversation on the day of arrival. " This is August 21.

But on the same day the negotiations end. And the Hitler between the two and three clock sends Stalin a telegram composed of hess. The telegram sounds like this: "The tension between Germany and Poland became unbearable ... The crisis can break out from day to day ... I believe that if there are intentions of both states to enter into new relations with each other, it seems appropriate not to waste time ... I would be happy to get from You will quickly answer you. Adolf Gitler".

In 1939, Stalin and Hitler were supposed to meet, but did not work out

Interesting thing: During the war, after June 22, 1941, Hitler, if you believe in various German sources, quite often spoken in relation to Stalin, and moreover, it owns such a quotation that after the victory over Russia would be best to entrust the management of the country Stalin (Of course, in German hegemony), since he is better than anyone else, can cope with the Russians. That is, if you believe this quotation of the Fuhrera, he counted on Stalin as Vassal, manager, whom Germany will plan to lead the enslaved Soviet Union.

In the diaries of Goebbels of March 4, 1945, that is, when the situation of Nazi Germany was already hopeless and Hitler sought to negotiate with Moscow, there is such a record: "Führer is right, saying that Stalin is easiest to make a steep turn, since he does not need to take into account public opinion ... in the last days Hitler felt even greater intimacy to Stalin, having highly appreciated him as a genius man deserving unlimited respect. Comparing itself with Stalin, the Führer did not hide the feelings of admiration, repeating repeating many times that both the greatness and unshakable themselves know in their essence or the tental of the bourgeois politicians in their essence.

Hitler's telegram Stalin, August 1939

Interesting detail: Throughout the war, not a single statement (deserving trust) Hitler about Stalin as a commander, strategist, tactics. That is, he never appreciated him from this point of view. But we note that Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Western politicians: Churchill, Roosevelt, and so on.

With Roosevelt, in general, harder. It was the second politician, whom Hitler did not understand. He somehow did not have enough time to figure it out. The first was Stalin. Hitler considered him an opaque personality, just as an Asian, which is absolutely inadequate in general, in common sense from the point of view of Hitler, who may be absolutely unpredictable. He, by the way, believed that some of Stalin's solutions were just dictated by this Asian unpredictability, this alogicity.

Hitler appreciated Stalin higher than Churchill and Roosevelt

And finally, the quotation of Rudolf Hess, who, sitting in Shpandau, describes this cowardly, the nervous behavior of Hitler on the eve of the arrival of the ribbentrop: "Two wedges before throwing each other, gathered with the Spirit. However, as it became clear after the defeat, the Führer was fully felt then, in the 39th, the demonic power of the Eastern despot, which we all underestimated, and, in the end, turned out to be right. "

On September 17, 1939, the Red Army crossed the Polish-Soviet border and rushed towards the upcoming Wehrmachut. For many in the world, the arrangement between Hitler and Stalin was shocked. Somehow, the relationship between the two countries was developed very rapidly, between two, at first glance, antagonistic regimes: on August 19, the trade agreement; August 23 - signing a non-aggression treaty; September 23 - a contract on friendship and border. The parties seemed that everything was happening very quickly and spontaneously. In fact, the path of rapprochement between the Nazi leadership of Germany and the communist leadership of the Soviet Union was long and not simple.

In the 20s, in the highest circles of the National Socialist Party, especially in its northwestern unit, as anywhere in Germany, hatred of capitalism and sympathy for Soviet Russia was strong. The same Goebbels told that he believes in Russia, that she would find the strength to reset the Igo Jews-Internationalists. He was terrified by the prospect of war between Germany and Russia. "Better than death at the same time with Bolshevism than eternal slavery at the same time with capitalism." That is why in 1926 he experienced a real shock, having heard one of the program speeches of Hitler, in which he announced the main task Destruction of Bolshevism - the main shock power Jewry - in the Union with England and Italy. "Maltenia, you won! - exclaimed Goebbels in his diary. - I was shouted on my head. So the heart hurts! "

But after a month, the Führer dispelled the doubts of his slander: "Hitler is great, he recorded in his diary." He thought everything. Its ideal: a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Earth entire people. Individual production. Concern, trusts, large production, transport, etc. Socialize ... Italy and England are our allies. Russia is ready to devour us ... "
When Stalin decided to establish friendly relations with fascist GermanyHe began secret search for direct contacts with the leadership of Germany. Soviet Torgpred in Berlin David Kandelaki reached success (about the fact that he was a personal trustee of Stalin, then no more than six people knew.

Kandelaki managed that, besides him, no one could achieve. He tied negotiations with the main persons of the Fascist Reich and even received a private audience at Hitler. Candelacas and Hitler agreed on and what information was brought in April 1937, he and his mysterious Rudolph in the Kremlin were brought, it is unknown, as unknown and most secret agreements concluded between Soviet and German representatives in 1937-1941. Especially curious a document discovered by the writer Herman Nazarov in one of the Russian archives. This is a general agreement on cooperation, mutual assistance, joint activities, signed on November 11, 1938 in Moscow by Heinrich Muller from Gestapo and Lavrenting Beria from the NKVD.

Muller in the second plan, behind Hitler.

Of the nine paragraphs of this five-hour document, four - the first, second, third and sixth, the first, second, third and sixth are most interesting to understand the pre-war events.

In §1, the purpose of the Agreement is formulated: to establish a close cooperation of the SSR and German special services "in the name of the security and prosperity of both countries, strengthening good-neighborly relations, the friendship of Russian and German peoples, joint activities aimed at making merciless struggle against common enemies leading a systematic inclination policy wars, international conflicts and enslavement of humanity. "

The question of who these enemies is specified in §2, which indicates that the NKVD and Gestapo will behave together with two main common enemies: "In international Jewry, its international financial system, Judaism and the Jewish world and the degeneration of mankind in the name of improvement White race and the creation of eugenic racial hygiene mechanisms. "

The species and forms of degeneration parties were determined by an additional protocol. It's "redhead; oblique; Externally ugly - chromonogiy and crooking from birth; having speech defects: whispering, moldability (Vladimir Ilyich came into the number of degenerates on the classification of the NKVD and Gestapapo), stuttering (congenital); Witches and sorcerers, shamans and clairvoyant; Satanists and drawrs; Humpback, dwarfs and with other obviously pronounced defects, which should be attributed to the section of degeneration and degeneration; Persons having large roda spots and the multiple number of small different color Skin coating, multi-eyed eye, etc.. "

Points §2 received unexpected development in the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) of December 20, 1938:

Approve the contract signed between the NKVD of the USSR and the Germans of State Security, cooperation.
In sincerity, relationships issue the German authorities of former citizens of Austria, Germany, Which are currently located in the USSR and caused their actions with significant damage during work in the Comintern.
The NKVD of the USSR in connection with this should be delayed by the required citizens and ensure the staging of the specialcheel for the transfer of the German authorities.
Request the German authorities on the issuance of former Soviet citizens, Emigured from the USSR, which, due to certain circumstances, are currently located in the countries of Germany, and caused their actions with a significant harm of Soviet power.
Consider appropriateness transfers to the German authorities of family members those who are subject to issuing our party.
NKVD USSR is supposed prepare lists of citizens who need to be requested from the German side. Lists to agree with the Central Committee.
Secretary of the Central Committee I. Stalin. (Printed on the book of Nazarov "And the meeting was still held!).

On January 14, 1939, Geydrich sent Beria's first list of 43 persons to be issued to the German authorities. And from this point on, the simultaneous destruction of the leaders of the Comintern in Germany and the USSR began. These were mostly faces jewish nationality. In the USSR, according to the NKVD, on December 20, 1940, 180,300 members of the Comintern were convicted, of which 95854 were convicted. It is curious that such famous figures as Neuman Geyntz, Karl Radek, Gogo Eberlein, Alexander Abramov, were convicted in the first list of heydrich. Brick, Werner of Cracks, who, by the time of issue, were already repressed. Max Clausen worked as a radist in the Zorge Group in Japan. George Dimitrov and Walter Ulbricht Stalin did not issue a gestapo.

In the Presidium of the 7th Congress of the Comintern. 1935 year.

The international Jewish financial system mentioned in the Agreement has not been forgotten. If used by private, mainly Jewish, firms cheap Soviet oil was used in the global market mainly to put pressure on a petroleum group, then From February 1939, the Soviet government stopped selling oil to private firms and it began to sell it only Germany, Italy And to them friendly states ...
§3 of the General Agreement reading: "The parties will fully help strengthen the principles of socialism in the USSR, national-socialism in Germany and are convinced that one of the fundamental elements of security is the process of the militarization of the economy, the development of military industry and the strengthening of power and capacity armed Forces of their states. " §6 clarified: USSR and Germany will cooperate in the "military industry; aircraft industry: economics; finance; energy; Science and Technology ", as well as" in the field of secret secrets, theosocology, theosophy, paranormal and abnormal phenomena affecting social processes and the inner life of states ... "

On May 23, 1939, Hitler declared his generals that a big war in Europe is inevitable. For two years, they have to defeat England, France and Poland. Assm should have given Germany the resources necessary for the War War. In general, the speech of Hitler was quite controversial, but none of those present dared to ask clarifying questions. However, before that time, it was necessary to persuade Russia to persuade Russia to give Rihi the lowned raw materials - bread, liquid fuel, manganese ore, cotton, phosphates, asbestos. At the same time, trying to give as little as possible in return, because much of the fact that the Soviet Union was requested was the German army.

The Germans involved all channels for the forced rapprochement from the USSR, but there were nowhere to hurry: a week left for a week, and there was no more friendly conversation. Finally, on August 15, when some two weeks left to the declared period of attack on Poland, Ribbentrop suggested Molotov to conclude a non-aggression pact for 25 years and asked him to take it in Moscow on August 18. Molotov, as if not understanding the whole desperation of the German situation, set the preliminary conclusion of a trade and credit agreement. And the Germans, who, on the eve of the war, fit the loan themselves, hurried after three days to conclude such a contract for 200 million brands.

(Finally, the trade agreement was formed in 1940 with a significant expansion of the nomenclature and supply volumes. On February 11, 1940, the economic agreement was signed between the USSR and Germany. It envisaged that the Soviet Union would put Germany in the amount of 420-430 million German brands for 12 months, that is, until February 11, 1941. Germany was obliged to put the USSR military materials and industrial equipment At the same amount for 15 months, that is, until May 11, 1941. On August 11, 1940 (six months after the signing of the Agreement), as well as on February 11, 1941 (a year later, German deliveries had to lag from Soviet no more than 20%. Otherwise, the USSR had the right to "temporarily suspend their deliveries."

The agreement stipulated that the USSR will supply to Germany

  • 1,000,000 tons of fodder grain and legumes, in the amount of 120 million Reichsmarock
  • 900,000 tons of oil in the amount of about 115 million Reichsmarock
  • 100,000 tons of cotton in the amount of about 90 million ReichSmarock
  • 500,000 tons of phosphate
  • 100,000 tons of chromite ores
  • 500,000 tons of iron ore
  • 300,000 tons of cast-iron scrap and cast iron in bars
  • 2 400 kg platinum

To ensure the fulfillment of its orders, the USSR pledged to put Germany over the next 18 months of 11,000 tons of copper, 3000 tons of nickel, 950 tons of zinc, 500 tons of molybdenum, 500 tonnes tungsten, 40 tons of cobral.

In addition, the USSR provided a discount of Germany to the transit of its goods at the trans-Siberian highway. What for Germany in the conditions of the Anglo-French blockade was extremely important.

The USSR in exchange received an unfinished heavy cruiser "Lutsz" and the equipment needed to complete its construction; samples of ship artillery, min, torpedo, periscopes; samples of the last models of aircraft; samples of artillery, tanks, means of communication; Samples of more than 300 types of machines and machines: excavators, drilling rigs, electric motors, compressors, pumps, steam turbines, oil equipment, etc.)

Molotov signs a treaty by Ribbentrop, to the right of Stalin. If they knew what would happen next ...

After the main condition was fulfilled, Ribbentrop was again the population of Schulenburg Ambassador, demanding that he achieved agreement on it, ribbentrop, arrival in Moscow to conclude a non-aggression Covenant. But, since Moscow and this time did not hurry with the answer, Hitler, having humbled his pride, first turned to Stalin with a message in which he asked to accept Ribbentrop. And he kindly appointed a meeting on August 23. It was on this day that a non-reliable secret protocol was signed in Moscow.

I shared with you the information that "accumulated" and systematized. At the same time, it was not impoverished at all and is ready to go further, at least twice a week. If you find mistakes or inaccuracies in the article - please inform. My e-mail address: [Email Protected] I'll be very thankful.

After an unsuccessful attempt to sign an anti-Hitler Military Union with France and Great Britain and negotiations with the Germans of the USSR on August 23, 1939 concluded a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany. It was issued at the negotiations of the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Molotov and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Joachima Ribbentrop. The officially published nonsense agreement was complemented by the secret protocol, which was also developed on August 23, 1939. This protocol shared all Eastern Europe into the German and Soviet spheres of influence.

Eastern Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and part of Romania were recognized by the Soviet Sphere. In the second secret protocol (September 1939), Lithuania was added to them (in exchange for the concession of Germany part of Polish territory). Stalin and Ribbentrop on the night of the signing raised toast, discussing how to overcome the recent hostility between their countries. German-Soviet trade agreements completely undermined the British blockade of the Germans. Economic cooperation between the USSR and the Nazis became so wide that in 1939 Trotsky called Stalin "Hitler's Intennant".

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8. Unlike the Communists who actively collaborated with Germany and shared Europe with the Molotov-Ribbentrop, UPA and OUN, did not cooperate either with German or communist occupation governments.
In turn, the Communists and Germans, in addition to the conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Cove, taught each other, conducted joint repression, parades, exchanged by weapons, etc.
Communists and Germany together attacked Poland, unleashing the second world War September 1, 1939!

That is, communism and Nazism worked closely, but at the same time they accuse for some reason the Bander who lessed in the German concentration camp for the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine.
And for refusing to cooperate with Germany, two brothers Bandera were tortured in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Then the question arises: who whose accomplice is actually?
The famous fact that communist pilots studied in Germany, and Germany adopted the "experience of building gulags" from the Communists.
They helped each food due to the Holodomorov in Ukraine.
The UPA and Bandera did not have any agreements with the German occupying government, for which the Bandera was sitting in the concentration camp, and most of his family were repressed under various pretexts as communists and the Germans.

"15 facts about" Bandera ", or what the Kremlin is silent".

This is a quotation from the very article for the repost of which a resident of Perm was tried and fined to 200 thousand rubles. He was accused of disseminating false statements about the USSR and the rehabilitation of Nazism.

It is interesting, and what is contrary to historical facts, not Russian mythology, but what did the facts found representatives of Russian Claro Disminia in these words?

Military German-Soviet cooperation began long before the Second World War. It is necessary to recall that after the defeat in the First World War in the Versailles Peace Treaty, there were quite serious restrictions on Germany regarding the Reichsover and the military-industrial complex as a whole. Soviet Russia turned out to be the blacksmith in which the Nazi sword was discovered. And this is a fact.

On August 11, 1922, a temporary cooperation agreement was concluded between tips and Germany. Some items from it.

1. Mutual familiarization with the state and methods of training both armies by directions on maneuvers, field exercises, academic courses
2. Joint chemical experiments
3. Organization of Tank and Aviation Schools
4. Commissioning to Germany representatives of Soviet departments, namely: management Air force, Scientific and Technical Committee, Art Governance, Hardsanpr and others to study individual issues and familiarization with the organization of a number of secret work

Germany in Versailles was forbidden to have tank troops and military aviation, therefore in 1924 in the USSR, in Lipetsk, the Aviation School of the Reichsber is created through which the future Asses of the Third Reich passed. In 1926, the "Kama" tank school appears in Kazan. There was another school, the most secretly called "Toka". She was in the Samara region. It was a school of chemical war.

Undoubtedly, cooperation was mutually beneficial, the Germans trained their footage to the Versailles' contract, and the USSR received, including access to advanced military developments.

Nevertheless, by 1933, this cooperation went to no. The second breath of Soviet-German friendship acquired after signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant on August 23, 1939 and the secret protocol to it. The most protocol that has shared Europe on the zones of influence and, in general, which gave the green light to the beginning of World War II.

The Russians do not like this name - the second world, try to delete it and replace the "Great Domestic". It is understandable, the beginning of the Second World War, its first stage is a very uncomfortable point of history for the fans of the USSR. The problem is that, if we talk about the Second World War and that it began in 1939, the responsibility of the USSR for the unleashing of Oyoy must be recognized. With all flowing. A joint partition of Poland, the occupation of the Baltic countries, the attack on Finland and the press of Romania Bessarabia is all the Second World War. This is the war on which the USSR performed by the ally of Nazi Germany.

In addition to military cooperation, several trade agreements were concluded for which in exchange for the supply of equipment for plants, some samples of armaments (aircraft, cruiser "Lutsz" and 5 more warships, the masses of various "spare parts" for various military equipment, in short, military developments 3 Reich) USSR supplied raw materials needed for Germany. It reminds 1939-40 and the beginning of 41 years. In 1940, a number of secret meetings occur between representatives of the NKVD and Gestapo, and the conclusion of cooperation between them. Let me remind you that Stalin issued Hitler all the German Communists who came to the USSR. Here is such a 3 intermenimal.

On June 17, 1940, the German Ambassador to the USSR Schulenburg sends a telegram of such a content to Berlin:

Molotov invited me tonight in his office and expressed me the warmest congratulations to the Soviet government on the occasion of the brilliant success of the German Armed Forces. Next Molotov informed me about Soviet actions in relation to the Baltic states. He referred to the arguments published in the newspapers, and added that it became necessary to put an end to all the intrigues of England and France, trying to sow distrust and disagreements between Germany and the Soviet Union in the Baltic countries.
For negotiations on the formation of new governments, the Soviet governments, in addition to the pollipred accredited there, was sent by the following particularly authorized persons: in Lithuania - Deputy People's Commissioner of Decanozov Foreign Affairs; in Latvia - Vyshinsky, representative of the Council of Ministers; In Estonia - Leningrad party leader Zhdanov.
In connection with the flight of the estates and the possible transition of the boundaries of [the former] Lithuanian army, Molotov said that the Lithuanian border is clearly protected. Soviet governmentTherefore, if necessary, will provide the Lithuanian government assistance in the protection of borders.

Schulenburg "

For those who do not understand. Stalin, through Molotov, congratulates Hitler with the capture of Paris.

In September 1939, the Soviet press, for example, the "Red Star", prints Hitler's speeches. By the way, the same newspaper reports a joint parade in Brest-Litovsk, on the occasion of the transfer of the German side of this city to the Soviets, well, as a victorious in a joint war over Poland.

These are the facts that the current Russia, the heir to the legal and spiritual USSR does not recognize. As with responsibility for the disconnection of a large armed conflict.

And also, the fact that in 1941, two gangsters were redistered, they were also clear, Europe was already ate, and any empire to strive to expand their borders, so the conflict in any case was inevitable. Not in 1941, so in 1951. Not Hitler would attack Stalin, so sooner or later, Stalin would have attacked Hitler. And there is also indirect evidence, it is enough to recall at least kiv-2 tanks, a hundreds of which in 1941 stood at the Western borders of the USSR, and this offensive weapon, intended primarily for the destruction concrete fortifications.

The fact that for the denial of lies and the word truth in the Russian Federation began to crack at all amazing. The current "grandfathers" state-forming myth about the "Great Patriotic War" and the fight against Nazism, in general, is crumbling about a number of historical facts. And without this myth of the Russian Federation in its current form is doomed, so this court is only the beginning. The myth-making and falsifiers will try to fully tell us about the immortal "feat" of the "28 Panfilovtsev", but at the same time will unwind from the pages of books and textbooks any mention of the Soviet-Nazi friendship and joint actions of two criminal regimes.