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How to choose a profession at 15 years old. Do not pay attention to the certificate. School and extracurricular hobbies

The boys and girls in adolescence very quickly change the inclinations, preferences and interests. Today, a young man wants to become a policeman, and the next day he impresses the profession of logist. To keep track of a teenager's thoughts can be very difficult, nevertheless, by the time of the graduation, it is important to make it so that the child understands what his life destiny is, and in what field of activity it is best to work.

Today there are many different ways Determine what profession more than others is suitable for your son or daughter. Of course, the child must decide, in which direction it will receive further education, and in what field of activity will be able to succeed. You can only help your offspring and "push it" to the right choice.

The simplest and at the same time an effective direction is to carry out various and tests aimed at determining the circle of the interests of the child and suitable professions for him. You can organize such testing for your son or daughter at home, as they do not require any special devices. In this article we will introduce you to some of them.

Test for the definition of the future profession for schoolchildren J. Holland

A test for the choice of profession for teenagers of the authorship of J. Holland is unusually simply. With the help of it, it is possible to determine how the type of personality is a schoolboy, and in what field of activity he will be able to work with great success and enthusiasm.

Questionnaire J. Holland consists of 42 pairs of professions. A child who passes the test must, without thinking, choose in each pair the work that is closer for him. The list of questions of J. Holland looks like this:

  1. Engineer-technologist (1) or constructor (2).
  2. Electrical engineering (1) or sanitary doctor (3).
  3. Cook (1) or text kit (4).
  4. Photographer (1) or shop chader (5).
  5. Draftsman (1) or designer (6).
  6. Philosopher (2) or Psychiatrist (3).
  7. Chemist scientist (2) or accountant (4).
  8. Editor of the scientific journal (2) or lawyer (5).
  9. Linguist (2) or translator fiction (6).
  10. Pediatrician (3) or statistics (4).
  11. Problem extracurricular work (3) or Chairman of the trade union committee (5).
  12. Sports physician (3) or Fakelonist (6).
  13. Notary (4) or supply (5).
  14. Operator EMM (4) or cartoonist (6).
  15. Political figure (5) or writer (6).
  16. Gardener (1) or meteorologist (2).
  17. Trolleybus driver (1) or paramedic (3).
  18. Electrical engineer (1) or clerk (4).
  19. Painter (1) or artist for metal (6).
  20. Biologist (2) or ophthalmologist (3).
  21. Teleporter (5) or actor (6).
  22. Hydrologist (2) or auditor (4).
  23. ZOGOL (2) or chief zootechnics (5).
  24. Mathematics (2) or architect (6).
  25. Worker of the Children's Room (3) or Account (4).
  26. Teacher (3) or Teen Club Leader (5).
  27. Educator (3) or artist for ceramics (6).
  28. Economist (4) or Head of Department (5).
  29. Corrector (4) or critic (6).
  30. Head of the economy (5) or conductor (6).
  31. Radio operator (1) or a specialist in nuclear physics (2).
  32. Watchmaker (1) or installer (4).
  33. Agronom-Semenovod (1) or Chairman of the C / x Cooperative (5).
  34. Cutter (1) or decorator (6).
  35. Archaeologist (2) or expert (4).
  36. Museum worker (2) or consultant (3).
  37. Scientist (2) or director (6).
  38. Speech therapist (3) or stenographer (6).
  39. Doctor (3) or diplomat (5).
  40. Copyman (4) or Director (5).
  41. Poet (6) or psychologist (3).
  42. Telemechanics (1) or foreman (5).

Please note that after each name of the profession in brackets indicated a digit. This is the number of the group to which the child's answer should be attributed if he chose this scope. After the teenager gives all the answers, it is necessary to fold how many professions are chosen in each category. Depending on which group, the schoolboy chose most of all the work, you can understand which field of activity it is located, so:

  • guys who have given their preference professions from the first group,can work mechanic, engineer, agronomist, driver, as well as perform any work related to the execution of clearly delivered tasks;
  • second group of professionsdetermines the choice of people whose work should be associated with a continuing thought process. This, first of all, theoretical scientists working in such areas as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and so on;
  • boys and girls who choose mainly answers from third groups,do not think of your life without communicating with people. Ideal professions for them - doctors, teachers, psychologists, guides;
  • to the fourth groupinclude office clerks - accountants, managers, office managers, secretaries and so on;
  • professions from the fifth groupchoose guys with pronounced leader qualities and organizational abilities. Of these, excellent heads, director, co-operators;
  • finally, K. sixth Type There are all young men and girls with pronounced creative inclinations. These are future actors, singers, conductor, musicians and all employees of similar professions.

Test "How to determine the choice of profession to a teenager?" I.L. Solmin

Questionnaire I.L. Solkin has a well-known test of Academician Klimov. During this testing, the test child offers several statements, each of which it must estimate on the following scale:

  • 0 - not at all;
  • 1 - perhaps so;
  • 2 - right;
  • 3 - quite right.

The first group of statements begins with the phrase "I want ...":

    1. Serve people.
    2. Treat treatment.
    3. Teach, raise.
    4. Protect rights and security.
    5. Manage people.
    1. Driving machines.
    2. Repair equipment.
    3. Collect and build equipment.
    4. Processing materials, manufacture objects and things.
    5. Engage in construction.
    1. Edit texts and tables.
    2. Make calculations and calculations.
    3. Process information.
    4. Work with drawings, cards and schemes.
    5. Take and transmit signals and messages.
    1. Engage in decoration.
    2. Draw, take pictures.
    3. Create artwork.
    4. Speed \u200b\u200bon the stage.
    5. Sew, embroider, knit.
    1. Care for animals.
    2. Harvest products.
    3. Work outdoors.
    4. Grow vegetables and fruits.
    5. Deal with nature.
    1. Work with your hands.
    2. Perform solutions.
    3. Play available samples, multiply, copy.
    4. Receive a specific practical result.
    5. Implement ideas to life.
    1. Work your head.
    2. Decisions.
    3. Create new samples.
    4. Analyze, explore, observe, measure, control.
    5. Plan, designed, develop, simulate.

The second group of questions begins with the phrase "I can ...":

    1. Meet new people.
    2. To be sensitive and friendly.
    3. Listen to people.
    4. Wake up people.
    5. To speak well and speak publicly.
    1. Search and troubleshoot.
    2. Use instruments, machines, mechanisms.
    3. Wake up technical devices.
    4. Deftly handle tools.
    5. Well navigate in space.
    1. Be concentrated and trembling.
    2. Well read in mind.
    3. Convert information.
    4. Operate signs and symbols.
    5. Search and correct errors.
    1. Create beautiful, tastefully made things.
    2. Wake up in literature and art.
    3. Sing, playing musical instruments.
    4. Compose poems, write stories.
    5. Paint.
    1. Wake up animals or plants.
    2. Breed plants or animals.
    3. Fight diseases, pests.
    4. Focus on natural phenomena.
    5. Work on earth.
    1. Quickly perform instructions.
    2. To follow the instructions.
    3. Work on a given algorithm.
    4. Perform monotonous work.
    5. Observe rules and regulations.
    1. Create new instructions and instruct instructions.
    2. Take non-standard solutions.
    3. Easy to invent new ways of behavior.
    4. To take responsibility.
    5. Alone to organize your work.

As you can see, the statements are combined into groups of 5 pieces each. In these groups, it is necessary to calculate the total number of points (it will always be in the range from 0 to 15) and compare these values \u200b\u200bamong themselves. Initially compare the obtained values \u200b\u200bin groups 1-5, they denote the following types:

  1. Man - man.
  2. Man - technique.
  3. Man is a sign system.
  4. Man is an artistic image.
  5. Man - nature.

After that, determine which group more points, in 6 or 7. Depending on this, you can find out how the child is more inclined to the executive (6 group) or creative (7). By combining all the indicators received, you can define a list of professions that is most suitable for each adolescent:

With the help of these and other tests, you can easily choose an interesting profession for each child in which he will be able to take place.

At the age of 14-15, children begin to think about their place in society. And the choice of profession for adolescents becomes the main issue. But they are not always psychologically ready for self-determination. And then parents play an important role that can direct the aspirations of the child in the right direction.

In adolescence, a person chooses his future profession

The importance of choice

As surveys show, many high school students have not yet known for 15-16 years than they would like to do in the future. Only 15% of them see themselves in some form, another 15% - they do not think at all, and 70% do not know what to stop their choice. It is important to convey to a teenager that everything in adulthood is working. And the profession determines the position of a person in society.

Many hours of their life, people spend at work. And she brings not only income. First of all, work should develop the personal qualities of a person and not to deliver discomfort. It is worth remembering that any occupation has an impact on the identity.

We must give to understand the son or daughter that hobbies and work are different concepts. By choosing a profession on hobbies, you can make a mistake. After all, not all animal lovers will be ready to work veterinarian. Study medical care is not for everyone. Or lovers to draw will not always cope with the work of the fashion designer or designer.

Well, if you can visit open lectures in an educational institution where the child plans to learn. It is worth looking to courses related to this business. Then it will be easier to understand whether it is possible to tie their passion with a future profession. After all, sometimes the hobby is still becoming a favorite job.

The complexity of the choice of specialization

Often the child will determine the professionally difficult. This is directly connected with one of the problems of modern adolescents - non-independence. It develops in the younger classes when parents make lessons with them, lead them on tutoring. This ends, usually, in high school, when a teenager protests against parental care. But he cannot solve their own problems independently, since it does not know how. It is necessary from an early age to teach children independence. It is worth starting to give them to work on homework.

The main difficulty is the lack of career guidance in school. Abroad with early childhood Highlight strengths Human, spending many tests. With their help, they determine in which direction it is worth developing a child. We have no such. Therefore, a family should help with the choice of profession. Parents, watching children, determine their skills and inclinations. To develop them, you can give a child to the corresponding circle or section.

Currently, many professions disappear, and new ones come to their place. You can not always find information about them. Therefore, a child with difficulty represents that he is one or another specialization. It makes it difficult to choose.

In the definition of the profession, the motivation of a schoolboy plays a major role. But it does not always come true. Often, children listen to the opinions of others, which can be erroneous. And such a motive, as the prestige of the future profession, is a very relative concept.

It's important to know

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a specialization, you need to consider:

  • skills;
  • favourite hobby;
  • the sphere of the greatest interest;
  • desire and type of temperament.

After separating all the hobbies from the desired specialty, it is worth analyzing the traits of the teenager. After all, a calm person will not be able to work in active spheres, and on the contrary: it will be difficult for shy to deal with constant communication.

To choose a specialty children should be prepared. For this, the following steps are performed.

To realize yourself in the most suitable area, it is worth considering the list of in-demand professions. This will especially help if it is difficult to make a choice between several options. Of course, the child will prefer the specialty that occupies a high place in the ranking. It is necessary to foresee the area into which it will go if it will reduce its popularity over the years.

Top 10 most promising specialties

Overview of professions

About the estimated profession worth collecting as possible more information: Specificity of work, where and how to learn, income level, required skills, etc. Information can be found in scientific articles, the Internet. Specialization Review will give a reliable idea of \u200b\u200bthem. Will help determine whether it is suitable for a teenager.

Articles about choosing professions

You can find a lot of materials that relate to this topic. They fully reveal this issue. From the work of psychologists, you can take note of valuable advice.

Help professional-hearth

If it is hard to decide, you can turn to a person who is professionally engaged in this case. There are centers with pay or free servicesin which career guidance tests are carried out. Their results provide detailed information about professions that fit the child.

Internet tests

If there are no specialists in the district, you can try to choose a profession to a child with the help of special sites. They have developed tests of two types:

  1. helping in choosing a specialty;
  2. helping to navigate in the selected specialty.

The first analyzes a person. His personal qualities: character traits, inclinations, etc. The second is examined how the chosen business is suitable. The advantage of such tests is the receipt of free information.

Short test for career guidance

Parents are the closest people who wish their choices only good. But sometimes their advice may not be the most valile. After all, adults are trying to realize their unfulfilled dreams through children. To not harm, you need to adhere to some rules.

  1. How much can speak and listen. It is worth encouraging a teenager to self-analysis. Asking a lot - what I like what is curious about what I would like to learn what is fashionable. What are his strengths, weak. No need to impose your opinion. It is worth listening to his preferences. The discussion will help to see how much the child is understandable in the chosen profession and will be ready to work for its development.
  2. Do without criticism. Discussing the choice of the child, you need to know why he stopped at this profession that he attracted him. Do not immediately discard its option. You can look at the situation from the side or put yourself in place of the child. He does not have enough experience to actually appreciate his choice. But some of the responsibility should be shifted on his shoulders. Let him make a choice under your leadership.
  3. Take into the real abilities of your child. Often health problems are not allowed to master this or that profession. These can be various diseases from flat-refining before disability. But even disabilities with disabilities can develop certain specialty. There are more than 100 species.
  4. Maximum prepare a child. The first work experience children get in the family in early age. They take an example from parents. The attitude to work is formed by the same. If the teenager has ideals, knows how to make decisions on their own, then he will be much easier to make a choice. For the development of these skills in children respond to parents.


In such a difficult period of his life, the child should feel support and understanding from parents and others. Listening to yourself and analyzing your strength, you can choose a decent profession that will be pleasure.

Do you dream that your son go to learn to the economist, and at the same time you can not tolerate mathematics? You wanted it from his very birth to become a famous doctor, and your baby is fainted at the sight of blood drops? Very often you can observe an impartial picture when parents choose the future profession to their children without taking into account their wishes and preferences.

At best, the child will bring a diploma, give his mother with dad, after which it will get a second education. At worst, the son will work all his life on the unloved job, hating the chief, colleagues and subordinates. Therefore it is very important to deal with the talents and tastes of your baby. Remember your child is a river. You can only slightly redire it to the right direction. But completely change the course will not succeed.

The main rules when choosing a future profession

Consider the desires, abilities and opportunities of the child

So, the first thing you must decide what is interesting to a schoolboy. After all, it is very important that your child loves his future profession very much. No wonder they say if the work coincides with the hobby, then a person does not have to work for a single day in life.

So, for example, if the kid loves animals, he can become a veterinarian, an ecologist, a zoologist. Son likes to make, repair and build? Why then don't he go to the engineer of the designer. Girls loving to draw, you can be not only artists. Architect, designer, photographer is just a small list of professions, where its abilities will be useful.

Also do not forget about the skillful abilities. Ask him to solve a difficult task and watch how he behaves. Will he be able to sit 2 hours without a break or will be distracted by trifles. Will he ask for help or will try to do everything independently. It is from his perpetuity, loyalty and character, however, how his career will last.

Choosing a profession to a schoolboy, take into account its temperament. If the Son is sociable, started to be in the center of attention, he will have to do with the work where you need to be able to contact people. Conversely, calm, quiet person is better to choose a lesson, where it will not be necessary to always worry and nervous.

Children who easily disassemble in numbers can be associated with mathematics, programming, engineering. Linguists should be rushing into writers, journalists, lawyers, philologists or teachers. Do not worry if a schoolboy does in an elaboration of 10 errors, and in each sentence. The main thing is the content. After all, it is competent to write, but not to cling the reader in a word - it is much worse.

Physically strong children can go to sports. Usually such schoolchildren are very bad learn, but in football, basketball or hockey they play the best. It is not necessary to stop these chambers of the root - allow you to go to the highest league. As a last resort, the child will then be able to get a second education or disappear in absentia. By the way, the athletes earn well and are popular.

Emotional children with huge charisma can go to the actors. Do not worry if the child fails from the first time on the theater faculty. Many celebrities tried to break through the arena of Glory 3-4 times. The main thing is to provide psychological support.

Do not give children

The dynasty is, of course, well, but only if the student of parents is really interesting to the student. Otherwise, the child can be in a pose, refusing to continue studying at school and enter the university. Maximum what you can do is to reduce your child to work, give to read the necessary literature, etc.

But in no case should not directly talk about the material benefits. At this age, children do not always understand the value of money, influence and connections. No need to reproach or hint that the Son cannot contain you or your family. Otherwise, he will do everything called you, forgetting about his desires. In addition, in our country, the situation with salaries can change dramatically.

Do not pay attention to the certificate

Learn to express priorities. Naturally, it is impossible for one minutes to decide who to learn the child should go. Parents are obliged to think about it from 5-8 grades. And if you have already decided, then make the main focus on the items that are really useful. Remember once and forever - everything is impossible to know. Of course, it's nice when the kid is an excellent student and is best studying, but in this case, his knowledge will have superficial.

But under any circumstances do not let the child relax, making partitions in school. Let him study on the fours, but the troika are not allowed. Maximum - 1-2, no more. And then only the directions that he hardships are given. For profile items, be sure to hire tutors.

Delimit dreams and reality

If your child chose a profession, which he is unlikely to be able to master, try to explain to him gently. We all dreamed in childhood to become pilots, cosmonauts, teachers. Having matured, most of us begins to really look at things. But there are units that look into the world through pink glasses.

Of course, if your son has a footballer's deposit collars, boldly support his endeavors. Singing daughter is better to send to vocals. However, it will be meaningless to choose the actor's profession for the child if he is afraid to speak in public. Do not look at the talents of children with the eyes of a loving mother. Evaluate as if you are a strict critic, because it depends on it future life Little man.

How to help your child with a choice of a future profession

Making a list

Take a piece of paper and disperse several options suitable for a child. Do not forget to indicate the requirements that are presented to applicants during receipt and to future employees. So, for example, now the daughter will be able to perfectly pass biology or chemistry to learn at the laboratory assistant. But think if it will be able to prepare rats in the future?

After that, show the list of the child. Schoolboy is just needed to choose two or three professions that he is more or less like. Of course, bad if it will be different directions. In this case, the baby will have to decide again, much better go, especially if he successfully passes the exams.

Information about professions

If the child chose a profession, let the teenager opportunity to plunge into it with his head. A future journalist can be delivered for free in the local newspaper, the medic - work a volunteer in the hospital. Only after that, the schoolboy will be able to understand whether he really has this occupation. After all, many of them do not even realize what difficulties are waiting in a particular situation. Agree, in most cases, to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe post of pilot, stewardess or singers we can only on the basis of cinema. There is always everything smoothly, perfect and interesting. In fact, it is much more complicated than we seem at first glance.

We pass a test for career guidance

Go with a child in the center of employment, where he will be asked to answer a number of questions. After analyzing and summing up the specialist will provide a number of professions for which your baby is suitable. Exactly the same tests are carried out in some schools, only parents do not pay special attention to them.

But it is not necessary to treat such evaluation too seriously. The result could affect a bad mood, fear is not correctly replied, etc. In addition, when drawing up test, psychologists did not take into account the nature of each particular individual. Questions came up with a wide audience, and not precisely for your case.

We study the situation on the Labor Stock Exchange

Hundreds of unemployed economists, lawyers, philologists and historians cannot find a place under the sun. Without experience, such posts rarely take someone, as there are many professionals in this area. Therefore, it is better to choose a profession that will always be in demand, regardless of the economic situation in the country. These are engineers, teachers, doctors, builders, programmers, cooks. Naturally, the future applicant should be good in his business.

Errors when choosing a future profession

To impose your opinion - this is half a misfortune. Bad when parents do not take part in the child's life. Schoolchildren choose a future profession without taking into account the realities of our life. As a result, he studies in vain 5-7 years, and then goes not to work in a specialty. To date, there are six most common mistakes that are made annually as applicants.

  • No information about the profession

How can a child choose something without having a presentation? Outdated information or idealistic ideas about a particular position can spoil the life of the future employee. Often, children are focused on the prestige of profession or on possible earnings. But no one explained to them that at first they would have to work a lot, climb heads, forget about the family to become the boss or open his business. In addition, it is possible to resist afloat, unfortunately, not many.

  • Ignorance of your own opportunities

It so happened that a person cannot correctly appreciate himself and his abilities. He either exaggerates them, considering himself a genius and superman, or undersone, thinking that he was not suitable for anything. And in that, and in another case it is quite difficult to choose a direction for yourself in which you can move.

  • Inability to arrange priorities

Never spend the line between study and future work. Good grades do not speak about the real abilities of the teenager. Do not necessarily love mathematics to be able to solve problems. You do not need to be an excellent person to get involved in biology, computer technologies or medicine.

  • Fear to be rejected friends

Another mistake is to transfer your attitude to a person who occupies one or another post. So, for example, a teenager may be afraid that friends will turn away from him if he goes to learn by the policeman or traffic cop. In this case, explain to the child that familiar should perceive a person as it is. And in each profession there are both good and bad people. And people who endowed with the authorities are usually completely afraid or disliked.

  • Go behind the crowd

There are no cases when schoolchildren come to the company. So always do either in love with doves or best friends. But, unfortunately, such a profession will like only one person. The second will have to fulfill my duties, because it is necessary.

  • Inability to choose a good institute

Learn to budget in state University Or on commerce in private - everything depends on your financial opportunities. The main thing is that good professors taught in your chosen institution. Excellent if the department has practicing travels abroad.

But what should not be done, it is not to enter the not accredited educational institution with a dilapidated building. Perhaps philologists and historians will cope without computer equipment, but here programmers, chemists, physicists and other students will be tight. But from the knowledge gained and from the prestigiousness of the University (Institute, College, Academy), the future salary and employment of your child depends.

What to do if the child does not want to learn

First of all, you should talk to the teenager to understand why he decided to abandon his studies. Perhaps he simply did not decide on the choice of profession or does not want to spend 5 years in vain. In this case, give him one year. Let it work officially. At the same time, it is necessary to take from him a part of the salary for food, payment of housing. Since he wanted to become an independent and adult, let him immediately feel the bitter taste of freedom for himself.

The second reason can be held in difficulties with finance. Not all children want to learn from parents. And not everyone can enter the budget, unfortunately. There are two ways to solve the problem: either allow you to earn, or give a debt. Put the conditions that after graduating from the University, the child will pay you a monthly amount to you.

Also often children hope that they will be inherited by a family business. To come to all ready, without applying any effort to this - what can be easier. Smart parents in such cases do not put sons or daughters at the helm, but make it start, for example, from the director's assistant, an ordinary manager or seller. This is a psychology of a person - he does not appreciate what he gets in a gift.

Why do the university: answer questions correctly

A teenager puts in an example of people who have achieved good success without education? You should not convince the child that it is only units. At this age, schoolchildren rarely listen to parents or teachers. It is necessary to give him more significant and interesting arguments that will make it think.

  • Communication

At the Faculty, together with your child, children will learn, which in the future may occupy serious posts. Saving warm friendly relations With classmates, your son will always be able to appeal to them for help in a difficult situation.

  • Development

Only at the university, people learn many tricks, which are not known about which not all experts know. In addition to knowledge and skills, mentors make their disciples think. Reply to perfectly, pulling out an unhappy ticket - easily. Singing with Dean is simpler. The main thing is to learn to defend your opinion.

  • Communicability

If you compare schoolchildren and a graduate of the university, then it will be two completely different people. Even the most shy students are revealed at seminars, conferences and other major events. And that is important, your child will learn to be independent.

By the way, try to explain to the child that for a good position school Education There will be little. And if at the beginning the lack of a diploma will not interfere, then in the future, when the choice will stand between him and his colleague, preference will be given to the second.

Discussion 3.

Related Materials

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Dear Parents! In 2017, my book appeared "The book on how to help the child choose a profession." It is sold everywhere, you can order on ozone, labyrinth.

Helping a child with need even before the birth of their parents.

Why? Because the parent should be ready every way.

In particular, you need to achieve an understanding: my child is not me. The child is another. He looks like me, but he is different. First, he carries a somewhat different set of genes, secondly, it grows in a different era.

You need to study this other. How to study it?

But it is necessary to keep a diary, making recordings in which acting actions, words, child classes.

Second. Need to give the child as much as possible to try in life.

Do not drive a car at 8 years old, God forbid, it is dangerous for others, and give him the opportunity to communicate with the world of simple and complex things. Especially the world of nature: horses, cows, sheep, bees, fishing, and so on.

If the child never tried to sew a button or bake a cake or nail a nail, paint the wall of paint, photographing - he will defectively know the world.

If parents care more about the safety of the child's clothing and do not allow him to touch the frog, for example, are bad parents, they think about themselves, and not about the child.

What does this have to do with the choice of profession?

Choosing a profession, it is necessary to proceed from the attractiveness of the labor object and the attractiveness of the actions performed with this object. For example, an object may be a digit, and actions - analysis and construction of the structure. And what is this for might be?

Programmer, financier. And if the love of technology interferes, then the designer engineer, the developer.

In younger grades it is impossible to understand what a person shines the profession, but you can observe and write down, as a person reacts to certain incentives, objects, and what actions he likes to produce with them. All this must be recorded. And that's it. And do not sleep yourself, but everything is observed and nothing cognitive child Do not refuse, led museums and watch movies together. And still discuss with the child the world and what is happening in the world. And still support the child's praise when he is interested in at least something, even if it seems to be something like trifles. Do not say: grow - you know.

Medium classes.

Do not cease to do what you are already doing. In addition, the Iron Wheel to teach the child to work. Both to mental and physical.

In any profession, hardworking is survived.

Play sports, physical exertion. In any profession survives healthy.

Start showing professions.

I know the family where children from four years old are watering models.

Will Your, but I believe that it spoils children. Children start more interested in how they look, and not difficult and interesting peacein which they live. They become narcissistic personalities.

Senior classes.

If you, the parents of high school students, did everything in the past years, as it should, you already clearly understand how your child communicates, what is his level of claims, around which his interests are built, what is his strength, what is the weakness, what actions he likes to do .

Here with these knowledge go to me. We together very quickly determine the profession and university.

Is it possible without me?

But outside of your field of attention can be the profession, about which you have never even heard, and they are wonderful, profitable and fit your child most of all.

Often I hear on my receptions: "How unexpectedly, I never thought about it."

The profession is not so easy to choose even an adult person with well-established looks for life, not to mention high school students. For this category of population, the help of parents in this difficult choice is needed. It was mother and dad that no one knows her child's preferences, his abilities, as well as weaknesses.

The future profession is not only a guarantee of a stable material situation. This is the choice of a circle of people with whom will have to face daily. If you approach this question, it is not serious, a person is doomed to a uncomfortable life.

Many psychologists worked on the problem of career guidance. And they concluded that only parents can help children correctly pick up a specialty for themselves. For moms and dad, it is important to follow some uncomplicated rules that their help is useful:

  1. Do not embody your unfulfilled desires in your child.

Parents do it unconsciously. It seems to them that they wish only good siblings. But it is worth remembering that the abilities of the son or daughter may differ from parental ambitions. After all, if Dad wanted to be an economist, and the child in nature is humanitarian, he will simply be unrealistic to love the profession that he does not understand at all.

The main task that is facing parents is an understanding of the possibilities and abilities of children. This will make it possible to decide on the area of \u200b\u200bactivity in which the offspring is sufficiently implemented.

  1. Pay attention to career guidance from younger school age.

It is important to pay attention to the interests of the child from his childhood. Develop some abilities in it. For example, those who love computer gamesSurely it will be interesting to go to the club of programmers, learn to write programs and compose simple games. This will help make your favorite future specialty, which will only bring pleasure.

  1. Determine the strong personal qualities of the child.

The profession does not need to be considered only as work and education. It is important to pay attention to the qualities of children who most characterize them as a person. Parents should understand that from a person who is afraid to speak in public, lawyer will not work.

  1. Do not forget about the demand of the profession.

The correctly chosen profession should be demanded in the future. It is also important to understand whether there is a perspective of personal and career growth in this area. To understand all this is very simple, it is enough to go to the site of any company and consider what salaries from specialists of this profession, as well as the presence of vacancies.

  1. Write down the child to courses.

High school students are very easy to influence others, so it is important that they are in the company of like-minded people.

Help in choosing a profession to a child

So how to help the child to choose a profession, while without hitting it from implementation own desires? Start a conversation with the child about the choice of the future of activities from the desired professional area, and then gradually narrow the conversation to the specialty and work duties.

It is important to remember not only about intellectual abilities Children, but also about their interests, dreams, temperament.

Let the son or daughter think about it. It is so easier to decide on the field of lessons in the future. It is important not to get under the influence of peers. It is better to describe your desires in writing. Let the children remember what kind of done work caused satisfaction, it turned out better than the rest.

Tell the child also on working conditions in a particular sphere. For example, the work of a stewardess has several advantages, but also disadvantages too: all day on the legs, constant flights. If you react correctly to such an important issue, as a choice of a future profession, then your child will work easily and with pleasure. You can resort to the help of special tests on the career guidance, which are based on a variety of techniques.

Every child, regardless of physical, psychological and moral qualities, remains individual. Therefore, in no case cannot impose a future profession to him. After all, every person has its own ideas about what happiness, what work should be how much money you need to earn. The child himself must determine what he wants that he can, which brings pleasure. But parents and society can only develop the talents of children, show the pros and cons of one or another profession. But only a teenager can choose its future, and his choice should be satisfied with everything around.

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