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The world of interesting facts and unsolved secrets. Ten largest unsolved mysteries of the world

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In our history there are many white spots and undisclosed secrets, which excite the minds of scientists and ordinary mortals, whether it is an undisclosed murder, mysterious ancient civilizations or amazing archaeological finds. Many riddles of the past only have to be revealed, and who knows, it can smile fortune.

Murder John Kennedy

John Kennedy was professionally shot by two shots (one - in the back, the other - in the head) during the passage of his tuple on the streets of Dallas (Texas) on November 22, 1963.

Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in 45 minutes after the shots were heard. After several hours of interrogations, the prosecutor's sanctions were not even issued, Oswald was accused of deliberate murder and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out in Jack Ruby in the garage of a police building in the presence of hundreds of journalists on November 24 of the same year.

November 29, President Lindon Johnson creates a commission to investigate this audacious murder. The Commission was headed by Earl Warren, Chairman of the US Supreme Court. Later, he found that Oswald acted alone and shot the library building from the sixth floor for schoolchildren from the MANNLICHER-CARCANO rifle.

Jack Ripper

The oldest and mysterious killings of Jack Ripper, who prevailed fear in the heart of Victorian London, still capture the imagination. From August to November 1888, five prostitutes were killed in the eastern part of London, Whitechepl.

All, from the crime itself to the personality of the murderer and detailed letters about the crowning atrochement, was shrouded in secret. It is believed that all the victims were five, but this quantity was enough to take up all the UK.

Jack Ripper has become a kind of personification of social problems of that time: poverty, crime, diseases that have been waiting for every British on the threshold of his house.

Riddles Stonehenge

Built in three sections more than 6.400 years ago at the time of Neolithic on the plain Salisbury (South England), Stonehenge strikes visitors with their majestity for several thousand years. This architectural monument consists of 30 vertical and 30 horizontal plates, each weighing about 6 tons.

All stoves were cut from basalt extracted at 400 kilometers north-west of Salisbury plains. The mystery is covered both goals and ways to build this stone church in the open air. Versions are voiced by different: from the observatory and the pagan capital to the site for landing UFOs.

The Lost Atlantis Island

One of the oldest secrets in the world, the legend of Atlantis, fascinated the inquisitive minds of humanity since ancient times. According to Greek philosopher Platon, Atlantis was a big island somewhere in the west of Hercules Pilots (the rocks of Gibraltar) and the house of an incredibly developed civilization, known as Atlanta.

Plato described Atlantis as a place with an unusually beautiful palace complex, surrounded by three ring channels. Each ruler, receiving a palace to the inheritance, wanted to exceed his predecessor, so the palace complex was constantly expanding.

Atlanta was the richest nation of their time, but unprecedented ambitions and the constant desire to power gradually faded the foundations of this civilization, and the natural cataclysm, the most powerful earthquake, tried the fall of Atlantis. Whether this or myth is truth, we will never know. It remains only to believe Platon.

Sphinx mystery

Sphinx is not only a symbol of Egypt, but also Greece, Phenicia and Syria. In fact, the mystery of the Sphinx takes its beginning far before his appearance in the pyramids in Giza. The famous question that was worth the travelers who encountered on their sphinx paths, lives: who walks in the morning on four legs, on the afternoon - on two, and in the evening - on three? If you answer this question correctly, the Sphinx collapses.

The only person who, according to the ancient Greek myths, correctly answered the question - Oedip (answer: man). Despite the fact that the mystery has long been solved, the stone Sphinx still causes many questions.

Bigfut (Saskwach)

Yeti is a nightmare nightmare of all tourists and hunters in North America. Scientists consider Yeti just part of the folk folklore. Nevertheless, many people still believe that these humanoid creatures live throughout the globe.

Eyewitnesses describe the Yeti as a monkey-like being:

  • 2.5 - 3 meters tall;
  • weighing more than 500 kg;
  • covered with dark brown or red wool;
  • big eyes;
  • heavy forehead, and the crest on the head, like the male gorilla.

The fingerprint of the Iety trace can reach up to 60 cm long.

Lost cities in Sugara Sands

Ruins of long forgotten civilizations were found under the sands of the Sahara desert. The proof of the existence of a highly developed civilization of Garamant remained undocumented due to the rigid regime of Gaddafi (Libya). However, now, in connection with the change in the political situation in the country, the archaeologists have a chance to reveal the secrets of this ancient culture.

The stretched skull found in the city of Andahuailels, was pretty nerves with anthropologists. The skull has an unusually elongated macushkin, enlarged socies and a complete set of adult teeth, despite the fact that the skull clearly belongs to the child.

A group of anthropologists who visited the site of the excavations were partitioned. Some argue that it is not even a human skull, while others are inclined to believe that its owner passed a special procedure for lengthening the shape of the skull from early childhood, as part of an ancient rite.

Is there any chance to ever find the answers to these, still unscrew the secrets of humanity?

This list includes the most famous "puzzles of the century", from the rocks moving along the desert to the incomprehensible underwater sounds, which people still managed to solve.

Found the grave of Richard III

Richard III remains, the last English king, who died in the battle, were found under the car parking lot in the British Lester city. It was one of the most striking archaeological finds of recent decades.

The source of Nila

It may seem too obvious, but even the answer type "Lake Victoria" was not so easy to get. It took the application of the most modern technologies to obtain the final rays, because the true foundation of the source of the Nile has remained secret for a long time.

Why the temperature of the "Solar Atmosphere" above the surface temperature of the Sun

The answer sounds too much scientifically, however, one way or another, Mystery received a randering in 2009 due to the study of a group of European scientists. They managed to find an explanation for the fact that the temperature of the solar "atmosphere" reaches several million degrees Celsius, while the surface of the Sun is much colder than 5 thousand degrees Celsius. The impact is that it is the magnetic field that is an energy source that causes outbreaks in the sun and coronal plasma emissions.

Nakhodka flooded

Detection in 1985, after 70 years after the catastrophe, a flooded vessel, was completely random and can only be explained by the greatest success of researchers.

Loch Ness monster

After decades of countless disputes and speculation, the photographer, the author of the world famous original image of the Loch Nesky monster, admitted recently that it was a hoax.


For centuries, mankind considered the same mythical city, and the Trojan War is mainly a legend. So it was before the opening by the German archaeologist-self-taught Henry Schlifiman of the remains of the ancient city, which also worn the name Ilion

"Magic" circles in the desert Namib

For a long time, people associated this phenomenon with anything, from radioactive radiation to sites of space aliens. Only relatively recent studies led to the final conclusion that "culprits" so long intrigue are ... Termites! (However, there are other explanations about which we wrote earlier)

The fate of Martin Borman

One of the highest leaders of the Nazi Reich was not discovered after World War II, despite the intensive searches around the world. According to the most famous version, he managed to avoid retaliation and hide somewhere in South America, and there was numerous testimonies that were investigated in the press for many years. However, in 1999, his corpse was found in a nameless grave, not far from the bunker, where she committed the life of Hitler's suicide.

"Fish meteorism" instead of Russian submarines

In the 1980s, Swedish military sailors found underwater sounds of unknown origin. Many experts were attributed to their Russian submarines, threatening the free world. The random caused an explosion ... laughter - the source of mystical underwater sounds turned out to be the discharge of digestive gases of fish clusters. The Swedes were handed over to the so-called. Schnobel Prize.

Tomba Tutankhamon

With this most "popular" ancient Egyptian pharaoh, a story resembling Trojan was connected. Before discovery in 1922, in the valley of the kings of the completely intact Tombic Tutankhamon, it was the theme of countless legends and mystifications.

Eternal roar

When researchers of national administration of ocean and atmospheric studies of the United States found in the summer of 1997 in the southern part of the Pacific, the low-frequency sound of unknown origin, the first time its origin was attributed to some mysterious, incredibly large and loud animal. Later, however, most scientists agreed that this roar (The Bloop) was caused by the movement of the ice masses.

Why corals pulsate

The pulsation of coral colonies remained an impregnable secret and the subject of numerous guesses over several decades of the last century. This movement could not be explained by any urgent need. In the end, scientists managed to establish that thus corals maintain a low oxygen content in the surrounding waters and thereby attract a certain type of migratory seaweed, which is the basis of their power.

In which direction the core of the earth rotates

For a very long time, scientists could not understand how the solid inner core of our planet rotates in one direction, while the liquid external kernel is in another. Researchers from the University of British City Leeds recently found the answer finally: the reason is the "equally controversy" interaction of near-earth magnetic fields.

Will women blush in the dark

This question may well seem to you stupid, but even Charles Darwin tried to get an answer to him. After all, if you judge the healthy, it is impossible to see in the dark whether it flushed, and if the light turn on the light, then the further will no longer occur in the dark, regardless of the result. Fortunately, German researchers thought of applying special chambers reacting to thermal radiation to put an end to painful doubts. Yes, women blush in the dark, as long as!

Antikiterian mechanism

The fact that this ancient Greek "Computer" was used is probably known for navigating purposes a long time ago (since the device was found precisely among the wreckage of the ship) and here's the fact that the device of a comparable level of difficulty was built by people only in a thousand years - indeed hard to explain.

Causes of gastric ulcers

For many years, the pharmaceutical industry made very good money on the sale of anti-stress drugs for the treatment of stomach ulcers. It lasted until the Australian scientists discovered that the ulcer is often caused by a bacterial factor and is very easily cured.

Nature of absolutely black bodies are unexplained in the framework of classical physics

Classical physics argues that the perfect black body in a state of thermal equilibrium will emit an infinite amount of energy. This is not consistent with what is actually happening in the real world. To clarify this phenomenon, the laws of quantum mechanics were required.

Sliding stones

If you do not know, in different deserts around the world there are stones that "slide", that is, they are moved by themselves. After several experiments, this effect received the following explanation: the movement of stones, in all likelihood caused by the wind and the presence of ice on the desert surface.

As soon as the person does not make himself? And the king of nature, and the crown of creation, and Homo Sapiens. And in reality, is it? Both on the planet Earth and in space there are many unknown secret and mysterious. A person cannot solve the mysteries of nature, the riddles of the ancient civilizations, comprehend inexplicable and mystical phenomena. And so I want to know everything!

Twin - the phenomenon is truly amazing, especially if you consider that there are twins not only in the flesh, but also ghostly. And sometimes they arise not only spontaneously, but also deliberately, on someone's will, and then the boundaries are Maenya by the ghost and the creature in the flesh literally disappear.

Each of us at least once! I heard about the monsters living in the depths of some reservoirs. The most famous of them, of course, is a mysterious animal from Scottish Lake Loch Ness. But in there are their mysterious underwater creatures, meetings with whom nothing good is alive. Some consider them to be reliced \u200b\u200blizards or fish, preserved from ancient times, the other - the game of imagination or the result of natural anomalies. And what are these monsters really?

According to the pages of Slavic epic and legends, except gods and heroes, dozens of amazing creatures are freely walking, no less interesting. Just know about them much less.

Probably, many have heard of miraculous crying and bleeding icons. There are many legends about their wonderful gain and updating. But there are icons that they have very strange properties. Sometimes it is a matter of human hands, and sometimes explain the "anomaly" is very difficult.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. For centuries, legends were made about him. But the most mysterious of them is about the damned shaft of the Black Prince Mafahah, who still does not give rest to the treasure hunters.

At all times in Russia, people treated icons with respect. Almost every home holy images hung at the most honorable place - in the red corner. In trouble and illness they appealed for help. Many cases are known when the icons helped overcome adversity. However, studying the healing power of the icons, scientists found that the impact of some of them can be ... dangerous for a person.

Even those who do not particularly love forest walks, know that the swamp is a wonderful place.
True, mushrooms and hunters do not bother it. After all, it is in a swampy terrain a lot of berries and mushrooms, and hunting there brings rich trophies. Tikhvin swamps on the Veps' exaltivity, which north of St. Petersburg, enjoy particularly bad glory.

Many people love to solve all sorts of riddles. And especially attracts those of them that are not yet solved. Ciphers, riddles and encoded public messages tease us with their intrigue: Why is this message encrypted? What great secrets can it hide in themselves?

There are plenty of similar mysteries, but we decided - in the spirit of time - to make a certain top 10 mysteries of the world, which still do not solve.

In the first place, of course, the manuscript Warsenich. Named so in honor of the Polish-American merchant antique books by Wilfrid M. Dvanich, who acquired it in 1912, "Manya Warwich" is a detailed book, quite fat - 240 pages written in absolutely unknown language.

Unknown so far! And there is not even any assumptions that it may be behind the language. Its pages are also filled with color drawings and strange diagrams, images of incredible events, as well as plants that are not similar to any known appearance that only adds intrigue to a document that cannot be decoded. The author of the manuscript is unknown, but radio carbon analysis, as well as several examinations showed that his pages were made somewhere in the interval between 1404 and 1438. Manuscript was called "the most mysterious manuscript in the world."

In second place in Cryptos, mysterious cipher covered sculpture, created by the artist Jim Sanborne, which is located in front of the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Department in Langley, Virginia, USA. It is so mysterious that even the CIA itself could not fully decipher its code.

The sculpture contains four encryption in itself, and although three of them managed to decipher, open the code of the fourth fails until now. In 2006, Sanboron gave a prompt that the first encryption contains tips to the fourth, and in 2010 revealed another one: the symbols of 64-69 NYPVTT in the fourth part means the word "Berlin".

In third place, Bale's cipher. Bale's cipher is a set of three encrypses that allegedly disclose the location of one of the greatest buried treasures in American history: many thousands of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was originally mined by a mysterious man named Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818 during gold mining developments in Colorado.

Of the three encryptions, only the second was decoded. It is interesting, it seems that the key to the cipher is the American Declaration of Independence - an amazing fact, considering that Bale's name coincides with the name of the author of the Declaration.

The decrypted text indicated the terrain where the treasure is located: Bedford County, Virginia, but its exact location appears to be encrypted in one of the remaining encryption. To date, treasure seekers carefully searched (often illegally) Bedford County hills in search of this unpelled wealth.

In fourth place, the Festa drive. The mystery of the Festo disk is similar to the story in the spirit of Indiana Jones. Luigi Perne discovered by the Italian archaeologist in 1908 in the ruins of the Mina Palace in Fest, the disk is still one of the most famous mysteries in archeology. It is made of burnt clay and contains mysterious symbols, which may be an unknown form of hieroglyphs. It is believed that it is made somewhere in the II millennium BC.

Some scientists believe that these hieroglyphs resemble the symbols of "linear A" and "linear in" letters, in other words, written languages \u200b\u200bthat were once used in ancient Crete.

Then what is the problem? The fact that "linear A" is not amenable to decoding.

In fifth place encryption from Shaboro. In fact, this is the pasty monument of the XVIII century in English Staffordshire. If you look at it from afar, it can be accepted for the sculptural reproduction of the famous picture of Nicolas Poussin "Arkady shepherd". But it is worth looking closer, as the strange sequence of letters becomes immediately: Douosvavvm, the code that is not able to decipher more than two and a half centuries. And although the author of this cipher remains unknown, some believe that this code can be a tip left by knights, teleplates relative to the location of St. Grail.

Many of the greatest minds of our world tried to decipher this code and failed, including Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin.

On the sixth place the so-called business Tamam Shud.The Tamam Shud is considered one of the largest mysteries of Australia and revolves around an unidentified man who was found dead in December 1948 at Somton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide. In addition to the fact that the person could not identify the fact, it became even mysterious when in a secret pocket, a tiny piece of paper was found in trousers, a tiny piece of paper was found with the words "Tamam Shud." This phrase is translated as "completed" or "completed" and is used on the last page of the meeting "Rubabyat" Omar Khayama poems. In addition to this riddle, a copy of the "Rubabyad" was soon found, which contained a strange cipher, left allegedly by this dead man.

By virtue of the content of Omar Khayam's poems, many believe that this message was a posthumous note of some kind, but it still remains unsolved, as well as the case itself.

At the seventh place is not an object - a signal. Once the summer night of 1977, Jerry Eman, a volunteer of the SETI program (a widespread program for finding an extraterrestrial reason), became the first person to receive a message from another planet. Jerry Emann scanned radio waves from a deep cosmos hoping to accidentally stumble upon a signal that bears signs of sent by a reasonable race when he noticed a leap in his dimensions. And came across. The signal lasted 72 seconds - the maximum possible duration of the measurement, which was allowed by the equipment and the scan range of Jerry Eman. He was loud and, apparently, was transmitted from a place in which none of the people had never been: from the constellation Sagittarius from a point next to the star, called Tau Sagittar, in 120 light years from the ground.

Jerry Eman wrote the word "wow!" On the original printing of the signal, and therefore it was called "Wow! Signal". All attempts to once again catch the signal were not crowned with success, which led to large debates regarding the nature of its origin and his meaning.

At the eighth place the so-called "letter of the zodiac"But it does not have a relationship to the signs of the zodiac. "Letters of the Zodiac" is a series of four encrypted letters, which are believed to be written by the famous zodiac, a serial killer who terrorized the residents of San Francisco in the second half of the 60s and early 70s of the last century. Letters are written with icons, partly resembling letters, partly runes. Branch of words from each other is not.

Letters were probably written as a way to unintelligence journalists and the police, and although one letter (more precisely, three fragments from it) managed to decipher, three others remain unsolvable. The decrypted message suggests that for three months Zodiac from the finished Aztec priest became a victim of his own addiction to human-boring, tearfully soaked to help him stop killing people (putting it, for example, in the gas chamber). In addition, the labeling of the Starlier ends with the offer "My Name - Lee Allen." By the way, the identity of the zodiac itself was also never installed, the killer was not caught, although the killings of the zodiac was no longer identified since the 70s.

On the ninth place of Georgia travel stones.Georgia's travel stones, sometimes called the American Stonehenge, are a granite monument erected to Elbert County, Georgia, in 1979. Stones contain engraving in eight languages \u200b\u200b- English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian - and each enter out ten "new" commandments for the "Era of Mind." They look like four steles, practically connected to the cross with the post in the middle and covered on top of the "cap" from a small square plate

Well, and that there is a mysterious, the majority will ask. The monument does not contain any encrypted messages! Yes, does not contain. It remains a mystery of his goal and origin. He was erected by a person whose identity did not manage to accurately, and who was hiding behind the pseudonym R.C. Kristian. Where he took these commandments, it is not known too, because no sources contain anything like that.

From among these ten commandments, the first is perhaps the most controversial: "Support the number of humanity below 500 million in the eternal balance with wildlife." Many believe that this vocation reduce the population of people to the specified number, and the criticism of guide stones even demanded their destruction. Some fans of conspiracy theories even believe that they were created by the "Lucifer secret society", calling for a new world order.

There is a version that these gigantic "letters" are also established taking into account some astronomical considerations - from here, actually, and the name: "American Stonehenge".

At the tenth place of the roll of Rongo Rongo. These mysterious wooden planks with the writers of the inhabitants of Easter Island. Currently it is not clear whether each character is a separate word or syllable. For today in the museums of the world, only about 25 "skies" have been preserved. Traditionally, they are numbered by the letters of the Latin alphabet, which, however, is not the only way to designate the "tables", among which one rod is present, two inscriptions on the breast decoration of the Reimiro, as well as the inscription on the tobackerka and on the figure of Tangat Manu.

The "signs" were found in 1864 by the Bishop of E. Eiro, who claimed that the smells were practically in every Aboriginal house, but the islanders had almost could not read them. Already two years later, almost all the signs that E. Eiro saw were died: whether he was from his own hands, or during civilian vehicles. It is believed that they are written in Rapanuan. The latter who knew Rongo-Rong Rapanunet, Vike, died in 1866.

Since then, scientists from all over the world are trying to decipher Rongo Rongo. Significant contribution to the study was made by T. Bartel, Yu. V. Knorozov and N. A. Butinov, I. K. Fedorov as well as many others. Nevertheless, there is no consensus even in determining the type of writing, not to mention specific readings. The famous theoretical of grammatology I. Gelb believed that this is not writing, but only magical drawings, arguing that by the fact that his signs are so similar to each other, distinguishing only with respect to small details that an attempt to differentiate them is encountered on tremendous difficulties.

Butinov and Knorozov prove that it is not pictography, but a morpheme-syllabic letter. New Zealand researcher S.R. Fisher (in the 1997 monograph) believes that the plate "for the most part reproduces the magic formula of fertilization recorded in the late version of the creation of the world, and are built on the repetition of the producing formula: the agent X has connected to the Y agent and spawned an object (s) z". On the ironic characteristics of linguists k.I. and I.K. Pozdnyakov, "Operations, in which everyone is copulated in the most incredible combinations."

The world is full of riddles and secrets. Some of them were solved. But there are also such a reasonable explanation that has not yet been found. Below is a list of ten unsightened secrets of the world.

D. B. Cooper - a pseudonym of an unknown criminal, who seized the Boeing 727 aircraft with 42 passengers on board, flying from Portland to Seattle on November 24, 1971. After receiving 200,000 dollars, he released passengers, forced pilots to take off and jumped up with parachute. Despite the extensive investigation of the FBI, it was not possible to get any information about the location of the criminal, its present name and further fate. From the received ransom found only $ 5,800 on the banks of the river in Washington state.
There are several theories regarding the circumstances of the crime and the further fate of D. B. Cooper. According to the FBI, Cooper after the jump died, however, no material evidence confirming this theory was not found. This terrorist act remains the only unsolved case of air piracy in the American aviation history.

The case "Taman Shud" is an undisclosed criminal case about the murder of an unknown man found by the dead on December 1, 1948 on Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. On the body of the deceased there was no visible wounds. In addition, the autopsy showed that he was absolutely healthy to death. In pockets men found a bus ticket, chewing gum, cigarettes, coins, matches and several other things. The biggest resonance caused a papers discovered during it, a very rare edition of Omar Khayam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (Tamam Shud). The consequence still never managed to establish a personality of the deceased or accurately determine the method of its killing.


Atlantis is considered to be one of the unsolved secrets of the world - the legendary island, possibly civilization (archipelago or even continent) the existence and location of which are undefined. The lost city became known thanks to mentions and comments by the ancient Greek historians of Herodota, Posidonon, Strabo, Diodorus of Sicilian, Ibed. According to Plato's philosopher, Atlantis was in the west of Hercules pillars, opposite the Atlanta Mountains and was absorbed in the sea (probably an earthquake or tsunami) in about 9500 BC. e. However, most modern historians believe that Atlantis is a typical philosophical myth.

Waruscript Warc is a mysterious non-fragrant book written in the XV century (1404-1438) by an unknown author on an unknown language using an unfamiliar alphabet. The thickness of the book - 5 cm, it has about 240 pages, in size 16.2 by 23.5 cm. During its existence, the manuscript was intensively studied by many professional cryptographs, including those recognized all over the world and anyone from them could not decipher a single word . There is a theory that this book is just a set of meaningless random symbols that have no meaning, but there are those who believe that the manuscript is an encrypted message.

In the sixth place in the ranking of unsolved secrets of the world there is a signal "WOW!" - A strong narrowband Space radio signal, recorded by Dr. Jerry Eiman on August 15, 1977 while working on a "Big Ear" radio telescope at Ohio University. Anomaly lasted 72 seconds and no longer repeated. There are many versions explaining the origin of the signal. The most interesting, of which the theory is that the signal was sent from an alien starship, which moved.

Taos Gul

Taos Gul is unsolved abnormal sound phenomena, informed of the desert in the blizzards of the city of Taos, New Mexico, USA. The sound is similar to the movement of heavy equipment on the highway, although there are no large roads in the town area. Interestingly, he heard his only locals and extremely rarely visiting. Scientist who studied him, find a source of hums failed.
Such phenomenons are known since the beginning of the 60s of the 20th century and were observed almost all over the world, but most often heard it in North America, Europe and Australia. Sometimes "noises" is accompanied by other sounds, hissing, whistle, etc. With long-lasting listening, headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomach disorder and other unpleasant sensations can cause headaches.

Loch-Nesky Monster (Nessie) is a mysterious animal or a group of animals, allegedly living in the mysterious Scottish lake Loch Ness, the depth of which places reaches 250 meters. Numerous eyewitness evidence describes this mysterious creature as an animal of 40 feet long, with four fins and a long neck with small tubercles, which from time to time appears on the surface of the lake. There are several theories explaining the nature of the alleged animal, one of them states that the Loch-Nevskie monster is nothing more than those who lived to this day of the Plesiosaur. Today, its existence, scientists cannot confirm nor refute.

Amelia Mary Erhart - American pilot, journalist and poet. The first woman pilot, which in 1932 flew by the Atlantic Ocean. In 1937, when attempting to take the world flight Amelia disappeared in the central part of the Pacific Ocean in the House of Houland Island. Despite the immediately organized search and rescue operation, which the US government spent about $ 4 million (the most expensive and large-scale operation in the history of the American fleet), no traces of the aircraft, no pilot were discovered. The search for a famous pilot woman continues today and today, however the mystery of the disappearance, Amelia Erhart, her navigator and aircraft remaining unsolved.

Jack-Ripper is a nickname, unknown serial killer (or murderers), operating in the area of \u200b\u200bLondon Waitchapel in the second half of 1888. His victims became prostitutes from the poor quarters, mostly middle age, which the killer cut her throat before opening the abdominal cavity. The cutting of some organs from bodies of victims was explained by the assumption that the killer had certain knowledge of anatomy or surgery. However, all names, the exact number of victims, as well as the Personality of Jack-Ripper still remain a mystery.

The first place in the list of unsolved secrets of the world is occupied by the Bermuda Triangle - a geographical area of \u200b\u200b4 thousand km. sq. In the Atlantic Ocean. It is considered the place of many (more than 100) inexplicable disappearances of ships, yachts and aircraft. To explain the mysterious accidents most nominate various hypotheses from unusual weather phenomena, magnetic anomalies, giant wandering waves, to kidnaps by aliens or residents of Atlantis. The most famous case associated with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of the five Bombarders-torpedo-axis type "Evenger". These aircraft on December 5, 1945 flew off from the US Naval Force base in Fort Lauderdale and did not return. Their wreckage was never found.