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Specialty international business where to work. Future profession. Skills

In all countries, the "international economy" is considered the elite in the group of economic specialties. The goal of the program is to teach students a theoretical and analytical understanding of politics and economics in the modern world using modern technology and ethical thinking in a multicultural environment to resolve international economic problems. Given the complexity of the specialty, most often it is offered by Master's Degree departments as a narrow specialization in the field of economics or international relations.

It is usually more difficult to enroll in this prestigious specialty than for other specialties in the business cycle. Excellent knowledge is required not only in subjects, but especially in English. But the prospects that open after training will be an excellent compensation for all the efforts spent. What can training in the specialty "international economics" in the Czech Republic give?

Imported knowledge

Imagine that you have completed the training course. And now in the new diploma (perhaps even with honors) the specialty "International Economics" appears in black and white. However, this does not mean at all that foreign economic activity is the only option for employing graduates. They received an excellent basic economic education, which will allow them to work in trade, finance, insurance, information and other fields.

Some of the graduates will choose private companies, counting on a higher income. Others will apply their knowledge in government structures: ministries, departments, embassies. But wherever a young specialist goes, he will have an excellent start to his career, because for any company a diploma in international economics is a kind of quality mark that makes it possible to distinguish its owner from the crowd of other applicants.

Graduates who have received this specialty are highly rated not only by domestic, but also by foreign employers. And fluency in at least two foreign languages, combined with an extensive range of knowledge on the global economy, allows students not to limit their career aspirations to the borders of the Fatherland - the doors of many international companies open before them.

Export diploma

The advantages of training in the specialty "International Economics" in the Czech Republic:

  • High level of professional knowledge;
  • Internship and possible employment in leading export-import companies in the world;
  • Perfect command of the English language;
  • Your diploma will indicate knowledge of at least 2 foreign languages;
  • You will have the opportunity to work in any country in the world;
  • The opportunity to work both in private companies engaged in foreign economic activity and in the public service in government and local government bodies;
  • Opportunity to work as a teacher at a university or school;
  • Opportunity to enroll in graduate school and continue education at any university;
  • Versatility: the study of disciplines, both managerial and financial, allows you to find a job in any company, regardless of its field of activity (banks, insurance companies, many of which are part of international groups, customs authorities, manufacturing enterprises, hotels, trade, etc.) )
  • In any company, a graduate of the specialty "international economics" will become a highly regarded employee (both literally and figuratively) in the field of management, marketing, finance.

Universities of the Czech Republic, where you can get the specialty "International Economics"

Charles University (Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1348)

General information about the university:

Today it is the most prestigious and largest educational institution in the Czech Republic and the main state university of the Czech Republic. In accordance with the UNESCO convention, the Charles University diploma is internationally recognized.

Total number of students: over 50 thousand

Charles University is one of the oldest universities in Central Europe. As the name suggests, this university was founded by the Czech King Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor.

At different times such famous people, the church reformer Jan Hus as T.G. Masaryk and E. Benes, the first presidents of Czechoslovakia, physicists Albert Einstein and Nikolai Tesla. The university students included poet Erich-Maria Rilke, writers Franz Kafka and Milan Kundera.

Charles University is a member of the Association of European Universities. Today, teachers from the world's most famous universities conduct their classes here.

Beginning of classes: September.

Duration of study: bachelor's degree three years, master's degree two years (except medicine, dentistry and pharmacy).

Exams: May-September (depending on the faculty).

Specialty "International Economics and Political Science" at Charles University

The Faculty of Social Sciences is the second and youngest faculty, founded in 1990. Education here is conducted in two languages ​​- Czech and English, so you can study economics at Charles University without knowing the Czech language.

In addition to the specialized programs of the faculty (economics, finance, political science, sociology, journalism) there is also a joint master's program (Master's degree) - International Economics and Politics (IEPS-International Economic and Political Studies), which covers the previously acquired knowledge of Philosophy, Politics and Economics This direction has gained particular popularity not only because of the prestige of universities offering such a versatile program, but also because of the success of graduates in the labor market around the world.

Education in the specialty "International Economics and Political Science" is conducted only in English.

Teaching "International Economics and Politics".

Members of the teaching staff are many Czech scientists, prominent figures in politics, economics and social life. Many courses are based on Problem Based Learning so that students can experiment with the material learned in the lectures, so UK graduates not only gain solid theoretical knowledge, but also take part in various practical projects.

How to proceed?

Admission requirements.

Students who have a bachelor's degree or a confirmation of the completion of at least 6 semesters of study at a university can apply for the entrance exams to the master's degree.

Applicants of the program "International Economics and Politics" can apply

if you have a bachelor's degree in various fields, that is, it is not necessary to study politics or economics earlier. Mathematics education is not compulsory, but skills in mathematics and statistics give an advantage. Master's students need a high level of English.

Prague University of Economics (University of Economics -VŠE, 1953)

General information:

The State University of Economics (Higher School of Economics) is the undisputed leader among economic universities in the Czech Republic.

VŠE is a member of the prestigious Community of European Management Schools (CEMS), which also includes the London School of Economics, Rotterdam Erasmus University, Copenhagen Business School, Vienna Wirtschaftsuniversitat, Stockholm School of Economics and many others. Membership in this union is provided only to the leading national universities in European countries that train economists and managers.

Number of students: 14 thousand.

Degrees awarded by the University of Economics are recognized in all European countries.

At one time, the President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus was a student at VŠE.

Duration of classes: two years.

Beginning of training: September.

Employment of graduates. The vocational guidance center of the university promotes the employment of graduates in well-known international companies such as Nestle, Prokter & Gamble, Automobile Group, Roland, Radiomobil, Unilever, Kommercni banka (the largest commercial bank in the Czech Republic).

The most prestigious areas of study at the Faculty of International Relations:

  • Global Economy and European Integration (Master's degree), the language of instruction is English;
  • International Business - Central European Business Realities (Master's degree), language of instruction - English;
  • Commercial International Economic Laws (doctoral program), language of instruction - Czech, English;
  • International trade (bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies), language of instruction - Czech, English;
  • Tourism and Regional Development (Bachelor's degree), language of instruction - Czech;
  • Enterprise and Law (Bachelor's, Master's), language of instruction - Czech;
  • International relations and diplomacy (bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies), the language of instruction is English;
  • European Studies (doctoral studies), language of instruction - Czech, English;
  • European Integration (Master's degree), language of instruction - Czech;
  • International Politics and Diplomacy (Master's degree), the language of instruction is Czech;
  • International political relations (doctoral program), language of instruction - Czech, English.

Of particular interest is the Master's program in Economics of Globalization and European Integration (EGEI, MA EGEI), which is taught in English.

This is an international studies program organized by a consortium of nine partner universities, although the training itself takes place annually in only three of them (each year these are new universities).

The choice of the place of study takes place according to a pre-drawn up plan, for example, in 2012/2013, the study was structured as follows:

The university



Is there any training there?

Universiteit Antwerpen

In the second trimester

Università degli Studi di Bari

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Universidad de Cantabria

Université Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies

Staffordshire University

United Kingdom

Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (University of Economics, Prague)

In the third trimester

Xiamen University

In the first trimester

Universidade de Brasilia


How to proceed?

Requirements for applicants: bachelor's degree (profile), IETLS 5.0 - 6.0 / TOEFL 550.

Entrance exams(June): distance exam consisting of an essay in English on a given topic in economics + a motivation letter in English.

New York University in Prague (UNYP), 1998

New York University in Prague was founded with the assistance of the State University of New York, New Paltz University in New York and Empire State College in New York.

The university is recognized as the best private educational institution with training in English in Central Europe.

UNYP conducts training under the Bachelor's, Master's, MBA (Master's of Business Administration) programs in business disciplines, international relations, psychology, communications and mass media, English language and literature, etc.

Most of the teachers are from English-speaking countries.

The university conducts training in two undergraduate systems: American and European, therefore, specialties provided by New York University in Prague are recognized by both Czech and American accreditation institutions.

Bachelor's specialties:

Business Administration;

Media and communication theory;

International economic relations;


English language and literature.

Master's specialties:

Professional communications and public relations;

Clinical Counseling Psychology;

International and commercial law.

The main advantage of the university is that students can choose from several training options:

1) European program accredited in the Czech Republic. The duration of the bachelor's program approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic is 3 years.

2) American program. Graduates of the American four-year program receive an American bachelor's degree from Empire State College in New York. The degree is absolutely identical to that which American students receive when they graduate from New York.

3) Double degree program (Czech and American). Students of the American program "International Economic Relations" can, if they wish, take the Czech state exams upon completion of their studies. If the exams are successful, students will receive a double degree: the American Empire State College degree and the Czech UNYP degree.

The uniqueness of the American Bachelor of International Economic Relations program is in an interactive and dynamic teaching style used by faculty members who are invited from the US and the EU. The university teachers are holders of scientific degrees in their field.

Specialties related to the field of business and management traditionally occupy leading positions in the world rankings of the most prestigious professions. Accordingly, specialists in the field of business and / or management are the undisputed leaders in terms of financial income.

One of the main advantages of business education is its relevance and relevance in the global market. Successful businessmen and managers have the broadest career prospects, and, in accordance with world rankings, it is easier for them to find a stable and well-paid job.

In domestic realities (we are talking about large corporations and leading brands), specialists who have foreign diplomas are especially highly valued in the labor market. In Western companies, the approach to doing business, innovation and analysis is very different from Ukrainian traditions. Therefore, a specialist who has knowledge of the rules for organizing business in the West is able to correctly set the direction for the development of a domestic company or correct the course already taken. And such skills are highly valued by employers, including financially. It is no coincidence that the top management of leading companies strives to undergo training abroad with an internship in large Western structures.

Education in the field of business and management abroad can be implemented at several levels: business courses, bachelor's, master's degrees. The choice of stage depends on the needs and capabilities of the student.

Internships and refresher courses

Universities in many countries can offer foreign students not only undergraduate or graduate programs, but also short-term professional continuing education courses, upon completion of which a certificate is issued.

These are the most economical programs. In a short time, vocational training abroad provides an opportunity to study the real experience of foreign specialists. Many continuing education programs include field trips.

Internships are also possible - learning by doing or doing an internship and working abroad. Paid internships last from a year to one and a half years and are considered work in the process of which training and exchange of professional experience takes place. This is a great opportunity for students to gain work experience even before graduation. And most likely, when applying for a job, this line in the resume will be decisive.

Business-oriented BBA programs

Business and Management programs provide an excellent foundation for an academic degree and a career in business. In business education, as in any other, the first step is the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in areas such as Commerce and Business Administration.

The curriculum of the program covers a wide range of major functional areas of the specialty, namely: management, organizational behavior, accounting, finance, marketing, sales, operations management, information technology, law, human resource management. Students study the basics of economics and quantitative analysis.

At the same time, the curriculum has a pronounced practical focus. It promotes individual improvement through the development of skills such as decision making, teamwork, leadership, negotiation, communication and presentation.

The average length of study in the BBA program may vary, but more often it is 3-4 academic years.

Program BBA is an independent initial stage of professional education or is included in the framework of continuous education and can be considered as a preparatory stage for a higher stage - obtaining an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree - master of business administration.

At this stage, students acquire knowledge in areas such as enterprise management, personalistics and human resource management, marketing, law and others.

Requirements for admission to BBA

Graduates of secondary general education schools who do not have the appropriate qualifications and sufficient practice in the field of management and management can apply for training with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. The BBA program can also be viewed as a postgraduate education, i.e. based on the already received higher education.

When it comes to education abroad, today it is much more economically profitable to get a bachelor's degree in your native land, and to go to overseas regions already for postgraduate programs, for example, for an MBA degree.

MBA sounds proudly. And promising

Most of the board members of companies hold an MBA degree. Of course, yesterday's graduates are unlikely to be immediately offered to take a leading position on the board of the enterprise. Although such options are possible if it is a non-profit organization or a developing startup. But over time, you will definitely earn the position of CEO (Chief Executive Officer), literally - the chief executive officer or other senior official of the company (CEO, chairman of the board, president, head).

When it comes to business lines, if you have a Master of Business Administration (MBA), your options are virtually unlimited. You can do almost anything you want. An MBA is a desirable candidate for most employers.

“The career prospects for MBA applicants are promising,” the Graduate Management Admission Council's report highlighted. GMAC is an organization uniting the world's leading business schools, as well as the owner and administrator of the GMAT (The Graduate Management Admission Test), the first and only standardized test developed specifically for business schools today.

The reason for this, according to GMAC, will be the changing priorities of employers. The main goal in the new year for many respondents will be to improve productivity. Business school graduates are trained to cope with such tasks, the respondents are convinced.

According to the two largest GMAC surveys, 74% of surveyed employers indicated that they plan to hire professionals with degrees in business administration. In addition, 22% of employers said they intend to expand the range of vacancies for graduates of these qualification programs.

Another study of the dynamics of global labor markets, conducted earlier by with a larger sample, including a survey of 12,100 companies from 42 countries, also showed an increase in demand by 36% for specialists with MBA degrees.

The data obtained only confirms the recent trend towards hiring specialists with an MBA degree - this allows many companies to maintain their competitiveness in the face of a tightening economic situation. Accordingly, the number of those wishing to enroll in business administration programs will also increase. Therefore, if you are striving for the maximum in your future career, the MBA is for you.

Research shows that 78% of business school graduates choose to pursue a business degree while working as a middle or senior manager. 18% go to MBA while still working as line specialists. Thus, managers who are determined to have a successful career plan it from the very first steps. And only 4% of those who entered the MBA program are business owners.

Where to get a business education

According to BusinessTimes, there are about 10,000 business schools in the world today. In the ratings of the most prestigious schools in the world, institutions of the USA, Canada and Europe are leading, although Asian educational institutions have also begun to appear in recent years.

MBA cost in business schools

In institutions included in the TOP-25 of the best schools in the world, the cost of training is approximately $ 35,000-50,000 per year (excluding expenses for accommodation, meals, transfers, medical insurance and teaching materials). Therefore, a two-year MBA program will cost an average of about $ 100,000.

At mid-level universities and business schools, the cost of a year of study is 15,000-20,000 euros for Europe and 20,000-25,000 dollars in the United States.

Requirements for applicants for an MBA degree

University degree;

English level IELTS 6.5 - 7.0;

Work experience 2-3 years in positions with high responsibility;

Age over 21.

The duration of the Master of Business Administration program is 1-2 years.

Who Leads Today in International Business Education

World leaders in MBA education - the United States is gradually losing ground. One of the main trends of the last five years has been a decrease in the number of Europeans who send documents and GMAT test results to American business schools.

The reason for the decline in interest in the high cost of programs at US business schools. For example, the cost of a two-year course at one of the best business schools in the United States, Stanford Graduate School of Business, is over $ 150,000. For comparison, the cost of studying at one of the leading business schools in Canada, the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, which has the best average graduate salary (more than $ 100,000 according to FT), is CAD 90,000 (duration programs 17 months). The cost of training for intermediate-level programs is from $ CAD 24,000 per year. Today, the MBA and EMBA programs of Canadian business schools appear in the first places in the priorities of students from many countries. There are several reasons for this.

First of all, a significant increase in the quality of the business programs themselves in Canada and their recognition at the world level. Today, about 10 Canadian business schools are featured in the Financial Times' most recent MBA rankings.

Another reason why more and more students choose Canada is flexible visa rules: while the United States and the United Kingdom are tightening visa rules, Canada, which is also an English-speaking country, on the contrary, is taking steps to simplify visa procedures.

In addition, at a time when the UK intends to abolish the two-year work permit for foreigners after graduation, many Canadian states are trying to attract qualified foreign students.

A targeted government program to attract foreign students and the actual policy of Canadian business schools have led to a clear increase in interest in MBA programs in Canada from applicants from other countries.

Specialty "International Business"

The more companies enter the world market, the more professionals are required who know how to do business at the international level, who thoroughly know the conditions of international activities, systems of foreign economic regulation, international management and marketing. In the age of globalization, one of the most popular specialties has become the specialty "International Business".

The specialty "International Business" is one of the top five most promising professions, which in the near foreseeable future are designed to provide their owners not only an interesting job, but also a high income.

One of the important advantages of studying abroad with a degree in International Business is the learning strategy, which in almost all Canadian universities provides for the inseparability of theory from practice. This is reflected in the use of such forms of education as structured discussions, business games, trainings, master classes, case studies. Practicing large specialists from among top and middle managers must be invited to read lectures.

Already at the very beginning of training, literally from the first courses, part of the practical training takes place at enterprises or companies. To improve the qualifications of students, universities send them to participate in international competitions and programs, as well as organize internships in other countries.

What are taught

Students in the specialty "International Business" study the following major disciplines:

  • customs regulation of export-import operations
  • business planning in foreign economic activity
  • business plan as a model of an investment project
  • international economic cooperation
  • international financial relations
  • joint venture
  • business risks
  • international trade
  • international trade in services
  • international transport operations
  • international Business
  • international information business
  • international marketing
  • strategic management
  • logistics
  • international competition
  • and etc.

In addition to these disciplines, each university also teaches its own subjects that determine the profile of specialization. This is the so-called "university component", which is determined by the university itself. The choice of "university components" reveals the specificity and spirit of a particular educational institution.

For example, several political science disciplines are introduced into the specialty curriculum, such as "Canada's Foreign Economic Policy".

After graduation

Students of the specialty "International Business" after graduating from the bachelor's program can either continue their studies in the master's degree at the same faculty under the specialization program "International Business". Or enroll in MBA programs in a selected country or partner universities located in other countries, such as the USA, UK, Canada, Czech Republic, Poland, Sweden, France, Australia, New Zealand and others.

The diploma program is mainly of an applied nature and provides an opportunity to work in not too high managerial positions in such areas as marketing, accounting, personnel management, etc. It is valuable that the specialty "International Business" does not at all prevent graduates from getting a job not only in international, but also in domestic companies - large and small.

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It is believed that the Faculty of International Relations is the most prestigious and expensive department. Millions of schoolchildren throughout Russia dream of going there. But it often happens that, wanting to study at such a popular faculty, people do not even know what they will become after graduating from university. Finishing with whom to work - they do not come up with anything.

This material contains all the professions, as well as the skills and knowledge that you will acquire while studying at the FMO, and also describes the features that every international relations officer should have.

Faculty of International Economic Relations

First of all, this is the latest education system, within the framework of which students are taught courses on international processes taking place in the political, economic or spiritual sphere of any state.

Teaching 2 foreign languages ​​is also obligatory in this department. Often this is English (international), and the second student chooses at will: Chinese, German, French, Spanish or another from the list proposed by the university administration.

What to work with after "International Relations"? Let's try to find an answer to this difficult question. It is necessary to competently approach the choice of a specialty, weighing all the pros and cons, and not rely only on the prestige or popularity of the educational institution.

If you indulge in objective reasoning, then you can come to the conclusion that a diploma from the Faculty of International Relations will not elevate you above the holders of degrees in law, economics or programmers. Your future profession and place in life depends only on your perseverance and desire.

Note to the applicant

The myth that one can get to the Faculty of International Economic Relations only by paying a bribe has long been dispelled. The main qualities for an applicant are good knowledge of at least one foreign language, the desire for knowledge, the absence of laziness, and communication skills. After graduating from the Faculty of International Relations, you decide who to work with. But in order to start studying, it is necessary, while still a graduate of the school, to understand what you want to receive upon graduation from the university.

The admission competition is one of the largest in the country, so you need to start thinking about the "bright future" right now.

Knowledge of languages

The course of foreign languages ​​is necessarily included in the program. Teachers will demand a lot from you, because English is a core subject, along with economics or geography. To stand out on the course, be the best in the group, and then be able to land your dream job, you have to work on yourself every day.

Fluency in several languages ​​will give you a good chance of finding a job in this area. Indeed, the very name "international" means that you will need to communicate with people of different nationalities. Therefore, the more languages ​​you know, the better for you. Such are they - "International Relations": where to work - you decide. Do your best as a student and you will be successful all the time.

Who do the graduates of "international relations" work for?

After completing their studies (faculty of International Economic Relations), the most famous Russian graduates of this specialty came up with whom to work.

Among them, Sergey Lavrov is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, statesman, he is also a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. At one time, Lavrov became a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations (graduated in 1972).

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation became a graduate of this faculty a little earlier, in 1968. 2002 to 2008 was the Russian ambassador to France.

The next graduate of the Faculty of International Relations is Alexander Lyubimov. He is a successful TV journalist and presenter, President of Media Union, Chairman of the Board of Directors of VID, Vice President of the Russian Television Academy. It was released in 1986.

Ksenia Sobchak graduated from this prestigious faculty in 2004. The popular and scandalous journalist is known for such projects as Dom-2, Blonde in Chocolate and many others. Now the girl is engaged in serious journalism.

Vitaly Churkin is another famous MEO graduate. He is the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in New York, as well as to the United Nations Security Council. Graduated from the Faculty of International Relations Churkin in 1974.

Many famous personalities in the field of politics, economics, jurisprudence, diplomacy, journalism have graduated from "International Relations". Where to work after, as you yourself have seen, you can easily come up with. The main thing is striving and perseverance in achieving the set goals.

Education at the Faculty of International Relations

Studying here is hard, it requires a lot of attention, time and trouble. But the result is really worth it. In four years of bachelor's and a year of master's degree, the student manages to acquire the following skills: theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of international political and economic relations, he studies all foreign policy issues, improves his knowledge of a foreign language, learns to be diplomatic, restrained and serious.

Over the years of study, the student turns into an analyst, forecaster, methodologist, conflictologist and translator.

If you have finished "International Relations", it is up to you to work as a job. There are a lot of opportunities - this is the economic and political sphere, and cultural and entertainment, you can also freely find or will be in demand in the field of jurisprudence.

Major disciplines

During your studies, you will master the courses of world politics, understand the political systems of the states of the modern world, master the method of conducting international negotiations, learn everything about international public and private law. The teachers will tell you about the history and foundations of the theory of international relations. Subjects such as international and national security, the basics of diplomacy and the international civil service will be on your list. You will get acquainted with such courses as foreign and the USA and Canada, the religious factor in Africa: economics and international relations, and world politics, modern international relations in Europe, East and Southeast Asia: economics and international economic relations, modern international relations at Middle East.

Study two foreign languages ​​in depth, consolidate everything you have learned with practical exercises.

MEO-related professions

So, your choice is international relations. Who can work after graduation from the relevant university is shown below:

  • diplomat;
  • conflictologist;
  • interpreter;
  • translator-assistant;
  • linguist;
  • international journalist;
  • political scientist;
  • international lawyer;
  • foreign trade manager;
  • international security specialist.

What to work with after "International Relations"?

The question is more relevant than ever, especially taking into account the situation on the labor market and the requirements put forward for the applicant. Lots of people graduate from International Relations. Who then work if all vacancies require work experience?

There is no one specific profession that puts you in a frame. You should do what you want and what you do best.

For example, having a diploma from the Faculty of International Economic Relations, you can find work in foreign diplomatic and consular missions of Russia. Also try your luck in Russian government agencies and government bodies, including the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Corporations such as Gazprom, VTB Toyota, Microsoft and others will gladly accept you for practice, and there, having established yourself, you will be able to get a job with a trial period.

The main thing is to remember that there is no everything at once, start small: the media, non-profit organizations, academic institutions.


The lectures will tell you how to accompany international delegations, how to form and promote a positive image of the state, as well as how to work with the press and in the press.

As you can see, international relations have a lot of skills and abilities, respectively, and there are also a large number of professions in which you can apply them.

When you receive the most prestigious specialty ("International Relations"), you decide who to work with.

What will you learn in 5 years?

Firstly, this is fluency in two or more foreign languages, and secondly, you can easily organize international negotiations, meetings, conferences and seminars, and you can also take part in them yourself. You will be taught how to conduct business correspondence in a foreign language.

If you make every effort in learning, you can easily translate oral and written speech from Russian into foreign, and vice versa. They will tell you how to correctly draw up contracts, draft agreements and other official letters.

You will be able to establish and develop international relations, students are also taught how to properly provide assistance to citizens abroad.

Courses taught to international affairs specialists develop their analytical thinking and help resolve conflicts of any complexity.

The most popular faculty has long been considered by people to be "International Relations". Not many applicants know who to work after graduation. But closer to the end of their studies, the guys, as a rule, are determined with the choice. Yesterday's students, and today diplomats, translators, political scientists and linguists, they already know what international relations are. "What to work with?" Reviews indicate that most of them no longer face such a question.