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Annex 13 to Order 200. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on Amendments to the Order on the Approval of the Registration Guidelines, the Use, Storage and Treatment with Military Transportation Documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian F

Published on September 27, 2006. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2006 No. 200. Moscow on approval of the procedure for ensuring the monetary content of the military of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 15, 2006 Registration N 8304 1. Approve the attached order ensuring monetary content of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 2. Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Heads of the Ministry of Defense Services of the Russian Federation, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Commander of the Russian Federation, Fleets, Children of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, heads of the main and central administrations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commander associations, commanders Connections and military units, heads (managers) of organizations, military commissars to ensure the payment of monetary content to the servicemen in accordance with the procedure specified in paragraph 1 of this order. 3. This Order comes into force on October 1, 2006. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S. Ivanov Appendix The procedure for ensuring monetary content of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation I. General provisions 1. This procedure has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ "On the status of servicemen" 1. 2. The monetary allowance of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation2 consists of a monthly salary in accordance with the military position (hereinafter referred to as the salary of military position) and a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned military rank (hereinafter referred to as the salary of military rank) that are salary The monthly monetary content of military personnel (hereinafter referred to as the salary of money content), monthly and other additional payments (hereinafter referred to as additional payments) 3. 3. Features of ensuring the monetary content of military personnel during the mobilization period, with the introduction of a state of emergency, military situation, with armed conflicts and in wartime, as well as certain categories of military personnel are determined in accordance with federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. 4. The amount of monetary allowance due to a serviceman for an incomplete month is determined in proportion to the number of world calendar days in this month. 5. Officers designed for military service in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the monetary content is paid in the manner and sizes provided for for military personnel under the contract under the contract, unless otherwise provided by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. 6. Money allowance paid in the order and sizes operating on the day of payment, the return is not subject to refund, if the right to it completely or partially soldiers is subsequently lost, except for the inclusion of non-reported amounts due to counting errors. 7. Monetasia, due to the serviceman and not paid in a timely manner or paid in less than the amount should be paid over the entire period during which the soldier had the right to him, but not more than three years preceding the appeal to obtain a monetary content. One-time additional payments are paid if the appeal for obtaining followed before the expiration of three years since the occurrence of the right to them. II. The salaries of the cash content of salaries at military ranks 8. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, salaries on military ranks are paid in the sizes specified in Appendix N 1 to this Procedure. 9. The servicemen received by the military service under the contract, salaries on military ranks are paid from the date of entry into force of the contract on the passage of military service declared by order of the appropriate official. 10. Officers designed for military service from among those who graduated from state, municipal or presenting state accreditation for the relevant areas of training (specialties) Non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and enrolled in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer, salaries on military ranks are paid from the date of departure to The location of the military service specified in the prescription of the military commissariat, in the prescribed manner. 11. Officers designed for military service immediately after the end of the state, municipal or state accreditation for the relevant areas of training (specialties) of non-state educational institutions of higher professional education, salaries on military ranks are paid from the date of departure to leave provided by the Military Commissariat at the end of these educational institutions, in the prescribed manner. 12. Upon admission to military service under the contract for the armed forces of citizens passing or served in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, other law enforcement agencies or in the State Fire Services Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Liquidation of Disaster and Having Special titles, salaries on military ranks are paid to them from the date of assigning these titles in the procedure of re-certification, but not earlier than the day the entry into force of the contract for the passage of military service in the Armed Forces announced by the order of the appropriate official. 13. When appropriating the next military rank, salaries on assigned military ranks are paid from the date of assigning these titles in the prescribed manner. 14. Servicemen deprived of military ranks by sentence of a court for committing serious or especially serious crimes, salaries on military ranks are paid until the day of entry into force of the court sentence on the deprivation of military rank. 15. Outside of military titles servicemen are subject to payment for the entire period of military service on the day of exceptions from the lists of the personnel of the military unit in connection with the dismissal from military service, with the exception of cases provided for in this order. Outside of military positions of servicemen undergoing military service under the contract 16. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), salaries for military posts are paid in the sizes specified in Appendix N 2 to this Procedure, depending on The tariff discharge established by the occupied military position. 17. The servicemen received by military service under the contract, salaries on military posts are paid from the date of entry into force of the contract for the passage of military service, announced by the order of the appropriate official. At the same time, from the date of entry into force of the contract on the passage of military service and until the day of the entry of military personnel, the obligations of military positions, which they are appointed in the prescribed manner, will be paid salaries: soldiers, sailors, sergeants, seniors, ensigns and Michmanam - by 1 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this Procedure); Officers - 10 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this order). 18. Officers designed for military service among those who graduated from state, municipal or having state accreditation for the relevant areas of training (specialties) non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and enrolled in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer, from the date of departure to the place of military service, The following in the prescription of the military commissariat, the salary of 10 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this Procedure) is paid. 19. Officers designed for military service immediately after the end of state, municipal or government accreditation for the relevant areas of training (specialties) of non-state educational institutions of higher professional education, which was awarded the military rank of officer, from the date of departure to leave provided by the Military Commissariat at the end of these educational institutions, the salary of 10 tariff discharge is paid (Appendix N 2 to this order). 20. Since the entry intoderation of responsibilities for military positions, soldiers are subject to payment for military posts according to tariff discharges specified in the states of military units, except for the cases provided for in this order. 21. In the appointment of military personnel to other military posts, salaries on new military posts are paid from the date of entry into account on these military posts. Until the day, the responsibilities of these military posts are paid to the specified servicemen are paid salaries on previously occupied military posts. 22. Pregnant female military personnel and female servicemen who have children under the age of one and a half years, appointed in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 19-20 of Article 11 of the Regulations on the procedure for the passage of military service4, to other military posts with the preservation of a monthly salary and additional payments for military officers The posts they occupied before appointment, the salary of the previously occupied military position is paid until the day of their entry into account on another military position with a higher salary, but not more than a day of reaching the child of the age of one and a half years. 23. For military personnel appointed with their consent in connection with the organizational and staffing activities for military positions with smaller monthly salary, monthly salaries on previously occupied military posts are preserved during their military service in new military posts. Decisions on the maintenance of monthly salary on previously occupied military posts in the appointment of them for military posts with fewer monthly salary are made in orders of commanders (chiefs), which carry out the appointment of military personnel to military positions with fewer monthly salary, on the presentation of the relevant personnel authorities on the basis of reports servicemen. Copies of these orders join the personal affairs of servicemen. The payment of monthly salary on previously occupied military posts is made on the day of delivery and posts in connection with the release (removal) of military personnel in the prescribed manner from military posts. The specified servicemen established monthly and other additional payments are made on the basis of monthly salary on previously occupied military positions for which these salaries are paid. 24. For sailors, elders and midshipmen, held by the military service under the contract, who served continuously five years and more years in the crews of nuclear submarines (underwater cruisers), in line with (repairs), including those under construction, or recognized as notable health For further service on these submarines (underwater cruisers), prescribed to military posts with few monthly salary in military units and the organization of the Navy, monthly salaries on previously occupied military posts are preserved during their military service in new military posts. Decisions on the preservation of these servicemen of monthly salaries on previously occupied military posts in appointing them to military posts with fewer monthly salary are made in orders of commanders (bosses), which are assigned to military personnel on military positions with smaller monthly salary, on the presentation of relevant personnel bodies on the basis of Reports of servicemen. Copies of these orders join the personal affairs of servicemen. 25. Outside of military positions to military personnel are subject to payment for the entire period of military service on the day of exceptions from the lists of the personnel of the military unit due to the dismissal from military service, with the exception of cases provided for in this Procedure. Servicemen to be dismissal from military service to achieve the limit age at military service or after the term of the contract for the passage of military service, from the day of the maximum age or expiration of the contract and on the day of exclusion from the lists of the military unit of the military part of military posts are paid according to tariff discharges established on the day of achieving maximum age or expiration of the contract. 26. Servicemen who have the right to increase (increase) in accordance with the acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, salary for military posts, monthly and other additional payments are calculated on the basis of increased (elevated) salaries in military positions, unless otherwise provided by these acts. Salaries on military positions of servicemen undergoing military service for call 27. Servicemen undergoing military service (hereinafter referred to as military servicemen), salaries in military positions are paid in the sizes specified in Appendix N 3 to this Procedure, depending on tariff discharges established by military positions. 28. The servicemen designed for military service, from the date of departure from the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the place of military service and before appointment to the military office at the place of military service, salaries are paid in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 3 to this Procedure). 29. When appointing soldiers to military positions upon arrival at the place of military service, appointing to other military posts (except military posts to be replaced by officers), salaries are paid from the first day of the month following the month in which they are appointed to military Positions, according to the tariff discharges specified in the states of military units. The servicemen appointed to military posts to be replaced by officers, from the date of entry into account of obligations on these military posts and on the day of liberation, salaries are paid to the 10 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this order). 30. The servicemen liberated from military posts from the first day of the month following the month of liberation from the occupied military office, and before the first day of the month following the month in which they were appointed to other military positions (a month of exceptions from the lists of military officers Parts due to dismissal from military service) are paid outlaces of 1 tariff category (Appendix N 3 to this order). 31. Suvorovtsy, Nakhimovets, pupils of military-musical schools and military units, as well as citizens who study in the Cadet, Marine Cadet and Music Cadet Corps, from the date of enrollment in an educational institution (in the list of personnel of the military unit) and on the day of the end of vacation, The issuance provided by him from the educational institution (exceptions from the lists of the personnel of the military unit), the monthly monetary content is paid in the amount of salary at military office in 1 tariff category5 (Appendix N 3 to this order). Persons identified from Suvorovsky, Nakhimov, Military-Music Schools and Cadet, Maritime Cadet, Music Cadet Corps, monthly monetary content is paid on the day of deductions from these educational institutions. 32. Outside of military position servicemen are subject to payment for the entire period of military service for a month of exception from the list of personnel of the military unit due to dismissal from military service, with the exception of cases provided for in this order. Outside of military posts of listeners, cadets, adjuncts and doctoral students 33. The military officers who received training in military educational institutions of vocational education during the passage of military service under the contract, during the training period, are paid: listeners (including adjuncts, doctoral students and alternators) the military rank of officer, - salaries in military posts occupying them before admission to training; Listeners who do not have the military rank of officer (including internators) - salaries on the listener of the "listener" in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this order). 34. Listeners of military educational institutions of vocational education, which the first military rank of an officer is assigned in enrollment for training or during the training period, in the period of studying in these educational institutions, salaries in military positions are paid in 10 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this Procedure). 35. The cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education from among citizens who did not pass by military service before admission to training in military educational institutions of vocational education or admitted to these educational institutions from the stock, before the conclusion of a contract for military service, salary on military posts on 3 tariff discharge (Appendix N 3 to this order). 36. cadets enrolled in training in military educational institutions of vocational education, in training military units and training units, for the courses of younger lieutenants during the passage of military service on the call, in the period of study, salaries are paid in military positions occupied by them before enrollment for training, But no less than the salary established in 3 tariff discharge (Appendix N 3 to this order). 37. The cadets received for training in military educational institutions of vocational education during the passage of military service under the contract, in the period of study, salaries are paid in military positions occupied by them before admission to training. 38. Military personnel from among citizens who did not pass military service before admission to training in military educational institutions of vocational education or admitted to these educational institutions during the passage of military service upon call or from the reserve, from the date of entry into force of the contract signed by them Military services are paid: occupying the military position "Cadet" - salary in the amount of 70 percent of the salary of 1 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this order); Having been engaged in the military position "Listener" - salary of 1 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this order). 39. The cadets of schools technicians, ensigns, Michmanov from the number of military personnel undergoing military service under the training period, salaries are paid in military positions occupied by them before enrolling on training. Schools who graduated from the schools, ensigns, Michmanov, who received the military rank of ensign or Michman, in the period before the entry into place of the duties on military positions to which they were appointed, the salaries received by them by the end of the expired schools. The servicemen who concluded a contract for military service and without appointing to the military office aimed at training to school technicians, ensigns, Michmanov, before joining the obligations of military position, to which they will be appointed after training, the salary of military position on 1 tariff discharge (Appendix N 2 to this order). 40. Servicemen who completed military educational institutions of vocational education, advanced training courses or courses for the preparation of younger lieutenants, in the period prior to the entry intoderation of duties on military positions paid: who had military ranks of officers who received for the end of these educational institutions during the period or courses; The officers who did not have in the period of training of military ranks - salary of 10 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this order). The servicemen dismissed from military service directly at the end of these educational institutions or courses with the assignment of military rank of stock officers, the salaries provided for in this paragraph are not paid. 41. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract and expelled from military educational institutions of vocational education (including from adjuncture, doctoral studies and orders), schools, ensigns, Michmanov (except those specified in paragraph 43 of this Procedure), from the date of deductions and to The day of entry intoderation of duties on new military posts is paid salaries received by them during the training period. 42. Outside of military posts stipulated by clause 38 of this Procedure, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education before entering into a contract for the passage of military service, from 1 day of the month following the month of the examination session, increase: 50 percent - with results last examination session only excellent assessments; 25 percent - with the results of the last examination session only good and excellent assessments. Differentiated assessments on credits, total estimates for the semester on subjects, not submitted to the examination session, when determining the right of cadets to increase salaries by 50 or 25 percent, are accounted for on a par with estimates obtained in exams. Cadets fully or partially not surrendered tests and exams in the examination session for good reasons, elevated for 50 or 25 percent salaries at military posts are paid to 1 day of the month following the month in which they have been established by the individual deadlines for testing tests and exams. Cadets left for good reasons for re-training at this course, salaries for military posts in the repeated year of training to the results of the next examination session are paid taking into account the results of passing the last examination session. Increased salaries in accordance with this paragraph for military posts are paid on the basis of orders of heads of military educational institutions of vocational education issued according to the results of the next examination session. 43. The cadets contributed from military educational institutions of vocational education to failurelessness, undisciplining or reluctance to learn to be sent to the passage of military service upon call, from the date of the deduction, the salary of military service is paid at the I tariff category (Appendix N 3 to this order). III. The procedure for payment of monetary allowances to military personnel in various cases in the temporary execution of duties for military posts 44. The military service under the contract under the provision in the established article 12 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service orders are entrusted with temporary execution of duties on vacant military posts (Vrid), From the day the entry into account of these military posts and on the day of liberation from their execution inclusive, but no more limit period of temporary execution of responsibilities for military positions, which soldiers not occupied by sub-clause "A" of paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the specified provision, salary is paid According to temporarily executed military posts. In the same order, salaries are paid for periods of temporary performance on vacant military positions to military personnel, which are at the disposal of commanders (chiefs). At the same time, the specified servicemen for the periods of temporary execution of these responsibilities are paid monthly additional payments established on executable military posts. 45. The servicemen on which the temporary fulfillment of duties at the Nevan military positions (VRIO) is charged, salary on occupied military orders are paid. During the period of the commanders (bosses) 46. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract enrolled in the prescribed manner at the disposal of the commanders (bosses), for all the time they are at the disposal of commanders (bosses), but not more than the deadlines defined by Article 13 Regulations on the procedure for passing military service are paid outlaws on military rank, salaries on the previously occupied military position and percentage allowance for long service, unless otherwise provided by this Procedure. 47. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract enrolled at the disposal of the commanders (chiefs) on the grounds specified in subparagraphs "A" and "B" of paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Regulations on the procedure for the passage of military service, upon the expiration of the deadline for the commander ( Chief) Money allowance can be paid to the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (in relation to the highest officers), Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Heads of Services of the Ministry of Defense, Head of the Ministry of Defense Minister of Defense, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Commander Commander of Military District, Fleets Commander generics of the armed forces, chiefs of the main and central administrations of the Ministry of Defense. 48. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract exempt from military posts, including in connection with the conduct of organizational and staff activities, the monetary content in the size established by paragraph 46 of this Procedure is paid: in connection with the appointment of the New Military Position - From the day following the day of delivery of cases and posts, and until the day of entry into account of the duties for a new military office; In connection with the receipt of training - from the day following the day of delivery and posts, and before the day of enrollment for training; In connection with the dismissal from military service - from the day following the day of delivery of cases and position, and on the day of exceptions from the lists of the personnel of the military unit. 49. About the delivery (adoption) of affairs and posts a serviceman reports on the team team, on the basis of which the order of the commander of the military unit is published. 50. The day of liberation from the military positions of military personnel of the military units of the military units, including in connection with the organizational and staffing events, is considered the day of the end of delivery and position within the established deadlines, but no later than the end of the expiration of the military unit. In connection with the organizational and staffing events 51. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract (hereinafter referred to as military servicemen), with reducing military posts, reducing military ranks, provided for military posts (monthly salaries in accordance with those engaged in Military posts They are military positions), from the date of announcement in the order of the commander of the military unit on the end of organizational and staff events and until the day of their entry into account on military posts in connection with their appointment to other military positions or imposing temporary performance on vacant military duties Money allowance is paid in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 46 - 48 of this Procedure. 52. Military personnel who are for ads in the order of the commander of the military unit on the holding of organizational and staff events on vacation, on treatment in a medical institution, in a service business trip or on training - in all cases with the preservation of military posts at military service, monetus allowance in The procedure established by paragraphs 46 - 48 of this Procedure is paid from the day following the day of the end of the holiday (discharge from the medical institution, return from a business trip or from learning) and until the day of their entry into account on new military posts. During the period of vacations, including on maternity leave, on parental leave 53. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, for the period of staying in the prescribed holidays, the payment of monetary satisfaction is in full, except for cases provided for in paragraphs 54 and 57 of this Procedure. 54. When providing military personnel for training holidays to prepare for entrance exams (exams), commissioning of entrance exams (examinations) in civilian educational institutions of vocational education with training without separation from the performance of official duties (on correspondence and part-time formation) and during the training period In them, the monetary allowance for the periods of these vacations of the established duration, increased during the location of the specified institution, is paid in the manner prescribed by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to employees combining work with training. 55. The female serviceman during pregnancy and childbirth is paid to pregnancy benefits and childbirth in the amount of monetary satisfaction with them to the day of the departure to the specified vacation. In addition to pregnancy benefits, they are also paid on the general reasons for a one-time additional payment of monetary allowances, the right to which originated during the period of this vacation. 56. At the end of the childcare leave, as well as when entering the service from this vacation, before executing a child of three years, the payment of monetary allowances for established standards is resumed from the date of entry intoderation of responsibilities for military position. At the same time, a one-time monetary remuneration for the conscientious performance of official duties is paid for the entire calendar year, taking into account paragraphs 225 and 229 of this Procedure. 57. Money allowance is not paid: over the period of finding a serviceman on maternity leave to the age of three years; servicemen passing military service under a contract awarded the titles of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Hero of the Russian Federation and the Awarded Order of Fame of Three degrees, - during the additional vacation provided in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of January 15, 1993 N 4301-1 "On Status Heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory "6; servicemen registered in the prescribed manner candidates for deputies - during the additional vacation provided in the prescribed manner; Another servicemen who have the right to provide holidays without salary salary regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. During the disease and leave for illness 58. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, monetary content is paid in full for the period of continuous finding on treatment in medical institutions and on sick leave provided for by the Regulations on the procedure for military service. In total, the term of continuous finding of a soldier passing military service under the contract, on treatment in medical institutions and on illness, should not exceed four months, except when federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation provide for longer deadlines for treatment . 59. Upon expiration of the deadlines for the cure and on illness, the monetary allowance for the servicemen, specified in paragraph 58 of this Procedure, is paid if the residence on cure (on sick leave) extended to the decision of the direct chief from the commander of a separate army (Flotilla), Equal and higher - at the requests of commander of military units with the application of the relations of military medical institutions. 60. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract under treatment in medical institutions or on sick leave during the period of the commander (chief), the monetary allowance is paid taking into account paragraphs 46-48 of this Procedure. 61. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract for whom, during the period of treatment in medical institutions or on illness, discharges were made from orders for dismissal from military service, monetary allowance is paid in the manner prescribed by paragraph 87 of this Procedure. 62. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract released from the performance of official duties in connection with the care of a family member on the basis of a hospital leaf (certificate) of a medical institution, monetary allowance is paid in full for the period of liberation from the performance of official duties. 63. The military service hosting military service on treatment in medical institutions or on illness on illness, monetary allowance is paid in full for the entire period of finding and on illness on illness. In connection with the removal of military posts, under arrest and in disciplinary military units 64. The servicemen detained from military posts in accordance with the disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or by the court decision, the monetary allowance from the day following the day of liberation from military posts is paid in the manner provided for in paragraph 46 of this Procedure. 65. The servicemen convicted of a crime committed to imprisonment, restriction of freedom or deprivation of military rank, monetus allowance is paid on the day of exceptions from the lists of the military part of the military unit due to the dismissal from military service to the relevant basis. 66. The servicemen convicted of punishment in the form of an arrest (with a content on Gauptvakta), during the serving of the arrest paid: the military service under the contract - the salary of the military rank and the salary of military position in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this Procedure) ; The military service under the call is the salary of military position in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 3 to this order). Monk and other additional payment of money from the specified servicemen are not paid. 67. The servicemen convicted of serving a sentence in the disciplinary military units, from the day the sentence entry into force and before the appointment of military service on serving a sentence or before dismissal from military service, is paid: a military service under the contract - the salary of military rank and salary at military office in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this order); The military service under the call is the salary of military position in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 3 to this order). Monk and other additional payment of money from the specified servicemen are not paid. In cases of unauthorized leaving the military service of the military unit or the place of military service 68. In cases of unauthorized leaving the military personnel of the military unit or the place of military service, more than 10 days, regardless of the reasons for leaving the payment of monetary content, they suspended from the day of unauthorized leave of the military unit or the place of military service specified in Order of the commander of the military unit. The payment of monetary satisfaction with the specified servicemen is resumed from the day specified in the order of the commander of the military unit, determined on the basis of the proceedings carried out on the fact of the unauthorized leaving of the military unit or the place of military service. 69. For the period of unauthorized leaving of the military unit or place of military service, determined in the prescribed manner by order of the commander of the military unit, it is paid: the military service under the contract - the salary of the military rank and the salary of military position in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this Order); The military service under the call is the salary of military position in 1 tariff category (Appendix N 3 to this order). Monk and other additional payment of money allowances for the specified period of these servicemen are not paid. In the event of the capture of military personnel and as hostages interneed in neutral countries or missingly absent 70. The families of military personnel captured or as hostages interneed in neutral countries or missingly absent (hereinafter referred to as the families of military personnel), monthly payments are paid monthly , including monthly and other additional payments, in the sizes due to a military person to capture capture or as hostage, innerning in neutral countries or a missing absence. 71. Money allowance is subject to paying the following members of the families of military personnel: the spouse (spouse), and with her (it), the absence of adult children or legitimate representatives (guardians, trustees) or perpetrators of minor children (disabled children with adoptive parents - Regardless of age), as well as persons who are dependent on military personnel, or parents in equal shares, if the servicemen do not marry and do not have children. At the same time, the payment of monetary allowances to these family members is made to complete the circumstances of the capture of servicemen captive or as hostages, the innerning or liberation or recognition of them in the prescribed manner missingly missing or declarations of the dead. In all cases, the payment of monetary satisfaction is made not more than a day of excluding a serviceman from the lists of the personnel of military unit. 72. When indexing (enhancing) salaries of the monetary content of military personnel of the Armed Forces, monetary benefits of family members of military personnel are paid taking into account indexation (increase) 9. 73. Payment of the spouse (spouse) or other family members of the monetary allowance of military personnel captured or as hostages intertered in neutral countries missingly absent, is made on the basis of the order of the commander of the military unit on the fact of capturing capture or as hostages, interning Neutral countries or missing military personnel, as well as statements by spouses or other members of their families. When translating military personnel from the Armed Forces (from the federal executive body, which provides for military service) to the federal executive body, which provides for military service (in the Armed Forces) 74. A military personnel translated from the federal executive body, which provides for military service, into the armed forces, from the date of entry into force of the contract on the passage of military service and before the entry into force of the obligations of military position on which it is appointed to the Armed Forces, monetus It is paid in the manner prescribed by paragraph 46 of this Procedure, at the rate of: the salary on the military rank; salary for the last position occupied by these servicemen in the relevant federal executive body; The percentage surcharge for long service, calculated in accordance with paragraphs 94-96 of this Procedure. 75. The military personnel translated from the Armed Forces to the federal executive body, which provides for military service, the monetary content is paid on the day of its exception from the lists of the personnel of the military unit. 76. The military personnel student in military educational institutions of vocational education appointed after their completion for military service in the federal executive body, which provides for military service, the monetary allowance is paid on the day of the end of the holiday provided at the end of these educational institutions. With the summitting servicemen 77. Officers passing military service under a contract addressed to the federal state authorities, other government agencies and institutions, international organizations in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, state unitary enterprises whose property is in federal property, joint-stock companies, 100 percent of whose shares are located in federal property and which are carried out in the interests of the defense of the country and the security of the state (hereinafter referred to as -Comanded officers), the monetary content is paid on the day of excluding them from the list of personnel of the military unit. 78. Officers addressed to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Offices of the Chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Offices of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Military Courts, the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation , The main management of special programs of the President of the Russian Federation and the central office of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, the relevant financial authorities of the Ministry of Defense, in which these servicemen consist on monetary satisfaction are paid: the salary of military rank; an increase in the official salary by 30 percent for the complexity and importance of the tasks being performed (hereinafter referred to as an increase in the salary); percentage allowance for long service, calculated at the calculation of the salary on the military rank and the official salary paid in the relevant body of the state power, taking into account the increasing salary; One-time monetary remuneration for the conscientious performance of official duties at the calculation of these salaries. Salary on the military rank, an increase in the salary and the percentage allowance for long service is paid from the date of the secondment of the specified state authorities. 79. Committed officers when sending them to the Ministry of Defense to solve the issue of further passing of military service, monetary allowance is paid from the date of enrollment in the list of personnel of the military unit. At the same time, until the day of their entry into the fulfillment of military posts, to which they were appointed, monetary content is paid at the calculation of salaries on the military rank, salary by the last position occupied by officers in bodies (institutions, organizations) specified in paragraph 78 of this Procedure and interest Saving allowed years. In the suspension of military service 80. The servicemen, elected deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, deputies of representative bodies of local self-government and heads of municipalities and the indicated authority on A permanent basis, as well as servicemen who authorize members of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in connection with the suspension of military service in the military service, and the termination of the contract on the passage of military service, monetary allowance is paid on the day of liberation from these military posts due to the election inclusive. 81. With the termination of the grounds for the suspension of military service, the monetary content is paid at the calculation of the salary on the military rank, the salary for the last military office held by the servicemen to the suspension of military service, and the percentage allowance for the service of the years: the servicemen entered into a new contract for the passage of military service - from the date of entry into force of the contract and before their entry into account on military positions to which they were appointed; When dismissing military servicemen from military service - from the date of termination of grounds for suspension of military service on the day of their exclusion from the lists of the military unit. During the passage of military fees 82. Citizens designed for military fees, at the place of military fees, are paid: salaries on the military rank in the sizes specified in Appendix N 1 to this Procedure; Outside of military position provided for by the military unit, according to which a citizen performs responsibilities during the passage of military fees, in the sizes specified in Appendix N 2 to this Procedure. These salaries are paid from the date of the enrollment of citizens in the lists of the personnel of the military unit on the day of their exclusion from the lists of the personnel of the military unit on the basis of the order of the commander of the military unit, in which citizens pass military fees. 83. Citizens passing military fees in the regions of the Far North, equivalent to local areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote (hereinafter referred to as the Real Area), to the Oklade on the military rank and salary for military officers Positions are established coefficients (district, for passing military fees in high-mountainous areas, for the passage of military fees in desert and anhydrous localities) and interest percentage surcharges are paid in the amounts established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for citizens working and living in these areas. and locations. These percentage surcharges are paid on the basis of certificates of work in the areas of the Far North, equivalent to local areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote, issued by organizations at the place of the work of citizens staying in stock. Other monthly and other additional payments to citizens during the passage of military fees in the military unit are not produced. When dismissing from military service 84. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, when dismissing from military service, the monetary allowance is paid on the day of their exclusion from the lists of the military unit. 85. The servicemen passing the military service under the contract, which used the main and additional leave in the year of dismissal, the monetary allowance is paid on the day of their exclusion from the list of personnel of the military unit, carried out after passing the servicemen of affairs and positions (including executable temporary) within the limits established The deadlines, but no later than a month from the date of receipt to the military unit of the statement from the order about the dismissal of a serviceman from military service, with the exception of cases provided for in paragraph 11 of Article 38 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" 11. Military personnel dismissed from military service, recognized by the military medical commission unsuitable for military service and in need of liberation from execution of official duties, monetary content is paid on the day of exceptions from the list of personnel of the military unit, which is carried out no later than a month from the date of receipt of the military unit Military-Medical Commission, taking into account the time of finding a serviceman on vacation (vacation). 86. The servicemen passing the military service under the contract that did not use the main and additional leave in the year of dismissal, the monetary allowance is paid on the day of their exclusion from the lists of the military unit, carried out after the end of the unused (used not Fully) holidays and after passing the servicemen of affairs and positions (including executable temporarily) within the established deadlines. Servicemen who have surrendered affairs and position before the day of receipt to the military unit of the statement from the order about their dismissal from military service, the monetary content is paid on the day of their exclusion from the list of personnel of the military unit, carried out no later than 5 days from the date of receipt to the military unit of the statement from the order On the dismissal of a serviceman from military service. Unused (used not fully) leave are provided by the servicemen consistently, without breaking in the manner established by paragraphs 3, 7, 10, 16 of Article 29, paragraphs 12 and 16 of Article 31 of the Regulations on the procedure for passing military service. 87. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract for the arrival of the military unit from the order about their dismissal from military service on vacation (including on occasion of illness) or on cure, money allowance is paid on the day of their exceptions from lists The personnel of the military unit carried out at the end of the holiday (treatment) and after passing the servicemen of affairs and positions (including executable temporarily) within the limits of the deadlines. 88. Money allowance for military personnel dismissed from military service and unsecured residential premises, as well as servicemen who are at the disposal of commanders (chiefs) and not dismissed from military service due to the insecurity of residential premises on established standards, is subject to payment on the day of providing them with residential premises . On this day, the specified servicemen are subject to exclusion from the lists of the personnel of the military unit. 89. The servicemen undergoing military service on call, and cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education before the conclusion of contracts for the passage of military service salaries on military positions, monthly and other additional payments when dismissal from military service are paid in full for the entire month in which They are excluded from the lists of the military part of the military unit, and the maritime monetary satisfaction - on the day of exceptions from the lists of the personnel of the military unit. In the event of death (death) of the soldier 90. In the event of death (death) of the soldier, the salaries and monthly additional payments, and monthly additional payments (including for a month, in which the soldier died, died) paid to the spouse (spouse ), and with her (it), the absence of adult children or legal representatives (guardians, trustees), living together with him (her), or legitimate children (persons with disabilities since childhood - regardless of age), as well as persons who are dependent on military personnel, or parents in equal shares, if the servicemen do not marry and do not have children. 91. The persons specified in paragraph 90 of this Procedure are also paid to one-time additional payments, the right to which arose during the life of a serviceman, including a premium for the exemplary implementation of military debt in the amount of and the procedure established by paragraphs 203-211 of this Procedure, and financial assistance in the amount and order established by paragraphs 272-276 of this Procedure (if it was not rendered directly to the serviceman of his death per year), and a one-time monetary remuneration for the conscientious performance of official duties in the amount of and the procedure established by paragraphs 224-232 of this Procedure (in proportion to time, Lost in the year of death). IV. Monthly additional payments General provisions 92. Servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, monthly additional payments (hereinafter referred to as the present section - allowance) are paid from the date of entry intoderation (temporary execution) of duties for military position and on the day of liberation from the execution of responsibilities (temporarily executed) military position (delivery and posts), unless otherwise provided by this Procedure. The military service hosting military service is paid from the first day of the month following the month in which they are appointed to military posts, and a month of liberation from the occupied military office, and the maritime monetary content - on the day of exclusion from the lists of the military unit . Payment of premises is made on the basis of orders of relevant commanders (bosses). 93. The surcharges provided for by this chapter are calculated on the basis of salaries on occupied (temporarily executed) military posts. The servicemen with the right to increase (raising) of salaries in military positions, the payment of the allowance is made on the basis of salaries in military positions, taking into account these increases (increasing), if federal laws and other regulatory legal acts have not been established otherwise. The surcharges are paid simultaneously with the payment of cash salary for the current month and are reflected in the settlement and payment (payment) statement in individual graphs, unless otherwise provided by this Procedure. The payment of the premium is not suspended during the period of serving servicemen on holidays, on business trips, on treatment, training. In the specified procedure, all the surcharges are paid, unless otherwise provided by regulatory legal acts and in this Procedure. The percentage surplus for long service 94. The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract is paid monthly to the percentage of long-term service to the salaries of monetary content according to the rules for the calculation of years for the appointment of percentage surgery for serving the servicemen undergoing military service under the contract (hereinafter referred to as this section It is referred to as the rules) approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2000 N 524 "On individual payments to military personnel and their family members." The specified surcharge is paid from the date of reaching servicemen of the years, which gives the right to obtain it and on the day of the exclusion of military personnel from the lists of the military unit, due to the dismissal from military service, on the basis of orders of commander's communities, with an indication of years of service and the size of the allowance, unless otherwise Provided herein. 95. Periods of military service to assign percentage surcharge for years of service are calculated in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Rules. At the same time: the military service for the call (valid urgent military service) is determined from the date of the departure from the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the place of military service (from March 1, 1993 to March 30, 1998 - from the date of crediting in the list of personnel of military parts; until March 1, 1993 - from the day of appearance to the Military Commissariat for sending to the military unit), and for citizens who entered military educational institutions of vocational education and not held military service - from the date of enrollment in these educational institutions; Military Service for the call of military personnel designed for military service from among citizens who graduated from state, municipal or government accreditation for the relevant areas of preparation (specialties) Non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and enrolled in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer is determined from the date of departure to The location of the military service specified in the prescription of the military commissariat (from March 1, 1993 until March 30, 1998 - from the date of enrollment in the list of personnel of the military unit); Military service for the call of military servicemen from among the citizens designed for military service immediately after the end of the state, municipal or government accreditation for the relevant areas of preparation (specialties) of non-state educational institutions of higher professional education, which is assigned to the military rank of officer, is determined from the date of departure to vacation, provided by the Military Commissariat at the end of these educational institutions (from March 1, 1993 to March 30, 1998 - from the date of enrollment in the list of personnel of the military unit); Military service as officers, ensigns, Michmanov and military personnel of the superior service in determining them on military service from stock is determined from the date of departure to the place of passage of military service specified in the prescription of the military commissariat (until March 1, 1993); The military service under the contract is determined from the date of entry into force of the contract on the passage of military service (from March 1, 1993 to March 30, 1998 - from the date of enrollment in the list of personnel of the military unit). 96. Periods of military service at military posts on preferential terms for the appointment of percentage surcharge for years of years with a serviceman performing flight work that makes a parachute or swimming, are calculated on the conditions established by paragraphs 3-8 of the rules. At the same time: the summer composition calculus of the length of the years on preferential terms is carried out in the implementation of the annual rates set by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to calculate the length of the years on a pension in a preferential manner, and the parachutes and catapults and catapults are carried out - when performing annual standards of jumps provided for by the plans of scientifically research works approved by the Commander-in-Chief Air Force, but not least minimum standards established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for the calculation of rapid years in a pension in a preferential manner; Military positions involved in military positions, the fulfillment of obligations on which is associated with the systematic performance of parachute jumps, the calculus of long-term years on preferential terms is performed when performing annual standards of jumps stipulated by the plans of the combat (educational) training, approved by the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, compulsory commander-in-chief Air force, navy and commander of airborne troops, but no less minimum standards established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for the calculation of rapid years of retirement in a preferential manner; military servicemen engaged in military posts in the deposits named in subparagraph "in" of paragraph 4 of the rules not placed on ships and courts, the calculus of long-term years on preferential terms is carried out under the condition of annual, not less than 30 days, swimming outside the external raid on ships and courts Focusing, or at least 30 days of conducting factory or state tests of under construction and repaired ships and courts, when these ships and vessels were swimming. Interest rate allowance for working with information constitutive to state secrets 97. The servicemen admitted to the state secret on an ongoing basis, a percentage allowance for salary for military position for working with information constituting the state secret (hereinafter referred to as the present section is called - a surcharge), in Depending on the degree of secrecy of information to which they have access, in the following sizes: a) 25 percent - for working with information that have the degree of "special importance"; b) 20 percent - for working with information having the degree of secrecy "Top Secret"; c) 10 percent - for working with information that have the degree of secrecy "Secret". 98. Military personnel who are issued in accordance with the procedure established by the law applied to the state secrets on an ongoing basis and on which the obligation to work constantly work with the information constituting the state secret, by virtue of their official (functional) duties. Under the constant work with information constituting a state secret, it is understood to work with these information regardless of the order and conditions for their receipt (in the form of a written document, when using technical means, in the learning process, etc.), as well as duration and frequency during the year. 99. The surcharge is paid on the basis of the order of the commander of the military unit, which is published, as a rule, at the beginning of the calendar year, but at least once a year. When appointed to the military office (temporary execution of military post), the payment of the allowance is made from the day specified in the order of the commander of the military unit on the payment of the specified surcharge. The order indicates the military rank, surname, name, patronymic position (according to the Nomenclature (List) of the posts of workers to be done on tolerance), number, number, month, the year of admission to the information constituting the state secret, and the size of the percentage set . Commanders (chiefs) The allowance is established by the orders of higher commanders (chiefs). 100. The surcharge is not paid to the servicemen: liberated (removed) from military posts; For whom the tolerance is discontinued; liberated from work on an ongoing basis with the information constituting the state secret, the order of the commander (chief); Located on child care; at the disposal of the relevant commanders (bosses); During the vacation time provided when dismissing from military service. The payment of the allowance is terminated from the day following the day of liberation from military office, stopping admission, liberation from work on an ongoing basis with the information constituting the state secret. Interest rate percentage of work in the structural units for the protection of state secrets 101. Servicemen undergoing military service in the structural divisions for the protection of the state secrets of the Armed Forces, in addition to the percentage of the salary in military position for working with information constituting a state secret, monthly interest is paid monthly The allowance for salary for military position for work experience in these structural units (hereinafter referred to as the present section is called) in the following sizes: a) 5 percent - when working from 1 to 5 years; b) 10 percent - when working from 5 to 10 years; c) 15 percent - when working from 10 years and higher. 102. In determining the work experience in the structural divisions on the protection of state secrets, only the confirmed documented work experience should be taken into account, regardless of which authority, military service, an employee of the structural unit held in the enterprise or at the enterprise. At the same time, interruptions in these units are not counted in the structural divisions on the protection of state secrets. If an employee has a structural unit for the protection of state secrecy, a break in the work in these units was over 5 years, its previous work experience in the structural divisions on the protection of state secrets when paying extra charges for the work experience is not taken into account. 103. The surcharge is paid to the servicemen on the basis of the order of the commander of the military unit, which is published annually, as well as when the experience of the work, which gives the right to pay extra charges. When appropriate to the military office (admission to the temporary execution of military post), the payment of the allowance is made from the day specified in the order of the commander of the military unit to pay the specified surcharge. The order indicates military rank, surname, name, patronymic, office, work experience in the structural divisions on the protection of state secrets and the size of the percentage installed. Percentage allowance for the service in the databases of 104. Servicemen undergoing military service under a contract that occupies military posts in military units and units of the Navy, constantly stationed in the databases on the list, approved in the prescribed manner, monthly pays percentage Commissioning for the service in the databases (hereinafter referred to as the present section is referred to as the allowance) in the amount of 10 percent of the salary in military position. 105. The surcharge is paid by the servicemen: those who arrived in the areas removed from the bases as part of a military unit or division - from the date of arrival at the point of permanent deployment, but not earlier than the inclusion of the military unit or the division into the list approved in the prescribed manner and on the day of departure military unit or division from the indicated areas; Arrived by a single order for military service to military units or units, constantly stationed in areas remote from bases, from the date of crediting in the lists of the personnel of the military unit (division) and on the day of exceptions from the lists of the personnel of the military unit. Monthly monetary reward 106. Servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, with the exception of military personnel, engaged in military positions in the central office of the Ministry of Defense (hereinafter referred to as the central office), the monthly monetary cooperation is paid (hereinafter referred to as the present section - encouragement) in The size of one salary in military position. 107. The military service under the contract held by military positions in the central office, for which the states are provided for military ranks of officers, encouraging is paid in the sizes specified

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

To make changes to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 N 200 "On approval of management on the design, use, storage and treatment of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2001, registration N 3061) according to the accompanying list.

Minister of Defense
Russian Federation

in the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
July 15, 2004,
registration N 5916.

Application. A list of changes made to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 6, 2001 N 200

to the orders of the Minister of Defense
Russian Federation
dated May 27, 2004 N 159

In the design guide, use, storage and treatment with military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (annex to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 No. 200) to make the following changes:

1. Paragraph 3 to supplement the fourth paragraph of the following content:

"Requirements forms 1 may be issued to travel to the place of use of vacation and back along the route that differs from the shortest way. At the same time, the difference in the cost of the passage is paid by servicemen and their families at the office of the military unit as a restoration of cash flow, with the subsequent transfer of funds to the budget manager, Which centrally produces calculations with transport organizations. ".

2. Paragraphs fourth - eighth item 3 consider, respectively, paragraphs fifth - ninth.

3. Paragraph of the eighth point 3 after the words "Car (except for taxi) with transport" to the words ", as well as for the design of passenger tickets on the passage of citizens dismissed from military service, family members (close relatives) of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service , railway and water transport in the suburban message. "

4. In a footnote to the paragraph of paragraph 4, the word "institutions" is replaced by the word "organizations".

5. Paragraph 5.

"Military services held by military service in military units (including the federal state unitary enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), which are not credited to the supply of military transportation documents, are attached to issuing military transportation documents (cash) to budget organizations to indicate the authorities of the Central Management of military communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (chiefs of military communications of military districts). ".

6. In the third paragraph of paragraph 11, the words "and the certificate of the established form issued by the personnel authority" exclude.

7. Paragraph 28

"28. By order of the commander of the military unit from the number of military service under the military service under the contract, or employees * are appointed person responsible for obtaining, keeping, storing, designing, signing and issuing military transportation documents.
* Hereinafter, in the text of this leadership, employees are understood as the persons of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

At worship on vacation, business trip, for treatment, etc. Persons responsible for accounting, storage, registration of military transportation documents, bookkeeping books, forms of military transportation documents and other materials are transferred to other persons who are temporarily appointed by order of the commander of the military unit for accounting, storage, registration of military transportation documents for this period.

As deploying persons responsible for accounting, storage, registration of military transportation documents, to the new place of military service, their dismissal, etc. The internal audit commission of the military unit is conducted to check for military transportation documents and other materials, and when the facts of the loss of the forms of military transportation documents are found, their illegal use is an extraordinary audit by a representative of military communications bodies.

The presence of military transportation documents when they are transmitted and revision is checked pols.

In the act of transferring military transportation documents, bookkeeping books and other documents indicate the number of unused, issued and spoiled forms of military transportation documents, their series and numbers, and in the audit act also indicate the number of lost forms of military transportation documents, their series and numbers.

Accounting and storage of the forms of military transportation documents are carried out by the financial bodies of military units with a reflection of them in the book on the accounting forms of strict reporting (form 448) *.
* Instructions for accounting in budgetary institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999 N 107n (registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 28, 2000, registration N 2064).

In the book on the accounting forms of strict reporting, facial accounts are open separately for each form of military transportation documents. Accounting is carried out by quantity, series and numbers of military transportation documents without specifying their value.

The issuance of books with forms of military transportation documents to those responsible for issuing military transportation documents are carried out by financial authorities on the invoice (requirement) of the established form.

For accounting, monitoring the movement, the number of issued (returned) forms of military transportation documents and the return of the military transportation documents used in the book on the accounting forms of strict reporting, separate personal accounts are opened on individuals responsible for issuing military transportation documents.

After using the books with the form of military transportation documents, the person responsible for their design will rent books with used forms into the financial body along with the report for the consumed forms and receive new books with forms for the current need.

The report for the consumed forms of military transportation documents should contain a register (list) of acquittal documents (extracts from orders of the commander of the military unit, vacation tickets, travel and other documents) confirming the legality of issuing and using military transportation documents issued under the report. "

8. In paragraphs 29, paragraphs, the first and third paragraph 31, 31 words "magazine accounting of strict reporting" shall be replaced by the words "book on the accounting of strict reporting forms" in the appropriate case.

9. Clause 33 adds the following contents by paragraphs:

"The heads of military communications on transport types are obliged to ensure the safety of used military transportation documents and commodity and transport documents.

All used military transportation documents are repaid by piercing under the number of hole hole hole. ".

10. Paragraph 35 supplement the third following paragraph:

"At the prefabricated items - citizens designed for military service;".

11. Paragraphs third - sixth paragraph 35 consider, respectively, the fourth paragraphs - seventh.

12. Paragraph Fourth of paragraph 35 shall be amended as follows:

"In the military commissariats - citizens sent to military units to conclude contracts for military service, sent to military education institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens who stay in a reserve, designed to military fees; officers designed to military service in accordance with the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation; officers, ensigns and Michmanam, dismissed from military service *; military personnel under military service at military departments in educational institutions of higher professional education; family members of military personnel, officers dismissed from military service, dead and dead servicemen in the cases provided for in this manual; ".
* Hereinafter in the text of this manual, if not specifically stipulated, understood:

under the officers dismisted from military service - officers dismissed from military service to achieve the limit age at military service, health state or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service in a preferential calculation is 20 years and more, and with the total duration of military service 25 years and more - regardless of the foundation of the dismissal;

under ensigns and Michmans, fired from military service, - ensigns and Michmans, dismissed from military service to achieve the limit age at military service, health state or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years and more.

13. In the seventh paragraph of paragraph 35, the words "in organizations employed in capital construction" shall be replaced by the words "at federal state unitary enterprises."

14. The second paragraph of paragraph 39 shall be amended as follows:

"From the place of residence to the location of the military unit, where they are sent to conclude a contract for the passage of military service, and back to the place of residence in case of nonconforming contract;".

15. Paragraph third paragraph 39 exclude.

16. Subparagraph "d" of paragraph 42 shall be amended as follows:

"D) a servicemen appointed to escort (conjunction) convicted to disciplinary military units arrested for adhesives, as well as suspects accused, defendants and convicted in military courts;".

17. Paragraph 45 to supplement the following content with paragraph:

"Servicemen undergoing military service under the contract in compounds and military units of constant readiness for posts to be completed by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders, and entered military service under the contract after January 1, 2004, military transportation documents for travel to the place of use of the main Holidays and back are not issued. The specified servicemen pays monetary compensation in the prescribed manner. ".

18. Subparagraph "d" of paragraph 48 to exclude.

19. Subclauses "E" and "F" of clause 48, respectively, "d" and "e".

20. Paragraph first subparagraph "A" of paragraph 56 after the word "separately" to the words "(with the exception of family members of military personnel, held by the military service under the compounds and military units of constant readiness for posts to be acquired by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders, and entered for military service under the contract after January 1, 2004.) ".

21. Clause 67 add the following content with paragraph:

"In cases where the husband and wife are military personnel for which various categories of travel are installed, one of the spouses military transportation documents are issued at the place of his service at his request in accordance with the reference category established for another spouse, based on the certificate of the established form of entered In the personal matter of the military personnel of his family, issued at the place of service of another spouse. ".

22. Subparagraph "D" of paragraph 71 shall be amended as follows:

"D) a military personnel conceded by a military court as suspects accused, defendants and convicts, as well as military personnel, constructed in a disciplinary military unit for serving a sentence of a military court sentence;".

23. Subparagraph "E" of paragraph 71 shall be amended as follows:

"E) a military personnel sent (escalated) on GaoupTahtu: a convicted military court to arrest with a content on GaupTrakhte, suspected, accused, defendants and convicted to the content in the disciplinary military unit or imprisonment in the absence of Gaupvakta at the postponement of the military unit."

24. In the fourth paragraph of paragraph 94, the words "interstate transport" should be replaced with the words "international transport".

25. In paragraph 95, the words "interstate post" should be replaced by the words "international communication".

26. In paragraph, the tenth of subparagraph "A" of paragraph 97 of the word "within the allowable loading time (unloading)" exclude.

27. Subparagraph "A" of clause 97 to supplement paragraphs by the sixteenth - twentieth following content:

"For flushing, disinfection and disinsection of cars after unloading;

for the transfer of arrows on the path of the branch owners when filing, cleaning cars;

for fixing the wagons brake shoes on the access roads of the branchowellers;

for filing, cleaning wagons for loading and unloading to common areas;

for removing the shut-off-sealing devices. ".

28. In paragraph 101, the words "costs associated with the use of wagons, federal railway transport containers beyond the permissible loading time (unloading), as well as" exclude.

29. In paragraphs, the fifth of paragraph 103, the second paragraph 104, the first and second paragraph 106, the word "loans" should be replaced by the words "budget funds".

30. In the paragraph five of paragraph 103, the first paragraph 105, the first of paragraph 106, the first paragraph 113 of the word "the main management of the military budget and financing" shall be replaced by the words "Main Financial and Economic Management" in the appropriate case.

31. Paragraph fifteenth paragraph 103 shall be amended as follows:

"In the annual applications of the main, central departments and managers of budgetary funds, the need for the limits of budget allocations allocated to centralized settlements for transportation, decorated on military transportation documents, as well as the need for funds allocated for transportation costs. At the same time, the annual applications of the military Districts include the need for all military units located on the territory of the Military District (including military units), in the limits of budget allocations allocated for centralized settlements for transportation, executed on military transportation documents, as well as the need for military community-funded military units in cash Funds for payment for work (services) provided for in paragraph 97 of this Guide, with intra-Russian and centralized transportation. ".

32. The first paragraph of paragraph 104 shall be amended as follows:

"104. The Central Office of Military Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the basis of the annual applications of the main, central departments and managers of budgetary funds constitutes a budget application for transportation costs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is to the main financial and economic management of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

33. The fourth paragraph of paragraph 106 shall be amended as follows:

"The species of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the birth of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the main and central administrations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - with the approval of their relevant chiefs.".

34. Paragraph fifth paragraph 106 exclude.

35. Paragraph six of paragraph 106 after the words "services" add the words "military district, military units of central subordination."

36. Paragraph 107 shall be amended as follows:

"107. Central Office of Military Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the basis of data on the amounts of acceptanced accounts of transport organizations and information on the volume of military transport, submitted by the Department of Military Messages on the types of transport, conducts operational accounting of cash and limits of budget allocations for transportation costs. ".

37. Paragraph 117 shall be amended as follows:

"117. Control over transportation costs and the use of military transportation documents is divided:

for preliminary (before performing financial and transport operations) - by checking and analyzing the annual applications of the species of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, childbirth forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main and central administrations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other documents in the preparation of the draft plan distributions of limits of budget allocations allocated to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on transportation costs for the planned year;

on the subsequent - through audit and checks of transportation costs and the use of military transportation documents on accounting and reporting data, profit-expendable and other documents, checking the actual availability of military transportation documents and their copies (roots), as well as checking transport documents submitted to pay for payment Made military transportation. ".

38. In the second paragraph of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 118 of the words "the main and central administrations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation," exclude.

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"Bulletin of regulatory acts
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Organization and procedure for the implementation of control over the use of military transportation documents, cash and transport when performing military transportation.

2. Military transportation documents are issued to military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families (close relatives), which has the right to travel and transport personal property by rail, air, water and automotive (with the exception of taxis) with public transport .

Military transportation documents are manufactured in the prescribed manner on orders for the Transport Security Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The requirement of form 1 - (to this leadership) for the design of passenger tickets to the fare of singularly followers, citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families (close relatives) and military teams by rail, air and water transport.

Form 1 requirements are issued for travel in direct futury post, and in the absence of a futility message - with the least number of transfers in accordance with the pointers of passenger routes in the shortest message, which are developed and sent by military units by the heads of military units of military districts, fleets. In the absence of a futury message, the form 1 requirements are issued for each pathway.

Requirements may be issued to travel to the site of vacation and back along the route that differs from the shortest. At the same time, the difference in the cost of the passage is paid by servicemen and members of their families at the office of the military unit as a cash flow recovery with the subsequent transfer of funds to the budget manager, which in a centralized manner produces calculations with transport organizations.

Requirement-overhead 2 - (to this leadership) for the design of military echelons, transport, cargo, guard, railway rolling stock, which is administered by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, sent to planned repairs and returning from repair, personal property of military personnel and their members families.

Overhead requirements 2 are drawn up both at the station station and at the destination station in accordance with the rules of registration of military transport and settlements for them, as well as to indicate the Transport Security Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The requirement of form 3 - (to this leadership) for the registration of passenger tickets to the fare of singularly followers, citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families (close relatives) and military teams automotive (with the exception of taxis) by transport, as well as for passenger registration Tickets for citizens dismissed from military service, family members (close relatives) of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service, railway and water transport in the suburban report. Requirements for Form 3 exchange passenger tickets in tickets of departure station (train stations) tickets.

4. Military transportation documents provide budgetary organizations in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in which military personnel and their family members have the right to travel and transport personal property at the expense of funds for transportation costs for the Ministry of Defense.

Military community services of military districts, fleets, Caspian flotilla, other military units by decision of the head of the Transport Security Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Military commissariants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, located on the territory of the relevant military district (by decision of the military commissions of military districts - military commissariants of districts, cities without a regional division or other, equal, municipal (administrative-territorial) education);

E) associations and compounds (except Navy) provide military units included in their composition and stationed in the territory of the same district as the headquarters of these associations, compounds;