Repairs Design Furniture

Fri 80 100 130 13 Description. Operating a steam turbine. Enthalpy couple from valve rod seals

  • Tutorial

Preface to the first part

Modeling steam turbines - the daily task of hundreds of people in our country. Instead of the word model Taken to say consumables. The steam turbine consumables are used in solving such tasks as calculating the specific consumption of conditional fuel into electricity and heat produced by the CHP; optimization of the CHP operation; Planning and maintenance of CHP regimes.

I have been developed new consumables steam turbine - Linearized steam turbine consumables. The developed expenditure characteristic is convenient and effective in solving these tasks. However, it is currently described only in two scientific papers:

  1. Optimization of the work of the CHP in the conditions of the wholesale electricity market and the power of Russia;
  2. Computational methods for determining the specific expenditures of conditional fuel CHP on the electrical and thermal energy released in the combined production mode.

And now I would like to me in my blog:

  • first, a simple and accessible language to answer the main questions about the new expenditure characteristic (see the linearized consumables of the steam turbine. Part 1. Basic issues);
  • secondly, to provide an example of building a new expenditure characteristic, which will help to understand and in the construction method, and in the characteristics properties (see below);
  • thirdly, refute the two known statements regarding the mode of operation of the steam turbine (see the linearized consumables of the steam turbine. Part 3. We are developing myths about the work of the steam turbine).

1. Source data

The source data for the construction of a linearized expenditure characteristic may be

  1. the actual values \u200b\u200bof the capacities q 0, n, q n, q t measured during the functioning of the steam turbine,
  2. nonograms Q t grotto from regulatory and technical documentation.
Of course, the actual instantaneous values \u200b\u200bof Q 0, N, Q P, Q T are ideal source data. Collection of such time consuming.

In cases where the actual values \u200b\u200bof Q 0, N, Q P, q t are unavailable, you can process the nomograms Q with gross. They, in turn, were obtained on the basis of measurements. Read more about TURBIN Tests Read in Gunshtein V.M. and etc. Methods for optimization of power system modes.

2. Algorithm for constructing linearized expenditure characteristics

The construction algorithm consists of three steps.

  1. Translation of nomograms or measurement results in a tabular view.
  2. Linearization of the consumables of the steam turbine.
  3. Determining the boundaries of the adjusting range of the steam turbine.

When working with nomograms Q t grotto, the first step is carried out quickly. Such work is called digitizing (Digitizing). Digitization 9 nomograms for the current example I took about 40 minutes.

The second and third step requires the use of mathematical packages. I love and for many years I use Matlab. My example of constructing a linearized expenditure characteristic is performed in it. An example can be downloaded by reference, run and independently understand the method of constructing a linearized consumables.

The consuming characteristic for the turbine under consideration was built for the following fixed values \u200b\u200bof the mode parameters:

  • single-stage mode of operation,
  • medium pressure pair pressure \u003d 13 kgf / cm2,
  • low pressure steam pressure \u003d 1 kgf / cm2.

1) Nomogram Specific Flow Q T Grosstto To generate electricity (marked red dots digitized - transferred to the table):

  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_0_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_100_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_120_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_140_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_150_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_20_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_40_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_60_digit.png,
  • Pt80_qt_qm_eq_80_digit.png.

2) The result of digitization (Each CSV file corresponds to the PNG file):

  • Pt-80_qm_eq_0.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_100.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_120.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_140.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_150.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_20.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_40.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_60.csv,
  • Pt-80_qm_eq_80.csv.

3) Matlab script With the calculations and the construction of graphs:


4) The result of digitizing nomograms and the result of building a linearized expenditure characteristic Table form:


Step 1. Translation of nomograms or measurement results in a tabular view

1. Processing of source data

The source data for our example is the nomograms Q t grotto.

To transfer to a digital form of multiple nomograms, a special tool is needed. I have repeatedly used the Web application for these purposes. The application is simple, convenient, but does not have sufficient flexibility to automate the process. Part of the work has to be done manually.

At this step, it is important to digitize the extreme points of the nomograms, which set the boundaries of the adjusting range of the steam turbine.

The work was to noted in each PNG file using the application to mark the consumables, download the received CSV and collect all the data in one table. The resulting digitization can be found in the PT-80-LINEAR-CHARACTERISTIC-CURVE.xLSX file, the "PT-80" sheet, the source data table.

2. Bringing units of measurement to power units

$$ display $$ \\ begin (equation) Q_0 \u003d \\ FRAC (Q_T \\ CDOT N) (1000) + Q_P + Q_T \\ QQuad (1) \\ END (Equation) $$ DISPLAY $$

and give all the initial values \u200b\u200bto MW. Calculations are implemented by means of MS Excel.

The resulting table "The initial data (unit. Power)" is the result of the first step of the algorithm.

Step 2. Linearization of the consumables of the steam turbine

1. Checking Matlab

At this step you need to install and open Matlab versions not lower than 7.3 (this is an old version, current 8.0). In Matlab Open the PT_80_LINEAR_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE.M file, run it and make sure that work. Everything works correctly if you saw the following message on the command line to start the script on the command prompt:

Values \u200b\u200bare read from the PT_80_LINEAR_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE.XLSX file for 1 s Coefficients: a (n) \u003d 2.317, a (Qc) \u003d 0.621, a (Qt) \u003d 0.255, a0 \u003d 33.874 Average error \u003d 0.006, (0.57%) Number of adjustment bandpoints \u003d 37.

If you have errors, we will understand yourself how to fix them.

2. Calculations

All calculations are implemented in the PT_80_LINEAR_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE.M file. Consider it in parts.

1) Specify the name of the source file, the sheet, the range of cells containing the table "Initial data obtained in the previous step" Source data (units) ".

XLSFILENAME \u003d "PT_80_LINEAR_CHARACTIC_CURVE.XLSX"; Xlssheetname \u003d "pt-80"; XLSRANGE \u003d "F3: I334";

2) We consider the initial data in MATLAB.

sourcedata \u003d xlsread (xlsfilename, xlssheetname, xlsrange); N \u003d sourcedata (: 1); Qm \u003d sourcedata (: 2); Ql \u003d sourcedata (: 3); Q0 \u003d sourcedata (: 4); fprintf ("values \u200b\u200bare read from file% s in% 1.0f s \\ n", XLSFILENAME, TOC);

Use the QM variable to consume the medium pressure steam Q n, index m. from middle - middle; Similarly, use the QL variable to consume the low pressure steam q n, index l. from low. - Low.

3) We define the coefficients α i.

Recall the general formula of the expenditure characteristics

$$ display $$ \\ begin (equation) q_0 \u003d f (n, q_p, q_t) \\ qquad (2) \\ end (equation) $$ DISPLAY $$

and specify independent (x_digit) and dependent (y_digit) variables.

x_digit \u003d; % Electricity N, industrial pairs QP, reference pairs qt, unit vector y_digit \u003d q0; % Capure of acute pair q0

If it is not clear to you, why in the x_digit matrix, a single vector (the last column), then read the materials on linear regression. On the topic of regression analysis, I recommend the book Draper N., Smith H. AppLied Regression Analysis. NEW YORK: Wiley, In Press, 1981. 693 p. (There is in Russian).

Equation of the linearized consumables steam turbine

$$ display $$ \\ begin (equation) q_0 \u003d \\ alpha_n \\ cdot n + \\ alpha_p \\ cdot q_p + \\ alpha_t \\ cdot q_t + \\ alpha_0 \\ qquad (3) \\ end (equation $$ DISPLAY $$

it is a model of multiple linear regression. The coefficients α i define with "Big Bogle of Civilization" - Method of smallest squares. Separately, I note that the method of least squares is designed by Gauss in 1795.

In Matlab it is done by one line.

A \u003d regress (y_digit, x_digit); fprintf ("coefficients: a (n) \u003d% 4.3F, a (qu) \u003d% 4.3F, a (qt) \u003d% 4.3F, a0 \u003d% 4.3F \\ n", ... a);

The variable A contains the desired coefficients (see the message in the MATLAB command line).

Thus, the resulting linearized expenditure characteristic of the PT-80 steam turbine has the form

$$ display $$ \\ begin (equation) Q_0 \u003d 2.317 \\ CDOT N + 0.621 \\ CDOT Q_P + 0.255 \\ CDOT Q_T + 33.874 \\ QQUAD (4) \\ END $$ DISPLAY $$

4) We estimate the linearization error of the resulting expenditure characteristic.

y_model \u003d x_digit * a; ERR \u003d ABS (Y_MODEL - Y_DIGIT). / Y_DIGIT; fprintf ("average error \u003d% 1.3F, (% 4.2F %%) \\ N \\ n", Mean (ERR), MEAN (ERR) * 100);

Linearization error is 0.57% (See the MATLAB command line).

To assess the convenience of using the linearized consumables of the steam turbine, we solve the problem of calculating the consumption of high-pressure steam Q 0 with known load values \u200b\u200bn, q p, q t.

Let n \u003d 82.3 MW, q n \u003d 55.5 MW, Q T \u003d 62.4 MW, then

$$ display $$ \\ begin (equation) Q_0 \u003d 2.317 \\ CDOT 82.3 + 0.621 \\ CDOT 55,5 + 0.255 \\ CDOT 62,4 + 33.874 \u003d 274,9 \\ QQUAD (5) \\ END (Equation) $$ DISPLAY $$.

Let me remind you that the average calculation error is 0.57%.

Let's go back to the question than the linearized consumables of the steam turbine is fundamentally more convenient than the nomogram of the specific consumption of the combat of electricity to the production of electricity? To understand the principal difference in practice, solve two tasks.

  1. Calculate the value of Q 0 with the specified accuracy using nomograms and your eyes.
  2. Automate the calculation process Q 0 using nomograms.

Obviously, in the first task, the definition of the values \u200b\u200bof q t gross to the eye is fraught with rude errors.

Second task cumbersome for automation. Insofar as values \u200b\u200bof q t grotto nonlinearFor such automation, the number of digitized points is ten times larger than in the current example. One digitization is not enough, it is also necessary to implement the algorithm interpolation (finding values \u200b\u200bbetween points) of nonlinear gross values.

Step 3. Determining the boundaries of the adjusting range of the steam turbine

1. Calculations

To calculate the adjusting range, we use the other "The benefit of civilization" - Method of convex shell, convex hull.

In Matlab, this is as follows.

indexch \u003d convhull (N, QM, QL, "Simplify", True); index \u003d unique (indexch); REGRANGE \u003d; REGRANGEQ0 \u003d * A; fprintf ("The number of boundary points of the adjustment range \u003d% d \\ n \\ n", Size (index, 1));

Convhull () method determines control Range Pointsspecified by the values \u200b\u200bof variables N, Qm, Ql. The IndexC variable contains the vertices of triangles built using Delon triangulation. The REGRANGE variable contains the adjusting range points; Variable REGRANGEQ0 - high-pressure steam consumption values \u200b\u200bfor the boundary points of the adjustment range.

The result of the calculations can be found in the PT_80_LINEAR_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE.xLSX file, the "PT-80-RESULT" sheet, the "adjusting range" table.

Linearized expenditure characteristic is built. It is a formula and 37 points specifying the boundaries (shell) of the adjustment range in the corresponding table.

2. Check

When automating the calculation processes Q 0, it is necessary to check whether a certain point with the values \u200b\u200bof N, Q P, Q T ins inside the adjusting range or beyond it (I do not technically implement mode). In Matlab it can be done as follows.

We specify the values \u200b\u200bof N, Q P, Q T that we want to check.

n \u003d 75; qm \u003d 120; Ql \u003d 50;


IN1 \u003d INPOLYGON (N, QM, REGRANGE (: 1), REGRANGE (: 2)); IN2 \u003d INPOLYGON (QL, REGRANGE (: 2), REGRANGE (: 3)); in \u003d in1 && in2; if in fprintf ("point n \u003d% 3.2f MW, QP \u003d% 3.2F MW, qt \u003d% 3.2F MW is inside the adjusting range \\ n", n, qm, ql); ELSE FPRINTF ("Point n \u003d% 3.2F MW, QP \u003d% 3.2F MW, qt \u003d% 3.2F MW is located outside the adjustment range (technically unacciable) \\ n", n, qm, ql); End.

Check is carried out in two steps:

  • the variable IN1 shows whether the values \u200b\u200bof N, q n were inside the projection of the shell on the axis n, q n;
  • similarly, the variable In2 shows whether the values \u200b\u200bof Q p, Q T inside the projection of the shell on the axis Q n, q t.

If both variables are equal to 1 (true), then the desired point is inside the shell defining the adjusting range of the steam turbine.

Illustration of the resulting linearized steam turbine

Most "The generous benefits of civilization" We went to the illustration of the results of calculations.

It must be previously said that the space in which we build graphs, i.e. the space with the axes x - n, y - q t, z - q 0, w - q n, call regime space (see optimization of the work of the CHP in the conditions of the wholesale electricity and power market of Russia

). Each point of this space determines some mode of operation of the steam turbine. The mode may be

  • technically realizable if the point is inside the shell defining the adjusting range,
  • technically not realizable if the point is outside of this shell.

If we talk about the condensation mode of the steam turbine (q n \u003d 0, q t \u003d 0), then linearized expenditure characteristic represents cut straight. If we talk about the T-type turbine, then the linearized expenditure characteristic is flat polygon in three-dimensional regime space with axes x - n, y - q t, z - q 0, which is easy to visualize. For a PT-type turbine, visualization is the most difficult, since the linearized expenditure characteristic of such a turbine represents flat polygon in four-dimensional space (clarification and examples, see optimization of the CHP operation in the conditions of the Wholesale electricity and power market of Russia, section Linearization of the expenditure characteristics of the turbine).

1. Illustration of the resulting linearized steam turbine

We construct the table values \u200b\u200b"The initial data (units)" in the mode space.

Fig. 3. Source points of the consuming characteristic in the mode space with axes X - N, Y - Q T, Z - Q 0

Since we cannot construct the dependence in the four-dimensional space, to such a good of civilization have not yet reached, we operate with the values \u200b\u200bof q p as follows: we exclude them (Fig. 3), fix (Fig. 4) (see the code for building graphs in MATLAB).

Fix the value Q n \u003d 40 MW and construct the source points and the linearized expenditure characteristic.

Fig. 4. Source Points of Consumables (Blue Points), Linearized Consumables (Green Flat Polygon)

Let us return to the formula of a linearized expenditure characteristic (4). If you fix q n \u003d 40 MW MW, then the formula will be viewed

$$ display $$ \\ begin (equation) Q_0 \u003d 2.317 \\ CDOT N + 0.255 \\ CDOT Q_T + 58.714 \\ QQUAD (6) \\ END (Equation) $$ DISPLAY $$

This model sets a flat polygon in three-dimensional space with axes x - n, y - q t, z - Q 0 by analogy with a T-type turbine (we are visible in Fig. 4).

Many years ago, when the nomograms of q t groutto were developed, at the initial data analysis stage made a fundamental error. Instead of applying the method of least squares and the construction of a linearized consumables of a steam turbine on an unknown reason, a primitive calculation was made:

$$ display $$ \\ begin (equation) Q_0 (n) \u003d Q_E \u003d Q_0 - Q_T - Q_P \\ QQuad (7) \\ End (Equation) $$ DISPLAY $$

Spending high pressure steam drops Q 0 Costs of vapor q T, Q P and attributed the obtained difference Q 0 (n) \u003d q e at the production of electricity. The resulting value of Q 0 (n) \u003d q e was divided into N and transferred to Kcal / kWh, having obtained the specific consumption of q t groutto. This calculation does not comply with the laws of thermodynamics.

Dear readers, maybe it is you know an unknown cause? Share it!

2. Illustration of the steam turbine adjustment range

Let's see the sheath of the adjusting range in the mode space. Source points for its construction are presented in Fig. 5. These are the same points that we see in Fig. 3, but the parameter Q 0 is now excluded.

Fig. 5. Source points of the consuming characteristic in the mode space with the axes x - n, y - q n, z - q t

Many points in fig. 5 is convex. Applying the convexhull () function, we defined the points that set the outer shell of this set.

Triangulation Delone (A set of linked triangles) allows us to build a shell of the adjustment range. The vertices of the triangles are the boundary values \u200b\u200bof the adjusting range of the PT-80 steam turbine under consideration.

Fig. 6. The shell of the adjustment range represented by many triangles

When we recorded a certain point on the subject of entering the adjusting range, then we checked whether this point is inside or outside the shell obtained.

All graphs presented above are built by MATLAB (see PT_80_LINEAR_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE.M).

Perspective tasks related to the analysis of the work of the steam turbine using a linearized expenditure characteristic

If you make a diploma or dissertation, then I can offer you several tasks, the scientific novelty of which you can easily prove to the whole world. In addition, you will make excellent and useful work.

Task 1.

Show how the flat polygon will change when the pressure of the low pressure steam is changed.

Task 2.

Show how the flat polygon will change when the pressure changes in the condenser.

Task 3.

Check whether it is possible to represent the coefficients of the linearized flow rate in the form of functions of additional parameters of the mode, namely:

$$ DISPLAY $$ \\ begin (equation) \\ alpha_n \u003d f (p_ (0), ...); \\\\ \\ alpha_p \u003d f (p_ (n), ...); \\\\ \\ alpha_t \u003d f (p_ (t), ...); \\\\ \\ alpha_0 \u003d f (p_ (2), ...). \\ Equation $$ DISPLAY $$

Here p 0 is a pressure of a high pressure steam, P p - pressure of a medium pressure steam, P T is a pressure of a low pressure steam, P 2 is the pressure of the spent steam in the condenser, all units of measuring kgf / cm2.

Justify the result.


Chucheva I.A., Inkina N.E. Optimization of the operation of the CHP in the conditions of the wholesale electricity market and the capacity of Russia // Science and Education: Scientific publication MSTU them. AD Bauman. 2015. № 8. P. 195-238.

  • Section 1. Subtractative setting of the problem of optimizing the work of the CHP in Russia
  • Section 2. Linearization of the Consumables of the Turbine
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Comprehensive Modernization of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 steam turbine

The purpose of modernization is to increase the electrical and heat-power power of the turbine with an increase in the economy of turbo installation. Modernization in the scope of the main option lies in the installation of cellular nadurbant seals of the CLAS and the replacement of the flow part of the average pressure with the manufacture of a new ND rotor in order to increase the CSD bandwidth to 383 tons / h. At the same time, the pressure regulation range in the production selection is preserved, the maximum steam consumption into the capacitor does not change.
Replaced nodes when upgrading a turbine unit in the main option:

  • Installation of cellular supbanda seals 1-17 Stages of FLOLD;
  • CSD guide apparatus;
  • The saddle of the RK CSD of a larger throughput with the improvement of steam boxes of the upper half of the CSD case under the installation of new covers;
  • Regulating valves of the SD and the cam-diverboard;
  • The diaphragms of 19-27 stages of the CESD, equipped with superband honeycomb seals and sealing rings with twisted springs;
  • Rotor of the SND with installed new working blades 18-27 stages of CESD with solid-fledged bandages;
  • Closure diaphragm №1, 2, 3;
  • Owlock of front end seals and sealing rings with twisted springs;
  • Natural discs 28, 29, 30 steps are maintained in accordance with the existing design, which reduces the costs of modernization (subject to the use of old nasadnye disks).
In addition, in the amount of the main option, it is planned to install in visors of the cellular superstabanda seals 1-17 of the FLVD steps with welding of sealing mustows on the bandages of workers blades.

As a result of the upgrade on the main option, the following is achieved:

  1. Increasing the maximum electrical power of the turbine to 110 MW and the power of the heat selection to 168.1 Gcal / h, due to the reduction of industrial selection.
  2. Ensuring reliable and maneuverable work of turbine installation on all operational modes of operation, including with minimally possible pressures in industrial and heat selections.
  3. Increasing the indicators of the turbo system;
  4. Ensuring the stability of the achieved technical and economic indicators during the frenetic period.

The effect of modernization in the scope of the main offer:

Termagregate modes Electrical power, MW Steam consumption on the heat change, t / h Steam consumption for production, t / h



Maximum power

With maximum
with heat selection

Increase CPD CSD

An increase in the efficiency of the CCD

Additional offers (options) on modernization

  • Modernization of the rope of the regulating stage of the FLOLD with the installation of superbanding cellular seals
  • Installation of the diaphragms of the last steps with tangential bulk
  • High-fermmetic seals of rods of regulating valves CLAD

Effect of upgrading on additional options

p / P.



Modernization of the rope of the regulating stage of the FLOLD with the installation of superbanding cellular seals

Increased power by 0.21-0.24 MW
- Enhance the efficiency of FVD 0.3-0.4%
- Improving the reliability of work

Ostations Turbin

Installation of the diaphragms of the last steps with tangential bulk

Condensation mode:
- Increased power by 0.76 MW
- Increased CPD CSD 2.1%

Seal of rotary diaphragm

Increasing the efficiency of turbo installation when working in mode with a fully closed rotary diaphragm 7 Gcal / hour

Replacing Tweedbanda Seals FLOLD and CSD on cellular

Increasing the efficiency of cylinders (FVT 1.2-1.4%, CSDs by 1%);
- increasing power (CVD at 0.6-0.9 MW, CSDD by 0.2 MW);
- improving the reliability of the work of turbo units;
- ensuring the stability of the achieved technical and economic
indicators during the frequency period;
- ensuring reliable, without reducing the efficiency of work
Supported seals FLOLD and CSD in transition modes,
including With emergency breaks of turbines.

Replacing control valves CVD

Increased power by 0.02-0.11 MW
- Enhance the efficiency of FLGT 0.12%
- Improving the reliability of work

Installing cellular terminal seals CND

Elimination of air suits through end seals
- Improving the reliability of the turbine
- Increased turbine efficiency
- Stability of the achieved technical and economic indicators
During the entire frequency period
- Reliable, without reducing the efficiency of terminal
CND seals in transition modes, incl. in emergency
Ostations Turbin


Thermal steam turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 with industrial and heating steam selections is designed for direct drive of the TVF-120-2 electric generator with a rotation frequency of 50 rev / s and heat leave for the needs of production and heating.

Power, MW.

nominal 80.

maximum 100.

Nominal parameters of the para

pressure, MPa 12.8

temperature, 0 from 555

Consumption of the pair of production needs, t / h

nominal 185.

maximum 300.

top 0.049-0,245

lower 0.029-0,098.

Production selection pressure 1.28

Water temperature, 0 s

nutritious 249.

cooling 20.

Cooling water consumption, t / h 8000

The turbine has the following steam adjustable selections:

an absolute pressure production (1.275 ± 0.29) MPa and two heating selections are the upper with absolute pressure in the range of 0.049-0.245 MPa and the lower pressure within 0.029-0.098 MPa. The pressure control of the heating selection is performed using one control aperture installed in the upper heating selection chamber. Adjustable pressure in heating selections is supported: in the upper selection - with both heating selections included in both heating selections, in the lower selection - with the same lower heating selection included. Network water through the network heaters of the lower and upper steps of heating should be passed in series and in the same amounts. Water consumption passing through network heaters should be monitored.

The turbine is a single two-cylinder unit. The flowing part of the FLOP has a simply adjusting stage and 16 pressure steps.

The flow part of the CND consists of three parts:

the first (to the upper heating selection) has an adjusting stage and 7 pressure steps,

the second (between heating selections) two stages of pressure,

the third is an adjusting step and two pressure steps.

High pressure solo-rotor. The first ten disks of the low pressure rotor are reached at the same time with the shaft, the remaining three disks are onsens.

Turbine steam distribution - nozzle. At the outlet of the CLAS, part of the pair goes to the adjustable production selection, the rest is sent to the CND. Heating selections are carried out from the corresponding CND cameras.

To reduce the time of warming up and improving the launch conditions, steam heating of flanges and studs and a fitting of acute steam on the front sealing of the FLA are provided.

The turbine is equipped with a grinding device, rotating a turbine march with a frequency of 3.4 rpm.

The turbine blade apparatus is designed to work at a network frequency of 50 Hz, which corresponds to the rotor speed of the rotor of the turbine unit 50 rev / s (3000 rpm). Long operation of the turbine is allowed when the frequency deviations in the network is 49.0-50.5 Hz.

3.3.5 PARROTURBINING INSTALLATION R-50 / 60-130 / 13-2

A steam turbine with a backpressure of P-50 / 60-130 / 13-2 is designed to drive an electric TVF-63-2 generator with a rotation frequency of 50 s -1 and a steam vacation for production needs.

The nominal values \u200b\u200bof the main parameters of the turbine are shown below:

Power, MW.

Nominal 52,7

Maximum 60.

Initial pair parameters

Pressure, MPa 12.8

Temperature, o 555

Pressure in the exhaust pipe, MPa 1.3

The turbine has two unregulated selection of steam, intended for heating the nutrient water in high pressure heaters.

Turbine design:

The turbine is a single-cylinder unit with a simply adjusting step and 16 pressure steps. All rotor discs are revealed at the same shaft. Far distribution of a turbine with a crossing. Fresh steam is summarized to a separate steam box, in which the automatic shutter valve is located, from where the pairs of overproof pipes come to the four control valves.

The turbine blade apparatus is designed to work at a frequency of 3000 revolutions per minute. Long operation of the turbine is allowed when the frequency deviations in the network 49.0-50.5 Hz

The turbine unit is equipped with protective devices for a joint disconnection of the PVD while turning on the input line of the signal. Atmospheric diaphragm closers mounted on exhaust pipes and opening pressure in nozzles up to 0.12 MPa.

3.3.6 Paroturban installation T-110 / 120-130 / 13

T-110 / 120-130 / 13 heat turbine with heating steam heating is designed for direct drive of an electric TVF-120-2 electric generator with a rotational speed of 50 rev / s and heat leave for the needs of heating.

The nominal values \u200b\u200bof the main parameters of the turbine are shown below.

Power, MW.

nominal 110.

maximum 120.

Nominal parameters of the para

pressure, MPa 12.8

temperature, 0 from 555

nominal 732.

maximum 770.

Limits of changing the pressure of steam in an adjustable heating selection, MPa

top 0.059-0,245

lower 0.049-0.196

Water temperature, 0 s

nutritious 232.

cooling 20.

Cooling water consumption, t / h 16000

Couple pressure in condenser, kPa 5.6

The turbine has two heating selections - lower and upper, intended for step heating of the network water. With a stepped heating of the network water with a ferry of two heating selections, adjustment supports the predetermined temperature of the network water behind the upper network heater. When heating the network water with one bottom heating selection, the temperature of the power water is maintained behind the lower network heater.

The pressure in adjustable heating selections may vary within the following limits:

in the upper 0.059 - 0.245 MPa at two heating selections included,

in the lower 0.049 - 0.196 MPa with the top heating selection turned off.

The T-110 / 120-130 / 13 turbine is a single unit consisting of three cylinders: CID, CSD, CND.

The FVD is single-threaded, has a two-vent control stage and 8 pressure steps. High-pressure solid rotor.

CSD is also single-threaded, has 14 pressure steps. The first 8 discs The average pressure rotor is reached at the same time with the shaft, the remaining 6 ones. The guide apparatus of the first stage of the CSD is installed in the housing, the remaining diaphragms are installed in the clip.

CND - two-way, has two steps in each left and right rotation stream (one regulating and one pressure stage). The length of the working blade of the last stage is 550 mm, the average diameter of the impeller of this stage is 1915 mm. Low pressure rotor has 4 outside disk.

In order to facilitate the launch of a turbine from a hot state and increase its maneuverability while working under load, the temperature of the steam of the FED in the penultimate front seal chamber is increased by mixing the hot steam from the rods of regulating valves or from the main steam line. From the last compartments of the sealing, the steam-air mixture is sucked by an ejector of suction from seals.

To reduce the heating time and improving the launching conditions of the turbine, steam heating of flanges and studs of the FLOLD is provided.

The turbine blade apparatus is designed to work at a network frequency of 50 Hz, which corresponds to the rotor speed of the rotor of the turbine unit 50 rev / s (3000 rpm).

Long operation of the turbine is allowed when the frequency deviations in the network is 49.0-50.5 Hz. In case of emergency situations, a short-term operation of the turbine is allowed at a network frequency below 49 Hz, but not lower than 46.5 Hz (time is indicated in technical specifications).

Information about the work "Modernization of Almaty CHPP-2 by changing the water-chemical mode of a system of preparing water preparation in order to increase the temperature of the network water to 140-145 s.


With a capacity of 80 MW.

Steam condensation turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 (Fig. 1) with adjustable steam selection (manufacturing and two-stage heat) with a rated power of 80 MW, with a rotational speed of 3000 rpm. It is designed for direct drive of an AC generator 120 MW type TVF-120-2 when working in a block with a boiler unit.

The turbine has a regenerative device for heating nutrient water, network heaters for stepped heating of the network water and should work in conjunction with a condensing unit (Fig. 2).

The turbine is designed to work with the following basic parameters, which are presented in Table 1.

The turbine has adjustable selection of steam: production with a pressure of 13 ± 3 kgf / cm 2 abs.; Two heat selection (for heating the power water): upper with a pressure of 0.5-2.5 kgf / cm 2 abs.; Low-0.3-1 kgf / cm 2 abs.

Pressure control is carried out using one control diaphragm installed in the lower heat selection chamber.

Adjustable pressure in the heat selection is maintained: in the upper selection with the included two heat sections, in the lower - with the ones included with one lower heating selection.

The heated nutrient water is carried out sequentially in the PND, deaerator and PVD, which feed on the ferry from the selections of the turbine (adjustable and unregulated).

Data on regenerative seborarations are shown in Table. 2 and meet the parameters for all indicators.

Table 1 Table 2


Steam parameters in the selection chamber

numberpotted Couple, t / h

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 abs.

Temperature, s.

PVD number 6.


PND number 2.

PND number 1.

Nutrient water coming from Deaerator to the regenerative turbine system, has a temperature of 158 ° C.

Under the nominal parameters of fresh steam, the cooling water flow is 8000 m 3 h, the cooling water temperature is 20 ° C, fully incorporated regeneration, the amount of water heated in the PVD, equal to 100% steam flow, during the operation of the turbo system according to the scheme with DeaErator 6 kgf / cm 2 abs. With a stepped heating of the network water, with the full use of the turbine bandwidth and the minimum pair pass to the capacitor, the following values \u200b\u200bof adjustable selections can be taken: the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the adjustable selections with a power of 80 MW; production selection 185 t / h at a pressure of 13 kgf / cm 2 abs.; Total heat selection 132 t / h at pressures: in the upper selection of 1 kgf / cm 2 abs. and in the lower selection of 0.35 kgf / cm 2 abs.; The maximum value of the production selection at a pressure in the selection chamber 13 kgf / cm 2 abs. is 300 t / h; With this magnitude of the production selection and the absence of heat intake, the turbine power will be 70 MW; At rated power of 80 MW and the absence of heat selections, the maximum production selection will be about 245 t / h; The maximum total amount of heat selections is 200 t / h; With this magnitude of the selection and absence of industrial selection, the power will be about 76 MW; At rated power of 80 MW and the absence of production selection, the maximum heat selections will be 150 t / h. In addition, the rated power of 80 MW can be achieved at the maximum heat selection 200 t / h and the production selection of 40 t / h.

The long-term operation of the turbine is allowed under the following deviations of the main parameters from the nominal: pressure of fresh steam 125-135 kgf / cm 2 abs.; Fresh pair temperatures 545-560 ° C; increase the cooling water temperature at the inlet to the condenser to 33 ° C and the flow rate of the cooling water of 8000 m 3 h; Simultaneous decrease in the magnitude of the production and thermal selections of steam to zero.

With increasing pressure of fresh steam to 140 kgf / cm 2 ABS. and temperatures up to 565 ° C is allowed to work the turbine for no more than 30 minutes, and the total duration of the turbine under these parameters should not exceed 200 hours per year.

The long operation of the turbine with a maximum power of 100 MW with certain combinations of industrial and thermal selections depends on the size of the selections and is determined by the diagram of the modes.

The operation of the turbine is not allowed: at a steam pressure in a production selection chamber above 16 kgf / cm 2 ABS. and in the chamber of the heat selection above 2.5 kgf / cm 2 abs.; With a steam pressure in the chamber of the transshipment valve (for the 4th stage) above 83 kgf / cm 2 abs.; With a steam pressure in the chamber of the regulating wheel of the CND (for the 18th stage) above 13.5 kgf / cm 2 abs.; with the included pressure and pressure regulators in the production selection chamber below 10 kgf / cm 2 abs., and in the lower heat selection chamber below 0.3 kgf / cm 2 abs.; on the exhaust to the atmosphere; The temperature of the exhaust of the turbine is above 70 ° C; by temporary unfinished installation scheme; With the top well, with the downstream heat selection turned on.

The turbine is equipped with a grinding device rotating the turbine rotor.

The turbine spawn unit is designed to work at a network frequency of 50 Hz (3000 rpm).

Long-term operation of the turbine is allowed with network frequency deviations in the range of 49-50.5 Hz, short-term operation with a minimum frequency of 48.5 Hz, starting the turbine on the sliding parameters of steam from cold and hot states.

The estimated duration of the turbine launches from various thermal states (from the shock to the nominal load): from the cold state-5 hours; After 48 hours, idle-3 h. 40 min; After 24 hours, idle 2 h 30 min; After 6-8 hours of idle - 1 h 15 min.

The operation of the turbine is allowed at idle after the load discharge is not more than 15 minutes, subject to cooling the condenser with circulation water and a fully open rotary diaphragm.

Warranty heat expenses. In tab. 3 shows the warranty specific heat costs. The specific steam consumption is guaranteed with a tolerance of 1% over tolerance for test accuracy.

Table 3.

Power on the terminals of the generator, MW

Production selection


The temperature of the power water at the entrance to the power heater, PSG 1, ° C

CPD generator,%

The temperature of heating of nutrient water, ° С

Specific heat consumption, kcal / kWh

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 abs.

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 abs.

Number of pair of selected, t / h

* Single pressure regulators are turned off.

Turbine design. The turbine is a single two-cylinder unit. The flowing part of the FLOP has a simply adjusting stage and 16 pressure steps.

The flow part of the CND consists of three parts: the first (to the upper heat selection) has an adjusting stage and seven pressure steps, the second (between the heat sections) has two pressure steps and the third has a regulating stage and two pressure steps.

High-pressure solid rotor. The first ten disks of the low pressure rotor are reached at the same time with the shaft, the remaining three disks are onsens.

Rotors FED and CNDs are connected to each other with the help of flanges discharged at the same time with rotors. The CND Rotors and the TWF-120-2 type generator are connected by means of a rigid coupling.

Critical numbers of revolutions of the turbine and generator curb: 1 580; 2214; 2470; 4650 correspond to I, II, III and IV transverse oscillation tones.

The turbine has a nozzle steam distribution. Fresh steam is fed to a separate steam box, in which the automatic shutter is located, from where the steam pipes arrive at the turbine regulating valves.

Upon exit from the FLOD, part of the pair goes to an adjustable production selection, the rest is sent to the CND.

The heat seals are carried out from the corresponding CND cameras. Upon comes from the last steps of the CND turbine, the spent pairs falls into the surface type condenser.

The turbine is equipped with steam labyrinth seals. In the penultimate compaction compartments, steam is fed at a pressure of 1.03-1.05 kgf / cm 2 abs. The temperature is about 140 ° C from the collector feed on the ferry from the deaerator equation line (6 kgf / cm 2 abs.) or steam space of the tank.

From the extreme compartments of seals, the steam-air mixture is sucked by an ejector into a vacuum cooler.

The turbine ficnopte is located on the turbine frame from the generator, and the unit is expanding towards the front bearing.

To reduce the time of warming up and improving the launch conditions, steam heating of flanges and studs and a fitting of acute steam on the front sealing of the FLA are provided.

Regulation and protection. The turbine is equipped with a hydraulic regulatory system (Fig. 3);

1- power limiter; 2-block of spools of the speed controller; 3-remote control; 4-servomotor automatic shutter; 5-regulator of rotation frequency; 6-security regulator; 7-spools safety regulator; 8-distance servomotor position indicator; 9-servomotor Chvd; 10-servomotor CSD; 11-servomotor Cund; 12-electro-hydraulic converter (EGP); 13-summing spools; 14-emergency electric pump; 15-standby lubrication electric pump; 16-launcher electric pump control system (AC);

I.-Nop line 20 kgf / cm 2 abs.II.-Ronia to the spool of the CVD servomotor;III-Ronia to the spool of the servomotor h "SD; IV-line to a spoolat the servomotor Cund; V-line suction of the centrifugal main pump; Vi-line lubrication to oil coolers; VII line to automatic shutter; VIIII line from summing spools to the speed controller; IX-line of additional protection; X- Other lines.

Working fluid in the system is mineral oil.

The permutation of the adjusting intake valves of fresh steam adjusting valves in front of the CSD and the swivel pair of steam is performed by servomotors that are controlled by the regulator of rotation frequency and the admission pressure regulators.

The controller is designed to maintain the frequency of rotation of the turbogenerator with a non-uniformity of about 4%. It is equipped with a control mechanism that is used for: Charging the spools of the safety regulator and the opening of the automatic shutter of fresh steam; changes in the frequency of rotation of the turbogenerator, and the possibility of synchronizing the generator at any emergency frequency in the system; maintain a given generator load with a generator parallel operation; maintaining normal frequency during single generator operation; Increase the frequency of rotation when testing the security regulator boys.

The control mechanism can be operated as manually, directly at the turbine and remotely-from the control panel.

The pressure regulators of the bellows design are designed to automatically maintain the pair pressure in the adjustable selection chambers with a non-uniformity of about 2 kgf / cm 2 for production selection and about 0.4 kgf / cm 2 for heat selection.

In the regulatory system, there is an electro-hydraulic converter (EGP), on the closure and opening of the control valves of which are affected by the technological protection and anti-emergency automation of the power system.

To protect against an unacceptable increase in the rotational speed, the turbine is equipped with a safety regulator, two centrifugal brisk of which is instantly triggered when the rotational speed is reached in the range of 11-13% over nominal rather than the closing of the automatic shutter of fresh steam, regulating valves and rotary diaphragm. In addition, there is additional protection on the spools block of the speed controller, which is triggered by increasing the frequency by 11.5%.

The turbine is equipped with an electromagnetic switch, when the automatic shutter, regulating valves and a rotary diaphragm, are closed.

Impact on the electromagnetic switch is carried out: axial shift relay when moving the rotor in the axial direction by magnitude,

exceeding maximum permissible; Vacuum relay with an invalid vacuum fall in the condenser to 470 mm Hg. Art. (with a decrease in vacuum to 650 mm Hg. Art. Vacuum relay gives a warning signal); Fresh pair temperature potentiometers with an invalid decrease in the temperature of fresh steamless time; key for remote disconnection of the turbine on the control panel; Pressure drop relay in the lubrication system with a time delay 3 with with a simultaneous alarm.

The turbine is equipped with a power limiter used in special cases to limit the opening of regulating valves.

Check valves are designed to prevent overclocking of the turbine in the reverse flow of steam and installed on pipelines (adjustable and unregulated) steam selections. Valves are closed by countercurrent steam and from automation.

The turbine unit is equipped with electronic regulators with actuating mechanisms to maintain: a given steam pressure in the terminal seal collector by exposure to the steam supply valve from the equation line of DeaErators 6 kgf / cm 2 or from the steam space of the tank; level in the condensate collector capacitor with a maximum deviation from a given ± 200 mm (the same regulator includes condensate recycling at low steam expenditures in the condenser); The level of condensate of heating steam in all heaters of the regeneration system, except PND No. 1.

The turbine unit is equipped with protective devices: to jointly disconnect all PVDs with the simultaneous turning on the bypass line and the signal supply (the device is triggered in the event of an emergency increase in the level of condensate due to damage or violations of the pipe system density in one of the PVD to the first limit); The atmospheric valves-diaphragms, which are installed on the exhaust pipes of the CND and open when the pressure in the nozzles increases to 1.2 kgf / cm 2 abs.

Lubrication system It is designed to feed oil T-22 GOST 32-74 control systems and bearing lubrication systems.

In the lubrication system to oil coolers, the oil is supplied using two injectors included in series.

For the maintenance of the turbogenerator during its start, the starting oil electric pump with a rotational frequency of 1,500 rpm is envisaged.

The turbine is equipped with a single backup pump with an AC motor and one alarm pump with a DC motor.

When a reduction in the pressure of the lubricant to the corresponding values \u200b\u200bis automatically from the lubricant pressure relay (RDS), the backup and emergency pumps are included. RDS is periodically tested during the turbine.

At pressure below the allowable turbine and the grinding device are disconnected from the RDS signal to the electromagnetic switch.

The working capacity of the welded tank is 14 m 3.

Filters are installed from mechanical impurities in the tank. The tank design allows you to make a fast secure filter change. There is a filter of fine oil purification from mechanical impurities, providing a constant filtering of a part of the oil consumption consumed by regulating and lubrication systems.

Two oil coolers (superficial vertical), designed to work on fresh cooling water from a circulation system at a temperature not exceeding 33 ° C.

Condensation device A turbine maintenance service consists of a condenser, basic and launcher ejectors, condensate and circulation pumps and water filters.

Surface two-way capacitor with a total cooling surface of 3,000 m 2 is designed to work on fresh cooling water. It provides a separate built-in bundle of heating of feed or network water, whose heating surface is about 20% of the entire surface of the condenser.

The condenser is supplied with an equalization vessel to attach the level of the electronic controller controller acting on the regulating and recycling valves installed on the main condensate pipeline. The capacitor has a special chamber built into the steam part, in which section of the PND number 1 is installed.

The air-omission consists of two main three-stage ejectors (one standby) intended for air suction and ensuring the normal heat exchange process in the capacitor and other vacuum devices of heat exchange and one starting ejector to quickly raise the vacuum in the condenser up to 500- 600 mm RT. Art.

In the condensation device, two condensate pumps (one standby) vertical type are installed to pump condensate, feeding it into a deaerator through ejector coolers, seal coolers and PND. Cooling water for the capacitor and the generator gas coolers is supplied by circulating pumps.

For mechanical cleaning of cooling water coming to the oil coolers and gas coolers of the unit, filters are installed with rotary grids for flushing on the go.

The launch ejector of the circulating system is designed to fill the system with water before starting the turbo installation, as well as to remove air when it is accumulated in the upper points of the drain circulation water pipes and in the upper water chambers of the oil coolers.

For the breakdown of the vacuum, an electrother-apparatus is used on the air suction pipeline from the condenser installed at the starting ejector.

Regenerative device It is intended for heating the nutrient water (turbine condensate) steam taken from the intermediate stages of the turbine. The installation consists of a surface capacitor of the working pair, the main ejector, the surface coolers of the labyrinth seals, surface PND, after which the condensate of the turbine is sent to the surface PMD deaerator for heating the nutrient water after the deaerator in the amount of about 105% of the maximum steam consumption of the turbine.

PND number 1 is built into the condenser. The remaining PNDs are set by a separate group. PVD Nos. 5, 6 and 7 - vertical design with built-in vapor coolers and drainage coolers.

PVD is supplied with a group protection consisting of automatic outlet and check valves at the inlet and outlet of water, an automatic valve with an electromagnet, a start-up pipeline and shutdown of heaters.

PVD and PND are equipped with each, except for PND No. 1, adjusting the condensate removal valve controlled by an electronic "regulator.

Drain of condensate of heating steam from heaters - cascade. From PND No. 2, condensate is pumped up with a drain pump.

Condensate from PVD No. 5 is directly sent to Deaaerator 6 kgf / cm 2 abs. Or with insufficient pressure in the heater at low loads, the turbine automatically switches to the plums in the PND.

The characteristics of the main equipment of the regenerative installation are shown in Table. four.

For the discontinuity of the extreme compartments of the labyrinth seals, the turbine comes with a special vacuum joint ventilation cooler.

Footh suction of the intermediate compartments of the labyrinth seals of the turbine is produced in the vertical type cooler. The cooler is included in the regenerative diagram of the heating of the main condensate after PND No. 1.

The design of the cooler is similar to the design of low pressure heaters.

The heating of the power water is carried out in the installation consisting of two network heaters No. 1 and 2 (PSG No. 1 and 2) included on a pair, respectively, into the lower and upper heating selections. Type of network heaters-PSG-1300-3-8-1.

Equipment identification

The surface of heating, m 2

Working environment parameters

Pressure, kgf / cm 2 ABS, with hydraulic testing in spaces

Water consumption, m 3 / h

Resistance, m of water. Art.

Built in condenser

PND №2.


PND №3.

PND №4

PND №5


PND №6


PND №7

Couple cooler from intermediate chambers of seals


Couple cooler from terminal seals


Description of the object.
Full name:
"Automated training course" Operation of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine ".
Year of issue: 2007.

The automated training course in the operation of the PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbine is designed to prepare operational personnel serving the turbine establishment of this type and is a means of learning, pre-examination preparation and examination testing of CHP personnel.
AUC is compiled on the basis of the regulatory and technical documentation used in the operation of Turbine PT-80 / 100-130 / 13. It contains text and graphic material for interactive learning and testing learners.
This auka describes the constructive and technological characteristics of the main and auxiliary equipment of heat turbine turbines PT-80 / 100-130 / 13, namely: the main steam valves, a locking valve, control valves, a steam mill, the design of the CCD, CSD, CND, turbine rotors , bearings, grinding device, sealing system, condensation unit, low pressure regeneration, nutritional pumps, high pressure regeneration, heat installation, oil system of turbine, etc.
The launchers, regular, emergency and stop modes of operation of the turbine installation, as well as the main criteria for reliability when warming up and adding steam pipelines, blocks of valve valves and turbine cylinders are considered.
The system of automatic regulation of the turbine, a system of protection, locks and alarms is considered.
The procedure for admission to inspection, testing, equipment repair, safety and explosion safety regulations is determined.

Auka composition:

The automated training course (AUC) is a software tool intended for initial learning and subsequent testing of knowledge of electric stations and electrical networks. First of all, for training operational and operational and repair personnel.
The basis of the auka is the existing production and job descriptions, regulatory materials, data of equipment manufacturers.
AUCH includes:
- section of general theoretical information;
- section in which the design and rules of operation of the specific type of equipment are considered;
- section of self-test learned;
- Examinator block.
AUC In addition to texts, contains the desired graphic material (schemes, pictures, photos).

Information content AUC.

1. Text material is based on instructions for operation, PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 turbines, factory instructions, other regulatory and technical materials and includes the following sections:

1.1. Operation of the turbine unit PT-80 / 100-130 / 13.
1.1.1. General information about the turbine.
1.1.2. Oil system.
1.1.3. System of regulation and protection.
1.1.4. Condensation device.
1.1.5. Regenerative installation.
1.1.6. Installation for heating the power water.
1.1.7. Preparation of the turbine to work.
Preparation and inclusion in the operation of the oil system and VPU.
Preparation and inclusion in the operation of the system regulation and protection of the turbine.
Testing protection.
1.1.8. Preparation and inclusion in the operation of the condensation device.
1.1.9. Preparation and inclusion in the operation of the regenerative installation.
1.1.10. Preparation of the installation for heating the network water.
1.1.11. Preparation of a turbine for launch.
1.1.12. General guidelines that should be performed when a turbine starts from any condition.
1.1.13. Start of a turbine from a cold condition.
1.1.14. Starting a turbine from a hot state.
1.1.15. Work mode and change parameters.
1.1.16. Condensation mode.
1.1.17. Mode with selection for production and heating.
1.1.18. Reset and sketching the load.
1.1.19. Stop turbine and bringing the system to its original state.
1.1.20. Check technical condition and maintenance. Terms of checking protection.
1.1.21. Maintenance of the lubricant and PPU system.
1.1.22. Maintenance of the condensation and regenerative installation.
1.1.23. Maintenance of the installation for heating the network water.
1.1.24. Safety in the maintenance of the turbogenerator.
1.1.25. Fire safety when servicing turbo units.
1.1.26. The procedure for testing safety valves.
1.1.27. Annex (protection).

2. Graphic material in this auke is represented in 15 drawings and schemes:
2.1. A longitudinal section of the PT-80 / 100-130-13 turbine (CVD).
2.2. Longitudinal section of the PT-80 / 100-130-13 turbine (CSD).
2.3. Scheme of pair selection pipeline.
2.4. Turbogenerator oil conduction circuit.
2.5. Scheme of supply and suction steam with seals.
2.6. Silent heater PS-50.
2.7. Characteristics of the PS-50 gland heater.
2.8. Scheme of the main condensate of the turbogenerator.
2.9. Scheme of pipeline pipeline.
2.10. Scheme of pipeline pipelines of the steam-air mixture.
2.11. PVD protection scheme.
2.12. Scheme of the main steam road steam truck.
2.13. Drainage diagram of a turbine unit.
2.14. Scheme of the gas suite system of the TVF-120-2 generator.
2.15. Energy characteristics of TBE unit type PT-80 / 100-130 / 13 LMZ.

Check of knowledge

After studying text and graphic material, the learner can run the program of self-checking of knowledge. The program is a test that checks the degree of mastering the instructions. If an erroneous response, the operator is displayed an error message and a quote from the instruction text containing the correct answer. The total number of questions on this course is 300.


After passing the training course and self-controlling knowledge of the learner learn exam test. It includes 10 questions selected automatically randomly from among the issues provided for self-test. During the exam, the examination is invited to respond to these questions without tips and the opportunity to refer to the textbook. No error messages before the end of testing are displayed. After the exam end, the learner receives a protocol in which the proposed issues selected by the examinations of answers and comments on erroneous responses are set out. An evaluation for the exam is exhibited automatically. Testing protocol is saved on the hard disk of the computer. It is possible to print it on the printer.