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Open a pawnshop list of documents. How to open a pawnshop and what documents are needed

Don't know how to open a pawnshop and what is needed for this? Step-by-step instruction with the advice of experienced owners will help a beginner understand what it takes to open such a project and what is its profitability.

  • Peculiarities
  • Choosing the format of work
  • Employee law
  • We draw up documents
  • registration
  • Taxation
  • Insurance
  • We select a profitable premises
  • Equipment
  • We accept staff


Why are these establishments popular in the CIS countries? Unfortunately, in all countries of the post-Soviet space, there is a problem of lack of money among the population. Work does not pay off the needs, and people are scared to get involved with loans.

The average profitability of pawnshops in the CIS is 40%, often the owners even manage to open entire chains.

Here you can download for sample ready-made business plan on the opening of a pawnshop.

Choosing the format of work

In order to open a pawnshop, for a start it is worth deciding on its concept of work from scratch. The formats of a given institution depend solely on what the appraiser accepts. The following areas are standardly distinguished:

  1. Acceptance of cars - implies the presence of its own parking lot and a small auto repair shop, so that it is possible to quickly and efficiently assess the car and prepare it for future sales. The parking lot must have at least thirty places, and it is also important to hire a security guard. You will also need to have on hand a large amount for issuance for each car.
  2. Acceptance of furs - here you will have to hire a specialist in evaluating specifically furs. It is necessary to correctly understand the quality of the material and its type for further sales. You will also have to rent a large area for a cold store for fur coats or other fur clothes.
  3. Acceptance of jewelry and jewelry - usually no checks and assessments are made for jewelry and precious assortments. Standard items brought in are assessed as scrap: the weight of the precious metal and its purity are determined. The rest is sent to jewelers for sale.
  4. Reception of antiques - such places are often visited by various collectors in order to buy interesting things. To assess the antiquity and authenticity of the brought antiques, it is important to hire a specialist.
  5. Acceptance of household appliances - not always only household appliances are accepted here. Assessment of the pros and cons of each piece of technology is in appearance, characteristics of work and internal state.

Pawnshop activity and law

In Russia, for example, there is a special law "On pawnshops", which is the regulator of the activities of these establishments.

According to the law, organizations can carry out work exclusively in the pawnshop sector, engage in the issuance of loans and storage of things. Also, pawnshops undertake to insure against loss and damage of things for the term of the loan.

Providing a service to each client, it is required to draw up a special agreement, which includes data on the repayment and loan periods, loan amounts and the description of the subject during the assessment. For each of the parties to the agreement, a copy must be made. After that, the borrower undertakes to pay on time the money given to him with accrued interest or not to have proprietary claims on the mortgaged property.

In the future, the pawnshop has the full right to sell the property received by him, selling it or arranging a special public auction. By the way, it is extremely important to understand that the sale of property must be carried out exclusively by an enterprise specializing in this. Therefore, you will have to create something new. But the idea of ​​trying to get around the law will lead to a large fine and the subsequent closure of the organization.

Employee law

In Russia, there is also a separate order from RosFinMonitoring that applies to employees of such credit institutions. This order number 203 is obliged to deal with the regulation of the following issues:

  • Installations and most important points work that absolutely every employee of a pawnshop point must learn and prepare in order to produce high-quality work with money and pledged items.
  • The time frame during which each employee must be trained in this case.
  • Personnel training form and concept.
  • Assessment of the abilities of the future employee after training.

Absolutely every pawnshop falls under liability in case of violation of the requirements of the order. In order not to lose business, it is important to check the availability of special educational documents for each hired employee. It is worth noting that each jeweler falls under a separate order of the Ministry of Finance under number 68. It regulates activities related to work with precious metals and stones.

We draw up documents

Undoubtedly, for the legal opening of a business, you will have to draw up some documentation. In this case, a Limited Liability Company is chosen as a legal form, and not an Individual Entrepreneur.

This imposes an obligation to pay enough large amount as the start-up capital of the organization, be prepared for it.


Register new business will have to be in two organizations - the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring and the Instrument Chamber.


V Russian Federation The Tax Code does not provide for a separate taxation system for such loan offices, that is, in theory, establishments are required to pay taxes as usual.

But in practice, the interest charged by the pawnshop for loans is not taxed at all. The tax goes exclusively to the storage of someone else's property. Therefore, it is worth hiring a special accountant or sorting out this matter on your own, so as not to have financial problems with the law.


It has already been written above that clients' items pledged at interest are required to be insured against various situations.

Everything required for insurance of items is put exclusively on the organization of the entrepreneur, therefore, in order to facilitate his work and not insure every single item, it is worth organizing regular insurance of the party for a certain amount.

We select a profitable premises

Finding the right room is one of the important points that absolutely any business plan has. A pawnshop should be opened in places with high level passability of people. Not a bad option - large road lines in densely populated sleeping areas.

Some rent a room in residential buildings on the ground floor or in the basement. The main rule when choosing a site and its equipment is to adhere to safety standards and rules of the SanEpidemStation. These include:

  1. Metal bars on the windows (if placed on the first and second floors) and in the entrance doorway.
  2. Bulletproof alloy glass for display cases.
  3. Metal doors.
  4. Security call button at the counter.
  5. Alarm installation, including fire alarm.
  6. The presence of ventilation and the necessary communications.
  7. The presence of a bathroom.

All these points are important not only for the authorities and documentation, first of all they affect your safety and the safety of the organization's savings, as well as the comfort of your employees.


Protection against deliberate burglary is more important here than ever, so it is worth purchasing a door with special function against burglary, so that the thief could not break into the entrance mechanisms. Grilles on the windows will also help, but it might be worthwhile to play it safe and buy armored automatic curtains as well.

The risks of losing earned profits stored on the security of gold and other expensive items, as well as their lives can be reduced by ordering real private security. It is to her that the alarm button at the counter should send a signal.

Video cameras will help the alarm and the security company, which, by the way, will help and monitor theft in the workplace. The last method of securing money in a pawnshop will be a safe. The safer, the calmer you will be.

It remains only to equip the room with furniture. Especially a lot of money will not have to be spent here: enough cosmetic repair, purchase of counters and showcases, as well as shelving. Want a unique design here? With a large start-up capital, it is quite possible to do this.

Is it profitable? It is unlikely that the money is worth spending on security, insurance and the possibility of a loan, but the unnecessary luxury can only scare off some potential clients. Outside furnishings, by the way, also require expenses.

We accept staff

Unlike different spheres business like selling products or maintaining your own second-hand, here it is important to find really high-class and knowledgeable people, in other words, specialists. What is needed for this? A small step-by-step instruction can be distinguished:

  • Search for expert appraisers in a specific area of ​​your choice, be it Jewelry or cars. It is desirable that in the past a person has already had experience in conducting this activity.
  • Arrange a subject grading and grading sample interview personal qualities future employee.
  • Find presumably executive and honest people for the vacancies of cashiers-sellers and loaders.
  • Find a responsible and motivated employee for the managerial position.

A motivated employee helps an entrepreneur, so value your staff and create favorable conditions for their earnings.

Video: how to open a pawnshop?

Profitability and cost of opening

To determine how much it costs on average to open your own pawnshop from scratch, you can take an example of an abstract institution as a basis. As an example, let's take an average pawnshop that has gone into a lucrative antiques business in a densely populated area of ​​the capital.

The table looks like this:

Expense line Cost amount, thousand rubles
1 Initial lease140
2 Redecorating50
3 Purchase of furniture150
4 Purchase of equipment for an appraiser100
5 Availability of start-up capital for a loan5 000
6 Utilities5
7 Paperwork, including insurance200
8 Salary of all employees200
9 Marketing campaign30
10 Hiring a guard150
11 Tax30
12 Unexpected expenses20
Total: 6 075

The profitability will also be different, let's continue with the above example. On average, in the first months of work, a pawnshop is visited by 10-20 clients per day, which is really not enough to break even.

Be prepared that the profit does not go beyond the initial monthly expenses... In 7-9 months, with the development of the client base, it will be possible to receive 30-50 clients per day, which will allow the business to be brought into the profitability zone in about a year and a half after opening.

Try to start opening more pawnshops as soon as possible, so that further business development and strong competition do not drown your project.

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Pawnshop is a type of business that is distinguished by its specificity and an entrepreneur needs to successful work be well versed in the activities of such institutions. In a crisis, people often turn to a pawnshop to get the funds they need for life or to pay off loans and debts.

Therefore, the turnover of pawnshops is increasing, while the number of opening establishments is growing. According to statistics, up to 200 such organizations are registered annually in Russia alone. How to open your pawnshop from scratch? The answer is in this article!

A pawnshop is an institution that issues a loan to the population secured by a client's valuable property for a specified period. The interest rate on the use of cash by customers is set independently by the pawnshop (in Russia it is prohibited to exceed 25%).

The advantages of opening a pawnshop are affordability and high profitability. It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is profitable to open a pawnshop. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • the chosen place for a pawnshop;
  • the amount of the rent;
  • advertising efficiency, etc.

A pawnshop located in a busy place with high traffic (adjacent to hypermarkets, shops, shopping centers) can count on more successful activities, although this is not yet a guarantee of a stable income.

The premises in the center have disadvantages:

  • high rent;
  • more competition;
  • deciding to pawn a thing, a person tries to find a pawnshop near the house.

It is necessary to determine the type of activity for yourself and find out how relevant the offered services are. Before organizing a pawnshop, you should study the necessary costs, take into account the risks and the amount of possible income. Drawing up a business plan with preliminary calculations will allow you to estimate the amount of investment and the payback period.

The greatest liquidity is presented by jewelry, but clients more often lay furs and household appliances. Storing clothes is difficult, and Appliances becomes obsolete quickly, its value is lost.

The choice of premises for a pawnshop

The premises located in the city center do not always bring more profit than those located in the "sleeping" area. It is recommended to opt for a pawnshop on the first or basement floor(entrance from the yard is not suitable).

The room (area from 40 m2) must meet the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service.

It should be noted that for a pawnshop issuing loans secured by antiques or equipment, it is required separate room where things will be stored. A car pawnshop needs a parking lot and, as a result, the cost of renting it will increase.

Before opening a pawnshop, documents should be prepared:

  • cash book;
  • job descriptions;
  • letterheads labor contracts;
  • order of prices for gold;
  • an order for the size of rates in a pawnshop.

An additional amount (10 million rubles) is needed to provide loans to clients. Monthly expenses will be:

Opening a pawnshop is a rather specific type of business. You need to be well versed in the work of these establishments in order to be successful.

In this article we will consider all the nuances of such an event, and also give detailed business plan.

Is it profitable to open it?

There is no concrete answer to the question of whether the opening and further maintenance of a pawnshop is beneficial. Everything here will depend on a number of factors: office location, advertising efficiency, rent for premises etc.

It is best for this venture to choose the busiest place with a large traffic of people. The best option location of the office - the city center, in the immediate vicinity of large shopping centers, shops, hypermarkets and other establishments with a high level of attendance.

However, this is not a guarantee that the new business will bring stable income... The issue of organizing a pawnshop should be taken seriously, having carefully calculated all expenses, risks and the level of expected income. In addition, you need to draw up a detailed business plan, paying special attention to the economic part.

What documents and permits are needed?

Any business activity requires the availability of appropriate documentation, a number of regulations and permits. Opening a pawnshop is a very troublesome event, you need to be ready for this from the very beginning.

The fact is that the legal aspects regulating the work of a pawnshop are not the same in different regions of the country. Also, the list is not the same required documents and references. It can vary depending on the type of pawnshop you are going to open. Most often, a beginner entrepreneur is required to:

  • permission to sell jewelry;
  • certificate of assay supervision, in the case when you are going to issue loans secured by jewelry. To obtain it, you need to register with the Assay Office;
  • all kinds of certificates, documentation for submission to the tax service;
  • you will have to register with the financial monitoring service;
  • documents confirming the accuracy of the laboratory balance;
  • obtaining certificates for pawnshop employees, etc.

The list of necessary certificates, confirmations and permits is quite impressive. Moreover, some certificates demonstrating the honesty and legality of the company's activities will have to be submitted to the relevant authorities more than once: every month, six months, a year, etc.

Types of pawnshops

There are several types of pawnshops specializing in:

  • acceptance of various types of equipment as collateral;
  • accepting as a pledge jewelry, jewelry, gold from the 500th test, other valuable metals... Jewelry pawnshop does not require additional storage facilities. However, it may take a long time to resolve legal issues and collect the necessary documentation;
  • antiques, accepted on a very good security. Visitors bring paintings, awards, old souvenirs and coins here. They can also accept expensive clothes made of natural fur (mink, lynx, chinchilla, arctic fox, etc.). Such a pawnshop is a favorite place for many collectors;
  • issuing a certain amount of money on the security of a car. In order to open a car pawnshop, you will need an additional parking area. However, the income from operating such an establishment can be quite good.

Step-by-step procedure for starting and running a business

To open a pawnshop from scratch, you need to carry out preliminary organizational work, which may include:

  • Thorough market research... The pawnshop business in Russia is only gaining momentum. Therefore, in some regions of the country, pawnshops can be found almost everywhere, while in others you will not find a single institution of this type. The reason is the absence of serious network players.
    Before making a decision on organizing a business, you need to calculate all possible risks, try to predict whether this project will be successful, whether such services are in demand in the city and district, whether there is competition and how strong it is, etc.
  • Choosing the type of establishment... A pawnshop can be: jewelry, technical, automotive, antique, etc. It is necessary to determine the type of services offered, as well as the relevance of their provision.
  • Preliminary calculations of the investment of funds... At this stage, you need to calculate the funds that will be needed for registration, execution and collection of documents, purchase of equipment, etc.
    In addition, further monthly expenses for staff salaries, rent of premises or parking should not be overlooked. Based on the amount of monthly investments, you can calculate the size of the interest rate of loans that will be issued by the institution on the security of property.
  • Choosing the location of the establishment... The main requirement here is high availability and visibility. It is best to locate a pawnshop near busy streets, highways, shopping centers and other places with good traffic. A laconic and catchy name, as well as a catchy and well-lit sign will do the trick.
  • registration legal entity ... It is worth considering that the principle of taxation of LLC or CJSC is general. The charter should clearly state the activities of the institution:
    • issuance of a short-term loan secured by movable property;
    • storage services for valuables;
    • provision of information services and consultation.

    The very name of a legal entity must certainly include the word "pawnshop".

  • Registration of documents, obtaining certificates, permits and certificates... It is very troublesome and difficult stage that requires a lot of patience and attention, and also takes a lot of time. Today compulsory licensing of a pawnshop is not applied. The list of required documents will largely depend on the type of institution, as well as on the area of ​​its location.
  • Design development, logo selection, as well as a number of other works aimed at creating a cozy atmosphere and presentable appearance institutions.
  • Equipment purchase... It all depends on the type of pawnshop, as well as on the personal preferences of its owner. However, it is unlikely that you can do without:
    • commercial equipment: showcases, racks, counters and racks, chairs for visitors, information boards, etc.
    • office equipment: computer equipment, MFP, telephone, Internet connection, etc .;
    • equipment to ensure the proper level of security: alarm system, surveillance cameras, reliable and durable metal doors, locks and more;
    • special accessories: scales with high precision, jewelry authentication technique, etc.
  • We need to work on internal documentation... We can talk about the preparation of a cash register, a journal for instructing actions in the event of a fire, drawing up labor contracts, as well as orders setting interest rates and the cost of precious metals and other products.
  • Advertising placement... In order for people to know about your existence, you need to tell them about it. Signboards and posters on the facade are quite relevant. Sometimes they resort to posting announcements or holding a promotion in honor of the opening.

Selection of premises, personnel

Most often, the offices of such establishments are located in large business centers. However, if this is not a network of branches, but one single pawnshop, while its organizer does not have enough funds to pay rent, then you can choose a more economical option.

When choosing a room, you should take into account the type of pawnshop. For example, an institution that issues a loan secured by technology or antiques needs a separate room for storing things and accessories. The car pawnshop must be equipped with a parking lot. This will require separate expenses for the lease of the territory.

When the pawnshop is ready to go, it's time to hire staff.

After all, they will have to deal with jewelry, all kinds of equipment, and even cars of various brands. It is important that the employee is well versed in this type of goods and knows how to correctly assess their value.

In addition, the institution definitely cannot do without cashiers, loaders (in the case of work with large-sized equipment) and sellers. A separate role is assigned to the pawnshop manager. True, sometimes an appraiser takes over its functions.

Security questions

Before starting the work of the institution, you need to make sure that security is provided at the proper level. After all, everyone knows that a pawnshop is the very place where not only money is stored, but also all kinds of valuables, jewelry, expensive antiques and much more. It is necessary to provide reliable protection against hacking.

Special attention should be paid to the presence of an alarm button and alarm. Perhaps cooperation with a security organization or independent hiring of security guards.

Control over everything that happens in the institution, as well as maintaining order is ensured through the choice software... This will help, among other things, to check the honesty of the work of the staff, to reveal the fact of theft, etc.

How much does it cost and what will be the income?

Opening a pawnshop from scratch is a troublesome and very costly business. The cost of organizing a business will directly depend on the type of institution and the services it provides, on the location (city, district, region, etc.) and a number of other factors. The rent for premises in the center of a metropolis is several times higher than the same rent for an office in a small provincial town.

On average, it takes from 1 to 1.8 million rubles... The period for which the business will fully pay off and start making a profit can be about 1-2 years. So, a small pawnshop after a 3-year period can make a profit in the amount of 100-150 thousand rubles.

The period from the day of opening and at the end of 6 months of the institution's work is especially important. This period of time can be called critical: funds have already been invested in the opening and development of the business, but it has not yet reached the "plus". In order to make a profit, you need to achieve high daily traffic: on average, from 30 to 50 people per day. Otherwise, the institution will continue to bring only losses. That is why, after six months from the date of opening, over 30% of pawnshops simply close.

Interview with the owner of a network of pawnshops

The video shows a detailed story about the business associated with these establishments:

How to open your pawnshop from scratch? The question asked by an entrepreneur who decides to start his own business. But, before proceeding with the paperwork and finding a place for a pawnshop, it is worth drawing up a business plan and calculating how soon the investment will pay off.

On this question There can be no unambiguous answer, since it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that directly affect the profitability of a business, in particular:

  • location of a pawnshop - it is advisable to locate the enterprise in places with high traffic of potential customers;
  • the cost of rent - the higher the monthly payments, especially on initial stage, the more difficult it is for an entrepreneur to recoup his costs and start making a profit;
  • advertising efficiency - well-organized PR campaigns attract customers;
  • competitiveness - a business owner should study the demand for services of this type of organization in a particular area and come up with what exactly his pawnshop will be attractive to customers;
  • trained staff- if unskilled employees work in the pawnshop, the owner will lose part of the profit due to their mistakes or inability to communicate with clients.

For the pawnshop owner the most difficult period the first half of the year from the moment of opening is considered, since at this time the enterprise is only gaining momentum and often operates at a loss. For this reason, more than a third of pawnshops cease their activities at this time. After this period, the profit begins to grow gradually, after a couple of years even a small pawnshop begins to bring its owner about 100-150 thousand rubles a month.

But even the observance of the above conditions is not a guarantee of the profitability of the business. For this reason, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan, calculate all costs and risks, then the likelihood of opening a profitable pawnshop will significantly increase.

What do you need to open your pawnshop?

Before deciding to start a business, you should choose its specialization. So, pawnshops can be of the following types:

  1. Pawnshop- the organization accepts cars as a pledge of issued funds. Such a business is very profitable, but organizing its work will require additional space to accommodate machines.
  2. Antique- here, paintings, expensive fur clothes, old souvenirs, rare coins and other things of antique value are accepted as collateral.
  3. Technical- here the collateral is household and other appliances, which the client leaves in return for the funds received.
  4. Jewelry Is the most common type of business. Such pawnshops accept precious metals and precious products made from them.

Often there are also pawnshops of mixed types, in which, for example, the client can lay both mobile phone and gold earrings. Such an integrated approach allows you to obtain big profit and attract an increased number of customers.

An entrepreneur, even at the stage of making a decision to open a pawnshop, should study the legislative acts regulating the activities of the enterprise:

  • Federal Law No. 196, which sets out the main aspects of the activity;
  • Rosfinmonitoring order No. 203 of August 3, 2010, which sets out the requirements for education and training;
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of 2001 No. 68n, which lists the requirements for the activities of pawnshops dealing with precious stones and metals.

It is important to take into account that the legislation obliges pawnshops to apply OSNO ( common system taxation), while the storage of things accepted as collateral is subject to VAT, but the interest received is not. In accordance with this provision, the entrepreneur will be obliged to keep tax records for each type of activity.

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing to do at the planning stage of the opening is to study the market for these services. A businessman should:

  • carefully calculate the risks, costs of opening and organizing an enterprise;
  • find out how much pawnshops are in demand in a particular locality and area;
  • whether there is competition, whether he will be able to offer clients more favorable conditions than those of competitors.

If the preliminary economic calculations suit the entrepreneur, the enterprise should be registered in the official bodies:

  1. Register with the tax office as an LLC, indicating the appropriate OKVED 65.22.6., 74.14., 67.13.5.
  2. Register a pawnshop within thirty days from the date of registration with the Assay Office and Rosfinmonitoring.
  3. Insure in the selected company that provides these services, the things accepted in favor of the pledgers. It is advisable to take out insurance for any amount so that you do not have to insure each item separately.

Selection and preparation of premises

The choice of a place should be approached responsibly: a considerable share of success depends on the location. So, the best place for a pawnshop will become shopping center or a separate room located in areas with high customer traffic. It will be very good if there is a parking lot next to the opening pawnshop, and the premises itself is not far from busy public transport stops.

The pawnshop does not need expensive luxury furnishings - it is enough to put high-quality chairs and a table in the area for clients, as well as equip working area... But do not neglect security - you should install:

  • alarm and panic button for quick call of the guard;
  • metal bars on the windows, in the place where the working and client areas are separated;
  • metal doors;
  • bulletproof glass;
  • video surveillance system.

The set of equipment for work will completely depend on the preferences of the entrepreneur and the type of pawnshop, but in any case, you will need:

  • office equipment - printer, computer with licensed software, high-quality internet, telephone;
  • special equipment - to determine the authenticity of products, high-precision weighing equipment, etc.;
  • trade equipment - counters, counters, information boards, showcases, tables and chairs for staff, visitors.


To find out about the pawnshop as much as possible large quantity customers, you should not spare money on advertising. First of all, you need to come up with a name for the pawnshop - it should be sonorous, memorable, not too long. Then you should order an eye-catching sign, which will indicate the name and mode of operation.

It will not be superfluous to order advertising in the media, hire promoters to distribute leaflets, organize enterprise groups in social networks. Perfect solution- holding a promotion on the opening days, for example: "For the first clients, the interest rate has been halved!"

Recruiting staff

To organize the work of a small pawnshop, a minimum staff consisting of qualified and certified workers is sufficient:

  • manager;
  • appraiser;
  • security guard;
  • accountant;
  • commodity expert.

Often, the functions of several employees are assigned to one employee, but it is optimal to do this only if the pawnshop is small, otherwise the employee will not be able to cope with all the duties.

Business plan

When drawing up a business plan, the most important thing is to calculate all costs and the estimated profitability, profit. So, it is advisable to open a pawnshop, the profitability of which is at least 30%.

When writing a business plan, it is important to consider the initial costs:

  • for paperwork - 50,000 rubles;
  • repair and equipment of the premises - 1,000,000;
  • purchase of office equipment and equipment - from 300,000;
  • advertising - 150,000.

The initial costs should include funds intended for issuance to pledgers (at least 9 million rubles), and money intended to finance activities before it becomes a plus (at least 2 million).

You should also take into account the monthly costs, which include:

  • pay wages employees - from 300,000 rubles;
  • rent - individually, depending on the location of the premises, it can vary from several hundred to several thousand rubles for square meter;
  • hiring a guard - from 150,000 rubles;
  • other expenses, tax deductions - from 200,000 rubles.

To calculate the profitability of a business, you need to calculate how many percent will be the net profit from the proceeds received. For example, with a millionth revenue, the profit is 142,200 rubles, respectively, the profitability of the enterprise will be only 14.2%. In the first months of operation, such indicators are not low, but after 3-6 months they should at least double - this will mean that the pawnshop pays for itself and begins to make a profit.

The average cost of opening a pawnshop will be 12,000,000 rubles, this amount will include:

  • funds for issuing loans;
  • initial expenses for the renovation of the premises, the purchase of equipment, furniture, technology;
  • monetary funds to finance activities at first.

With an average monthly revenue of 1,000,000 rubles and a net profit in the amount of 178 thousand rubles, the pawnshop will fully pay off in 84 months of work.

There is another option for opening your own pawnshop- purchase of a franchise. This method will cost the entrepreneur more than opening it on his own, but it will save on advertising (as a rule, franchisors provide all marketing materials). The advantage of opening a pawnshop under a franchise is brand awareness - people who want to get a loan on collateral more often turn to pawnshops with a famous name. And this fact is a guarantee of ensuring a constant flow of customers.

The main advantages of the business are the possibility of rapid development and high demand among the population for the services offered, therefore pawnshops are becoming more and more popular as the main type entrepreneurial activity... With due diligence, well-coordinated and precise work, enough investments, the pawnshop, already after half a year from the moment of opening, will generate income that will grow annually.

Despite the abundance of banks and microcredit organizations that offer a wide variety of loan options, the services of ordinary pawnshops have been in great demand among citizens for many years. An imperfect credit history, the need to collect too many documents or a long wait for a decision - there are many reasons why it is not always convenient for a person to go to the bank if money is urgently needed. But in a pawnshop, the required amount will be given instantly and without unnecessary formalities, as a rule, on the security of expensive jewelry. In the meantime, there is a demand for a service, you can earn money on this demand. Let's figure out how to open a pawnshop and how profitable this enterprise can become.

Business specifics and legal framework

The main item of income of any pawnshop is the issuance of loans in the amount of 70-80 percent of the appraised value of the pledged property. At the same time, the risk of the organization is minimized: if the borrower does not repay the loan, the collateral is sold and all costs are thus compensated.

Anyone who plans to open a pawnshop needs to know: a separate legal entity is created for the implementation of values. The pawnshop cannot independently sell the property of borrowers.

And yet, minimal risk does not mean its complete absence. Certain problems may arise if the client of the pawnshop obtained the collateral illegally. Although appraisers are not obliged to determine where a visitor got a brooch or earrings, if this property turns out to have a "criminal" background, law enforcement agencies may well confiscate dubious things.

In addition, the pawnshop is responsible for the safety of the pledged property, so that it is in mandatory must be insured for the entire time that is in the warehouse.

The contract, which is concluded by a pawnshop with clients, must provide for all the conditions, terms of repurchase of the pledged property, its estimated value and interest paid for the use of credit funds. It is better to entrust the drafting of a standard contract to experienced lawyers.

Usually, borrowers try to return their belongings, and for this they have to pay in full and on time, but a certain part of the pledged things still remains unredeemed. In this case, the pledge can be sent for free sale or, if its value exceeds 30 thousand rubles, for an auction.

The work of pawnshops in the Russian Federation is regulated by the relevant regulations:

  • Federal Law "On pawnshops" dated 19.07.2007, No. 196. According to it, pawnshops can issue loans for up to one year, store the property of borrowers and must evaluate and insure it.
  • Regulations on the training of personnel working with money and material assets approved by Order No. 203 of Rosfinmonitoring dated 03.08.2010. In accordance with it, the pawnshop undertakes to conduct periodic training of personnel on AML and CFT. In addition, Rosfinmonitoring authorities should be informed about all transactions in excess of 600 thousand rubles.
  • Instructions for the accounting and storage of precious metals and stones No. 68-n. Dated 29.08.2001.

We draw up documents

To open a pawnshop, first of all, you will need to register with the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate and Rosfinmonitoring.

Within one month from the date of registration of a legal entity, you must submit to Federal Service on financial monitoring the following documents:

  • a statement signed by the director with the seal of the organization;
  • card in the form of 2-kpu, which indicates the employee responsible for internal control (notarized).

To register with the Assay Office, you will also need a number of documents:

  • statement;
  • accounting card in a special form;
  • copy of the certificate of state registration;
  • lease agreement for premises or supporting documents for the property;
  • copy of the newsletter with statistics codes;
  • constituent documents.

In addition, before opening a pawnshop and starting its work, you need to obtain:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor, which will list all the services provided by the organization;
  • registration card and certificate of assay supervision.

The pawnshop does not need a license.

For bookkeeping, you need to choose a general taxation system: a pawnshop cannot use any preferential tax regimes. You also need to know that accounting should be kept separate: for interest income and for storage of property.

Search for premises

The main requirement for a pawnshop's premises is its good location: in a “walk-through” place next to transport stops, preferably on the first or basement floor. Perfect place for a pawnshop - in a residential area: usually things are taken to a pawnshop near the house.

At the beginning of work, you are unlikely to need large room, two spacious rooms are enough: one can be used as a warehouse, the other is to work with clients. The warehouse will need racks and at least one safe. The office for receiving visitors needs to be furnished comfortable furniture and equip with everything you need to receive and evaluate things, as well as record loan transactions.

This territory will be sufficient if you first specialize in the reception of watches, jewelry and technology. To store antiques, paintings and fur coats, special conditions (a certain temperature and humidity) will be required and, of course, additional rooms... If later you want to accept cars and other vehicles as collateral, you cannot do without a guarded parking lot.

The premises must have a fire and burglar alarms, video surveillance, in addition, a contract for physical security must be concluded with a specialized company.


You will need qualified appraisers to accept collateral. The level of skill must be high enough: an experienced specialist will be able to identify a fake, understand the characteristics precious stones and metals. Of course, this will require the appropriate equipment.

If you plan to accept not only jewelry, but also equipment, you need appraisers who are well versed in it: the same employee is unlikely to be an expert in everything. Thus, two inspectors must work in a shift.

How to get started

When determining the opening hours, you need to keep in mind that most often clients come to the pawnshop in the evening - after work, so it is better if the office is open late.

You do not need a large-scale advertising campaign: you just need to make a bright sign and distribute flyers in nearby houses and organizations, so that the residents of the area are aware of where, if necessary, money can be intercepted.

It is not worth counting on the fact that satisfied customers will recommend you to their acquaintances: usually people do not advertise their financial difficulties and the associated visits to the pawnshop. So advertisements need to be constantly updated.

How much will it cost to open a pawnshop

When drawing up a detailed business plan for a pawnshop, you need to remember that the main cash investment here is working capital, the amount from which loans will be issued. To start productive work, it must be at least 10 million rubles.

There will also be initial costs for starting a business and arranging an office, they will amount to about 500-800 thousand rubles. This will include:

  • renovation and furnishing of office premises;
  • purchase of office equipment and software;
  • purchase of a safe and special equipment for assessment;
  • creation of advertising materials.

In addition to one-time, there will also be monthly expenses:

  • rental of premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 300 thousand rubles;
  • insurance - 50–80 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 10 thousand rubles;
  • security - 150-160 thousand rubles.

The average rate for loans at pawnshops is about 10 percent. For the institution to work without losses (covering monthly expenses), it is necessary to issue loans for 8-9 million rubles per month. This means that 20-30 people should use the services of a pawnshop per day. When calculating costs and profits, you must also keep in mind that things that have not been bought by the owners, most likely, will not be sold immediately, it will take some time.

As a rule, it takes 6-12 months of work to reach a break-even job and recoup the initial investment. This largely depends on the location of the pawnshop and advertising campaign, as well as how strong the competition in the market is.