Repairs Design Furniture

Repair of a small kitchen 5. Direct kitchen - secrets of convenient planning from the designer. Furniture for small kitchen

Small premises - does not mean small opportunities for its arrangement. This formulation is excellent for consideration of the design of the kitchen design of 5 5 kV. m. Places, of course, a bit, but the options for the location of furniture and decorating the interior is abuse.

Designers used to working with rooms that do not meet modern ideas about the standard apartment area. In case of arrangement of a small kitchen, they have ideas that can be useful to you.

Most importantly - layout. Interior, repair with all his stages is the second business. For kitchen, it is 5,500 meters that the following tips will be relevant:

  • We use corners - in a small space, it is not without it, the layout in the form of the letter G is used most often;
  • We use the volume instead of meters: the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen should be occupied in height (lockers, shelves, maximum useful space);
  • We make a comfortable, but compact dining area - often it becomes a continuation of a wide window sill. Most often, the dining room becomes the window or wall opposite the entrance;
  • Down with swing doors - they steal a couple of meters that we need (alternative - a beautiful entrance, for example, arched);
  • The refrigerator is often taken out of the kitchen, in the corridor;
  • Costrol lockers: the wall area where they hang should be reasonably used. Lockers with a multitude of cells, comfortable roofs for the arrangement of dishes or the necessary containers, transformable, etc.
  • If the family is neglected, a bar counter is used as the dining table, and there is a table in the living room, which in the case of coming guests or celebrations is used for its intended purpose.

This is definitely only a small part of useful tips that can push onto an independent construction plan for kitchen arrangement.

Dining area - ideas

Nevertheless, it is worth first to consider the option of transferring a zone in the living room - often under this solution begin to redevelop, making entrance to the living room directly from the kitchen. But if there are no such events in plans, you can do otherwise.

A good option is to continue the elongation of the windowsill. The windowsolete table top itself is wider and extended, and then the table turns into the angle. Such a dining area is usually done according to individual sizes, and its price will not be high. It turns out the dining table of the letter r, not wide, but not too narrow. Three stools, like bar, quite felt at the table.

Folding table - also from the discharge of a good idea. Little on ordinary days, but in case of expansion of the company (guests, holiday) it is easily folded.

Designers advise in any case the table at the window, and to create a larger interior comfort - above the table lamp, lamp, can even with vintage lampshade.

The kitchen is not a warehouse. And we sometimes be stored there all the fact that you feel sorry. Rarely used dishes are better immersed on the mezzanine, or to take themselves at the cottage, to the village, etc. Kitchen space 5 5 m is used only rational!

It was noted that more than half of the kitchen area just take stocks, dishes, utensils, which almost never uses. We carry out an audit and we endure all over the limits of our small meters.

7 Soviets, how to choose furniture under the perfect interior of miniature kitchens:

  • Purchase a kitchen set in the store is difficult - for small kitchens the range is small, and the kitchen on an individual project will be from the category "What I wanted," and will no longer be much more expensive.
  • Many drawers spacious enough - they will save space.
  • The folding table is part of the window sill, such an interior solution, as we see, very popular.
  • Household appliances should be easily integrated into the kitchen set.
  • Hooks and open shelves on the walls - our layout considers it very reasonable to use such details.
  • Kitchen design 5 5 implies focus on the work area: furniture is built into one line, considering, of course, the shape of the washing and stove.
  • It is advisable to abandon furniture with swing doors, a modern alternative to them - door-blinds.

And a couple more tips from experienced designers. Gorgeous, luxury class kitchen furniture in small room looks ridiculous. Therefore, the choice should be asked towards comfort, heat, retro style. For example, bright, almost monophonic furniture, which is decorated with homemade napkins, tablecloths and other "Milks".

Or simple, but good quality wooden furniture of a natural shade. Often used in similar interiors and furniture in the Shebbi-Chic style. Deliberately lost, it serves as a compliment vintage in the interior. In this case, small kitchens, not the most expensive repair will be saved in such an original, truly home decision.

Choose a technique

When the repair is completed, the layout is defined, you need to choose the technique. Try to be embedded.

Today it is possible to purchase a horizontal refrigerator that does not take extra meters, and it will be a highlight of your kitchen.

Instead of a plate, you can use a cooking surface, and embed a kitchen headset in a niche.

Bulky household appliances hiding for furniture, and rarely used to be taken out on the mezzanine.

Color and decor

But at the expense of these moments you can hide and pretty simple repair, and the lack of meters, and perhaps not the most fashionable interior:

  • reflective surfaces visually increase space, mirror ceilings, walls, doors will make the kitchen wider;
  • light in a small kitchen is a big deal, so there should be no heavy curtains, but the light design can not be minimal (planning it when it is repairing);
  • the bright tones of furniture (cold, pastel, gentle, from natural materials) are preferred;
  • glass and metallic are also remarkably expanding space - it always works on the interior concept;
  • lack of meters compensate for embossed colorless textures;
  • statuette and all souvenirs should not be much, and they all let them find their place on a glass shelf on the wall;
  • but with the photo, it is possible and not limited - the photo within the framework of the opposite is expanding the space, they "love" a kitchen of 5 to 5 meters;
  • planning repairs, you might think over such a solution: one Wall is yellow, and the rest is neutral;
  • brightness in color is good, but not in the case of a small kitchen: repair in such a room using hot colors "Eat" space.

Kitchen style selection 5 5

Small kitchen - a deposit of comfort, unless, of course, the integer layout will be reasonable. Designers advise to look at the style of Provence, Scandinavian style, retro. Repair is better to start when all possible variations have been studied and "approximate" to their space.

Expansion of the kitchen space in 5 5 square meters. M Video)


Details make the whole image - always in the kitchen perfectly looked needlework objects, cute home crafts, painted boards, bottles, openwork napkins. These things are distracted from the disadvantages of the room, but they also do not need to get involved, so that the kitchen does not turn into a homemade creativity museum.

Good repair and warm kitchen, where to cook and dining will be one pleasure!

Kitchen design at 5 5 square meters. m (photo)

Repair work in the house or apartment most often pass in all rooms of apartments and at home. It all depends on the state of one or another room and, of course, the financial position of the owners. But, where and what kind of repair would be, the manons want to get an excellent result and use every square meter with the mind.

There is no excess in the apartment - especially when it comes to Khrushchev. Today we will talk about one of the rooms in such an apartment - about the kitchen.

The essence of the problem of repair work in a small kitchen

The fact that apartments in the so-called "Khrushchev", panel or brick two-five-storey buildings are not only very small, but also with a very uncomfortable planning, it is not necessary to speak once again. Especially acute the problem of square meters touched the kitchens.

Even in the USSR, they brought a lot of inconveniences, and the situation after dozens of years is even more difficult: the presence of a large number of different kitchen equipment pounds many in a dead end, turning the problem of cuisines in 5-6 square meters to a real headache.

Is it possible to make a kitchen in a 5-square Khushchev. m and functional, and compact to have everything you need for full cooking? Place household appliances - for example, a refrigerator, a gas stove, a washing machine? Locate the dining table at least 2-4 people? How to properly organize the space of the kitchen to prepare and relax and relax?

There are many issues. We will try in virtue of our knowledge and opportunities to answer these questions.

Organization of space

Before proceeding with the topic of the interior design of the kitchen in Khrushchev, take note of the main rule of designing its design - this is a procedure in the full sense of the word.

Important! Claspness is the main enemy of your small cuisine. Therefore, starting to repair work, remove everything too much, and best - free the room completely.

Any kitchen can be made more functional: Believe me, right all the repair work and at the end of the repair work will receive an excellent result.

Rule number 1. Space - above all. Down with litterness - and there is the first and most important rule. Remember it always.

Let us give an example. If you follow the main essence of the application of the kitchen, namely cooking, the room can be released from the dining table. Thus, we get more space for movement in the kitchen and transfer the place of meals in a more spacious room.

Refrigerator will help save space. Of course, if you give preference to the horizontal option. They are not so often, but its surface can serve as a working part. It can be embedded in the cabinet / locker. As a result, you are guaranteed a cozy kitchen in Khrushchev 5 square meters. m with refrigerator.

More small kitchens in Khrushchev do not tolerate heavy curtains, huge carpets, many decorative plates, various photos within and paintings.

Furniture transformer is welcomed.

Rule number 2. Little Kitchen Interior Design: Select Colors and Visualizing. During the repair of small-sized premises, give preference only with cream or light beige tones, which, unlike the tones of dark color, make a room visually more. It becomes easy, bright and spacious.

Make your small kitchen visually will also help a big chandelier. Its pretty overall dimensions will allow to distract attention from the small size of the room, and the room will seem much spacious.

In addition, you can choose a chandelier with a strong design and its upper part of using a shelf, for example, for spices.

Prefer light tones and shades into the tone of the furniture. Of course, they can be a bit darker walls, but not too dark. Pick all according to the contrast rules. If the selection is not quite good, the room can turn into a solid light spot. Strong contrast is also not an option.

It is still all here. Let's summarize a small result. A small kitchen welcomes space and visualization that makes it more.

We take into account this and look for several solutions of the quadrature problem.

Increase area

Observing the problems of repair work in a small kitchen and examined the main rules of repair, give several ways to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room.

The first way is demolition partitions between the kitchen and adjacent room with it. An ideal option in this case will be the neighborhood of the kitchen with the living room. The septal demolition will not increase the area, but will increase the space. The dining table can be safely taken out of the kitchen in the living room. The refrigerator can also be transferred.

Another option - combine the kitchen with a balcony or loggia. Emboding options There are two: with a demolition of the partition or without demolition. The first option will increase the area, the second will add space.

As in the previous embodiment, everything that the equipment and furniture is "badly worth" in the kitchen, we have on the balcony or loggia.

And the last option - wall transfer. It is not used as often, as it rarely helps with the area of \u200b\u200bthe area.

Important! In any apartment there are bearing walls that cannot be transferred or transferred, but only to resolve special services.

Method number 2. We visualize, visualize and again visualize. If the first way to solve the problem with an area is not at all your option, then we use the art of visualization.
The use of various design techniques and ergonomics will help us visually increase the kitchen space.

Firstly, square meters do not litter.

Secondly, choose a kitchen set, which consists of a variety of lockers. With great elements, it will seem more of its real size. Mounted cabinets choose high. The perfect option is to the ceiling.

Thirdly, use mirrors. The presence of reflection will make it think more than it really is.

Fourthly we work with light and color. We have already mentioned about the bright color scheme. But here we emphasize your attention on the fact that in the design of the kitchen you can add several bright stains by selecting the functional zones. Then plie the light.

Ideally - if the entire ceiling and functional zones are highlighted.

The duet of light on the ceiling and highlighted functional zones in bright colors will visually increase the space.

Work zone

Learning the issue of the work area in the kitchen of 5 square meters. m, you need to make a loyal rate: choose not quantity, but quality and functionality. Washing, stove and refrigerator - without these "three whales" in any way. We install necessarily.

But what about the installation of other useful inventions in the area of \u200b\u200bkitchen appliances? Adhere to the following tips:

  • the stove is holy, but we can also save on it by installing a cooking surface;
  • mini-oven can replace the lack of plates;
  • if you choose the microwave, then only a mini-option;
  • remember, under the sink, you can install a small washing or dishwasher;
  • the question with the refrigerator can be solved by choosing one of the options above in the article;
  • table seload either a transformer or folding, like in a train. Another option - we take out of the kitchen room;
  • the windowsill can perform in the role of an additional working area. On the right and left of it can be placed several shelves. Just think so that the window opens. If it is large, then one of its parts can also be used for the shelves.

To some extent, dealing with the design of the interior of the kitchen, let's consider the two most popular variants of its arrangement. It will be about the kitchen with a gas column and an angular headset.

We offer to explore; You can also decide on the design option required by the number of lockers, shelves and other furniture using visual examples.

View photos with kitchen design options 5 meters with refrigerator.

The ideas of the design and layout of the bath in Khrushchev can be studied in the article at:

Corner kitchen

Yes, the kitchen is 5 square meters in Khrushchev. M is really a real "headache", but not so terrible, as it seemed. Let's see how you can make an angular option.

To repeat those tips about which we have already mentioned, we will not. Several kitchen options can be viewed in the photo and approximately pick up the design that you like.

But about the elements of the location of the furniture were not mentioned. They allocate three:

  • in the form of the letter r;
  • in the form of the letter P;
  • round.

The first option involves the use of two walls. This option of planning an angular kitchen is the most popular.

The second option involves the placement of the kitchen headset along the three walls, respectively, two angle are formed. But this option is much more space for the headset.

The third option guarantees good functionality and delights the eye in an unusual way. Widely this method is not used.

Important! For a kitchen in Khrushchev, the furniture is best made to order. As a result, you will receive exactly the one that is ideal for your kitchen. Under any of the options for location, you will make excellent furniture from MDF, chipboard, multiplex - these materials are more prioritized to use.

Gas column kitchen

Have a gas column - a very good option for any kitchen, although there is always a problem of the location of the aggregate itself. This everyday question can also be solved correctly by the place.

In addition, hide it very easily, as many hostesses do not quite sympathize with this "architectural ultrace." The suspension cabinet will correct the situation.

Read the main tips on how to hide the column in the suspension cabinet. In such a disguise there are their nuances:

  1. Starting work related to the installation of the gas column, consult from a fire safety specialist.
  2. Having learned all the nuances and details at a specialist, make a wide cabinet for a gas column in which there should be many ventilation holes.
  3. Qualitatively insulate the walls.
  4. Make holes for gas pipe and corrugations.

Instead of the result

How many square meters would not occupy your kitchen or another room, always remember: a bit of your fantasy, fiction, a couple of consultations from specialists - and your interior, even a kitchen in Khrushchev, will look like in the photo from fashion magazines!

We offer to watch a video that will demonstrate other kitchen options in Khrushchev:

Gallery photo

This photo selection of interiors of small-sized kitchens in Khrushchev - for your inspiration and birth of new designer ideas:

The kitchen is 5 m2 is quite compact. At the same time, it can become extraordinarily convenient if you approach the question creatively. Many see the main problem is to be able to place a fridge, a cooking surface, sink, storage cabinets and a dining table at such a small space.

So, take in the hands of a pencil

For starters, let's see honestly truth and write it on the leaves to forget anything.

  1. How often do you go to the store?
  2. How often do you cook?
  3. How many people are in your family? So if you often use all 4 burners? Maybe you usually have enough two?
  4. How many people need to be placed at the same table in the kitchen?
  5. How many dishes are constantly in everyday life?
  6. Is it possible to move part of the kitchen accessories to the balcony, to the pantry or any other place of storage?

Now you can proceed to the design of the kitchen.

Work triangle

Now we take a roulette and measure our walls. If the length of the street wall is 2.5 m, the remaining wall is 2 m. So, one wall with a window and opposite to the door. Total, we have 8 m of the mounted walls, along which our headsets can be placed with the refrigerator. Usually one wall goes under the dining area. It remains not so little.

What you need to distribute the kitchen is mandatory:

  • Refrigerator - 60 cm.
  • Washing machine - 60 cm.
  • Gas stove - 60 cm.
  • Washing - 60 cm.

Total 2.4 m on household appliances with washing. Let's try to enter it in our space. The top cabinets can be placed as your soul, the main thing is to remember that it is better to put the dryer for the dishes above the sink, and above the hood.

If it is possible, the washing machine is better to put in the bathroom. However, and for it you can also see the place.

Option cost

The refrigerator can be taken out in the mini-corridor in a niche, which is cut off from the bath due to the installation of the shower cabin. You will have to survive the dismantling of the wall, the repair of the bathroom and give up the bath. But we win a place in the kitchen for a full-fledged table.

Skittime with arrangement

We put the refrigerator at the window, washing into the angle, and the furnace near the entrance. It is convenient because there is a fairly spacious countertop. It is possible near the refrigerator to put a washing machine.

But in terms of security, this option has a flaw, because At the entrance you can shift inadvertently boiling water from the slab to your feet. It is easily solved if you add a small side, somewhere centimeters in 15-20, which will protect against accidents.

The second version of the refrigerator at the window also causes fairly contradictory judgments. So, the refrigerator is located near the window, after 10 cm from it the plate, washing the sink through it with drawers in the corner, and the narrow table top near the door is 40 cm on the bottom closet. The angle for safety is rounded and equipped with open shelves.

The refrigerator needs high-quality cooling of the rear radiator grille. She is always hot. If there is a stove with an oven, then the problem arises. For a long service of cooling devices, it is necessary to install them away from the heating devices. Also, you should not put them near the radiators and heating pipes.

The emptiness between the stove and the refrigerator can fill the cargo.

And if you still think?

The minimized option provides a convenient dining area and a super-compact headset.

Refrigerator, washing and stoves become one line along the side wall. Opposite the entrance to the corner at the window there is a dining area. In this case, you can put a kitchenette in which you can add a lot of all the utensils, to organize the storage of dry products there, for example, groceries.

The dining table will perform in the role of a cutting surface during the cooking of dishes.

And if you need spacious storage boxes?

Plate and sink can be placed along a street wall with a window. The refrigerator in this case will rise in a free corner.

Thus, spacious cabinets and a spacious work surface are added. Especially if instead of the stove, use the built-in oven and the mortise cooking surface of the domino.

Cranes and want a space?

Let's try to build a working triangle along the window. Cold zone opposite the door. Next sink, small cabinet and stove. In the free corner, a chic table with a mild corner.

If you put the table along the door along the wall, and behind it is a wide stand, in front of them, the fridge is fitted, a spacious wardrobe, washing in the corner and another part of the headset along the short wall. At the same time, the hinged cabinets will take three walls, picking up all the accumulated good owners.

If you have dining you prefer in the living room, then the task is simplified, and the headset grows. You get a full-fledged kitchen with snacks, a gorgeous table top and fridge, looking at the door from the window.

If you upgrade this option, you can build a place for dinners near the window, where you can have a snack.

And what about the washing machine?

It can be put between the sink and the stove.

Or between the mini refrigerator and the washing under the cooking surface. And the oven moves to the microwave with convection.

Take care of mini refrigerators that can be installed under the worktop. They occupy a little space. But you can win the desired cutting plane.

If you build a solid frame, then this option is also possible:

In this case, the main thing is that the framework on which the refrigerator restores the weight of the aggregate and products. If this penalty continue up, you can add a few shelves.

You still think that 5 square meters. Meters is a hopeless sentence? Then look for a competent designer who will help you create a comfort on this space. And even better, look at how these tasks are solved on a more modest area in European mini apartments and Tini Haus. This is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for compact kitchens.

Cuisine interiors 5 sq m with refrigerator in photo in real apartments

See examples of repairs in small kitchens and draw ideas.

Corner kitchen 5 sq m

White angular kitchen 5 sq m

Stylish kitchen in Khrushchev with refrigerator

An example of a kitchen 5 k in m with a refrigerator and a gas column. The column is closed with a white box.

Use additional features of corner cabinets

Cuisine 5 sq m with refrigerator and washing machine

Jul 28, 2017 Werri.

It seems incredible, but also on a malicious kitchen it is quite realistic to place everything that is required for a comfortable existence of not only one person, but also a whole family. 5 sq m kitchen design in general amazing the imagination of the wonders of ergonomics. Here, literally every centimeter is involved, only so that the small-sized space becomes not just functionally comfortable, but also attractive aesthetically, you need to approach the solution of the problem not quite standard.

Little Cuisine: Comfort and Beauty - Reality

Ideally, the entire area of \u200b\u200bsmall kitchen should be turned into a functional space. Yes, and the layout of this room itself suggests that the best place for the dining area is in another room. Modest in size kitchen, in theory, should remain a purely workplace. Here they are preparing food, store foods, dishes and all kitchen utensils. But what if the peculiarities of the rest of the living space do not allow to carry out the dining area beyond the kitchen? In this case, it should be done by thinking of its optimization.

kitchen design 5 sq m in red tones

The main task of the decor will be the expansion of space by any available features. The desired effect in practice can be achieved if:

  1. Connect five square "crumb" with one of the adjacent rooms, which can be a storeroom, loggia, corridor, living room. In this case, the desired quadrature will be provided.
  2. Expand the kitchen involved in this process the doorway. The standard box is replaced with aesthetic arched arch. It turns out and beautiful, and practical.
  3. There is no possibility of exercising even very modest redevelopment - push the walls of the game of color and light on all global surfaces. They are in the design of the kitchen 5 square meters can be made by light, glossy, mirrored, flickering.
  4. Do not use in the decor of a modest space of defiantly bright colors, a large ornament, print or pattern, as well as explicit contrasting differences.
  5. Rationally plan the interior of such a kitchen.

Studdered redevelopment, in which it is planned to demolish the walls, change the water and gas supply system, should not forget to obtain permits for these actions issued in relevant organizations. In other options, experiment with the placement of furniture and the selection of color decoration.

glossy MDF panels visually increase the space and add light

Interior subtleties of small kitchen

"The maximum should also use the vertical space in the design of your kitchen 5 sq m."

In the interior of a small kitchen, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, but the smallests themselves should be present as little as possible. It is worth abandoning bulky, unnecessary, alternating accessories room. Each of those present objects in the design of the kitchen 5 sq m must have a specific functional load.

Everyone means everyone. Even the windowsill. It can be expanded due to the installation of the table top, and in space under it there is lockers and shelves. Such a re-equipped window sill may well be an additional working surface or dining table. In the event that you have gathered to expand the kitchen by adding the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony to its space, do not demolish the window sill! It will turn out a magnificent bar counter.

The maximum should be used and the vertical space in the design of your kitchen 5 sq m. Under the most ceiling, it makes sense to store those objects that are not so often needed in everyday life. The depth of the lower tomb is rational to reduce by making them the fortycantimeter. Thus, you will win a little free space.

Having equipped the headset by the "smart adaptations" like ergonomic fittings, rails, retractable torms, cutting boards, "magic" carousels holding corner lockers and other "cunning" inventions, you also acquire precious decimeters of the functional space.

Technique, to save space, you should choose a small-sized. An excellent solution will be a high and narrow refrigerator. Wonderful if you can equip the kitchen with built-in equipment. Being part of the headset, it will never "overload" the interior.

If you are not a big lover of culinary affairs, then replace the standard cooking surface in four comforts on more complex compact two-component.

Is it important for you to collect all households at the dining table? Purchase the transformer table. It is just an indispensable subject in the design of the kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b5 sq m! It can always be collected when it is not necessary to use it, and free just a lot of space.

small-sized kitchen 5 sq m in classic style

Make a small kitchen cozy and light will help furniture with shining gloss facades, as well as mirrors, glass, stained glass furnaces, metal. Imagine how spaciously will be at a five-meter kitchen when decorating the ceiling with mirror inserts or when the apron is cleaned with a glass tile!


It would seem that the kitchen room is small, it means that there should be no problems with the light in it - no! Just with this task will have to be thoroughly tinked. The fact is that in the design of the kitchen for 5 square meters you need to organize multi-level lighting. In our case, levels should be at least two. One of them will become a basic, which will provide the kitchen with general lighting, and the second - auxiliary. His task is to make enough locked sites: a cutting table, a kitchen sink, a cooking surface or angle with a penalty in which the dishes are stored.

Since our version of the kitchen space has a limited area, then it needs warm and very soft lighting. In this context, lamps will be required that could be installed evenly, and even better - point. It will take to buy halogen lamps and use them to illuminate the floor and cabinets, as well as mirrors and other reflective surfaces.

for kitchen 5 sq m enough single chandelier

During the daytime, do not block access to the kitchen in the sunlight. Do not use in the decor kitchen with tiny dimensional and heavy curtains. They are not just stealing space, and also make the kitchen atmosphere of gloomy and completely non-inside.

Steps to Perfection: Stylistic Design Kitchen 5 sq m

  1. "Minimalism". This style does not imply an abundance of decorative elements, welcomes the monochromicity of the color solution and offers to use furniture in the situation that differs the correctness of geometric shapes. With such a compact environment, the comfort of the working zone will always be provided.
  2. "Modern" is very good for the decor of small spaces. It stands out by the convenience and functionality of embedded equipment, excellent lighting with a large number of various lighting devices and a harmonious color palette.
  3. "High-tech" is replete with glass and metal, whose radiance on the small area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen will be as impossible. The interior will be easily, and the space will seem unlimited.
  4. Country will appreciate the fans of the natural coziness. In this stylistic design, light-facade furniture are used in this stylistic design, and elements wicker from natural materials are used. The atmosphere of such a kitchen is distinguished by a special harmony!
  5. "Classic". In its pure form, it practically does not occur in kitchens of modest squares, but often professionals borrow from classic interiors bright interpretations of flooring and walls, as well as atmosphere. The furniture used in the classic has very tender tones, so it will always be in demand in the arrangement of small spaces. Spectacular illumination, stylish curtains, original furniture fittings - frequent "guests" on small kitchens.

Kitchen Design 5 sq m in Hi-Tech style

Color combinations for kitchen interiors

In order to successfully cope with the main task of designing the interior of small cuisine, at all means attract light tones into the decor. Only with their help will be possible to expand the visual boundaries of the room, lifting the ceiling and distinguishing the wall. You will probably manage to do it if glossy paints will appear in the design of the kitchen on her 5 sq. Do not neglect the effect of shades game, at which one color smoothly flows in more saturated. However, do not get drunk and do not enter scratch-bright colors into the situation. Remember that contrast and large drawings, except that too intrusive and rapidly bored, and will also drive your attempts to zero at least somehow zoom in the kitchen space. If you decide to separate the kitchen with wallpaper, stop on monophonic variations with a careless embossed ornament. Make the situation more comfortable and fill it with heat will help such shades as ocher and beige.

in a narrow kitchen, cabinets are put in one row

Furniture in small kitchen

"The arrangement of the headset of the letter G in the design of a kitchen of 5 sq m is considered to be a classic approach to furnishings"

Play with visual perception of space allows you to properly disposed furniture. There are several interesting techniques that make a planning of 5 sq m very rational and original.

We use corners. The arrangement of the headset of the letter G in the design of a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b5 sq m is considered a classic approach to furnishings. In this case, the subjects are set up so that one side borders with doors or a window sill, and the second ended with a refrigerator. The free space formed at the same time in the corner can be made with an additional work surface or fill in home appliances. The corners of such a kitchen should be rounded. In addition, it is aesthetically perceived, it also ensures the safety of movement in close space. If the kitchen has a rectangular perimeter, then the sink is better to leave on a short wall, and the slab, work tables and the refrigerator exhibit along the long one. In this case, the diagonal corner is formed a great place to accommodate the dining table. Under certain conditions, here you can create a whole zone, attaching light, non-missile shelves or open design cabinets.

excellent solution for small kitchens: windowsill and table in one design

You can go in the design of the kitchen modest 5 sq. M in another way: install the car wash into the angular space. To make it more convenient to exploit it, squeeze it into a radius or bevelted table tumbler. On the long side, it will now be possible to withdraw the working surface, as well as place a refrigerator with a stove. In the case when the headsets are under the order, ask for a short side to make a little narrowed - then you will receive additional centimeters of space, which is so lacking on a modest kitchen area. Instead of washing in the angle, you can also put the plate of an ergonomic corner model. It is not easy to organically fit into the decor, but it will be convenient to use.

It is possible in the design of the kitchen interior of 5 sq m and the P-shaped alignment of elements. Furniture in this version takes three fasten zones, that is, all useful space is used to the maximum. You get the opportunity to create an ideal arrangement in which the coil refrigerator is the vertices of the working triangle. However, such a way to arrange furniture will be only in those kitchens whose space has a square form, because the width of the internal space should be at least 1.2 meters. Only in this case in the kitchen will be pleasant and comfortable to work, not clinging for the corners and without squeezing between the surfaces.

small bar counter in the kitchen interior 5 sq m

Solve the problem of the setting will help the vertical furniture unit at the entrance to the kitchen. In this case, high and cumbersome items are migrated to distant corners of the room, where they will be not as noticeable. However, experts relate to this method of clearance of close rooms ambiguously. Some consider this with an excellent opportunity to fill the kitchen with a sufficient number of equipment, spacious boxes and lockers, while others categorically do not advise this to do in design kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b5 sq m, because it catastrophically cuts free space.

Looking at the situation of any kitchen, you can not not notice that the most cumbersome piece of decor is the refrigerator. If it is removed on a warmed loggia or take out into the corridor, then you instantly and significantly unload space. You will have a chance not to just install a dining table, but also decorate the kitchen with a real comfortable soft corner or make a luxurious working area, as you want. But on this convenience and end, because you can no longer just stretch your hand and take the desired ingredients from the refrigerator. If you do not mind impassing an extra mileage, then boldly use this idea in the design of your kitchen 5 sq m.

options for washing near the window

Economical and easier way to equip the kitchen is a single-row direct layout of furniture arrangement. To ensure additional space, a narrow cooking surface (45 cm) is installed here and in the ability to endure a refrigerator outside the kitchen.


As you can see, minimum furniture, bright background solutions and attention literally to each millimeter space is three "whales", helping to make 5 sq m kitchen design comfortable. Do not dwell on the minimality of the area, take everything from it that it can offer - and your kitchen will become the cozy corner of the house!

Photo Gallery - 5 sq m kitchen design:

Owners of small kitchens when planning repair work, you have to ask: how to make space as rational as possible, convenient? Little area obliges to save literally every useful centimeter, and so I want to fit on your hand everything you need and useful, at the same time, so that the interior is beautiful, stylish and unfastened. If you do not know how to optimally organize the design of the kitchen of 5 square meters. m, distribute furniture, technique, working surfaces for cooking and washing dishes, then you will bendable for information given below.

Small tricks for visual increase

Interior design for small-sized Khrushchev is a challenging task due to limited features. It is quite problematic to turn around on five square meters, so it is worth thinking about visual techniques that will help create an extension effect, will add more light and air, you will adjust the disadvantages. Useful to pay attention to the following design techniques:

  • Use only light tones when choosing a floor for floor finishing, ceiling, as well as settings. Pure and white color is too braky, but sandy, beige, pale palettes will come by the way. Too saturated, dark tone narrows the already small area, and it will be completely uncomfortable in it. If you wish to avoid monotony and boring indoors, bright accents are used for decor, textiles, utensils, but it is not necessary to get involved in a large amount.
  • By purchasing curtains, avoid dark color so that they do not grind unnecessary sizes and did not tired their appearance. Light translucent fabrics from the natural base will look air and easily. As an option - the use of blinds on the windows.
  • Try to at least apply textiles and decor so as not to clutch up the extra details.
  • For finishing on wallpaper, the medium-sized drawings are selected, avoiding large and too small images.
  • Furniture should be functional, ergonomic, easy, do not take a lot of space. You can consider options with the folding design of chairs, or products with a transparent plastic seat, as well as a dining table with a transparent tabletop.
  • Glossy surfaces, mirror reflective texture will contribute to the visual increase in volume.

Design a practical and convenient design

It should be done first of all conveniently, all objects and planes for cutting are located in an affordable area. Competent planning of a small kitchen design of 5 square meters. M is done using the following practical solutions:

  • No need to apply in the finishing of sharp, contrasting transitions. It will not look comfortable and aggressively on a small area. For the floor you can choose a homogeneous single-type material, the laying of which is the most suitable to perform diagonally.
  • Choose lockers in which the dishes and the necessary accessories are stored, follows from high models, with a large number of shelves, drawers to save a useful place. The doors of products let them open to the side or up, without occupying a free passage when opening. The width of the cabinets is preferred narrow.

How to choose the right layout option

Any hostess dreams of absolute convenience when cooking, receiving guests, in a family circle. How to achieve an optimal balance so that each item is appropriate, while in the availability zone, and did not interfere with work with other objects. Functional placement of furniture involves the correct zoning of the dining and working area, to prevent unnecessary fill in the furniture. Expand as much as possible small area in five squares due to the operation of the balcony, niches and recesses, adjacent premises, removing the front door.

To determine the appropriate type of furniture layout, examine the form of the room, given the location of the window opening. Next, analyze the presence of all of its components, because they must be compact, functionally fit into the surrounding space. You need to get a visual picture of the finished repair. It can be done with the help of examples from the Internet, or honeying the designer, but the easiest way to make outline on paper with a regular pencil, with a scale proportionate to natural. Specialists offer you some of the most popular successful solutions that read further.

The main features of the planning of an angular 5-meter kitchen

Do not know where to start long-awaited repairs? Originally get rid of all extra, cumbersome, smoothly use a minimum. Discard products that do not perform practical functions, because your task is to achieve optimization, concreteness.

Existing windowsill improve, expanding the worktop, building a bar rack. It organizes a free surface for work, a dining table, an additional practical area. The place under it can be operated, building several shelves, lockers for storing accessories, dishes, various utensils. Under the window sill, you can even mount the washing machine or other household appliances to save each corner.

Hinged cabinets excellent verticals. In the highest places you can store items that need to be rarely used. The lower stands are better to purchase shallow, with dimensions less than standard.

Special attention deserves functional accessories, various modern devices, equipped with a headset: spinning design of corner cabinets, extendable panels folding separating boards. For a large family will be the perfect solution to the transforming dining table, followed by the whole family, but in the folded state it will not interfere with moving along the passage with its dimensions.

From the technique it is advisable to choose narrow long models, a compact refrigerator, built-in household appliances.

Metallic color prevails in the interior, it is fundamental. Supplement its companion colors: yellow, black and white, brown, red notes.

What is the P-shaped placement of furniture

In this layout of the headset, storage system, various techniques put about three adjacent walls. Suitable for square and rectangular shape. Symmetric layout looks traditionally, fit into the classic interior style. The cooking surface is also desirable refrigerator, close side by side to ensure convenience and save the workplace time. High wardrobes should be placed in remote corners, it will visually make them not intrusive. Refrigerator, cabinets with a built-in brass cabinet have a window, or at the entrance. In the latter case, the configuration increases the length of the corridor, forming angles, reducing the useful centimeters.

Council. With the role of the composition center, the effectively decorated extractor, with modern or classic decorations, will perfectly cope with modern or classic decoration. It will focus on attention, making small shortcomings of a small room at 5 square meters. m invistent.

In the P-shaped layout in the corners between the parallels, angle storage systems can be equipped, in the form of boxes, thereby using all hard-to-reach parts. As a result, an excellent working triangle will be created with the competent use of all components. In the adjacent living room you can organize through distribution opening, which will simplify the serving table for guests.

Do not forget about the right light in this form plan. Full light should include not only the ceiling light, but also to be placed above the worktop, washing in the form of point devices, or suspended elements.

Corner washing: Important nuances

A good solution will be the arrangement of the coal type washing. Pros in saving places are indisputable, and comfort you will appreciate. The size of the product is determined individually, taking into account the free area in the corner. By design, it can be a variety of models - straight, oval, round, modern designer, consisting of two cups of different depths, but it is important that the product is made from a durable, wear-resistant material and combined with a common interior. When choosing and installing washing, the following is taken into account:

  • You need to know how many dishes on average you plan to wash at the same time to guess the size of the product. If the choice is made for a large family, it is better to stop it on the models of deeper, otherwise it is not possible to avoid inconvenience.
  • Pay attention to the temperature modes listed in the instructions. The product is subjected to certain loads, including defrosting products. To extend the service life, do not neglect the product specifications.
  • By mounting the washbasin in the corner, it is necessary to provide for its durable protection against shocks, in order to avoid mechanical damage.

Attention. The round shape of the sink may be not quite a good choice, since it is difficult to fit a frying pan with long handles. It is better to prefer popular rectangular models.

This product has a straight or beveled inner angle. With a direct version, difficulties may occur when the doors are opened, so the design of the modules is chosen folding, connecting the two facades with loops. Questions with elements can be solved individually.

The beveled angle will take more space, but also will give hostess more capacity inside. With excessive depth, inconvenience arise, because it is harder to reach the apron, which complicates cleaning, washing.

Corner Planning Options without refrigerator

The angular M-shaped organization is considered the rational. On the 2nd adjacent walls, install the desired headset and technique, an end to the window, doorway. One of them remains free, without interfering with the movement of living. As an option - the folding bar counter will be fixed on consoles, which is comfortable to be folded as unnecessary. Chairs also choose ergonomic - folding models.

The refrigerator is the largest thing among others, often it is carried in the corridor or in a warmed balcony. This delivers certain inconvenience during operation, but also gives their advantages, freeing the precious centimeters to use for other purposes.

The principle of a single-row organization

The most affordable, simple solution is a single-row layout, in a straight line. In this case, the headset, technique, working zones are located strictly in one line on one of the long walls. Minimalism often contains such a simple arrangement, without cluttering the atmosphere with superfluous products. The refrigerator is placed on the opposite direction, or completely removed from the room, getting the maximum benefit from the convenient placement of the stove, washing, be sure to be separated by the table. You should not focus on the workspace, it is better to make it a little-spanning, not contrasting in color. Try to distract your attention to bright items and decor from the opposite side.

Important. If the refrigerator is left as part of a single-row arrangement of the headset, then the dimensions of the oven and the plates should not be more than 45 cm.

Differences of the execution of double row

A two-row headset and equipment is organized in two parallel sides, ensuring the maximum use of working surfaces. Access to the window and place near the entrance remains free, not forced items. Storage modules can be high, without taking the walls. On the one hand, we compactly fit the sink, a cooking surface, separating them with a tabletop. The oppositely they can fit a narrow refrigerator. As a result, an ideal working triangle is organized, as comfortable as possible for the owners. It is better to do a dining area by the window using the windowsill as a countertop. In addition, it will be pleasant to lunch and watch the nature on the street. Be sure to pay attention to the distance between two parallel facades. Its size ranges in the range of 1.2-1.5 m, but no less, otherwise the free movement between it will be difficult.


Minimalism is characterized by laconic, clear forms, proper geometry, minimum decorations and decorative excesses, so it can not be suitable for your 5 squares of the room. Modest dimensions will require competent zoning with color, material. In minimalism, clarity and clarity should be present, at first glance everyone should understand where the area is located for cooking, and where you can dine, drink coffee. Initially, it may seem that the room looks empty, but in fact, all the details are actually calculated, the maximum is taken into account functionality, convenience of use.

The style combines modern natural and artificial materials, such as durable plastic, steel, glass with wood, ceramic tiles, natural stone. For ceiling, stretch glossy options are suitable, or ordinary plaster, plasterboard covering. Blonde coating tones are preferred: white, light gray, pale sand. Tissue ceilings with patterns, photographic patterns, painting are unacceptable.

The walls are perfectly aligned, covered with a monophonic color from a cold palette, without drawings. In some cases, one of the walls emphasize wallpaper in the dining area.

Site in design compensates for comfortable, modern embedded household appliances. The deaf facades form a single plastic plane, wood, without a glass door. The color of the facade of one tone, unacceptable decor, elegant carving. On the cabinets, steel, chrome-plated handles are perfect, allowing you to conveniently open the design. Hood takes the role of an accent, it can be made original, spectacular. In the design of the chairs, office style prevails, supplemented by unusual structural elements.

High Tech Style

High-tech style, intersecting with minimalism, includes the most modern trends in the field of science, design, technology. It is characterized by maximum practicality, clarity in lines, bright individuality, excellent illumination of objects. In this interior, it certainly will not be bored, thanks to spectacular ideas. For a small room is an optimal solution, clearly distinguishing. The compositions prevail straight lines forming strict geometry without frills and intricateness. Materials are leading durable plastic, toned and transparent glass, steel elements.

Furniture choose the most modern instances, with a model appearance. Countertops most often glass, and plastic chairs.

Classic style

The classic does not lose its popularity, thanks to its sophistication, beauty, restrained luxurious interior atmosphere. Such a solution will perfectly fit into modest dimensions. Before repair, consider the classics - the pleasure is not cheap, since the finish is preferable to natural expensive materials. In rare cases, plastic and metal will find their place, only if they imitate natural finish.

The walls of the classic style are covered with light tones of beige, brown, sandy, cream. It is often occurred white, but it is too brain, you will have to give more time cleaning. The covering with wooden panels, sticking paper, textile wallpapers with plants ornament, geometric strip, a small cell. For smooth walls need a lush decoration.

The small room is beautiful, the arched door shape, the arch at the entrance looks. Such details visually increased modest dimensions.

Household appliances, the operating panels suggest a symmetrical location. Corner headsets are indispensable on a small area. The apron is designated with a tabletop, or contrasting it in color, material.

The furniture should be with notes of luxury, on top of the legs, coated with gilding or decorative effect effect.

Secrets Selection of Color Solution for Little Room

To achieve success when designing a small room, be sure to attract light tones, visually expanding the atmosphere, which remove the ceiling up and spread the walls of the room. The effect of the glossy finish of the facades will emphasize, splashing the mirror crumb on the ceiling, glass zones on the lockers. A certain color should flow smoothly into another, more saturated, but do not apply any contrasts. Bright elements are taken to use in small quantities, only to give an emphasis in one of the areas. Forget for major drawings on the wallpaper, choose monophonic materials with shallow texture.

In the room with northern orientation of the window, use some warm shades of yellow, sandy, beige, brown to fill the atmosphere with warmth, homely comfort. If the room is too hot in the summer, and the windows come to the south, the cold tones of blue, olive, turquoise, color of the sea wave, gray, will prevail. For the organization of competent color design, more than three colors are not recommended.

The bottom of the facade headset makes a darker top for 2-3 tons, so that the length seemed longer. But this is an optional condition, options may be mass, how to compose the overall composition.

Recommendations of Improvement Improvement Specialists

Successfully perform repairs to enjoy it later it became much more convenient - the main goal of any owner. You can enhance the functionality, if you listen to several secrets, implementing them in ideas. To expand the atmosphere, consider the opening of the door or its complete removal. Opening can make on the opposite direction. If the door is completely removed by making the army in the form of the arch, the illusion of alignment will be created, which will increase the feeling of space. However, for this case it will be difficult to keep smells around the apartment from preparing dishes, so you need a powerful extract.

If there is an adjacent balcony, you can attach it to the project. At the extra area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia, the ductile will be successfully located. An interesting option is to use the windowsill between the balcony and the room as an original dining place. You can equip a mini bar counter, with fruit holders, glasses, cups, which will also save the area. Another trick is a large slab to replace the cooking surface with 2 burners, unless of course cook and the family is small.

Take the note on the available instructions and recommendations to competently, with the knowledge of the case to plan renovation, the recommendations received and limitless fantasy. It is then that the interior becomes the original, very convenient for the whole family and pleasant to the appearance.