Repairs Design Furniture

Parium 2x2 layout. What is the size of the right bath? Whether additional rooms are needed

It's time to talk about how much space you need in a steam room on one of her visitor, and how most economically and ergonomically All this is composed. Let's deal with the fact that the pair room can be 2, 3, 4, 5 people.

Basics of bath ergonomics

In fact, in the bath only one specific room, everyone else can be considered as analogs of famous residential premises. So we will only talk here about parik.

So, what is the steam room and how is the space in it organize?

Most often we are dealing with steam room or russian or finnish Bath. They are different. They differ not only by temperature and humidity modes, but also ways to achieve them. And this means that one and the same oven Most likely (not always, but often) will not be enough to reproduce both modes. Systems are different , and .

In addition, the size of the room is heated inhomogeneously It can be allocated in it. zones with varying degrees of heating. The dimensions of these zones and the temperature in them depends on the convection of thermal flows, and it is determined by the location of the ventilation holes.

But you will find a lot of material on our website about this, we covered it in detail each of the topics for the other type of bath. If we talk about ergonomics, It is the subject of it will be human convenience due to the anatomical characteristics of a person.

And you can say this: ergonomics decides the question of how to accommodate furniture and other surroundings to our anatomy. Because sitting, lying, lean, squat, etc. It is convenient for us only if ours are taken into account gabarits. and capabilities.

This scheme shows how they are usually sitting or lying in the bath. You see that minimum seats width There must be at least 40 cm, and 60 cm deep enough to sit, conveniently rejected to the wall. The depths of the seat 90 cm is already enough to sit on it, pick up his legs.

So here finns Three tiers of regiments would have made with a width of 40 cm on the "Step". Consequently, in the depth of their shelves, only 3x40 \u003d 120 cm would occupy. The length would have varied depending on the size of the room and the number of people in the pair.

Why did they do so? Because In the sauna, it is customary to sit on the shelf, and not lying. They sit and sweat, that's the entire bath procedure. The temperature reaches 70-90 degrees, humidity - 5-15%.

They pour water on the stones very little, the couples are thick, like from the kettle, and the ventilation works so that there is always it, than to breathe - oxygen constantly comes from ventilation and quickly heats up from the stove.

In the Russian bath shelves, a width of 40 cm is not suitable. Because it is customary to lie on it. And the other person must soar lying. The minimum suitable width is 60 cm. But it is better to repel from the size between freely lying along the body with the hands of the panca. Only in this case will it really be comfortable to lie.

Tip! Measure these dimensions from the widest of frequent visitors to your bath and make shelves on it.

Russian shelves - It is a sun bed, often two-level, the first level of which can be used as a packer for the pool, and maybe the seat. Therefore, he can be narrow - 30-40 cm in depth. And the second level is just wide, under the lying person. Its length, of course, should be appropriate - 180-220 cm.

Shelves in the Russian bath

Perhaps you will attract options with legs, but here it is necessary to proceed from the specifics of your bath, try to calculate this option yourself.

Dependence between the area and the number of soared

The owner of Bani usually has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow many people in the steam room for him would be the most acceptable, but usually it is still from 2 to 5 people, then something like a "social bath" begins. At the same time, no real restrictions on the number of guests in your bath does not impose - if they are more, then the batter will be "shifts".

In essence, the pair is calculated on the usual number of soaked. But taking into account the fact that the steam room should not be too big - not only for considerations of savings. It is important to find balance Between the power of the furnace, the size of the room, ventilation (in the sauna), the quality and number of steam (in the Russian bath).

Optimal steam sizes

For 2 people

The size of the steam room for 2 people depends on how they are going to bathe. For example, they can only sit on the shelf, then the pair can be tiny in general. You remember that for sitting enough 40-60 cm in depth.

IMPORTANT! The distance from the furnace to the regiment can be viewed in the instructions for the latter, but we will proceed from the fact that it will not be less than half a meter.

In contact with

The construction of the bath begins with the project, defining the size and configuration of the room. What should be the branch of the steam? Do you need a rest room and a pre-banker? What is the minimum ceiling height? In the article, we will tell you what to take into account when planning and make an exemplary calculation of the sizes of the bath for 2-4 people.

4 mandatory question to calculate the optimal size of the bath

1. How many people are batted at the same time?
The standard family bath is made on a 2 -4 person, if they are bathed with friends, then about 6 people can be batted at the same time (perhaps more, but 6 is the most typical option). Comfortably must be all, calculated that one person takes about 1m2.

2. How do you like to bathe?

The location options in the steam room are several, here are the most common:

3. Do you like to steam sitting?Then there may be enough size 1.3x1.8 m per 2 persons, and for 4 people who will be bathed among themselves and lying - 1.5x2.0 m. Add a stove to these numbers, pass to the shelves, and get right size.

4. How much time is it?

5. Do you like to sit longer in a bathhouse?A small room warms up faster, and cool slowly, if you are not going to take guests, then the smaller the parley separation, the better (but not less than 2.5x2,5х2,5 m)

6. Are additional premises need?

The bath consists of a parch branch, wetting, relaxation room. Do not sacrifice a lounge in favor of the parley compartment and, on the contrary, we need all three places of space - Believe our experience, you will regret that they did not.

7. What attributes will be indoors?

Before changing the contractor or start building a bath with your own hands - draw the project. From Hand, in Specialized Programs (SketchUp well) - Anyway, the main thing is to position "on the shelves" everything you want to see in the bath: shelves, oven, headrest, shower, verta, water cranes, table, clothes rack and so . Someone needs to accommodate a table for 7 people in a rest room, and for someone a small bench for lying. From the fact that you want to see in the room baths highly depends size.

Optimal dimensions of a small married bath.

Suppose you have a small married bath for 2 or 4 family member. You need a steam room, where up to 4 people can accommodate at the same time, a small lounge with a table and a wave for also the number of people. Let's estimate the optimal height and width of the room.

Determine the height of the steam

It is said that the parley department should be under the growth of the highest family member - it is incorrect. The minimum possible height is 2.5 - 2.7 m, even if the highest family member is not more than 1.8 m, then this does not mean that it is necessary to make a low ceiling. With a low ceiling, the volume of the cake of the pair will be extremely small, due to the low thickness of the pair layer will be unstable. Also on the distance between the upper shelf and lay the ceiling at least 1m so that on the upper shelf you can also sit.

Calculate the width of the steam

We need at least one loner place, that is, one of the parties should not be less than 1.8 m. Optimal size for 2-3 soared: 3x3 or 3.5x3.5 m, i.e. area from 9 to 12-13 M2 with different ratios of length and width, and minimally critical, that is, the one in which it is still possible to prepare a pair pie, sufficient for a short passage, is 2.5x2.5x2.5 m.

Calculate the height and width of the oil

There are so many people going to wash as much as a man, but it should be not less in size. The height of the ceiling must be either the same as in the steam room or higher. The higher the ceiling, the easier it is breathing in the room. Thus, the optimal dimensions are height: 2.5 - 2.7 meters, width: 3.5x3.5 or 4.5-4.5 m

Calculate the size of the rest room

We also repel from the number of people and furniture, which we want to place in the room: table, shops, chairs, clothes rack, TV, etc. For 4 people, we recommend a recreation room with a width of at least 4.5-4.5 m

So let's summarize what a standard bath room for 2-4 people should be:

Par Bar: Height: 2.5-2.7 m; Width: 3.5x3.5 m

Washing: Height: 2.5 - 2.7 meters; Width: 3.5x3.5 or 4.5-4.5 m

Restroom: Height: 2.5 - 2.7 meters; Width: 4.5-4.5 m

The whole room of the bath should take at least 44 m2

The main functional premises of any bath will be the so-called steam room or, as it is also called, the steam room. Its high-quality arrangement allows you to make health procedures more efficient, high-quality and enjoyable for humans and significantly increase the popularity and reservation of the bath as such. Yes, and to imagine that the Russian bath does not have a steam room, it is simply impossible.

Features of the device

The device of this room should be not only simple, but also at the same time as comfortable and convenient for those who will use it. The most important thing is to be the right amount of shelves and racks. It should be said that the furnace is the main component of any wage, because it just placed a role to ensure the proper microclimate, as well as the comfortable temperature in this room. Today in the steam room there is an opportunity to easily install any type of stove: stone, electrical or metal and brick.

If we talk about the shelves, they are formed from the boards and leave a small space between them, thereby forming the drain. By the way, it is better to use any wood for shelves, besides coniferous rocks. The shelves should be fixed so that the free space is as much as possible and remained the opportunity to make fast cleaning after visiting this room. Under them, you can position various kinds of bath accessories such as various buckets, buckets, as well as brooms. In general, the distance between the floor and shelves should be made maximum, because the cold air masses accumulate precisely under them.

The wage must have perfect proportions, so that it warmed well to the desired temperature level.

It is best to design an option with an area of \u200b\u200b2 by 2.5 meters. Its height should be 2.10 - 2.15 meters. This size is enough that for bricks, which is for a wooden pair.

Its walls should also be trimmed by special insulation, which will hold heat inside for a long time and at the same time under the influence of high temperatures will not be distinguished by harmful substances into the environment. If we talk about the floor covering, then it is usually done either from the boards, or from the tile, for which it is quite easy to care for.

The door must have minimal sizes, because it can become a source of additional heat loss. Better if it is located not far from the furnace. It should not have constipation and easy to open, as well as tightly closed. The latter is extremely important due to the fact that there are no cases when such doors are jamming due to the swelling of the tree as a result of high humidity. There can be no windows in such a room at all, but if they still want to do, they should be very small, deaf and most high to the ceiling.

An obligatory element without which the effective use of such a premises is impossible is a ventilation system, which will output an extra moisture and will provide a constant influx of fresh air.


This room can be built from various materials - bricks, stone (natural), foam and gas blocks. But, of course, the best material will be a tree. As a rule, it takes round or planed logs for the pair. Frequent cases when you can use a timber. Also, a good solution may become a glued bar because of maximum moisture resistance. But it has the appropriate cost.

The most convenient in flight and the most accessible can be called a profiled bar, which is also quite resistant to the deformation effects of various kinds. For the construction of the steam, such wood species like aspen, birch or larch and linden will be perfectly suitable. The specified breeds of these trees do not allocate any resins at all. You must be extremely careful if it is decided to choose a pine. It is better to make only walls from this wood, but it is better to separate them within better of the faded tree.

Also, for the wage as a whole, a great solution is Lipa, because it has wonderful cleansing and coogens. In addition, this material has excellent strength, durability and hardness, and its price is attractive.

Project and calculation

It is necessary to create the project before the construction work. Dimensions will vary with a large number of nuances. To begin with, you should understand how many people will steam here simultaneously. This indicator will directly depend on the total size of the room. If we talk about the norms, then for each person you should divert at least 0.7 m2.

To calculate the height of the room, you can choose the growth of the highest family member and add 20 centimeters. During the calculations, it is necessary to understand that the ceiling will receive additional insulation, and therefore its level will be somewhat lower than it was originally assumed. To make the steam room too high is also not the best solution, as it can cause not only insufficient warm-up, but also excess energy consumption to compensate for this drawback.

Hot air masses will simply go under the ceiling and will not have any necessary impact on those who are in the steam room. Best if the height of the steam room will be 2.2-2.4 meters.

Placing people in the sauna can be either lying or seating. A sedentary way of location in the pair will give the opportunity to make it more compact. Shelves, on which it is supposed to lie, requires significantly more space. In this case, the minimum indicator in length will be 20 centimeters more than the growth of the highest family member.

Be sure to work and work out the question of the ventilation system. Since this room is not a wave or recreation room, here the pair will accumulate so much that in the premium and constant humidity, all wooden elements will quickly come into disrepair, it will also be the reason for the formation of mold, which will make a microclimate unfavorable for a person.

Where to put the oven?

Another important question to which we will try to answer this article. If you contact SNiP number 41-01-2003, then the furnace is located in the bath should at least 32 centimeters from the designs of the tree. If the walls are protected by materials that are not subjected to burning, then the distance can be reduced to 26 centimeters. These norms are very important, since any pair has its own central element - the oven.

Its location is very important, because this will depend on the efficiency of the entire system. As a rule, it is installed next to the outer wall, which makes it possible to remove the chimney through the wall on the street, without damaging the attic overlap and roof.

But there is an option to create and traditional design with a vertical pipe passing through the entire construction of the bath. To do this, in the ceiling overlap, a special hole is made, conducted through the attic that is passed through the roof. After that, the gaps between the pipe and the roofing material are overlapped with waterproofing. Such an option is more difficult in the implementation of the chimney installation plan. But if you give preference, it will significantly save the place in the steam room due to the retreat from the wall. But here we should not forget that the furnace should be compact.

By the way, in the market today you can find quite small options that have greater efficiency and will be an excellent solution for any steam room.

Tools and components

In order to make the steam room, we will need:

  • bruses for the construction of walls, as well as partitions;
  • a mortar on a concrete basis;
  • clay, sand, crushed stone;

  • armature for creating a foundation;
  • boards to create formwork;
  • waterproofing materials;

  • refractory brick;
  • tile;
  • lining;

  • mineral wool or any other insulation;
  • slate and galvanized;

  • antiseptics;
  • luminaires, cable, camshafts, switches and fans.

If we talk about tools, you will be needed:

  • shovel or a small excavator;
  • saw (electrical or on gasoline);
  • ax;

  • electric drill;
  • a hammer;
  • electric screwdriver;

  • construction stapler;
  • caulking;
  • kiyanka;
  • level and rule.

After all of the above is at hand, it is possible to start directly to construction.

Installation and insulation

After the project was fully drawn up, and the calculations made by you are tested for the lack of inaccuracies and errors, it is possible to start the construction of the foundation of the future steam and walls with their own hands. This will help the next step-by-step instruction.

So, the first stage of the work will be the foundation. To do this, first dug the recipront cuttlers. Its depth should be at the level of 1/2 of the freezing of the Earth. The height above the Earth should be 17-19 centimeters. If there is no base, then you can raise the design by 60 centimeters. It is also important that the width of the foundation is 10 centimeters larger than the width of the bar itself.After that, we establish the reinforcement to which the first crown will be fixed. Next, we make a formwork and fill the foundation of the harvested concrete. If bubbles occur during the fill, we remove them with the help of a special tool. Now, under the washing, dig a drain pit with dimensions of 1.8 x 1.8 x 1.5 m and its walls are poured concrete.

After that, the foundation must be given to settle 6-7 days. In the upper part it is necessary to do ventilation holes that must be located on the opposite walls of the walls. At the next stage around the foundation we build a breakfast. To create it, we take clay and mix it with rubble, pouring a layer with a thickness of 5-10 centimeters.

Now, around the perimeter of our foundation, it is necessary to lay a runner. It will be best if it is laid in several layers. It should go beyond the size of the base of 50 millimeters. In order to build walls, you can use if desired factory wall sets. You can also cut the timber on the workpiece of the length we need. They require special spikes and grooves. After that, in the initial row we make markup in accordance with the installation of the reinforcement and we drill the openings with a depth of 25 millimeters, after which you can start laying the first wedges of the walls of the bath. To do this, we put it on the pins, we carry out the connection of BRUSEV, after which the compaction points are compact.

Then we put the second row, drill holes that will go to half the height of the first row. Now pull out the second row and in the holes of the first we drive the sews in 1.5 parts of the height of the bar. After that, you hide the following row. Now the crowns connect with bellows, and the grooves are instep by the Jute. Also leave space for doorways. And thus we build a bath with a steam to a certain level of height.

Now in the upper crown, we give the beam overlaps, and in their lower - the rafter ends. Top ends should be connected in a skate. Between the rafters, we make steps 1 -1.2 meters, after which you nourish them a skate board and a crate. Steamproofing and waterproofing, which can perform foil, after which we put on top of any roofing material, for example, slate. Also in advance should be provided for the presence of mortgage pipes. After that, we can say that the frame of the bath with the steam room is ready.

Ceiling: Proper ventilation

In order to reduce the high humidity in the room of this type, as well as prevent the appearance of mold and fungus, the steam room in the bath should have a truly effective and reliable mechanism of exhaust ventilation. Such a system will be the best solution for timely withdrawal of excess moisture and supply of clean air from the street. According to experts, it is best in premises of this type to make a supplier-exhaust ventilation mechanism that will have a built-in air duct.

In this case, the trimmed channel should be located near the firebox at the bottom of the steam room. In this case, the extract in this case should be installed at the top of the opposite wall in almost the same ceiling. The size of the exhaust channel must doublely exceed the diameter of the supply.

And the air flow can be adjusted using the most common built-in valves.


The installation of the floor can be done immediately after the framework of the room was built. If we are talking about steam room, then the floor level should be significantly higher than in other rooms. Consider how to properly lay the floor.

At the already pre-prepared foundation to put lags from a wooden bar, after which you feed the boards on them. The distance between them should be 6-9 millimeters, and between the floor and the ground should be at least half a meter. After that, we do the holes for ventilation.

It should be said that the floor of the concrete will be more durable and stronger, but it will be significantly higher than it. In the washer, where the shower will be standing, and the steam room is pulled out a cape depth 12 cm for flowing water. Its walls are made from a concrete solution. Top places metal crate. From here water will be drained into the sewer plum. When he is ready - we make a screed. First, we need to note the points to which the floor level will be brought, after which they measure the distance to fill the screed. Now it is necessary to level the land and remove a bit of the upper layer, after which we smear the sand layer up to 45 centimeters, moisturize it with water and thoroughly tamper, making a slope in the direction of the plum.

Now we fill the first five-per-meter layer of the concrete solution. After drying, the screed rolling on it the glassizol or runneroid, after which they lay the heat insulation layer with a thickness of half acetimeter. All this is putting a metal reign from the grid, on top of which we pour a second concrete layer with a thickness of 10 centimeters. Now align the concrete and remember the sling slope. Tile or other flooring is placed on top of the entire design.

Walls: "Pie"

If the walls of the steam rooms are made of foam blocks or on the so-called frame technology, then they need additional insulation. In fact, inside we must receive a thermos, where the cold air will not fall and which will hold the heat emanating from the furnace. This will make it possible to significantly save resources that will be spent on heating, as well as maintaining a specific temperature regime here. In fact, it is necessary to create a "pie" wall. So it is called because the materials are stacked in layers, which is why it turns out a similarity with the pie.

Before the start in the wall there is a hole where the furnace will be installed. After that, the windproof film is fixed on the walls and the bars are screwed with a thickness of 5 centimeters and a 4 centimeter width. The step between them should be equal to the width of the insulation tiles. After that, the insulation from the basalt is quite tightly fit, which refers to the category of non-combustible. Now it is necessary to kill waterproofing to the bars. It is best to do this with galvanized brackets. How to protect one of three options:

  1. waterproofing bath membrane;
  2. high density foil;
  3. foam-based foam-based foam-based.

The strips of one of these materials are nourished with the same brackets when inserted at least 15 centimeters. All joints should be propered using a special adhesive tape, and even then rakes with a thickness of 25 mm and about 40 mm wide each 70 centimeters are attached to galvanized screws. Now exactly install the crate using a laser level.

Its installation starts with 2 decks at the edges, between which the lace is tightened, which serves as a guide to nullify other creewater elements. After that, the wagon board is already attached. For its fixing, special galvanized nails can be applied. After that, it remains in the wall to do holes for ventilation, which you want to disguise the plugs or dampers.

If necessary, you can mount the fan in one of the vent holes.

Installing windows and doors

As mentioned above, the construction of a separate wage does not provide for installation of windows, so that lighting artificial type will be more than enough. By the way, we should not forget that for all windows it is required to make thermal insulation of blocks, which will entail additional costs. Alternatively, you can mount 1 deaf window 50 per 50 centimeters. In order to make a parilla of really high-quality, it is necessary to buy the best glass windas, which have the most efficiency in matters of heat and sound insulation.

Naturally, making doors in the steam room. It should be understood that the door frame is at the level below the usual, and the threshold is slightly higher. Such a decision will reduce heat loss and will not give the opportunity to form drafts. The optimal height of the threshold is considered an indicator of thirty centimeters. Installation of the door is made so that the people entering it could not burn material from heated during operation.

The tree has good thermal conductivity, due to which, on both sides, the door is better to sow a foil and a special insulation. And on top of them you can disguise the same clapboard.

An alternative to such a solution will simply acquire and subsequent installation of glass doors. They look perfectly and will be perfectly used in any conditions that may arise.

Finish and arrangement

For decoration, you should choose a suitable tree. We are talking about oak, cedar, larch or lipa. The sheathing should not be made from resinous rocks like pine. Before mounting inside the wood it is better to treat oil substances. Such impregnation will reduce the hygroscopicity of the material. The design of the clapboard begins with the ceiling. It is mounted on the crate on the mechanism of spikes and grooves, or is attached using kleimers.

When the lining on the ceiling is mounted, it starts working with walls. The casing will go in parallel with the installation of the shelves and occur in a certain sequence. At first, using the level of the wall surface. At the same time there is a markup of how sun beds with all the elements will be placed, including the backbones.

After that, it is covered by the side and front of the shelves. After that, the rest of the walls are silent. Now the installation of plinths remains, both the ceiling and outdoor. Details of the trim are usually applied only in a special case if it is seized on the joints one under another very inactively. It should be said that this time must be taken carefully, because the moisons may begin in the gaps, which may be the cause of the development of fungus and mold in these places.

Already in the final of the work the doors are mounted, as well as various lamps and lamps. Wires must be carefully wasolateed, in order not to get moisture on them and a short circuit did not occur with the subsequent fire.

In addition, after that, you can, for example, make a couple of hangers or additional shelves to accommodate some accessories.

It should be noted that the most beautiful bath is obtained from those who want to introduce some of their ideas and do something non-standard. And the steam room is a room where any material can become a work of art, be it tree, stone or metal. The main thing is that imagination and finances allow you to realize your ideas.

You can make a steam room with your own hands, although this requires a considerable complex of knowledge. At the same time, if everything is done really correctly, you can be sure that it will be exactly not worse than if you ordered the development of the project and the subsequent implementation of its construction professionals. In addition, the technology of independent creation of such a building has already been tested not by one person and proved its high quality and viability. In general, if you want to build a steam room with your own hands, then thanks to the knowledge described above, you can implement such an idea without problems.

In the ancient Russia, the wage in the baths were by no means such a miniature size as it is popular today. And all because the whole big family was batted at the same time - otherwise why two or three times to pull the oven? But in many modern baths to the parch department, not many square meters are given - for themselves, yes for the guest. But, if we consider that there are certain fire-fighting and sanitary standards, it becomes clear that it is impossible to be so easy to define with the size of the hottest room in the bath and put the furnace to the shelves. So what is the optimal size of the steam room and how to consider all the nuances? This will tell about this.

Huge bath and health complexes with pools, billiard room and gym in the suburbs are pleased with the eye and seem to be the limit of dreams, but is it just worth doing the same scope in Russian in your site? Or is it better to highlight the old garage and start to work wonders at the minimum area, like the Chinese? Let's figure out what the size of the steam rooms are optimal for pleasant bath procedures.

Width and Length Steam: All Underwater Stones

The main task of the steam is quite high temperature. For a sauna, it can reach 100? C, and for the Russian bath, the most comfortable is that closer to the body temperature. And for this, a close radiant heating is needed from the furnace about 40-50? C - precisely then the so-called reflex heating of man is included, which ensures maximum effect.

Further, the warmth of the person in the steam room is transmitted not only from the furnace, but also he surrounding air. And in this regard, the proximity of the location on solid fuel is dangerous - their radiant heat is small, but they can heat the air too much, which will lead to skin burns. That is why you cannot build with a small steam room in any case - it is dangerous for life, what would the height of the regiments in the steam room and whatever the screen does not cover the oven.

But with an electric oven, large gabarits of the steam rooms are meaningless. After all, then the cost of electricity will not pay off any comfort.

So how to determine the size of the steam, if the furnace is already chosen in advance? Such a calculation will help: the heat radiation in space has the property to spread so that its intensity always weakens inversely proportionally the value equal to the square of the distance from the radiation source. This means that vacationers that will be at a distance of three meters from the furnace, exactly four times less will receive heat than if they were sitting just a half meters from the source.

This is just a minus of too large sizes of the wage - so that the heat reached the person in the right amount, you will have to either simply felt this furnace, or overheating the air, and both of these options are obviously harmful to health. On the other hand, heat dissipation is also the necessary component of bath procedures, and the more the steam room, the better this process happens in it. That is why the compromise is so necessary and that's why the steam room should not be too big or too small.

Height of the steaming: how to please everyone?

Of course, the greater the height of the ceiling in the steam room, the more fresh air in it and the more comfortably feels like a person. But after all, the optimal height for such a premises, experienced builders call 2.2-2.4 meters. Why? Not low? The whole thing is, if you "raise" the ceiling of the steam, at least 10 cm ceiling, then the total volume of the pair will immediately increase the half of the cubic meter, and the fuel, and the time on the crossing will have to spend not even in a proportional increase - and much more. That is why it is not necessary to do the ceiling above, but below 2.1 meters - already it is impossible.

And in order to maximize the internal space of the steam room, it is necessary to simply minimize the surface of the floor and increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe Polish. Thus, under the shelves, the space is desirable and drowning at all for the sake of reducing the warmed volume, which will save fuel for the furnace and the heating time of the steam. And the correct sizes of regiments in the steam room are three canvas, each of which is about 35 cm high, and the top is the widest one.

Of course, it is impossible to say that the miniature, and the cumbersome steam is irrational. It is just necessary to take into account those recommendations that posted above, and know what to expect from the bath barrels, and from A la near Moscow complex for a large friendly company.

To date, more and more people are installed houses of the steam. If this is large apartments, then in addition to the bathroom, Komorka is made for the steam room, the capacity can be up to two people, sometimes one. Possessing a country house, some people make a whole bath complex with a parillery, a rest room, a wax and bathroom.

If a person really loves to get out once a week, and he has the opportunity and place to make his own small steam room, he will use it. Of course, it will require quite large cash, since it is not worth doing a cheap option, it will spoil all the impressions.

First you need to decide on the size of the steam. Specialists advise to make a room for a minimum for two, as it is safer. One thing is not worth it, everything can happen.

The Russian bath does not require greater heating, on average it will be fifty degrees. But there are designs that allow you to keep high degrees, like the Finnish bath and feel also comfortable.

Height of the steam

Almost all professionals in this matter argue that the height of the steaming should be a maximum of 2.5 meters. This is not just like that. The height allows you to feel comfortable to people of any growth, as well as the time to warm up the steam room will not be long.

To increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe steam, the floor space is maximally reduced, usually leave a place for the stove and place so that the doors can be closed.

See also: Warming the ceiling in the bath with your own hands

The height of the steps is about 35 - 40 centimeters. Almost in all standard poirs make no more than three steps.


The last step is made the biggest, because it is on it that the person will be lying, which will be soaring. The first step is made mainly for those who are not as susceptible to high temperatures and is designed for seating. The second stage is considered universal.

The volume of the steps is made at the calculation of the size of the steam. The number of steps can be two or one large surface. Depends on the choice of the steam.

Sizes of Parilik

Depending on how much a person is in the steam room, you can take an exemplary dimension:

- 840 by 1150 cm (the size of the steam room per person);

- 1150 by 1150 cm (the size of the steam room per one or two people, extremely closely);

- 1450 - 1300 cm (the size of the steam of two people - the opportunity only to sit);

- 1050 - 1800 cm (one person - the ability to lie and sit);

- 1500 to 2350 (two people - the ability to lie and sit);

All that more than 2000 by 2250 centimeters is considered fairly large parilies, such dimensions of the steam rooms are designed for three or four people.

Note: Sizes are indicated without deduction of wall thickness

It is best to do with a reserve of ten-twenty centimeters so that you can feel comfortable. The main thing is not to make the steam room too small, since the feeling of closure appears very part.

For Parilov, which are located in the country areas and stand in a separate building, it is better to provide a window in advance, in which case it will be possible to quickly ventilate the room. The window usually makes no more than 50 cm, but this will require additional thermal insulation.

See also: Warm floor for your own bath

Finish steam

The most common coatings for the steam room:

Maple, pine, ash white, birch, birch flame, ram, cato, oak white, ash, oak Caucasian, citron, limb.

They have an excellent smell and favorably affect well-being. This is a good vaporizoation and tightness, so do not resort to some cheap substitutes, which can cause an allergic reaction, they are also short-lived and require frequent replacement. It is better not to skip and spend once on a high-quality and pleasant finish.

Walls at the wage should be thick, so as not to miss the outside of steam and heat. If there are large differences compared to the external environment, the walls may crack.

It is also necessary to buy additional accessories that are present in each steam room:

- hourglass (in no case do not hang clock on batteries);

- thermohygrometer;

- thermometer (alcohol);

- lamps (several pieces);

- Headrests (bought separately, it is difficult to do enough);

Furnace for steaming

To date, there are three types of furnaces - it is metallic, brick and electric. Each of them possesses its positive and negative properties.

1. Electric furnace Very uneconom of, as the heating and continuous support of heat leaves a sufficiently large number of kW. For example, to warm up the floor, walls and ceiling in a steam room with a size of 20-25 sq.m., takes about 4 kW. If this steam room, which is not a lining, but a naked log cabin, then the figure must be multiplied by one and a half. It also needs to add about 10 kW for heating the oven itself, stones and water tanks.