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Quotes to the image of the horstakov from the auditor. A brief image of the horstakov in the comedy "Auditor": a person without moral principles

Option 1:

Klestakov ... It is customary to be a fraudster and a deceiver. But is it really? A man all his life is late for himself, does not have time, everything is incompaid, he can't do anything, in all he is a loser ... while he dreams. And in his dreams, he is strong, smart, rich, power and irresistible for women.

The reality is sad - he played the whip in the fluff and dust. Only a miracle will save our dreamer from hungry death and debt pit.

And the miracle happens. Circumstances are so favorably that Ivan Aleksandrovich cannot resist temptation. And the power of the People rest in front of him, and the first beauties of the N-SKA are ready to fall into his arms - or provide their daughters. And there is no strength and desire to stop and think about the consequences - carries, carries a cheating lion and selling ...

Herbles himself, however, stupid and cowardly. And the only thing that justifies him in our eyes is another stupidity and the cowardice of the characters around him. However, he knows how to deftly adapt to the situation, to give the desired for the actual. Want to see an important official - you will be an important official. Want to give bribes - he will take them. You want a profitable marriage or an influential lover - and it will promise you. It is impossible to stay in the flow of lies, only - to leave that whipping and does. Very time.

Khlestakov is not the protagonist of the play. He, rather, the phenomenon of nature, like a Purga or drought. He simply allows his existence to show itself in all its glory. Estate your vices and passions for review. Turn inside out under the light of the ramp.

Hellets passive throughout the entire action, he floats downstream. He does not act - he only encourages others to throw the masks. Our own existence here and now.

Khlestakov - only catalyst.

Option 2:

It is such an invincible confidence in his right to take care of other people and leads to the fact that Khlestakov is easily drawn into the game offered to him and does not bring out other participants from the delusion of this game. It is so naturally kept in the image of the pompous bolt, which officials do not doubt: this role is invented on purpose to mask the revision.

The model of behavior of all bribe products at the same time is about the same - they also pretend to be stupid. Therefore, the play events unfold very predictably. The combination of fear with hope for rapid success leads to loss of vigilance, including the ladies.

Histakov is not a positive hero, although he had no bad intentions. This image is especially relevant in our time when society is aimed at consumption, and not on the development of the person.

Option 3:

Gogol is one of the most merciless critics of the moral principles and the mains of the then public. It is noteworthy that everything described by the author, all the characteristics and vital plots are relevant to this day. As the saying goes: "We all left Gogol Shinel." The same, one can say about the comedy "Auditor", in particular about Ivan Alexandrovich Khlezlekova, whose character is central in the work. The features of his character, manner of behavior, the adventures in which he was involved in so vitality and are natural that a collective name appeared for such an incident - "Khlestakovshchina".

If you deal with those who are such a husk, it will become obvious that - it is, in fact, not an evil character, but an extraordinary dodgy, cunning and skillful deceiver. He is even close to the hystage. Upon arrival in a small town, it was hard for his ends with ends. Having left in the room alone and sent the servant to miss the dinner at the owner of the restaurant, that's what thoughts visit him: "It's terrible as I want to eat! So a little passed, I thought whether the appetite would not work, - no, damn it, it does not pass. Yes, if B in Penza I did not glan, it would take home money. " It is obvious that sometimes, very rarely, Khlezkov slip thoughts of sound sensitors, repentance appears. This happens not because of high morality, but because of the horror needs. The hero droincised in the card almost all fatherly money. He remains to look for the ways of earnings, but our character is not so good. Instead, he simply took advantage of the situation, pretended to be an important official and circled around the finger of the inhabitants of a small town. "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure."

Khlestakov is drunk by the situation, with imaginary power and the resulting role. This person has no rod, it floats where it carries the current. Schittrate to get out, sculpts dust into the eyes, wants to seem, and not be. Unfortunately, both before and today, a person who received a high post without achieving this with his own work, and by the will of the case, and behaves. Mnetself herself a great man who brings the fate of people, misses his eyes with false achievements, extolled to heaven, not noticing that there is nothing of the way that supported his flight. And you need to answer honestly to each of us, myself, if we would not be seduced, to break the big kush, when he himself goes into his hands? As it were, when each of the inhabitants would hurry to please us, honor and "kiss a hand." Would you succumb to? "Necha's mirror has a penalty, if Kriva Rifle," says the proverb to the work.

Option 4:

The key figure in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" is Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov.

The writer characterizes the main hero of his work negatively. Why? Because Khlestakov behaves so brazenly and irresponsible that even the reader arises a feeling of hostility to this character.

When meeting Hellestakov, we learn that he managed to spend all his money because of love for gambling. Now he is located in the district of N, without having the opportunity to pay accommodation in the hotel, in which he stopped. Gingerbread, who accepted this passing for the auditor, creates Helstakov all the conditions where the imaginary auditor can show its "talents" - lies, ambition, compassion. All this leads to the fact that the number of deceived hollytakov people increases every day, and the anti-hero himself does not use the anti-hero with the fact that he could never belong to him rightly.

The image of this negative character became nominative and today we can observe a considerable number of such "whip" surrounding us in everyday life.

Option 5:

One of the main characters, as well as the most bright way comedy N.V. Gogol "The Auditor" is Ivan Khlestakov, he is young, thin and stupid. About such people often say: "Without a king in the head".

Khlestakov serves in the Office, receiving a meager salary and, dreaming of incredible heights, which are not available from birth. He fantasies about how a gorgeous life will lead and becomes a pet, although this, of course, never happens.

By the will of the case, he losing everything that he had, it turns out to be in the hotel of the county city of N, where he faces the city. He accepts him for the auditor, and for a fantasist and liar of the horstykova, there are no inaccessible opportunities. He begins to feel his importance, even imaginary, and uncontrollably lifting about himself, its achievements and position in society. At the same time, he does not even recognize with whom specifically it was confused, the hero does not have enough integrity to use his temporary position for his own benefit. Although unconsciously, but Hellets, fulfilling the role that he was imposed on, managed to feed the universal fear of the "big man." During his service in the office, he has repeatedly experienced the role of serious officials, watching their behavior. And he fell out the opportunity to feel significant and important, and the hero, of course, would use it, because his superficiality does not give him to predict the troubles that may follow this. It is worth noting that Khlestakov was not a sweat of nature, he just took the honors and was sure that he had deserved them, already starting believing in his own lie.

The city could not recognize the flag, because Ivan issued himself for the official unassignedly, without the goal of profit, he naturally considered himself whom he considered him surrounding. But all the same, he saved his randomness, he left the city on time and thanks to this I escaped the disclaimer for his lies.

The image of the horstykova illustrates an empty and worthless person who giving anything to society, wants to receive all sorts of benefits and honors just like that.

Option 6:

Khlestakov Ivan Aleksandrovich is one of the key characters of the comedy Gogol "Auditor". By itself, he is the most that there is a mediocre, who does not stand out from the crowd with any positive qualities, a typical "small person". The will of the fate turns out to be on the ridge of the life wave - according to a pure chance, the residents of the county town H take it for an important person - the metropolitan auditor. And here, here at our hero begins the real life - the life of which he has been dreamed so long ago: the first persons of the town invite him to dinner dinners, the best women pay attention to him, and officials tremble to the "meaningful person."

And then, when Khleklakov is prevented to life, which he dreamed of, begins to clearly manifest his true face. Khlestakov rake unrestrained by presenting himself a great writer and a public figure, unless he takes bribes, fooling his head at the same time two women. In the middle of the work we see it no longer a faceless "little man," and the personality is truly immoral. In his character, we see frivolousness and falsehood, irresponsibility and stupidity, superficiality and simply no decency. No wonder all these qualities in the complex were dubbed the xlekovekovshchina.

Interestingly, as the work of the work develops, the nature of the main character develops and the negative features of its nature are developing more and more. It is not known how she would have reached Hellets, if it were not again, a happy chance - just before the deception of the hero was revealed, he leaves from the city. It is probably the luck - this is the only valuable natural gift that Nature laid the hollytkov.

The brightest way of comedy is Khlestakov, one who was the culprit of extraordinary events. Gogol immediately gives to understand the viewer that the Khlebakov is not an auditor (preceding the appearance of a holling story about him Osipa). However, the whole point of this character and his attitude towards their audio duties becomes clear not immediately.
Khlestakov does not survive on the arrival of any orientation process - for this, it lacks elementary observation. He does not build any plans to deceive officials - for this he does not have enough tricks. He does not use consciously benefit of his position, because in what it consists, he does not think. Only before the departure of Khlestakov, vaguely guesses himself that he was taken "for a state man", for someone else; But for whom, he did not understand. Everything that happens to him in the play occurs as if in addition to his will.
Gogol wrote: "Khlestakov, in itself, an insignificant man. Even empty people call him an empty. Never in life did not happen to make cases able to pay someone's attention. But the power of universal fear created a wonderful comic person from him. Fear Howing the eyes of everyone, gave him a field for a comic role. "


Khleshtakov Ivan Alexandrovich. "... a young man of the age of 23, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head ... He is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. "
H. heads from St. Petersburg, where serves as a correspondence of papers, to the Saratov province to the Father. On the road, he completely lost, so he doesn't have money at all and lives in a duty tavern. The arrival of Gullary H. Atochu connects with arrest for non-payment of debt. Then, making money and by moving to the apartment to the Lukzovsky-Dmukhanovsky, H. Thinks that all this is done exclusively due to the humanity and hospitality of the official. K H. Become "Suitable" visits of officials and merchants of the city. He, increasingly impudent, takes money off their loan. Only after that H. guess that he was taken for someone else. Cut the poor visitors to the neck, he informs about everything that happened in the letter to his friend Raguccin. At the same time, H. gives the most non-useful reviews of each of the city officials. H. Fully enlightened into the role of a "high person." He is very good to be those who can only envy and whom he never become. Carelessly X. comes up with the most fantastic images, hitting officials. Not rushing with leaving, H. climbs a double romance with his wife and the daughter of Governing. He even woven to Marie Antonovna, which awakens in public hopes at the General Chin. H. So fond of his role that forgets everything. And if it were not for his lifeling servant Osip, then H. would not leave on time. The "liar auditor" would be exposed on the spot, reading his letter to the rag and met the real auditor. H. - "The Spirit on Inspiration", he is lying and brags disinterestedly, just not remembering that he said a minute ago. But in his chatter is sad, even tragic. In the world that was created by H., harsh bureaucratic laws of Russian life were overcome. An insignificant official here is produced in Feldmarshals, becomes a great writer or beloved beautiful ladies. So, the lies allows the hero to reconcile with his wretched life.

No one before him (Gogol) did not read such a complete pathoanatomy course about the Russian official. With laughter on the lips, he penetrates the most intimate folds of the unclean, evil officials of the soul without pity. The comedy of Gogol "Auditor", his poem "Dead Souls" represent a terrible confession of modern Russia.
A.I. Herzmen

"Auditor" - the well-known comedy belonging to Peru N.V. Gogol, is considered one of the brightest dramatic works of domestic prose of the 19th century.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol has become a successor of the traditions of Russian drama in the genre of satire. His comedy "The Auditor" was concisely fitted in the thematic line laid down by the famous comedies D.I. Fonvizin "Lady" and A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit".
But, despite the comedy genre, the work of the "Auditor" is deeply realistic, as it penetrates into the life arrangement of the small and medium-sized official class of the provincial cities of Russia for the second quarter of the 19th century. Penetrating into the soul itself, Gogol is withdrawing the world, which build these people, revealing their hidden intentions and characters.

By barely discovered the comedy "Auditor", we understand that in addition to the point and the problems laid down in the work itself, we will deal with characters, the nature, the vital priorities of which are already disclosed in their names. Speaking surnames have every hero of the work. For example, the surname of the private attachment: the Whhakhertov, and the county lekari: a ginner.

Thanks to the last name from the first acquaintance with the characters, we understand who we will deal with the future. For example, by the name of the county Lekary H.I. The governor can be judged that almost all he treated, died. So she is no longer like the surname, but on the nickname.

Gogol wrote critical remarks, characterizing each of the main characters. These remarks help better understand the character of each hero, their soul and thoughts. For example, what are Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov and Anton Antonovich Skouvennik-Dmukhanovsky, Gingerbread? Who are they?

Gingerbile: "Though the bribemer, behaves very solid."
Khlestakov: "Without a king in my head. Says and acts without any consideration. "

It seems they are the people of one warehouse, both stretch to power, love when they are crawling in their feet. At the end of the comedy, Anton Antonovich becomes a bouncer of the highest discharge, a dreamer (however, as Anna Andreevna, his wife).

"We intend to live in St. Petersburg now. And here, I confess, such an air ... a rustic is too too! .. I confess, a big trouble ... That's my husband: there will be a general chin. "

That is what the limit of dreams they reached: Petersburg, they give them, he wants to be (granted) to be a general.

And in action II phenomenon VIII, see how he is trying to give himself for virtue, wanting, apparently, to enforce to "the auditor".

"I wish to health! Sorry. My duty, as the city-owner of the local city, take care of the passing and all noble people with any oppression "...

But what did the "auditor" looked at this time. He thought he was going to be imprisoned for not paying for the hotel, food. And the city is ...

How he could take some kind of obscuranta-impostor for such a high person as an auditor. It is plenty of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, who are positioned in a district city, like local fools, gossip. They communicate with them in accordance with these personal qualities: with contempt or patronage. But unlike them, the granted - the person is smart enough, which does not prevent being a first-class plow, and maybe even contributes to his prosperity in the puff. Well, and Hellets in the house of Anton Antonovich behaved like a real official (a great actor).

"Words fly out inspired by him: ending the last word phrase, he does not remember her first word," wrote V.G. Belinsky.

Well, who, tell me, will not grind nonsense, fearing something. Khlestakov thought he would be put in prison, and, on the contrary, were invited to the house an important and significant person in the city. Khlestakov found money, honor, treat, why and without wine, you can come to some semipal relaxation.

Gogol in the article about the theater wrote that in his comedy he reflected only one private person, the name of which "laughter". Laughter, and not at all the auditor arrived by the highest command.

Characteristic of the hero

Khleshtakov Ivan Alexandrovich. "... a young man of the age of 23, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head ... He is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. "

H. heads from St. Petersburg, where serves as a correspondence of papers, to the Saratov province to the Father. On the road, he completely lost, so he doesn't have money at all and lives in a duty tavern. The arrival of Gullary H. Atochu connects with arrest for non-payment of debt. Then, making money and by moving to the apartment to the Lukzovsky-Dmukhanovsky, H. Thinks that all this is done exclusively due to the humanity and hospitality of the official. K H. Become "Suitable" visits of officials and merchants of the city. He, increasingly impudent, takes money off their loan. Only after that H. guess that he was taken for someone else. Cut the poor visitors to the neck, he informs about everything that happened in the letter to his friend Raguccin. At the same time, H. gives the most non-useful reviews of each of the city officials. H. Fully enlightened into the role of a "high person." He is very good to be those who can only envy and whom he never become. Carelessly X. comes up with the most fantastic images, hitting officials. Not rushing with leaving, H. climbs a double romance with his wife and the daughter of Governing. He even woven to Marie Antonovna, which awakens in public hopes at the General Chin. H. So fond of his role that forgets everything. And if it were not for his lifeling servant Osip, then H. would not leave on time. The "liar auditor" would be exposed on the spot, reading his letter to the rag and met the real auditor. H. - "The Spirit on Inspiration", he is lying and brags disinterestedly, just not remembering that he said a minute ago. But in his chatter is sad, even tragic. In the world that was created by H., harsh bureaucratic laws of Russian life were overcome. An insignificant official here is produced in Feldmarshals, becomes a great writer or beloved beautiful ladies. So, the lies allows the hero to reconcile with his wretched life.

Replies (33)


the answer is written about 1 year ago


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the answer is written about 1 year ago


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"Khlestakov, a young man of twenty-three years three, thin, thin; somewhat silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop permanent attention to any thought. Speech by him, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpectedly. The more executing this role will show profits and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion. "

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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"Khlestakov, a young man of twenty-three years three, thin, thin; somewhat silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop permanent attention to any thought. Speech by him, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpectedly. The more executing this role will show profits and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion. "

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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"Khlestakov, a young man of twenty-three years three, thin, thin; somewhat silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop permanent attention to any thought. Speech by him, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpectedly. The more executing this role will show profits and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion. "

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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"Khlestakov, a young man of twenty-three years three, thin, thin; somewhat silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop permanent attention to any thought. Speech by him, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpectedly. The more executing this role will show profits and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion. "

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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lord everywhere one and too

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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the answer is written about 1 year ago


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According to the author's characterization, Khlestakov "somewhat carrying", "without a king in the head", such people usually "are called empty" in the office "," says and acts without. all considerations. He is not able to stop constant attention to some thought. Speech by his spoil, and words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected. " Already at the first appearance of Klezlekov in the restaurant, his Barna manner rushes in action. This is also expressed in the soldiers to the master, and in Write it: "I was lying on the bed again?", "Vresh, lying around ...", "How do you dare?", And in an arrogant ukor and threat of an innocent servant: "You're accustomed there Contact others: I, brother, not of this kind! I do not advise with me "; And in the imperative form, to which he often resorts, turning to the aspen: accept, look, go, say, Call, Congre, persuade, crush, etc.; And in the threads of Brahi, which he collapses and at the Osip, and on the restaurant servant, and on his owner and the people like him: a fool, a cattle, a coarse animal, fraudsters, etc. In Khleshtakov, it will noticeably repel its arrogant barnitude in a sorticular use of the word A man like something low, unworthy. "He thinks," says Khlestakov, an innocent servant about his owner, - that as him, a peasant, nothing, if not a day. " He does not gear the provincial landlords and calls them "pentyuhi", gets from him and his father: "Old hell". But when the need hits it, he finds completely different intonations and words and does not order, but asks Osip. So, he turns to the master, sending it at lunch: "Tell me there ... In order for me to have lunch," Gogol in the author's remark notes that these words he says "the voice is not at all decisive and not loud, very close to the request" . He is kind and with a restaurant servant, when he intends to raise lunch. "Hello, brother! Well, that you, healthy, "Warningly meets Khlestakov servant, although, of course, he has no matter before his health. Then Khlestakov politely asks him about the hotel: "How is your hotel? Is everything good? "," Many passing? " Further, politely called the servant "courtesy" (twice), he cautiously and imprisoningly asks and descends him to give dinner, adding even the word "please" ("Please Porotindi). Belinsky, having thrown in the skill of Gogol in the show of Kleskov in the sheaf with an innocent servant, wrote: "Look at how he (Khlestakov) is depicted before the restaurant servant, coping to his health and about the number of people who come to their tavern, and as affectionately asks him to hurry to bring him lunch ! What a scene, what provisions, what language! ". But it was worthy to appear dinner, even bad, like the well-being of Klezlekov, and at the same time, and the speech change dramatically. He now becomes a demanding and disrespectful to the owner of the restaurant, his Barskoy pride spoke in it again. "I spit on your owner!" - He says the servant and requires himself a good lunch. The second action of the comedy gives a bright material for the disclosure of the internal contradictions of the horstykov, which inevitably affects it in some kind of speech. As already noted, in the scene of the conversation of the horstyotov with Osip and the innocent servant, sharp transitions are noticeable from rudeness to courtesy, from enhancing to arrogance. The desire to ross money to deliver constant entertainment and pleasure to rent a better room, get the best dinner, play a picture, ride on the cab, every day to go to the theater, walk along the "Prelbent", i.e., do not do as A serious and leading restrained young man, very, correctly notes Osip. Realizing that he was taken for a very important official in the city, and therefore reverend, Khlestakov resorts to the usual, apparently, for him the form of expressing his tastes and desires.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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He was a sleepy!

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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One of the main heroes of the play is the imaginary auditor of the Khlestakov, as a person's personality. In fact, the whip is a small official, the man is insignificant, almost no one respected him, he did not even respect his own servant. He was poor, he had no money to pay for the room, and for food. He began to begging the owner to feed him into debt. But when he was driving food, he began to imagine: that the soup is simple water, and the catlet tastes like a washer. All officials are not clean on the conscience thought it was: a sample of service tricks, mind and foresight, and no one doubted that he was the auditor and gave bribes. He took them, and she took and thirst for harvesters grows. In a letter, the True Horstakov's true face opens to officials: frivolous, stupid, Bastaigne. He lives like a free bird, fluttering without thinking about the future, and not remembering the past. He wants, go where he wants, that he wants, he will do. The most important is the desire to paint before the ladies, in front of officials, before ordinary people. Not forgetting to mention that he is from St. Petersburg (in Nikolaev time it was the capital of Russia). He is creative: first, he is artistically, because he quickly bother into the role of the auditor, and secondly, gaining bribes, he wants to do literary. During the time staying in this small town, he widow managed to paint before the ladies, that is, before his wife and the daughter of Governing, in front of officials, and before ordinary people, telling them about the manners of the School of Mature Life. He did not know that the postmaster would open his letter. But he somehow felt that he was exposed, and he escaped.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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One of the main heroes of the play is the imaginary auditor of the Khlestakov, as a person's personality. In fact, the whip is a small official, the man is insignificant, almost no one respected him, he did not even respect his own servant. He was poor, he had no money to pay for the room, and for food. He began to begging the owner to feed him into debt. But when he was driving food, he began to imagine: that the soup is simple water, and the catlet tastes like a washer. All officials are not clean on the conscience thought it was: a sample of service tricks, mind and foresight, and no one doubted that he was the auditor and gave bribes. He took them, and she took and thirst for harvesters grows. In a letter, the True Horstakov's true face opens to officials: frivolous, stupid, Bastaigne. He lives like a free bird, fluttering without thinking about the future, and not remembering the past. He wants, go where he wants, that he wants, he will do. The most important is the desire to paint before the ladies, in front of officials, before ordinary people. Not forgetting to mention that he is from St. Petersburg (in Nikolaev time it was the capital of Russia). He is creative: first, he is artistically, because he quickly bother into the role of the auditor, and secondly, gaining bribes, he wants to do literary. During the time staying in this small town, he widow managed to paint before the ladies, that is, before his wife and the daughter of Governing, in front of officials, and before ordinary people, telling them about the manners of the School of Mature Life. He did not know that the postmaster would open his letter. But he somehow felt that he was exposed, and he escaped.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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"Khlestakov, a young man of twenty-three years three, thin, thin; somewhat silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, is one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop permanent attention to any thought. Speech by him, and the words fly out of his mouth completely unexpectedly. The more executing this role will show profits and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion. "

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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Khlestakov - "Elista" from St. Petersburg, a typical representative of the official, turned in departments and living rooms, book shops and coffee houses. He saw something, I heard something. The main thing in the life of the hollytakov was money, ranks, careers and secular life. But it was not possible to carry it out all this, and he rides the village. In the head of the Khlezkov "ease of extraordinary in thoughts", he is ready for any adventure: to be played, playing cards, weak. And here and the case is convenient converted - it is taken for the auditor. In the scene of the lies, he reaches the top, although he is constantly lying. And here there is a feature of the comedy of Gogol: the truth does not believe, and listened with open mouths. It first seems to us that Khlestakov is naive, but it is not. He simply takes the circumstances in which it falls. It seems to us that Osip suggests the owner "Wasp", but also Khlestakov suspects something wrong in the current situation: "It seems to me, however, they take me for a state person ... Equoo fool! "Drawing in front of Maria Antonovna, he would not say a little later:" Mill, madam, I am very pleased that you have taken me for such a person who ... ", but in time is unwritten, so as not to attack the trouble. Khlestakov realized that he was accepted for another, and willingly enters the role. He did not inflate officials, they deceived themselves. The character of the horstykova is typical for many people. N. V. Gogol himself wrote: "Every one at least ... is done or was done by Khlestakov ... and the clever guards officer sometimes will be a whip, and the state husband ... and our brother, a sinful writer. In a word, rarely who will not be at least once in life. " Each comedy character has its own Klestakovshchyna: at the glooming city, Shpekina, in the character of the Osip. We meet with Klestakov immediately, in "Remarks for the Lords of the Actors": "Khlestakov, a young man of the age of 23, thin, Slim, somewhat silent and, as they say, without the king in the head ... Says and acts without any consideration ... Speech of him And words fly out of the mouth completely unexpected ... dressed in fashion. " The scene is disclosed in front of us a bright image of a hollekove. He came to Petersburg from Saratov province to succeed in the service. Having been in the noble front and snapshot, glancing in the metropolitan trendy clothes, Khlekakov is forced to return home to his father, trading parental money and having achieved anything in the service. Khlestakov, according to Osip, "Ostridishka is simple." "The second month went, like from Peter! Profined the expensive money, darling, now sits and the tail turned up. " He is a negligible son of the parent, speaks of his father that he is "stubborn and stubborn, old hell, a log." Living in the village of Khlestakov does not like, he is more like a metropolitan life. "My soul is eager for enlightenment," "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure." In different cities, on the way home, he tries to show himself a secular man, Kutits, loses the latter money in the card, since for him "tempting to play." And he remains in the city without funds, he faces the prison. Long sitting in the hotel, the fear of the arrival of the auditor and makes the officials led by the Gingerbird in the passing "Elista" of the state official. I realized that he was taken for an important bird, whipping "let dust". When he tells the truth, officials consider her a lie, and when Khlestakov is lying, they accept his words for the truth. Khlestakov is lying so that he himself believes in the heat in said and cannot stop. But he is not so stupid, as it seems at the beginning. He understands that he was accepted for a government official, and it tries to extract from this the greatest benefit for himself: extorts money, takes bribes, makes it difficult for his daughter and wife of Governing.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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Khleshtakov Ivan Alexandrovich. "... a young man of the age of 23, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head ... He is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. " H. heads from St. Petersburg, where serves as a correspondence of papers, to the Saratov province to the Father. On the road, he completely lost, so he doesn't have money at all and lives in a duty tavern. The arrival of Gullary H. Atochu connects with arrest for non-payment of debt. Then, making money and by moving to the apartment to the Lukzovsky-Dmukhanovsky, H. Thinks that all this is done exclusively due to the humanity and hospitality of the official. K H. Become "Suitable" visits of officials and merchants of the city. He, increasingly impudent, takes money off their loan. Only after that H. guess that he was taken for someone else. Cut the poor visitors to the neck, he informs about everything that happened in the letter to his friend Raguccin. At the same time, H. gives the most non-useful reviews of each of the city officials. H. Fully enlightened into the role of a "high person." He is very good to be those who can only envy and whom he never become. Carelessly X. comes up with the most fantastic images, hitting officials. Not rushing with leaving, H. climbs a double romance with his wife and the daughter of Governing. He even woven to Marie Antonovna, which awakens in public hopes at the General Chin. H. So fond of his role that forgets everything. And if it were not for his lifeling servant Osip, then H. would not leave on time. The "liar auditor" would be exposed on the spot, reading his letter to the rag and met the real auditor. H. - "The Spirit on Inspiration", he is lying and brags disinterestedly, just not remembering that he said a minute ago. But in his chatter is sad, even tragic. In the world that was created by H., harsh bureaucratic laws of Russian life were overcome. An insignificant official here is produced in Feldmarshals, becomes a great writer or beloved beautiful ladies. T. about., Vragne allows the hero to reconcile with his wretched life.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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One of the main heroes of the play is the imaginary auditor of the Khlestakov, as a person's personality. In fact, the whip is a small official, the man is insignificant, almost no one respected him, he did not even respect his own servant. He was poor, he had no money to pay for the room, and for food. He began to begging the owner to feed him into debt. But when he was driving food, he began to imagine: that the soup is simple water, and the catlet tastes like a washer. All officials are not clean on the conscience thought it was: a sample of service tricks, mind and foresight, and no one doubted that he was the auditor and gave bribes. He took them, and she took and thirst for harvesters grows. In a letter, the True Horstakov's true face opens to officials: frivolous, stupid, Bastaigne. He lives like a free bird, fluttering without thinking about the future, and not remembering the past. He wants, go where he wants, that he wants, he will do. The most important is the desire to paint before the ladies, in front of officials, before ordinary people. Not forgetting to mention that he is from St. Petersburg (in Nikolaev time it was the capital of Russia). He is creative: first, he is artistically, because he quickly bother into the role of the auditor, and secondly, gaining bribes, he wants to do literary. During the time staying in this small town, he widow managed to paint before the ladies, that is, before his wife and the daughter of Governing, in front of officials, and before ordinary people, telling them about the manners of the School of Mature Life. He did not know that the postmaster would open his letter. But he somehow felt that he was exposed, and he escaped.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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cool Pozzan

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov - one of the main heroes of the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor". The author himself characterizes him so: "A young man of twenty-three years three, thin, thin; ... somewhat silent and, as they say, without a king in the head, - one of those people in the office are called empty. Says and acts without any consideration. " We learn that Khlekakov on the way from St. Petersburg was played home in the fluff and dust. And now, without a penny of money, it sits in the hotel of the county town N. Here it finds him a city, taking for an "important bird" - the auditor. Khlestakov is a typical "little man", aware of his full insignificance. He serves in the Office and gets a meager salary. But, at the same time, the hero dreams of another life, which he sees every day in St. Petersburg. Khlestakov wants to feel "a significant face", lead a luxurious lifestyle, wants to be a "favorite ladies": "But it is impossible to hide, it is impossible! Only come out somewhere, they say: "Won, they say, Ivan Alexandrovich goes!" And once I was even accepted for the commander-in-chief: the soldiers jumped out of the Gaupvakta and made a gun. " But in fact, all this is not given a hero. Not given from birth, but it means that Hellets will never receive it. At the same time, Ivan Alexandrovich is endowed with the talent of the irrepressible fantasist and the blister. Gogol talks about him as a man "without a king in the head." Among other things, this hero is very frivolous and superficient, he does not think about the subsequent actions. That is why he, being in the role of Lizaverizor, begins to uncontrollable to lie about himself: "But it is impossible to hide, it is impossible! Only come out somewhere, they say: "Won, they say, Ivan Alexandrovich goes!" And once I was even accepted for the commander-in-chief: the soldiers jumped out of the Gaupvakta and made a gun. " What the most interesting, Khlestakov himself believes in what he says. He, damaging, represents himself and the great writer, and general, and a public figure, almost by the Emperor himself. Without the reversion of conscience, this hero takes "to debt" from officials money, knowing that it will not return them. Holetakov considers it to be permissible to drag immediately at two ladies - his wife and daughter of Gully, both promising love to the coffin: "It's nothing! For love there is no difference; And Karamzin said: "The laws condemn." We will delete under the draft jets ... "And all this" disgrace "could continue for a long time. And it would be very praised for the husk himself, because the hero could not stop in time. For a happy chance, he leaves the city, and soon the city and the whole city will learn that it was just a deceiver, liar, helloops: "Icicles, a rag took for an important person! Won now all the way pours the bell! Speakes around the world history. " By the name of Klezlekova, a whole phenomenon was called - "Khlestakovshchina". It implies and unrestrained lies, and frivolity, and superficiality, and stupidity, and the desire to issue themselves as not for who you are in fact, and irresponsibility.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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Khleshtakov Ivan Alexandrovich. "... a young man of the age of 23, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head ... He is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. " H. heads from St. Petersburg, where serves as a correspondence of papers, to the Saratov province to the Father. On the road, he completely lost, so he doesn't have money at all and lives in a duty tavern. The arrival of Gullary H. Atochu connects with arrest for non-payment of debt. Then, making money and by moving to the apartment to the Lukzovsky-Dmukhanovsky, H. Thinks that all this is done exclusively due to the humanity and hospitality of the official. K H. Become "Suitable" visits of officials and merchants of the city. He, increasingly impudent, takes money off their loan. Only after that H. guess that he was taken for someone else. Cut the poor visitors to the neck, he informs about everything that happened in the letter to his friend Raguccin. At the same time, H. gives the most non-useful reviews of each of the city officials. H. Fully enlightened into the role of a "high person." He is very good to be those who can only envy and whom he never become. Carelessly X. comes up with the most fantastic images, hitting officials. Not rushing with leaving, H. climbs a double romance with his wife and the daughter of Governing. He even woven to Marie Antonovna, which awakens in public hopes at the General Chin. H. So fond of his role that forgets everything. And if it were not for his lifeling servant Osip, then H. would not leave on time. The "liar auditor" would be exposed on the spot, reading his letter to the rag and met the real auditor. H. - "The Spirit on Inspiration", he is lying and brags disinterestedly, just not remembering that he said a minute ago. But in his chatter is sad, even tragic. In the world that was created by H., harsh bureaucratic laws of Russian life were overcome. An insignificant official here is produced in Feldmarshals, becomes a great writer or beloved beautiful ladies. T. about., Vragne allows the hero to reconcile with his wretched life.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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One of the main heroes of the play is the imaginary auditor of the Khlestakov, as a person's personality. In fact, the whip is a small official, the man is insignificant, almost no one respected him, he did not even respect his own servant. He was poor, he had no money to pay for the room, and for food. He began to begging the owner to feed him into debt. But when he was driving food, he began to imagine: that the soup is simple water, and the catlet tastes like a washer. All officials are not clean on the conscience thought it was: a sample of service tricks, mind and foresight, and no one doubted that he was the auditor and gave bribes. He took them, and she took and thirst for harvesters grows. In a letter, the True Horstakov's true face opens to officials: frivolous, stupid, Bastaigne. He lives like a free bird, fluttering without thinking about the future, and not remembering the past. He wants, go where he wants, that he wants, he will do. The most important is the desire to paint before the ladies, in front of officials, before ordinary people. Not forgetting to mention that he is from St. Petersburg (in Nikolaev time it was the capital of Russia). He is creative: first, he is artistically, because he quickly bother into the role of the auditor, and secondly, gaining bribes, he wants to do literary. During the time staying in this small town, he widow managed to paint before the ladies, that is, before his wife and the daughter of Governing, in front of officials, and before ordinary people, telling them about the manners of the School of Mature Life. He did not know that the postmaster would open his letter. But he somehow felt that he was exposed, and he escaped.

the answer is written about 1 year ago


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N. V. Gogol gives Khlestakov the following characteristic in the preface to the comedy "Auditor": "... Khlestakov, a young man of twenty-three years old, thin, thin; somewhat silent and, as they say, without the king in the head, one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. He is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. Speech of him is a detachist, and words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected. The more executing this role will show purerdruda and simplicity, Moreover, he will win. Dressed in fashion ... "The image and characteristic of the Klezlekov in the comedy" Auditor "Gogol full name of the hero - Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov:" ... Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, an official from St. Petersburg ... "Age Kleskova about 23- 24 years old: "... young, twenty-three or four years old ..." The following is known about the exterior of the horstykova: "... no, there is more chalnut *, and the eyes are so fast as animals, so in embarrassed even lead. .. "(* Shahrtret - Shatin, Che Lovek with brown-colored hair) "... But what kind of rigorous, low, it seems, the nail would give it.,." (the words of Governing) "... Slender, thin - how do you know, who is he? .." "... Lady Outdoor ..." "... Downturn Osip, what your barin is pretty! .." ".. Osip, Downtown! What a nice nose of your Barin! .. "" ... What is suddenly, in my Petersburg physiognomy and in a suit, the whole city took me for the Governor-General ... "The following is known about the garbage clothing:". .. in the particular dress * ... "(* Particular dress - clothes" in a civilian ", that is, not a service form)" ... and such an important, aglitskoye! ruble one and a half of him will become one fracture, and the market will lower rubles on the market For twenty; And there is nothing about the trousers and talk - they go back ... "" ... gives a cap and cane ... "" ... And how will the fechishka put on - well, for sure a flock with cropped wings ... "" .. More than once all the last shirt will lower, so on it there will be a sternum yes shinelik ... "Chin Khlezlekova - a college registrar:" ... Would be really something clean, otherwise it was simple! .. " (in the people "Elistoro M "called the registrar, the most low class official in the" table of ranks ") Khlestakov - nobleman, the landowner:" ... I'm going to the Saratov province, in my own village ... "Khlestakov serves as an official in the office in St. Petersburg:" .. I serve in St. Petersburg ... "" ... You may, maybe you think that I only rewrite ... "(the work of the horstykova is to rewrite the paper)" ... no, I would send him to remember in the office. .. "(Klesteakov about her service in the office) of the Khlestakov little on the service and instead walks or plays cards. Therefore, he did not advance:" ... Do not do: instead of office, and he goes to walk According to the Predpekt, the picture plays ... "" ... no, the father requires me. An old man was angry, which still did not heal anything in St. Petersburg. He thinks that now I came yes now Vladimir in the pettric and will give ... "Khlestakov lives in a modest apartment in St. Petersburg on the 4th floor:" ... how to upload the stairs to myself on the fourth floor ... "(on the top The stages then a poor tenants were settled) Parents of Klezlekov live in the village of Podkatilovka in the Saratov province, where he is traveling through the city N: "... Write to me to the Saratov province, and from there to the village of Podkatilovka ..." Parents Klezlekova send him money From the village: "... I, right, I'll pay ... I will send from the village ..." (about myself) Helpakov does not know how to save money and spends money for a variety of fun. Sometimes he stays quite without money and then waiting for help from parents: "... profined the expensive money, the darling, now sits and the tail turned off, and not hot. Would, it would be very good for runs; No, you see, you need to show yourself in every city! .. "" ... Pattya will send de

the answer is written about 1 year ago