Repairs Design Furniture

How to dig up birch from the forest. Landing instructions. "Dark Side" Birch: Warning Features

It is believed that it is necessary to plant in the fall and the tree should be a young ("teenager" or "child"). Large adult trees are extremely bad for transplant. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the roots.

But you can plant and in early spring, mandatory condition In this case, there will be a good room on the roots and a relatively small seedling age (about 3 years). Birch at the age of about 7 years can be planted in winter with a frozen room. Seeds can be sown both in spring and autumn.

Special does not need, but will not be offended if you add to the landing hole sheet land. Does not like close-up groundwater.

It is best to plant the composition at which this species grows in nature, but also not critical (except for species growing on the swamps). For example, birch ordinary, White Chinese, Birch Dalacarly, Rare in culture dauro Birch, Jacmon Birch grow up on any soils.

Berez Maximovich with about. Kunashir loves light soils, dwarf Bereza - peat soils and loam. The reaction can be from neutral to elevated acidity, even alkaline for the type of birch Maximovich.

Agrotechnology is the same as in many fruit trees. The pit must accommodate the roots and fall asleep at the root neck when landing, the mushroom mushroom dies on the roots on the roots, and birch with him. The distance between the plants take at least 4 m for the birch of ordinary.

When landing pouring on the roots. After in the rolling circle, you can (dry land,), it will help keep moisture. It is undemanding to moisture, but for better survival, young trees are better to water at first.


  1. In the spring. At the same time, the period of stratification of seeds should be about 2 months from 0 +5 ° C.
  2. Autumn without stratification. When stored, the germination is noticeably reduced.
Perfect can multiply by self-sowing.

Cuttings are almost not caring, somewhere about 10%. With the exception of some species ( berez Daurskaya).


  • Watering. Water while rooted young churchAnd in the future it will not even require it. The root birch system is superficial, so it is poorly grown by anything else from decorative plants.

But this year, I desperately decided to plant the place for the "captured" root scene, although in previous years fiasco suffered many plants. He could not even cope with the lack of water and nutrients, which are absorbed by the roots of birch.

After planting, the young trees are first dialed, it can be made by plant branches, burlap, even tall and. In the evening, the shelter is removed, if it is grass, she dries out.

Crown formation

The figure below shows how the crown is developing from ordinary. Birch is extremely negative about trimming, although I know the cases when gardeners form a birch crying crown ordinary variety Yucca And shrub species, only a little thinning them.

My completely different in appearance and the number of skeletal branches. Last year, after graduation, we sawed and smeared the Garden Varier many large branches on our highest birch. They were dangerous for technology and gazebo with strong wind. In the fall, it is recommended to cut dry branches.

Billet and collecting raw materials

It is no secret that - the storehouse of nutrients, properly harvested raw materials contributes to a positive result in the treatment of birch.

The workpiece is subject to:
  • Kidney - Early spring (from January to March). The branches are binding to bundles and dried, after which the kidneys are cooled and cleaned from garbage.
  • Young leaflets - Early spring (May). The adhesive leaflets are assembled and dried in a warm, well-ventilated room with scattered sunlight. Bad dryer affects the quality of raw materials. Brooms for the bath are harvested closer to July, when the leaves dissolve and grow a little.
  • Beresta - the sharp subject matter upper layer bark, after which they dried well.
  • Birch juice - Collecting at the beginning of spring, until the leaves dissolve. Cuts are performed in a depth of about 2 cm. We do the holes with a small drill. After you insert the cut out of the bottle "Dorodku". Something resembles a tube without top, according to which juice flows into the dishes. When the collection is over, we score a hole with a wooden plug and smear the garden harr. Store juice in a glass container in the refrigerator. It is possible to prepare juice from stump, only with less harm to the plant.

Types of birch

  • Birch dwarf (Betula Nana) - It comes from the forest massif of the European part of Russia, Western Europe and Western Siberia. In nature, grows on poor soils of swamps and peatlands. Birch is presented in the form of a leafy shrub tall up to 120 cm. Grows slowly. Seeds are stored for 2 months, then it is stratification for reproduction for about 3 months at a temperature of + 1 + 10 ° C. Sugges at a temperature of about +25 ° C. In the middle band blooms in May.

  • Berez Maximovich -it has the largest leaves among the types of birch, the origin of the tree is Japan, oh. Kunashir. Wood is very heavy, used in construction, exported under the name "Red Birch". Corn color: brown-cherry, white-orange, gray. Beresta is well peeling. Branches of dark cherry blossom.

  • Birch hung (ordinary, wart) - Rural tree with a sprawling crown and a straight trunk. Used in group landings, solites, alleys, groves. Bark white color, peeling. Adult tree bark at the bottom of the barrel thickens, with black grooves and cracks. Wood is widely used in various fields. Sounds of birch of ordinary strengthen the soil of ravines and the mouth of the rivers. Refers to medicinal plants. Kidney, birch juice, leaves and pollen are used.

  • Chinese white birch (Betula Albosinensis) - This species comes from Western China. IN natural conditions It reaches 30 m, in average latitudes - about 8 m. Used by groups, solitator, ordinary landings. White birch birches from white to brown-orange or golden-copper color, peeling and spinning in "curls". On the crust of young plants, it is often possible to see a naiza raid.

  • Berez Daurskaya- Most often in nature grows in mountainous areas. One of the few species that can be multiplied with cuttings. When processing a green cutter rhizin, survival rate is 99%. You can also propagate with a young row. But trimming tolerates extremely negative. Corn color: black, dark brown with white specks, cracks along. Branches of pinkish-brownish color, crown. Pouring. Wood is harder than an ordinary birch, will not grow on dense soils. Places where this species grows are rich in agriculture.

  • JOUNGII (Jung) - Fragile beauty has an asymmetrical crown in the form of an umbrella. Reaches 4 m in height.

  • Trost's dwarf. - Slowly growing dwarf trees, it reaches about 1.5 m. It is characterized by an openwork crown and gray-green foliage.

  • Purpurea.- The name of this variety speaks for itself. He fell in love with his purple foliage. In the fall, the shade of leaves from brown with a bronze overflow to red or bright red. Height up to 15 m, crown compact.

  • Gracilis -in this, a white trunk with a gentle bark and a mocking crown have been treated. Such an unusual appearance will have to taste both connoisseurs of birch and admirers walkie Waway and its falling branches.

Tell us how you loved you and grow on your sites?

Every year countless different trees, among which the most favorite is a whittle beauty birch. Any dacket while being in garden Center Or on the market where the seedlings of trees sell, suffer, what to choose. But, stopping your choice on the birch, starts thinking where and how to plant it?

To do this, you need to know how to do everything correctly when moving a birch seedling from the forest or from another area so that it can normally take care and grow. Answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Basic Rules Birch Transplant

Often, those who wish to put on their own birch sector themselves create problems as during the landing and when growing it in uncomfortable conditions. To this process Cleared without problems, you just need to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • Choose needed species birch;
  • Choose a suitable place to transplant;
  • We comply with all the requirements of agrotechnology;
  • We take a timely fighting with diseases and pests.

For proper care The life expectancy of green white birch can reach 55 years.

Where to plant Berezu

Before you start looking for a suitable place for transplanting a seedling of beauty Beauty, it will not be superfluous to know that this tree is a very capricious breed. It has substances that, falling into the soil, become poison for other plants. Probably, many have seen what beautiful grove where one birches grow, but rare them can be found in a mixed forest, since with other trees they get bad.

Having a vegetable garden, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is not big, do not need and dream of landing birch. Only on large country areas Their owner can afford it to do.
A suitable place for which a young tree can be transplanted, will be a well-lit territory. Only there will be able to grow beautiful tree With long hanging branches. If a new place of residence is in the shade, the birch will grow high and with the crown only on the top of the trunk, sly and oppressed.

In natural places where birchs grow, the soil is distinguished by humidity. So, the new place of "residence" must correspond to the same, the leaves of the tree will be completely lit by the sun, and the soil will remain cool at the same time. It is best to plant a birch sapling on the eastern or northern side of the building, there after lunch will constantly have a shadow.

In addition, the place for the transplant must be with a certain temperature and humidity of the soil, you need to know some more important facts. It is impossible to plant a tree under the electric pipes, because the adult birch reaches a height of up to 20 meters. And also, that it is very important to know before planting in my house Berezu. Her pollen refers to the strongest allergens, you need to take into account this circumstance.

Best soil for landing

Birch is not at all demanding of the quality of the soil. In the case when a seedlings are planned to a place with a bad drainage or where floods are often flooded, it is best to buy a black birch that can even grow on dry bumps.

It is believed that when transplanting a birch there is a good survival rate on poor podzolic soils, as well as in solonges and chernozem, on sandy soil and loam. Most suits the normal development and growth of a seedling of a little sour soil, but it can grow on alkaline soils. To make the soil more acidic, it is recommended to add an earth taken from coniferous forest, or special chemicals.

Rules landing

Birch transplant should be carried out with great responsibility and skill. There are some rules concerning the location of a seedling with respect to neighboring crops, they must be guided by them:

  • From planting vegetable crops, garden plants The distance must be at least 8 meters. If it is a group boarding birch, free space between them is limited to 5 meters;
  • Plant trees are better in places from the northern side of the site so as not to shade other garden plantings;
  • The distance between the birch and the walls of the building, underground communications should be 3 meters;
  • Since birch has allergic actions, it is necessary to take into account when it is landing, if a person suffers from allergies in the house.
  • Placing a sapling is better at such a place so that the future tree can close the site from the winds dominant in that region;
  • Poor survival rate during transplant is observed in adult birches. They are recommended to transplant in the fall during the occurrence of frosts or in winter so that the roots remain a big room.

Three-year seedlings will be able to adapt perfectly in a new place to make a few years later, please the people with their beauty.


A few days before planting, you need to cook the boarding pitch. Its size must correspond to the size of the root seedling system along with the land of the earth. Then add a few centimeters to the calculation for the normal placement of the seedling.

In the digital hole, you first need to fall asleep the drainage layer, it can be a broken brick or gravel. Then fill one third of the pits with a mixture consisting of a sheet of land, humus and 150 grams of complex fertilizer. To make the soil, what it was in the natural conditions of the habitat of the acquired birch seedling, you can still add Earth from the coniferous forest or coniferous sawdust.

In the corner of the dug landing pit it is necessary to score pegs. Before planted, the roots of the plant are recommended to swollen into a chatter made of clay and water (so our grandfathers have come). And after that, put the tree on permanent place, pre-burned to the pit bucket of water. After that, slowly begin to plug the earth from all sides, while being swept off, ranging from the edge and moving to the middle.

At the end of this work, the seedling should be attached to the peg with the help of a rope and immediately pour water. And yet, which is very important, the root neck can not be plugged. This is explained by the fact that if it is at least a bit below the soil level, mycorrise will die (mushrooms) on the roots of the plant, without which the growth of birch will deteriorate, and ultimately it will disappear.

Experienced gardeners believe that you need to transplant birch in the spring, she will be able to stock necessary quantity nutrients, for wintering. In late autumn, a great time for transplanting - when the air temperature is below +10 degrees. Agrotechnical works performed in autumn correspond to spring landings.

You need to remember the main thing - the birch must be planted with closed roots. If it is purchased in the nursery or mallThe roots will be in the container. But when you have to deliver it from the forest, the tree must be with a big room native land.


Birch - Unpretentious tree. Caring for her will not select a lot of time, it is minimal. Watering will be needed only after a transplant and during drought.

You can feed the plant in early spring, before the first leaflets appear, as well as in the last days Spring. Watering solution Next: Water bucket, 1kg. Cowboy, urea 10g., Ammonium Selitra 15g. One birch age of 10-20 years old should pour three declined buckets of such fertilizer, after thirty years - five such buckets.

Care includes weeding weeds with soil looser to a depth of no less than 3 cm. It will also require the mulching of the priority circles wood chop or peat.


Agronomas noted that the trimming of birch is not exposed, otherwise the structure of the crown may violate. The tree does not tolerate this process, for the season you can cut out except for no more than a quarter of branches.

Aesthetic intervention seedlings are not required. One can only regularly carry out sanitary trimming, removing dried branches. When caring for trees that no longer give rise, you need to make rejuvenation, removing bulky branches. Such trimming is allowed only in the fall and in winter, that is, in the sleeping period for birch.

Diseases and pests of birch, protection from them

Pests have a lot of pests, the most dangerous of them are the May beetle and non-fine silkworm. Beetles damage the leaves and shoots, and their larvae harm roots. It can be struggling with them with timely removal of damaged leaves with subsequent burning. It is also recommended to drain around the trunks. Soil can be treated with chemicals.

Silkwood caterpillars eat leaves, only alkali remains after them. When this pest is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight with it. For this, the caterpillars need to smoke, and the tree spray one of the corresponding insecticides.

For birch trees, mushrooms are a great danger - drums that are capable of severely destroying wood. They need to get rid of them from them. With rust, you can fight with the help of spraying wood fungicides.

Cottage not only supplies seven vegetables and fruits - it should be a pleasant stay. Be sure to leave the corner where you will grown flowers, curly plants and birch saplings. It will take several years, and in the shade of trees it will be possible to build in a hammock, listen to pleasant music, do the needlework. Early spring children will drink not canned concentrates, and natural juice straight from the tree through the straw, on holidays a friendly company will enjoy a kebab in the shadow of the birch forest.

Where better to plant birch

You keep thin twigs in your hands and want to grow on cottage plot Little grove. Remember that you lay the natural corner not only for yourself, the children and grandchildren will walk here. Young slender trees planted 2 meters from each other, pull out in a dozen years old, stump and become interfered with each other. Instead of a cheerful shady grove, a gloomy bowl is formed with chuck, struggling for the living space by trees. In order not to cut down the grown birch trees, put them not closer than 4 meters from each other.

In order not to conflict with the neighbors, do not plant trees close to the southern border of the site. If the territory of the cottage is small, think over the landing plan so that half of the beds are not in the shadow of the crown. It is impossible to plant tall trees Next to the house, retreat from the wall at least 5 m. Please note that birch will not grow next to you fruit culturesNear the roots, it is impossible to break the beds, because all nutrients will take a mighty tree from the soil. Want to have our own fishing line - highlight the corner where only birchs will grow, and under fruit trees, Garden and flower beds Take another place.

Birch loves moisture, but poorly growing in wetlands. Choose a place where enough light, and in hot days does not dry up. Excellent option - North side of fences or low buildings: the crown will illuminate the sun, and the roots will be scented in a wet cool soil. On the ground you chose the site, now look up. The tree grows up to 20 m high, and the diameter of the crown can reach 8 m. If the wires pass nearby, in a few years they will have to constantly cut the threads to them or shock the trunk. A worried tree will not give aesthetics a plot, it is better to find free space.

Preparation of planting material

You can buy a young seedling in the nursery, just why go for a lot of kilometers and spend money if a suitable tree can be brought from the nearest forest? The best birches will be transferred to the transplant of early spring. You can try in the fall, but in this season they are getting worse. Find a beautiful slender tree with a height of about 1 m. The lower the sapling, the better it is rooted.

Try to save as much as possible root system. A slice of a small birch process will survive, but it is better to keep all the roots safe. Slimming the land on the depth of the bayonet shovel from 3 sides, and then sink under the root and feed the sapling along with the land of the earth. Carefully put it in the bucket and transfer to the site.

If you do not want to grow high trees in the country, take a dwarf variety in the nursery. You can choose a molding birch with hanging down branches or shrub shape. The tree is not capricious, but does not endure the roots for a long time in the air. Purchase seedlings in containers, then you can put them together with a suit of the soil.

If you like it adult tree, in winter, dig it with a big bit of frozen land. Pere out to your site, the spring birch will wake up and starts to root. If there is a desire, you can collect mature earrings and sow seeds right into the ground. Grains can be sown and spring after stratification, and in the fall under the snow.

Forest landing rules

A pit for planting needs to dig with this calculation so that the roots are free to fit in it. Throw there along the blade of forest land, peat, chernozem and sand, add a bit of comprehensive fertilizer, mix and distribute along the bottom. On a plot located in a swampy area, make drainage. If excessive humidity appears only during the melting of snow or heavy rains, enter the hydrogel to the ground.

In order for the tree less than felt the change in the conditions, bring the pair of land buckets from the place where the seedling was dug, and use this soil for sweating the pit.

Birch used to cool climate middle strip Russia, and in severe heat is badly coming. In the evening, when the air temperature is about + 10⁰, plant a tree on the plot, cool night will give him the opportunity to relax and gain strength for rooting. If birch landing is possible only during the day in hot weather, be sure to cover the tree from the sun.

Place the seedling on the bottom of the pit, go and lose weight slightly. Root neck should remain on the surface. Next to the birch will hammer in the land of stake and tie the trunk to it. If you leave a tree without a support, the wind will swing it and disturbing the roots. Well moisten the soil, rOCK Turn up with leaves. While the tree is not rooted, keep the soil in a wet state. The next summer, the roots will germinate deeply and can independently get moisture from the soil.

It is believed that birch is so pulling moisture and nutrients from the soil and nutrients that nothing can grow anything under it. Do you believe this approval? Then go to the grove and see if the earth is reminded by a lifeless desert. Maybe, vegetable crops There will be no grow - and it is not necessary, for them there is a garden. Take a look at vegetation in a birch forest, dig up strawberry bushes, beautiful wildflowers and put them around the trunk. Together with the soil, you can bring the fungal of the boletins, and after some time, edible mushrooms will appear under the trees.

Caring for a young birch

In order for birch to grow better, in the spring and autumn you can feed it. Prepare the composition:

  • water - 10 l;
  • manure - 2 kg;
  • ammonia Selitra - 20 g;
  • urea - 20 g

All mix well to completely dissolved mineral fertilizersAnd paint the ground around the seedling. Try to make the composition only on the ground and the splashes did not fall on the plant.

Watch out the trunk of the tree in order to notice the appearance of rutovik mushrooms in time. They must be immediately removed so that they do not sprinkle deeply and did not damage the wood. The roots of the tree can gnaw May beetles and their larvae. From time to time, loose land around the trunk and collect the pests found. If you see damaged leaves - bugs attacked the tree to the tree. Collect bred leaves, and the crown is treated with insecticides.

Birch is poorly tolerating trimming, it is better to give her the opportunity to develop and form a crown on their own. You only need to remove patients, broken and dried branches. You need to do this work in the fall, when the juices are finished. All sections need to be smeared with Garden Warr.

What gives man birch

When the tree becomes an adult, it will not only be decorating the plot, but also to benefit the owners. The bark of the tree allocates phytoncides, destructive for all pathogenic bacteria. Believe in the summer of children to the country, let them play under birch trees, and you can not be afraid that they will affect infectious diseases. The tree relieves stress perfectly. When the nerves at the limit, sit near the birch, squeeze your back to the trunk - it will draw the whole negative and fill you with positive energy.

With birch, you can collect a rich harvest, and not one, like with vegetable beds, and a few per year. Just do not gread, take moderately so that the tree does not weaken. What passed the White Beauty for you?

  • Kidney. From the new year before the start of the movement of juice, cut thin twigs and collect medicinal raw materials from them.
  • Young leaves. Collect in May when the leaflets are still sticky. They are used in folk medicine.
  • Birch juice. When the trees begin to wake up after the winter, bow to the healing drink. Put a small hole in the barrel, insert the tube or grooves into it and score juice into the cans. Do not forget to close the wound with a wooden plug and smear the wound.
  • Brooms for baths are harvested in the middle of summer.
  • Beresta. You can cut a thin layer of a crust in June. Beresta is used for different crafts. On your birthday or another holiday, send a beautifully decorated birchy diploma in an envelope, such a greateaney is a much more pleasant to the soulless or banal postcard.


Birch does not just take a seat in the country area, it cleans air from bacteria, relieves stress and gives good harvest Medical agents. If you put a few trees, it turns out a small grove, in which strawberries, forest herbs and mushrooms can grow. There you can organize a rest corner, hang a hammock, put a brazier.

You can choose a young seedling in the forest, and if you want to put a variety with an interesting crown shape, an unusual shade of the trunk or leaves, contact the nursery. Do not acquire seedlings with an open root system, they are badly leaving. It is better to buy a tree in a container and while transplanting as much as possible to the earth. You can multiply birch and seeds, but it is long and laborious.

The rooting tree does not require almost no care. Young birchings immediately after the transplant need a few days to diatense from the hot sun and watch the soil be wet. You can feed the trees, they will be glad to such care, and you can simply mulch the soil so that it does not drive, and the nutrients penetrated deep into. Watch that drums are not formed on the trunk, and the roots did not divert the May beetles. Do not occupy the entire area edible crops, leave the corner for the soul and plant a birch.

White birch, so native, Russian, gentle. Many people want her branches to rustle over her head, athleting a pleasant coolness. So, it is often an idea to plant this tree independently. To do this, some uncomplicated rules should be adhered to, and the White Beauty will soon please the rapid growth. Unlike coniferous rocksYou won't have to wait for decades. Very soon the tree will be quite large to provide a shadow on a hot noon. And even cutting off several brooms for the winter, do not damage it with a luxurious crown. Initially, you will need birch seeds or young seedlings. Both of these options are not costly in a financial or temporary plan.

We pick up

It must be remembered that Birch loves water very much. The tree can stretch from the soil per day almost 20 buckets. It perfectly deals with poor sites, solonges, chernozem, sands and loams. But it is best to choose areas on which mostly weakly acidic and loose and necessarily well moisturized.

Therefore, pick a place, and if the soil is not too suitable, you should prepare a landing pit, that is, add a mixture from sand, peat, humid and garden land into it. In the spring you will need one glass of complex fertilizer. But before performing landing, you need to take care of collecting birch seeds. It can be made early in autumn.

Material for landing

All you have seen that the spring birch releases gentle earrings. Gradually, seeds ripen in them, they become brown, brown. By the fall, they are preparing for flight and search for wrapping. The earrings reveals, and the winged birch seeds are scattered around the district. If you want to check their maturity, then it is enough to carry out a simple experiment. Cut the earring and scroll in your hand. If birch seeds are easily separated from one of the other, then they are completely ready.

Establish to the collection

Closer to autumn it is necessary to periodically check the seed material. Ready earrings are collected and binding to a bundle. Now they can be sang in the dark, protected from the wind place for further maturation. After about a week, it will be possible to raise clean fabric and gently shake the seeds over the sheet. They need to go away from the branches and leave another week.

Protection against diseases

Birch of seeds at home grows quite easily, but you need to take care that the landing should not destroy the fungus or other illness. Therefore, before the room in the soil, they must be treated. For this purpose, mangalls or hydrogen peroxide is used. Seeds are placed in a single percent solution for 20 minutes. After that, they are washed and dried. There are special industrial preparations that help protect landings from fungi and viruses, strengthen the immunity of future plants and give spit all the necessary, nutrients.


Before it must be processed by cold. To do this, you can withstand them within 3-4 weeks in the refrigerator, and then add room temperature. Summit them is recommended in the freezing soil at the beginning of winter or early spring. Seeds are placed directly on the surface, not instilled, but only closing the table. From above, they can be squeezed with small branches and pour. As soon as the first shoots appear, you must remove the coating. Distribution of birch seeds occurs on their own, so do not be surprised if a young sprout appears on your site at the beginning of summer. If it interferes, then in the fall can be carefully transplanted into a more suitable place.

Spring care

In the first days after the germination of birch is very vulnerable. Young sprout is no more match. At this point, it is necessary to organize a rich watering with a spray gun. The frequency should be such to prevent the upper part of the soil. Roots are now in total at a depth of 10 cm, and may die. Such watering is required to retain until mid-August. By the end of the season, they reach 20-30 cm sizes.

Autumnal transplant

Birch seeds, which are in the article, can turn into young seedlings in just one season. Of course, when providing good conditions and care. In September-October, the largest seedlings need to be transferred to a permanent place. The remaining for the winter is moved to the rampant board, that is, specially prepared and fertilized places for further development. Now smooth rows are formed from chaotic landings. Each of them should be at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other. By the fall of the next year, the height of each of them will reach 80 cm. Now they can safely move to a permanent place of growth.

Fighting weeds

When growing, it is necessary to pay special attention to this. Of course, for an adult tree, the grass is not a hindrance, but the young plant can drown out or become a source of disease. Among the abundance of weed grass, you can not notice the young church and damage when weeding. To prevent it, it will be necessary at any stage of growth to process with fungicides and insecticides. Be sure to carry out both trimming. For this, starting from the second year, early in the spring you need to schedule the shape of the crown and carefully correct it.

What to pay attention to?

So how to grow a birch of seeds is completely simple, newcomers can get involved in this occupation. But you need to remember that birch in oppressively acts on most neighbors. These include trees, shrubs and other garden landing. First, the white-barred pulls out of the soil a lot of water and trace elements. Secondly, the substances contained in the birch leaves adversely affect most plants. Near them, only spruce lives well and rosehip. Especially well grown birchings on sunny plots.

Reproduction of seedlings

If you do not have a long time in the reserve, but I want to plant the birch already this season, you can change tactics. In this case, you need to go to the forest, and, more precisely, in the birch grove. The campaign for a young seedling is best organized at the beginning of spring, when the leaves have not had time to dissolve. It is necessary to find a young, strong sprout, up to 100 cm. It should not be fascinated branches or traces of illness. Such a plant is easily attached and quickly moves into growth.

There are the owners of country sites who wish to give their territory a very ordered appearance. But other people, on the contrary, seek to create a more natural landscape design With those trees that are usually growing in the forest. Special inequance Russian people is experiencing to Birch. She is very beautiful. Fabric cultures do not possess such a wonderful look. There may be a desire to put birch in the fall. To do this, learn about some nuances.

Choosing a suitable place

Birch is pretty unpretentious tree, but still need to choose in your summer cottage right place For landing. It is worth considering certain points:

It is worth aware that Birch will be very bad for the trees that require frequent irrigation. This is explained by the fact that in the process of growth of the soil will become unsuitable for comfortable growth of shrubs or other trees. Birch will take a large number of moisture from the ground.

It will be best if you plant some kind of plants lawn grasswhich will create additional design territory. It is advisable to choose eastern side Plot for landing birch. In this case, the necessary balance of shadows and lights will be observed during the day.

Methods of growing birch

There are several ways to grow birches. To get a seedling, you can:

  • grow it from a twig and seed;
  • find a seedling in the forest;
  • purchase in specialized stores.

Each optional has its pros and cons. If the plants are bought in the store or nursery, then the owner will receive an already formed seedling, which will be ready for landing and transportation. It will be necessary only to carefully deliver the future trees to the place of landing and put in the ground. And also in the nursery you can find special breedsthat will not grow too high. They are ideal for not too much territory.

It is advisable to acquire several species immediately so that all the trees are in the same age category. When purchasing seedlings, some features should also be taken into account.

Use of seeds

You can propose a tree with seed. Typically, birchs grow in groves, which absorb a large amount of moisture from the ground. That is why weeds or large trees cannot coherent with birch. This favorably affects the spread of seeds near his relatives.

That is why the cultivation of birch from the seed is a rather complicated process. In this way, it is necessary to grow a tree only to those people who are real gardening connoisseurs. As can be seen, you will have to sacrifice other landings that could have grown near.

First you need to find seeds. To do this, go in the fall in the forest and remove several branches in the plant. After that, they bind to the bundle and are stored in an absolutely dry place. Under these conditions, the seeds will fully divert. The branches shake well and ready-made seeds are going.

It is worth noting that the landing should be made exclusively that year when the collection was carried out.

Seeds should be chewed in the fall or early in winter. To prepare a landing space, the land needs to be moved to a depth of about 30 cm. From this place you fully need to remove various roots, as well as weeds. And also should be purchased antifungal drugs that are processed. Behind the soil must carefully follow up until the seeds are placed in the soil.

We must carefully monitor the earth to be clean. 10 days before sowing, it is necessary to produce the latest manipulations. The soil will need to align well, and after digging the holes in a depth of 5 cm. Sowing must be done on that day when the weather is windless. All wells face with a humoring and loose soil.

Application Chenka

It should be immediately noted that this method does not use all gardeners, since Birosis in some cases is seriously rooted. But the process is quite simple. It is easy to use absolutely any birches, and find a young cutter on it, having a length of about 60 cm.

It should be very gently cut off, and after placing in a substance that is made from a mixture of a stimulator of root formation and water. After that, the seedling should be stored at a temperature of 25 degrees.

When the cutlets are rooted, it will need to transplant to the pot so that the root continue to develop. It follows two or three times a day to water well and ensure that the earth does not drive. You must always add good fertilizer. After a few weeks, the seedlock fully adapts. After that, it will need to take out of the pot and put on the selected place.

Seedlings in the forest

To find good saugencies, you need to visit the birch grove. Young birch, which will need to be found in the forest in the fall, may die, never cares. It is for this reason that it is necessary to search for a tree, having a height of about 100 centimeters. It is necessary to make sure that there are no twisted branches on it, and there were no traces of harmful diseases on the cortex.

At home will need to be in the hole be sure to fall asleep complex fertilizers, especially if Bereza was transported from the forest.

The digging circuit will be as follows:

  1. To get a tree from the ground, it needs to be gently inkling around the column.
  2. After that, from all sides, go deep into the soil shovel.
  3. Pull the seedlove.

The roots do not need to shake out of the ground. Otherwise, they immediately dried and the sapling will die. Birch must be placed in a bag or bucket. After that, the plant is satisted with soil. We need to very quickly translate the village to the selected place and put it on your site.

It is necessary to transplant the tree very carefully.

Landing and transplant rules

Usually a transplant or landing is carried out in the summer, but it is possible to accomplish this in the fall. To plant birch in the fall, you need to choose the period when the leaves on the rest of the trees have already become slowly imposed. The ideal month will be the end of September or the beginning of October. It is very important that the tree will take care of the new territory until frosts come.

It is worth paying special attention to the roots of a seedling. In no case should not be damaged and bare. In the event that Birch is rooted in autumn, then new roots may appear in the spring.

Fundamental rules:

  1. The pit needs to dig up the meter size per meter.
  2. On the bottom it is necessary to place the loose ground.
  3. After that, the seedling is placed in the pit.
  4. Now you need to pour it with water, and after falling down to the soil.

It is very important to use the strapping. Since without necessary support Young birches simply will not stand the strong wind, and the sapling is shaken. In this case, the roots will not be able to take care well and the tree will die. As a strapping, you can use a strong rope or wire. It should be fixed from four sides. The rope should be well stretched, but it is not necessary to allow him to pull the tree a lot in some one side.

For autumn landing It is necessary to apply fertilizers containing phosphorus. They will be able to strengthen the root system and will serve further development. In no case cannot use manure or nitrogen fertilizer.

Features of tree trimming

Not all gardeners know how to trim the birch. For example, many are interested, whether it is possible to cut a birch in height. It should be learn about the process of trimming as much as possible before starting work.

It is worth noting that Birch is pretty simply tolerates trimming when still young. But it is impossible to produce this process in the spring when the process of the creation occurs. The formation of the crown is also not necessary to produce late autumn.

Tree that already for a long time It grows on the site, does not very well tolerate trunk.

Birch is best cropped at the moment when it is still at a young age. Then the ugly peneta will not form on the top of the tree. And also this way you can achieve a more good health for your seedling, as old and weak branches will be removed.

Pruning is worth producing only when the tree has grown very much. In such cases, quite often, the branches can be cling to the wires or become a hindrance for nearby designs.

Pruning is also produced in the event that the birch is quite old. In this way, you can stimulate the growth of young branches, there will be great benefits from this process. Typically, the procedure is carried out at the end of autumn or in winter.

Care for birches is quite simpleBut the most important thing is to find the right place for disembarking and rooting the plant. It is behind this process that it is necessary to correctly monitor that the tree does not die.