Repairs Design Furniture

Strong roof: the rafting roof system and its views. Nodes of the rafting system or from which the wooden frame of the pitched roofs lists several important facts about their design.

At the heart of each roof lies a large number of beams, rafters, racks and runs, which are all together called the rafter system. For a centuries-old history of species and methods of its organization, a lot has accumulated, and each has its own characteristics in building knots and wrist. For more information about what a dual-tie roof is a rafter system and how rafters must be attached and other elements of the system will talk in more detail.

Design of the rafting system of the bone roof

In the context, the double roof is a triangle. It consists of two rectangular inclined planes. The two of these planes are connected at the highest point in a single skate bar system (run).

Now about the components of the system and their appointment:

  • Mauerlat - a bar, which connects the roof and walls of the building, serves as a support for the rafter feet and other elements of the system.
  • Stropile legs - they form the inclined planes of the roof and are support for the crate under the roofing material.
  • The ski run (bead or horse) - combines two planes of the roof.
  • The tightening is a transverse item that connects opposite rafting legs. It serves to increase the rigidity of the design and compensation of the suspension loads.
  • Lecky - Bars located along Mauerlat. Redistinate the load from the roof.
  • Sidebreaks - support rafting legs.
  • Racks - transmit a load from the run to liter.

The system can still be attended by the Falinka. These are boards that lengthen the rafting legs to form a sink. The fact is that to protect the walls and the foundation of the house from precipitation, it is desirable that the roofing ending as far as possible from the walls. To do this, you can take long rafting legs. But the standard length of sawn timber 6 meters is not enough for this. Order non-standard is very expensive. Therefore, the rafters simply fuse, but the boards that they do are called "Films".

Stropile construction systems are quite a lot. First of all, they are divided into two groups - with urban and hanging rafters.

With hanging rafyrs

These are systems in which rafter legs are based on the outer walls without intermediate supports (bearing walls). For bantal roofs, the maximum span is 9 meters. When installing a vertical support and sub-vessel systems, it can be increased to 14 meters.

The suspension type of the rafter system of the duplex roof is good because in most cases there is no need to put Mauerlat, and this makes the installation of rafting legs easier: no need to make anything, it is enough to throw the boards. For the connection of the walls and rafters, the lining is used - a wide board, which is fixed on studs, nails, bolts, riglel. With such a structure, most of the driving loads are compensated, the effects on the walls are directed vertically down.

Types of rafter systems with hanging rafters for different spans between carrier walls

Slinged system of two-tie roof for small houses

There is a cheap version of the solo system when it is a triangle (photo below). Such a structure is possible if the distance between the outer walls is not more than 6 meters. For such a rafter system, you can not make a calculation over the angle of inclination: the horse must be raised over the tightening to the height of at least 1/6 of the length of the span.

But with such a construction of rafters, significant bending loads are experiencing. To compensate or take the rafted larger cross section or the word of the skunk part make so that they are partially neutralized. To give greater stiffness at the top of both sides, wooden or metal linings are nourished, which reliably fasten the top of the triangle (see also not pictures).

The photo also shows how to grow rafting legs to create a saint of the roof. There is a wrist, which should go beyond the limits of a line spent from the inner wall up. It is necessary to shift the place of the outbreak and reduce the likelihood of deadlock.

The ski knot and the mounting of the rafter feet to the lining board at a simple version of the system

For mansard roofs

A variant with the installation of the riglel - used at. In this case, it is the basis for covering the ceiling located below the room. For reliable operation of the system of this type, the womb of the riglel should be awesome (tough). The best option is half-fertility (see figure below). Otherwise, the roof will become unstable to the loads.

Please note that in this scheme there is Mauerlat, and the rafting legs to increase the stability of the design should go beyond the walls of the walls. To secure and docking with Mauerlat, a word is made in the form of a triangle. In this case, with uneven load on the rods, the roof will be more stable.

With such a scheme, almost the entire load falls on the rafter, and therefore they need to take a larger cross section. Sometimes raised tightening strengthen the suspension. This is necessary to prevent its deflection if it serves as a support for the ceiling sheat materials. If the tightening is small, it can be used in the center on both sides by boards, nails. With a significant load and the length of such insurance, there may be several. In this case, too, enough boards and nails.

For large houses

At a considerable distance between the two outer walls, a grandmother and a sawmill is installed. This design has high rigidity, since the loads are compensated.

With such a long span (up to 14 meters), make a delay one-piece complex and expensive, therefore, they make it from two beams. It connects with direct or oblique bore (drawing below).

For reliable docking, the connection site is enhanced by a steel plate planted on the bolts. Its dimensions should be greater than the dimensions of the Wheel - the extreme bolts are screwed into solid wood at a distance of at least 5 cm from the edge of the wrist.

In order for the scheme to work fine, it is necessary to make a spreader right. They transmit and distribute part of the load from the rafter tightening legs and provide stiffness of the structure. Metal linings are used to enhance compounds

When assembling a two-sheet roof with hanging rafters, a lumber cross-section is always greater than in systems with spots rafters: load transmission points are less, therefore, each element accounts for a large load.

With urban rafyles

In duct roofs with sputum rafters, they rest on the walls, and the middle part is based on the bearing walls or columns. Some schemes cut the walls, some are not. In any case, the presence of Mauerlat is necessarily.

Furgent schemes and knots

Houses folded from logs or timber react poorly to spacer loads. For them, they are critical: the wall can fall apart. For wooden houses, the solid system of the two-tie roof should be faithful. We will talk about these systems in more detail.

The simplest faded diagram of the rafter system is shown in the photo below. In it, the rafter foot resumes in Mauerlat. In this option, it works on bending, without cutting the wall.

Pay attention to the mounting options for the rafter feet to Mauerlat. In the first, the platform of opira is usually mounted, its length is no more than the sections of the beam. Sword depth is no more than 0.25 of its height.

The top of the rafter feet is laid on the ski bar, without fastening it with the opposite rafter. It turns out in the structure of two single roofs, which in the upper part are adjacent (but not connected) one on the other.

It is much easier to assemble the option with a rapid foot fastened in the skunk part. They almost never give the walls on the walls.

For the operation of this scheme, the rafter legs are attached at the bottom with the help of a moving connection. To secure a rafter foot to Mauerlat, one nail is clogged or the bottom of the flexible steel plate is clogged. Options for fastening the rafter feet to the skate run, see the photo.

If the roofing material is planned to use heavy, it is necessary to increase the carrying capacity. This is achieved by an increase in the cross section of the elements of the rafter and amplification of the skate assembly. It is shown in the photo below.

Strengthening the skate assembly under heavy roofing material or with significant snow loads

All the above diagrams of the bantal roofs are stable in the presence of uniform loads. But in practice, this is practically no happening. You can prevent the roof location towards the larger load in two ways: installation at an altitude of about 2 meters of contractions or pins.

Options for rafter systems with bats

Installation kits increases the reliability of the structure. So that it worked normally, in the places of its intersection with the drains, it is necessary to fix it with nails. The bruse cross section for the fight is used as as for the rafter.

Slingetts are attached to bots or nails. Can be installed from one or two sides. The attachment assembly to the rafters and the skate run look in the figure below.

In order for the system to be rigid and not "crawled", even with emergency loads, it is enough to ensure a rigid fastening of the skate bar. In the absence of the possibility of its displacement in the horizontal, the roof will solve even significant loads.

Systems of spitting rafters

In these embodiments, subcording legs are added for greater stiffness, which are also called piping. They are installed at an angle of 45 ° in relation to the horizon. Their installation allows you to increase the length of the span (up to 14 meters) or reduce the cross section of the beams (rafted).

The pump is simply substituted under the desired angle to beams and is nailed with nails from the sides and below. An important requirement: the boolean must be cut accurately and tightly lay down to the racks and the racking leg, eliminating the possibility of its deflection.

Systems with substropic legs. From above the spacer system, the bottom - the fault. Nodes of proper cuts for each are located nearby. Downstairs - Possible Toward Fastening Schemes

But not in all homes the average carrier wall is located in the middle. In this case, it is possible to establish a pitch with an angle of nnnone relative to the horizon of 45-53 °.

Systems with pins are needed if significant uneven shrinkage of the foundation or walls are possible. The walls can be sitting in different ways on wooden houses, and the foundations are on layered or bright soils. In all these cases, consider the device of rafting systems of this type.

System for houses with two inner carrier walls

If there are two bearing walls in the house, there are two subcupile beams that are located above each of the walls. The intermediate bearing walls are stacked, the load from the substropyl beams is transmitted to the litters through the racks.

In these systems, the ski runs do not put: it gives spacer forces. The rafters in the upper part are connected one on the other (clipped and fit without gaps), the connection location is amplified by steel or wooden linings that are nailed.

In the upper factional system, the tightening is neutralized with a driving force. Please note that the tightening is placed under the run. Then it works efficiently (upper diagram in the figure). Sustainability can be provided by racks, or extends - beams installed by defective. In the spacer system (in the picture it below), the crossbar is a blower. It is installed above the run.

There is a version of the system with racks, but without inferior beams. Then the rack is nailed to each rafter foot, which rely on the intermediate bearing wall.

Fastening the rack and tightening in the rafter system without a substropsy run

For mounting racks, nails are used for 150 mm and a 12 mm bolts. The dimensions and distance in the figure are in millimeters.

For a durable and reliable roof, it is important to qualitatively make all nodes of the rafter system. What it means, we will analyze right now.

The rafter is a skeleton of the roof, which holds the inner and outer covering, insulation, waterproofing and other elements. Also very often, they are used as the basis for communication. On the roof and, accordingly, rafters occur huge loads that can reach 200 kg / m 2. This is the weight of building materials, snow with foliage and other garbage. And what are the gusts of the wind?

Roof rafters as a basis for communication

When carrying out repair work, this system should withstand not only the weight of a person, but also the necessary equipment. At the same time, all these parameters are strictly individual and depend on a number of factors, ranging from the configuration and ending with the climatic zone. However, in any case, the roof and all its elements should be quite reliable, and only then we can feel really protected.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the terminology. The foundation of the entire system can be called Mauerlat. It is a beam on which the design is attached. Its main function is a uniform distribution of loads on the walls. But the beam on which the doome is fixed is called a rafter foot. This is an essential element that determines the angle of slope of the skate and the general type of roof. Between itself, the rafting legs fastens a run. It is located both from above and side. Depending on this, there are skate and sidebars. At the bottom of the legs are fixed using a tightening.

Maurylalat for fastening of the rafter design

Thanks to the pins and racks, rafting beams are located as much as possible. Perpendicular to the feet of the cutting boards - the lamp. It serves as the basis for roofing material. And the place of connection of the roofing rods is called a skate. A solid doom is hampered on it to make this part of the roof as reliable as possible. Continuation of the rafter feet - Film. They are located under the scene protecting the walls from precipitation. It is very often the first to rot exactly these structural elements begin, as they are most susceptible to the negative impact of the weather, while the legs themselves can serve for a very long time. The reliability of the entire design depends on how high-quality will be absolutely each attachment node. We will talk about them in more detail.

This concept combines a number of structural elements, as they consist of crates, racks and sinks. In fact, this tough design is a skeleton of a roof. Depending on the size and personal wishes, four types of farms are distinguished. If the house width ranges from 12 to 24 m, then a segment or trapezoidal form will be the most appropriate. For more overall structures, up to 36 m wide, a polygonal is suitable. But the classic triangular will become an excellent solution in the construction of houses width 9-18 m.

Stropyl farms of different sizes

The material also plays a huge role. The most commonly used wood. In this case, the installation of beams occurs by writing and subsequent fixation by nails, self-drawing and other fasteners. However, not in all cases is relevant to the use of wood. So, if the length of the span exceeds 16 m, then the farms with stretched metal racks will be more suitable, as it will be hard to ensure reliable fastenings of wooden elements in this case. The combined type is also popular in which wooden, and metal parts are also used at the same time.

The horse is a horizontal edge at a junction of two slopes. There is a weak and rafter system of hanging type. In the first case, the cover is installed on the racks located in parallel to the long walls. It is very important to ensure the maximum adjacent rafted to the skate, for this, the corresponding washed. Fixation is done by nails.

Horse in the place of connecting two skates

If we are talking about hanging design, the ends of the rafter feet are connected in pairs. To ensure such a conjugation, the end of each beam climbs at an angle equal to the inclination of the roof. Further, the rafters are connected by the planes of the sections and are fixed by nails, clogged at an angle. Be sure to close the place of the joint with a metal plate or a wooden lining.

Pairs of rafter

When connecting a word in Poltera, maximum strength is achieved. To do this, in the pairing place, the rafting legs are connected to the ledge. Then the hole is drilled under the bolt 14 mm. Further fixation is achieved at the expense of the bolted connection. When it comes to a sliding system, then in this case the ends of the legs are connected by means of metal plate hinges.

This is the next attachment assembly of the rafter systems, which needs to be stopped in more detail. There are two technologies for fixing the beams to Mauerlat. Hard attachments exclude any shifts, oscillations, turns, twisting and other manipulations. To achieve a similar effect, they make a drink on the leg. Next, the compound is additionally fixed by nails, wire, self-drawing and other auxiliary elements. Usually, several nails are clogged at an angle so that they are crossed inside Mauerlat. And then another nail ripped vertically.

I washed on my feet for mounting to Mauerlat

Sliding fasteners are obtained thanks to special fasteners. There is one, two or three degrees of freedom of this conjugation. Such a connection is great for wooden houses, as tough fixation during shrinkage can suffer greatly. You can provide such a moving connection in several ways. The foot rests on Maulelalat with a laminated bar or a drank tooth and is rigidly fixed with a metal corner. Thus, the rigidity of the attachment in the horizontal plane is achieved. At the top of the legs are connected by wrinkles, while on the horizontal platform, the SCOS is made to provide a sliding connection.

Sliding fastenings of elements

If at the place of fixation to Mauerlat, you only drive into the place of one nail or use special flexible plates, then the pairing will be moving with a sliding and in this part of the rafter system.

Now let's stay on typical nodes of a wooden rafting system. The feature of such a roof is the presence of Valm. A similar type has a number of advantages. They are more durable, since the load is distributed evenly over the entire surface, they are not afraid of strong winds and precipitation, economical. However, more complex in the technological plan.

Typical hip roof nodes

This roof is of two long trapezoid rods, while they do not close the entire area, with the ends of the building under the tilt, triangular hips are installed. In this case, typical elements appear - additional hosted rafting legs, of which the end skates are formed. The connection of diagonal beams may be different. Popted both hanging farms and a sloping design that is fixed to Mauerlat.

Roofing from trapezoid rods and triangular valves

If the rafters of the skates are leaning on a horse, then the savory legs should be seamless to the skate run console. It is very important that the console issue is at least 100 mm, but not more than 150 mm. The lower part of the diagonal rafters is fixed to Mauerlat or a special beam on the wall of the house. Sometimes a wooden bar is used for the manufacture of rafter legs, in this case the invalid elements are fixed to a special board (a seaboine) fixed on the farm. But the installation to the extreme hanging farm is made by Shpregel. At the same time, it is mandatory on the beams of the legs, a washed under the angle of the corresponding slope of the hollow skate.

December 12, 2017
Specialization: finishing of facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

Any roof is daily subjected to various loads, as the wind acts on it, precipitation, and it also holds roofing. In order for all these loads, the roof could cope for many decades, it must be properly constructed. Therefore, all those who wish to do construction on their own, I recommend to understand which parts and nodes of the rafter system exist, and what function they perform.

Elements of carcass

All parts of the rafter systems can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • Basic. These parts form a roof frame, referred to as the rafting system. Without them, no roof is required;
  • Additional. This group includes elements that in some types of roofs may be present, while others do without them. The task of additional elements is to increase rigidity and carcass strength.

Main nodes

So, the following elements include the main nodes and details of the rafter system:

  • Mauerlat. This can be said, the basis of all roofing systems, as rafting legs are based on Mauerlat. The design of it is extremely simple, in fact, it is an ordinary bar (log in log houses), laid around the perimeter of the walls. Its task is to evenly distribute the load from the roof on the wall walls.

It must be said that the dupping roof Mauarelast can be placed not around the perimeter, but only on the side walls, since the front walls are located, representing the continuation of the wall;

  • Stropile legs (hereinafter CH), or just rafters.These parts are the bearing element forming the skate and its angle of inclination. They perceive the wind and snow load, as well as the weight of the roofing material, and are transmitted to walls through Mauerlat and other elements.

Rafters are side (basic) diagonal (installed at the junction of hollow roofs) and shortened (rely on Mauerlat diagonal rafters);

  • Stropil farms.They are formed by pair (response) rafting legs. It must be said that the rafting farms are present in all pitched roofs except for one-sided, as they do not have response rafters;
  • Skown knot.Is the top of the rafter farm, i.e. formed by the joint of two CH. The ski knot, like the farm themselves, is missing only in single-sided roofs.

That's all the main nodes of wooden roofing structures that form them.


Additional details include:

  • Run. This is a horizontal beam that binds all the CH within one slope;
  • Skown run. It is the same horizontal beam as the usual run, but which passes in the skate node, i.e. Connects at the same time two legs of each farm.

It must be said that the ski run can be installed in several ways - above the shock of the rafter, in the center of the joint, i.e. Legs are based on a run, or under rafters;

  • Tightening (Rigel, Fight).It is a beam that connects two retaliatory legs without letting them get torn. It can be said that the tightening removes the spacer load from the bearing walls;

  • Supports. Can sign rafters, all types of runs or tightening. Supports transmit the load on the inner walls of the building, columns or overlap;
  • Trucks (subcording legs).There are inclined supports that the same feature is imposed as the vertical racks. The only one, they reflect only legs, i.e. are one of the elements of wooden farms. Substropical legs transmit the load on the bearing elements of the building, or onto the overlap;
  • Fakes. These elements form a ride of the skate in the event that the CH does not go beyond the walls. In essence, they extend CH, i.e. are their continuation.

That's all the elements from which the frames of the pitched roofs are.

A few words about the types of systems

So, we dealt with the nodes, now let's look at the main types of rafting structures. There are several of them:

  • Single-car. As I said, these designs do not have farms. The angle of the skate is formed due to the different height of the walls, which are stacked, or due to the run, which is stacked on the racks installed on one of the walls;

  • Divaenasone. Cover rafters are called rafters that are supported by racks or pins, transmitting the load on the internal bearing elements of the building. The framework of such structures is formed only by farms, i.e. They do not have diagonal legs.

  • Double hanging. Hanging rafters from the wissions are distinguished by the fact that they transmit all the load from the roof only on the outer walls;

  • Walm. Unlike bounce, on the ends, instead of vertical frontones have inclined hips, i.e. Endhotes. As I said, the hips form diagonal and short legs;

  • Broken.They are a double design, each CH which is divided into two parts and is located at different angles. Skate, i.e. The upper legs form a gentle slope, and the bottom - cool. This design allows you to increase the attic space, as a result of which it can be used as an additional floor.

Typical broken (attic) systems have racks that are based on the upper and lower CH. Response racks are associated with tightening (attic beams of overlapping).

There are still half-gantry structures that are essentially the usual hanging systems of a two-tie roof. The only one, their mounting with Mauerlat is usually made by sliding (movable), which makes it possible to increase the deflection of CH, and thereby reduce the spacer on the walls.

Despite the fact that the designs and all of the above systems are different, they consist of the same parts with which we have already become familiar with.

Finally, fasteners

Finally, I propose to consider how the main nodes are connected such as:

  • Raftered / Maurylalat;
  • Skown knot.

The rest of the details do not deserve special attention, since their dosples most often occurs by the pair of pairing sites (to increase the area of \u200b\u200bfitting the parts) and steel plastic lining / corners that are fixed with screws. Sometimes the fasteners are not even used, i.e. Details are attached to each other with screws without any linings.

Connection of rafters and Mauerlat

The foot attachment assembly and mauelalat can be made in several ways:

  • Using groin. In this case, the grooves in which the CH are inserted under Mauerlat. It is then additionally attached to Mauerlat from two sides by a steel corner;

  • Tooth and spike. This method is usually used for fastening CH to tighten. The principle of it is based on the fact that in the end of the soaked pulled by the spike, and in the tightness - the groove. In addition, the leg itself rests on the so-called tooth, i.e. The protrack ledger that assumes the spacer load.

It must be said that recently the fastening of the type of tooth with a spike is rarely applied, since it is much easier to use special fasteners, the same corners and plates;

  • By marking. In this case, sn ished so that a straight angle formed at the junction with Mauerlat, as a result of which the rafter does not only fall on the bar, but also rests on its side surface, thus transmitting the spacer load. I must say that instead of driving, you can fix the bar, as shown in the diagram below.

Connection of rafters and skate run

CH connection and run can be performed as follows:

  • With the help of the groove.Two responses are performed in CH, with the result that, after the joint, the sling is formed under the ski run;
  • Tough pinching. The principle is based on the runway and above it are sets;

  • By drowned. This is the easiest and most common way, the principle of which is based on the shut-down CH for maximum adjacent to the beam. In this case, fixation is carried out by a steel corner.

Here, perhaps, all the main nuances of the assembly of rafter systems.


With you, we figured out which details there are rafting systems, which species they are and how the main elements are composed. If some moments I missed or something not clear to you - write comments, and I will gladly answer your questions.

December 12, 2017

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The positive effect of wood has always been appreciated by people, so we still observe the use of this material for the installation of walls and for the construction of roofing structures. Wooden houses are beautiful, practical and comfortable. The final stage of construction of any building is the roof, so keep in mind how a wooden roof is created by hand and how long it will pass.

Wood, the first material used in the construction of residential buildings becomes popular with modern masters. A few decades ago, the cost of such a roof was the lowest, and the installation is the easiest. Now everything is different: the material is very expensive, and there is a lot of technical training and experience.

As before, the wooden roof with all the rules will allow you to get an exclusive design that will last for many years.

Description of the installation of a wooden roof

Depending on the materials selected, the installation technique and the mast roof are determined.

The most difficult maybe it will work with a cup. If the builder does not have experience with such parts, in this case the wooden roof with hands can cause some problems or do not work at all.

Outside of the material, small plates are presented (width - 10-15 cm, length - 40-70 cm), which are paved manually or manually. Because of the roughness formed on the section, moisture is absorbed, therefore the material is of great importance with the presence of natural fibers.

On one longitudinal side of the stove is cut until the thickness reaches 3-5 mm, and on the other hand, a wedge groove is cut with a depth of 10-12 mm, as shown in the figure. Gon consists of coniferous, brick and oak. As the base for laying the cover, a box is used (rod or rod with part 40 × 40 mm or 50 × 50 mm). The calculation of the wooden roof is carried out by fixing the shaft or rods with a length of a shaft of 1/3 inches, and a solid foil can be formed from the panels.

Horizontal types of materials are located in accordance with one direction of the grooves and fix the narrow ends of the tiles in them. As soon as the plates are aligned on the roof, they are crushed by the top edge to the tree. Nails must be administered in a box of at least 20 mm. The choice of nail depends on the type of wood, so cedar and larch are fixed with brass, and other types of wood can be fixed by galvanized nails.

How reliable is the wooden roofing device, depends on the layer of pebbles:

  1. For pavilions and commercial buildings, there are enough layers, where the new line is located, closing half the previous panel (see "How to make a wooden tile, a roof of the device").
  2. The construction of residential buildings is carried out on the basis of three layers, and the new line is in the upper part of the previous one.
  3. Buildings requiring high quality and reliability may contain a structure of four layers, with new lines located at the top of the previous ones.

When laying, the upper plates are located at the bottom until the middle of the previous row.

The definition of a patchwork (roofing connections with a concave end) acts as a fan that, the narrow sides of the panel turns into a certain down, so that the tile becomes a trapezoidal.

Before creating a wooden roof, all parts of the antiseptic pre-treated with antiseptic means and fire extinguishing use a fire-resistant compound. Also read: "Device on the roof of the house."

Installation of the proportion and the kinerexes is made similar to the cup. Since the boards are short (about 20-40 cm), the distance between the glow rays is reduced. The elements do not have common gutters, so they fit into the connection at the junction, taking into account that the tree can rotate with time (with a distance of 3-5 mm between the plates).

In the crude weather, the joints of the wooden structures of the roof will accurately match each other, and in heat will create optimal conditions for wood ventilation.

Construction of a wooden roof in most cases of larch, which is different:

  • high density and resin content, protection against corrosion and insects;
  • the duration of the operation;
  • attractive tree structure;
  • low price.

Characteristics of roofing coatings of wood chips and tiles

This material is built into three or four layers, which overlap both vertically and horizontally.

The length of pebbles is attached to a wooden roof - its drawings are not very different from other types of structures like a tile. Neighbors should be closed to 25-30 mm.

The new horizontal layer must be installed so that the joints of the two bottom belts are closed with one top. Each shield for carrying a nail shield is amazed 70 × 1.5 mm, followed by sewing a ridge with a wooden angle.

The design of the shale roof corresponds to the same technology as shortened planks.

Usually they are offered to a length of 40 cm to 10 m, a width of 9-13 cm, a thickness of 3-5 mm. The sizes of chips are slightly less: the length is 40-50 cm, the width is 7-12 cm, the thickness is 3 mm. Of these features, the chips are attached to the box with a pitch of about 15 cm, the holder is from 30 cm. Both materials are very lungs, so there must be at least 40 x 40 mm.

Roof coverage - various options, see video:

Roof features

If a wooden roof with her own hands is built, it will be the easiest and most affordable option for many slightly above the roof.

However, this coating will serve as a smaller order, as a result of the violation of the natural structure of wood during sawing. If you want to save the properties of the field, you must prepare the slabs that divide the logs long, that is, in the same direction as the fiber material. Such a coating will be carried out with due attention for at least a hundred years.

During the construction of the roof of a wooden house there are two ways to lay thesis: transverse and longitudinal. The cross-sectional method is the simplest device of a wooden roof, but it is suitable only for temporary construction.

Plates for nails, like any other coating, from below up with a 5 cm top row coating.

The difference in the longitudinal method has several laying options:

  • in the form of a two-layer coating - the fixation of the plates is made with the upper layer, which moves to the bottom to the middle of the plate, and for swelling it remains 0.5 cm;
  • in the first row, the plates are located with an interval of 50 mm, the elements on the next line must be coated up to 50 mm from each previous plate;
  • using a latch - the bottom line is solid, it is necessary to use narrow strips to cover the joints that should be 50 mm.

Regardless of the method that restores wooden roofs so that the upper nail is securely attached to each row on the stove with a pitch of 600-800 mm thick from 19 to 25 mm, cross-section of the beam 60x60 mm.

Before choosing the material, read: "How to choose a roof for home."

1. Description of used roofing materials

2. What elements are roofing

3. Features of bearing structures

During the construction of wooden houses there is a task of rational combination of aesthetics and practicality of the roofing design.

Among the large selection of materials will be suitable here not all that significantly complicates the technology of construction.

Following the main requirement, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the construction of the roof of the wooden house is harmoniously looked at the background of the entire building. Wooden houses have always had a special demand for eco-friendly and natural materials connoisseurs, and the proper processing of the log allows to achieve good thermal insulation, ease of installation and reliable attachment of attachments.

Its deformation is considered an essential disadvantage of wood at temperature fluctuations, especially changes in the level of humidity, which should be considered when choosing a particular lumber.

Special attention is paid to the order of assembling window and doorways, excerpt for shrinkage of a cut. It includes a wooden roof - the design of it is erected according to a specific rules (read: "The device of a wooden roof is the features of the coating"). As already mentioned, it is selected for it, it is selected, it is established under certain conditions, during operation requires increased control than, for example, during the construction of the roof on a stone building.

The shrinkage coefficient of the raw log and timber is 10%, a raw profiled bar achieves about 5%, dried and glued timber - up to 3%. Based on these values, there are two values \u200b\u200bin the construction project of wooden houses - before the material is satisfied, and after that.

As a rule, the roofs of such houses are erected by scanty, as indicated even in SNiP - wooden structures of roofing flat and single-pate are considered impractical and externally unattractive.

A large selection of scandal configurations allows you to choose what you have to taste the future owner of the house, for example:

The scope roof has several advantages over other types of roofs:

  • it has better thermal insulation of wooden ceiling farms;
  • under it you can equip the attic;
  • for it, cheaper roofing coatings are suitable;
  • snow masses descend from the roof as they accumulate;
  • rainwater is rapid faster;
  • you can make long roofing raids, thanks to which the precipitate will be outlined away from the walls.

Description of used roofing materials

Construction or reconstruction of the roof of a wooden house is performed using any of these coatings:

  • filmed materials on bitumen mastic, for example, euro terrestrial;
  • rolled flooring materials;
  • ceramic and metal tiles;
  • slate;
  • ondulina.

The use of eurosher and professional flooring for wooden houses will lead to the appearance of noise from rain, and due to reduced waterproof properties, constant repair of roofing cake will be required.

Nodes of the rafting system - how to make a reliable roof?

The exotic option includes the arrangement of the roof in the form of a longitudinal adhesion of the edged board, or the "historical" materials (straw roofs, from the cantham). However, the so-called wooden roof - the design of which is practically no different from the traditional options, will be relevant in places of the eco-or ethnotransligations approximate to nature. Also: "The roof of the cantham".

What elements are roofing

The roof assembly is performed from several interconnected components, depicted in the photo :

  1. Skate - inclined surfaces of the roof, which can be flat or curved.
  2. Skate - the upper longitudinal edge in the place of the junction of the skates.
  3. The ribs of the skate represented in the form of a protruding angle at the crossing of the skates.
  4. Endahova, also called a raging, which is a concave crossing of the skates.
  5. The cornese sweep is a minor protrusion of the roof beyond the border (at the final stage, we strifted the roof cornice with a finishing material).
  6. Fronton Svea - part of the roof, hanging over the wall.
  7. Gutter.
  8. Drainage pipe.
  9. Chimney.

Regardless of the choice of coating for the roof, the structure of the roofing cake must be completely saved.

For the crates are taken: for metal materials and slate - bars or boards, for tiles only boards.

If materials are used on bitumen mastic, then the lamp is fitted with a solid web. In the case of using an attic or attic to accommodation, there is also an interior decoration. But in any case, the laying of layers of the cake must be observed.

So, if the owner of the house independently builds the wooden roof structures, then you need to adhere to the main requirements:

Slinge system of a wooden house, in detail on the video:

Features of carrier structures

Before the construction or reconstruction of wooden roofs begin, the diagram of its device is carefully selected. The mounting of the pitched roof is performed according to certain rafters. The wissious and hanging design, differing only in the fact that in the first embodiment there is an intermediate support, or a support for the inner bearing wall or partition.

The support should not be located from the outer wall further than 6.5 m, and the second support contributes to an increase in each run - the distance from the average support beam and the outer wall to 15 m. Maurylalat (subcupile timber) in a wooden house is built from the top wall row of logs .

Supporting hanging rafters is carried out only by walls subjected to expanding effort.

Newbies that have no idea about such installation, it is better to order a ready-made project of the house in a special company. There will be proposed typical and universal designs of wooden roofs, it can be developed an individual option (read: "The roof device of a wooden house: what kind of roof choose").

If raw lumber is used in construction, it is important to put up to settle down, while the arrangement of the node should be with special "sliding" elements.

As soon as the shrinkage rafters will begin across the location of the bar, then with the help of such a wooden roof device, it will be possible to maintain their longitudinal binding.

By analogy with this, the attachment of the rafter next to the skate is performed.

The result of such actions will be that even with a significant shrinkage, the wooden structures of the roof will remain at the initial place and are not deformed.

Summing up, you should pay attention to a fairly complex structure of wooden houses, design and installation of which requires high professionalism. Newbies who do not have certain skills, not to cope with the work. As for the choice of materials, blood species, it is all limited to the budget of the owner of the house.

Also read the article: "Tree roofs - device."

Hip roof with your own hands: the construction process

Credit under the roof is ready.

Wooden roof - ecology, savings and reliability

It's time to make a rapid roof system. Consider the stages of its installation.

Consider the process of the construction and device of the holm roof (four-tie roof), which consists of angular, intermediate and auxiliary rafters. The work is not very difficult, you can cope with it without experience. The main thing is to make the right calculations.

The construction of a holm roof begins with the laying of Maurolat, but since we have a log cabin under the roof, then Mauerlat will serve as an upper log.

Laying beam overlap

So, it's time to mount the intermediate beams of overlapping, a cross section of 10 to 20 centimeters and an intermediate step of 0.5-0.6 meters (there may be other values).

Fasten them to Brusa Labor will not be.

It is enough to lay the bars over the logs and fix them with metal corners.

You can make logs in the logs. To do this, you must first make an accurate marking of future holes, then take a chainsaw with a sharp chain and make a pressure, depth equal to half the log section.

The height of the grooves should be 3 centimeters greater than the height of the beams so that if necessary, align them.

When the guilt was made, armed with the chisel and the hammer must be brought to mind, giving holes the desired form.

Be sure to check the horizontal beams by level.

Before laying the beams, their ends should be wrapped with slices of europen (insulation) dipped in an antiseptic solution, then additionally secure the beams with metal coal.

Setting the skate

First you need to make marking.

To do this, divide the frontal walls in half (dimensions remove the most as possible).

The resulting size (from the center to the extreme wall) set aside on the wall, perpendicular to the frontal, on both sides.

Similarly, repeat the procedure from the opposite side of the hip roof.

The distance between the lines will be equal to the length of the skate, the racks of which are installed at the intersection of "squares".

Installation of racks

For vertical racks, we will use the boards with a cross section of 5 per 15 centimeters, for a skate - 5 to 20 cm.

The racks are set strictly vertically and refer to temporary disconse from both sides.

Must with self-draws.

In one rack there should be two boards.

Between the vertical racks (between two boards of one vertical rack), the skiing bar is installed and fastened by bolts. Additionally, the struts can be installed between vertical racks.

Installing timing

On the installed skate run, it is necessary to mount rafters. For this purpose, we use boards with a cross section of 5 to 15 centimeters (you can have others, depending on the calculations).

They are stacked with a half-meter step on the ski run from two sides of the Vangest. Then the board saws are neatly cut into the upper part so that they can be connected to join. Scrolls are joined with metal profiles and self-drawing.

At the bottom of the holm roof, the rafted srprose is mounted on Mauerlat by cutting down, which is done at an angle of 90 degrees.

It relies on the top log and attached to it with metal corners using self-tapping screws or nails.

You can also make small grooves on the log, enter the rafter legs in them and fix the same way.

The length of the boards should be such that Sve for the eaves was at least 30 centimeters.

So all the skate rafting legs are installed.

After the installation is completed, the installation of angular rafters begins.

Installation of angular timber

The first angular rafters are mounted, which go through the center of the fronton. Section can be left the same.

Their length can be calculated on the Pythagoreo theorem.

But you can simply arrange a temporary board between the skate and the center of the bar of the front-distance wall and measure it.

Then add from 30 to 50 centimeters to the resulting value, which will "take place".

On the board it is necessary to prepare another one, on the opposite direction, then consolidate both to the skate and Mauerlat below. The boards are attached to the Mauerlate method.

Similarly, rafters are harvested and mounted on four corners of a walled roof of a log cabin with their own hands.

Under all the rafting legs, it is necessary to install the racks near Mauerlat.

Installation of intermediate lines

It remains only to install intermediate rafters.

For this wall, the walls are placed with the selected step so that between the marks on the adjacent walls has always been a straight angle. At the intersection of two lines there is a mark on the corner rafyled.

Next, all distances are measured, the rafter footsteen of the desired length are prepared, taking into account the cornese swell and is carried out.

To mount the intermediate rafters of a floating roof for a log cabin to the angular, their ends should be cut off at an angle of 45 degrees and secure bolts.

To simplify the calculations, it is possible between corner rafting legs, you must navigate the board and "dance" from it.

If the boards are not enough lengths, they can be spliced \u200b\u200bin various ways.

When all the rafters are installed, it is necessary to mount the cornice boards around the perimeter of the holm roof, and then proceed to laying the crate and roofing material.

The type of crate for a holm roof of the house of the log depends on which roofing material is planned to be used.

If soft roofing materials are used, for example, bitumen tile, the base should be solid.

Under the tight materials is made a rarefied doom.

The shadow step will also be varied depending on the material for the roof.

The desired step value typically indicates the roofing material manufacturer.

When the roofing cake is required, the use of insulation, steam and waterproofing. On how to mount a certain type of roofing, you can read on our website in the relevant articles. There is a detailed sequence of work. To simplify the calculation of the elements of the holm roof, you can use the programs.

Walm roof, rafter system

Terms used in the construction of wooden veneers

  • The rafted is the carrier part of the roof, which includes multilayer supports, supports and vertical columns supported by Mauerlat.
  • Boulder is part of the gorge.
  • Mauerlat, presented in the form of supporting several rafters, or, in other words, on the bar placed in the top of the wall, evenly distributes them to the load on the roof, it is important to understand why you need Maerdat.
  • The tightening is a guide that is horizontally located for connecting roofing tiles and reduce the horizontal collision on them to ensure stability on the roof, is also used as a holder.
  • Grandma - strengthens scissors, sets: lower part - is delayed; Top - as supporting rafters.
  • The spacer is attached as a connecting element between the logs.
  • The hanger has an inclined beam form, which is used to support wood rays, which are adjacent to horizontal parts (columns and columns).
  • The horse is horizontally set on the roof raid raid.

When building wooden roof loops can be divided into several groups:

  1. connecting legs with Mauerlat;
  2. connecting legs and elements of a wooden base for the roof, which makes the design more solid and durable;
  3. A knot with flat pieces is connected, stretching out of it.

Depending on the desired result, the rafters are connected to the Mauerlat rigid or sliding node.

It should be noted that in some cases a rigid installation may even destroy the structure, as in the picture, since the weather conditions are favorable for pressing and opening wood, but due to the rigid connection of the nassonna system, it can deform the wall bearings under heavy loads.

Features of rigid nodes

The hard knot of a wooden roof has the following form:

  1. Cut is performed at the depth of one third of the panel on the shoulder shoulder.

    Then the machines must be attached to Mauerlat with nails, so that two of them fall at a slight angle to the side of the rafted, and one - in the vertical direction.

  2. For rafters, 1 m lifting wood is installed in place as a support for Mauerlat, the side mounting screws in this position screw up with metal corners.

Characteristics of sliding nodes

The connection of the elements of the nasal system is carried out using sliding nodes.

The use of suspended rafters is useful in the design of the roof of round wood, where the ridge pole is used as a support for the rafted, and the distance between the carrier walls does not occur.

Recently built wooden agricultural land will be saved for several years, so the use of hard devices for constant farm movement will cause the deformation of the walls.

To avoid such problems, wooden roofs are the nodes of the scissor system, which should be determined from the permission to free movement, built as follows.

The curved leg with the help of a pre-made saw is based on Mauerlat and is tied (two on each side, the third vertical).

  1. Metal tiles descended from the wall are attached to metal corners that connect them with Mauerlat.
  2. Metal structures are determined by the "track" method (see "Metal farm, minuses and advantages").
  3. Foot foot support in Mauerlat should be carried out taking into account the movement of these systems in relation to each other.
  4. In the case of storm winds, the roofs are not damaged, the binding of struts, shepherds and gaskets to suspended rafters is carried out using clamps and clamps; Around the leg also twisted wire rolls.

How to connect round legs

If the roof stretching is large enough, special attention should be paid to wooden roof hinges, as well as columns that need to be expanded to the desired sizes using one of the proposed methods.

How to connect pile rafters in construction

The developers pay special attention to the combination mode of the comb.

The main conclusions of the scissors system, detailed in the video:

The difference between the teeth and the "tip"

  1. Due to its high strength, the spike connection is great for a wooden design.

    The tip is a part that is attached to the magazine that connects with the socket, the language or the ear of the second diary. The size and shape of these two elements must match each other.

  2. The tooth is connected to a stepped cut in one day and with inscriptions in the other. As in the case of the previous method, for the thick fit of the wooden roof structures, it is necessary to consider the ratio of their size and shape.

If the developer builds a wooden roof, when connected to the roof elements, knitting legs must be fixed with screws, screws, clips and screws.

The diameter of the hole must be from 1 to 2 mm of fastening elements, and the brackets are fixed on both sides.

When using a screw connection on scissors, a screw is used, located in the upper part of the structure, and cutting the grooves is performed with a half of the log thickness.

Only if these requirements are fulfilled, the magazines will be closely coordinated with each other. At the next stage, the assembly is attached to the screws and special brackets.

Flat roof can be avoided Exactly - nodes can have any shape, with the same scissors. Experienced builders recommend design template so that all frames and cuts have the same size (see: "Building a wooden roof - cover characteristics").

The description of the entire roof structure system is provided by the most complete presentation, but a wooden trolley, which is quite complex for beginners, requires a professional approach. Also read: "Building a roof of a wooden house: what roof you have to choose."

In order for the building to be built more than one year, it is necessary for both a reliable foundation and a strong roofing system opposing the weather becoming. The roof should with dignity to withstand heavy loads: strong snowfalls, sharp gusts of wind, abundant shower. The rapid roof system is best suited for this.

Stropyl roof farms and its types

The rapid system is the base of the roof that focuses on the bearing elements of the structure and also serves as a frame for various types of materials for the roof: insulation, waterproofing, various coatings.

The dimensions and construction of the rafter depend on:

  • acquired material;
  • the size of the structure;
  • dimensions of the house;
  • building materials for rafters;
  • individual preferences of the customer;
  • relevant for a certain roof load region.

The rafter system has:

  • cinema - bars, in the perpendicular direction stacked on rafal legs;
  • screeds that perceive stretching efforts;
  • tree racks located in a vertical position;
  • mauerlat - Bar, the installation of which is carried out along the wall, the stopper focus on it;
  • stropile legs are a kind of tree beams that make up the main load of the roof.

Each of the resulting factors is very important because it is necessary to understand what type of the rafter system will be optimally suitable for a particular situation.

When it comes to low-rise buildings, the greatest prevalence is obtained by structures from wood. In many cases, three types of rafter farms are used: hanging rafters, sprinkled rafters and a mixed system of rafters.

Characteristic hanging rafyl

Hanging rafters are the most elementary type of rafter systems, their characteristics:

If the roof of the house of a complex design, the types of rafters can be alternating. For example, in the presence of a support or the middle main wall, they make the installation of spots, and in the absence of such elements - hanging rafters.

Features of the revolving rafalle

For the sling of the rafted, the house must be additionally equipped with a bearing wall located in the middle. Distinguish with sputum rafters on such grounds:

The design of the combined system is the most complicated, since it includes the parts of the two other types of rafted - hanging and the ulissory. It is used for the attic roof. The walls of the rooms that are on the second floor form vertical supports, these supports are and intermediate racks for rafting beams.

Part of the rafter that connects one end of the racks, functions as a rigle for the skates, located on the side, and for the upper part of the design, they are tightened.

At the same time, horizontal bars perform such functions: for the upper rods - Mauerlat, for the side - the ski bar. In order to increase the strength of the roof, the struts are mounted, which connect the side skates and vertical racks.

The combined system of sling in the manufacture of the most complex and time-consuming, but these shortcomings are completely compensated by an increase in the roof carriers in the absence of unnecessary supports, especially when there is a need to overlap significant spans in the building.

It is possible to increase the carrier quality of the roof using a mixed rafter system.

Stropil farms for different types of roofs

During the construction of a certain building, rafter systems of a particular type are necessarily used, and the roof type will fully depend on the project of the future structure.

Stropil Farm for Duscate Roof

The bartal roof is the usual roof construction for residential buildings that have no more than three floors. Preference is given to this design due to the technical characteristics of the inclined form of the rafter system, as well as due to the fact that the installation works are carried out easily and simply.

The composition of the rafter system of the bartal roof includes two rectangular inclined planes. The upper part of the building from the end side resembles a triangle. The main components of the duplex roof are Maurylalat and rafting legs. In order to properly distribute the load on the raps and walls, the struts, rigleels and racks are mounted, due to which you can create a durable, hard, elementary and light design of the structure for a bantal roof.

The bartal roof is considered the simplest system for the roof, use it for residential buildings no more than three floors.

On top of the rafted can be mounted a rarefied inches or solid, and then attach a bitumen coating, tile or any other type of material on it. The rafter and the shelter itself is usually made from bars or boards, which fasten with nails, bolts or connective parts from metal. Metal profiles can be applied as a rafted, thereby overlapping significant spills. It does not need to use extra racks and sores.

The device of the rafter system for a bantal roof allows you to evenly distribute the entire existing load on the perimeter of the building. The lower ends of the system make focus on Maurylalat. They are fixed with fasteners or metal brackets. At the corner of the tilt of bars for rafters, it is possible to determine, at what angle will be touched by the rocks of the roof.

The rafting system for a bartal roof allows you to evenly distribute the load from the roof around the perimeter of the building

Slinge system for holmic roofing

When setting up a system for a holmic roof, a set of different types of rafters will be required:

  • nasi members (shortened);
  • side;
  • walm main;
  • sound (diagonal elements that form a triangle shape).

The rafting legs, located on the side, are made from the board, and they are mounted, they are identical to the details of the traditional pitched roof with a slope or hanging design. Walm main rafters are the sleeves. For these narons, boards or bars are used, fastened not only to Mauerlat, but also to diagonal beams.

To install this type of construction, the angle of inclination is precisely calculated, as well as the cross section of the invoice beams. From the length of the span depend on the size of the parts.

To the hip roofing is not deformed from a strong load, you should accurately calculate the angle of inclination of diagonal beams for rafters

Observe symmetry when installing diagonal beams for rafters, otherwise the roof is deformed from a significant load.

Slinge system for broken roof

The broken roof is a construction of rafters that consist of several separate items. At the same time, they should be located at different angles relative to the horizon. And since the lower lines is almost vertically, the attic room of the building receives an additional area, which can be used as a residential. The device of this type of roof is performed during the construction of a four-orxcade construction of the rafter.

Calculate the four-fold system of rafters need professionals, but it can be done with a bustling broken roof independently, since its installation is very simple. To do this, you need to install a reference frame, which should consist of runs, as well as racks. Horizontal parts are fixed with hanging rafters. But to Mauerlata, the supports of the broken roof with shortened legs rafters are fixed.

The assembly of the rafter for the broken banta roof is under the power to perform and non-professional, since the installation of such a roof is very simple

"Cuckoo" in the rafter farm

The so-called cuckoo on the roof is a small protrusion that is on the attic floor. Here is a window for better lighting of the attic room. The installation of "Cuckoo" is carried out carefully, while controlling the parameters of the entire design: the depth of the mesh, the angle of inclination and other factors. However, before this makes the necessary measurements.

The first stage of work begins with the installation of Mauerlat (a timber with a cross section of 10x10 cm, which is needed for the support of the sling). The rafting system acts as a skeleton for roofing material. To give the structure of stiffness, struts are used, which are mounted between the two legs of the rafted.

After the installation of the rafter farm is completed, the presence of which depends on the purchased roof coating. Mounting dohes is done solid or with a definite step. For her, boards, OSB and plywood sheets are usually used. In addition, the installation of roofing material should be identical throughout the roof.

The main difficulty in the installation of such a system of rafters is the location of the inner angles. Snow can accumulate in these places, and therefore the load will increase, because of which they make a solid doom.

"Cuckoo" on the roof called a small protrusion on the attic floor, under which an additional window is located

Farm rafted roof chalet

The peculiarity of the device of such a design is the removal of visors, as well as the soles outside the house. In addition, there must be rafters and beams for the roof, produced up to three meters from the side of the building. Each of these elements is fixed by the bracket to the wall of the structure at the bottom. Next tied the edges of the beams. They serve as a support for covering the roofing of the structure.

But creating large sinks, it is necessary to install the reinforced belt in parallel with the installation of studs for Mauerlat. It is necessary to make anchors that contribute to console fixing. In this case, the rafter is perfectly fixed by anchors and, moreover, inserts.

To make side eaves, the skiing bar is made, after which the beams are made at the Mauerlaland level, which must be identical length of the skate. The design of the design details is based on the farm, and in the future - building material for the roof.

When designing the structure, the roofing angle is calculated based on the characteristics of the local climate and other factors. At the corner of the skate, about 45 o do not take into account the load from snow, because at this option it will not be delayed on the roof. At the same time, the canopy roof will endure the burden of snow, but it is necessary to do the installation of a reinforced rafter farm. Before installing the roofing chalet, a building is prepared, because the originality of the roof itself, as well as long eaves and its sinks obliges to this.

For the roof in the style of the chalet, visors made a few meters beyond the house

Stropil Farm Designed for Soft Blood

The soft roof is made in various ways, however, there are general characteristics in technological methods. Initially, it is necessary to prepare. Having placed the root for the house of foam concrete or other material, first install Mauerlat, then in the upper crowns of the building produce a word under the ceiling beams in a step of up to one meter. The distance between the boards is calculated based on the type of rafter design.

  1. Mount individual parts of the rafter system. In order to completely exclude the risk, the planks of the rafter legs on the ground are attached with screws. After creating a rafter farm, it is raised to the top of the building.
  2. All elements of rafters are fixed with ceiling overlap, internal boards, diges, as well as rigels. Next, this base for the roof will become a single whole design.
  3. The next stage is a doomer, which is installed under a soft roof with small gaps or without any. Not more than 1 cm are allowed. Quite often on top of the boards, installation of aligning plywood is made. Her sheets are steel according to the brickwork method. The resulting joints are not combined with gaps between plywood and board.

If the lengths of the boards do not have enough doomes, the keys must be placed in different places. In this way, you can correctly distribute the sections that were weakened.

Independent manufacture of the rafter system

Before the installation of the rafter system is started, to the longitudinal walls it is necessary to fasten Maurylates anchors. Next, you need to decide on the desired cross section of the legs for rafters, depending on the distance and their length. If there is a need to increase the length of the rafters, then connect them with various mounting elements.

When using various insulation, you need to select the perfect distance between the rafted elements in order to reduce the amount of heat insulation trimming.

Installation of the rafter system must be performed in this order:

  1. A template is made for which a farm is going. Two boards are taken, corresponding to the length of the rafted, and are connected to each other with the edge of the edge of the nail.

    The template for rafters called "Scissors" will help quickly collect the entire roofing system

  2. It turns out the design called "Scissors". Her free edges are put on the supports in the places of contact of the rafter feet. As a result, a final angle should be turned out, that is, the angle under which the shelter's skate will be tilted. It is fixed with several long nails and transverse boards.
  3. The second template is made, thanks to which the installation of marbles on rafters is performed. It is made of plywood.
  4. Special mounting is cut on the rafters (used for these purposes a prepared pattern) and connect them at the angle of inclination. There should be a triangle rising to the roof along the stairs. Next, it must be attached to Mauerlat.
  5. Initially two lateral frontal rafters are mounted. The correct installation in the vertical and horizontal plane occurs due to the time ducts attached to the rafters.

    For the correct installation of the entire rafter system, the first pair of rafters on the roof is installed

  6. Cord stretches between these vertices of the rafted. He will indicate the future rustle and the level of other rafters located in the interval.
  7. The remaining rafters at the originally calculated distance, which should be at least 60 cm from each other.
  8. If the cumbersome construction of the rafter is envisaged, then it is additionally strengthened with pins, pouiffs, and so on.

    The cumbersome construction of the rafter is additionally strengthened by pins and backways

  9. On special supports, the ski bar is installed, to which not only short, but also diagonal, and intermediate elements of the rafter are fixed.

    Proper mounting of the skate timber ensures the reliability of the entire system of rafters

Typical nodes of the standard rafter system

The strength of the construction of the rafter depends on the perfectly selected cross section of the boards, as well as from the high quality of the rafter nodes. The connection of parts for the roof design is made according to the established rules.

Main typical nodes in the rafter system:

  • support node rafted on Mauerlat;
  • skidding;
  • node for combining the upper tightening and the entire rafter system;
  • fixing pan, racks, as well as rafters and beams.

After the design of the rafter system was chosen, it is necessary to make a plan in which all the nodes are highlighted. In each design, they are made in different ways, since it depends on different nuances: the type of roof, its size, angle of inclination.

The rafter from the profile pipe is a metal structure that is assembled using lattice rods. The production of such farms is a very time-consuming process, however more economical. For the manufacture of rafters, pair material is used, and the jacks are connecting elements. The design of the rafter from profile pipes is assembled on Earth, and clans or welding are used.

Thanks to such systems, any spills overlap, but it is necessary to produce the right calculation. Provided that all welding work will be made qualitatively, in the future it remains only to transfer the design elements to the top of the building and collect them. Bearing rafters from the profile pipe have many advantages, such as:

Rigel in the rafter system

Rigel is a fairly broad concept, however, in the case of roofs, it has a definite meaning. Rigel is a horizontal bar that binds rafters. Such an element does not give the roof "Space". It is made of wood, reinforced concrete, and metal - everything depends on the type of structure. And serves a beam for the load distribution, which the rafter system has.

It can be secured in a variety of places between the legs of the sling. There is a straight pattern - if the rigl is fixed above, the bar for its installation must be selected with a large cross section.

The methods of fixing the riglel to the rafter system set:

  • bolts;
  • nuts;
  • stiles with washers;
  • special fasteners;
  • nails;
  • mixed fasteners when different types of fasteners are used in parallel.

Fastening exists with insert or overhead. In general, the rigleel is a calculated node, as, however, the entire roof sling system.

Rigel in the rafter system is designed to enhance the design of the roof

Fastening the rafter system

To ensure reliability of the system, the rafter should be initially found out how they are fastening with supporting roofs and a skate. If the mount is made to prevent the roof deformation during the shrinkage of the house, then the hinge plate is fixed on top of the rafter or a bolt with a bolt with a sliding support from below.

Hanging rafters need a more dense and reliable fastening of the skate, so in this case you can apply:

  • overhead metal or wooden plates;
  • wide method;
  • connection with long nails.

In the rolling system, the rafting legs are not connected, as they are attached to the skate run.

The attachment of the rafter to Mauerlat occurs by deforestation, which is done in the rafter foot. Thanks to this method of fastening, the roof support will not weaken. Cutting is also done when installing rafters on the beam overlap. In this case, the cut is made in the support beam.

Video: how to make rafters do it yourself

Thus, the perfectly selected system of rafters and their design features will help create the basis for the reliable roof for your home.